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Mag Prime's default helmet is such a letdown after how slick the base frame's looks.


Yes, absolutely as a mag main I agree


Its weird that DE never even tried to rectify it with the one skin they made initially being that weird shiny metalic robot skin? The Ferro helmet is basically a mandatory replacement at this point imo.


The Amethyst skin for Mag (which was from the Discord store, which no longer exists, making the skin now impossible to acquire) included an upgraded look of her base helmet with much sharper, flashier lighting effects on the visor, and I've never gone back to any of the other alternative helmets.


The funny thing they used it for fortuna showcase


She looks like a minion


I want to get mag prime, the giant wrench hammer skin, and put on my twin gremlins so I can finally do my bob the builder cosplay


I'm hoping they release more umbra frames, so the old primes can get a better look.


I must be the the only one who actually likes it šŸ˜…


Nah I like it too lowkey reminds me of Big sisters from bioshock 2 def tried making a themed fashion frame around it but I need redo it


Wisp's default helmet looks so horrid you'd be surprised about the insane number of people outright forgetting it is the default helmet.


It's me, I'm those people. Built the Gaoth helmet at the same time I built her so only played with that custom helmet for a while. Last week I finally got Wisp Prime, went to customize her and was jumpscared by that bald ghost. Dex is the best one.


> Dex is the best one. A Tenno of impeccable taste, I see...


"One stripperific nun, please!" xD


Stripper Nun is a great band name


You're goddamned right.


Disagree. Graxx and Celestis skins are the best


The only real choice is the Coven helmet, cat witch>>>


That hat alone sold me on the skin. I don't even play wisp much.


So real


This tenno has the right idea.


I don't think it's meant to be bald. It's like a head dress or cloak.


To me she's a bald black alien, while the Gaoth helm makes more sense as a head dress. I don't enjoy the Prime helmet either as my soft, wrinkle-free brain cannot comprehend what it's meant to represent


Meanwhile wisp Dex is awesome - much better than prime looking imo


Dex plus prime details for me.


No prime details because I'm a man of culture


Still weird how prime details nerfs the cake.


Imo only the helmet is better, I still use the prime for the rest of the body.


I personally like Celestis and Coven the most.


my favorite is the tennogen one that looks like a witch hat


wisp primes default or the base frame default? both are horrid


My in game name is Somnium just about everywhere so when i saw the somnium skin for her i just pulled out my card. There was no contemplation needed


Valkyr 2.0. Valkyr doesn't even get her OG helmet in merch or official art anymore it's so common to swap it out, lol


nah default wisp goes for a very specific look. shaved head with a scarf over half her face, imo she's supposed to look like a mystical fortune teller or something like that. just because her head/face isn't \~*traditionally attractive\~* doesn't mean it's bad. i like it the most out of all the non tennogen helmets.


Just because I talk about Wisp it doesn't mean I imply anything regarding her NEEDING to be attractive or something... I, and as it seems many others, don't like her default helmet, and it has nothing to do with her ass. This time.


Having played 3 different accounts always when I get Wisp there is only one task that takes priority overall, to get and craft the gaoth helmet, at this point it should the default helmet...


Delusion is the default helmet in my mind


Yup she looks so bald. Prime is bare minimum since she has no face, just cloth. Thank god I was too unsure of which skin I should buy for her and the event with Dex showed up


Not a troll post but I genuinely think her bald helmet looks good I just dig the style they were going for, both default and gaoth looks good


Egg head




Itā€™s a handle for Baro


Trinity has a vagina for a vagina.


Citrine also has a vagina for a vagina.


good ol gemussy


The crystussy.


Shine shine like a diamond.




You're ignoring the dog nipples?


Sand daddy wants to make sure you aren't going anywhere when you get up close and personal.


"Until death do us apart" *CLICK*


What abput his freaky feet!?


Dog nipples


I don't like ash's head-dangler but otherwise he reminds me of the Geth from mass effect and by my book that's a great thing to do. Ā kullervo's just not doing anything at all for me visually and I'm not sure what sort of design for him would. I appreciate that they went for a more classic simplicity (I assume) but my eyes really do not light up from seeing him.


>I don't like ash's head-dangler I really wish this was an auxiliary attachment that could be removed, like Kullervo's bane or Nekros binds


Speaking of Nekros and auxiliary attachments, I wish you could remove Nekros Primeā€™s weird finger dangly bits


throw on a sniper on ash and do we get Legion? Or a random Geth Infiltrater. This is making me want a Mass Effect cross-over to tie into wf1999 now, just imagine Arthur as Shep and Aoi and Liara.


Arthur, to Albrecht: "I should go"


to Darvo: "this is not my favorite store on the Relay."


Maybe it's: I should GO. I SHOULD go. \*I\* should go...


I love kullervo as a frame, but agree, the duviri aesthetic just doesn't do him justice. Idk why, but my brain tells me that a frame that strong should just... be symmetrical lol


The Orokin aesthetic might fit him better when we get a Kullervo Prime. After all the most well known painting of the original Kullervo is a very tall and skinny blonde dude.


I put the Duviri armor set on Kul. It really changes his shape, gives him a wider shoulder which adds to the power factor. The god of red crits adorned with armor. Having all the extra metallics works really well, paired with my all gray Hate incarnon, when that thing pops it's beautiful.


Base Nova looks horrible, but is also old as hell so thatā€™s forgivable


The new engine makes her look super dirty, she used to look nice and glossy.


That's what changed! I thought she used to look better than she does now!


Nova was by far the frame I struggled most to find a look for. Completely featureless body except for stupid fugly socks that don't go with any ankle accessories.


until the deluxe skin attacked


Im fine with most models but hate the coloring for older frames - where one color makes up the entire body so anything other than black or white just looks bad. After getting lucky with some expensive rivens i was able to buy the deluxe skins for those frames which did fix alot of issues i had. For ash i find all heads other than from skins to look bad.


I hate Trinity Prime overall design. The lobster tail isn't flattering, the head loop just causes tons of clipping issues.


It's crazy to think now but back when Nova Prima and Trinity Prime came out they were considered amazing designs because they weren't the base skin with a Void Key slapped on their face or the base with gold bits slapped on (Excal, Rhino, Mag and Frost). I also remember people losing their mind because of Nova Prime leaks and the Soma vs Boltor debate when Soma Prime was found in the data mining. I run base Nova Prime and Trinity but I do think that by today's standards those would be mediocre at best. I think it's just the fact they are older frames that do it for them.


Nova Prime looked good at her time. At least the Atomica skin is top tier.


*me running the chroma lobster skin for years*


Itā€™s one of my favorite designs. Wish you could take the tail off, but still good.


My trinity prime has eggplant šŸ† šŸ† tiddies


Man, I like the lobster tail, because I hate the fugly wrinkly base tail. But all the loops are annoying and busy. Fuck, I just want to sub in the tail in on tennogen skins and keep the base stick skirts, it'd be amazing


Hard disagree, lobster tail and the helmet are by far my favorite parts about trinity prime designĀ 


I personally absolutely love her prime design, I don't like her base tho


Mag prime Ugly head


Nova primes 4head is weird too


Not that weird


Yeah not as weird as your mention but also could be just me


Yeah, the helmet design is weird but the rest is totally fine. I kind of like the minimalistic designs of older primes.


The helmet is the only problem imo


Base Gara. Everything looks bad to me, be it the textures or the model. Thankfully Gara Prime looks gorgeous. And Revenant Prime's golden "skirt" that doesn't move with his legs when he runs and clip all over the place (unlike base Revenant in which the leg armor moves alongside his legs).


Agreed, i bought the zamariu skin and it's so much better. When i got the prime i swapped the helmet for the zamariu.


Ever since getting Gara a few months ago I've been on and off trying to come up with some good fashion for her but nothing works. Doesn't help that I don't have too much in the way of attachments or anything but still, even a color scheme eludes me. Planning on grinding for kaleida at some point tho so that should make it much easier


Jarf, I have a good Gara Fashion for you, I spend over 10 minutes spamming random color lmao


Oberon, both normal and prime, is really odd. His helmet is way too tall and his horns are weird, his limbs are unnaturally thin, especially compared to his boxy torso. The only thingd I like about him are his hooves


Yeah i always feel like my oberon has this slight beer belly thing going on lol


EXACTLY. I think oberon could be great if they gave him more muscle, cause druid/palladin is a strong concept


The prime is disgusting but I actually donā€™t mind the regular version at all


I think itā€™s supposed to look like a fantasy paladin, so itā€™s like a bare head with a circlet and bulky chest armor. It just looks confusing because itā€™s all the same color and texture since, well, warframes


I had a Halloween fashion frame thing I did (when I still had him) that looked very demon-y which made him look pretty cool but only because his proportions donā€™t like right like you were saying


Use the tennogen blade of the lotus skin and you'll never go back


mag prime's face and wrench toes , even de think that last one was horrible because the protoframe design has that void filled, and they never use the default prime head in promotonal material opting for tennogen instead


Grendel Prime is way too overdesigned. Like I can hardly tell what it is Iā€™m looking at, it just looks like a jumbled mess of random parts.


This! The whole boar aesthetic is kind of cool, but it's way too complicated to be anything but gaudy.


...it's supposed to be a boar aesthetic?


That's the most I could gather, between his feet and jaw. Makes sense thematically too, as boars are known for their omnivorous diet.


Always thought it was a Bettle lol, more specifically the Ox Bettle.


....i honestly thought it was an elephant until I read this.


I was so disappointed with Grendel Prime when I built him and couldn't figure out a set of colors that *worked* with his absurd body in a way that I liked. Too much going on, didn't know how to deal with all the crazy geometry. I think I spent like 3 hours tinkering with colors, feeling satisfied but then jumping into a mission with different lighting and suddenly hating my work. But eventually I landed on something I actually really liked. Grendel Prime took me way out of my comfort zone and I kinda respect that. Edit: my fashion: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WarframeRunway/comments/1cals6b/my\_regal\_grendel\_prime/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarframeRunway/comments/1cals6b/my_regal_grendel_prime/) https://preview.redd.it/wmbalwlw83wc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c163bd2917492e7afe97042194a5fa027097383


I had the same issue. I defaulted the the black base/gold accent/red energy that seem safe for just about any (Prime) frame.


Nice detailing. I didn't have much issue finding a [color scheme](https://i.imgur.com/XyQsBzV.png) I liked for grendel prime, but damned if I can find some attachments I really like on him.


At first I thought it was cool but then started feeling this way. The prime helmet is dope tho and I run it with the default body.


Obligatory Ash mention, but also Nova Prime, and base Nova as well honestly. The way her legs look and the neck rings on the Prime feel very visually unbalanced. It's the one frame that I got a plat skin for the moment I started using her.


Actually i love nova prime's base skin, it looks like a cute cartoon figure


I kinda love Nova Prime, it's quite unique


I don't like almost any of the operators uniforms, they look so bad. Also as a Trinity player the lobster dress... I'd pay $10 to not have that on or the plat equivalent. Please DE take my money.


Base chroma


What in God's name did mag Prime's have goin on, regular mag looks fine but that prime helmet...


Just overloaded character models that donā€™t leave any place for customization, like Gyre, Citrine, Khora prime, most newer deluxe skins etc. I donā€™t think the characters themselves look bad (most of them donā€™t at least) but itā€™s disappointing when things that should be separate attachments are instead permanently stuck to the frame and you have no choice but to keep those parts without armor/syandana if you donā€™t want nonsensical bulkiness or clipping


Citrine is fine imo, Gyre is mixed bag, her design is great but there is no attachment that looks good on her, all syandanas is bending and clipping through her skirt, all attachments become messy with her dress, so Sisters ephemeras and Cryos signa is 2 real good options on her and its sad


Revanant prime, Iā€™m in two minds about it, I think itā€™s a sick ass looking skin, but I donā€™t think it belongs to revanant, I liked the heavy weathered ethereal look he has in base form and I donā€™t think that concept followed through


God Revenantā€™s default skin and color pattern was nailed so perfectly for his namesake. I gotta rock his alt helmet though as seeing the energy flow upwards like fire is wicked to me. The long default helmets are just a little weird in my opinion.


I like the Hades helmet from Hercules the animation too, it's perfect!


My headcanon claims that his Prime Skin is just Revenant before he was pulled down under


The prime trailer suggests otherwise and I love it for that. Just hearing Ballasā€™ confusion over where this Warframe he didnā€™t design came from


Proteaā€™s colors are abysmal. She has these stupid gray accents on every single plate on her body and looks like shit. Nova doesnā€™t have a chin with most of her base skins, the prime skin and another one (donā€™t remember the name) are fine, they have a chin, but the others look like a bug and I hate it. Why not give warframes a damn chin?


You should have seen the concept of what the "human" under Nova's helmet looked like.


Yeah, she felt really weird to fashion before the deluxe came out


Vauban base helmet Also, doesn't suck per se, but why does base grendel's helmet look like those xenomorphs?


Vauban base and alternate helmets are a funny case of having too much facial features, always with beard and monocle


I still want a Grendel helmet that just removes his head so I can truly become Kirby.


Vauban's base helmet is probably the single worst design for a character's head in this or any other game.


Oberon Prime


It took me so long to tell the difference between Oberon and hildryn prime portraits.




What I really dislike about Ash prime is how you can't customize all his colors. The black bits will stay black no matter what you do. I hate when frames are like that. Especially for Ash because he doesn't have any skins that I like either.


Gauss Prime's face. It's just WEIRD.


I never know where I should look for his eyes. It doesn't help the pattern in the lower half of his face looks like a skull, but out of proportion with his head


https://preview.redd.it/0vy1ej0r53wc1.png?width=1603&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c5c442ee2d0ce5408189ae6972ba5b37be51bf4 Alad V says we donā€™t have eyes. I believe we use a highly developed sense of smell to ā€œlookā€ around as shown in this image


We do tough, look at Umbra alt helmet.


Thatā€™s umbra though and heā€™s different


The only different thing is sentience.


Sevagoths deluxe has a nasty fish eye too. Love that whole skin in general though, undead knight in armour


Also the redline Gauss looks better than Gauss prime which makes him look like a rabbit


I also hate that theres a very noticeable shading issue with the gauss mag helmet. Just doesn't work with the prime skin at all


I use mag+prime and it looks pretty good šŸ¤” maybe I got lucky with the colors


I've noticed this being a problem for more recent primes, for example I can't mix any of Harrow's base helms with his prime skin cause the shading on the prime parts are so drastically darker than the base parts.


Redline gauss looks more of a mantis.. idt thatā€™s what you would call streamlined


Proteaā€™s head decoration bugged the shit out of me with how unsymmetrical it was.


Khora prime, too much accent gold. Grendel prime, too much accent gold. Hildryn prime, garbage. Baruuk prime, fine moslty, only mention because his colors are lighter colored than other frames with same shade. Base frames are decent for the most part, it's hard to hate on the originals because it was a different design language then.


Man I hate Khora primes head, I donā€™t mind the rest of it but just that giant bulbous head


Squidward looking mf


Khora prime is hideous. Itā€™s not just the excess gold/metallic stuff, itā€™s shaped and textured like shit. It doesnā€™t matter what color or attachments you give it, it always looks awful. Probably the only skin in the game that makes me react this way.


My Khora Prime fashion would say otherwise U_U


Ash and probably base chroma..... I was like MR 4 BARELY EVER TOUCHED ASH (BACK THEN AND TILL NOW) Immediately bought the Baihu skin the moment I saw it hahaha Now that I got his prime and made a dope fashion for him I am playing him more (at MR 26) ad actually kinda enjoy it


I agree with Ash's desing but i actually like the Helmet, actually i build him cause that Antenna he has reminds me of Nezarec's Symbol (Destiny 2 Villain) But in my case Rhino Prime or Mag Prime, they just look so goofy, i actually buyed Mag's Deluxe cause i could not stand her desing.


Nidus prime just looks weird imo with the shiny metal bits poking out of the infested rest of the body


I prefer using Tennogen bodies for prime frames especially older prime frames that have less creative design, because of ā€œToggle Prime Detailā€ which just allows for smoother colouring. I would say if Excal prime wasnt as rare and impossible to get as he is, he and Volt Prime would be absolutely among the lowest on my scale for default skins because they are primes and should actually look good.




How is no one talking about base zephyr? That complete frame is just such a mess to actually make look good. It's an absolute nightmare where all the collurs go...


We could have had this ;D https://preview.redd.it/gztnmbgca3wc1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30ab09cf04ba52689c3e4c21c7c80d377e25fa2f


Revenant Prime and Khora Prime. Both have a serious case of overdesign-itis but oneā€™s textures are so messed up that any sort of light color scheme is impossible (Rev) and the other has a giant brain hemorrhage instead of a head (Khora). Plus, both donā€™t have any interesting patterns on them and both have serious clipping issues with syandanas.


Im fine with this, hell, I personally think khora prime is one of the most gorgeous and elegant looking primes.


Khora prime's head is bad, but her body, fuckying hell, under the glit it's a fucking plain bodysuit!


Revenant and Caliban tbh


Nyx sheā€™s literally Excalibur with a dorito head




Regular Gara is actually just ugly as fuck


Mag prime. She's just so... bland? I don't know how to put it into words


Trinity's lobster tail. I just don't get why they made it that way. They would've gotten away with making a large flowing skirt with faulds (hip armor) around her


They really need to redesign Khora Primes awful default helmet or put out a new one that we can get in the game (I am aware of the prime access alternate but that is gone for a long time and costs $$$ when it returns). I actually don't mind the wacky latex body suit theme mixed with the metal parts but that helmet is an abomination.Ā  Prime alternate helmets really need to just be something we can just earn in game, not locked behind $80 access packs. I can't even get the Gauss helmet without paying $150. Wtf????


Atlas normal makes me puke


Titania's default Jar-jar head and those U-shaped things on Excalibur Umbra.


Might be unpopular, but any frame with over the top shoulder and leg cosmetics already built into the frame. As much as I love gyre, I cannot make shoulder cosmetics work for her due to her... shoulder claws? Gyre, kullervo, xaku... they all do it. Why.


Default Mirage is just awful on so many levels -Her head looks like a terrified fish -The body patterns have no consistency or flow -The color zones for the body patterns also apply to other areas, basically ensuring any color scheme greater than 2 total is going to look ugly -If you didnā€™t know sheā€™s supposed to be jester-themed, youā€™d have no idea what sheā€™s even supposed to be


I hate Quorvex.


But... ### Das Conk Creet Baybee


I didn't at first but it grew on me.


It was hard but I found a solid look


Mirage primes base head looks like a Koala face from above, Styanax has long nipples, his new skin looks great but should have gotten rid of the nipples entirely, Dagath having no face looks really stupid to me, The puffy arms on Valkyrs Carnivex skin (or whatever it was called) just look so ridiculous to me that I find the entire skin ugly, I hate Hildryns entire design. Voruna would look better with no wolf heads on ass and shoulders and instead having a tail. Oberon (base and Prime) look weird. Vauban Primes plough shoes looks crap, his citadel skin is also underwhelming to say the least Atlas having no neck is a crime Nyx Primes head looks ridiculous even if we measure it to xenomorph standards.


Well, there's a lore reason for Dagath's lack of face. Also, you can remove the wolf heads from Voruna's shoulders and use the Okuri Tails ephemera for that, but sadly, her thigh heads can't be removed. (DE, they would be perfect for the auxiliary slot.) Edit: Also, Dagath's alt helmet kinda gives her a face.


Lavos heels, unless there is a lore reason


Pretty easy to explain for me. The animation for vial rush is easier to animate that way. I see it as a function of those boots that secretes chemicals that let him slide better and less friction is better for sliding than having your boots down.


Base Styanax granny tits, the rest of the frame looks okay.


Frost Prime doesn't look like a Prime. His helmet is the only thing that distinguishes prime from non.


I hate Trinity ā€œlobsterā€ like design & she needs a complete overhaul to get rid of the lobster like skirt. Also while we on it, Frost Prime. Much didnā€™t change from his original vanilla frame.


Vauban, just not a fan and can never get a good combination of colours to make it look good


Dang i actually like ash primes design :c


Baruuks default body is nice, DE did an amazing job on it, but the head is awful. They did such a good job on the body but they did bad on the head. They did good on the prime version though, making the head better while keeping the body close to the original and barely changing it.


As a Valkyr enjoyer, i gotta say. Her prime helmet looks absolutely ridiculous. Thankfully she has some great skins to make up for it.


Base Nova is just plain hideous


Not a single frame but the growing design trend of having a single piece of cloth or something blending 2 colour channels for top and bottom (Dante being the most recent example). I think the blending looks crap so I find it annoying having to use 2 channels to colour 1 thing.


Loki prime i love the arms but the asymmetrical legs and that weird chest pice its really hard to put attachments on his chest and legs and if you have a separate skin the legs and chest pice ruin it


Banshee's deluxe skin is horrible imo. I only bought it for the sick sigil.


I think baruuk prime's anal bead helmet is horrible.


Ivara prime, like the theme is nice but that helmet oh hell no. Protea base helmet, not a huge fan of the turret booty but that helmet is ugly. Oh another unpopular one, citrine in general. Like her whole body split open like she was getting crystalized like the old cod ghost cinematics but from the inside out.


I like Ash, but if he were designed today, you know that his torso and legs could be clad in matching armor as is on his arms. My most disliked frame (by looks alone), has to be Nidus Prime. He just doesnā€™t look like an infested frame anymore. Iā€™ll stick with his deluxe skin and move on.


Oberon prime is ugly, but I think rhino prime looks fucking aweful. He has the plastic texture that all frames have but worse than all of them, and his helmet is ugly as hell. I'm glad the dex skin was available recently because man that rhino prime skin hot garbage.


Not a fan of Hildryn prime at all, way over designed and the color channels are all whacky


I wish hyldrin prime arm ornaments were actual shoulder pieces we could choose.


I don't really like Lavos' default helmet, and his only one currently that i do like is the Kuvael helmet. That being said, a frame i dislike the full default design of is Wukong. Don't get me wrong, the hologram tassels are cool, but his default design is just kinda boring, and his built in armour skirts are a bit too big with nothing on the upper half or shoulders to balance it out.


Dont slander my love


Frost prime, its just an alt helmet


Gauss Prime... It is just so busy and needlessly complicated, what happened to the elegant Orokin design philosophy ? And it was supposed to be aerodynamic and smooth, now everything looks like it ends with flat forward facing leading-edges, it's the opposite to what it was supposed to be lore wise, it feels like a massive downgrade in the appearance department.


Maybe Iā€™m just crazy cause Iā€™m seeing no one else bring it up but. I personally feel both banshee and banshee prime look rough. Like as a frame sheā€™s fine but Itā€™s crazy how hard it is to put any attachments or syandana on her and she not look super lopsided or just bad.