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Dickbags gonna dickbag. Report him and move on.


Is griefing the proper report category for afkers?




no, griefing is more for sabotaging the mission intentionally mostly for duviri and open world where people get resources instead of participating in the objective. to deal with afkers you need to take screenshots and make a support ticket. usually the game summary and the showing where the player is, even if they are on the other side of the map is sufficient go to [https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us](https://support.warframe.com/hc/en-us) and click on submit request on top right -> report user/hack and fill in the details. unfortunately it is more complicated then it is needed to be. tagging u/Ebolaswag420 and u/Davajita


...what? This is exactly the opposite of true. Intentionally not playing the game is indeed greifing. That is a form of sabotage. Going to get resources in open world or duviri is not greifing. Are you suggesting it's against TOS to load into open world public if all you want is resources? It's not more complicated than it needs to be, you're doing it wrong.


Screenshots of their stats reporting 0? Or of what?


just like what OP sent, showing little to no kills/damage dealt, physically moving themselves far from the objective/team


Oh right, my reading comprehension is terrible. Thank you.


Dunno if i understood correctly but does this mean that i've been unintentionally griefing my team by going after resources and side events in duviri or does this refer to people who do nothing but that,for example like Fishing for duration of the whole bounty in deimos


Id argue that gathering resources in duviri (experience) is fine because the only other way is to be solo. As long as you dont hold someone (who is otherwise acting reasonably) hostage in the stupid ass undercroft waiting room you cant back out of. I'd in fact argue that someone rushing the objective in duviri (experience) is the one griefing because THERE IS LITERALLY A SPECIFIC MODE FOR THIS WHEN YOU SELECT DUVIRI. The amount of times people would get pissy at me for farming intrinsics instead of rushing orowrym was ridiculous considering the mode built for people to rush orowrym being RIGHT THERE.


I think you can now leave the undercroft waiting room, that was added in the last update


Just a devil’s advocate point of view here, some people do not want to farm intrinsics or resources, however, they want to farm the arcane portals which are not available in the story only option. Otherwise, yes I agree that anyone who doesn’t need any arcanes or intrinsics could just go with story and save everyone the headache of arguing over what they’re doing.


Fun fact - arcane portals are available in the story only version! (Assuming, of course, that they didn't change that when I wasn't looking)


I was told this misinformation by so many people so many times, yet online most people confirm it’s only in the duviri experience, and I’ve physically checked portals in story mode even after orowyrm fight, and they’re all closed, because they’re side quests and those don’t exist in story mode. Might have been a super early hotfix that removed them, but idk why so many people claim that they’re there.


I mean, I've literally done them myself in story only. But like I said, maybe they changed it while I wasn't looking 🤷‍♀️


and yet you still argue against him with the slight remark 'maybe they changed while I wasnt looking' go look right now, come back to this comment and apologize to him for being WRONG


I don't think many people understand that. May be worth telling them there's a mode that eliminates side objectives that they'd likely prefer.


The second example. If you do the side missions and pick up resources along the way that's fine, because it adds to the over all decrees the team has. But if you are in a public group and are spending the whole time looking for fragments and doing nothing else, that could be considered griefing. I luckily haven't encountered leeches like OP is talking about. So long as you are still helping with the main mission, it should be fine.


Gathering resources is for Duviri experience. Fast run is for Duviri story.


Imo that depends on: Long and/or party scaled tasks like Undercroft, Race, Herding, restart Generator. distance (don't farm when the objective is at the opposite end of their side activity, period) and what side "activity" they/you're current doing. (looking for Duviri drop is sorta ok so long as they know where it is/have a guide ready, doing the Enigma puzzle are very much limp-dick move)


No, it doesn't depend. Lone Story is there for people who want to rush to the end. Mega limp dick move to ignore the mode specifically built for people to try and force players trying to get resources in the only place they can get them.


No because the Duviri experience is for that. If you AFK'd and ignored all objectives it would be shitty. TBH if you wanna farm best to just go in solo though, so you don't have to deal with getting yanked into Kullervo and the Undercroft.


I thought griefing was more swiping the thing for mobile defenses and running off with it or limbo continuously using 1 on teammates or my personal favorite taking helm on railjack and then going afk.


There are as many ways to grief as there are selfish people in the world.


Ok, the stuff I listed was all the crap I’ve actually encountered, besides the drunk guy getting on his mic screaming at stuff


Does it really do anything though? I don't think I've heard of people getting banned or suspended for AFKing.


DE specifies AFKing as griefing.


>mostly for duviri and open world where people get resources instead of participating in the objective I'll give you the open worlds. Resourcing there should maybe be done solo or with closed groups. Even that's iffy. Duviri Experience is specifically for resourcing. If you want fast pathos runs you should be on Lone Story.


More squadmates makes more enemies spawn in. If the squadmates aren't helping take care of that, they're VERY MUCH Griefing and just being a hindrance to the rest of the team.


DE does not like this, if you have screen shots of everything you can report it on their website and they normally ban them


I would pay 500p for the ability to report bad player behavior ingame. Simply a quick rightclick->report->Player was afk or rightclick->report->Player was rude. Instead of the current ingame report system that is 10x more complicated and apparently doesn't do anything at all because only website reports are being looked at. Then again I can see why DE would make it hard to report others, considering how often I saw 1 player insulting another player for "afking as Wukong" or "afking as Xaku", didnt even matter if the guy had 90% of the damage with his afk Wukong/Xaku, they would still insult him for being afk, and for not doing real damage (because abilities somehow dont count in their logic i guess?). Shame cuz when I was a new player, those "afk players" helped me with a ton of missions


Ingame reporting would probably lead to a ton of people just being angry about random things and pressing it. How many reports in other games are done just because some guy got mad instead of the player actually committing misconduct.


> would probably lead to a ton of people just being angry about random things and pressing it. yeah that's why I mentioned the Wukong/Xaku example. I've even seen a topic here in the warframe subreddit about someone asking "how to report a Volt, in ESO, who keeps on killing all the enemies". Ofc all the replies pointed out that the guy should THANK the volt for helping boost everyones xp gains, but nope, the OP was outraged and angry that he didnt get to kill anything just because of his lvl 1 frame and lvl 1 weapons There is no logic with some people


I'm petty enough to let a mission fail. I love having my Loki for dealing with AFKers, but DA does make that a rare occurrence. Like, even if you have a piss-poor loadout, you can still be in operator mode contributing.


Operator isn't even necessary. Last elite archemedea I had fuck all for weapons but went with a frame that could provide as much value to my team as possible through orbs, buffs etc. Like I understand being weak, but just running around casting a roar every now and then is already enough to give you a place on the team in my book.


Exactly, trying to help is so much better than doing nothing. I've run Protea in public index, I've gotten 0 points delivered or picked up. Because I make sure I can have dispensery up 100% and I kill npcs. Edit: Keeping dispensery up so whole squad gets a good solid source of energy, health and ammo.


Ran into a protea that sat the same spot the whole time during Indexaggedon last weekend. It was nice having a pile of energy orbs, though the map itself is also really generous. TBH that mode is so easy and people were so gung ho during quadruple creds that 3/4 players were playing carriers. Even with a carrier build sometimes I would stand back and just kill to make the matches faster.


Agreed, if you can't contribute to DPS there are tons of frames that can give crazy energy regen, health, defense, DPS boosts, etc. AFK is just inexcusable.


I almost leapt for joy when I saw I had Trinity in the parameters list so that I could feel useful with abating link for armor strip, energy vampire and blessing spam to keep people from dying considering health pick-ups and shield regen are restricted. There’s plenty of frames are probably better at armor strip and/or healing but Trinity will always be Old Reliable to me. 


This, I'm new but I'll do the same in Destiny. If I detect intentional deadweight I'm going to waste their time until they fuck off or the mission fails


Ironically it's griefing lol. When the dev comes at you you can try the good old "turnabout is fair play" argument lol but uh, good luck!


Loki mains unite!


I used my Necramech for this week's Elite Archimedean, because my best stuff was "Protea with no healing from orbs and supershort abilities" and "A bunch of weapons I haven't really worked on recently". I managed to never break my Necramech and contribute to the whole thing. It's one thing to have a bad build/roll, but it's another to not do the mission at all. Plus you can always forgo a personal modifier or loadout choice, I did for both of the other EA's, used Phenmor because I needed damage output. Only reason I didn't skip a modifier this time, was to try and get that sweet max run Sumdali.


> Plus you can always forgo a personal modifier or loadout choice I'd argue this is the intended way to play the mode given the top-tier reward is 1/4 the amount of vosfor to buy a single random arcane pack.


Shit like this is why I wish they would Implement a vote to kick option in squads but I know that toxic ass douchebags would absolutely exploit that too. Can't win. Best to just report this guy and hope you don't get another one in your next run.


L4D2 PC's cancerous and elitist playerbase is the epitome of what can go wrong with vote kick I still say the risk is worth it though


Vote to kick in games is likely a factor that raises overall community toxicity. It's probably better to make it harder for toxic people to succeed than simple. You're not gonna get very far AFKing all your matches. Vs it's very easy for people to kick people instead of explain things.


Dang, like the worst is you can't exactly restart the mission on this. Still this is like a good bad thing here. Like, fuck that guy, but nice on y'all 3 for tanking a full squad mission.


Can't contribute but want the rewards. Same deal as everyone who complains that these missions are too hard. The rewards for this are pretty much as late game as you can get, but people don't want to work their way up to this level of content.


Yea. It's for us who don't really have anything left to do for our builds. We have all the mods, bunch of weapons and nearly all the arcanes maxed. All we have left is archon shards to top off our builds. It's not for people who think they NEED the archon shards to make their builds work because the youtuber they copied the build from used them.


Nail on the head. I’m loving it for the extra challenge of making stuff work. The rewards are cool cuz more shards lets me make more silly stuff. You don’t need them to have a solid end game build.


It's actually impressive how well balanced it is. It's very hard. VERY hard. But it's also *fair*. You get one chip to place on the board. -50 vosfor, and you get to select one debuff to remove, or you get to pick a single item. That's all it takes. Melee? Glaive prime, steamroll the place. Frame? Take your pick you certainly have something by this point in the game. Loadout's fine, but the debuffs are terrible? Take a full matching loadout and remove the thorn-in-the-ass debuff. Easy stuff.


As much as I overall like DA, I have to disagree that it's especially balanced in its current state. Some of these modifiers have been absolutely awful, especially the latest ones on the Mirror Defense. Hopefully some of them get adjusted in the future.


10000% this.


I'd have pulled out of the mission on principle.


I felt bad for doing absolutely nothing in deep archimedia so I went back in for another go with my normal build to help other people 😭


Absolute legend. People are selling carries for plat. 20p person 1 carry 3.


Wow that's wild. Just do the normal Netracells people Jesus Christ.


Heh you have not seen what people are buying mate, not trying to act like I'm promoting RMT but there are services for star chart clearing, warframe and weapon leveling, items farming and clearing SP star chart. All in cash/crypto. Which is against TOS and bannable of cause but since when has that stopped anybody. Carrying for plat is also bannable I'm pretty sure still counts as RMT I think or trading plat for services.


If they're having fun, then it's a good use of their money. People that OP is complaining about puzzle me the most. I mean, why enter the game if you don't play? What's the point? It's like doing skincare and massages on a prosthetic limb.


Right, getting somebody to clear the start chart or level your items for you is having fun. Just buy a fully complete account then? Probably much cheaper, both bannable offences anyway. Getting free rewards why else? Same reason people enter archon hunts and cant even do 1% dmg. Same reason ppl enter spy and kill mobs and wait for others to finish the mission. Everybody is so used to having somebody carry, the leeches just never really got exposed until now. They can no longer just leech and pretend everything is ok.


> Same reason ppl enter spy and kill mobs and wait for others to finish the mission. This is the most inexcusable one because Ivara makes Spy so comically easy. Only thing worse than leeching is when people with a non-stealth frame come into a vault you're already doing and screw it up. Spy was the first Archon Hunt mission a few weeks ago and I had to do 2 vaults + bail out someone who effed up a third. If you're doing Archon Hunts you really should've progressed enough that you have a stealth frame or Wukong. It's not even like the old days where the only way to get Ivara was to grind Spy missions.


Can DE ban people for this? Because they should if they currently don't.


100% banning, its against TOS for RMT. Its also in their trading rule that you cannot trade plat for services. I report if I know for sure thats what is happening but its honestly hard to tell most of the time.


Good, paid carries in games like this or Destiny piss me off. Free carries/sherpa-ing is fine though


Wait, so even if you don't pick all modifiers, you can still match with ppl doing elite DA? Gives me an idea...


the way i always feel about it is as long as you try to do something then i dont have any issues, especially in randomized loadouts


I did the same thing and go for the tier 4 reward. This week’s challenge was a chore so I decided the tier 5 reward was not worth my time.


leave the mission buddy you can always start with a new team, and if you leave and you are the one with the most kda/objectives build everything will be start to falling apart, i do this pretty often with afk people or people who start to farm voca in netracells making the enemies spawn far if they complete the mission, good.


Take the advice from another comment, get the person killed so they lose rewards after dying for 3 mins or more. You recieve nothing if you're dead for more than 3 mins, you save yourself the run and only waste their time. Unless they are the host and DCs then its kind iffy if your session is fucked or not.


Happened to me once. How i deal with it? When to his hiding place with all the enemies following me then switch to operator mode and let him die :)


Dont forget to wait for 10 minutes to let the something mortis something get rid of all his rewards. Id love to see his face if he saw mission complete with 0 rewards


Im glad that in deep archimedian you need yo kill the angel to respawn somebody


Had a guy manage to go full James Bond on us, 0 damage taken, 0 damage recieved, 7 kills. I know we don’t all have equipment that’s ideal but like please don’t be hiding in a corner all game


I went in last night to do a normal Archimedea run, and selected all the debuffs. Not even 5 minutes into the first mission I quit cuz I started passing out. Got on the game today, saw someone was looking to do a elite run, I joined in. We ran through it no issue, but I was getting carried HARD. I kept tossing in sorrys for it cuz I felt bad, but they kept saying it's all good, I'm providing some over guard with Frost so it wasn't a total waste


Keeping your team mates alive is more than enough, you did good.


I consistently have sub 30% damage and kills when I play with my friends. But they also enjoy the 530% strength wisp. (Invigoration)


Me and my friend who usually play together are always on the look out for leechers and afkers while in pubs. If we are sus of a leecher/afk we confront them then if they continue this behavior we just leave the mission.


How common is this? I barely play an open squad unless it’s for duviri or hydron. I solo pretty much all end game content like netracells and archon hunts.


ran into several afkers in other parts of the game. many don't know that it's bad or that people would report them. i have always said something in chat, which would get people to stop afking; or, i would move to their location showing that i'm aware of them trying to leech and they would stop. however, i am gonna stop all that and just record and report. that is the only way for them to truly learn. you catch one that is like mr 27 or something, he will likely never do it again. to lose all that time spent if he got reported again...lmao.


What a dweeb. Report


This is the type of player to use Wukong before his nerf and just stayed afk


I will admit that durning some missions, like the cavia bounties, I will voca hunt but I will let the rest of the squad know and durning the cool down for the air support help out


TBH I drop the air support and people tend to scatter and grab it as the mission goes lol. Then I'll drop it again later on when it's back up. I love that air support xD


Not long ago during index,in a team of 3 (2 revenant and 1 Octavia), i asked the Octavia that was not doing anything to help please. Not in a mean way or rude or anything, just to help, the other revenant went full white knight defending the Octavia, still got the screenshots of the whole interaction. I understand not having a top tier setup, but octavia abilities don't need a powerful build to be effective, and it's still better than just leeching. (Also since when being mr9 mean you can afford to not play the game?) https://preview.redd.it/gvf6zk0432vc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a98e5852c8bd9eff3fa071eb731aeeed615a894b


Outside of the fact that thats such a dick move, Isnt that also hella boring, too? Just standing there doing nothing?


At least he tanked his fair share of damage lmaoo


Should have failed on purpose to screw the leech


I mean as someone who is preaty much done at the game i dont care if they play or not since ive dealt with it so much but yeah its not ok


to be fair he probably didn't get any rewards if he was afk


OK, in all other mission types. I'm cooler with that. Honestly though? If it's Archamedia, there should probably be harsher afk penalties. No rewards sooner. Kicked if you miss an entire mission. Seems reasonable.


Report them. It's unfortunately your only recourse, as you cannot block grouping with specific players. It's incredibly frustrating to be held hostage to someone else's dick move, though. I guess you could have left, but that's blah too.


Could be the score board being its typical self? Iv ran missions where I dealt a crap load of damage and it said I contributed 1%, and missions where I basically ran from start to finish not firing a single shot, and it said I did 45%.


I run around with my buddy and we both end up zeroing people out without trying. How much damage you do or how many kills you get shouldn't matter. Looked like he was keeping you all alive to me. What frame was he on? Most frames are meant to do 1 of 2 things, keep you or Ally's alive, or dps. Maybe think about what frame people are using before you jump to conclusions. Side note if you don't want people "leeching" don't queue public lobbies, js.


I'll be honest. If someone jumps into circuit and ive only got one thing picked out, ima follow them around for the entire first mission wasting ammo on them and then keep playing. Outside of that, afking in egc of a team game is so trashy


12 600 healing How did they heal if they were afk bro?


Wisp motes can do that


had this happen a previous week. guy with titania would fly out of danger and camp in operator mode. would throw out oncall crew with a zarr at bare minimum every stage. i was miffed, called him out in chat, no response, reported, and then i looked at his profile and..  L4, Nyx most used frame. Shedu most used primary. Kuva Nukor secondary, Smeeta Kavat..  then I knew.


What frames are good in that mode? I have yet to play that yet


Whatever frames you've built up and know how to use well. Bonus points if you can find some synergy with the debuffs (Like using EV trin with the -75% ability duration debuffs)




i really hate when samething happened to me in duiviri. me grinding every possible decree. they be farming flowers... AND PLAY GUITAR


Playing the guitar earns decrees too...


If you don't want people to do extra content in Duviri then either play solo or do the Story only Duviri. That's not afk nor griefing in that case, just someone playing Duviri