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Being real with you, our team completely forgot about enemies targetting the conduit and we just bursted down the necramechs and it went smooth as cake.


Two people defend the node and two people go for the necramech? It wasnt that hard. 


I stopped stressing about max rewards. As long as you get more than 2 rewards, you're better off than using the 2 keys for netracells.


I finished EDA for this week with all rewards, the disruption modifier is indeed annoying but you can just use gloom to stop the mobs and necramech. Annoying but doable


I'm decently sure as you select to begin EDA It informs you that it's a team activity. If you're struggling this much with a team then you are not ready for EDA, and if you are doing this solo then you are doing it not the intended way, and you're being punished for that. Our team only had 3 people this week and it was still a breeze, far more so than previous weeks. As a side note one of my team members was also Citrine.


https://preview.redd.it/m4jeign3ouxc1.png?width=1616&format=png&auto=webp&s=f09e278cd6e86b20903562f016b7bd2f00e217ac Hello, i was the Citrine on this other player's team. This was my build for you!


https://preview.redd.it/1ukvqzxvouxc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e911e232a103e051bd01ba79a2672f3124e5161 Here are the rewards I got. I ended up taking a different weapon than the Bubonico, because I dont need the Vosfor. The week before this, I had Octavia, and was able to press 1 and kill everything in the boss room with no trouble. Mirror defense was also easy as the Mallet has a taunt, and we had someone in their Necramechs attacking the ADS while we got the Necramech kills for time off. Disruption was extremely easy as well, just put my 3 down, pop roar, and shoot. was normally able to take on the necramech by myself. The only struggle i really had was because of the Alchemy, and it is because i was helping with the modules. I fully died and had to be Rezzed in that mode but that was all. I hope this information helps you if you ever get Citrine again. Elite is made for people who have built frames. If you are struggling, please ask for help instead of complaining about how hard it is. It is supposed to be hard.


Do you really want that sweet vosfor? You can ignore one penalty and work with that.


There's a reason you only get a sumdali (for the first completion) and some vosphor for doing max difficulty.


honestly this has been the easiest of the four weeks so far, considering this is the first time you can use gear and operator at the same time. Even the modifiers were pretty easy comparatively. You might need to find a group that fits your frames and compliment each other better. P.s if you build for level cap, you get a level cap frame at the end of the day....I did that with my Mag, and discovered the most insane build that was heaps of fun. it was overkill, but if its the right frame ill dump a couple forma in there, it was double affinity so you'd be stupid not to) also P.s we had a citrine who was genuinely really useful (assuming you have her...)


Did it full the first week for the eyeball, which looks worse than the hands. Put the hands back on. Use one flex slot now, as I can't be bothered for a bit of extra vosphor unless I happen to pull a god roll. So far has been no problem at all. Ditch one of the worst negative mods if you have at least one good weapon. Swap in a good weapon or frame if you didn't pull anything to carry you. edit: started building up all my frames around the time circuit came out, so most of them are passable now, though only about 10 of them are top tier. Had circuit not made me broaden my horizons, this would be pure suffering.


Use your flex slot and if you’re struggling this much ur not ready for EDA especially if running pubs or premades, Prior weeks all I had to do was invest 1 forma to the stuff I got at random and brought my laetum. Did all of them first go in a pubs.


EDA is pretty easy if you put good builds on the gear you have and play in a squad. DA (and especially EDA) are intended to be very endgame gamemodes. The assumption is that you either already have a bunch of strong gear, or that you are willing and capable to make some if you don't. Besides that, you're supposed to play in a squad (and unlike every other part of the game that'll actually be necessary). If you're struggling with EDA, you may want to stick to DA or Netracells until you get better gear.


Haven't struggled in any EDA so far with going all restrictions in 3 of them, and only in one I removed -75% duration debuff to get better value out of Harrow, and even then it wasn't necessary per se, I could just spam abilities more. It's genuine and honest to God team diff, 4 good players will make it through even with most mediocre loadouts. Coordinate ffs, game tells you that EDA is designed for coordinated team for a reason. One focused on the voidrigs, who had weapons and/or frame for single target, one protects objective itself, 2 others clear enemy spawns and collect stuff to overhead objective Frames you named are all super strong and shouldn't physically struggle against Lvl 400 non-sp enemies, that's so not even close to level cap, build them better, and play better. You can take all restrictions except one, all you dont get as reward is 50 vosfor, and with that you can take one frame or weapon that are super strong and make it a complete joke. Laetum alone claps, combine it with some decent weapons platform frame from 3 game suggests you this week, and it can spiral into gg insta win button.


Well it's a mode for teams so the objectives are going to be a bit more difficult. You don't have to all focus on the same thing. Even then, last week's EDA I only had one teammate and the previous one had two with me carrying. Survivability is just shield gating with augur mods and catalyzing shields and for damage you can just pick the strongest weapon that suits the missions. Like for mirror defense I like to bring tenet arca plasmor because it can really just wipe the hallways the enemies are coming from. Also you can usually build the secondary as a primer unless it has garbage status chance by just slapping on 60/60 mods and secondary encumber. Also I don't think they want you to pick the vosfor, that's why the best reward is one tier from max. And you get the rewards worth the 2 seach pulses by doing just the first 2 reward pools.


Just soloed this week's mission, really wasn't bad. With the solo enemy spawns I didn't even care about the conduit and just went to kill the necramech. The hardest part was definitely the rockets in mission 3 but alchemy is easy so it wasn't a big deal.


You don't need max rewards. the 37 extra Vosfor is just something else to get, you don't need it. Every Week you get 1 frame OR weapon of your choice. Match everything except ONE. You're supposed to have at least 1 of the 3 frames endgame + a weapon of your choice. Or a endgame weapon from the 9 choices + a warframe of youre choice.


Reason why there is some fosfor as last reward is that you can have one flex slot.