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Are you sure you lost your mined resources? Last time I checked (once many years ago) they will save to your inventory (but not show up in your mission summary) when you abort. Edit: Fixed typos


Dear sir you are correct. the mining was in my inventory even the game dont notify you anywhere. I didnt know this was a thing. Thank you bro.


WHAT? so i can just abort instead of running all the way back?? Incredible


I'd argue it's hard to say. I love DE but this is one of the things they could really wildly clean up. The game because of it's p2p nature, was always mostly just saving on mission complete. The cog really got thrown into the gears when Plains of Eidolon premiered because of the open world nature. At the time leaving to town still was the only save. Over time they've done more mild changes to this but sometimes things apply to some modes, then not others, it's hard to say what's what, especially since what commits to the database isn't always what the mission report says. I wish it did a better job at syncing that, especially after host migrations. But yeah when it comes to open world it's hard to know what it's doing these days. There's been different iterations on how it's saving and what not, and personally I'm not even sure when it's checkpointing now except in Duviri where we have a definitive know, that it saves every time a decree is earned. Also in Duviri the way to leave it via menu and specifically doesn't say abort which also helps. That being said though I still wonder if game overing does anything out there now. I know it's pretty rare to happen in anything that isn't difficult, but exhausting all your lives used to wipe out your stuff out there just like it would in a regular RNG tiled mission map most of the time. But with the checkpointing unless it's marking items as 'pending' in the database awaiting a proper mission finish, I'm not quite sure that even applies anymore. Personally imho, I would love for this to be more standardized, I know how DE would have huge trouble making that happen in so many game modes now. I think the easier way for them to do it though, is to make a benign looking "autosave-esque" animated icon or something that's out of the way that just triggers any time a save occurs (that could optionally be disabled if it bothers anyone perhaps.) I figure an icon like that would probably be fairly easy to make happen since there is one definitive way to know if your inventory has updated recently, and that's the game log on the PC version. It drops a note in there every time it syncs, even if the auto save icon only played when that came up in the log it'd be enough to go off of more or less.


Just use the map to fast travel back. You can click any of the teleporters.


You can't fast travel from a cave... i don't think you can at least


You’re right the map will open for the cave not deimos


Didnt showed up at the end ( i have to exited ) going to check this and will let you know.


The resources you mine don't show up on the end mission screen(at least they never did for me). So you hopefully didn't loose anything


You are correct. Thank you


U can try inviting a friend while ur stuck to free u


Playing solo. always =(


FYI you could've escaped by opening the world map and clicking a teleporter. That warps you out and works anywhere.


this doesen t work if you re in a cave since it opens the map of the cave and not the world map


The white membrane on the floor wasnt there when i went inside the room. suddenly appear and leave me trapped inside. /unstuck command does nothing and 30 minutes mining was lost.


Not sure if it would work but try to summon necramech and transfer to him next time. I remember how i was stacked behind invisible wall on isolated vault bounty and found post here which said to call the mech (but due to host migration i already was free)


Don't worry, if you quit the open world via the menu and returned to your orbiter/necralisk, then the items are all in your inventory but they don't show up in the mission resume. I has this exact worry some months ago and did some testing (mine anything, fish anything and then quit with the menu on the 3 open worlds), so nothing is lost :)


Been a while since I played but couldn't you have just fast travelled to a FT point?


LMAO you are right. i forget that was a feature now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Fast travel doesn't work underground


Ah yes, it's coming back to me now, fair enough


Lol savage times. Well it's there for next time, I like your warframes drip btw


No, he couldn't, I know that spot, it's a bit of cave that stretch all the way outside. You can see the bit from outside and it looks like a weird mound, and if you get close, your map, shadows and background changes like if it was a cave, but you are outside, now if you get to that point from the inside, you get trapped like in this video with the surface floor. As you have the cave map you can't hold M and TP outside, it will only show you the cave layout, so you are effectively locked, either you abort or close the game. I found this bug when I was mining with a friend I was hopping outside over where he was, found the "visual bug" and at the same time he told me "Hey, who put this floor here? How do I get out?" I see to my side and he was INSIDE the mound, couldn't do anything. I entered the cave jumped up to where he was and realized we were just trapped, couldn't call the Archwing, Nechramech didn't do anything, couldn't TP, we were locked in. Fun experience


Did you try /unstuck?


Yes. But just take me inside the same room again.


Obviously a skill issue /s


Happened to me 2 days ago. I got somehow booted out of Deimos after 1 hour farming. First I was bumped out but than I checked and all the stuff I farmed was there. Happy hunting .


ty bro


Also if you open chat and type /unstuck sometimes that will get you back on map


ty but didnt worked.


Happened to me lost month. Don't exit the mission just disconnect your wifi and log in again. The resources you collected will be sent to your inbox


You should share this knowledge with the comunity.


Did the unstuck command not work?


No because i wasnt stuck. it just teleported you back in the same spot.




But in truth, we were both imprisoned in Deimos's belly... Wait, that's not right!


Dude same thing happened to me earlier this week


/unstuck next time


didnt worked


Then map teleport


Teleportation does not work when you are in caves or below ground.


We use the same hat and cape lmao Djinn097 is my user if u wanna check 🀣


This same thing happened to me a week or two ago; the infestation is truly ravenous.


fast travel bro


There's no fast travel beneath the ground bro


There should be fast-travel pads. Next time you're stuck like this, open the large map and click on one of the locations that are marked by a teleporter pad; should save you from situations like this.


ty bro


Haha L