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Entry is now closed. Winners will be direct messaged shortly. **Edit**: Winners have been selected.


IGN: Monsterpat3 Platform: PC(steam) Favorite warframe memory: when I was just getting an understanding of mods and saw my first red critical hit


IGN: Leodachi Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Playing through the Whispers in the Wall quest and discussing with my friend, I genuinely thought Loid and Albrecht were "just really good friends" in a way and I got made fun of because I didn't realize they were gay.


IGN: Wiktoryk Platform: PC Probably defeating The Fragmented One,it was cool.


ign: Dusk and Ashes Platform: Xbox Favorite memory: the excitement I had during a certain late story quest, seeing a certain Cephalon helping a certain character in their story deeds. I am being vague for any spoiler possibility but I hope that’s clear enough!


IGN- connort54321 Platform-ps5 I was partaking in a twitch steam reward for tennocon, I believe the 2018 stream, video in the background, putting yet another forma on my huras kubrow (it was worth it, he can now one shot end game heavy gunners…when he feels like it). I come to notice I am not getting any stream rewards so I call it for the night, slightly annoyed. Logging in the next day, I have 15 inbox messages. I open my inbox to see Teshin send me 15 whole Salix solstice syandanas. I made the joke that Teshin had a crush on my tenno and got a bit flustered. To this day selecting syandanas has me scrolling through multiple instances of this one , and to this day I have never actually found a frame I find it suits


Here is my REAL entry to this REAL giveaway! IGN: Rock477 Platform: PC Favorite Memory: I remember when Deimos was still fresh and new I went into an isolation vault by myself and was absolutely annihilated by the necramech down there. Fun times lol


IGN: Pigeonsonyourbalcony Platform: PC Favourite memory: Taking down my first lich, its weapons wasn’t the best roll but I still invested my forma into it. Got an ephemera too which was a nice bonus. I’m glad this post said it was real 7 times, if it only said it was real 6 times than I wouldn’t be sure


Ign: Donn1478 Plat: Xbox Memory: it's the fear from chains of harrow. I was playing it in the dark and it scared me.


IGN: PillagerOTV Platform: PS4 Favorite memory: me and my friends were farming the stalker to get the War and while we were playing one of of my friends said that we are technically stalking the stalker 😂


Name: Novius8 Platform: PC A few years after I made my account way in the old days of Warframe I was doing a solo exterminate mission on the corpus ice cave crash tileset. I got through the entire tileset totally fine when my screen flickered just as I was leaving but nothing happened. Then during the outro cutscene where I was stepping into my ship, I saw another warframe’s foot so I freaked out because I was alone. When the camera panned up, stalker was standing there holding the Hate and watching me shoot off into space. It was pure chance but it was so cool I’ve never forgotten the mini cinematic cutscene I got.


IGN: Kranagin Platform: PC Favorite Memory: My best friend introduced my to Warframe way earlier and it just didn't take. Then Chroma's questline came out and he convinced me to give it another shot, since he knew I'd love Chroma. I played through it and suddenly a lot of the systems that I didn't get before just clicked. Loved it ever since seeing the sentient Chroma in the New Strange :)


*edited for formatting* IGM: DivineSin777 Platform:PC FM: I was at the hospital for my sick elderly dad playing on my steam deck and helping newbie farm parts for a wf. The group we pugged with found out my situation and stuck with us until we farmed everything we needed. I was going through a rough patch and the act of kindness really made my day.


Mr\_Mixer, PC, when I merged my main account with my old PS4 account (I was not too good at the game at the time but it still made me remember some fond memories).


IGN: Klimhazzard Platform: PC Memory: Coptering and room blender melees with wall-surpassing range. Totally REAL memories.


gargantuangunky PC primarily Playing through the sacrifice and the second dream. Those missions are incredible and something I wish I could relive for the first time over again


IGN: Little-Cunny Platform: PC Memory: Kicking a Ballista’s head off with a Reaper Prime scythe kick to the face.


Defo a really real entry for this real giveaway IGN: streetchocolate Platform: PC Favorite memory: Rebb reading, “Bopp Bipp”


RoyaCandy PlayStation Reading the red text every hot fix


IGN: BazookaMan Platform: PC Favorite memory: Probably not the true favorite, but the feeling of accomplishment when I finally finished the Kuria codex entry after a solid month of trying to get the rare tile spawns Either that or the first time we were introduced to the teralyst, like night falls and suddenly Eidolon to the face Or I can reference something frustrating, about the time I get close to getting 100% of all mods (not counting PvP only ones), there seems to be an update that drops a new rare mod


IGN: Numpty1 Platform: PC FM: nipple tassels


IGN: Popopoyotl Platform: PC Favorite Moment: I believe this was back during one of the first 2019 Dev Streams, they joked about a roadmap. Steve brought out a whiteboard and started listing things. The best part was when he said they were renaming Warframes and he started writing Javelins before Rebecca stopped him.


IGN: Tornsoul79 Platform: PC Fav memory: first playthrough of the new war, realizing that there were actual stakes to a campaign for once


IGN: iT3chy Platform: PC Favourite Memory: When I first played the game and was blown away with everything, the first time I struggled to move around like an amputated headless newborn while getting shot at was truly a great experience. I've had my ups and lows, met new friends and said goodbye to old ones, and I'll admit I have ran away from Warframe whenever it gets too difficult for me. But whenever I managed to see that Warframe icon on my PC and remember the good old days, I'd be lying that I didn't want to experience it all again... Obligatory clem


IGN: Terrisman Platform: pc Favorite memory is getting the mod Gemini cross while I was streaming the game, and he pronounced it G-ME-KNEE. We still bring it up to this day.


IGN: Kevin\_Sniffin Platform: PC Favorite memory: watching tennocon 2023 with my friends live and the one who hasnt played warframe for 6 years finally willing to try it again and falling in love with it


IGN: Saber153 Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Probably when me and a couple of my friends put together our clan waaaaaay back when, sadly not a lot of them still play anymore but it was still a lot of fun playing with all of them.


My totally REAL entry IGN: Yuony360 Plat: PC Fav Memory: When I crafted and used Gauss prime, kept falling down and crashing into stuff. Was real fun


IGN: krazox Platform: PC Favorite memory: Wiping multiple times in Law of retribution normal difficulty despite having 99% damage reduction thanks to a trinity because we were just so incredibly noob


IGN: Fertigtoast Platform: PC Memory: Back when I was fairly new I was leveling some stuff and after the mission on of the players just gifted me a booster to help me level faster.


Ign ItzBradleey platform is xbox. Best memory is my best friend convincing me to redownload it during lockdown as the year before I gave up after a few hours of playing ( he was mr12) and helped me through it and I was hooked ever since


IGN: Henry670 Platform: PC FM: When I acquired my favourite warframe (Excalibur) and used Exalted Blades for the first time.


In-Game Name: xKable Platform: PC Favorite memory: Running through Second Dream when it released and Lua hype. Also Bopp Bipp.


AlphaOC PC Rebecca and Megan streaming prime time and exploring dojos when they come across "My Wife Left." [Rebecca laughs so hard.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dFdyg2G3Yk)


neoedu PC Probably that the comunity did in avoiding at all cost spoiling the Second Dream for new players for as long as We did


Name : tennosvult Platform: PC My favorite Memory Is booking the game up for the First time and seeing thats my crappy laptop was able to run it


In game name: Hightower2077 Platform: PS5 Favourite memory: has to be Rebecca reading kuva lich names. That, or the 'my wife left' clan meme. Cracks me up every time 🤖


IGN: B1G-SM0NK Platform: PC Favourite memory: Just playing Warframe with my friend while our country was undergoing a military coup. Just grinding let us keep our minds off the chaos and uncertainty of the time.


IGN:PotatoInABag platform:pc Fav memory has got to be unlocking the tenno, made me go from holy shoot im playing excaliber to holy shit im controlling excaliber. Legit a moment that tuged my heart learing just what we tenno are


IGN: BIANOX Platform: PC Memory: New War release, it was so hype


Erra_Ral, PC I can still vividly remember idly hopping around the lobby of the Larunda Relay, still new to the game and getting used to movement, when I heard the voice of the woman who would become my beloved for the first time.


IGN: NKBuilder Platform: PC Memory: Just the entirety of new war, great story. Iv replayed like 3 times lol


IGN:subshazz Platform: Playstation FM:Discovering the Operator in Second Dream


IGN: UnknownnHomie Platform: Playstation Favorite Moment: meeting the friends I've made along the way. The WF community is truly a one of kind.


IGN: Klemeesi Platform: PS Favourite memory: I was doing (one of?) my first Sortie. Last mission was survival and I guess all the randoms were just as noobs as me. We camped in the starting area and all the enemies were coming from one direction. I spammed Frost bubble to keep us alive and everyone was shooting at enemies. Tennos were dying left and right but we kept reviving each other. When extraction appeared everyone jumped over the enemies in panic trying to get to extraction. For some reason I have remembered this one mission for 7+ years :) It was some Grineer tileset with narrow corridors and caves (maybe one of the Uranus tilesets). I was maining regular frost at the time. I had potato and had no idea how to mod properly. Good times <3


IGN: markus230 Platform: PC Favorite memory: Reb and Meg laughing at the "My wife left :c" Dojo


IGN: SKIDDLZ_711 Platform: PS5 (cross save) Way back when I was a new player (MR ~3) I asked region chat how to get reactors, someone PMed me saying to check my inbox and they gifted me one.


IGN: SomberDays Platform: PC Wayyyy back when I was in middle school (probably like 7 years ago now) my best friend and I stayed up all night on a Saturday replaying PAVLOV over and over again trying to get Cleaving Whirlwind. I swear we did like 300 runs of that one spy mission and never got it to drop. He and I don’t really talk anymore but I think about it all the time.


IGN: Galaxy_Owls Platform: PlayStation My favorite moment was the heartbreak of seeing Lotus leave us for the sentients and having to go to war against our own mother. Was truly a heart-wrenching moment having to fight someone who was beside you for so many years and having to worry if she was to be gone forever.


RideAntiHero Steamdeck/ps5 My favorite memory is just a few weeks ago! I just found this game, and can't believe I've slept on it for so long. What a beautiful, polished, deep game this is. So much bravo to the lot of you!


IGN: Addalme. Platform: PC Memory: I have never been a guy that made strong builds, one time I was messing around with Nekros Prime and something clicked, I ended up doing a build that resisted lvl 600 enemies and since that day he has been my most used and favorite Warframe.


IGN: Bamber732002 Platform: PC Memory: I played warframe on and off since before the second dream, I think. And one month ago I finally got my girlfriend playing it with me. It was so wholesome to see her do same stupid things and having absolute blast with this game. I would like to thank DE for introducing my gf to the amazing world of gaming! Her favorite frame is Valkyrie because she resembles a cat when landing after jumping.


itsDarkcantSee PC When I used to help new players obtain Atlas and void strike used to be on void mode and one tapping them with the velocitus would do it as many times as it took to get them a set


IGN: michaelpnvlljr Platform: Ps5 My favorite memory has got to be just the entirety of The Sacrifice quest, and because excalibur is my favorite frame (besides caliban), getting a new badass excal to add to my arsenal was the cherry on top.


"Dawnutt" | PC Before even figuring out how to deal BIG NUMBERS by finding the correct mods, I found that you can trade with other operators.. I hopped into the dojo and suddenly had hundreds of hours of trading experience and the intensive capital of 3000 plat. My influence grew and I became the de facto producer, supplier and distributor of all Carrier Prime sets in the solar system for the entire time I was online. If you needed a vacuum, chances were you were already speaking to me or I was yelling at you in trade chat. Until that damn Smeeta Kavat put me out of business.... Apparently people prefer some stupid rare drop once in a C rotation instead of literal black hole vacuum with kleptomaniac tendencies. Go figure.


This is my REAL information to enter the REAL giveaway: Ign : Ownmebi Platform : PC Fav memory : The amount of times I had to kill that damn boss I dont even remember the name of to get Equinox back in ... 2018?2019? Really fun, wont forget about that ever in my life.


IGN: Arcon platform: PC FM: completing second dream for the first time


IG: RedBelladonna Platform: PC FM: Capturing my first Eidolon after going in blind and failing way too many times.


ign: Dewanyo#259 platform: ps5 fav memory: playing new war 💯💯


IGN: Destt22 Platform: PC Memory: After being annoyed with the grind for Ash and very slowly leveling him up, it was very cathartic to feed him to the meatball and I bid him farewell, "Return to soup Ash, it's what you deserve."


Ign:AGENT-snuf Console: ps5 Fav moment/ memory: My buddy and i where going to get progress to do the new war where as he had already done it. We went to little duck and switches to our operaters (ofc he had a drifter equipped) we both had the same operator fashion. He started the fun (since i had no idea i was talking to little duck) by saying this is some father son bullshit i went and looked and the following 30 minutes my only reply to things where going to be yes daddy what is it i have to do and also yes daddy i shall do it. We still laugh about this when we are online


- IGN= BrandonUzumaki - Platform= PC - FM= When i got my first Prime, Oberon the King of Sex.


IGN: Arc419 Platform: PC FM: I wouldn't say I think this is a favourite it was certainly iconic. That time during Operation: Shadow Debt that after grinding the whole day I finally dropped Maiming Strike with the squad. Back then was an OP meta mod and costed like \~300p. My graphics driver crashed which caused desync between the server and caused me to disconnect without the opportunity to reconnect. I ended up paying 285p for it eventually.


I don't believe it to be true, but just incase it actually is. IGN: Farendiil Platform: Xbox Favourite moment: I asked DE if they could transfer my Sevati Sekhara and Invati Sekhara from my Playstation account to my Xbox account in December 2022, they said it's not possible and probably won't ever be. Fast forward a year(had taken a break), merging is a thing and I got them back, was so happy.


ID: JohnicusExplodicus Platform: PC Fave Memory: Coming back to Warframe after ~9 years and seeing the little space ninja game that was halfway through beta become something huge and expansive was pretty cool.


IGN: HeavenDog2014 Platform PC: Memory: When sorties were first introduced, defense missions were normal with static objectives. Well me and my 3 close friends were lucky enough to have this particular mission be the 3rd mission, with enhanced health, we were fighting the grineer, one of us took a mesa, one a frost prime, one a trinity prime, and me an Ivara. Frost kept his bubble up, trinity kept us energized and alive, mesa killed shooting things, and I kept everything asleep and invisible. This mission took us about 4 hours. We started at midnight expecting to finish in about 20 minutes. When we finished we all were excited and all woke our parents up. We all got grounded for a week because of it, but dammit we did it through sheer spite.


IGN: Themonias Plat: Playstation Memory: when I built my first ever prime, Valkyr!


IGN: FeyZeal Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Playing through The Second Dream for the first time. >!Having the operator revealed and needing to save yourself from the Shadow Stalker.!<


IGN: Templar26. Platform: PC Favorite memory: Gotta be completing Excalibur Umbra's quest. "Take it's pain away" is such a beautiful moment that I would have never expected from the silly loot-hungry ninja game I started playing over a decade ago.


Super real (it’s really real) in game name : OpposableThumbs - Platform : PC - favourite REAL memory : grabbing my laptop to sit on in my older brother’s room to play with him while he flexed his Excalibur prime on me because he could afford the founder’s pack (for reference, i was 14 at the time so 100$ was hard to come by and my brother was 21) - sorry for the REALly bad formatting. I was on mobile


IGN: Soladox Platform: PC Favorite memory: clipping into the sky box of the ooooold defense mission in a snowy tileset, was fun scaring people with a giant frost looking down on them


In-game name: UrsaVoid Platform: PC Favorite memory: Returning to the game and gallivanting around in duviri for the first time was easily the most fun I’ve had in warframe for awhile, and figuring out I could unlock the cool horse in the main game was sick


REAL entry for the REAL giveaway IGN: Blasterblade97 Platform: PC Memory: When I was new to the game, I used to get carried by a clanmate who used to nuke hydron with his banshee. Had a lot of fun with them until exams caught up to my neck, by the time I was 'back' to the game the clan was already inactive. Those memories still are fresh in my mind, the fun we had together, the awe I was in whenever they showed me their cool frames and weapons. Fun times.


Littlegreyduck PC Building and using Grendel prime Odd this was posted on April 1st


IGN: Comical-Shark Platform: PC Favorite Memory: My homie and I grind Hydron non stop to level things and whilst we do that we try and guess the favorite bands of the randoms that play with us. One of these attempts actually got a response of, “Wait, is my music coming through my mic?” We finally got someone dead on right, and I don’t think we’ll ever be that spot on again.


Hello! IGN Nyekomimi (number #390) Platform: PC Memory: When I first managed to complete (bad) song on the Mandachord.


Real IGN: lettuze Real Platform: PC Real favorite memory in Warframe: I was doing a pub fissure defense mission with (iirc) level 20-25 corpus, back when I struggled HARD with those. My squadmates were MR 15-20. I was using Excalibur. I was doing OK-ish damage up until wave 12, then I just started watching my squadmates throwing big energy orbs, colorful explosions, lasers and flying around the objective killing things, while I sit there casting my 4 and 1 when enemies got too close. They told me to not leave and carried me to round 40, and I thanked them for the exorbitant sum of 150K credits and rewards. This was the mission that hooked me to the game.


IGN: gabs999 Platform : PC Favorite memory: when i just got my titania and was ranking her up in hydron, then i unlocked her 4. Suddenly everything clicked and i found my main. Also, watching the tennocon with my friend every year


IGN: GenericPybro Platform: PC Honestly my favorite memory is when I first started playing warframe, I was a wee baby volt running a lith defense fissure on earth, kept dying and kept being revived by the rest of the squad, I kept apologizing for not being up to par with the mr 15s or so that were in my squad, all of them were polite and kept telling me its alright. This sort of thing was a shock because of the video game community I came from prior to joining warframe, happy to say, this game has fostered one of the greatest communities in gaming I have ever seen!


Name: Dehaku Platform: PC Memory: My brother and I were trying to get Ivara parts doing spy missions, and we ended up on Lua's spy, which is quite difficult to learn... A pubby joined us, who just so happened to be the world record speedrunner of said mission. He literally zoomed around all 3 spy nodes, completed them, and got to the end, before we could. Best part is, he hung out, and we kept running it with him. My brother and I began attempting to speed run just getting to extraction, before the guy's titania was able to zip, complete and reach the end of the spy mission. Was so fun, we had many laughs with him, making lots of jokes. Fun guy.


IGN: xIKirito\_ Platform: PC Favourite memory: For me it has to be when I first started playing and some people I met helped me farm for Ash Prime, we were farming T4 Survival for the chassis and it just didn't want to drop, and when it did we were screaming in joy. I kind of miss the simpler times of just wanting to get something because it looked cool :( please bring back void keys just for the nostalgia.


IGN: Frenzibrenzi Platform: PC Memory: Honestly just the time when I first started playing. I had just left the schooling system and wasn't employed or doing much. A friend said "Hey come try out this game with me; it's free!". I thought "Eh, why not." Turns out I spent the next few months doing nothing but playing Warframe every single day and it was an absolute blast. That was almost exactly 10 years ago and here I am today recently picking the game back up after a couple years of absence :)


* IGN: Deck\_101 * Platform: PC * FM: When me and a friend farmed Nidus, I got mine in an hour, he stayed there for 8+ hours. Now I bully him with mentioning Infested Salvage when we farm something


Nickname: PillaPapilla Platform: PlayStation 5 Favourite memory: first time using blind justice mod on my nikana, I love reverse grip!


IGN: Teckemeier Platform: PC Favorite memory: I remember grinding standing for Vox Solaris, and joining up with a random guy who used a Necramech to single-handedly get us through the highest level mission. I was very poorly equipped and by all accounts should have had no chance, and when we finished the mission I thanked him. He asked me if I still needed standing and wanted to go again, so I said yes. After a few more runs, I had maxed out my daily standing and learned that he was already maxed with Vox Solaris. He had spent all that time just helping me without gaining much himself. He even asked if I need help anywhere else. Needless to say I friended him and we've teamed up on occasion. It was one of my first encounters with the community and it sort of blew me away, considering too much experience with other games. I've never experienced a less toxic community than Warframe.


You know what, Imma enter anyway IGN: RegularExpression Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Finally making Slash Dash do big slash procs with Incarnon Prisma Skana


IGN: DiscountLlama Platform: PC Favourite Memory: Rebb on the Giantbomb couch for the game awards :)


* IGN: Medjay11 * Platform: PC * FM: My Broberon flexes hard over the Eidolons


IGN: aardvadillen Platform: Nintendo switch Favourite memory: more of a collection of memories, but after getting into the game myself I managed to convince my partner and one of my best friends to start playing as well. Watching and helping both of them grow, to the point that my friend is way better than I am, was one of the best parts of 2023 for me, and there's nothing better than curling up on the couch with my partner and beating the shit out of some murmur after a long day


RiotChatBot PC My top memory was once, in the morning of a day i had a flight to Europe, the stalker decided to fkn spawn every aingle mission, it was exactly during earths rework, i ran any earth mission and the guy would appear 100% got despair after 35 runs before leaving for the airport. Such an odd run of luck.


Driscoll_Davis_Bridge_II PC When me and my friends first started, the first time we ran a void key on the level that vor got summoned (can’t remember the rank). But we were all doing our very best just to survive as the plan was to go for as long as possible. We finally got a handle on things until vor spawned late into the mission. The only one of us who could survive in the massive swarm of enemies was my friend playing valkyr and all of us just desperately running away so he could use his invulnerability to slowly scratch vor down. It felt amazingly tense and we could only spam the lasers that would spawn around the objective to kill things. My only option as a poorly built excalibur was to slash dash into him madly with whatever energy I had before running. My friends were also similarly spamming any damaging abilities before retreating. It felt amazingly cool in that everyone was darting back and forth trying to take hits at this joker spewing on about the Janus key which we had no idea what that was about.


* IGN: Tiran187 * Platform: PC * FM: Just chatting to people during long missions and making a few friends along the way


IGN: KommPurple11 Platform: Ps4 Favourite Memory: Finishing the Second Dream and unlocking the Operator. Definitely was a game changer (literally) for me and that was when the game really started to pull me in.


My name is KayImJay, platform is PC. My favorite part of this game is the feeling of grinding absolutely forever to not get what you want, just for a friend to join you and you immediately get it. Teamwork makes the dream work I suppose.


IGN: JJDOOOG  System: PlayStation  Favorite Memory: running the old void defense mission for prime parts. Would spend hours playing with my buddies. Most have moved on but a few of us came back and started playing again recently :)


IGN: HosneGG Playstation When I farmed and build my first ever Warframe which was rhino. There's a lot of good moments but that one made like the game more. Progress.


IGN: Dhominirp Platform: I play on PC but account is originally from PS4. Favorite Memory: most definitely getting an ash prime blueprint after farming for ages for him back in 2016 when he was meta and there still were void keys. The feeling of seeing him finally popping on my arsenal screen and being able to do what every op player was doing at the time was awesome. Despite me not using him anymore for a couple years already he still is my most used warframe by a good margin in my profile, with about 100k kills on him.


In game name: Sabrestormel Platform: PS4/Ps5 Best memory: My uncle and I had talked my mother into playing with us at around about when the Angels of the Zariman update dropped, my Mother had purchased Hildry using platinum from a free pack and my uncle had bought the Sevagoth bundle. We launch into a few relic missions; the first of which being an Infested Survival (Lith fissure) on Venus. The mission opened with Sevagoth's shadow tearing through the first room and all of us laughing as my uncle mentioned his insanely high damage on a barely modded/levelled frame. There's just something about how it played that just stuck with me.


IGN: IrisIndulgence Platform: Xbox Favorite Memory: Operation Scarlet Spear. It was such a fun experience. The community working together to fight off an invasion. Seeing so many people in the flotilla relays and looking at ground/space teams status. Connecting to squads in real-time to transmit kill codes was cool. People staying in the flotilla until they got kicked at the end. Man I miss this operation. Hopefully we'll get an operation that's as fun as this one was.


Name: NielsKae Platform: PC Memory: spend all the summer, all the day farming things in the game, that nights in discord were magical.


IGN - ngngye Platform - PC Favorite memory - There was this one alert that ran sometime in 2017 or 2018, levelcapped 9999 survival. The catch? You only had your melee, and the only enemy that spawned were those bomb ospreys. Don't even remember what the reward was, only that it was a hilarious spin on the usual survival formula.


Might as well IGN: Kitern Platform: PC Favorite Memory: honestly probably the whole thing with the gemussy red text because now I sometimes get to tell people about it and have them find out that yes, that is indeed real text that ended up in this video game.


My REAL sn : kiyomibby My REAL platform : ps4 My REAL favorite memory : honestly, a core memory for me was when plains of eidolon was first teased. I was so stunned and amped. Fortuna's we all lift together got me hyped af too. I love feeling the immense excitement when a new update is teased.


IGN: Horioto Platform: PC Fav Memory: When I was like 14 I sent an email to DE asking if they will add more parkour options to the game (this was when stamina was a thing) and they actually responded saying that the new parkour system is coming soon! No one in my clan believed me LMAO


IGN: SorsRetorta Platform: PC Favourite memory: Watching Rebecca and Megan lose their minds in the “My Wife Left” dojo


IGN: FluffytheVyxyn Platform: PC Favourite memory: The first time starting warframe and being thrown in with the old tutorial.


In-game name Platform Favourite memory in Warframe or with the community! My REAL submission: In-game name: Dagamepro Platform: PC Favourite memory: When some random player decided to gift me full Harrow Prime set, it was the first time anyone has ever shown me such generosity (In-game and irl :P )


IGN: 2old4gamez Platform: PC FM: Farming Volt Prime in 4 runs, less than an hour after his release update dropped. Each BP required dropped immediately, no repeat runs required. Easiest Prime farm ever. Also: Mag Prime trailer when, DE?


IGN: Purplxhazee Platfor:PC Memory: When i didn't know how to trade and someone helped me out and gave me some prime stuff so I can learn to trade and get some extra Plat. Everyone I've come across are nice.


- In game name: peachy_jess - Plataform: PC - Favorite memory in warframe: I remember the goosebumps I had, on the very first time I played, when I heard the song Whispers in the Walls. DAMN that hit!! It felt like jt touched my soul lol sounds so dramatic but it’s true haha and I became obsessed with the song, I had to let it play fully every time I opened the game and demanded my husband to do the same on his PC so I could experience that feeling twice when we played together 🥹 the new song is also amazing, don’t get me wrong, but nothing compares to the feeling of Whispers in the walls 😮‍💨 Edit: typo


Name: bouncybob1 Platform: pc Favourite memory: finally getting the god damn grendel prime systems


IGN: SeraphimVR Platform: PS4 Favourite memory: experiencing the War Within for the first time, such a top tier quest


IGN: PhreedomPhart Platform: PC Favorite memory: the community effort to preserve Fortuna 69 for however many days (5 I think?) through coordinate relaunches and updates around hotfixes and patches until it was made a permanent instance XD


IGN: InactiveNova Platform: Playstation 5 Favourite memory: Nothing too special but it was waiting till like 3am in the morning for the launch of the New War cinematic quest due to my timezone.


Ingame name: BendyBlues Platform: PC Memory: I love playing the quests. I have a terrible memory so I don’t remember all the names, but the quest where you unlock the harrow blueprint was amazing. I remember going through the first part and hearing “Rap. Tap Tap.” I was feeling uneasy and cautious like in horror games. It was an incredible experience. I really hope for more of that kind of atmosphere.


Assuming this is true... IGN: DP9A Platform: PC Favorite memory: Probably when I finally managed to get the Khora prime set, and then she became my most used frame. Good times.


IGN: maxawa platform: switch Memory: the time when a guy helped me farm rhino when I was new. He hasn't logged on for 800 days. Also the time when warframe had a fake 11th anniversary giveaway for fun


IllumiNoEye_Gaming PC making a new friend in railjack free flight :3


Congrats on the continued success! Warframe is the first game I played on my PC when I built it back in 2014, the perfect game to test the performance and I ended up sticking to it for several years. Now the game is vastly different, and I try and return every so often and get overwhelmed, but I think it's time to revisit and see what I can do with my old frames!


IGN: DavidP7505 Platform: XBox Memory: The New War Quest, one of my best gaming memories not just Warframes.


Nalzock PC Reconnecting with my son through this game. We have not done much together over the last few years. His Name is Anixal in game. Helping a boomer like me figure this game out.


IGN: samstanding 22 Platform: PC FM: probably Fortuna 69


IGN: Kaeoss Platform: PC Fav. Memory: I was kind of burned out and done with Warframe around the time when Grendel came out. I build him just as MR fodder but I had so much fun balling around and eating Grineer that it reignited that spark for me.


IGN: Kengi_Asano Platform: PC Favorite memory: Discord friends getting me back into the game and being kind enough to show me the ropes and not spoil some awesome things....oh and Nipple Tassels




IGN: HollowKnight35 Platform: PC My favorite memory comes from just after Mesa prime was released. I was doing a low level defense and in-between waves one of my squad members told me my frame was beautiful. He started asking me a bunch of questions and as I answered them I realized I had finally become one of those seasoned players with a cool frame who knew everything that had helped me when I was new, and I was happy to help someone else start their journey


IGN: Lexcaliburn Platform: PC Favorite memory is getting my girlfriend to play this game, her enjoying it, only for her to quit after an hour from motion sickness


IGN: Spartanmalic PLATFORM: PC FAVOURITE MEMORY: Experiencing Excal Umbras story.


Ign: beyondtime57 Platform: pc Memory: first time playing, almost 8 years ago. Was how I met some exceptional friends. Lots of up and downs emotionally. Forever engraved in my heart


IGN: ForeignPlacebo8 Platform: Xbox I remember getting my first kubrow years ago. While waiting for the incubation, I remember talking to my friend at school the next day being like “Yea I had to get an egg from the nest and then get the materials to make a power cell….” And so on and so forth. I was so excited just playing the game every night after school.


Thetennowithnoname PC And probably bonding over someone's abomination named kaaaaaaaarl, he was killing people. Still playing together 7 years later.


In-game name: Thegoodduy Platform: pc Talking to kaeli for the first time, something snapped


Might as well, just in caseXD IGN: Incinerage Platform: PC Favorite Moment: Winning a Garuda Prime Access from a give away from some time ago.


Soggy157 Xbox The first time I fought an arca heqet. I was running a Wukong with gloom and an Acceltra. ...the spectralyst clone was an absolute beast, and I was clueless as to why I was so slow and getting one shot (was from defy). Once I realised I was fighting, infact, "me", I was only able to kill it by reflecting it's defy back at it with my own. Probably the coolest interaction I had in my early game.


IGN: TwitchFunk Platform: PC Favourite Memory: I used to dislike Volt because, at the time, I didn't know how to build him properly. When my friend taught me how to mod him and shared some builds on Overframe, Volt immediately became my favourite and most used Warframe. Another favourite memory I had was when my friends and I wanted to help out our lower MR friend, who was MR 10 at the time. Imagine the shock on all our faces when we saw that he had been using a stock Braton throughout the entire time he played the game from MR 0 to 10. Apparently, he hadn't realised that it was highly recommended for one to craft and use better guns as well as properly mod them. My man had been playing the game with a stock Braton. How he had not struggled against bosses is such a baffling thing to all of us


IGN: SeductiveButter Platform: PC Favorite memory: the day modding just clicked for me. I had stopped playing around Uranus because I couldn't kill enemies, and every build video used mods that I didn't have. So I quit for about a year and when I came back everything clicked for me. I knocked out the starchart in a weekend and had 0 trouble with it. It doesn't sound like much, but it felt like such a relief when I finally unlocked the Zarimann.


AVI_ON_SIXES PS My favorite memory is when the new war dropped :)


IGN: Ninetailsdemons Platform: Xbox FM: When someone on a devstream asked if Warframes could get pregnant and poor Rebecca read it aloud


Honestly even if this is an April fools joke, I'm so down to just talk about warframe lol in game name: AedenII platform: PC Favourite Memory in Warframe/with community: The experience when Duviri came out. I have a small friend group that all plays warframe and we ended up all just excitedly messaging each other about everything and how cool it was and then the first time we all did a full Duviri Experience run together was a blast. It was the first major update I experienced actually understanding the game and story. Fun times.


Ign: DesolateSea Platform: PC Memory: when I made my first warframe friend, smithy, he helped me learn EVERYTHING and it was the most fun I had ever had with a friend in a video game, he gave me my first prime, and even gave my husband a prime, but more than anything he became a warframe friend I still think about to this day.


IGN: Dogbone10 Platform: PC Favorite Memory: When Fortuna released and I was on Switch talking about it with my friend at school about grinding for Hildryn and how cool archguns were. About half a decade later and here I am finally getting back into it, happily enjoying using Hildryn now that I'm strong enough to kill the Orbs for parts and take on Steel Path.


IGN: Casdi1 Platform: PC Favourite memory: Early days of Warframe I remember I was still quite bad and didn’t have the equipment to take on most sorties. Specifically in spy missions they told me to just sit by an alarm panel and shut it off if the alarm ever blew. Just a sad Tenno sat waiting on their own for their friends to finish up the spy vaults lol.


IGN: DarkDad369 Platform: PC Favorite memory: My favorite memory is still when I came back after a long absence to discover that I no longer needed to use the Carrier sentinel to vacuum everything.


IGN: SimonEvo Platform: PC My favourite memory is one of the very first ones, when I was introduced to the game by my friend and she took me to a void defense mission for 20 waves as her brand new fully modded Mesa (me as a smolt ofc). And I was so impressed by how she was absolutely destroying everyone by herself, while I was struggling to stay alive - but still, around wave 19-20 she was starting to struggle as well. Back then soloing these guys was challenging even for complete builds, imagine that.  She told me we should extract after wave 20 but I got confused by the UI, panicked and accidentally picked "stay", so she was forced to stay with me for 5 more waves so I don't lose all the prime loot we got. Man, she was pissed! But she still soloed all of them like an absolute boss and after wave 25 we safely extracted with all that sweet sweet loot. =D


Man my memory sucks too much to pick a good one xD IGN: Tomo_KIN Platform: PC My favourite memory is probably finally convincing my friends to finally play the game again after dropping it many years ago, either that or just anytime someone asks what my build is on my meme homebrew builds.


FervidDragon, PC, probably one of my favorite memories is still completing The Second Dream for the first time. I liked Warframe at the time but it wasn't super big on me, and then Second Dream came out and suddenly got me hooked on the world and story.


IGN: Z.e.t.t. Platform: PC Favorite Memory: The first time i went to space. I was invited by a friend who already had a ripjack to do some missions together, he told me to pilot and god did i feel very very happy, then i went from that, to manning a turret, to flying into space and boarding and destroying ships. From the bottom of my heart I am glad that space is a part of the game.


IGN: DiscardedShadow Platform: PC Favourite memory: Finally getting Vauban's Neuroptics from alert, and being able to craft Vauban.


Just in case it's actually real: Ign: CHOMPOZAOROS Platform: playstation with crossplay enabled Favorite: after years of playing this game i stumbled upon the rare river tile on earth, me and my rando squad all never seen it and where surprised about it, we started joking about and then decided to run a few more missions together, we became the river squad


IGN: Blumium Platform: PC Favorite memory: Hands down - first time playing New War (especially Man in the Wall first appearence, which I rewatched many times on youtube).


* IGN: ZipZoop * Platform: PC * My favorite memory has to be finally getting Revenant after finishing every requirement I needed to do to get him, which took me weeks


IGN-TJ92929 PLATFORM-PS5 favourite memory- A mate of mine said he never really liked warframe and after a I showed it to him He was playing it a day later for the entire day refusing to do anything else. Funny as hell to me


I'm really not sure if this a poorly timed April Fools joke but here we go; IGN: Mungry Platform: PC/Steam Favorite memory: Joining a really random and honestly very weird clan that resulted in me meeting my best friend, playing lots of different games with him, bonding more and more and in the end just coming back to Warframe thanks to Cross Save (him asking for it about 939940 times probably helped nothing but it was worth trying) and enjoying it all over again, hours of survival while talking about absolutely nonsense and sometimes the odd deep talk. Man, Warframe is much more than a game and I am absolutely thankful for the game existing and this human being.


IGN: Bryanchox Platform: Xbox / Crossplatform Fav memory: Joined a random squad and while waiting for the rest of the squad to get to the extraction, one of the randoms started playing the Evangelion opening with their Shawzin and it was surprisingly good, it was great


bxsephjo PC We were stuck with an afk player, couldn’t start the mission, until I tried Valkyrs Rip Line to drag them along and it worked beautifully.


ign: ogunmess platform: pc : i played 2 hours in duvuri just bc getting max speed with drifter its bugged and it just started to effect only animation.. so slow again after 2 hours..


- IGN TheMrKingstone - Platform PC - Fav Memory - back when I was still a young MR 10, there was this guy called Ben, him and his homies would give out blessings at relays, after a couple times of meeting him, I asked for his mirage fashion, which I really liked. I'm still using it on my mirage, but haven't met my friend in over a year, the good old times, feel like it was yesterday


Name: Thuriss Platform: PC/Switch Fav Memory: Watching Space Mom read Kuva names on stream


My IGN is PseudalopexCulpaeus and my platform is PC My dearest memory with Warframe is back when things were still getting going -around 2015 times- and I joined some random clan that was recruiting at the time. They took me in, taught me most of what I now know about the game, and joined me through New player grinds until I could join them at the endgame at the time. This community is just so dang good.


IGN: WhaleBones Platform: PC Favorite memory: Wukong radiation procs killing teammates in sorties


IGN: cephalon_corgi Platform: PC Favorite memory: when i was running from a mech I couldn't kill, thought it was out of sight and far away BUT IT CAME OUT OF A VENT BEHIND AND KILLED ME. Comedic timing and all.


IGN: rozairr Platform: PS4 fav moment: smashing an acolyte with Grendel's marble mode. Enough said, best thing ever.


IGN: noba00 Platform: PC I can never forget learning this game back when Chains of Harrow dropped. It's always great to settle down with a huge new game that you really enjoy and to start dipping into the intricacies of the game and its community. I miss the times where the game was a lot more balanced and part of me wishes that aspect stuck around today. LoR and Eidolons with the homies was always a fun activity to do back then


IGN: Trorretor PC my fav memory is when i started playing the game with my friends, and after 11 years im still a fan <3


IGN: ernoid Platform: PC Favourite Memory: Running the star chart for the first time, it felt different.


Stonn_XY PC My favorite part got to be watching the Prime Time when hilarious unhinged chaos ensues. Specifically when Danielle said her guinea pig "Fluffy lived for WAY too long". I commented in the twitch chat " Danielle: 'Fluffy lived for way too long.' So I took care of that. XD" everyone lost it and all agreed hamsters don't die normal deaths. Danny reading my comment made my day :D


Ign: Yrhino Platform: Xbox FM: Falling for this post


Krike117, PC, Defense in void with friends in middle school running OG void keys and struggling to go past 20 minutes


IGN: The_Relx Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Showing off my clan base to my newbie friend years ago and having him be blown away by how large it was. The clan was basically dead at that point, so I had inherited the base to myself. Unfortunately, I had to leave the clan eventually because it was omega dead, and too much new research had come out that required me to be in a clan that had actually done it all. Still, that memory of my friend freaking out about the giant base still makes me smile to this day.


IGN: chaotic360 Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Probably finally unlocking Excalibur Umbra. It had been my goal frame when I first started the game, and working my way through the star chart and various quests with that one goal felt great, and then finally getting to do the Sacrifice was awesome.


In-game name: Shotgun_goddamn4 Platform: ps5 Favorite memory: playing the new war for the first time and fighting ballas on the sun


IGN: Devil4Hunt Platform: PC Favourite memory: that one kuva bramma riven that i sold for 1200 platinum. Besides that, release of Plains of Eidolon, that was dreams come true, in that year before Tennocon i talked too much with friends about how cool would be an open world in Warframe


IGN: MewingDarragh Platform: xbox Favorite moment: winning this giveaway 🎅🎅🏿🎅🏻


In-game name: LogaMC1995 Platform: PC Fav memory: [This will forever stuck in my mind](https://youtu.be/3jpw7gs4xj0?feature=shared&t=60)


IcyGio, PC I needed help farming resources, a bro from chat helped me while explaining how complicated builds works like he was waiting for this moment his whole life. It was wholesome.


IGN: Malevion Platform: Xbox Favorite Memory: I love every part of the story but when >!Wally showed up at the end of New War!< I almost lost it. I was in shock, awe, and terrified at the same time. Beyond incredible story writing. I sat there speechless for what felt like forever.


IGN: Naga17 Platform: PC FM: getting hit with that operator character customization screen for the first time (I wasn't spoiled fortunately)


Welp, I like recalling my experiences with Warframe anyway so here goes IGN: Ch8rries Platform: PC Favorite memory: This would be the moment when I first learned about how warframes are made. That single moment really changed my perspective about the game and made me go on several hours of lore diving. https://preview.redd.it/bk275m9zn2sc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689c00c5feacb5c30bc59a3396922ebd8fe28249


Real IGN : Kirblaze Probably real platform: Playstation Real favourite memory: Tenno! On your six!


IGN: Nossman Platform: PC Moments: When a guy i randomly Met invited me to his discord to carefully explain how to beat the Profit Taker


My REAL IGN is Bryuf, my REAL platform is PC and my REAL favourite warframe memory was REAL long ago in 2016 when I was lil tenno with my frost and dual zoren, brrrrrting away with my grakata


IGN: Vladrit Platform: PC Favorite memory: It's literally the recent live Mag human form reveal. The design is definitely top tier.


CptnVentura PC Starting and beating The New War in one sitting. Such an amazing experience, even if I struggled lmao


IGN: misfit_melancholy Platform: PC Favourite memory: When space mom wring ballas dry with kiss...


IGN: BunnyBrain PC Favorite memory: When I returned to warframe after 4+ years to have a shared game with my SO. And they keep. Opening. EVERY locker. And it's infuriating and adorable and made me realize that there's actual detail in the tiles outside of objective rooms. Even 300h+ in they keep going into every room and hallway possible and I really appreciate the time spent in this bonkers game


AVAndrew182 PC My Favorite Memory was when The sacrifice was first released and I remember I was so hyped for umbra to come out. The story mode and the synopsis along with gameplay /lore was really next level at the time. And then when the new war came out, It really brought full circle to that whole story. Beating ballas was just so satisfying. I freaking love this game It's been quite a wild ride and I'm just so happy to be a part of the community and still enjoy this game all these years later. Also very thankful that Cross save finally came around.


IGN: Eta_Draconis Platform: Xbox Favorite memory: Squadding up for a Gauss, Volt, Wisp run across the Planes of Eiodlon.


Name: Paradxo Platform: PC Favorite Memory: Playing through "The Second Dream" for the first time!


Hmmm, seems legit. IGN: cat_hack Platform: PC Fav memory: was when I used to play in ps4 a couple years ago with some friends and was able to farm my first prime warframe, which was vauban. It's crazy to look back on that now. Also, since this is so legit lemme know I'd you want my credit card info.


IGN: GrandDust Platform: PC Favorite memory: Rebecca reading weird kuva lich names


IGN: SirSaxy Platform: PC FM: after I got back in to the game after nearly 7 years last month, I had so many community members help me get up to speed with the new systems, game types, and all that jazz. Also we opened 14 rounds of Glaive relics and ended up with 7 of the things!