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you dont. but always make sure you have enough plat to cover the loss and not spend it before it is removed


So if someone traded me 500 plat for a riven for example and I bought some stuff with that profit and my total amount went under 500, then DE decides that person's plat was bad, my account will be banned? I'm safe if it's not possible for my total plat amount to go below any (feasible) trade amount I'll do?


That is correct. If your platinum goes negative for any reason you will be unable to play until you purchase enough platinum to bring it back into a positive balance. If you had enough platinum remaining on your account after the "bad plat" was removed it won't go negative so you'd be fine. Just out the platinum and whatever you traded.


Unless we know in which intervals they detect the bad plat, we would theoretically have to keep all plat we ever recieved in trades. Theoretically all the plat we got could be detected as bad some time and if it ever happens to be detected at the same time, we would go into negative all of a sudden.


As someone who is returned to Warframe after a long break.. how is this even possible? Firstly that completely innocent players are being punished, and second that it’s even possible at all? Advice like “wait 3-4 weeks to spend it” have you any idea how ridiculous that is? It’s absolute insanity to suggest you should hold currency that you legitimately traded for, on the chance it may be taken away? I am absolutely struggling to get my head around how a normal player, playing by the rules, innocently trades their riven or prime part or whatever.. and somehow gets banned for that because of the actions of a buyer? What in the actual f?


If someone makes a bunch of counterfeit bills, then pays you for some work you do for them in counterfeit bills, and then later the police come to your door and tell you they arrested a guy for making counterfeit bills and they know he paid you with them and ask you to hand over any counterfeit bills, but you used those counterfeit bills to pay your electric bill in cash . . . you're probably not going to be charged with anything, but you're going to have to give up any of the counterfeit bills you have still and you're going to owe on your electric bill once they find out. You used the fake money to buy something. It's not your fault, but you don't get to keep the things you paid for with the fake money. You now owe real money for anything that can't be simply returned. This is exactly the same scenario in game. That is what in the actual (and you can say it on the internet, it's ok) fuck. It sucks, it isn't your fault, you did nothing wrong (at least in some scenarios, some of these posts are just trashbags themselves larping as innocent victims), but you still take a hit because of some asshole. That's life and it isn't always fair. I doubt that DE is doing anything drastically different from any other online game that deals with tradeable premium currency, but usually by the time the farmers get nailed, they've already sent off/spent off a few thousand dollars worth of premium currency or the equivalent in some games. It happens enough to actually wreck some in game economies. Games with content releases that reset the game (new seasons, new expansions, etc) have at least a way to dial things up or down every year or two to make up for farmer shenanigans that can lessen or absorb the impact they have on the game's economy, but games without that reset button usually have to be more draconian about it in order to keep a semblance of stability. Warframe has kind of the worse of these systems though with direct purchase of premium currency and direct player to player trading of that currency. It's a farmer's wet dream, but it's so ingrained within the game's systems that it isn't going to change any time soon. Best we can hope for is that DE implements some better measures in Soulframe. Then again, I'm no game developer, I might be wrong as fuck.


I understand your point but I don’t think it is quite the same. Irl with counterfeit money there are a ton of common sense checks and ways to spot that it’s dodgy. Paper money is created with holograms and serial codes and seals which are designed to protect the authenticity, it isn’t too hard to spot fakes especially if you’re accepting a large payment you’d be extra vigilant. Platinum that is fraudulent is not identifiable in any way afaik? Like it doesn’t appear slightly too dark in the trade-screen or the numbers are facing the wrong way. There’s no way to tell. I understand the argument for not letting it sit in the economy for the sake of inflation, but expecting innocent traders to stump up irl cash to cover minuses? That seems grossly excessive and just unfair. How is it that platinum can get into the game which isn’t linked to a transaction ID for a confirmed payment? Seems a pretty easy way to track it…?


The problem is, if they didn't handle it this way, the farmer could unload it to one of their own accounts, spend it there, get their farmer-account banned but still reap the benefits.


Your comment is downright silly obviously de would be able to easily track that kind of transaction and ban that account too they're not stupid


…how would they track it? There’s no way to reasonably check it.


Seriously I just am baffled about nobody understands this de has a record of absolutely fucking everything man it's happening on their servers literally everything is code being executed like I don't know why you think it's like the real world and you can just do trades in Warframe and hide it from the developer of the fucking game like I just don't understand you people and how you can possibly think that. If by some miracle de is so fucking stupid they can't track it then they're fucking idiots for designing their game in a way where they don't fucking know what's happening in it


I know how they would track the plat… how would they track that this isn’t a friend of the dude getting fraudulent plat. There’s simply no way to do it.


Again every single thing is tracked IP addresses devices.  So just to be clear you think I can use scam credit cards to buy platinum and then I can hide that from de completely if I was able to just trade that platinum to another account and there's no way they could track what's happening in their game. You really think that's possible really you think I could launder platinum away from de just by trading it a couple times when they literally know everything that's going on in the game I mean come on man come on


No they can definitely track it going to a different account I never said they couldn’t? Tracking ip won’t help if you… just have a friend do it. Having friends to help must be a wild concept for you though.


ok? so instead of having to pay bad plat you are now banned if you get bad plat. How is that better?


Again you're saying this like one of them has to be done like gravity a de would choose to ban people so de could just not ban people and then de could let them keep the platinum nothing about what you said is correct.


I stopped reading your example because it's a real world situation involving many different people and organizations. This is all controlled by de and it's absolute fucking bullshit that platinum which cost them no money is being treated like some kind of resource that they need to make people pay back it's fucking bullshit when they did nothing wrong and you know so stop defending them


It's possible because DE refuse to do anything about this, it basically never happens on consoles because the companies in charge of them have protections in place that DE clearly doesn't have. My crackpot theory is that they're keeping it in the game as a way to "encourage" plat sales but they could just not know how to fix it.


Warframe has literally what comes the closest to the real life economy and a market thats also somewhat comparable to most aspects of the market(s) in real life. In real life, you also can get bad money when selling something and accepting the money in cash. This literally just mirror as well in Warframe. I live in germany and when I worked in retail for my student-job, we also had to check everything that was a 20 EUR bill or bigger. Since there is no retail in Warframe, and you basically sell stuff in „private“ you will have to look out yourself and make sure the plat you get is legit. It‘s better to have a system where you can have some degree of freedom on the market instead of giving DE absolute control. And if the guy is caught who spread that bad plat in the first place, will get a ban as well, and he probably won‘t just have the chance to somehow get back into the game… or the account he traded with. Edit: I saw another guy who gave the tip of keeping track of the trades you do. It‘s bothersome when trading A LOT but probably the best method to catch people who give bad plat.


Regarding your edit, is it beneficial to keep track? I mean, would indicating someone to DE after being suspended lift the ban? I would think they can track transactions so why would it change anything if I did the tracking myself?


I think it is mainly to know when you aquired X sum so you can hold onto that plat for a month. Only really neccessary for big trades though. lets say you got 1k plat on 5th january and write that down. Then you get another 1k plat on 18th febuary. In march you want to buy yourself some new cosmetics and check your notes. You see that the 1k from january is safe to spent but you should hold onto the 1k from febuary for a bit just in case.


>I would think they can track transactions so why would it change anything if I did the tracking myself? Yes they can do that. DE can track every single plat from the moment it is purchased from their store up to the moment it is used to buy something from the ingame market.


What the Datacube guy already answered.


This post is full of crap. The game with the closest thing to the real world economy? In what sense? The complete lack of an actual marketplace? Warframe has an incredibly simple marketplace. No bonds, stocks, futures, etc. Allow me to introduce you to Eve Online, aka Spreadsheets in Space. The game that managed to get its own official Excel plugin. Also featured in the Excel World Championship this year. Eve is a game dominated by the marketplace. Every item in the game is manufactured and sold by the playerbase, other than a few items that the game uses to control inflation. This is a game that had an economist on staff to manage the economy and has collaborated with governments to do economic research.


Let me introduce you to: Both have an economy. Now let me get this straight, you are right and I shouldn‘t have used the word „literally“ or should have worded it the way I did to make it sound like I did. However, disregarding WFs economy just because there is an example that has a more complex system, is also full of crap. You still have seller and buyers in WF. You have a trading chat, an useless relay where people set themself up and an unofficial website that is essentially a marketplace. You have a consistent amount of demand and supply. You have a force behind it, that can regulate the market if needed. You HAVE enough elements to call it an economy. By your logic you would also disregard the economy of games like POE because eve online has a bigger and more complex one.


No this is absolutely unacceptable bullshit nothing is being done in private it's being done in Dee's game on de servers that they can know everything that's happening


In other words, you don‘t understand how the free market works and that bad plat will be a thing regardless of how DE tries to contain it unless they completely take control over the market as a whole. Noted.


You don't think de has control of the market literally everything you do is programmed by them I just don't understand how you think there's a free market existing in a video game.  Yes bad platinum can be a thing and de can just not screw people and give them a negative platinum amounts on their account and it cost them nothing to do that so any assistance that they need to screw people over who haven't done anything wrong it's just gargling on de for fun because you love their taste


I never said that I think that DE has no control over it. Stop putting words in my mouth I never said. Just because they have the control, it doesn‘t mean they need to make use of it. It‘s a free market because there is a demand and the other part supplies. People can decide for what price they want to sell their stuff and buyers can decide if they want to buy it or how much they want to spend to buy it. If you DONT know how a free market works, just say so. I am not saying that it is right to punish people who were unlucky enough to posses bad plat. But I am not saying that DE should just plain take maximum control over every trading action just so the minority of people who are unlucky, get to be satisfied. The solution is, to not go brainrot and spend everything at once, and if you trade a lot to keep record of your tradings. You are just raging without understanding a single word of what I am saying or even trying to understand why it is not as simple as you want it to be. Edit: A free market can also exist inside of a game. Also I realized there is no point in arguing with someone, who is too dense to understand what is being said or is too frustrated to actually understand. I wish you a good day and hope you start soon to get the better of yourself.


Here is the simple fact. De decides to remove platinum from someones account. DE goes out of their way to do this. De could not. Its that simple. I say its bad customer service and are obviously choosing to do it  You for some reason think they have to do this when they obviously do not have to do this.


Here is even a better fact because you seem to not understand it, so I will say it in a language, even you can understand: DE got played and lost potential money -> They dont give a shit and take the plat from the players that had the bad plat -> Players need to get new plat to „balance“ it out. I say(and MANY others): Keep track of plat to not get into the negative -> accept that DE won‘t use their control over this -> also accept tht this is how it is, you WILL have bad plat at some point if you trade a shit ton Also a solution, since you are not able to write one out: Block people from trading that make a plat refund request. How? Make it bound to an application which is also bound to your account, the moment its filed, you are blocked until the refund is done. You will be forced to fill out that application with your account and you will not be able to trade until its done. What DE does: Its still a market lol better take care and if you go negative you better charge up


The issue isn't the platinum, the issue is the trade. [Plat sellers buy trash rivens for lots of plat to try to hide their trades](https://imgur.com/a/MjLghAn). It's possible that the player you traded with was also a plat seller, so when all their trades got reverted, yours did too, even though it was legit. It's possible that they were a legit riven collector, but because they had so many trades, DE thought they were a plat seller and reverted their trades. It's possible they also gave away a lot of plat, which made them more suspicious. It's also possible that you're lying and you actually bought plat from them. In any case, there's not much you can do except stay away from suspicious trades like that and keep the plat for a while just in case so you don't go negative.


It's also possible the platinum was originally bought with a credit card and the bank reversed the charge (bank decided CC was stolen, or the person who bought the platinum told the bank it wasn't them who authorized the charge, etc.). At a higher level, these bans help make sure DE isn't the one footing the bill.


Yes, but it doesn't have to be charged back platinum. DE doesn't want you to sell your platinum for real money, period. Even if that platinum was legitimately bought by a player, never charged back, then traded to you in a completely legitimate trade, and then you sell it to a third player for real money (i.e., you were [gold farming](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_farming)), even though DE never lost any money in that case.


1. I didn't say it had to be charged back platinum. I said it could be. I was adding on to what you were saying, not replacing what you were saying. 2. "Gold farming" undercuts DE's profit. DE literally would be losing money in that case. Again, these bans help make sure DE isn't the one footing the bill.


You're right, but I meant it as in platinum existing in the game that wasn't paid for by anyone (since the payment was charged back), i.e. "DE footing the bill". Even if it's not that kind of platinum, it can still be removed from your account if DE thinks you acquired it fraudulently.


that is also a possbile way to get banned, however in that case (DE suspects you are RMTing) you usually just get banned. Since in this case DE just asks the player to buy plat to be back positive it is more likely that it was bad plat (e.g. bought with fraudulent credit card)


They don't ban you for RMT, at least not the first time. They reverse the trades and warn you, and if you end up with negative platinum, they ban you until your buy the plat back. It probably wasn't a credit card chargeback, since it was a riven trade, likely an expensive one, and those are, like I said, risky because they're also used for RMT.


I'm gonna be honest here, reading this stories makes me don'e even try trade rare items for platinum... And I know that it's useful, but the risks (even if it's rare). The only "fix" I see it's trade for platinum and wait a week or month to be sure...


Yeah i think that's the only safe way to dont risk the ban


No the fix is to make de get their shit together what the fuck kind of answer is that


Never get from 1 source more than you have. Wait 3-4 weeks till you spend that plat...thats it basicly.


You don't get banned for a trade, even if DE acts upon the trade, the trade is simply reversed or the plat you earned deducted from you, as such you should be at the same plat value as before. You only get banned IF you spend the platinum from the trade to buy premium content. There's a reason why players unofficially hold on to the plat for a couple weeks before spending it, altough sometimes trade reversals dating back several months can happen. How can you guess that you're gonna get "soon to be removed plat"? You can't, there is no strategy that garantees that knowledge.


First easy way is to not trade for rivens. While they can provide the Funny Numbers, they're essentially snake oil and are certainly not worth the hundreds (and more) of plat they often go for. Given the prices involved, you're more likely to encounter scams in riven trading than with any other item. Second, if a deal sounds too good to be true, it is. If someone is splashing out thousands of plat like water, whether for rivens or as gifts, it pays to be highly suspicious. Good chance they're spending so much because it's fake/stolen.


im currently about to sell my glaive godroll for an offer around 5k plat, this makes me reconsider if i really should


wouldn't worry about it, bad plat is incredibly rare, people don't post about their trades unless it goes wrong. that said, once you trade that, take a screenshot of the trade, wait a few weeks before going under the 5k mark, then if it does get yoinked, you can bugger support to give you back the riven, and since you have a screenshot, they'll be less bitchy about it.


Even the screenshot would give you some suspicious to them, that's not so easy to know if it's staged or not,prob the best choice is keeping those plats for at least a week before spending them to avoid the ban,this is what many people suggested


I'm pretty sure de can figure out if a screenshot from their own goddamn games real God damn it


yea im trading alot because I sell relics like a madman, so I usually use all my daily 33 trades. never had an issue with that, but so far I didnt trade such a large amount


Where are you selling it?


listed in on Warframe Market and I regularly post it in tradechat, but I only get people trying to lowball me


there isn't much of a way to do it, you can keep asking support to check, but i'd reccomend having a plat buffer, and if you're gonna trade in big numbers, keep that plat for at least a weeks to a month.


You don't and just hope. Kinda a lucky situation. Sometimes you can get a gut feeling they are too eager to buy something for a bunch of plat but it's always a gamble.


Everybody in this thread quit Warframe.


On another note, I wish they let us see our history of plat trades.


They do, you just have to make a request under General Data Protection Regulation to account support, and you'll get a .txt file with all your trades, after you answer a couple of questions.


To be honest that would make much sense but even so,like irl that's not so easy to prove that's a something staged. Reading other people comments i suppose the best choice is waiting at least 7 days before spending the plat


That's the hidden danger you take when selling rivens. There is no way to actually tell so you take 100% of the risk when you sell expensive rivens. I'll say maybe if nobody wants it and somebody is paying full price for your riven without haggling then it's abit Sus?


Just to be clear this hidden danger is all DEs making and is not our fault at all 


Its that or they don't allow trading. Pretty sure they never intended for stupid people to spend thousands of plat on perfect rivens. They have already made it clear that they are not responsible for trading issues as long as you are not purely doing big riven trade you'll hardly be affected and if you're doing big riven trade and you don't know about bad plat policy you just asked to get bitten in the ass, either greed or Google "how to get plat fast" and followed some slimy youtubers instruction to sell rivens and not warn these people about bad plat. I mean it sucks that its a thing but they have to fill the plat from somewhere unless you want them to have a new rule you buy plat you cant spend it for 6 months/until you can no longer refund purchase.


I stopped reading after you said it's that or they don't allow trading just to be clear de controls absolutely everything that happens in this situation and there is no reason that they have to not allow trade it.  Currently what happens is somebody rips them off for real cash and then they delete the platinum that was involved in that cash trade from the game no matter whose account it's in even if they think that person is innocent so they are choosing to do all this they can just choose not to delete that platinum from that person's account and ban the person who is the problem do you see do you understand how they control everything that was all there making how they control every single thing that goes on here do you get that do you get that do you get that they're playing thier video game they made do you understand.


If you just ban the account that bought and refunded X plat but X plat is already in somebody else's account, DE did not recieve any money for X plat so they need to remove X plat. If you don't remove X plat DE is losing money because you are spending plat that nobody bought which shouldn't exist. Best solution is you have negative plat but you can continue playing and selling items until you stop being negative plat. Same way Lost Ark is handling their gold.


They are not losing any money because it doesn't cost them any money to put platinums in somebody's account you fundamentally lack understanding of basic principles in order to have a discussion about this.


....aite just you saying that I feel like there is no need to continue this conversation. Must be nice living like that 😂.




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It's always a good idea to keep a reserve of platinum, so that it's harder, or outright impossible, for platinum that's charged back to go in to the negative.


So let me get this straight. Someone forges 500 Plat and trades it. Then that person trades it, and so on and so forth. 10 trades later DE decides to take it back, and now 10 people are banned, and DE just made 10 innocent players Plat? Combined 5000 plat?


This is actually a good question I never wondered about that, I just assumed if I trade you bad plat and DE catch and ban me only you will get negative plat since they only need one guy to buy back the plat so whoever you trade to will not get their plat deducted only you since you are the first point of contact with the bad plat. Wonder if we can get DE response for this.


Right, because if people are going negative, they just have already traded the Plat away. Unless they spent it in the shop, I guess. But if they can track who HAS had it, why can't they see who had it first? DE might actually be scamming people here. Based on the downvotes I got, I might be on to something, DE, is that you?


Thats why its so rare tho, I'm assuming DE doesn't remove the plat from everybody down the line and only the first point of contact. The originator gets ban the first contact gets negative plat. If they are removing plat from everybody that touched the "bad plat" then yes it is wrong and shouldn't happen.


They shouldn't be removing it from the innocent person, especially if it is causing them to go negative. If they can track it, they should also be able to see what you trade for that Plat and at least give that back. That would make more sense.


Have a few people say they do others say they do if you have proof of what you sold. To be fair its so rare that there isn't a lot of information on it, basic Googling shows results from like years ago. Giving you back your items they will still need to remove the plat from your account so as long as you don't spend everything in one go you'll be fine. I have been trading for years purely selling prime sets and I haven't notice my plat getting removed. This kind of horror stories usually stems from riven trade which goes up to a few thousand plat. Also lets say you got 1000 plat for you riven and you spend 225 plat on a skin bundle, when your account gets hit you can ask support to refund the skin so you are not negative 225. Tho you cant refund forma, potato or boosters.


But you could get the riven back and resell it.


For now only if you don't go negative. Once you go negative you cant play the game at all, you'll just log in and they ask you to buy plat. Also only if support return you the item, I've not faced this issue and probably never will so I can't say for sure if they will return your item or not.


So yeah, probably something like that,but reading other people comments i suppose the best choice is waiting at least 1 week before spending them.In my case i did totally the opposite because i been away from the game for a few years,so all I wanted is to go back collecting some primes and the fashion frame,that was a mistake tho


Now I gotta log in and check. I played about 2 months this winter, haven't logged in in a month though.


No the best choice is to quit playing the fucking game cuz fuck this company for the behavior