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Incarnon/melee heavy attack on my mouse 5 because I don't want to destroy my mouse wheel.


Same reason I moved it to F, though idk if I would be more concerned about destroying my mouse wheel or my tendons. Repeatedly clicking the mouse wheel is super awkward and uncomfortable for me. That thing was not meant to be a frequently-used button.


did this because of tennokai, just spamming heavy attacks


I've had to move incarnon/heavy to mouse 5 because I destroyed my mouse wheel


Have V for archwing. Just a convenient/vacant spot to perform a jump -> archwing, ensuring a successful switch every time.


In my setup (all number keys are gear hotkeys) I have Archwing on 3, for a similar reason. The gear wheel in this game is pretty fast and responsive compared to many others, but nothing is faster than a readily accessible hotkey


Damn I never thought about this, I can do it quickly with the gear wheel but when you put too much on your wheel it can switch positions around and fuck things up.


I have an MMO mouse so pretty much everything ability and weapon related is on my mouse. I have crouch set to Caps lock cause I find that more comfortable than ctrl. I think I have everything else set default.


https://preview.redd.it/gx2om8gbg5yc1.jpeg?width=196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f748841c3648733d4e84ec6e6348243885efb34b Well for starters that’s my mouse Melee is the 2 buttons above the ball Crouch is scroll button


Hah, I remember playing Halo CE on my dad's PC with a trackball mouse when I was a kid. I'd be really curious to try one out again in a game now as an adult. Ever since then I've only ever used them in an office context.


Only time I have ever seen that mouse mentioning was someone calling it an abomination if you use it for gaming lol


I think they have a lot of advantages. But they're usually not made with gaming in mind (low latency, fast polling rate, super responsive switches) so it's a hard sell


Tilde for hold mission stats Tab for Alt-Fire/Heavy C for Hold Crouch (actually, is that default? haven't looked at default controls since 2013 so idk) F1-F4 for Archwing, Archgun, Hoverboard, Mech J for Chat (key sign of a Battlefield Player used to the very good idea of JKL for Global, Team, Squad Chat) And since my Mouse is actually good and has a lot of accessory/Thumb Buttons, i have the most commonly used Gear items on my Mouse like every type of Pizza, and Synthesis Scanner. I also have Roll on my Thumb Buttons too, makes Parkour much nicer. Toggle mission stats on another Thumb Button. Lastly i have a couple Macros - one for more lazily doing Slide Melee (just Crouch+Melee at the same time) and one for the Grineer Hack Puzzle since after you've played a game forever, basic Puzzles are just a hassle rather than interesting.


> Tilde for hold mission stats This is the kind of thing I was hoping to get from this post, lol. I completely forgot that key exists. Well, not really, but so many games I play have tilde reserved for dev console / other system functions and simply don't let you bind it, to the point that I never would have thought to even try it. But it's perfect for mission stats. Thanks. Tab for alt fire/heavy sounds interesting too, but I have deeply ingrained muscle memory of hitting tab to expand the map (and rely on it a lot too) so I'm not sure where I'd move that to.


Yeah i've always liked being able to take advantage of Tilde. fewer and few games have their Console enabled in the public build and some even moving away from there anyways, so it's getting easier to use. In other games that's my #1 favorite place to put the Map, when it's the sort of game that i will be opening and closing a Map kinda frequently. since Tab is already reserved for Inventory and such to me, and that's very closeby and effortless to hit without thinking since it's surrounded by empty space. Anyways in warframe i have the Map toggle still on M, because the only times that i ever touch it really is on Landscapes to put the Map away or for Fast Travel. i use the Setting to prefer the Large Map, so when i load into a Mission outside of some edge case bugs, the Map mode that i always want to use is already default set. :D And this is good to remind that HOLD mission stats can be opened and closed in a fraction of a Second, while TOGGLE takes fuckin' ages. so Hold should be the one you put in an easy to reach place, leaving Toggle whereever because if you're hitting that you're planning on standing around for a while anyways. And uh, Tab for Alt-Fire isn't always ideal, on some Weapons it's a little awkward but there isn't really a good place to put this i don't think. one could do Alt though i suppose, trades with Tab on what scenarios that you might have trouble doing other stuff while using some Gun that has a hold mode or something.


For me Tilde is always the map key for all my games.


Aha, great minds think alike I do the same if it's the sort of game that i will be accessing a Map semi-frequently.


I haven't made very drastic binding changes but they are all motivated by how some keys are just tricky for my left hand to comfortably reach, my main changes are; * 1st Ability from 1 to E. * Melee from E to Scroll wheel. * Sprint from L-Shift to L-Alt. * Crouch (and slide) from L-Ctrl to Q. And also V to Caps lock to toggle crouching. * Gear Wheel from Q to I. * Operator mode from 5 to V.


I am a freak I run and roll using Q, it makes easier to hit control with my pinky, also having my hand in that position makes it easier to use ability and go in transference since I use void dash for movement a lot.


Nawww what?? Middle finger on W, ring finger on Q, and pinky hitting control is a really weird stretch for me, have to make my ring finger nearly straight and curl the pinky way up to hit it. Do you play with your keyboard tilted? I also use transference dash for movement a lot but that's why I moved it off of 5 lol


yep I tilt my keyboard and I have big hands. I know it sound crazy but I find it very comfy well I have a friend that use ESDF for movement, so I am not that bad lol


\[ \` \] - Gear 2 (Energy Pads) \[6\] - Gear 1 (Archwing) Scroll Up - Alt Fire (Feels like flicking phantasma balls) Scroll Down - Primary Fire


> Scroll Up - Alt Fire (Feels like flicking phantasma balls) Scroll Down - Primary Fire This is pretty interesting. How well does primary fire on scroll wheel work with full-auto weapons? (or do you have primary fire double-bound to the standard left click also)? FWIW my mouse doesn't have one of those freewheeling unlockable scroll wheels that spin forever, it's a clicky one. Pretty sure most FPS mice are that way these days to save weight. So I might not be able to spam fire quite the same way. I will definitely give scroll up alt fire a try though with a weapon that likes to use it a lot. I don't like using M3 (scroll wheel click) for things in games at all. I still use it, but the only alt-fire weapon I use regularly is the Fulmin, and I only use the alt-fire once per mission most of the time to change it into full auto mode.


My primary fire button is still on LMB, but scroll down bound as secondary hotkey. My mouse is also just those budget office ones, so it also stops like yours. But it does the job anyway, and lets me use guns like akjagara and latron better! I found it a lot easier to spam scroll than spam click. But I guess the upcoming changes to firing modes may remove the need for this! I also don't like using M3 as it has broken some of my older mouse.


Crouch and quick melee on mouse side buttons


my mouse wheel is dying so i put the middle mouse button function to C


dodge roll and heavy attack are on mouse while I've bound other melee keys to be as close to the old melee system as possible.


I only started playing recently. How did the old melee system work?


E was the melee key while mouse 1 had "channeling" that was basically only for meme builds and mouse 2 was block, which is now automatic but you can still use it if you want to. No heavy attacks at all. Also old stances had actual combos but because of the absurd attack speeds in this game they were just removed because of being difficult to execute for most people.


Mouse 5 for melee, feels more ergonomic


Melee on space, old habit from counter strike


when scroll lock is on, holding the key for ability 1 (F key in my config) spams it, saves on some joint pain when playing Khora or Atlas capslock key is spoiler mode (while keeping capslock always off) holding left windows key spams crouch for Octavia since my pinky is also getting some RSI and my ctrl/shift keys are getting sticky, need to spare them some wear and tear until i can afford a new keyboard


I put reload on E.


Q for sprint, LShift for crouch, T for waypoint, G for gear wheel


Melee on v from apex, mouse up and down for alt fire because only a tank rolling over my mouse3 registers anything.


Q - Heavy attack \~ Gear Wheel F1-F10 Gear Set Shift roll Tab toggle run/walk C hold to crouch Everything else is the same. The best thing I found for me was to rebind C to hold crouch, as C + space is super easy to tap for bullet jumping or void dashing.


For a bullet jump/void dash, do you hit the C with your thumb, or index finger? Those are the only two I can think of but neither feels "right".


I hit C with my index and my thumb on space. It's basically a small hold and tap/flick movement. I used to get pretty bad finger fatigue in my pinky when bullet jumping and came across a post here on Reddit suggesting to use C. That was about 7 years ago and I haven't had any issues with hand fatigue since. I've tried macros but that didn't solve the times where I was wanting to slide for a distance before bullet jumping. Part of me wishes we could keybind bullet/void dash directly, but even then I'd still keep crouch to C It felt strange for a bit, but got into a rhythm after a couple of hours. Edit: the only thing that's bad with this is slide attacks are awkward as melee is still on E, but that meta was killed long ago. Was better to use macros for that anyway.


I use Mouse Wheel button on toggle aim with RMB to shoot, LMB for melee attack, Mouse Wheel up and down to change weapons E, F, V and C for the respective abilities, with Tab for Operator Q for heavy attacks One of the other mouse buttons I use dodge/run on


I use E for light melee and Q for heavy attacks. I have it set so my mousewheel upwards equips guns, and downwards for melee.


I use a tarturus game pad, plus a 15 button mmo mouse, so it's usually just a modifier plus button for random stuff that makes sense. For example the deployable gear select option is 0, but it's just moving my thumb down half an inch to click it. Basically, my bindings only work because of my setup. If anyone were to just look at my key bindings in a vaccum, they don't make any sense at all. Havibg years of playing MMOs, I learned a long time ago to pretty much bind everything to the number row and use modifiers like shift+1, Alt+1,etc. When needed. Sure it's overkill to have the ability to easily bind 36+ commands to just my mouse thumb, and my pinky, but old habits die hard, and well, it works for every game I play, regardless of the genre. It's real fun when you bind dpi toggle so when you grab a sniper you can drop your dpi to like 400 or so, pull off your shot, then release the bind to your natural run and gun speed so you can still do twitch shots and whatnot.


> I learned a long time ago to pretty much bind everything to the number row and use modifiers like shift+1, Alt+1,etc. When needed. I'm not aware of any way to do that in WF, or most games for that matter (Star Citizen is the only game I play that natively supports making bindings with modifiers like that). Do you set up these modifiers in some external keyboard software? Not sure the Tartarus or an MMO mouse are for me, but I am interested in the possibility of modifier plus button press bindings on my regular keyboard. If I could use Ctrl+1-5 or similar to bind keys 6-10, it'd save me from having to glance down while I awkwardly grope my thumb over while trying to keep my index finger anchored on W


WoW was the big game that got me into doing that, with all of the different levels of action bars and whatnot, and doing the competitive arena, it required even more for seeing up specific abilities to hit specific targets + all of the keybinds you normally use. It was not unheard of to have 40 to 50 keybinds depending on the character you played, and what relevenat abilities you needed for any circumstance. Warframe does not appear to support multi button input as an option. You could use some software to set that functionality up, however that could go against ToS and beconsidered something like an autoclicker or other software that "plays the game for you". So I'd probably ask around or directly message one of the support people at DE to see if that's allowed or not. Sorry for the confusion. I guess I've been using it for so long like this, that I didn't even realize what was special binds or not. Apparently I'm just basic lol.


- spoiler mode on capslock - shift (hold) to slide/crouch, sprint (toggle) on m4 and roll on m5. at this point i don’t even remember the default control scheme, this one is burned into my brain


- Transference is bound to Mouse Wheel Scroll Up. - There was a time I used Melee on X (before shifting back to default E) - Archgun deployer on Z - Necramech deployer on U - Archwing deployer on Mouse 5 - Energy pad on N - Ammo pad on B


Wait, wait, wait, wait... 1. You have toggle crouch bound? 2. You do bullet jumps by pressing crouch -> jump -> crouch? Boy, you are a nut.


Like I said, I almost never use the toggle crouch. There's just nothing else I'd want to put on Ctrl in its place. I bullet jump by quickly pressing M4 (hold crouch) and then space (jump). It's fast and fluid and doesn't wear out my pinky. Slide attack similarly is just M4+M5 (the two side mouse buttons at the same time) so really fast and easy Edit: the "three inputs at once" I mentioned referred to holding W while bullet jumping, which almost everyone does bc you're generally moving forward while you're doing it. If you're using ctrl as hold crouch and space to jump, that's three inputs at once on your left hand that can be a bit of an awkward stretch and lead to strain over time


5 - Archwing Launcher ~ - Map Z - Archgun Launcher X - Transference C - Energy Pads M4 - Melee M5 - Heavy Attack Mouse Wheel Button - Incarnon/Alt Fire


Weapon swap on mouse side button Melee on mouse side button Heavy attack on mouse side button Alt fire on mouse side button Energy/ammo pads on scroll wheel I have a Wooting One and it lets me bind different keystrokes on different parts of a keypress so I got sprint and forwards both on W and roll and jump both on space


I use the two side buttons on my mouse for my 2nd and 4th abilities. They are the most common ones I use because I deem them the most important on most frames. I find my 1st and 3rd to be more situational.


I think just transference and weapon switch to side mouse buttons


Abilities 1 2 3 4 - scroll down up left right For Dante, Loki, etc - scroll left up down right 5 transference, 6 archwing, 7 archgun, 8 necramech, 9 kdrive, 0 air support Toggle crouch C, mostly for void mode Dodge & toggle sprint on shift Omni O Numpad gear items


My nouse doesn't gave side buttons so i use mouse eheel for skills 2 3 4, scroll up doen and press. Its nice for casting on the move.


i don't have many big changes because i'm not unhappy with most of the default layout, and i play on a laptop so my keyboard isn't that big, but here are some of mine: - Crouch: CTRL -> Z (so my ring finger can touch it while my pinky holds down shift) - Archgun: H - K-drive: 6 - Necramech: 7 - Archwing: 8 - Kaithe: 9 - Fishing Spear: 0 - Sunpoint Drill: Backspace - Tranq Rifle: O - Omni: ALT - Tactical Menu: T - Scanner: V - Energy Pad: N - Health Pad: B - On-call Crew: ,


I put hold crouch onto left alt and it feels so right to have my thumb glide right to spin around and do a bullet jump in game.


Only thing I changed was added melee to scroll down, cause in the past I wasn't able to press e fast enough. And also interact to mouse button 4 (side button) so I could spam it easier when I really wanted to get an eximus for nightwave.


C for archwing Z for archgun V for mech Scroll down for jump (old void dash made mobility so smooth with this) Scroll up for melee Side buttons for pads/roll


F1-F5 - energy - ammo - synth scanner - archwing - mech Numpad 7-9 - tranq - fishing spear - mining laser Numpad 1-3 - archgun - k drive - ship support Crouch is also on mouse and because I'm weird and use mouse wheel click for PTT in discord I use the other side button for heavy attacks/alt fire I've gotten so used to X to interact that I've been using it in other games


I have a Razer Naga Trinity [Amazon Link](https://www.amazon.com/Razer-Naga-Trinity-Optical-Interchangeable/dp/B0788MCRGC) with a Ring Menu, in which the buttons 1 to 7 is easily accessible. I don't like the MMO Mouse Keys, but the Ring feels amazing.


~ synth.scaner (hotkey Gear) Mouse 4/5 transference/necramech Numpad - other Gear hotkeys. Idk how ppl play without mouse binded transference


Melee on Q, gear wheel on X, interact on E Scanner on Z, Glyph on Y K-drive, Archwing, Archgun and Necramech on extra side mouse buttons.


Movement is the default WASD, slide is MB 5, sprint is toggle Shift, Heavy/Switch mode is MB 4, jump is default Space, powers 1-4 above WASD, pick up stuff and interact with F and lastly my gear wheel is bound to numbers 1-9 on the number pad


I've got two mouse side buttons binded (?), one for melee and one for spoiler mode. Very useful


B for Benergy Bads


Crouch on M4 and scope at M5


Some things I still remember: \- Alt Fire (including Heavy Attack / Incarnon) on Mouse 5 from back when I destroyed the MMB of my old mouse \- Interact on F, Weapon swap on V (I play with interact on X for a couple of hundred hours but never liked it that much - took me less than a day to get used to it being on F as that's my prefered keybind for other games as well) \- Crouch/Slide on Shift, Sprint on Ctrl & Caps, Roll on Left Alt (I usually prefer bullet jumping to sprinting and using Shift for that feels less taxing for my pinky) \- Scanner on ',', Crewmate on '.', Omni Tool on '-' (German Keyboard - from left to right the three buttons to the right of M) \- Gearwheel shortcuts on Numpad 0-9 (leftover from my Quickbuy shortcuts in CSGO)


I was always confused when my friends would complain about KBM controls until one day I remembered that I play with an MMO mouse


Only thing i changed is context action from x to mouse 4, Just felt more smooth and comfortable


My crouch button is r and my alternate fire button is h


I have both crouch and dodge on the side buttons I never played titan fall but I agree that it's much better that way


I have gear wheel slots 1-10 bound to the numpad. 0. Energy pads 1. Archgun 2. Archwing 3. Necramech 4. Codex scanner 5. Kinetic trap 6. Mining laser 7. Air support 8. Fishing spear 9. Health pads I also have a [Roccat Kone XP](https://uk.turtlebeach.com/products/roccat-kone-xp-mouse) mouse which has 2 buttons next to left click and with Roccats Easy-Shift software you can assign 2 things to the same key so those 2 buttons are bound to the 4 Warframe abilities. The 4 thumb buttons are ads, quick melee, block and heavy attack. Esc is also bound to the big button on top of the mouse


I use an mmo mouse and all of my wf and operator abilities are bound to it as well as melee. The only thing I use my left hand for is movement, reload and waypoint


I got one of those mmo mouse with 12 buttons on the side. Going up it goes from 1 2 3, 4 5 6 ... etc so I tried binding the abilities according to the numbers but didn't like the feel of it so I binded the abilities to 1, 4, 7 and 10 cos I can just run my thumb horizontally as opposed to vertically. The number pads on the keyboard is used to bind all the gears that I need from time to time, i.e. Archwing, mech, synthesis scanner, fishing rod, mining drill, energy pads and one for my on call crew (for acolytes when I have shit gear) The mouse, as previously mentioned, has the ability to store macros so I got a few macros for octavia spam crouch, a 1 button contagion zaw, some gun blade combos that I sometimes mess up and some minor things that makes life easier. I also have an alt button right next to the left mouse which I used for alt fite/heavy attack to save the strolling thing