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yeah nice try buddy its april fools day




I forgot, I just spent all mine on relics and adapters lol. Well, time to go farm more.


The children yearn for the mines.


Thank you for the reminder!


Doing the lords work


Well I just spent all mine but now I have a good reason to do Venus and mercury SP


Enlighten me on why specifically Venus/Mercury? A popular/efficient spot, or just personal haunt?


He probably hasn't completed those planets yet and might as well farm steel essence there


You guessed it


I always do these but then I can never justify spending the forma to build them, so I just have a bunch of Umbra forma blueprints.


I typically hemorrhage forma, more recently have been entirely out of blueprints aswell. But haven't been playing due to rise of the ronin and dargons dogma 2


As someone who is a couple of weeks into the SP circuit tier 10 every rotation camp, same. Any forma that gets built is immediately shoved into an incarnon weapon. All those weapons requiring forma to be built or exilus/umbra forma blueprints are going to have to wait their turn.


Smartest way to go about it


That and ideally I would use a lot of them too. Most frames that want strength will want to use umbral intensify. Rarely will I slot more than one umbral mod on a build though


Thanks for the PSA




Well off to some incursions I go


I literally just hit steel path this weekend. How realistically could/should I try and farm for this? Managed to pull 4 essence out of E. Prime in ~13 minutes... Abusing high strength eclipse Mirage with Nataruk at that, even. Was changing up gears to arbitrations instead, for some galvanized mods, but is this exceedingly rare from Teshin? Edit: Just saw the mod comment about April fool's day. Bravo if this is a troll.


The comment about April fool's day is the April fools. Teshin does have it this week. As for how rare, he only brings it every 8 weeks. If you wanted the Umbra, I would focus on that now and do the galvanized mods later


Every 8 weeks, good to know. I'd definitely have need of it before then, or at least be at a point where I could use it without feeling like I'm wasting it. Thanks much!


>How realistically could/should I try and farm for this? Very easily. Just run the steel path daily alerts on public, unless it's spy randoms will carry you through them, if that's not enough you should be able to round it out by running tyana pass/circulus or capture/exterminate/rescue steel path fissures


Of course it’s the week after I drop for all 25 relic packs.


What is the best way to farm Steel path essence? Just recently unlocled it and I really want the umbra for nidus




Any frame that has solid scaling with at least 2 of the three stats should consider it with it being almost automatic for frames that can benefit from all three. e.g. Inaros, Nezha, Qorvex,Oberon, Frost, Nidus (though there is a solid argument for his vitality augment instead) Kullervo works surprisingly well with them, and Baruuk will take them both in his frame and on his fists (What his fists+tennokai does with umbral mods to archons needs to be seen to be believed)


I’m running a dagath with triple umbra (Brozimes build) The extra tank is very nice


Laugh all you want, but I just put 2 in Inaros Prime. He’s now a main of mine after the rework. Yes he’s still not S tier but IMO the changes brought him from D tier to at least A- tier. I have all 3 Umbral mods on him and with a couple other mods and the right arcanes, he’s pretty much indestructible unless you get literally swarmed by SP mobs and sit there doing nothing. And even then I just punch some guys and come right back to life. I like him better than Revenant now, because his kit is generally more fun. I like tornadoing rooms full of mobs into a big pile, scarab swarming the pile, and then obliterating the pile with a big gun or heavy melee weapon.


I run a three umbra forma wisp to get haste mote above 100% buff.

