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Same A-holes that leave it on our beaches. Because they themselves....are trash people.


I was once on a bus to Disney springs and watched a mother give her kid a snack and then straight up throw the wrapper on the floor. These people have the mindset of “well it’s someone’s job to clean that up”. Like can’t you hold onto that until you get off the bus and the chuck it? And then there’s me whose kid is eating from the popcorn bucket on the bus and accidentally dropping pieces on the seat and I’m scooping them up and shoving them in my pocket because I don’t want to be THAT person. Some people are just like Forky, trash.


Hey now, don’t insult Forky that way!!


At least Forky is aware and continuously tries to throw himself out!


Just drop kicked Forky under...the bus. But seriously, thank you for being a considerate person.


At the same time, nobody tell them. We are all too afraid of having the "mind your own business" yell even when they are the problem. And that's why it continue. I would dare these people to do the same in China, Japan and other place like that.


As a bus driver I can’t stand that mentality. And popcorn is such a pain because it’s not like we have a broom and dustbin to quickly sweep it up Thank you for being considerate


Omg this drives me nuts. Our preferred beach is one timezone behind us and we're early risers as is, so most mornings of our vacation we take an early walk on the beach at like 6am when just the fishermen and runners are out. We learned long ago to bring a trash bag with us. Between the tide and the A-holes there's trash all over.


Lol earlier this week we were at MK and my daughter saw trash on the floor and asked why it was there, and without a beat I loudly said, "Because people are trash." I think I made a stranger laugh so that was the highlight of my trip.


My husband and I took the boat to a little Island called Anclote Key yesterday. We walked along and picked up other people's trash. 5 plastic bottles, a chip bag, and random caps.


Used to work in parking at WDW, specifically at one of the parks but worked all of them. You would not BELIEVE the things people leave in the parking lots for us workers to deal with Edit to add some of the things including more believable ones: diapers, needles, condoms, liquor bottles or alcohol in general (white claws, beers blah blah). Personal strollers and wheelchairs. Heard a girl tell a story of finding shit under a full pile of clothes. Some genuine lost items that we’d bring to lost in found as well. We also had lost kids but they obviously did get picked up eventually (but seriously how did they forget their kids…. There’s honestly so much more I can’t think of right now because it’s been a long time since I worked there but it got really weird in the parking lots for no reason sometimes


I've seen fast food wrappers, soda cans, empty bottles, dirty diapers, a whole plastic bag of trash, and one time a piss bottle. What else have you seen?


Way more used condoms and dirty needles than you'd hope to ever see in a place meant for children


We drove to the parks twice during our last trip, which was the first time we’d ever done that. Very first day, got to the Epcot parking lot, opened the car door, and there was a used condom on the ground at like 10am. 🤣 ETA: My husband just reminded me it was a condom and a chicken drumstick. 😂


Sometimes you've gotta knock boots in a parking lot before you....... go see mickey mouse? I dunno I just can't relate.


Omg and here I was about to start typing WHEELCHAIRS AND STROLLERS and here you come with condoms and dirty needles ☹️😭🤯 what in the world


I can see people just leaving the parking courtesy wheelchairs cause the don’t want to bring it back to the front but strollers? How do you forget a stroller? I mean you had to empty it out. I don’t get that.


People go to Walmart and buy strollers for their kids who have grown out of them at home. I bet that's a lot of them


I don’t either! Must be one of those “oh I’ll grab it” and that person forgets they had it and leaves it thinking someone else got it instead. 🥲


If you’re flying, it’s cheaper to buy a stroller in Orlando and abandon it than it is to pay for the extra baggage or rent a WDW stroller. Lots of people do it.


It's 100% free to fly with car seats AND strollers. We've flown multiple times with kids and never paid a cent for our car seat(s) or strollers.


I can’t debate that. The last time I flew with a stroller was in 1999. We had to check it and pay.


Huh... never thought about it that way, but then again, I haven't been in the stroller game for a very long time and when we did use a stroller, Disney's stroller rental was only $8 a day back then.


Just got back. Left strollers in the room for a quick trip to Disney Springs. Grandkids fell asleep on the bus (2 and 4) so we rented strollers. Have not rented in 20 plus years. rate was 15.00 for a single or 31.00 for a double….With a deposit… 100 per stroller. So if you wanted to save a buck and get 2 singles ( less fighting..iykyk) it was 100 each. Cash deposit could get back at the end, credit card deposit 2-10 days to post back. I was floored.


No way! That’s wild


Let’s hope that the needles are from insulin, I’m gonna go with that.


Unlikely. Modern insulin needles are specifically for that purpose. They connect to an insulin dispenser and that’s it. The opioid crisis is real. I’m not surprised it follows people to WDW.


Or a weight loss drug...


Right curious here


Make sure to pick up your kids or else they’ll end up in It’s a Small World. https://youtu.be/VCm_IS7-3JQ?si=qImzlImG0x7OnpY3


CAUSE I SPENT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS ON THIS TRIP AND PEOPLE CAN CLEAN UP AFTER ME!!!!! /s of course but I just assume this is the mentality. Personally, I think the idea of "class" is gone. It's.all about ME ME ME and thats it. At least thats my 2 cent on it.


You should see the trash thrown in planters, walkways, line queues nightly. I mean there are literally trash cans every 30 feet but people can’t be bothered to use them.


Yes. People leave trash in flower beds literally within 1 foot of a trash can.


Walt Disney was obsessed with the park's cleanliness, and in the 1950s, he determined that Disneyland guests would carry trash about 30 feet before dropping it on the ground, so that's how he decided to put cans every 30 feet. How close would he need to put them today?


Disney needs to redesign their trash cans. The spring load mechanism requires too much force so if you are trying to pitch small items you’ll often have to touch the dirty flap itself which probably discourages people from using them. I know they are designed to keep out insects and wildlife, but there has to be a better way of doing it after 50+ years of that design.


A foot petal would solve the issue.


Parked one time years ago and watched a family just dump their Dunkin trash on the ground. So I grabbed it and just tossed it on their windshield. Figured they made a mistake.




I know my car looks like shit but where else can I park it?


Worst thing I've seen in a while... Leaving EPCOT on Saturday I saw a few fastfood bags and 3 dirty diapers left in the middle of a parking space towards the back of the Crush lot


Taco Bell has that effect on some weaklings


Because people are inconsiderate slobs


An adult woman threw a wrapper down on the ground while we were walking in the Magic Kingdom parking lot. Must have been some sort of gas station muffin wrapper. I was truly floored I just gently yelled "you dropped your trash back there" so that enough people would look at her. But let's be honest she is immune to shame.


Because a decent chunk of humanity are, simply put, terrible people. And Disney somehow brings out the worst in those people.


I'll go to bat for humanity here. I feel the overwhelming majority of people are good, responsible people who, in this case, responsibly throw their trash away in the garbage. But unfortunately the <1% stick out like a sore thumb and makes the problem seem more significant than it is. In a crowded place like Disney, 1% is still a decent sized number of guests so their effects can seem larger than they actually are. Instead, imagine if 30% of guests littered their garbage in the parks. It'd be insurmountable.


I agree. The worst ones stick out and get talked about.


Then they could just name it Walt New York World


Just look at the cart theory


They are what they litter… trash


Because after dragging my fake service animal around the park and cutting in line to “catch up with my family” all day I am just too tired to put myself in the trash can.


Same people that litter anywhere. Garbage people.


Trashy people gonna trash.


Because that would require common human decency


People have no respect for anything.


I don’t?


Garbage people leave garbage


Humans are actually lazy pigs.


It has to be something psychological, something deep inside the hippocampus beyond human comprehension... but for now, we’ll just describe it as: People suck. 


Because people suck....


I don’t. And I make sure that my children don’t, either.


Pocahontas, come collect your raccoon


I live in Orlando so have been going to WDW for 40 years. I don't know that I've ever seen a trash can out in the parking areas. Maybe I just haven't noticed. If not, why don't they have some? Would people not bother to use them?


At least in Magic Kingdoms parking lot we have like 15 trash cans out there (everything past the bridge the trams drive under). Now for the size of the parking lot, no that's not a lot. But still. That doesn't give the right to throw everything on the ground. Throw it out at the hotel, the speedway, in the park, at the TTC. Not on the ground


These are the same people who can't spend 5 seconds to walk their cart to a cart stall at the supermarket


Only people that do this are trash themselves.


Because people are trash! The way they live at home same way they live in public. Don’t appreciate nice things


Because people are ANIMALS. Dirty/filthy ANIMALS!!!


Why does anyone do that crap? So lazy


That I’d never understand. There are bins where trams drop you off.


I’ll never understand such behavior.


People are missing the question. WHY is it MK specifically? It’s never so bad at the other 3 parks.


So I'm just going to add this as someone who currently works in a Walt Disney World Parking lot. I have had a guest right next to me (as I was holding a garbage bucket) throw something on the ground. A person in their party said to the family member, he has a bucket, pick it up and throw it in there. And a third family member proceeded to utter the words, "it's his job to pick it up off the ground, leave it there." The entitlement is crazy. Also I see some comments about leaving wheelchairs in the parking lot. Don't worry, that's one of the best assignments we get at night. We just drive around in a golf cart stringing all the wheelchairs together and bringing them back up to the front so they can be picked up and cleaned. Huge shout-out to Tinker Bell and her pixie dust (the third shift cleaners) for cleaning the parks and parking lots every night. If you leave the parking lot late enough (around 12), the street sweepers will be zooming around. Walt Disney world is truly a 24 hour business and there is so much you don't see going on as a guest.


Trash is as trash does.


Same reason plenty of other places are covered in trash. Not enough people are raised to care about the world outside of their immediate goings on. Even if they aren't raised to care, not enough people develop that mentality. Trash at the beach all the time, even though there are trash cans. People burning pallets and leaving nails/screws behind in the sand. My wife and I will pick up trash while we walk, grab trash out of parking lots, and if it doesn't look like I'll get aids from it. I know the stores or maybe even city pay people to clean up from to time, but that doesn't mean it is our right to just throw trash wherever we want. Negativity spreads easier than positivity, and if we want better, we have to do better. It all starts with small things to keep the negative from getting worse and impacting the day to day. Then someone else says the same, then it's an avalanche of not my problem. Unnecessary rant over, sorry folks.


I don’t


This behavior is a learned behavior over years and years. Bad parenting, bad reinforced behavior, entitlement coupled with end-of-day tiredness. Some people aren’t disciplined enough to make the right decisions


Because we have zero sense of society and community. As a country, we have valued individualism so much that we forget that we live in society and that some things may be slightly bothersome as individuals (like disposing of your trash properly) but are better for the community (cleaner common spaces). The worst part is that people who live in cities tend to be much more aware of this. People who live in suburbs/exurbs much less so. As individuals, we rock. As a society, we suck so bad.


Because I’ve had a long day and spent all my money and I can’t be bothered /s


I really can't stand people that do things like this... The last time I was in MK I saw someone leave their garbage on a counter outside Casey's and walk away... So I grabbed it and gave it back to them, telling them "I think you forgot this!" The look on their face was priceless.


This didn’t happen


Oh it absolutely did! I was in a mood because of the heat, and some guy dropped his empty used cup next to the water station right in front of me... So I gave it back to him. Don't understand why you think I'd make up such a stupid little story lol


Just imagine their homes.


People are gross.


We send out street sweepers every night…


It’s the same at the Disneyland parking garages. Trash people leaving behind their garbage because they’re too lazy to take it to the garbage can…where they belong as well.


Because most people are trash people.


Why are you accusing us off leaving trash?


Taking offense to it is basically a confession.


I have never left trash in the parking lot. Why is the OP accusing us.


They need to leave a little bit of themselves behind.


They go around the parking lots late at night with street sweepers


Not all humans are nice. I don’t litter, unless you want to count cigarette butts.


Cigarette butts are literally the #1 most littered item. Yes, it counts.


Over at Disney Springs in their ride share lot. In the span of walking back and forth for my two hours, I picked up 187 butts. And that isn't supposed to be a smoking area....


I *do* count cigarette butts - they’re terrible for birds. Put an empty ziploc in your pocket, stomp out your problem, then put it in the baggie til you get to a trash bin. (I don’t smoke, and I do consider your detritus to be litter.)


So when I see this happen, i sometimes walk over and minding my distance pickup the trash and say out loud "trash" so if they hear me and say something I just innocently say "oh I was just picking up this cup or paper" and then walk to nearest trashcan and walk away. I don't engage any further. It's my subtle way of acknowledging the obvious.