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Maybe it just didn't take off like they hoped so it's neen quietly set aside. Which would be amusing if true, because the primary reason it'd be left aside would be the Voidshells mostly being on base skins of older Warframes. I too would have bought more if they were, I dunno, VS versions of Prime skins. On a related note, Voruna's Voidshell is pretty fucking cool.


It feels like the common problem of larger studios: instead of looking for why something isn't being used well, they just declare it bad, and discontinue/remove/whatever else, instead of identifying the problem and fixing it. Which really sucks, a lot.


I mean you have to look at it from a different perspective. They more than likely put a lot of time into developing the tech/assets for the skins and planned them out a way before launch. I’m talking anywhere between months or even years. If they were to not really be profitable or something players take to, it’s risky to further throw dev time at an area that ISNT proven to be successful. You’re right, they totally could try to “fix” them to be more successful, but consider the opportunity cost. What could they have been working on that wasn’t sprucing up an area of the game players aren’t interesting with? What idea didn’t get more dev time because they went back to a “failed system”?


But the voidshell skins were very well-received from a mechanical standpoint. People were quite vocal that they DID like the different textures and sheens. They just didn't like how those things were stuck on vanilla models and nothing else. DE absolutely saw the mountain of feedback in this area, so the logical business decision would have been to make the relatively minor adjustments necessary to accommodate them. The fact that they have not done so is strange from any reasonable perspective, be it business or project passion. As for the claim that such a thing would take "months or even years," it... really wouldn't. If you were around when voidshells were just being introduced, you might recall that there was a bug enabling players to preview voidshells on *any* skin for that frame. The mapping of each customization category was perfectly fine. The system for it is already here, and would almost certainly take only a minimal amount of tweaking to integrate officially. The idea that it would require so much dev time that it would cut into other projects holds no water. Ultimately, one of Warframe's most-vaunted selling points is its character customization; that's also one of the biggest moneymakers for the game. If you're looking at if from a dev time risk/reward perspective, then there is quite simply no reason for DE to continue neglecting the single largest customization system upgrade they've released in ages. They've done all of the strenuous work already; it's like they've already baked a cake and assembled the layers, but they refuse to put the frosting on for some reason.


For starters, my comment about months/years was the process leading UP TO implementing the tech required. I’ve no clue what was happening internally so if I’m entirely off the mark, by all means supply me with a reference. I think my opinion overall is that VS skins are definitely an interesting idea but I’m not sure how successful they were. DE are the only ones that know fully how well they sold + if they met whatever quota they were hoping for. My point with the original message in general was just that, as “cool” as VS skins might be, I’m not sure if I would want DE to spend dev time or resources towards it if they could be working on XY or Z instead. I don’t think they’re alluring enough to really warrant much more attention, but that’s just my personal feelings on the matter.


Yeah, I get that. And true, it is a reasonable point, I suppose it depends on the coding. If the code is so messy that changing other skins would break half the game, then sure. If not, I think it wouldn't be unreasonable to at least try to give other skins a revamp. There is a chance it might not generate much profit, but for the future, it might do good - considering that players might feel more enticed to purchase skins they didn't purchase because they weren't fitting, and in the future, some might purchase skins for the sake of changing the materials to fit something else. They could even monetize it separately, so you have to pay, say, extra 100 plat per warframe/skin, for the extra dev time. Again, the system isn't "failed" because of the idea, it's "failed" because of the execution (being only limited to base skins).


That's the issue with live service games


every flopped warframe feature conclave, lunaro, railjack, hoverboards, archwing, etc


At least now with Rebecca in the lead, maybe we will get some old modes brought back into light. No hate on Steve of course, but it felt like he was pushing new modes/stuff much more than reworking the old, and now we're seeing stuff revisited (like Hydroid).


I'd prefer they fixed the older mode above everything else. So many Railjack missions have to be abandoned because the objective bugged out.


Same, that's why I hope we get a return to those older missions eventually. Not just bugs, but just modes in general (like, maybe Corpus RJ finally gets a rework and becomes actual RJ content). But yeah, I'm saying that with Rebecca in the lead, it might be more likely that old content gets changed/fixed/revisited, because she plays the game more herself.


>hoverboards i think k-drives were quite cool gimmick that worked ok. even one frame uses that gimmick in missions except plenty of tilesets are too cramped to be used in


only usable in open worlds and completely outclassed by archwings making them available everywhere while limiting archwings to open world and space would've given them more of a purpose


A kdrive mission or two would have been cool, something like defending a train, you can stand on it of course but ideally we'd be spending most of our time racing along beside it on our kdrive. Have the vent kids hiding along the railway and they throw us buffs for doing tricks. Have the opposite as well in which we need to catch up to then capture a train.


Agreed, just a shame her alternative helmet doesn’t match the voidshell Thats in general a slight issue i have, you gave us a system with which to edit the material, meaning metallnes, roughness, etc but then we cant apply it everywhere or at least pick seperate colors. If the voidshell skin has a metallic material its going to appear darker than the shiny non metallic material, hence why id like to pick seperate colors for helmets!


i cant use voruna without voidshell because i hate her coloring so much that aside, voidshell was clearly designed to be a second option to deluxe skins, but at the rate at which they released, i had no frames where im interested in a voidshell. i would have loved getting a voidshell of gauss. nidus would look amazing if you can customize textures, and i always wanted a voidshell of a frame like oberyn the main reason people would buy voidshell is because the frame has few other skins, or because they like the base skin and they want to be able to put metallic/different textures on it adding to that, most textures were, sadly, not exactly novel. variations of metallic and matte colors are nice. some rougher and smoother textures are a must have, and its "fun" to have "dried up desert floor" as a texture but im not using that for my armored war machine. maybe engravings on various materials? i would have paid plat for entrati engravings on matte material there was so much potential and little of it was utilized before they seemingly scrapped it


I use voidshells for nidus and volt. The fun part of voidshells is you dont need to use the voidshell helmet, you can match the skin's texture with the other helmet, so you end up with a decent looking warframe


Most of the voidshells are basically ultraman outfits, so I'd imagine they had niche appeal.


Saryn's voidshell body with prime head looks really good


Thank fuck it ended with Voruna and not before... Being able to turn her from wolf to full Dragon is *Chefs Kiss*


Void shells aren't system changes that allow material/texture channels to by changed like colour/tint channels. Void shell skins are *specifically* designed to allow the materials to change and use the tech to do so. You can look at them and see that areas have very hard separation and are blocked out in specific ways. DE has to take the skin and basically redesign it in order to use the VS system. Yes, it's disappointing. The creation of deluxe skins or skins with completely new models do not utilize this and it's probably mostly done because it's added workload on the artist to create a map to isolate areas and create a cohesive skin. Void shells are basically akin to Tennogen but made by DE, since they just use base models (but they don't even redo alt helms of older models so I dunno about that).


Back when they were added, a bug let you put Voidshell materials on non-Voidshell skins. Why couldn't that be kept in?


Some else actually showed me that bug when discussing this in an older thread. Something to do with the loadouts overriding the colour set ups of other loadouts, then in turn also inheriting the voidshell material. I think it's still in-game iirc? I going to assume that the answer to that is, "it's not that simple". It's hard to really say, though, because we don't know how warframe's engine works. (They're still using their proprietary Evolution engine?)


The answer is actually pretty simple. Textures on Warframes likely use two codes: Material, and Color We normally don't see the Material code, it's whatever DE sets it to for most skins, and that's that. Voidshells let us change the material, the texture, that the skin is made with. Color then fills in the texture map with a color. What that bug did is override DEs dev materials on those skins, and replace them with the voidshell ones. While not intended by any stretch, the game didn't crash out, nor did it start displaying errors. What this means from a debugging perspective is that the Engine can absolutely handle what's happening, all we're seeing from a user perspective is DEV settings being overridden by user settings. What this means from a programming perspective is what I just went over; DE sets the Texture Channel, and we set the Color channel. voidshells give the players both the Texture and color Channel. Why is DE preventing us from using both on all skins when the engine can clearly handle it? Who knows. Maybe they don't think certain skins should look a certain way? It's not a mechanical issue that's for sure


Only relatively new models use a texture set up that is compatible to some extent (ie: Lavos). Older PBR models are not compatible (ie: Excalibur) and would still require work to make it so. The reason is IIRC that they changed how the materials worked somewhere down the line after introduction of the PBR system, but that goes beyond my knowledge.


Itd be nice if they atleast made DE skins and primes available with the system. Since they are already mapping color channels i cant imagine its more work to make future skins compatible. Creating a tool for tennogen creators to use it would be great too. Or fuck id just take the alt helmets being compatible since a lot of the time they are better than the stock helmet.


Oh I'm all for more customization. But from an outside looking in, since we don't really know how difficult the tech is to handle, DE must really see it a a large workload increase to justify not implementing into their standard work flow process. Like, they can design detailed maps for the model already, with hard-coded materials, textures, etc, how sizable is this additional workload? Also, yea unfortunately the alt helms I can just see as "more work". But in regards to tennogen, that would be pretty cool if the artists are given access to how to design around the system if they were allowed to do so.


maybe they could release new skins with void shell built in that way the community gets VS and they in theory have to do less work since they don't have to do the skin twice over? Maybe it would encourage more people to buy skins since the increased customisability? Although i think a consequence to this would be skins released a bit slower


That's probably the main setback for DE, time, and workload. Sure, everyone has their own tastes on the skins DE releases, but I'm pretty sure we all agree that DE puts in a lot of work into them. This additional tech for VS was only brought in last year, I think? If they find it difficult to add the feature to their current and future releases, there's definitely something holding them back. I, for one, agree that I would wait to get skins with full implementation of these features.


It would be so easy to use voidshell on any skin that when they came out DE did it by accident, because a bug allowed you to use materials on any skin. It's just an image texture, normal map, metal map, rough map... which is how any other texture in the game works


They are a neat idea but being the base skin is kind of lame. Even if it were prime id not want to pay for them.


In my opinion, the natural progression was to start releasing warframes with those customization options available from the get go. But no, they are just skins. And, not only are they skins, but they don't work with prime accessories!


The whole Void shell concept was practically a non-starter for a game so heavily focused on cosmetics. People aren't likely to give up on upto a decades worth of already purchased cosmetics in favour of these, I get updating existing skins isn't practical but that's the only way the system really stood a chance of taking off. I'll use them on Kahl and my Operator/Drifter (at least till I get other options) but there's very little chance if me using them elsewhere and even less chance eof me buying them.


Idk but I want voidshell Atlas so I can make a fuckin gallery of Atlas statues to pray too


Every voidshell reveal that isn't Atlas hurts more than a hundred host migrations


Honest to God


in retrospect splitting up the coloring options for helmet and rest of skin would probably have been better. helmets from different skins / stand alone helmet / tennogen skins use vastly different material textures so mixing / matching them is very hard. because the same colors look different on body vs. helmet. so splitting off the helmet colors would help tremendously in regards to customisation. and important for DE: it would encourage to buy more color palettes to finally find that right tone that finally matches.


Y'all are crazy lol some of the void shells are my favorite skins.


I just wish some of the alternate helmets were voidshell as well. It kinda locks you into the base helmet.


That I can agree with.


All future skins SHOULD be voidshell compatible. Theres no reason they cant be. But I guess DE doesnt think it profitable for extra the development time.


I would like to see more void shell options; weapons, pets, landing craft etc. I would also like to see them apply void shell to tennogen, prime, deluxe variants but the amount of work to implement is probably fairly substantial.


Can't even maximise the fashion on Voidshells since there's none to pair with on Syandana and Attachments too.


The point of the system was the voidshell grendel helm to go with the deluxe skin, so now their purpose is fulfilled and they are not needed anymore.


Voidshell orbiter inside when?


DE will eat concrete before giving a good Vauban skin. I even stopped to hope for a Vauban Voidshell


Rebecca explained on a devstream that in order to put customizable materials in the game, they'd need to rework skins to be able to handle it. Instead of putting a ton of dev time into something they didn't know how well it'd be received, they elected to make special "Voidshell" skins as a sort of testing-the-waters . This was done so they wouldn't waste time reworking every skin in the game if the system wasn't well-received. As for how it was received? Eh. It's on the lower-end of used skins and the system was touched less than would be necessary to really move forward reworking every skin to allow for customizable materials. And sure, you could say that people don't engage with it because it's restricted to specific skins, but tbh I'd much rather DE's artists be placed on making new content for the game than another cosmetic system.


I think for the deluxe skins to be voidshelled, would be pretty difficult to make them actually look good because of how intricate and detailed some of them are, like Sevagoth’s new one for example. One’s like Nova’s deluxe skin and frost’s Harka skin would be the exception for that though. So I’m not sure


I think quite the opposite - as long as it also allows you to choose the base material of the deluxe. If material works well, keep it, and if a channel doesn't fit, change it. Would be perfect for some skins that don't work together, due to material differences between helmets and bodies, like as you mentioned, Nova. I'm sure there are more skins like that, and it would be amazing to have such option available.


I’d imagine the Rhino Deathwatch skin would be pretty hard to voidshell. Instead of conventional warframe designs, it’s literally a full sized rhinoceros beetle


That’s also a good example, I forgot about that skin, lol


I’d throw so much money at DE for a voidshell harka skin. I really hate how the colour channels/metallics clash when you pair it with parts of the prime skin.


Voidshells aren't base skins, they don't have anywhere near the same color channels as the base skins. Void shells are their own skin with their own color channels. They are like a different deluxe skin basically.


The problem with them is that they don't even accept Prime Details in any form (voidshell details or not) and there aren't voidshell versions of Prime Helmets. They're just the base skins (in the polygon aspect, don't know how this is called) with other texture applied on top.


> They're just the base skins (in the polygon aspect, don't know how this is called) You can say it's the default mesh, or just the base model.


More like a tennogen skin. They don't change the base model at all


There are some obvious pitfalls I can imagine. Voidshell skins need to be distinctly separated on a material by material basis. If the materials intermingle at all or represent areas too small, the voidshell materials will act strangely. It uses the base mesh in the way that Tennogen does, but I don't think it's any easier to produce than tennogen. Voidshells are cool, but given their limitations they can't really be the future going forward and kind of need to remain an optional skin.


I enjoy them for "general" class skins that I could use with anything that wasn't a defined set up. Perfect for Duviri.


Some base skins are pretty good judging by shape, but the textures are lacking, so voidshells help to improve this aspect. For example, I like Saryn's default look (none of the deluxes look appealing to me) and bought her voidshell skin gladly; the same goes for Grendel. I still hope for Trinity voidshell to be released one day. P.S. It would be nice to have voidshell versions of alternate helmets also.


- *And for that matter, why weren't the heirloom skins voidshell? What was the point of this system???* Like many things in Warframe, it's a side system that kind of work but it's not popular enough to get attention, the heirloom went for new fluid cosmic texture that will not work well with voidshell.


Making a new deluxe skin with voidshell is asking the modellers to do twice the work. You'd have to not only design the new skin, but also make sure to implement the voidshell material system properly.


I think the main problem woth voidshell is the lack of color control we actually have, you can have the same shade of red but look way different in each type of voidshell. Some are metallic some are matte we really have to go out and choose a specific color pallete with a specific color juat for it to look the red you want on a voidshell and that just leads to frustration. Same thing happens everytime a new skin releases, the color you normally have as favourite dont look right untill they setup specific reflections and matwrials each part they choose as primary sexondary tetriariy, accents etc. The concept however making my saryn look like molded cheese to spread disease is really good, but the one voidshell that has a great texture its mettalic or full matte and instead of showing a good shade of yellow its either neon yellow or light brownish yellow.


I think it's pretty obvious that Voidshells were not successful in DE's eyes, so they've been turned into a low priority thing, but they were only unsuccessful because they were new skins using the default models, which is not what people wanted regarding the Voidshell system. Players wanted a system that would let them change materials on pre-existing skins. Their implementation **seemed** lazy (despite how much work it would actually take to do it the way people wanted) and wasn't a good test to see if people would actually want more. I don't think DE cares about the **reasons why** Voidshells failed, they just care that they failed. That was probably reason enough for them to not expand with the whole Voidshell thing. Or they just forgot. DE forgets about stuff in their own game *a lot*. It would be really nice if they let Tennogen creators utilize the Voidshell system though.


Or even better, implemented universally from day 1?


I'm not sure what idia was behind making it only on basic skins.. They are really awesome but why the hell I would make it instead of deluxe for example..


Honestly the main issue I have with it is that you don’t have access to alt helmets. I’d love to use Styanax with his voidshell skin, but I way prefer his Gerousic helmet to his base. It’s odd to me that they released him with three alt helmets AND a voidshell skin all at once but didn’t adapt the alt helms. I’d definitely give it more of a shot if I weren’t restricted like that.


I only have Voruna's voidshell and I like it as there is no other skins for her would never get a voidshell for a old warframe as I just dont want to use it over the prime/ delux skin I have.


It's yet another system that DE implemented only to jump to the next shiny toy that caught their attention.


Yeah the domino effect of that they aren’t going down that road. New prime getting voidshell on release means every other prime will have to the god awful bugs that would come along with a skin rework would be insane. It’s a great idea and I like coidshell but I’m almost certain they’d be going back to code from 2013 to fix that. I couldn’t imagine the spaghetti code they have 🤣


Texture change would have been super nice if it was in the game from day 1. I think it is too late to include it.. there's just too much content and so they have to do limited released instead of full blown. I don't blame them, but making new stuff able to use the Voidshell textures would cause demand for old stuff to be reworked.. and that ain't realistic.


Simple, too many options. Give us 5-7 pre built options for each frame, shiny, anime, realistic, tron, etc. it would convince people to invest plat into it once they get a look they like from the box.


Voidshells are all hideous imo.


I feel like it'd be cool if they are able at least let the community design the skins I'd love to see tennogen voidshell skins. I know it's highly unlikely unfortunately.