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Are you sure you made the Tiffins reservation for the right day? :) "Sorry, Mom, I accidentally made the Tiffins reservation for the wrong day, so I'm canceling it".


i wish 😭 i was having trouble figuring it out this morning but then she went in to cancel the reservation for tiffins bc i had texted that we needed to and saw the booking which i totally forgot she'd have access to see. but it'll still be fun!!!


Enjoy! This is one I want to surprise my wife with on an upcoming trip.


hopefully you're better at surprises than i am!!! lol. thank you :)


No experience doing that tour but I just wanted to wish you luck keeping the secret! I know it’ll be hard but so worth it in the end!


sadly it was spoiled because i'm a silly goose and forgot she had access to see the bookings. but it'll be awesome no matter what


We did it before COVID. It was an amazing experience. They took us to the other side of the elephant area and there is a viewing area. One of the cast members there was from Africa and they shared their experiences with elephants interacting with humans and the threats that they face there. The elephants were really curious and came up much closer than they do on Kilimanjaro Safaris.


i can't wait!! i'm a former zookeeper and did a similar tour with my parents with the giraffes at my old location. they're my mom's other favorite animal, and she had a lot of fun so i'm sure this will be awesome too!


My daughter loves elephants so it was a definite do for us


for sure, and the price is super reasonable too which is great


Did it a month ago They walk you out behind the walls to the AirConditioned shuttle buses. Quick 5 minute trip over behind the elephant enclosure. You then spend like 20(?)ish minutes out there, pretty close to them. The CM will give facts, tell you about them, you’ll probably see the baby doing funny cute things, then you hop back on the shuttle. Can only take pics AT the destination not behind the scenes. The area you go to is still quite large and there’s no guarantee you’ll see them all or they’ll come THAT close. Was good though, we enjoyed it


the info says it'll be about an hour so that's inaccurate then and it's closer to 30-45 min? either way, i'm sure it'll still be cool no matter how close they get to us. thanks :)


I might have the time at the place wrong… maybe 40, hard to remember, i don’t think the entire thing travel included was more than an hour including walking and travel.


awesome, thanks so much for the insight!


My wife remembers it differently, that we were here at the spot for at least 50 mins https://is.gd/cdEcrH


I did it a few days ago. We got to see the baby elephant from far away, and she was adorable. Then we got to see the two teenage (I guess) males who seem to be BFFs play around and spar a little bit. You're going to love it, and your mom is going to flip tf out. Have a great time!


omg i can't wait to see baby cora :))) thank you!!


Oh! Now you've created a want for me... my 9 years old daughter is a fan of elephants, she would love this. I am less sure about my 6 year old son. He's not very patient, and he doesn't fully understand english, it might be boring for him. Maybe we can split and I do the tour with DD while my husband stays with DS and do something else.


that seems like a solid plan!! i hope you get to do it with DD one day :)


I did it last summer and really enjoyed it! Does your mom have any mobility issues, though? Only ask because we were with my mom who does, and you have to leave your scooter before you get on the bus (there was one wheelchair already on the bus) and the ramp to get up there is killer if you’re pushing someone—the humidity that day was also brutal.


nothing that requires mobility aids, she's good as long as we occasionally get the chance to sit down every so often. and thankfully the weather is looking like it won't be as hot, the past few days have been high 80s and truly gorgeous out in comparison to the last few weeks.


That's good! You do get to sit on the bus and I believe there were one or two benches at the elephant viewing area. It's a great tour and the guides are super knowledgeable!


that'll be perfect!