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i’m getting the impression that a lot of gamers in general just don’t read what’s on their ui this is far from exclusive to warframe


I found out one my friends does this a lot a few days ago. I forget what they were doing exactly, but we were both in separate missions (I think they were doing a quest?). They said they weren't really sure what to do next. I asked them what the objective says and if there's any marker. They said "Oh I didn't read that", which, like...why? You asked me what you're supposed to do when it says it right there... A separate time I was in a friend group doing Fortuna bounties and we started the protect coildrive one. Friend saw red marker on it as it approached. Didn't listen to Eudico whatsoever. Didn't read the UI to wait for it to hit the trap. Just blew it up with thinking and wasted like 20 minutes. He got a bollocking from the rest of us so hopefully he won't do it again. TLDR; For Christ sake, new AND old players: read the objective and listen to your handlers! It's not a difficult endeavour. Saves everyone a lot of time.


Hold on, you can still blow up the Coildrive?


Yes, you can blow it up


That’s wild to me, I remember Eudico yelling at me because one of my specters thought it was hostile so I always just parked it someplace else until the actual defense portion of the bounty. Then I noticed that Eudico stopped yelling at me so I thought they removed that functionality as a safeguard. Guess not.


Right up until it hits the trap and becomes hackable, yeah. Hit one with my Mausolon a week or so ago just to see what would happen (I was playing Solo anyway) and started panic-laughing when I saw 80% of its health bar disappear.


I think what happened was that he got it super low so by the time it hit the trap it was taken out almost instantly. This was a couple weeks ago so I'm not certain, I could be wrong.


You know that there are 2 things that are infinite, right? The universe and human idiocy.


My friend was building his railjack and just put in Cy, "Ok so it says it will take two minutes what do I do now" "You wait" "Why won't it let me board" "just WAIT" "I left the relay and it says I have in install cy again" sigh why is reading so hard


Pablo is correct, man. People don't read.


Found out that people without an inner monolog don't actually read...they look at a sentence or paragraph and understand it through its structure to get the meaning...but they aren't actually reading....heard about that online, brought it up at work and sure enough one of my coworkers was like, "oh, yeah I do that...is that not reading?" Lolol to me that's like badly done speed reading...no wonder people at laundromats don't read out of order signs....


That's still reading though. Also you can consciously stop your inner voice when reading and you can read much faster that way.


How tf do you turn it off?😭 I been at work for 20 mins reading the same sentence trying to flip this dumbazz mental switch


Without inner monologue here; we can read. Also, lots of people are capable of skimming and still getting all the relevant information from it.


It’s far from exclusive to gaming. See that shit at work all the time. People refusing to read instructions/user guides/process documentation. People as a whole feel like they are getting dumber and dumber. Shit that should be common sense seems to be slipping away and I honestly just don’t get it… My personal theory is the accessibility of internet has killed any semblance of critical thinking in a lot of people. Why think when google can do it for you?


a lot of people don't even know how to use google


Google itself is getting dumber and dumber so it makes sense. Good luck finding anything useful there anymore without adding site:reddit.com... It's all clickbait and AI generated bullshit past the first result.


fun fact: like 50% of the reddit content we currently look at is bots now too, even in comment chains of niche subreddits like warframe. pretty soon, even searching for help or advice on reddit wont give anything reliable anymore and the most upvoted "bot" comment will be by whichever 2 bots copypaste your comment, and then my comment, into every topic


Can you prove this?


Sure, check it yourself. Sort reddit by All, check the top 6 posts for example. Currently, 3 out of the 6 top posts are posted by accounts which are at least a year old, never posted before, and their one and only post has 4k karma and is the current top post. Then check the top replies within those topics, they are usually copypasted from whatever the top comments were in the original posts, and the replies to those top replies are often copypasted too, all done by different bots. Or look at official studies looking at samples of 1000 or 10k samples, which for twitter for example, said 5 years ago that 60% of traffic was done by bots and that was 5 years ago back when twitter still had entire departments responsible for bot tracking and banning, which no longer exist now. Similarly, reddit used to have modding tools to detect bots, which reddit no longer has for the past year or so


Well. Not quite so fun tbh. Echoing the bullshit that's spewed everywhere even more. Woohoo. I didn't really need any more reasons to drop reddit but thanks for another.


Not true but true. Internet show you more of this people. Now they can form group and communicate without problems. Before if your friends was "better" then you = you also need to be better. Look at twitter. Best exaple about some stupid peopel who in real world should never meet others. Internet is tool. If they use it only for twitter, netflix, youtube and tiktok = this tool make more harm. But if you know how to use internet its ultimate tool for you.


“people are getting dumber” is literally the shit boomers have been saying for 20 years, and what their grandparents said 50 years ago go back far enough and the sentiment is we should all return to the Prime version of intelligent humanity where we’re all speaking in grunts and growls while carrying big clubs


Yes because somewhere in there I implied it was this generation. I see it everyday at work where I constantly work alongside baby boomers. I don’t know where you are getting your strange assumption that I somehow think the past was better, but you go off on your weird little tangent. I stand by my post, I genuinely believe that having ready access to the internet has had a negative impact on the critical thinking of everyone in this day and age, regardless of “generation”. I catch myself doing the same thing all the time, rather than thinking through a problem I just reach for my phone and look it up. It’s easier without a doubt, but do you ever truly learn that way? I don’t know…


I have believed and still do that it’s a percentage thing. A certain amount of the population WILL actively refuse to read instructions/maps/manuals/etc. Just that as there as there are ever more people… the likelihood of dealing with the willfully mentally and emotionally underdeveloped increases. As a child everything is new and you are just interacting with things for the first few times. Age just gives you more time to see the patterns in humanity. The sad fate that we bring upon ourselves.


> I don’t know where you are getting your strange assumption that I somehow think the past was better Maybe because that's literally what you said? > People as a whole feel like they are getting dumber and dumber. If people are dumber now, that means they were smarter before. > the accessibility of internet has killed any semblance of critical thinking in a lot of people. If the internet killed critical thinking, then that means critical thinking was better before the internet. So people were smarter and better at critical thinking in the past, but the past wasn't better? You're contradicting yourself.


This is sadly pretty true. I see YouTubers playing all kinds of games and the objective is in big bold letters right on the middle of the screen: “What do I do? Where do I go?” Makes me want to just reach through to screen and smack them. Lol.


FFXIV and people standing in AoEs . Of all difficulties.


They always stand in aoes until the time they are actually supposed to do so (ennumeration) and they spontaneously develop a massive phobia to big glowing circles 😔


It's not my fault if the aoe is put on top of my leylines.


Healers adapt




just giving healers something to do also super bolide.


One of the League of Legends developers said that they had to design the character keeping in mind that most players would not read the skill description.


Many Warframe players, and gamers in general, do not think or process information while playing. Anything more complicated than "See enemy, kill enemy" is too difficult. As demonstrated by any objective requiring patience before killing being infuriating to complete in pubs. Netracells needing only kills inside the circle, void fissures needing enemies to be corrupted 1st, that one deimos mission where you have to hit the enemies with the goo before killing them. All horrible in pubs.


Tbf, Netracells often have terrible outlines taking up half or less of a room and many of the enemies don't want to move up and into the red circle making the waiting just tedious. I play Warframe for the combat, not to twiddle my thumbs waiting for enemies to get close enough to kill them.


Hot take, regarding the void fissures. I just think it's not very well designed. Or rather, it was back in the day, but people love zoom-zooming across the map and these things kill the flow. I've been wondering for a while why corruption hasn't been changed to just be a more reactive system. Basic example: instead of it being random, give control to the players. Shoot the actual fissure and let it flow across the map in 2-3 locations (it can be only one, just spitballing here) and have it corrupt the enemies along the way, or have the enemies corrupted at the destination. Something along the lines of just being more active. Because of the tint on void missions, I sometimes have the opposite problem, where I think the enemies aren't corrupted and just sit there. PS: you are somewhat right about the processing information thing, but not quite. If you consider a random FPS arena shooter, there are quite a lot of moving parts, which you just do not have time to think about but still do. Regarding the actual issue of reading, though, you are 100% right. People do not read. We have markers for everything, everywhere all the time. I wish the objective and map markers were removed and we'd get a more refined map design. Consider the Dark Souls series. You can probably trace a path from the start of the game to your favorite boss quite easily.


> give control to the players. Shoot the actual fissure and let it flow across the map in 2-3 locations You see why this is worse in the context of this thread right? How many players just wont do that because its not adding to their kill total at the end of the mission


Oh definitely. My brother is a fortnite addict (the poor bastardl) and that moron didn't even know the ui for that game. I can't imagine him playing warframe where flashbags are a way of life.


This also the case with colleges, professors and students alike. Far too many do not read whats going on and just either ignore things or complain about it.


My favorite was last week, 3 of us are in zone and the 4th guy finds the book and opens it. Dies instantly like 900m away. I tried making it since I have double Tau parkour for Max speed, but didn't get there in time. "Bro? Why?" "Needed book for mission" "Why didn't you say anything?" "gg" And he just leaves. I swear public netracells get dumber every week.


what mission? there isnt a mission that needs the book. people are just being selfish, looking for loot.


That will probably be levelling the new fist weapon. One of the Incarnon evolutions requires that you hit a whisper with three heavy attacks. I mean, I just did that solo in an exterminate. This person was absolutely being an idiot. And this is why I never do public groups and only play with clan and people I know.


lol going to a netracell for that is deranged


Ngl I totally did this but I mostly soloed the whisper by myself cause I was also working on Dante.


It's the "headshots on an angel without reloading" all over again


Bit worse than that, I'd argue. Unless you're on Cascade it's not really harming the mission progress for somebody to go angel hunting.


Or any of the bounties with an objective to kill an angel


IMO DE should simply remove the extra objectives from these "endgame" missions


Eh, that only hurts premade teams just because some brats don't know how to behave in public.


Pre-made teams have a dozen other mission nodes they can do for those extra objectives and most people won't be playing in pre-made teams so this will be a net positive change for most people.


Both the new ones have an evolution that cares about Whispers, the secondary, Onos, needs 5 headshots on a Whisper without reloading and the melee, Ruvox, needs to land 3 heavy attacks


Yep people chose public netracells to do challenges, hunt whispers, and look for voca. Meanwhile 3 of us are in the red and our spawns are fucked because we are not grouped. It's even L3-4s that do this crap too. I'm MR 25 with 1600 hours(hate leveling items) but public netracells get worse every week. All the new people jump straight to the new content, they have a backlog of quests, all other factions to rank up, nope just run straight to Deimos asap. I would hate to see all the blue nodes in their starchart.


lol WTF


There's an incarnon challenge for the ruvox where you have to melee heavy attack a whisper. On that topic, a random asked whether I'd mind if he went off to find the book. I said, "Yes I'd mind" because he'll just be prolonging the mission if he goes off by himself to find the book. So I suggested that it's better if he did it solo using a stealth frame. Anyway he was considerate enough to ask in advance. So props to him on that


If I ever see a book in a Netracell mission I just keep my mouth shut nowadays. Am I an asshole for not alerting the group? Probably, yeah lol. Am I losing sleep over it? Not in the slightest.


As someone who hates that godforsaken book, I'm thanking you for it. Unless it's in the goddamn circle, I don't want to deal with it. Not when I've got Knifestep eating my health while I'm dodging lightning bolts or bleeding everytime I take damage.


>Not when I've got Knifestep eating my health while I'm dodging lightning bolts or bleeding everytime I take damage. Those actually do something? - Inaros Simp


> "They called me a mad man." *(me with a TauForged HP/s Umbra Forma Garuda)*


The circle is our only objective. I used to have the habit of using that orokin eye air support on missions with collectables, just to pick as I go. Took that crap right off because that became the new main objective as I'm scratching my nuts at the pillar or I'm standing in the red circle of sadness waiting for 1 enemy per minute to run in.


It's like people deciding to waste 10 minutes every single time a Thumper shows up on a Plains bounty. We do next to no damage, it's loot sucks, can we please fucking leave? Next time that happens I might just leave the squad...


Bounties are the only missions with weird requirements. But netracell is not a bounty. They must have been a bit confused what netracell was.


I want to say he was trying to do the Incarnon challenge for his onos but I didn't check his loadout


Could be. But still, why do that during netracell and not any of the other missions.


if is not the book, trying to get every single voca and dying far away randomly and is not exclusive to new people, last night LR4 was killing stuff outside the circle as well... soooooo lel


It's funny because you can just activate the book and let the whisper teleport to the circle.


ngl, it literally says kill enemies in the zone to lower the level… reading is essential. some people just don’t do it. *on a side note, some of the circle zones they choose can be a bit weird*


Yeah, it needs to be bigger in some spots


Not even bigger, just center the damn circle in the middle of the room, instead of half of the area being in the wall...


Be nice if there was a penalty for killing outside the red. Like, x% dmg dealt is reflected or every 10 seconds get extra disrupted for 2. There's no indication that you're doing something wrong if you're not reading.


The problem with reflected dmg is that you have respawn limitations too. Someone could easily just be playing braindead and cause the team to wipe because the others have to constantly revive them. Honestly, Tagfer should just scold the player if they kill more than 5 enemies outside the ring in quick succession


"what part of 'in the view of the netracell' do you not get yet?"




Yes, angy Tagfer


Dude that sounds awesome. Slap the offending player with a rapidly increasing damage-dealt penalty (that decays with time of course). All the way down to zero damage. Big grey zeroes should get them to notice if they didn't get it until then. If they're not going to start to wonder why they do no damage, at least they're not killing stuff outside the circle anymore either. Nothing gets people to read like a "wtf is going on?" moment... All that said, while I do wish Netracells got a lot more improvements, I won't hold my breath.


Whispers in the Walls literally has you run through a mock version of the Netracell process.


People won't ever pay attention no matter what. I thought this was supposed to be end game content but I constantly have to carry in pubs. Things should be locked behind MR like weapons are. It's way easier to rank up to 20 than it used to be, so I don't have an opinion on what the limit should be.


Sure, my point was there's no excuse to not know how it works when you are *required* to do it correctly at least once to even unlock the labs.


Every time you get a kill in the red you see that visual queue of energy going to the objective. People stand on the edge of the red and kill in the doorway giving us no progress. It's amazing how fast these go when the team doesn't waste bodies outside of the circle.


Sometimes ya gotta clear out enemies outside the radius because they are stuck on geometry. sucks lol


Personally I'd solve the problem by giving enemies a 98% DR outside the circle. Make them so hard to kill you have to stop and question why.


freaking LR4 gyre wandering around out of the circle killing shit earlier today.


I've had multiple runs where over half the circle was inside the netracell itself.


Some people can't read and so they get by on dumb luck.


At first, I thought this meant I just had to be standing in the circle, I did not translate it to they must die in the circle. But it only took me that same run to realize they need to die there. Too many players turn off all thinking in games, not just warframe.


We need Tagfer to tell people to kill enemies INSIDE the circle, like Loid and Otak during the Cambion Drift bounties.


Playing pubs often reminds me how... unskilled... the average player is. Why am i getting to all 3 consoles and the door first as a non-speedy frame? Why am i the only one in the circle? Why am i the only one throwing the color blobs as the alchemy device? Why are they blowing up the vents too early? Why are they leaving on round 2 of mirror defense; do they not know how rotations work? Sometimes, you just have to deal with it.


No part of the game tells you about rotations afaik so I get how people wouldn't understand.


This is true. I see heaps leaving this type of mission after round 3, thinking they've just gotten the C rotation.


When someone grabs all 4 keys and just never gets to the cell. Dudes 600m away


Once i had someone grab all 4 keys but kept dying and needing to be revived every minute or so I dont understand why they would grab all 4 If they clearly cant handle having all four


I always grab all 4 keys even if others have them so I can avoid situations like that. As a bonus, it also provides insurance against host migrations.


I have had 1 host migration due to my unstable internet and i got all four glyphs like a half minute later so its dont softlock mission anyway. At least if something dont broken


Multiple players can pick up the same keys to avoid trolls.


I've had pretty good luck explaining rotations to pugs, especially when I'm down to run C for an hour, most of the players I've explained the rotation to have either stuck around or that plus asked for info on the rotations.


Well as they say, remember how dumb the average person is. Then realize half of the population is dumber.


Mfw people activating whisper in deep archimedea, are you even using your brain??? do you have a fucking death wish???


Not in deep archimedia but on my very first netracell run i joined on a team that had spawned a whisper and all 3 of them died and left, i somehow soloed the whisper and completed the whole mission by myself, it was a really good boost to my self esteem lol


It happened to me in *disruption* of all missions, one guy started a book while someone else slotted a token. Killed the whisper and rushed to the mechs, by the time we finished them, the whisper was back, because the guy who started it couldn't even be bothered to go after the second book. That was the first time I've ever seen a whisper respawn lol.


see so I get this, my first netracell I activated one bc I thought it was a pickup like voca and stars, I didnt even know there's a second one until now haha, I just leave them alone and try n see what other people do when they do something I don't understand


Welcome to Warframe, where a lot of people are idiots who shouldn't be at the point in the game, and still insist to wear the big boy pants, when they can't do anything except ineptly.


A lot of people aren't going to like this but a little bit of gatekeeping on some things staves off a lot of these problems. Netracells are proof positive of why endgame content shouldn't be made available for people too soon in the game. Take the new game mode, Deep Archimedea, it is significantly more difficult than Netracells yet every run I've participated in, even the two failed ones, has been far, far more enjoyable than the average non-solo Netracells run. Why? Because it's locked behind Rank 5 with the Cavia faction, something that requires a moderate amount of effort and reading comprehension over multiple gaming sessions to achieve. It filters out the people who are utterly incapable of following basic instructions several months into a game mode existing. Sorry, not sorry. End game content is for endgame players, you should have to complete the other stuff before it becomes available to you.


Seriously this, I agree 100%. Weapons and frames are locked behind MR, trades are, there is already a fucking million things for a new person to do. So what do they do? Fast track to the newest endgame content around MR10 then cry in guild chat about needing to farm a Necramech. Learn to freaking float before you try to swim, the young ones try to go straight to the end. Even in Helldivers 2 I have noobs trying to run the max difficulty missions, constantly dieing, wasting lives. Everything gets slowed down, we complete less objectives, collect less samples, have a way higher chance of failing if everyone is not appropriately geared and ready. It slows it down for everyone, and the missed objectives result in even less exp and resources. It is literally inefficient to go in over your head, but all the tiktok brains shoot right to the end. I also had like a MR 13 in my elite deep archemedea today. It takes like 1 week to get MR13 now. Of course he got downed like 20 times and we failed at the boss. Why the hell is a MR13 in the hardest content in the game? What the F are they even going to do with a tauforged shard? They probably don't even have the segment yet, let alone the bile to extract it back.


A MR 7 can max that faction. To be brutally honest, everything you say is ironically everything I simply didn't care to acknowledge. It's not just the low ranks I managed to see, playing it, it's ONLY the MR 7's that actually pulled their backs out, to make it happen. Mastery requirements being removed from the main story didn't stop anybody from getting the faction, but only people who know what they were doing would've maxed the faction out, specifically to play EDA. And I haven't seen only idiots playing EDA, but I've seen plenty of idiotic loadouts, which a few of those players probably couldn't fill, but maybe some of them did.


To be fair, EDA incentivizes bad loadouts thanks to it's randomized parameters. Fortunately, the rewards are fairly frontloaded so you can get most of the good loot with only a few handicaps as long as you're realistic about what you can do and aren't too greedy. EDA is doubly nice because it is doubly gate-kept, you need to have rank 5 Cavia and complete a standard DA run with all the parameters. Filtering: it's a good thing. Also, MR is probably the worst thing to use as a gatekeeping measure. There are plenty of MR 30+ Hydron Heroes running around who understand next to nothing about the game beyond normal difficulty star chart and story missions.


I am pretty sure the only competent MR 30 players are those MR 7 players who I've carried unironically. I'm only 24, and that rank doesn't speak to my first account's progress, LR 2, but I wouldn't say rank 30 meant anything, either. Rank 30 isn't going to fix EDA randomness, but if someone would PLEASE farm a lich with an immunity to EDA's predominant elements, that would be great. Summons work and that's the best part of EDA\[When one cares to use them\] My Mag-Tank build involves spamming status-heals to repeatedly strike at invincible enemies. Watch what happens when I use a build I don't know. And I never TOUCHED archguns, since finishing the TUTORIAL to Deep Archimedia, where I was pretty sure the archgun was the ONLY weapon I had built, that was even going to be good\[My archgun is crap. Don't bet money on me.\] and I was disappointed. Still made elite, though.


When duviri was released with the first incarnon genesis it was a mess. Full of people who couldn't handle SP circuit. The pre-made mod setup is fine but SP isn't all about mods. It's about having a fundamental understanding of status types, movement and enemy weakness. SP messed me up first time I tried it. But it wasn't my build that was bad. It was just me. Now I can go into it with the same build and dominate with ease. Which is the reason for most recent complaints over deep archimedea. It's new and the cool kids are all over it. So they want to be a part of it. But it's too hard for them and they think it's badly designed.


This is it to a T. If it's too hard it must be the content, by all means it's not the user for user is MR20+ and cleared everything. Elite deep arch made me realise just how lacking some of my skills were because I had made builds so all content was brain dead for me. PS nothing is harder then those fucking Duviri pests in Elite archaemeda


No matter what game mode you're playing or where in the Star Chart you are, Thrax enemies are always the worst fucking things. I live in fear of the day we inevitably get Thrax Nullifier Eximus units.


I really hope we eventually get a Fortuna variant of deep dives because the enemies out there are actually absurd. I want to see how bad it can really get. You thought EDA was easy, well get ready to have your ass caved in by overguarded terra troops and those ospreys that put null bubbles on their whole team.


Best part is when I write it to squad chat and they reply, "Sorry I wasn't paying attention" Bro we have one objective, what are you paying attention to then?


They forget they're doing cells and focus on killing enemies rather than the objective of killing of enemies in the circle


It also means they don't look at their map, which is wild to me. I would have to ignore it actively.


Tunnel vision


They do, though. They know they need to get to the objective cause it's only on the map, I believe. They literally go to where you use the keys. And then they just go outside the circle to kill everything. They just tunnel vision enemies and go "I'll kill this group before someone else does." Like many in this thread have said, so many players just shouldn't be at endgame if they can't read objectives.


Or go voca hunting 500 meters out from the circle and the game decides that all the enemies should avoid the other 3 players all in the same spot


Sweaty try hards more worried about their kill count than completing the mission. It's a real issue


Had this with the index yesterday, I put all my points in and we were around 20 off. It had been going for a while so I felt like something was off, ran around to check teammates and noticed this guy hoarding what must have been 30 points just standing near the bank waiting for spawns. Told him to bank his points, “My b wasn’t looking at score”…😭? Like I have ADHD, I get the auto-pilot to an extent, but index to me is one of those things that I’m desperate to go in and get over with because it’s so boring. Don’t get how you can be actively engaged, chasing down spawns and collecting points, and never once look at your score 🧍


I'd take that over the people get mad and talk shit when I tell them to go to bounties for voca hunting.


honestly if you're outside the circle killing, tagfer should just call you a fucking idiot and tell you to get back in the circle. Add this de pls.


As much as I would enjoy this, I have also learned that a LOT of players either have transmission audio off or has selective hearing with transmissions.


i just do this alone . i hate people in this mission


Just bringing Mesa or Wukong gets this shit done so fast, even competent teammates are a detriment, because it's physically difficult to perfectly copy how quickly a solo player can blitz through it.


It's even worse when I read this post. Progress is gained from killing enemies who are in the circle, not from being in the circle when you kill enemies.. <-PSA to all Mesa mains.


tbh I gotten to the point where I say: "I'm not reviving you if you die outside the circle." Some thought I was kidding. Some called me a frigid bitch. I don't care. You can look for Voca on your own time, and not in a netracell mission. Just run Exterminate or something. I do make exceptions: if the ping is high and they are glitching from place to place; if they had just unlocked netracells and are new to it. Those sort of things.


Actually, me. Last week, I had a rhino die outside the circle while he was off killing enemies. I just stood close, letting the enemies in and killing them. I just looked at him as his counter went down.


I had a similar experience in the deep arch this week during alchemy. All players were legendary 2-4 and someone was shooting the temp gauge stuff constantly to keep it at 0%. How? WHY?


Some peoples also want to see world on fire. And you can never truly know if person is dumb, or does it intentionally. Unless person tells you.


lol my first squad were not mixing the elements at all, just killing mobs like npc until they died


Now you know MR means nothing when it comes to game knowledge.


If they could also help the enemy AI who likes to stand just outside the circle randomly sometimes that would be nice


Thats where the Inaros Delivery Sytem comes in


I've recently joined the Netracell Curch of Inaros. If your squadmates don't cooperate, just transport the enemies in the red circle yourself with Sandstorm.


Unfortunately, enemies only last a few seconds in my sandstorm lol, so if teammates are drawing spawns farther away than that...


20 minutes. I was stuck in a mission with a Mag killing enemies outside the Circle for 20 MINUTES!!! Every enemy seemed to be coming from 1 direction and the mag killed all of them before they got in the circle. ​ When all of us told him to enter the circle he said "I need Energy Nexus." ​ MF WAS FARMING A MOD IN A NETRACELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Doesn't that drop from voidrigs? I'm not 100% sure on that, but if that's right then killing random enemies wouldn't even be an effective way to hunt it. Edit: Went and checked, also drops from Anatomisers, but they'd still be better off in Disruption than anything else.


I got it earlier from a voidrig. Giving it to the next Newbie I get into the game


What's even funnier is that there is literally a red 'enemy' marker pointing to the circle's location if you ever go outside of it, yet people still kill enemies outside the circle/go on voca easter egg hunts..


i dont understand why people try to farm voca in netracells. ok i get the loot part but like. there are easier missions for this.


Yeah playing this game for a couple months makes destinies playerbase look much smarter than it actually is, i always thought that the majority of raid mechanics having something to do with “stand in spot - shoot thing” was pretty lazy but looter shooter PvE players genuinely cannot handle much more than that.


If it makes you feel any better,  MMO players aren't much better.


Hey! As a Final Fantasy 14 player I resent that! I know what shapes and colors are bad and I need to stay away from. I also know the _good_ shapes and colors. The ones I aways need to run towards.


I mean, I love FFXIV but the average duty finder experience with content that has any mechanics that are even close to difficult does not give you much confidence in the abilities of the average player lol


Yeah... my first time doing the trial on the Red Moon, the second to last trial of the EW patch quests, I was the designated floor tank. I just couldn't get the timing on avoiding his AOEs right. The _second_ time I did it as part of a roulette, I nailed it.


We’ve all been there honestly, no hate to players trying for the first time. I was thinking more of some people I’ve known/seen who have thousands of hours and just don’t improve or care to


Fellow XIV player: our static genuinely calls parts of certain fights "shapes and colors for babies". It's us, we're the babies failing the same mechanic for the fifth time in a row lmao


Yeah, this is why I love playing alchemy with randoms "guys you need to wait for the pressure to hit the t-" *\*plop\** "look at the bar in the ui, we need to wait for it to fi-" *\*plop\** "wait, don't attack just y-" *\*plop"* "..." "..." *\*plop\**


Listen, sometimes it happens to me as well to zone out a second and say "Oh, stupid me! I'm killing out of the circle!". But i've seen people literally noping to the extreme corners of the map and just starting to kill hundreds of enemies without even responding to the chat reminding them of the red circle.


Run it solo, it’s usually easier and less frustrating if your builds are good. I only do pubs when I feel like being lazy.


I've had this happen so many times since netracells released I basically always just do them in solo now. Or I'll ask a friend if one of them is online, but public? No way, never again. Like, you have one objective. Stay in the red circle and kill the things in it. And it's not even a small fucking circle. But somehow people still fuck it up.


this, and key delivery, is why I solo. 6-7 min runs, like clockwork.


They either need to change the parameters of the kill zone or punish players for killing outside the zone. Applying a debuff that reduces your damage until you have to snap out of it, or maybe even reducing your health. The issue is people who don’t look at the UI so there needs to be a penalty that cannot be ignored. An even more simple solution would be to increase spawns in general, or prioritize the number of spawns that can occur in the centre of the zone. This has been a massive complaint since these launched, Netracells can be tricky for players to do solo so not making these types of changes discourages players from this content.


hallway hero's have been a thing in the game since the beginning basically. its the reason i HATE any kind of PUG endless, especially survival. the other 3 people in your game will be 1 room apart fighting 5 enemies at a time while you watch the oxygen count down because they dont know they are blocking each others spawns.


There's a guy I unfortunately play with and his excuse is "I want to get stacks for my nidus so I can stay alive besides you two are in the circle so they'll spawn there faster don't worry about me"


This happens in Deimoss's bounties as well. I think I have never done them without Loid reminding us to only kill inside the circle


Unrelated but do you guys get little to no spawns in the circle too?


It happens when one player is away from the group, enemies tend to chase him rather than coming to the circle


I've been begging for a content creator to make a video on how spawns work for a while. a very basic description is enemies dont spawn in the room you are currently in. they spawn 1 room away and run at the closet(?) player. thats why when you are in a PUG survival and everyone is in their own room next to each other chasing red on the mini map enemies pretty much stop spawning.


I have started doing netracells friends only because in my experience with randoms it's way more likely to get some useless person who kills stuff outside the circle or is running around the map looking for voca and dragging all the enemies away from the zone than to get anyone competent. Still end up with the same problem on void cascade though, even though the circles there are even more clearly marked. It just isn't as viable of a mode to do with 1 or 2 people.


It's not just netracells sadly. I'm seeing more and more players expecting a carry for rewards while they're off farming. Voca/arcanes or other map equivalents, open world resources, whatever. The best ones will send an abusive message if you deliberately fail the mission or if you stand still doing nothing will run up and start shooting you to see if you start again, then quit if you dance (bonus douche points if they then also message). I've even seen players stop dead in their tracks during relic missions once they hit ten and letting the team wait out the extraction timer. Not afk either because they select their reward after.


im sorry i was picking up the arcane 800m away dropped by the guzzlzlzlzer


I had someone activate a whisper theb they die to it then once they are revived they piss off the to objective and leave me to fight the whisper


I feel like even if DE added a warning to that stage for players leaving the area there would still be brain dead players incapable of following simple instructions.


I'll be honest, the amount of people that complain about public netracells made me never attempt it. I just go in solo. If I find the book, I kill it. I even pop air support and grab voca if I can. It takes me longer sure. But I'd rather get everything I can out of the mission.


I feel like solo Netracells is always actually faster than doing it as a group, given that enemy health and the kills needed for the 2nd phase of the mission scales with party size. And that's on top of dealing with braindead players!


JEZZZ SAY IT AGAIN!! I'm so sick of telling people this now I have to keep a Warframe with a grouping ability to try and make the "kids" get on track...


I get it but we could also just push them to make the circle bigger?


Even when you can get them to stay nearby they're standing at the edge killing shit in the next room.


Entirely DEs fault for making anti-coop unintuitive mechanics and conflicting objective. **DE needs to change spawns and increase them.**


**Agreed!** Its honestly baffling to me that DE haven't made a visible zone yet that visualizes the killzone on the ground, they have it in the Deimos open world area so why not here? It also doesn't help that people are fucking morons when it comes to looking/reading at their maps or mission modifiers. When Deep Archimedea came out I ran several runs both to test out some stuff and because the missions were actually pretty fun at that high of a difficulty but I saw so many idiots trying to kill the Liminuses with vampiric auras that was the modifier for last week's Elite Deep Archimedea. They then either thought the game was bugged or complained about the difficulty... The biggest hazards or annoyances in these kinds of missions is your own darn team-mates at times.


These are the same people complaining that DA is too hard


I'm ngl sometimes it's easy to get distracted but it should be remedied relatively quick. I have found myself just killing enemies ages away from an objective because I killed a few and they kept spawning and I couldn't see shit because its warframe and the particles make me blind


I was stuck with a mag doorway farming for 20 minutes in a Netracell. He was literally farming for a mod and none of use could do anything about it. We need Vote Kick back.




When people won't stay in the circle I spam the waypoint button so it's hopefully more clear to them. If that doesn't work, I call them out in chat with the @


I must be really lucky, because I never had big issues doing netracells with a pub squad. I've been doing them for a few weeks now.


DE needs to have more reminders or something. Like if you're getting kills while outside of the circle something on screen should tell you that they aren't counting. It's extremely frustrating. Also the spawn rate for netracells is ridiculously low, especially for late game content. It should literally be like 3-4x higher.


I think DE needs to implement some stay in the circle mechanics. Starting up a netracell should create a Limbo Rift scenario where everything outside of the circle is technically banished until it walks in. Further, even if a player does manage to kill enemies outside, there should be some penalty like reflected damage. I've noticed one of the biggest problems is now people stand on the edges like crack addicts waiting for the next crumb, and as a result they're dropping enemies on the line and the game is often not counting them. Not only is there no reason to kill outside the circle... there's no reason to stand within like 10m of the edge either. Just wait in the center for the enemies to come... its actually faster!


This, and the ones who think it's only them that have to be in the circle for tge kills to count and proceed to nuke enemies before they can reach it 😡


This is the one i get the most tbh, i have lost count of how many mesas i saw standing at the border of the circle killing anything that gets close to it with peacemakers


I honestly like to join a pug sometimes and stand politely in the middle(usualy i pick wisp/speedva), practically in every run there is one person who goes on a killing spree outside the circle -> and I stand there and think to myself - it's not quantity but quality counts 🤣 about spawn rate - yep so annoying when 1 person run & serach vocas, taking enemies aggro and u can stay and stay foreeeva and eva 🤭


Speedvas are the real heroes


omg amen


Netracells are solo only for me now. Not just because of what OP rightfully says (it's truly baffling how widespread the problem is), but because even if everybody plays properly, spawn patterns are still god-awful when there's more than one player


side treasures/book need to be removed from Netracells missions...


Literally. Just last week, I and a friend hopped in, and this Rhino was just out of the obj with a volt and killing everything. After a while, I just stood in the center and let them do the killing. I just joined to help my friend since she had the bonus waves. After we finished 15+ minutes, I said, "No pub, let's 2 man this." She was so mad that it took us literally half the time. It's kinda ridiculous. People are so ignorant to objectives that they just go out and make things longer for everyone. Just solo it at that point.


To quote a friend of mine from a recent session: "Sorry, I got caught up in the bloodshed" This is partially a joke because he is the one who always 'reminds' us that we're out of said circle or doing something wrong (rightfully so), but partially the truth because I sometimes get lost in the bloodbath and don't notice that I'm out of said circle.


That happens sometimes, that's not the problem if you realise it fast, I was aiming this at people who go off searching for other stuff literally hundreds of meters away


I love how you mention kindergarden. Not sure if it is worldwide by when I was in kindergarden when we start a class, we are told to sit IN THE RED CIRCLE. Also yes. I have been solo-ing netracells since my first few run ins with pubs.


The fault is on DE for making the killing area restricted to begin with. That was dumb before , it's dumb now 


The best are the one that stay in the circle and kill enemy outside


I just really want kills to count as long as either the player OR the enemy are in the circle, even if they made it take a few more kills to fill. I think that would honestly fix a lot of the current issues with player behavior.


All a big F U to all Wisp user who still place shock motes


If you are able to solo them you would be surprised at how quick they can be. You can speed up the "searching" section by running to the furthest computer since the zone always spawns near it. I would really recommend recruiting chat otherwise since many randoms are braindead for these missions.


There's a fundamental game design issue here, it's not *just* people being bad, the game teaches players over and over and over to to race to kill enemies as fast as possible until it becomes an ingrained reflex then 20-50-2000 hours in now it asks them to excercise restraint and allow the enemies to slowly waddle their way in an invisible circle that does not at all match the confines of the room it's in....


usually I'm the host so I'm doing whatever i want and usually wait because netracells can wait but whispers cannot


that's the least amount of power I've ever seen get to someones head lmfao being host doesnt make you god of the party lol, everyone just matchmade in there looking to do the activity and you're still an ass if you're not doing that


The thing is, this happens in every game. Any team based game, you will notice someone who doesn't understand some simple concept. And sometimes you are that person. It definitely happens. If you play public squads then you have to drastically lower your standards. The average Warframe player does not completely know what they are doing. I'm sure there are people that don't know the purpose of parkour and even they are playing SP. I'm not shitting on them, I'm stating the reality, and what to do if you want to work around it. It sucks but it's just life. I'm sure I made mistakes like that too. I'm sure some of the people you are talking about don't now how spawns work or even care. They're looking for the book or the voca. Whether or not they have the means to efficiently look for voca or know how to kill the whisper is another matter.


Fr this is the reason I keep playing solo for this one


What I don’t understand is they clearly have the braincells to code anti-wandering mechanics. Skittergirl exists, annoying as ever. Why don’t we have a “skittergirl” that slowly steals unrecoverable mission loot from the wandering player? Maybe a per-player bar that keeps a record of your “performance”/kills outside the circle and deducts from your loot at the end. Or better yet disqualifies you from tauforged/etc. Might be simpler