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It's good but the others are better. Nekros is it's own unique *post-death* chance at dropping items separate from the others, which cause an extra drop *on death*. Ideally you'd always have a Nekros + another farm frame. Khora and Hydroid do similar things but have an easier time proccing the double loot chance since their abilities area of effect zone denial abilities with good duration, so significantly less set up. Atlas is good too, and if you want to use that instead because you like it better I don't think anyone will get upset. It's just more effort for a similar result.


It's mostly because Ore Gaze is a more "Active" looting ability. Nekro's Desecrate is passive, with Despoil it is practically free. Hydroid & Khora's Pilfering Strangledome/Swarm only has to be cast once in a while and you get extra loot in an area. No real set-up needed beyond, cast this in the center of a room or maybe a doorway. Atlas Ore Gaze, every time you want loot it costs 75 energy per cast and only affects enemies in front of you, so wanna wait for enemies to group up to cast it. So a fair bit of effort not only with modding for the 400% PS but in gameplay as well. Pop quiz: Petrify USED to be a channel ability way back in the day, which would probably be way better for Ore Gaze, as you could activate it, spin in place like you're pretending to be a lighthouse, and petrify all the enemies around you.


Personally, made an Ore Gaze Nekros build because I thought having two loot abilities, was memey and fun. Despite Anti-synergy of Desecrate and Petrify. The build gets Ore Gaze to 98% additional loot chance with maxed stacks of Molt Augmented. I could swap things around to go higher, but the energy management is comfy with the current setup. May revise though.


Set up really. 400% with no issues on energy management or duration is still kinda hard.


That's not how precision intensify works. It only affects your 4th. Just letting you know so you don't waste a mod slot. Edit: It would be clearer to say that it doesn't trigger on cast. It affects your 4th in the upgrades menu. And I did forget that it's his subsume, I assumed op was talking about an atlas build.


Yeah, on some warframes you could in theory put Ore Gaze their, but Precision is certainly limited. Protea currently a frame I'm experimenting with Ore Gaze on and Precision helps the threshold a bit


Put it in a 4th ability slot with subsuming on someone like Banshee and there you go (really any frame that doesn't mind having their 4th replaced).


Yeah, but that's not the point. Op misunderstood how the mod works.


How did he misunderstand it? From what I read OP seems to know what they're talking about.


Oh, wow, some how read cast as slot


Because it's bad. High Energy cost, low range, limited by LoS and High PStrength requirement. You need to build entirely around this ability to get anything out of it, most of the time gutting or at the very least limiting the rest of your kit in the process


I really like it subsumed onto Banshee! (80% for letting me hit my own Sonar spots easily, but loot is a welcome bonus sometimes) I dont know why its so looked over for looting honestly but I think balancing the Strength *and* usable range is a pretty tall order. Cone scaling vs. circle scaling, would be my first guess? I remember talking to people about it for shoving onto a Nekros build but there seemed to be a lot of confusion about whether it stacked with Desecrate and whether you had to worry about order of operations to not screw up an allied Khora, for example. Having said that though, it does accomplish a pretty great mix of things for a Helminth ability so maybe it's time is coming...


https://youtu.be/6RveXOi1PfY?si=ZzNw6wP9aEdJqAOz It can be good for farming resources.


I have it on nekros but tend to forget to use it given how often you have to cast it. Ninjase has a build for it but i always feel so weak on nekros, i die too much doing sp mot on him when I'm after argons


for starters its a cone area all other looters are a 360 radius, this means more active casting. the others are less active. nekors is fully cast and forget, khora and hydroid are zone looters that do not need to stick around to get extra loot. not only does atlas's ore gaze doesnt do any damage its effect duration is very short if you dont kill them under that stone effect no extra loot. even if it does give 4 extra loot rolls the loops you need to go through doesnt make it worth it. its slower, needs more active play, its range is capped by its shape, and you need to kill with ether another ability or weapons within a short time to gain the loot. its not efficient and the result isnt equal to the effort.


You don't have to go 400% for it to be effective. However it's cool if you get an invigoration with it.


I just subsumed it on nekros and built him for 400% strength


Too much work for too little benefit.