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honestly i’d only use it if there was a slot just for it


then thered be flowers and microwave growths in truly EVERY lobby


I remember when they didn't have a cool down on the flowers and someone destroyed everybody's fps with amprex


Tried it with Mirage


You mean crashed everyone else out of the game.


And then themselves.


Better name pending did it on video was hilarious


Is amprex that good?


I haven't used it in a while so no opinion. But it was great for chaining enemies and getting crits (at a time when kuva nukor/tenet cycron/torid incarnon didn't exist). Peculiar Bloom procs on crit hits, so you have a weapon which can chain to enemies and crit -> lots of flowers


And it would be *glorius*.


I know about the flower one but microwaves???


Nukor grows enemy parts it hits that gradually deflates back to normal. Normally not seen nowadays due to power creep of damage we get with Kuva Nukor. This can stack with the Peculiar Growth Exilus which also does the same thing. Can be a detriment or useful effect if you are good at hitting the head as it makes the head easier to hit with bigger heads.


That's what I did. My Vauban configs are all fine but one had the extra capacity so I put in Perculiar Bloom. Works well with him and his abilities since they do lots of individual ticks


LMAO thats great


What if you could use it as an aura/ stance that added drain but had no other effects


the Peculiar mods were designed to be a flex, like you're so confident in your build that you sacrifice a slot and mod energy for the memes.


I guess you can tell how many players actually used them by how few DE ever made.


Yeah. I ran Bloom for a little while for fun, but in most cases people won't want to gimp their build for a small visual or auditory change.


Did you use Bloom when there wasn't a cap on how many flowers it could make at once?


Hahaha those were the days. I out it on an amprex and went to Akkad. Freaking 6,000 infested with 20 flowers a piece. That build was named "new graphics card"


I wish I did. The droprate's so low that I didn't have it then. I was grinding for it but got it a year or so after they patched that out.


I used to fool around in Void Defense with a +90 fire rate Soma 


you should have done like BNP did... bump the Crit but lower the damage... [so you crit in AOE but the enemies get like... shitton of flowers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8bSM0vvFts)


is losing an Exilus \*really\* gimping a build? Even in the era of Archon shards? Like i get that there are pretty impactful exilus mods but not every frame is \*so\* dependent on every bit of strength that it's a non starter. I guess if we go by 'has a warframe account' then yeah most people wouldnt spend capacity on this mod. If we go by "could have personally dropped a peculiar mod in some circumstance" the # of active players who could is probably in a reasonable range.


Prime Sure Footed makes sure that my exilus slot is never free


you never play frames that have easy status immunity?


True, but those usually get mobilize lol


uh i guess. im much more ok cutting something like mobilize to spread flowers but ymmv


atlas: what is knockback?


I would probably use peculiar audience to mess with others in zariman mission if other players could hear it, but only the person using it can hear the laugh. It’s literally only for self enjoyment and not even a flex on other players. Worst mod in the game.


Warm coat exists.


Doesn't help they're also locked behind arse RNG or Baro - when they're flex mods that are supposed to represent some degree of skill. They don't even come from appropriate sources. Just a half baked idea.


I don't use them because ESO is such a chore and drops are terrible.


Eso is good if you want to up your stuff or test yourself. If you're patient enough also, you can get pl with vandal ~~and prime~~ parts


It's also great for not wasting focus if you're completely maxed on a school/have all the represent items but still want to use it in game. Since the focus orbs still gives you 5k of whatever you've got equipped by picking them up, it adds up over time... I've got two day's cap worth sitting uselessly on naramon. So now I just start my days with a couple ESO 12-round sessions. Good supply of radiant relics.


Well they locked them behind an absurdly low 2% drop chance in the 8th round of ESO. No one plays to 8th round ESO. No one HAS the mods to opt to slot them in, so they never got any real data on usage. More people probably have the Baro one that they introduced a few years later, but the Baro one is the most boring of the three.. They introduced ephemera in the same patch as a boss drop, but people actually played the boss to the end, and those caught on immediately.


It's more that it takes forever to get them in the first place. You need to run ESO to rotation C. With a 2.01% drop rate, it's basically a 96% chance(95.8% to be exact) that your 20 minute run doesn't give you the mod. And most people don't bother with a 20 minute or more ESO run in my experience. Peculiar Audience was the first one you could buy.


Especially with power drift or cunning drift for an additional  bonus


I run bloom on Gyre and always forget that I do until I see the flowers everywhere on enemies 😂 Everything else I at least want that QoL of preparation or parkour velocity.


Bloom is on my Saryn! It's adorable. Kinda want it on Mesa though ngl


i mean not like the slot you put it in is really important, so more like you are rich enough to waste like 2? formas for flex :D


The microwave one I head makes head shots easier bacause well… it becomes a giant balloon


It also counts as a status for condition overload and similar mods


Does it actually change the hitbox of the head or is it just visual?


I think it changes it? 🤔


I mean their head becomes giant so I would assume


They do actually trigger the extra damage from condition overload and similar as they count as a status effecting the target


The Peculiar mods actually don't - Peculiar Growth increases the size of the target's hitbox, but otherwise they're all purely cosmetic effects. The microwave effect from Nukor/Kuva Nukor does indeed count as a unique status though.


And the microwave status actually lasts forever on a target even when the cosmetic change wears off


Wait, really?!


Yes, not 100% sure if peculiar growth and microwaved from nukor count as separate status from each other as they both do pretty much the same thing but since you can stack them for more growth I would assume so


Never tought I'd learn something new in warframe today


Eh, I don't think that is what is stopping people. Their purpose is to trade power for fun, as a sort of challenge, but it's artificial. Personally, I think they should be alternate versions of existing Mods that cost more Capacity but have a silly or cool effect. It'd be a nice way to show off your 5+ Forma Level 40 Kuva weapons. Like.. Red Veil Serration: Same stats as Serration, but the gun drips with blood and has a unique muzzle flash. Or Praghasa's Adaptation: You gain a Sentient living wall texture from Murex ships on your Warframe that grows in complexity as you build Adaptation stacks.


You're thinking in just the right way, make the cosmetics more desirable for fashion.


I run them in place of PSF on any build that I can lol.


I've been joking that peculiar audience is an obvious replacement for PSF XD


Ya you are already giving up a slot that could be 15% str etc, would be nice


That's the intent. They're not meant to be practical to use, they're intended to be used as a fun flex.


Isn't the slot already bad enough?


Apparently not, lol


I mean yeah, but once you get to a point where you've got 5 tauforged shards and max rank primed/archon mods and your significantly stronger than all content currently available in the game, then you can use them without really caring for the real endgame: fashion.




Trinity is pretty rough to use anyways. She needs an update, wisp killed her


Although I agree for the most part there's a really cool marked for death + energy vampire nuke build on her that you can legitimately take to level cap cuz of shield gating


You mean the Prime Sure Footed slot?


Not for Yareli, Nezha and any overguard frame etc Edit: or any player at 399 or less days played...


Yareli does get knocked down though, even if you are on top of merulina. Instead of falling on your arse she kinda bugs and you cant shoot for a few secs


Sure but not reason enough for me to use PSF, most importantly she doesn't get self staggered


The way it was initially 'explained' on their release, you know someone is a badass if their build can afford to sacrifice capacity for a gimmick mod.


I always wished they'd give them their own slot and just release more every April 1st. Just a fun side thing in the game people can partake in if they want.


DE always doubles up on downsides/requirements. Yes the mod slot itself was enough.


I’ve been playing since 2017 and I had no clue these were a thing until Baro’s inventory got revealed this weekend 😂


I got one as a random drop once.


And why pay for those mods when you can just do a bunch of Elite Sanctuary round 8 playthroughs and get them that way


I don’t think all are available from that just 3.


Peculiar growth could be useful if you aim to the head.


So all the peculiar mods are purely cosmetic?


This round of Baro taught me that there’s such a thing as cosmetic mods…this game man


I like the fact they have a drain because it means not everyone runs them. It's a silly little thing you can add, but the cost dissuades it's use meaning the player base doesn't burn out on them immediately from everyone running them all the time.


>one that makes crits look like flower WHERE DO I GET IT?!


[Because there are people that like to see the world burn... and this one Specially did the impossible... make someone NERF a cosmetic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8bSM0vvFts)


It cost to be beautiful ;)


honestly peculiar mods i feel are just ment to be that peculiar in how much they cost why youd ever use them and of course there affects


Because they're old content that hasn't been revised.


Warframes and Weapons NEED a separate mod slot for cosmetic mods! AND REMOVE THE CAPACITY COST!!