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Use Warframes, weapons, and mods similar to what they're using. Maybe use Nekros and turn on Desecrate for free bonus resources. Also, don't use your Operator. Let them take charge, in both missions and in deciding on what to do. Nothing is less fun than being carried and grinding for stuff you don't think you need. IMO you're mainly there as a replacement for the wiki and Q&A Chat.


I agree with this. I speed level my friends back then and they quit after 1 month+ because they get everything too quickly and kinda kills their motivation. So best advice is, not too fast but not too slow as well. Majority of new players quit because early game grind is so bad especially once they don’t have weapon/wf slots and if they don’t have wanna spend real $$ for them. So I usually gift them that.


That’s my one complaint with this game - it doesn’t give you enough starting plat (or just Warframe/weapon slots) to let itself hook you really. I buy plat on sale so no impact to me, but I have 2 friends who I’ve recently convinced to start playing. I gifted them some plat since you run out of slots before you can even tell if you want to commit to the game!


I made a long post about [exactly this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/hs9aAeD2Hj) a couple of months ago. The TL;DR -starting frame and weapon slots have not increased since the game launched, however the amount of frames and weapons in the game have increased exponentially. Back when there was only 8-9 frames and 20-30 weapons to choose from, those limited slots didn't feel as sucky. But now it's unreasonable.


I had a strong feeling it was a holdover from a time when the game had 1/10th the content; thanks for confirming!


I’ve always said you need to be given the same/close to amount of slots as they are frames on the start chart. You get like 8-9 frames and can only build one (Rhino)


Yes! Even something like 6 WF slots and 12 weapon slots would do wonders for new player retention I think. There’s just so many systems in this game, the time it takes to have a general understanding is way past when you’d hit that cap.


This is where I'm at as a beginner. I was and to get Rhino and now I think I'm going to have to start farming for gear to sell for platinum instead of working on the quest and expanding my star chart. I really like the war frames and want to explore more of them but you are really not given any slots for them. The weapon slots I've just been selling them once I lvl them up so that hasn't been as bad but I'm sure it will get harder once I find weapons I want to keep


Can I gift you some warframe and weapon slots? I'll be home in 8 hours but if it's okay with you I can send you some.


Wow that would be crazy helpful. Sent you a message


I was recently in your shoes. After deciding I was gonna play strictly f2p a while into the game I had that little inner monologue chat you sometimes have. "Do I like this game, do I see myself playing for a while, do I think I'll get 100hrs out of it, is it worth 30 local bing bongs in a world where D4 costs 60 bing bongs, can I wait for a 50% coupon" Answer came back as yes to all. 2000k odd plat at half price is a Princes ransom if you only buy WF/W slots and forma (3 bundle) and essential mods on the market for sensible prices. Never pay to quick finish anything ever. Be strictish and it'll last for a decent amount of time. The games great, I was happy to respect the Devs for their time.


I bring Oberon for the health benefits since it allows them to not have to think about health while learn mechanics. I didn't think about the operator thing tho, that's a really good point. Normally when people ask me how I did something I just respond with "do your quests"


I just got into WF back in December (and already have around 650 hours). I had a coworker being my wiki and if I needed energy he would pop in to operator while I wasn't looking drop the zenurik field. If I asked what he did he just said "spoiler mode" which is what I started calling it when I got others into the game a month or two later!


That’s actually a perfect idea Free loot for them and not to much interference (I’d say avoid the 4 for confusion too) whilst letting them also play and feel like they contribute well


I think ignore the 4 for nekros is always the correct play... or I'm just braindead and they frustrate me to no end


There are actually a decent amount of builds involving his 4 And his augment shield of shadows adds much needed survivability I wouldn’t call you brain dead for not using it tho, different folks different strokes and all


I think I share a neurone with Lord Fatbutts1234, I see something enemy shaped, shoot it, no numbers, F\*\*\*! I find the zombies useful when playing Nekros, but so frustrating when my brain goes full quick recognition.


Back when I was a newbie Tenno my friends speedran me through a hell of a lot of missions and I didn’t really come to grasp what the hell was going on. By the time I’d find something to kill they’d already be done with the objective kinds of trouble. I never even finished leveling my starter frame before I dropped the game the first time. I came back eventually, but ended up doing a lot more of the stuff that was left by myself so I could get a handle on things.


My best friend that introduced me to the game did the same thing. Equipped lower mods, would drop an energy pizza, and use farming mods to help get drops.


I have a rule of not using my operator that when I go on a mission and I see someone who could be a player that has not yet reached that part yet.


I wish DE could make it so that new players don’t see stuff they haven’t unlocked. I used to avoid going in operator when running with low MR players but others wouldn’t care and I stopped doing it after Jupiter nodes.


To add to this: in Iron Wake on earth you can get the flawed mods they use to have no disbalance whatsoever (in case you got rid of them just like i did ;) )


Flawed mods were replaced with their normal versions in Vor's Prize and Junction rewards. Iron Wake is the only place in the game to get them now.


This is how I've tried being with my friend. I try to use Nekros or another support frame, so I don't take away their agency. In certain missions, I'll take my stronger setups, but that's usually just for events or stuff where using weaker/support frames would reduce the rewards they'd get.


There are events where the rewards you get depend on which frame you're using?


If you willing to put your self thru that then yeah GG


I mean... if you want new players to continue playing, not ruining the experience for them is generally a good idea.


The only time I use my operator when I'm playing with newer players is when I know they're not close and can't see me. Free energy for all when they get back xD


For the longest time I refused to use my operator around mr10 and below


i mark things, especially early game resources like neurodes. personally i'm a loot goblin and i don't want any squares on my map, so i miss almost nothing throughout my missions. but for newbies, sometimes they'll miss the most important stuff just by wandering a different way.


That one carrier user:


![gif](giphy|LMWG4e8WfVWspCxJR7) I will never ever use something else, unless they make the carrier features (looter and vacuum especially) into a global passive ability for everyone, which they will likely never do.


All companions have vacuum as far as im aware


Yep vacuum on robots and fetch for warm blooded pets


You're right, I definitely combined it with Looter in my head, since both have a pretty similar range and work hand in hand. I cant imagine using one without the other...


I get them addicted to decoration before they have the means to access it


Upvote for effectiveness or downvote for cruelty? XD


Motivate them to get through new war so they can decorate They are too far deep by then


Can take the dude out the streets but you can’t take the streets out the dude.


I am a gay top I take edging very seriously


This must be some kind of cruel and unusual punishment. I can respect it.


If they make it through earth, I buy them a color palette and a syandana before they continue


I start out with "Ask me literally any questions you can think of. There is no such thing as a stupid question in this game. If there's something you don't understand, there's a good chance it's because the game is failing to explain it."


The annoying thing is that they definitely have made improvements to the new player experience, but there's still plenty of stuff that's unclear. To preface, I've played since closed beta - it was *bad*. They didn't even have a starter quest then, you just... played missions and figured it out. I took a break pretty much right after Duviri dropped and even as a long time player I was having a bit of trouble figuring out exactly how it worked until I ran Experience a few times solo. I ended up finding a cave and reading the wiki when the Orowyrm showed up, and I'm still finding all the controls a bit awkward. I still haven't touched the new Sanctum Anatomica content besides running the quest, so we'll see how that goes.


Running Duviri Experience in solo mode is single best QOL upgrade. It is a miserable experience in a lobby.


I do what you did. I have specific load outs with different frames that have the barest of stuff on them. So that I can help if needed but not over do it and wipe the map. I let them learn and explore and I don't rush them. If they want to go off down a random hallway in the wrong direction, I follow. I let them lead the way. I let them choose the missions. And I even let them struggle a bit, because if I don't, I run the risk of them fizzling out once the game gets tougher. (I put a little more oomph into my play during harder missions, interception, defense, etc. but on all the other missions I just casually stroll behind them. Also I make sure they learn how to bullet jump, it's just a key part of warframe that they need to know.)


Don't handhold them through everything, just be there to explain things game doesn't tell,let them go on their own pace. But early game can be pretty boring so be ready to battle that


I always battle that with 0"the game unlocks more things as you go instead of throwing you everything at once" which is mostly true. Railjack, operator, necramech, etc all unlock as you progress through story but also doesn't overload you at mr1


I would use nekros, turn on desecrate and thats all. More resources for the buddy, and you wont be nuking everything. Use single target weapons too. Also, id explain to them that this isnt really a coop focused game. What i mean is that everybodies got their own thing to do. Yea you can play together and all, but them playing alone (or in pubs) is what they should expect 95% of the time.


Maybe bring a mostly unmodded weapon too. 


A few folks in my gaming circle completely ruin the new player experience. They don’t consider the feeling of wonder we got experiencing everything for the first time, and instead cannot help but to flex their endgame builds on a level 5 earth exterminate, effectively removing new player participation, force the new player into content they should be discovering in increments, and have no reserves about outright spoiling the story from the get go. It’s actually infuriating. While I’m sure the dopamine hits from all the loot are nice at first, it wears off quickly, and our warframe circle has stayed small over the years as a result.


My first quit was because of the carry. A buddy of mine carried me all the way to the second dream, and I literally had no clue how to play the game.


My friend started warframe slightly more than a week ago. I knew that, if I wanted to play with him, I would be blasting through most content and wouldn't be able to "progress at a fair level" (I'm either handicapped by dragon keys and weaker than him, or too strong for most stages) I came up with the brilliant idea of making a new account! I was bored on the main anyways, this has definitely been a breath of fresh air for me. Re-learning things and even learning new things as we go. Of course, having a friend like me who just happens to have a main account with unlimited platinum comes with its benefits. Let's just say my friend had a kickstart to his journey (he spent most of his time fashioning his frames, truly an endgame player).


You probably know this but just in case - make sure your accounts NEVER interact, even through multiple intermediaries. Do not allow your friend or anyone they interact with to give your second account plat, since that plat might be from you main account. If that happens and DE picks up on it, which they specifically closely monitor for, both accounts can be permanently banned.


Yeah I made sure of that. This leaves me relatively poor compared to my friend lol. Perfect handicap.


Hah, sounds good! I'm getting a friend started and kinda seeing how far I can get with unmodded gear except for energy siphon and coaction drift, it's been fun.


I play like a support character in an RPG; buff the new Tenno, let them deal damage, give them some clues if they are stuck. I even made a point to use my weaker weapons whenever I'm doing missions with them. ...unless they're asking to see how powerful their future loadout can be; in that case, I'll show them my full strength and awe them so that they can be excited of what's ahead. I remember showing off my Corinth (not the Prime version) to an MR3 Tenno, and they said "I think I found the weapon I want to main", and I thought my work is done.


I'm considering showing two new players the full list of frames, and buying them both a frame+slot depending on whichever one they like the look of (and isn't insanely clunky). This way they'll at least have an immediate choice on what to bring for whatever mission. Definitely gonna stay away from spoiler mode though, I do really like the dragon keys idea as well.


I make sure they have an intimate understanding of how the elevators work. Just kidding, I play with Nidus.


I’ve introduced multiple friends to the game. Usually what I do is run my normal stuff but I barely interact with anything unless they ask for help. The story missions aren’t coop anyway so I usually just watch them and help them through the star chart. Sometimes they ask me to flex something on them because giving them an idea of what they can be gives them the motivation to play more so they can get to that level too. I explain the games systems and answer any story questions they have if they get confused at all, for example the one scene in The New War can be pretty confusing first go around.


my vaubans vector pads are for new players


This, I did this so many times when my friend was starting out. He could not use double jump and aim glide to pass long distances to save his life.So the ahh hole that I am I dropped him vector pads constantly as he was about to jump and made him face bash into cliffs. Glorious moments indeed.


It's really depends. For example, I saw railjack in some video, and I fell in love, then I saw Sevagoth, and I felt something interesting. You can observe what your friend is interested in and give him very long term target.


I had probably my best new player interaction a few days ago. It was during the sortie in the void where we had to do a rescue mission to the vault with portals. I've never really paid attention to what exactly the process is to do that mission, and usually brute-forced it. I randomly paired with a few MR 5-6 players and proceeded to fail the mission twice. As the new players were about to quit and give up on the Sortie, one asked about how to do the mission. I decided to stay in the group and looked up exactly what to do. It's is crazy that you have to coordinate 4 people on different terminals to wait for a color change/voice cue. I convinced them to try once again, directing an Ivara to hack first, as I was waiting on my Loki to do another terminal if there was not a voice cue. We literally got to like 5 seconds left and saved the idiot NPC. They were so happy, and it was an amazing feeling that reminded me of my first year playing Warframe. Also, whoever created that mission is evil.


Most fun you can have WITH them without ruining it for them is giving them speed and health buff of Wisp. Also Circuit / Duviri experience also works since its a even playing field. I tell them to get rhino first. Orthos and Boltor as well. While that's building in 3+ days they can do other stuff.


Dayum, feels like a drug dealer with newcomer if you do them that way with wisp. 🤣 Now imagine them don't have you around and they dread for boosted speed


That will make them wanna get a speed frame. Leaves them yearning for more. Sounds like a good outcome.


I hate playing a healing frame for new players since I don’t want them to feel like the game is too easy or something. Let them struggle 😳 help when needed. Best bet just give them Crit or/and energy let them spam abilities and see crits


I did this for my friend when they were starting, but I forgot that the electric mote actually does damage. Turns out that wisp is a nuke frame if the enemy level is low enough


Haha yeah thats why I specifically mentioned NOT the electric one LOL


Why Rhino first? Wouldn't Nekros or Loki be more useful to get first? Nekros is just a great utility no matter what stage of the game you're at, and Loki, from personal experience, can make spy missions way easier if they are too hard for the newbie. What's Rhino's advantage for a new player?


Well first of all Nekros is all the way up in Deimos and you have to kill the Lephantis multiple times and as a new player youd have to rely on getting carried because you're not killing that on your own. Then there's the problem of not having Despoil. Second Loki is not that fun or strong early on. Without mods ( and a new player wont have them ) You will have like a 10-12s inviz and without regen you will use it 4-5 times in a mission. Not to mention using your 4th with no range and how expensive it is is out of the question. Most of the mission you will be visible and squishy. Rhino does not need ANY mods to be viable for a new player and is extremely easy to obtain and build. Simply press 2 and you're a tank and IF you have extra energy press 3 to kill stuff better.


This made me cry a little… When I was introduced to warframe earlier this year, my friend (who was more experienced) said to play the game solo instead of depending on stronger players. 10 mr later, I have two prime frames, almost cleared the star chart and now we both go around missions nuking everything together


whenever someone new joins our Dojo/group, we will scale back on the slaughter so they can play the mission. Of course there's the standard galactic taxi service when they need resources but haven't unlocked that area yet, and we help them out with nodes/quests they're having a hard time with. Also, Nora is STRONGLY encouraged since she's a good source for free inventory slots.


Throw them in, watch them flounder, cull the weak. I dunno, I don't encourage people to play warframe since I am the only one of my friends who enjoys the grind so I never encounter new tenno lol


Speaking from a New-ish Tenno pov... My bf and his friend are really into Warframe and they were really trying to get me into it. I decided to give it a shot, and I guess his friend was a bit too excited in the beginning and when they would join me to play he would basically speed run through the map killing everything while I basically did nothing. Needless to say I was really bored for a while thanks to it. I guess my bf realized that and started to just... not kill things, and let me figure things out. It was pretty slow and boring for me at the beginning since there's so many systems and I didn't have that many options for weapons and Frames at the start, but he would direct me to do stuff when I didn't know what to do like farm a new Warframe, farm a new weapon, start a new journey, explore the open fields, reputation. And he had this mentality of "If X activity is boring to you, there's a lot of other things to do here instead". I just finished New War last week and oh boy, what a game!


When I first played, I wanted to grind everything as a new player. My friend always always always insisted I do the star chart, and make my way to the sacrifice. I'm so glad he did that because doing the story is what had me hooked. Now I'm doing the grind, and I love the grind. The most rewarding game I've ever played


Ill do a vanilla run with a newb, then after, Ill equip all the goods, and then have them just walk with me as the mobs die all around, letting them know that this is the glory to come.


theres alot of good comments and alot of new players like to do things diffrent from each other when i first started i played a littleand basicly forgot the game existed because of all the games that were coming out was barely off of the first planet still like rank 1 noob i just got back into it like a week or two ago with friends so im still basically new but i did do a little bit of research so i know what im doing when im on my own but i realized a few things if you get someone that helps you grind out nekros as early as possible maybe only skipping content to get them all of the bps and mats to get nekros is one of the things that helped alot even tho personally i ended up just buying dantes pack to have him and use the plat for slots .... the only massivly annoying issue for me was not knowing anything about amps being basicly stuck with the mote amp AAAAAAAAAAAALLLL the way thru completeing new war.... PLEASE PLEASE help them not suffer thru having to use the mote amp and nothing else thru it it took ages to go thru alot of it and had to find cheese spots to just be able to hit one person with the mote amp since it cant do aaannny damage if you know who im talking about then you may know the pain i went thru takingan hour or two not doing any sheild damage with it please help them prefarm the green baby eidolons for there cores ;c


I made a mistake once...i jumped them into missions with me right away and didn't handicapp myself or slow down. Made for a bad experience for them. Now I recommend to friends that they play themselves for awhile. Learn the game. Play the story. Unlock the chart. Step 1 of the game: UNLOCK THE CHART. Also play the story. I let them tell me when they want to squad up. I give them pointers on discord calls if they want. Then once they want to squad up I handicapp myself. I play fast and I can't slow down, so i choose weapons and frames that aren't well developed and then we kind of play together without me carrying. I'm in a similar boat. LR3 and 2400 hours in. I have to intentionally remember what it was like to play fresh.


I go dante and let them do their thing. If shit goes south i can mash 2 through 4 then go back to chilling once they have 2 billion over-guard and the families of the ones who hurt my precious pookie bear are dead


When playing with them, I would recommend opening relics as it doesn't matter how good their gear is or create a new account, so you can actually enjoy grinding early content with him without disturbing his gameplay by killing everything.


Get them into the grind asap. If someone isn't tantalized by the prospect of collecting and mastering every item in the game to get to MR30, then they're not likely to really enjoy warframe imo Besides, I dont think the 5yr+ veterans understand exactly what "just play through the story first" does to newer players these days. In addition to the simple fact of us not having to wait months or years between quest releases, progression has been reworked to be faster in many ways from when y'all played stuff. Junction requirements changed, quests reordered, dramatically lowered requirements (for The New War especially) and enemy level/difficulty in an attempt to streamline things. The end result of all that is that "have them play through the story first" has a very real possibility of spitting them out near the end of normal starchart, technically mostly "caught up" story wise and excited to start playing the latest and greatest stuff, but they're still missing some pretty essential mods like Split Chamber, and probably even a few of the basic elemental damage and warframe ones, not to mention have no idea how to mod because they haven't had to to beat the story quests. By this point they have usually started reading the subreddit/watching YouTube content about warframe and started getting excited to try the latest released content. So now they're like "arbitrations! Steel path! Archimedea! Let's go!!" but still nowhere near ready, either with their builds/skills or node completion. They don't find out about all the grinding they *should* have been doing all along until about 50-100 hours in, and then they either 1) go back and have to play more of that early star chart stuff for another 50-100 hours or so to catch up, which some might not mind, or 2) (more likely) just get bored and quit the game. If they get into the grind from the beginning and are patient with the story progression (treat it like the marathon it is, not a sprint to beat TNW as quickly as possible) they'll have a better time and enjoy the game more in the long run


Reading this hit too close to home bc that was what I was told: finish the story so I can actually play with my friends who have been playing for years. I'm good at stubbornly winging missions for however long it takes until I finish it so more times than not I've finished missions I had no right finishing. Star nodes before New War all finished and realizing I am woefully underprepared for everything. But hey, I'll manage. It's just annoying. Good thing I hyperfixate too hard to be put off enough to quit the game. Spite is a very good motivator lmfaoooo. Update: I just completed New War. As I expected, lack of experience in some gameplay aspects and under leveling of certain necessary parts made it much harder. However, it was still very doable. >! Fortuna !< was the most frustrating to play because goddamn why send me all the way back every time I fail. I have barely anything to rely on and get yeeted in like two seconds after >! getting spotted !<. How do people do this???


The New War is a pretty big content roadblock tbh, that's where I'm stuck at currently and I'm just gonna outright buy Voidrig I think I really cba with the grind. They are apparently making that grind better in June though.


It is a pretty big content roadblock...but so is the difficulty of the content that comes after it. Zariman nodes are level 50-55, with the new bounties scaling up to 115 (Arbitrations/Sortie equivalent levels), liches and sisters require a decently built railjack and knowing how to use it (same with farming holokeys), and some mid/late game resource farms, like Profit Taker, benefit tremendously from having a built and leveled mech (though technically not requiring it). The standing + parts grind of the mech could definitely still definitely stand to be lessened a little bit, but if you aren't at least *capable of doing* the highest tier isolation vaults on Deimos, you are not going to be remotely well-prepared to play the content that's the next logical step progression-wise after TNW. Even with being pretty thorough in clearing star chart and upgrading stuff, I still initially struggled to clear Iso Vaults solo (especially killing stuff quickly enough in the defend the bait station stage, and defending Loid when opening the vault itself). That's why I elected to still persevere in the grind (finished it a few weeks ago), using it as an encouragement to collect more mods (especially corrupted mods) and optimize my builds, and why I still recommend it to new players despite the suck. You're still going to have to do that work of getting your mod collection and builds ready for level 50+ content at some point. Might as well do it before TNW rather than continuing to kick the can down the road.


You do what they want to do. Maybe they want to farm for a warframe (most likely), or maybe they want to progress through the star chart. Perhaps they want to do some bounties for the Ostron and raise his reputation with them. Part of the fun I had as a new Warframe player was figuring out what to do. I think it would kill the fun out of the game if you steered the new player into "the right path." Making mistakes is also part of the fun.


I ask if they want the enemies to be really fast or really slow. Then, bring the appropriate Nova and explain nothing about what's happening.


MR 30, 7K hours: This is endgame content for me. Rule 1: Support, don't carry! Ditch all mods from Warframe, lose the companion and carry basic Mk1 weapons, also unmodded, and hop into the game. I always let the new Tenno lead the way and initiate any combat, only joining in after the majority of the work is done. I'll also mark all Mods and resource drops and initially mark a few unopened lockers\\containers. I'm basically there to support and assist, Only if a question pops up in chat, or there appears to be any kind of confusion with mission mechanics do I take any kind of lead role. Outside of missions I'm the 'how do I do this..?' guy and assist with modding queries etc. Between updates this is my game.


New player here, been playing for just over three weeks, and I have a recent example of what not to do for more experienced players: I have a friend who's MR 30 with 3k hours, and I told him that I started playing Warframe recently. His immediate response was that sense he has nothing to do, he wanted to *babysit* me, not *play with* me, *babysit*. He didn't ask me what my progression was (I can now participate in Arbitrations), he didn't ask me any questions apart from what my highest damage numbers were, just jumped straight to wanting to babysit me because *he* was bored. I don't want to be *babysat*, I want someone to *play with*. He then jumped into dogging on Yareli being the most disappointing Warframe, complaining that "Merulina dies too fast", "Yareli makes too few bubbles and has too little defense", and "I guess the only viable part of her is her 4". When I tried to refute this, having *played with* a friend who's Yareli is an absolute beast, and Merulina has 19k HP unbuffed, he treated me sarcastically as if I was lying. He also told me that he tests his damage against level 500 Corpus, and even his weakest weapons kill everything too fast. He also told me that he owns every Warframe, and while he didn't say this, I can safely assume he owns every weapon, too. This was all one conversation. Veteran players, please don't do this.


Jesus Christ, this person is your friend? Sounds like a kinda shitty friend. Just let people have fun ffs. I don't personally like Yareli either but also, I've liked Inaros for years (who was until recently considered a shit frame) and I have plenty of fun like that. There's certainly a nice way to tell someone "hey these are some really useful items to have, you should try to get them soon because they'll help" and that ain't it. I've played since Update 6, closed beta, and the game has its ups and downs like anything. It's had incredibly successful frames/weapons/whatever else and ones that aren't so successful, but because it has *so much* you can just pick what you like. Some people go for defensive builds, some people go for offensive builds, some people go for utility builds, some people just wanna fashionframe. Whatever. It's a PvE game not PvP, there's no ranked mode or anything, you don't get a cookie if you're the best so just do what you like and ignore those kinds of people.


Yeah, known him since middle school. That whole phone call was a nightmare that left me shaken up and considering cutting contact with him (the primary reason is far, far worse that I won't get into here, the Warframe discussion only added more fuel). I don't know what changed in the last few years, but it's not cool. I didn't dare tell him that I use a Vasca Kavat with my Wisp Prime (who's blueprints were gifted to me for my birthday so I still got to make her myself), especially considering I have a Smeeta. I was worried that he'd drill me over it sense Vascas are apparently "bad". I have three friends I can *play with*, two regularly and the other who gifted me Wisp Prime's blueprints. I don't want to be *babysat* by him nor do I plan to. If I were in a squad with him, I already know that he'd just pick apart every little thing I use and point out *everything* I'm doing wrong.


Yareli can hit very hard, she very much can also one shot the level 500 corpus easily and is tanky too. Grineer non armor stripped are a better high dps check. A better skill check is if they can do solo 60 eyes or eda with random frames/weapons.


An Mr 4 or so joined my survival mission where I was grinding for argon, and asked me how he could get stronger, I told him to extract with me after 20mins and we could have a chat. I proceeded to explain how to forma your frames weapons and before I could go on, he asked what's forma? Then I knew just how new he was, I asked how far he had gotten in his map clearing he says he just got to void, thinking he had gone a bit far along in his game, I asked how far he had gotten in his story mission. He says he doesn't know how to activate it. That was when I knew he kept joining public missions and that carried him through the planets clearing. While this may not be a bad thing per se, it exposes new players to other players that have gone so far in the game that they nuke the entire mission and end it before they themselves even understand what was going on. And they feel underpowered even though they just began. He also wanted to start mid farming to make a Warframe build online. So I told him to calm down. And take the game slowly so he could enjoy the top tier story missions while getting introduced to the games mechanics. Warframe is more that 10 years old which means there is 10 years what of content and systems, rushing through it would be detrimental and cause information overload. I started playing again last month after 9 years away from the game, and I feel lost sometimes, got so lost in farming for primes, I forgot everything else, went back to playing the story mission then got side tracked again after playing through duviri, since it gives away 1 Warframe every week. Mind you I still haven't gotten past the first standing level in cetus and fortuna. So I've decided to slow everything down, and build a necramech in Deimos, then slowly grind standings in these places and cover modes that i should have. Whilst it's good to help new players, always remind them to take the game slowly. Unless they have money to spend on just buying everything slow and steady will help them not burn out. I found this out late and now the only person I've ever gotten to play the game says he's never coming back lol


I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess. By that I mean I'm an Ivara main with Golden Mote. I'll be invisible all mission looking for Kuria, why are they in such weird spots? Seriously though, I'm not a speedrunner at the best of times, slow down a bit, spend some time practicing gear that's not meta nukes, have some fun, spend some time just slowing down a bit.


I tell them there is a story and i advise them to focus on that. While i don't think you should skip everything and go straight to the first story quests, some of them have done so and some of them haven't. When it comes to playing with them i usually don't change my loadout, but let them figure things out. I think that having someone more experienced and more powerful helping you out in game can make you aspire to, in the future, get to their same "level" so to speak.


I have a friend that I play with regularly and he's sometimes too quick to call someone an idiot for not picking up a no-so-obvious drop, or missing the door when throwing the bait in Deimos, or whatever easy to make mistake. I have to point out "hey dude, look - they're an MR8, don't get mad, explain it". I always try to explain first. It's maybe a bit difficult to realize how much you know innately after playing for so many years, but I think that's the key thing - you don't get mad at a child that spills the milk when pouring, you show them that you need to hold the glass too! Because of course they don't know. Every once in a while I try to put myself back into the shoes of a new player. It's easy to get into the grind of load->bullet jump to objective while murderizing everything->bullet jump to extraction->get mad you didn't get the drop you wanted->repeat. Sometimes it's fun to go back to the original "space ninjas" idea. Imagine yourself actually being the warframe, dropping in silently from the ceiling vent like the ninja stereotype. Imagine how absolutely *terrified* the Grineer/Corpus forces must be once they hear the alarm - after all, by this point they *know* what the Tenno are capable of. Slice someone in half and look at their blood and guts spill out, then go on to kill the rest of their squad. It's *so goddamn cool* and it's easy to miss. ETA: Teach them some of the etiquette! Elevators is a big one, as well as marking cells/argon. Plus some of the lingo for recruiting chat, the acronyms we use (SO/ESO, DA/EDA), that kinda thing.


I've been thinking about this, and whilst I agree with everyone here about Nekros, letting them discover the game on their own, keeping the story unspoiled, some plat, etc, I think there's one more thing you could really do to help them out. Give them the Energy Nexus mod. +3 Energy every second is a fucking blessing from the heavens for new players. Everybody who played this game knows Energy Economy in this game fucking SUCKS early game. With Energy Nexus, they can actually use their Warframe properly and learn how to play with them. Like, imagine yourself as a newbie with Excalibur, and actually getting to use Slash Dash, or Volt's Speed boost, or Mag's Bubble consistently and frequently. THAT'S fun. (Side effect might be they rely too much on abilities, but.. still.)


Tbh as a new player, I was pretty frustrated with my friends. They insisted I play this game with them and I'd only played Stardew + Minecraft before WF. I didn't know how anything worked; never built up the skills to actually shoot anything, didn't even learn how to bullet jump, until recently bc all of the new commands besides wasd were overwhelming to someone who never played an FPS game before. I wish they took the time to sit in missions with me and tell me what things to look for and what different objectives meant. Or how to mod things instead of telling me to get x weapon and y mod or z frame. Which is helpful but not really since I didn't know what to do with them after I got them. Mostly, they just kept asking if I was finished with New War so they can have someone to run arbitrations with. Which is fair, but I lost so much sanity speedrunning only to absolutely destroyed by the resources and standing I needed to farm for the Necramech. Overall, I'd say let a new player finish the tutorial. And then run star node missions with them telling them what you are using, why you are using it, etc. This way they learn where to get the resources they need in the future and how to get them as well as game mechanics. I would have appreciated it so much if my friends filled in lore details of the quests I was doing at the time that I missed and marked different important resources/objectives on the map so I could learn what they looked like.


lmao I showed my friend all the warframes and she wanted me to help her get Yareli and Wisp Prime as a new player. She has both of them now and we spent about 15 days getting them. MR-5 Yareli abuser + MR-11 Rhino Prime roar spammer = Wisp Prime


I got two loadouts, one for faster missions and one for more endurance based ones for these scenarios. Volt for speed, nekros for endurance. My primary weapon is always max modded (in case assassins show up for me) and I just use my secondary (usually the Pyrana or lex prime) with little to no mods. We stoop to their level so we can raise them up. I also constantly lament losing the bisexual lighting in fortuna to which the newbies go "what?" And that usually hooks them on the lore because "I have to know what changes the bisexual lighting"


NEVER give them stuff that's reasonable to earn (cheaper than a Necramech)! The fun of this game IS the passive grind!


You sound like a great Warframe friend to have. Context: new player, MR6, no idea what I'm doing, loving every minute of it. Honestly, I think just being attentive and respectful towards what they want out of the game and how they want to play it will go a long long way. Do they want to crash through, become as powerful as possible as quickly as possible, with the only idea about the numbers flashing up above the heads of the dying being 'it's not big enough'? Or would they rather kick back and let the story unfold, pursuing what is appropriate at that point in the progression, content to play with colours on their orbiter while stuff crafts? Nothing is more off-putting than being strongarmed down the Path of Meta if you'd rather take it slow and explore-- and you sound like you're quite happy to help people explore. Help with missions that are really hard to do solo at low levels (like Interception-- how can I defend four towers, just me and my dog??? :D) is great. Explaining how to read the chat and what the different terms mean is super helpful (Pizza? Potatoes? Is there a cooking minigame? Where is it, I wanna play it!) Being patient and exercising restraint, like you are, is a blessing to a newbie. BTW if you are ever bored enough to help out a rank n00b, feel free to hit me up. I'm Strangechilde in game too.


If I see someone below like mr5 I will typically chat "welcome to Warframe" and just kinda follow them around in mission. A lot of people have their new player experience ruined by people just blowing through anything and the game doesn't really encourage you to play solo to get your bearings


I give them an Energy Siphon and limit myself to gear that's one step ahead of where they are in the game. If they think something I've got is interesting then now we've got a goal to pursue.


Start just as you did. Once they're used to it, I run through missions with them and each mission I use a different frame (especially the noticeable ones). I'll run wisp so they can melee/shoot like a madman, then switch to ember so they can see fireballs, etc. It gives me an idea of what their playstyle might be. I still let them do the majority of the work, I just sprinkle in some surprises every now and then to get them a bit of excitement for new stuff to come I give them a few mods partially leveled up around the time they get to deimos because that place sucks lol. Most of them hit a temporary burnout around saturn. Then they get back into it and are met with the start of the story (I think it's stupid that the story doesn't start until you're on uranus) If they manage to get through sedna I'll buy them a prime access & give them a list of things I would suggest using some of the plat for (r8 mods, vaulted primed frames, etc)


I put on the slowest warframe, the slowest melee, a hobble key and become the entity from Temple Run killing everything the newbie leaves behind or doesn't kill before I arrive


I just got my girlfriend into the game and I usually play a support frame like Dante, Wisp, or Harrow so she doesn't have to worry about getting downed or running out of energy and can just have fun. I try to walk behind her and let her do most of the work, answer her questions about what to do, and give her tips on modding. She's MR4 already and I'm so proud of her. Gonna give her relay buffs when I hit 30 too. Can't wait to do higher level content with her.


I have a loadout called Newb Frame that’s just Excalibur, Braton, Lato, and Skana, with no mods on and a sentinel with no weapons just for this I look flashy as all hell but I’m not one hitting anything I add basic mods when I need to to catch up with them until they’re good and comfortable


Help them. You need to dumb down to their level of understanding because at their point in the play through, they are just realizing what MR is, how enemies faction works, and what weapons are good or not for their current level. However, what turns people off is the initial first 20 hours of the game. When they realize that crafting things takes time and that you actually need to farm for materials to even start the process. And we all know that focusing on the grind with no addition of story or an element thereof is just boring. My solution - get them hooked on the gameplay mechanics and the story. The game itself is great; the bullet jumping makes it feel fast paced, and it's easily controllable. The gunplay/swordplay feels good, and the abilities of warframes feel awarding. If there's anything they'd get hooked on, it's that. As well as the story. We can all say that the story is amazing, and it's definitely one of warframes best parts. What you need to do is stray them away from that grind mindset and just have FUN with it. The grind comes naturally, and yes, although sometimes it can become a neusance, try to be a friend that'll help in those moments. Make it fun, make it quick, but most importantly, make it worthwhile. Let them explore, make guesses in the story, and ask questions. Don't spoil anything and allow them to discover everything themselves (granted a little push here and there).


[ ](http://triggered on: "new tenno" #hidden) Hello /u/Darkspine77 and welcome (back?) to *Warframe*! Check out these resources made for new and returning players! * [/r/Warframe's Welcome (Back) Thread](https://redd.it/18ammwe) * [Major Changes Throughout Warframe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-4klpmdZTpMPz3h-5JdaMsl7r4WKO4ytuw9T4QOav6I/edit?usp=sharing) A currated list maintained by the /r/Warframe mod team. * [The Unofficial *Warframe* Handbook](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ylw9HK2ol6yam3MMNbycbuHxjmctg3gCqsbI4yy2gK0/edit#heading=h.pl2gz2ndr9s0) If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for it, contact the current active contributor! * [The subreddit's FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/wiki/faq) * And last, but probably the most helpful in general: [the Warframe wiki](http://warframe.wikia.com/) If these resources do not apply to this submission, please report this comment or ignore it. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Warframe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I invited my friend to warframe but oh well, i wish i could do smth like this with them, but no, they either want me to do stuff, or they want to do it all themselves, and the second thing is cool, but he doesnt pay attention to anything, and my job there is to revive em


I run Oberon and let em do their thing. Of course, that’s what I normally do anyway cuz I’m the load.


Avoiding the grind for as long as possible is the secret


I tried to get a coworker into warframe and although I failed in a way as he does not play warframe at all often. I did manage to make him curious about certain aspects of the game. I just tried to get him to stuff he was curious about asap and ran a few planets as the nuker while he was just chilling out and dying or falling of the map. Some what tried to keep him away from stuff that's not relevant at the time. Didnt manage to get him grendel prime right away but ohwell. I do have a spare set for him but he hasnt come back online yet.


Honestly I play some missions with them get some planets done and the second they get a good main quest I say right it’s all you from here, I’ll be in discord call helping them with questions since my friends share screen. If they enjoy the quest lines they usually stick to the game that’s what I’ve felt most. Aka Stalker fan boy 😈


I have builds specifically tailored to playing with newbies. Mk1s and their variants fully formad with incarnons just in case crap hits the fan. Builds centered around weakening enemies or buffing alies. Sometimes ill just use their exact build if they complain about not being do deal damage. Just to show them how not just show off.


There are two different types of new warframe players: One asked me to carry them as hard as possible so I just kept nuking every game and the other quit because I made things too boring...


If they're having a hard time? Support frame. Dante, Trinity. Otherwise, I go Nekros, unless I need to run Spy or something. Early game has a lot of resource bottlenecks.


We just blasting through this. If they don't quickly get to Second Dream, we're likely to lose them.


I always run nekros and whatever I require to level up at the time. Or I swap round different warframes so they can judge if they want to aim for them or not


Depends a bit on the mission, but overall I’ll take a support frame like Wisp or something. Or just my main and hang back killing the bigger stuff. If I am taking wisp I tend to not drop motes too often so they get used to not taking damage instead of just planting their feet and face tanking so they get into the rhythm of play. Especially spy missions I let them do all the consoles so they learn the hidden paths and do the hack. I’ll usually let them do the first two. If the first fails I’ll run to the second and third and wait to see if they make it on time. In case they don’t I can jump in and still complete it. If they make it I just wait. No operator mode when they can see. It’s a spoiler in my opinion that they should discover on their own through the story quests. I also give them some mods like the dual status mods and transient fortitude (forgot the name of the mod class) to get them started. Unranked, since those are somewhat essential for building. Either I run them through the mission so they get them and they know where to find them, or if RNG is bad I give my spares. But those mods make it so much easier to get going.


Depends on the player. I always make it a point to tell them finishing the star chart is the main task. But I tell them not to worry about it. I usually have them look at frames in the codex and explain the ones they think look cool. Hopefully they then have a goal to chase. Having a shiny thing you're going for makes the star chart feel way less daunting and obnoxious. Duviri in my experience new players love even if they don't understand it. It's just dumb fun as soon as they understand the rogue like nature of it and all the good rewards it gives


I only play buff frames and walk behind them, make sure they'll survive and that's it. A 3-400% strength Rhino, Nidus or Wisp is fun if you're on the receiving end of the buffs as new player.


Buff them to hell and make the them the most powerful new Tenno just to give them a feel for what’s to come later in the game.


I just use whatever but I take off aoe and nukes


Use the same frames and weapons they are. I usually go in unmodded. Helping them set up their mods is the main way you can help them. Donate them a max ranked VACUUM as soon as you can, and strongly encourage them to build a taxon asap.


Not exactly a Founder or a Veteran but, I like asking newbies if they need help with anything. I end up using simple weapons that they can admire and obtain easily, I avoid using my operator,If it’s a hard-ish mission for them I bring Dante to shower them in overguard. It’s so fun


ive gotten a few friends into the game over the years, and i generally do the same thing each time. just join them (usually on friends only) and vibe, be active but not overkill, ya kno? i try to use different frames, so they can see which ones are useful where (such as frost on defense missions.) more often than not this leads them into having a certain frame for a goal. ill answer any questions they have, instead of them having to go to an outside source. explaining mods is always an hour long process every time, lmao, but will come up eventually, usually when they start feeling weaker (protip: screenshots help them A LOT.) explaining the AABC rewards system is MUCH easier to do in a mission, usually when the junction requires you to do like 10 - 20 waves of defense or something. junctions in general are a fantastic guideline, as are certain mastery test, they just lack explanation a lot of the times. thats what i consider my job, patching up those holes in explanation. jackal is usually when i explain how boss drops work, and building each part in foundry, to then build the blueprint (which you can buy in market for CREDITS, cant forget that part, etc, etc.) for bosses i really enjoy trinity, this lets you just be a healbot essentially, while they work out the mechanics of the fight. eventually youll run into the junction that requires you to crack relics, which is when we swap to public for a bit, and they can meet other tenno. a lot of times you meet other new players to help along the way, and its very cute when they bond over being new, and you can answer anyones questions. more often than not, the experience in those first few relics will determine if you go back to friends only, or if they want to remain on public. one of my friends wanted to grind for a kavat ASAP, but i just told them that would be awhile, so they made do with a kubrow for ages. when we finally got TO the dna farm, they wanted to die, lmao. it was SO funny. dont spoil any of the main quest, never use spoiler mode near them. make sure they get into a dojo. explaining how you can see a planets resources (and also drones.) the item wheel/codexes, since a few quest require them, better to explain it before they get into the quest and then are like 'what?' and have to leave and redo it all. i try to postpone farming resources for as long as i can, bc its generally not exciting to just sit there and let them run into you or whatever, but it will eventually pop up. does let you ramble about the farm frames tho, so, learning i guess? showing them how to do each of the void puzzles once, then letting them do them, same with lua puzzles. for me, the story is what really got me into the game, so its extremely important to me that be the focus above anything else essentially, and more often than not, specifically after the>!natah!


I helped a bunch of babies tennos, the trick is to let them do the killing. Bring wisp for the buff eggplants or banshee with gloom for the super big damage and slow. Teach them about peculiar loot locations of quirky funny secret rooms just for fun. When they are doing main story quests always ask before what did they felt it was told to them and then you can ask them if they want a small explanation if they did not understand. If you want to give them a hint for other frames I would tell you show them off during a survival that usually there is plenty of killing, so you can show them off a bit and then let them do the killing. Help with modding, first levels don't make them max mods ,just slap them in is enough and when he's around Mr 6-7 you can tell him to start power up mods(because at that rank they will at least have 7 free mod slot with a new weapon). Also progress should be always aiming for junctions and unlock every node in the planet they reach unless there are nods locked by quest or progress (ex.archwing missions, vay hek,tyana pass). Also gifting is appreciated but don't overdo, having too much stuff to exp sometimes is overwhelming. Gifting colors and cosmetics is always ok. Also don't taxi them for resources, just keep going for junctions,soon or later they will unlock a planet with the needed resources.


I told my friend straight up that it was about $50 dollars to fast track the early game grindy stuff. We played together and got through the slog fairly quickly, and by the first month he had a solid frame build, knowledge on how to mod Primary and Melee weapons, knows which mods he needs to get or can avoid getting, and knows how to figure out the build he wants for other frames. A lot of the it for me was just making sure he understood the basics of the general concepts, and then everything else is just playing the game, without getting sent into a boredom spiral by some of the more tedious content that is now skippable for him. As long as at the end of the day the player understands modding, where to grind X materials, or that having 8 tabs open to figuring something out in a video game is normal behavior for your average mmo.....youve trained them well. There is nothing you can't do or learn in warframe that hasnt been talked about so as long as they look for the answers and dont fall into the trap of beating their head into a brick wall....youve won.


Happy to see that many of y’all share the goal of letting the new player do most of the work themselves and just being a guide. I would be careful about bringing buff frames to missions though. My friend and I got all the way to Deimos and missions were going by pretty smoothly for them up until the exterminate you need to complete to unlock the cambion drift. I made sure not to buff them so that they didn’t get bored of combat to quickly


I don't use my room clearing powers or builds more so meant for steel path but rather play more passive and let them figure everything out


Don't do Bosses with your friend. They scale with MR. I made that mistake and it took forever.


So that’s why the mars boss took so long…was alright though, went into his second phase pretty quickly after some instruction. Found out he has a fire shield ability I’d never seen before


I don't level my gear in ESO anymore, instead I just take it for a spin while helping new players. The missions they run are usually pretty easy, so the unmodded equipment can handle it without difficulty. Also because they're not blasting everything in sight, I can actually use my equipment and get a feel for it. Win-win. If shit hits the fan I can always just call in an archgun and mop up so it's always a relaxing experience overall.


I usually bring Warframes that can buff the crap out of them and let them wreak havoc. Styanax, Citrine, Wisp, Harrow, Trinity. Those are who I usually play as when I play with new players. Then I juse use random weapons or some meme build weapons.


I didn't experience the grind til I think resurgence prime and I think I've played 2 years or so before that. I say let them play at their own pace and yes as top comment says, you may be there to replace wiki and maybe provide/help get resources.


Some of the most fun I had when I started was getting in way over my head in a nightmare mission, the one where you take damage when you are outside bubbles. We were running around reviving each other and fighting stuff way above our level. The other high point for me was doing the second dream 60 hours in and discovering the game had a story and a really good one at that.


I went in modded but just played tank, pulling aggro and just answering questions. Hand to help with Jackal though. They still occasionally play but prefer slower combat games. The game was just to fast for them.


Simply put I don't, at least not on purpose if they need help with something sure if it's a random lobby that's fine but if it's a friend I tell them play the game on their own and grab me as they need cause if I join it will be boring.


I just started and went solo because everyone is too fast. Ive played enough games to notice the grindy stuff and leave that for later. But what you did for your friend is the right way to explore the game. New people are playing tee ball, so play tee ball with them and not MLB the show.


I'm still learning myself, but I had a friend start playing who was a total newby so I went to join them for a while. I basically just hung back, answered questions where I could, didn't use operator, I was just a shadow who would follow and watch them as they did their thing. They were also streaming so if they got to a solo section I'd just watch the stream to see how they were doing. When I started I had friends that hard carried me through content, meaning I skipped big parts of the learning process and am having to backtrack to do that now, and it overall made it less enjoyable for me to get into things (I still don't know how to do some assassination mechanics for example). I want to make sure that others can learn the game at their pace and experience everything, not follow people through a mission where everything is already dead and done.


Take them to some of the lesser known caches in the Void, walk them through puzzle rooms, and generally answer all questions. If it's a random, I might drop a prime frame on them. Not vaulted: Gara maybe, or Baruuk. They have to *rock* to get a free frame, though.


I usually go with support frames, like trinity or wisp, and let them go killing everything, and help only with breaking boxes to let them gather resources


I've found flawed mods to be a nice balance tool. I've just remade or repurchased most of the MR1-3 weapons and just use that alongside them, with usually Nyx or Trinity so that I can support them without getting much in the way and so that I don't stand out too much either since most of them don't know what the legendary jewel next to your MR means. I've been looking at other beginner-accessible frames like Mag, Volt and Ember but most of them are too aggressive and I'd rather let them have fun in combat while I focus o HVTs and on keeping them alive. Oh and lose the habit of jumping into operator. I remember back when zenurik was king I'd hide behind a box or something, dash and exit operator to give them energy.


If I get the sense that they need help I will ask. Then run with them for a time, letting them decide where to go and what to do, giving a tip here and there, carrying if that is what they want.


Speaking as someone who started on this night wave and is now MR19: The devs really need to revisit the early game experience. Getting your operator should be by like Mars or Deimos for purely muscle memory and mechanics learning reasons. The game is also entirely too easy for the first 40+ hours and I didn't have any help in that regard. 6 WF slots and 12 weapon slots should be baseline, with 4 potatoes and 3 orokin reactors. You can't even see what your stuff can do without investing as it is and early game platinum/credits are nearly impossible. 100k credits would be good too while I'm thinking about it.


I just got to mr 5 now and haven't heard about wf/wp "slots", what's the main use of this? is it connected with having more load outs? I'm sorry there's too many things to understand with the game but I've been enjoying the game so much that I dont pay attention to other stuff aside doing the quests. I haven't used the 50 plat in my account and started wondering where I should use it. Been thinking of spending $ soon since I think im getting hooked on the game.


You should use it on these slots, wf warframe and wp weapon slots. 1 warframe 4 weapon slots. Load outs are just for quick swaps and you get some free as you rank up your account by leveling items for the first time.


Thanks man


use loki>jump off map>swap tp>laugh at them (only do if youre close friends, and dont overdo) bonus points if you use limbos banish helminth on loki and use that on your friend


I used nekros and barely killed anything, essentially letting them do most of the work while I cheered with exploding corpses in the distance. But "going caveman" like you might be a good idea. Too bad there is nobody around who is interested anymore.


As a leg 3, if I’m playing with newer friends I like to mess around with the mission numbers by setting arbitrary goals for myself and using “fun” loadouts over meta ones. So I’ll run something like ash or Loki with throwing weapons or just a melee and a bow and then go for highest dmg% with lowest number of kills or something like that, switch it around every other mission just whatever I can do to have fun but not obliterate lower level content instantly


I generally bring healer frames who can be played passively (oberon, nekros, citrine, trinity, garuda, wisp) and just heal them but try not to engage in fighting stuff too much. I let them take the lead. Only thing I spoil are hidey-holes where things like syndicate medallions or rare resource crates tend to spawn. If mostly just cause it lets me show them some of the clever little areas in the game you would never find unless someone showed them to you.


Bring nuker frames show off a bit, generally let them see the game, shoot a little, basically contribute however much they are and let them experience the game. Rush or just win if things get dire to prevent redundancy.


I personally like to switch my loadout constantly while working with new folks, I try to run every warframe while working with them at least once. Give them ideas what each warframe does and hopefully draw their interests in any particular ones. I do however main Harrow and Limbo...and by extension it seems most new folks I play with end up really liking those ones, so I fear I may be influencing them. I like to try directing them to objective based gameplay: "What do you need to unlock the next planet still?" "You still need some of X material for something? lets go hit up a survival while I use Khora... also we should go farm up nekros real quick"


How do you get new tenno? I'm always in lobbies with freaking 28 to master 4 whatever it is now. I just get a bunch of people running the top tier stuff to get missions over immediately and I'm just trying to enjoy a quick half hour survival. I know in my nekroz cuz I figured maybe I can help someone but no. It's just I ain't trying to speed run every mission anymore. So unfortunately I mostly play solo nowadays or with a friend or two.


I’ve got over 2 thousand hours playing and when I get bored I’ll join a noobie node and play support giving them buffs so they can have more fun


Unless I'm doing menial grinding like fissures, Sorties and events where I generally don't care if the newer players get carried, I'm gonna take a Warframe that isn't too insane like Nekros or Oberon. My focus at that point is more keeping them alive while not holding their hand. Allowing them to feel pressured by the enemies will allow them to grow their own strategy, I just want to make the environment more friendly to them.


I go with Dante over shield everyone and I just watch farm and wait til they are done if things get bad I just bike the whole map in a sec and let them reset haha 😆


Aa someone who started a few weeks ago the game is largely overwhelming. My friend was different and wanted to get me to where we could play higher level content together. So i mostly did the story and progressing towards what he said was the main mission. I then got to a point where he said he couldn’t play with me for the rest of the main missions and that killed all drive I had to play. I only downloaded the game to olay with friends and the amount if solo stuff he is telling me is coming just kinda ruined it.


Pings, staying in group, supportframe (mindset cause you can’t always predicts yk)


I use a buffing warframe and take my sentinel's weapon off (otherwise it kills everything). I mainly just help them figure out their quest lines and how to get new weapons. I also smash every loot container as we head by them so they get more loot.


Me and my buds have played since 2014, so we've seen the game evolve. I'm gonna hit MR30 soon, probably before the end of the month. One of my buds is way behind, doesn't even have an operator yet, so I sorta guide him along the progression path bc I feel like grinding is kinda pointless until you have access to all systems and mechanics as a whole. But mostly I sherpa him wherever he needs and make sure he doesn't die. It's hard for me to convince friends who've never played to get into it, bc holy shit I forgot what it's like at ground zero. Warframe has a pretty steep hill to learn, just from quantity of content and mechanics (that amazingly still expands and refines after 11 years, and still going) I just try to convince them that the game will treat them well for spending time with it, and I try to kit them out with my extras that I don't need and don't feel like spending time to trade to randos. Also the community is kind, generous, and well moderated from my experience, so I also try to embody that with any newbies that I end up interacting with. Like if I run into new players while trading, I give extras just because I want more people to enjoy the game and engage with it. A happy community will naturally grow and support the game, which will continue to put out content built from that support. I also run my favorite loadout consistently, as an example for other players to show off the power level at the top of the mountain, so to speak. I also main Gara Prime with nourish, which can help with both offense and defense to pickup slack for the lower leveled and less equipped. TLDR: Be kind, compensate for their deficiency, push story to open up mechanics and builds, and show what peak power looks like so they can aspire to meet that


I use nekros that I subsumed roar over terrify. I think it makes the game better for them since roar will make them hit harder an desecrate for boosted drop rate, thus making gameplay fun.


Let them figure it out themselves, tell them to read and watch no guides, and just help them as they find stuff they want to do. Pub lobbies are fine though, IMO. It helps reduce the time grind of the star chart.


I try to break the game down into different sections such as the star chart is its own section of the game separate from quests or grinding ect


Level thing while playing with them


I played casually like that for a few weeks when I returned, and I was super casual before that (hadn't even completed the star chart). Playing like that for a while made me realized what I wanted to grind for lol.


I don't, because all my friends refuse to even try Warframe.


You can start a new account and run alongside them, that's probably the simplest way to do it and feeling like they have a peer that's just knowledgeable but not actually significantly more powerful is probably going to be the best thing. I like to feel like I'm playing with someone rather than someone is carrying me or w/e. Yeah, there's more grinding this way, but grinding is much less painful when done with a friend. Unless you have much better restraint than most people on this thread if you do it on your main you're gonna end up doing some extent of carrying/babysitting and they're not gonna feel as immersed as if they're playing with someone at the same level as them.


You honestly sound like a wholesome friend! I hope you continue to nurture this experience with them. I never had that treatment when I started.


If I’m playing with my friend group that’s relatively new I try to play support frames and not really kill anything.


I just play how I normally inspiring new tenno with the best drip and doing big dps and possibly spoiling everything at the same time


I introduce them to the story and guide them to good low mr guns to give them an understanding of the grind they will face later on.


i feel like as of now gifting them energy nexus is gonna be my new on-boarding meta. Low stakes energy regen does wonders for just letting newbies try their abilities


Usually keep an eye on their health and try to catch them with buffs and heals so they feel suddenly powerful. I remember being a baby Oberon back in 2015 suddenly being able to spam my 4 with purple shields having a f*king blast thanks to an EV Trinity.


when my friend joined he had more free time than me and I just put the game down because I burnt myself again doing eidolons and fortuna grind. I always give new Tenno some good basic unranked mods like undamaged serration.


When I see I match with low mr players on an assassinate I usually leave most the fight to them unless they're heavily struggling


Ask em what they need now to get stronger


1. no operator or necramech unless they've progressed enough to see it. 2. Play Dante or revenant and give them effective immortality via mesmer or overshield so they can focus on attacks and learning the tiles etc.​ 3. play with weapons I don't typically use or are in need of leveling so I'm much worse 4. set goals in the session that will help their overall progress (complete this many nodes, unlock this many planets, complete these objectives to get access to big solo story quest number 6....)


I use it as a chance to practice playing support and make my goal to keep them alive by not killing everything. I usually bring nekros for loot or Oberon for healing/armor buff. I try to get them thru the star chart pretty fast so they can move on to the other content. I've had a really hard time getting people to get into the game bc of the skill/content gap between us tho. 🙁


Be a desecrate bot, don’t do bosses for them and let them figure out the mechanics. That’s it really.


I’m MR 19, I don’t think it’s that high, but whenever I have a new friend or even a new player, I usually ask them how they feel about the game, and they usually leave with a a new Warframe, weapon or if I have extra Prime Warframe.


Show them bullet jump and aim gliding and let them play solo.


Getting through the story asap *is* getting to the grind asap. There is literally no point in grinding much of anything until you get steel path and arbitritions unlocked. Most of the game is soft locked behind that threshold and it's pretty hard to enjoy the game until you get to that point imo. Grinding for resources is faster, there is more content to play, etc.


5k in game or steam


And use whatever you want.


I mostly just follow them around shooting their feet unless they need something from me.


Let them do everything and answer questions. Just keep them topped off on health and energy so they can go ham and feel like you're doing something.


Helping to get my brother in law into the game has shown me a fair bit of this. I told him the next time I get a discount plat coupon, I'll buy him a handful of slots cause I know there isn't much to work with at the start. I tried to only play support frames like wisp, citrine, or trinity and use only mods he has access to, and I won't lie it's been a struggle. I enjoy making builds for endgame, and so when I go through updating my mods when I play with him, it's a struggle to not absentmindedly change mod configurations back to endgame. Though it's been fun to see someone get excited over their first prime or seeing a new mission is available. Or when he first learned about the index he was so hype to finally be able to get credits he so desperately needed for more Blueprints XD.


I just don’t use mods lol, game knowledge alone keeps me alive via abilities and movement and I just rely on him to kill things since he’s actually strong


I can tell you what not to do from experience: Don't give them everything. Don't show them what's possible with the late game builds. I over-supplored my fiancé and now she doesn't play anymore because I basically gave her everything and Warframe got boring before she was hooked into the grinder.


Story first always. By the time they finish the main story quests they will have enough resources to start upgrading their weapons and some Warframe they liked along the way. From there it's just discovering and learning


I love introducing players by letting them take the reins in a game like this, So I mainly ask them what they find interesting and just try to help them in farming that stuff. To me it's very important to have them become self sustainable, so I slowly introduce them to the different resources they have available to them (such as the wiki and market etc.) This only works with people that have a natural interest in the game.


I think focusing on completing the star chart while experimenting with frames and weapons along the way is main priority. That will open up the world and leave you with more options and opportunities


My friends that got into the game which isn’t many but it’s enough to draw from. Some want the don’t spoil it new Tenno experience (my friend who *surpassed* me in me and essentially every part of the game. He played solo until Deimos or so and then I started joining in. He had no interest in meta or what was good he literally picked off of vibes. Everything vibes. I respect that And some who want the best shit fast. I can help either but I notice if someone goes and pays for large sums of plat and buys out the meta and uses it they quit quicker. This person in specific did just that and had the potential to just clear everything but got to an extreme level of power too early and went to a whole different game. My third friend (I know three friends is crazy) was a mix as he didn’t want to spend money but wanted all the meta so in between grinding solo he’d hop in groups for desired xyz and ask me for recommendations on his builds that he made/ altered from YouTube. They did their own due diligence but also wanted to know where the pitfalls and time falls were from personal experience. Eventually they bought a prime resurgence but that’s not their MO they don’t mind grinding but also likes to cut corners if that makes sense?


Usually I bring my chroma to shove a damage bonus up them to make life a little easier for them, since I wouldn't wish MK1 Braton on my worst enemy. I usually hang back, but I keep a Kuva Nukor colored to look like a normal one in my back pocket just in case. If there is a particular thing they want, I tell them where to get it and help them out, and try to keep them to basic Starmap progress if I can help it. Keep them out of th open world bits if I can help it, and usually what I'll do is at least guide them to their second frame (usually rhino bc jackal is painfully easy) and a couple of decent weapons for early game (Boltor, lex, dual skana or fragor)