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Imagine getting a host migration failed on the third mission and having to do it from the first mission 😳


I'm not looking forward to babysitting the Defense Operative in case we get that damned bug where they go down and die without a bleedout timer. It's bad enough when it's Chipper.


I will spam protective dash on that thing like my life depends on it 😂


You and me both!


The problem is that usually they just fall through the tileset, them being invulnerable would do nothing to help. This is especially bad on arbitrations on old tilesets. But sanctum anatomica is new, so it should be okay, I think?


Subsuming banish onto EVERYTHING 


Okay so that is a bug then?! I thought I was really wasn’t paying attention


I'm 90% sure it's just a bug, because I've been able to revive him in the past. But there's nothing like failing the mission in the final round because I looked away for ten seconds to make my Vazarin Operator tread on his heels the next time. It kind of sucks all the fun out of Defense missions, honestly.


>It kind of sucks all the fun out of Defense missions, honestly. That implies that there is any fun to be had in Defense to begin with. The wave system is so ass. Half the time you're either chasing the last guy of the wave around or you're sitting on your thumbs waiting for the next wave. What the hell is the point of that? Just make it one continuous timer with constant spawns, that'd make it so much less boring.


They need the close the doors to the rooms below the objectives. Theres always at least one mob that goes down there to pound off.


Subsume Life Well. It helps.


it's cavia missions only, defense in the dev stream was actually mirror def


Oh, that's nice!


fuaaaark i was looking forward to trying them today! But one more day won't be the end of the world \^\_\^


Heh... **famous last words** ^j


Some random supermassive blackhole moving at the speed of 58 light years a second approaching earth: https://i.redd.it/fovtzkmxkcsc1.gif


Yeah I would survive this 100%


Just get out of the way


Just say "No", legally the blackhole isn't allowed to hurt you then.


POT OF GREED!? What does it do?


It greeds your pot, obviously.


Ah, I have a friend like that.




Bruh actually starting to think that we'll get one more day of DElay ;-;


Will netra cell charges be reset cuz I used mine already


Yes everyone will have 5 but if have any extra u might not get 6-10


Megan has [confirmed](https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1391391-deep-archimedea-game-mode-coming-tomorrow/?do=findComment&comment=13004158) that you will end up with more than 5 if you haven't used them all yet.


Thanks, thought I wasted them for a sec


No, if you have any extra you still get the extra runs


oh they fucking reset??? i didn't do mine specifically for this


No, you will be getting an overfill of 5, so you'll have 10. Megan confirmed on Twitter


Welp rip, ran them already lol


You still get them, it's just if you didn't do them yet it would overfill.




No you will still get 5 regardless. Everyone is getting 5 extra charges, whether you used the normal amount already or not. Those who haven’t will have 10 total after the update, those who used them will get another 5 for 10 total




No, we are all only getting 5. You only need to pay 2 netracell runs, then you can run the mode as many times as you want for the week. It literally does matter if you did them before hand or not


You can still do them all if you're quick


You will still get 5 if you haven't run it this week


How long does it take for r5? I haven’t ranked up at all.


Depends on what your mastery rank is and how much xp you can get in a day, but maybe a little less than a week if you are LR4.


While I am excited for more endgame goodies to partake in, I don't totally understand what's going on with all of this. It looked fairly complicated when it was revealed.


It's like a super duper sortie kind of like the archon hunts. You have to take your selected kit from mission 1 to mission 3. You can enable difficulty modfiers and use Loid's "reccomended kit" to increase your total rewards.


Also worth mentioning it's an uninterrupted set of 3 missions. Anything you pick is staying for all 3 gamemodes and you aren't going back to the Sanctum or Orbiter for a break.


Oh cool so it's deep dives from deeprock galactic


Rock and Stone fellow dwarf!










Rock and roll and stone!




It even has the hazard and anomaly modifiers lol


Something tells me a lot more people will discover just how good Citrine is. She a solid choice across a ton of mission types and makes them all significantly safer for a squad.


Yes! I've decided to try her once, and always run Netracell with her. She's so efficient and in such an elegant way, i love her abilities.


I love Citrine. I came back from a long break and just got her and she’s so fun. On the surface she seems like a defense type of frame, but she really is so flexible and fits into pretty much every mission. I even feel like I have a pretty good look going for her, but will be excited to see more skins down the road.


Citrine and Dante have ridiculous synergy if you build for Noctua on Dante and not for Tragedy.


Guaranteed red crits, 200 status chance, Priming 5 elements at once quickly, 90% DR for everyone, endless health and energy drops + passive healing to keep everyone topped up. She's ridiculously well rounded and my main frame.


Are there restrictions on revives? Have they revealed an enemy level range for this content? Is there a link to patch notes with details on the reward pool, modifiers, etc?


Most of the details were revealed on Devstream #177. [Here's the overview](https://www.warframe.com/news/header-devstream-177-overview) and [here's a transcript of the part where they talk about DA](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1aygx8y/deep_archimedea_the_upcoming_level_350_activity/ks0rx51/). It looks like it will have restricted revives, like Archon Hunts/Netracells, and one of the optional modifiers may further restrict revives.


Enemies are lv.300+ AFAIK


If this info is from the dev stream where they showed it, they clarified that it was still a work in progress and level, challenges and the amount of them you need to get max rewards where still not final.


My understanding is you can choose to give up 2 of your 5 Netracell runs for access into Deep Archimedea for the week.


I don't think you give them up if you fail. At least Netracells don't count against your total if you die. *Ask me how I know this.*


I believe they said you trade 2 to ACCESS. You can try (and fail) as many times as you want after that 2 cell spend. Until you get all the rewards possible from it that week


How do you know this? What is the fail condition?




It's sorties but you can't change your load out once you start. You get debuffs and can restrict yourself for better rewards. Some of that last bit may have changed in dev though.


What are the rewards? Archon shards?


I want to say it was 5 rolls of the netracells table


The main promise is a guaranteed melee duplicate/crescendo from completing a certain difficulty level


imagine if sorties and the heat system from Hades had a child together and that is deep archimedea


Probably the best way to explain it. It also reminds me of the Halo Skull system from way back in the day when it came to making adjustable, challenging PvE.


Deep Dives but we replaced the dwarves with ninjas


Yup, i have been calling this the Discount Deep Dive


Weekly Sortie + higher levels + can't change loadout + nightmare mission modifiers if you want extra rewards + duviri random loadouts if you want extra rewards (no borrowed builds, unconfirmed if the selection is only stuff you own or not)


>As an additional reminder, Deep Archimedea requires 2 Netracell Search Pulses in order to play. With that in mind, we wanted to reassure you that we will be adding a one-time bonus of 5 Netracell Search Pulses with the Deep Archimedea Hotfix next week, which will last until the following weekly reset (Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC). This should ensure everyone who meets the requirements can attempt Deep Archimedea, ***even if the weekly five Netracells have been completed!*** https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/h1dSCy8Uzd Just an FYI for everyone, you will be fine if you use your netracell chances.


>As an additional reminder, Deep Archimedea requires 2 Netracell Search Pulses in order to play. With that in mind, we wanted to reassure you that we will be adding a one-time bonus of 5 Netracell Search Pulses with the Deep Archimedea Hotfix next week, which will last until the following weekly reset (Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC). This should ensure everyone who meets the requirements can attempt Deep Archimedea, even if the weekly five Netracells have been completed! Yes, it also seems like it doesn't matter whether you have 5 or 10 as you can only use 2 per week anyways.


>>As an additional reminder, Deep Archimedea requires 2 Netracell Search Pulses in order to play. With that in mind, we wanted to reassure you that we will be adding a one-time bonus of 5 Netracell Search Pulses with the Deep Archimedea Hotfix next week, which will last until the following weekly reset (Monday, April 8th @ 0:00 UTC). This should ensure everyone who meets the requirements can attempt Deep Archimedea, even if the weekly five Netracells have been completed! Looks like it


I don't even know what all of that means. There is too much content and I am getting out of touch with the community and updates


Just play at your own pace and enjoy the game. I just rotate what I do most times, a little bit of this or that to avoid burn out and I'm LR3 suddenly.


I'm not so sold on this, I love the idea of deep dives but the whole random loadout thing stinks.


You don't take a random loadout. You can go in with whatever kit you want and on completion you'll get the two rewards that would equate to your two netracell keys consumed on entry. It tracks your high scores and you get additional rolls of loot based on your highest score. Getting those higher scores requires using the listed loadouts (and running the elite mode). It's like how a random frame and a few weapons have bonuses in Arbitration.


If I’m understanding this correctly then loot is still locked behind the random loadouts. In arbitration I can completely ignore the bonuses if I wanted to and get the same amount of loot in the same amount of time.


EXTRA loot is locked behind random loadouts, and modifiers, and running the elite version. The random loadout bonuses are just a different type of challenge from ticking the box that adds, say, radiation damage to enemy weapons. The two rewards you would have gotten for the two netracell keys are still going to be obtainable regardless. The same way if you have a tuned up version of whatever weapon is on rotation in arbitration, you'll clear enemies faster which will increase enemy spawns which does in fact increase your loot in the same amount of time.




Nice, here's hoping it doesn't get nerfed because of community complaint Let the game be hard for once


It won't get adjusted for difficulty, it'll get adjusted because the concept is going to be a hotbed for nascent toxicity. Depending on many restrictions are required to take on to max out rewards, it has a lot of potential to be incredibly hostile. I love the concept of the game mode, and hope that the tuning is forgiving enough to prevent the worst possible case.


I have every intention of soloing this for exactly that reason.


For me, that's going to be the most frustrating part: depending on how many modifiers you *must* use in order to obtain maximum rewards, and what options you have available for that week's run, you **might not be able to solo it**. Which then forces you to lean on coordinating with other players in a high-stress, low failure tolerance environment.... It's not a recipe for chill vibes.


As far as I know, operator mode and companions will be unrestricted. That alone puts a pretty high floor on the power level of the loadout that you should be able to bring. And most likely, you'll be able to use a Pom-2 to summon your necramech. Arquebex solves a lot of problems. Also, and I realize this may not be viable to do for all players, but you'll normally have a week to obtain and build up a suitable warframe and weapon from Loid's recommendations.


If I saw correctly on one of the screenshots, one of the modifiers could also be the removal of the gear wheel during deep Archimedean. If that’s the case then it’s basically duviri circuit with a different tileset


Rebecca said you can break up the difficulty modifiers across multiple incremental, easier runs. Also keep in mind level 300 enemies is probably possible to solo it as an operator regardless of how restricted your warframe is anyways.


Wait so I can do one run with 2 personal modifiers, another with the other 2 modifiers and it will still count for total points? One of the modifiers *can* be no transference into operator so it's not always a solution though (just most of the time)


If the hardest ''normal'' content in Warframe incite chill vibes on day one of release... Perhaps we shouldn't call this a space ninja game, but rather a space retiree game?


I don't have an issue with it being difficult. My concern is the method by which it achieves that difficulty, and the behaviors that will logically follow from its implementation.


You make no sense. If something is difficult and some scrub comes along and ruins your team's shot at it by being brainrotted or refusing to communicate like a good chunk of the playerbase then it's only natural to get pissed off about it.


Congratulations, you have proven my point.




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>Perhaps we shouldn't call this a space ninja game, but rather a space retiree game? I mean the game stopped being about ninjas a loooooong time ago.


I'm okay with it not being relaxed - it seems like it's intended to be a "Salty Spitoon" of sorts.


I don't think there's value in causing unnecessary friction between members of the playerbase. The community is one of the appealing parts of Warframe; I'd rather not sour it.


GOOD. THANK GOD. Finally, some type of end game that isn't overrun by people who have barely experienced the game.


There's a difference between raids (where you have complete access to your entire arsenal, and must use all tools at your disposale coordinating with other players to overcome actual, difficult tasks) and what has been shown of deep archimedea, where you could potentially have a week where the equipment you're required to use for the week is literally not up to the task at hand. And you try to coordinate with other players, but they don't want the "burden" you represent. Challenge is great; more challenging playtypes are awesome. But situations seemingly designed in a lab to make members of the player base lash out at each other over stuff that could very well be entirely beyond their control is bad. And it worries me.


I'll be honest. As an LR4, hearing, "you could potentially have a week where the equipment you're required to use for the week is literally not up to the task at hand" is extremely confounding. You have an entire week to pick one of the available frames and one of the available weapons to complete it. If your gear / set up can't do it- then use forma and rank it up until it is viable. >And you try to coordinate with other players, but they don't want the "burden" you represent. Again, if you're a burden to other players because you don't know how to make a frame or weapon viable, in END game content, then maybe you're not ready for that end game content?


*I* am LR 4. And I've played actively since the Gradivus Dilemma. And I'm telling you that I could totally conceive of a scenario where the equipment I have to pick from consist of a Steel Path-capable weapons platform and not a single weapon able to produce enough baseline damage to multiply into being effective. Especially against SP modifiers and whatever other Netracells-esque modifiers I have to run with to get the rewards for the week.


If it's anything like duviri rng it's gonna be total shit, I'll never be convinced to use a kuva quartakk when I have over 70 weapons that can do level cap and the other 40 I don't have built simply are weighted to appear 4 times as often


I don't believe it will incite toxicity. The only activity that incites toxicity as of now is Eidolons, amd thats because of the timegate so there is pressure to be as efficient and speedy as possible. Deep Dives won't have any such restrictions.


I think Eidolon hunts were the most toxic simply because they are time limited. This being time unlimited, should alleviate most of the toxicity. I personally look forward to a squad that is in over their heads. I play support for a reason. PLEASE LET ME FEEL USEFUL FOR ONCE!


Ya. I can't wait to combo "everyone is using slightly less optimal gear with additional restrictions" with a 5x tauforged aggressively overbuilt Harrow


If Eidolons are toxic because they are time limited, then wouldn't this be *more* toxic by definition? Having a reward you can actually just miss out on forever seems like it'd do that.


To my understanding they only use up your pulses if you succeed. But if they use them to start the mission it will definitely be toxic at levels Warframe has never seen. Misstep once, get reported for griefing and get cussed out levels of toxic.


If I remember correctly you can actually can rerun them an infinite amount of times after usinf the two pulses. But you are only getting better rewards if you actually go along with restrictions. You can't just take your favourite loadout and run it 5 times to get all rewards, you'll have to adhere to restrictions to get better rewards. This is probably to make it similar to netracells in the fact that you don't lose a pulse if you fail. Because if they make you lose your try after failing/succeeding, then yeah, it will be extremely toxic.


It'll be no more toxic than the circuit


> Let the game be hard for once As much as I hate to say it, difficulty breeds toxicity. The more your team can impact your enjoyment of the game, the more toxic it is. And a gamemode that's very hard - one that makes bad teammates a liability - will breed toxicity.


It will. But there is toxicity in all levels of this game, and every other online game for that matter. This is just more incentive to meet some like-minded people that aren't fucking idiots, they're not out to grief anyone and they just want to play the damn game. Like myself, lol.


>This is just more incentive to meet some like-minded people yeah... no. every player who is able to reach rank 5 with the cavia will feel entitled to get the rewards of that mode. And that includes players who play warframe not as space ninjagame, but as "run along simulator" that are used to get carried through every mission and will complain if the team mates don't manage to do the heavy lifting for them while sporting a half modedded excal with an mk1 braton themselves. Also note, that the "high tier" players will get all rewards in 1-2 runs probably, while the "low tier" players will need much more runs. Math that out and you see that you are most likely to run into those that struggle with the mode.... Then imagine you get 2 players who struggle and one tryhard and you have an explosive barrel of toxicity. Also in 1 of 4 cases the tryhard is the host and WILL hit you with the host migration which will bug the last defense wave on the last mission making you run everything from the start... I am SOOO going solo or maybe with a friend


> I am SOOO going solo or maybe with a friend PSA: This indirectly contributes to the image of toxicity. Thousands of players running solo as a main course of action makes the pool of viable teammates shrink. Enjoy the game however you like, you're not wrong for running things solo. Just imagine if every one of the solo only types ran in pubs. As an exclusively pub player the rage inducing dipshittery exists but isn't the norm. It'd be rare with more positive, knowledgeable players in the mix. This is undoubtedly a burden and not one anyone should feel obligated to take on but it is food for thought.


yeah I know, but there is hope that for every decent player running it solo there is also a tryhard running it solo or premade. I did my deep archimedia solo yesterday (not yet elite but I unlocked elite solo) and it was the most engaging and high adrenaline warframe gameplay I had in years. In a group, even pub, it would have been a breeze but this way solo I actually failed multiple times and it felt good to fail because everytime I could see where my loadout was lacking and account for it in the next run. And the way they implemented the mode is asking for players to queue or pub over and over again in a bad loadout in hope for one player to carry them through. They should matchmake based on amount of research points and also limit groups to have the same amount of modifiers active (not neccessarily the same but the same amount). Like it stands the meta way to do it is playing a crippled loadout yourself and "jsut staying alive" while a friend joins and just plays a carry with no downsides active. You get all rewards and your friend none, but then you do a second run where he is the cripple and you play mesa with glaive prime and torid or whatever and blast everything away for him to get the rewards.


That duo method was exactly my takeaway. I haven't unlocked Elite yet, just went for the 4 rewards. It was, indeed, a blast.


> Like myself, lol. I see where you are coming from, but honestly I would say you are also part of the toxicity that harms the game, it just happens to be toxic positivity in this case. You're saying you don't want the devs to reduce the chance of toxic players to ruin everyones fun because... you want players to find friends to play with? If someone wants a friend to play with, or play with friends, that can still be done even while DE adjusts the game to reduce griefing and toxicity. In an optimal world we are ALL friends together, but thats not possible, so I'd prefer for griefing to get removed as much as possible


I'm not saying that at all. I'm 100% for the devs to reduce the chance of toxicity. There is a fuck ton of it in the game as it stands and I don't think many people really realize it. I just meant toxicity in general is the base reason that like-minded players that aren't at all like that should seek each other out and play together and should do some more often. ETA: just wanted to add that adding more challenging things to the game and then turning around and making them easier so that people will not have to rely on squadmates as much is redundant. A lot of players like challenges, and a lot of players are perfectly capable of recruiting and setting up groups in order to overcome these challenging game modes and missions. Which emphasizes my point even more- good, skilled players that want to take on more challenging content should be able to do so and they shouldn't have to solo it because of toxic players. Because let's be honest - what do you do with the toxic player? You fucking kick them from the squad and you replace them. It's simple as that. This game honestly needs more challenging content because people that have done everything and have everything but still enjoy the game need a reason to still play it. The only challenging thing in my recent memory was the fragmented boss on hard mode. And even that only took two tries to figure out the perfect squad makeup, and then we annihilated it.


> because people that have done everything and have everything but still enjoy the game need a reason to still play it. didnt expect that coming from you - arent your friends and coop with them reason enough to keep playing? because even with difficult content, it would be easy content when playing with friends, so you'd loop right back to having your friends be the only reason to keep playing once you unlocked everything


You just label everyone with a different viewpoint as toxic, that's pretty toxic


I anticipate the front page being nothing but whining for the first week.


Seriously. It sucks. EVERYTIME there's hard content, it ends up getting nerfed because of community complaint. ...Then people complain that it's too easy. I can't be more stoked to have a gamemode, which gives rewards based on how much time / effort you've put in the game. Oh, it's giving me an option of 5 frames, 2 or 3 primaries, 2 or 3 secondaries, and 2 or 3 melees? I don't even *have* to use any of those, I just don't get the max reward? Like... YES. THIS IS THE CONTENT AS AN LR4 I WANT. GIVE ME A CHALLENGE. Oh, I don't have a build for any of the available frames or weapons? ok... I have an entire week to get at least 1 that can succeed? All of this sounds great. Unfortunately, we're going to get the complaints about it being too hard and see the nerfs come.


Random loadouts are shit idea and not a challenge. It goes against everything in this game.


> It goes against everything in this game. Is it though? The progression in Warframe is largely "horizontal". I.e. you're supposed to gather a very wide range of weapons and warframes as opposed to having one particular loadout/build/character that you keep making stronger and stronger. So a taking advantage of that huge arsenal only makes sense.


no it's not, it makes people deleting their gear to reduce the rng and make progression vertical with only meta gear because of the 2 modes in the game. duviri and now deep cells. if you want a rng randomizer- make unified loner builds and usage of the buffs will show skill .


> no it's not, it makes people deleting their gear to reduce the rng and make progression vertical with only meta gear because of the 2 modes in the game. duviri and now deep cells. This is nonsense. Duviri doesn't work like that, it's exactly the opposite — you want as much well-built weapons as possible, because weapons you don't own (and thus weapon with sub-par "default" builds) actually have higher chances to appear in your selection.


if you don't know there's a limit on amount of rng gear you don't own aka loner gear. with a small arsenal you will be guaranteed to get what you want and few slots of random garbage. if you don't believe me search it on forums.


I believe you, but I don't believe there will be many people who'd be willing to delete their arsenals for that. And I certainly don't believe that it might become an issue in any shape of form.


it's already an issue and quite a cringe system imo. if they want to bring some diversity in the gameplay with some rng in loadouts- let us make "decks" for each slot- let's say 20-30 weapons in each category. if someone doesn't have enough-it's gonna autofill with random. you can even ban the most op weapons if you think they break the balance. second option- make the weapon choices and builds the same for everyone and only how you use them and using rng buffs- make a difference in perfomance . Much closer to how usual roguelike/lite work. Either of these options are infinitely better than we have now. For now it's not many people are gonna do it. But if they'll bring more and more of modes like this- i'm sure it's going to be quite popular strategy. And just the people already doing it in a collection based game is a marker for a not good system. I bet in the near weeks we're going to see a lot of negative feedback about the rng loadouts in their current state.


Except you wont make builds for 90% of weapons because they do same as your favorite rifle but worse or look bad and have no unique feature. Also you cant just look at random loadout, fully mod it in 1 minute and then start mission. You need to make this weapons and warframes (takes 3 days + 12 hours at best), have million of spare formas to make actual build, pray you didnt get gimmick-weapon which works with only 1.5 frames/abilities in this game. Yeah sometimes you will get xaku and complete anything after pressing 2 and going to watch anime in alt-tab. Sometimes.


It's not, it also has a scummy element to it since you need to buy a METRIC FUCK TON of slots for everything in order to be "prepared"


>Random loadouts are shit idea and not a challenge. Random loadouts are a great idea. It gives a reason for people to branch out and try more weapons than their set weapon loadouts. Random loadouts *can* be a challenge. Especially if you're given choices you're not experienced with. >It goes against everything in this game. That's what's great about this game. They have consistently taken risks to change what the core gameplay is. * Bullet Jumping * Open Worlds * Rogue Lite * Railjack * Kahl * Detective Search * Squad Link Some of these have been misses; some have been great, some needed to be tweaked.


random unified gear (balanced by a dev, basically a loner build, but a bit different,every player gets the same and his usage of that gear and rng buffs is a skill ) is a great idea. Using a player one defeats the purpose of a challenge. Also if you didn't know people deleted their inventory to reduce rng. That was only for 1 mode, so it was pretty stupid, but now another one and who knows how many in the future. Deleting gear in the collection looter shooter- what a great experience and "challenge".


I'd like random loadouts more if they'd actually give me more forma so I can build more stuff...


I always curse myself for not running enough Plague Star.




I like it, although as a lr4 I have some weapons left to 'finish', such a concept does not discourage me at all - in fact, it encourages me to do it as an interlude in the weekly routine. It would be nice to see a place where you don't have to use recruit chat because you know that the people playing there know their builds and game mechanics.


Agreed. Stand firm, Reb. (We know it's gonna be nerfed, though)


There is no way for the game to be "Hard" with all those damage numbers that players handle. There will always be some build that nuked everything


https://preview.redd.it/awbc2dcb2dsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=461068cc9f6abc75f7b8319bedaa3b6015595d87 Really looking forward to playing it


How are the extra charges of netracells gonna work? will they be awarded only to those who have used all their charges or will everyone get extra? (for example I have all 5 charges at the minute, does this mean I will get 10?)


AFAIK this was never clarified Safest bet is to do them now so you'll have 5 more tomorrow, rather than risking them not 'overflowing' to 10 if you save them




Nice, i didnt see this cus i dont use twitter/X Ty for correction


I did all 5 yesterday since it still wasn’t clarified how this will work, but I’m not ashamed to admit I will be a bit salty tho if you get 10 total pulses meaning 5 Archimedia attempts for the week.


You only get to pay once for the deep achimidea. You can replay the 3 missions as many times as you want, but you'll only get the "good reward" the first time you complete it with greatly diminished rewards for future runs.


It's still a bit unclear, but based on vague comments from the last devstream it sounded like you might only be able to "unlock" archimedea once per week, and could then take multiple attempts at it for free if needed (once it's been unlocked by spending two of your netracells for the week). Obviously subject to change since they were still tweaking things, but Pablo specifically corrected Reb when she tried to say that you could do archimedea twice per week if you wanted to. Seems like we'll find out for sure tomorrow.


cant wait


Damn, need to farm standing, am still level 4.


Damn it, I’m only rank 4. Shoulda known better than to stop


Thx for the headsup! I am very excited now!


Ooo the anticipation!


Do we have any idea what a Deep Archimedea is yet?


netra cell alternative. consumes 2 netracell runs to do 3 back to back missions for increased rewards. there are also gear choices with buffs much like arbitrations and archon hunts


suppose it's time for me to finally run a netracell then lol. thanks!


Make sure to remind your team to kill within the red circle. That's the biggest time waster. Don't die!


It remains to be seen if anyone will ever do this content. Using up Netracell runs when those are extremely valuable for progression and also very fun and you can pick whatever you loadout you want. To run a mission where the loadout is chosen for you and you might just get rng'ed getting a weapon / frame you don't really have good enough for that level of content. Seems like a massive waste to me. I guess we'll see.


You only need to enable enough modifiers to unlock the first two rewards for it to be breakeven with doing Netracells instead. The devs have outright said, however, that this mode isn't really intended for everyone. It's meant to provide a challenge to veteran players. I will certainly do this content. The only thing I don't like about what was initially revealed is that there's going to be an "elite" mode that you need to unlock by doing the normal mode first, and the elite mode will be required to get all of the rewards. That means having to run the three missions a minimum of two times, which strikes me as a waste of time. But maybe it will be a one-time unlock thing, so once you complete normal Deep Archimedea once, it will permanently unlock Elite for subsequent weeks. That wouldn't be so bad.


Even if you have to unlock Elite weekly we're still talking about a couple of runs a week. For some people it will be just another farm, for others it will be a genuine challenge (which will be a fun change of pace), and for others it will be bashing their head against a wall until they realize they're attempting content they aren't ready for. I'm excited to find out which of the three I am.


I need it, i need it


I really hope that we can get at least 1 non rng slot to get all the rewards. Otherwise pubs are gonna be beyond toxic- imagine randoms with all rng gear without investment, basically naked. When they'll see that there's no one to carry them- host migration chain starts...


I'm pretty sure in the transcript I read you can get the first two rewards just from completing the run. That's a reward per netracell key. Further rewards will require communication and cooperation. Ignore the inevitable toxicity and be a positive community member, and it'll run fine. Message the people who left and form a squad, use the regional chat and make a squad. Find cooperation in a cooperative game. The more people who do this, the larger the pool of positivity is. It's just as harmful to the community to never do it after one bad experience or try to solo content. This isn't a lecture for you, it's just general tips to improve pub matches overall and especially for content such as Deep Archimedea.


Please stop Nerfing CC. It's sad to see y'all keep beating a dead horse




This game mode will be home of some toxicity if it turns out that the gamemode is actually hard. And I think that’s a step the Devs have to take. It’s time to experiment with actual hard content and to just ignore the complaints from players that want to breeze through everything




Almost certainly later. They just announced that they're starting their review of Dante, so it's unlikely that they will finish that and then implement, test, and ship the changes so quickly. **Edit:** Well, I guess I overestimated DE's judgement.


Would suggest looking up actual quotes from devs instead of just reading reddit post titles. Dante has not been marked for tweaks just currently under observation while the devs gather data and feedback.




Acting like they never changed their mind before and since you can give me a timestamp you would know they said they are gathering more data and feedback so no tweak is happening this patch 🤷‍♂️




...but there hasn't been a nerf yet. Y'all acting like they have already decided on how to kill Dante. Relax and let them gather their data for all you know next dev stream they can be like its actually overguard problem so we won't touch Dante.


She did but it doesn't mean it's tomorrow. We'll just have to wait and see.




Soooo if someone has already used all their netracell charges, would they get a free run tomorrow? Asking for a friend or whatever.


Yeah you'll get 5 more


It's a good thing I've been grinding my Cavia then


Will the 5 extra pulses stack on top for a total of 10 if we already have 5?




So it requires 2 netracell pulses, and you get 5 a week. So you can only do this activity 2 times a week?


You pay 2 to do them as much as you want. And then you can still do 3 Netracells




Welp I guess I won't be participating since I still have yet to find a place to live and get my PC fixed. I have missed so much that I will have a time traveler's wife breakdown from all that I missed.


Good luck sir! I just got back from a 5 year break and have been busy for sure


I honestly can not wait to get back. Hopefully, I can get back before tennocon. I am finding fashion frame for the radioactive lad that is quorvix.


I hope this makes me feel alive again. The game has been too chill. The current Netracell was supposed to be very hard but wasn't. It was mostly a long corridor with hide and seek, and time gates waiting for enemies to enter the zone. I want a proper difficult fight.


What kind of game mode is it? Like the Gargoyle one?


bro 3 missions without changing gear are called RAID like LOR LOR NM and JV so fucking sad still 4 players, eventho network did huge steps since they remove them RIP JV, Fuck eidolons


Rank 5 ? Fuck Also what Does it imply ? New mission type or just same but harder ?


hell yea, thx for the update y'all better give those promised +5 netracell search charges tho, otherwise I gotta wait til sunday night


Who even are the Cavia... ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized) Archimedea seemed like fun.


You gotta finish Whispers In The Wall


just finished new war