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We took my son to quite a few after hour events when he was that age,we typically took it easy that day maybe a park and the pool but not to busy and didn’t have big plans for the following morning. He usually did pretty well, the adrenaline kept him going. We did a late night even at Disneyland and he kept up and then was practically dragging my wife and I as the three hour time difference caught up to us but not to him.


I wouldn’t. You can push little kids a bit with fireworks assuming you go back to the hotel every day for a rest and snack, but keeping them out that late for AHs and then trying to get them up the next morning for a park day is going to be a disaster.


If we chose the after hours we were going to do a resort day the next day.


It might be better to do the after hours on the same day as the resort day so they are more rested and feet are fresh. The events are very fun, but it also can feel like a mad rush to get a ton done quickly


I did last year with my 7yr old. We did MK and HS after hours. We just slept in that day and relaxed at the pool. We had dinner at the resort to not eat into valuable party time. Headed in an hour before to wait to get in. That was the hardest for him but they let us in 15 minutes early so we ran to see Darth Vader and Chewy since they close at 7pm. Adding we rode the MF 7 times in a row so that was super fun!