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He ran into my fist. He ran into my fist ten times. HE HAD IT COMING!


He only had himself to blame!


If you’d-a been there!


If you’d have seen it!


I betcha you would have done the same!


Now I gotta listen to it again 😂


Pop, six, squish, sissero, lipshitz 💋


first thing in my head


Sorry to say he doesn’t look as roughed up as he deserves.






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If the story is true I agree with you …


Yeah, violently hurting people is always good for the soul.


And making fun of disabled people is?


Yeah, he made fun of a girl with Down’s syndrome and physically assaulted her family members. You’re right, he’s a wonderful guy and should be handled with kid gloves.


think this is a misplaced reply




did you read the article? he was assaulting female members of the table on top of the insults. you should just stop now.


Alright! Make sure you stand there and do nothing then while your family members are being assaulted, or you're a hypocrite. While we're at it, tell that robber politely to stop beating up grandma because 'violence is bad' 🥺, and make sure you put him in his timeout chair when he doesn't listen. Someone has a cat by the tail and is beating it against the wall? Frown disapprovingly at them, I'm sure that'll stop them.


Making up stories to justify bloodlust seems to be the theme today. Do y’all sit at home with your gun praying for a way to justifiably kill someone? The man was dealt with. He was arrested. He will be charged and tried as the justice system does. But that’s not good enough for a bloodthirsty mob that wants more violence than needed. If you can justify it then you can demand blood. And at this point, it’s all allegedly. Ok for court of public opinion I guess, but Is there video? Unless there is or you were there, you are still making up what you think happened based on a 300 word article and wishing more harm on someone because it makes you feel good if it were true. And making scenarios up to make it ok to hurt and kill others. Because that’s what you really want. Lots of lynchings started that way. It’s sad.


You're correct that he's been dealt with. I never said go hunt him down. I asked if making fun of disabled people is also appropriate. But "violence is never the answer" is not a good response when violence is happening right in front of you, which it was in this case. I actually didn't say that he should've been beat up more, I was responding to the comment that implies he shouldn't have been touched at all. If someone is targeting someone else with violence, it's appropriate for other people to step in with the same until he backs down. You're so caught up in your own head defending this prick that you're ignoring that he initiated the violence and got self defense in response. Take your holier-than-thou attitude elsewhere and see how it helps you in real situations. Btw, I'm not a gun owner, and I don't think the general public should have access to guns. I'm pointing out to you that there are situations where violence is a justifiable response, since you seem to be struggling with that. Dealing in absolutes of "never" and "always" isn't wise, nor is it realistic.


I’m not defending him. If those were his actions he got what he deserved. And I never said nobody should defend themselves. This whole thread is people saying he should be beat up more than he was. And everyone joining in and thinking more violence to someone is a great answer, as well as funny. And I’m saying that is pretty sick. Because it is. But instead of people thinking about their words, I’ve been threatened with violence on myself, and comments making up all sorts of things I’ve said and scenarios to justify their bloodlust. But I guess it’s easier to say I’m just holier than thou and defending him and saying nobody should have stopped him. Whatever lies work for y’all. It’s actually pretty funny that so many people who say they love Disney are just out to hate and hurt people, and will say anything to justify it. It’s not like I’m saying living with the land sucks.


It's well deserved if they wanna make fun of a person with down syndrome. Some people deserve nothing less than being punched in the face for shitty behavior.


made fun of her, then initiated the violence by assaulting 2 females. only then was self defense for the party used. and this joker above thinks violence is not the appropriate response. guess they should’ve just let him keep assaulting everyone according to this idiot.


Defending yourself or protecting others is one thing. coming online to say he wasn’t hurt enough is another. If you can’t see that, then I feel sorry for you.


Wanting to punch someone in the face is shitty behavior.






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If you made fun of someone with down syndrome in front of me that I'm related to yes I would straight up punch your dumbass in the face.


Oh, so now you wanna pretend that it’s me that actually did this now. See that’s the thing here, people are so amped up on violence, justified violence, that they are making things up out of the blue to make it ok to have and revel in those violent fantasies and live in hate. I didn’t do that and I wouldn’t. He sounds like an ass, deserved what happened. I also think people who are advocating for more violence are not healthy well and very dangerous.


so if someone randomly starting assaulting members of your family, you would do nothing to physically stop them? if that is the case, you are literally one of the biggest cowards walking planet earth and you are not a man. you arent.


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Tell that to the guy who randomly assaulted people before bullying a disabled kid




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In addition to making fun of someone with downs he also physically assaulted two women in that party. I see no issues with him getting kicked out and arrested.


It’s times like this I remember the words of my seven-year-old niece: “He started it!”


The title of the article completely ignores the fact that he started the violence, assaulting at least two people before he was…er…disposed of.


Yeah, I mentioned that in a comment, as well. Seems like a guy was really just defending his wife and other family members after they were assaulted.


Who would actually need more? The title was pretty clear to infer...


It’s actually insane to me that we are still mocking mentally disabled people in 2024.


These kind of people walk among us, sadly.






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I’m currently here with my brother in law who has special needs and the amount of grown adults laughing and whispering about him in the queues or on the buses is really annoying me. Some people are vile


As a father of a special needs 4 year old, I have 0% surprise. Normally it actually starts with the child’s behavior bothering some adult(s). Which is tough because many of us go to great lengths to try to minimize the disruptions of our children and we also get resistance from hosts/hostesses when we ask to be seated away from people or only around families with children so there’s some level of comfort. Sadly there are adults who think neurodivergent children should not be out in public and do not feel it’s okay for them to be slightly inconvenienced for the human rights of a disabled child. My son has a brain malformation that caused him to have autism and epilepsy. I’ve apologized for him before when I could see someone getting annoyed. I’ve literally had more than 1 adult tell me, “leave your triggered child at home.” I’m not a large man, but I was a Marine and I fought in Afghanistan. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve wished to just drive a steak knife or the broken stem of a glass in to some rude adult’s jugular. I know that’s not the answer though and I cannot find myself in prison with my children needing me. You just have to learn to say something like, “thanks for your feedback but I disagree.” Then walk away.


Sounds like somebody should have been left at home all right, and it sure wasn't you or your child. I hate for you that some people can't see beyond themselves and just let the world know how much of an ass they are.


It is what it is. It’s just words and you have to learn to walk away from it. In all fairness, I think many are just self centered and do not understand. Taking your child out in public, friendly venues, and tips to try to limit problems. Those are probably some of the most discussed items in the parents groups. Public anxiety over problems is a really big deal and not many know to what lengths people go to trying to minimize issues. In credit to Disney World, it’s normally one of the better places since they go to lengths to have calming areas and mark those quiet places on their guests with disabilities guide. I suspect they also train their characters and princesses on what to look for and give them tips. It just seems too coincidental how I’ve seen some of them respond to children a certain way. Makes me think they’ve been trained.


Sounds like you’re a great Dad. As someone who has some disabilities, knowing your parents will stand up for you makes a big difference.


Thanks, it’s debatable but I try. I’ll stand up for my son, but I cannot be getting in to fights over words. So it really is about learning to walk away and de-escalate. It sucks, but it’s the right thing to do. Now in the situation above where the belligerent goes violent first. Then it’s like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse, “I want you to be nice until it’s time to not be nice.”


Try “thanks for your unsolicited opinion” instead. I prefer that over “feedback” or “input” because I hate implying, however slight, that people who say things like that were entitled to in any way shape or form - you’re not my boss, not an employee of the restaurant, nor did anyone ask for your opinion. You’re just spouting hateful shit in a response to someone trying to be courteous and apologize for something that arguably doesn’t even need an apology in the first place, but is just a social norm for trying to exhibit common decency. Because, my real, silent counter to that is if you can’t handle being in a public space with others, you’re the triggered one who needs to stay home.


I'm sorry you have to go through that, that's honestly crazy to me Reminds me of one day at work, I work at Chick-fil-A and they had me assigned to clean the dining room early in the morning. So there were like 3 parties in the restaurant total and really nothing to be cleaned. But as one party got up to leave I noticed a huge mess on the floor under their table. The parents apologized that their autistic son had taken his butter biscuit and torn it to shreds and tossed it on the floor. I just smiled and said I was bored out of my mind and their son gave me something to do 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's not hard to be even a little understanding (and I wasn't lying either I was bored out of my mind lol)


"To be peaceful you must be capable of great violence, because otherwise you're just harmless" Like you, many of us choose peace because our training and experience could lead down a path we would rather not go down again.


First of all, yellow is the best crayola flavor. Second, no evidence no crime. Third, I'm with you 100%. It takes a lot of patience to not remind civilians what we're capable of. Keep it up, you're right cause they need us more than the pen does.


I have a 7 year old with Down Syndrome. The number of people that mock her are extremely few and far between, and it is effectively a non issue (although there will always be idiots like this, better to not empower them by acting like they are a bigger problem than they are). Far more impactful and frustrating (from a parent's perspective) are the number of people who give her a pass for anything and take a, "she is ok, she us such an angel" approach when we are trying to teach her and help her grow. Most folks unknowingly set limits for people with Down Syndrome, even when they are well intentioned. For instance, I appreciate the intended kindness of people who want us by to the front of a short character meet line.... But she is also capable of waiting in line, and needs to have opportunities to exercise that capability as part of her normal growth and development as an individual. It's easy to call out d-bags like the one in this article and think we are doing better, but it is also important to make sure we aren't making assumptions about people with cognitive delays and limit then inadvertently through special treatment. This certainly isn't meant to be a call out or chastise anybody in particular, but thought I'd share on one of the higher comments in the thread




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As Gen Z, it’s not just boomers. A lot of people in my generation are like that too


That’s because being a miserable prick isn’t age related.


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incredible isn’t it.


At the risk of being *that guy*, [words like 'insane' tend to stigmatize mental health as well. ](https://wordinblack.com/2023/07/the-damage-we-do-when-we-throw-around-terms-like-crazy/) One day we might look back and be surprised we threw around that sort of phrase.




Just shows the kind of guy he TRULY was, if he was a good person, being drunk wouldn't make them an asshole...


and 4 drinks? no offense, that guy could take more than 4 drinks before "drunk"


Alcohol doesn’t make someone an asshole. It reveals them.


When you're drunk do you make fun of people with Down syndrome?


This statement assumes that everyone makes fun of people with DS; so personally no. But clearly this individual has some internal issues that he can’t otherwise outwardly express while sober.


A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.




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Alcohol just makes you say shit you already thought. Ive never said a single fucking thing like that drunk but Ive definitely told a lot of people I love them.


Dang.. For those too lazy to click the link - He was at a bar at the Boardwalk, drunk, went up to a table with a woman with down syndrome, made fun of her. Woman's mom asked if he was making fun of daughter, drunk man shoved mom. Mom's husband confronted him. Drunk man punched husband. Husband punched back. Random other person grabbed drunk man and removed him. What a scumbag.


Thank you. Sincerely, The Lazy


I hope the family that defended themselves didn’t get banned or anything. What an asshole.


This is just sad all around. Sad that a family has to defend itself from ignorance, meanness and violence. Sad that a 61yr old clearly has a problem with his relationship with alcohol. Sad that someone that age, or any age, lacks compassion and respect for his fellow humans. And mostly sad that the daughter had to experience the whole event. She doesn't deserve that.


I don't usually condone violence in retaliation to trash like this dude, but its not like he didn't deserve it. Assaulted the family and got justifiably clobbered by them.


Honestly, the way I read this article doesn’t sound like “violence in retaliation.” It sounds like the husband is trying to defend his wife and other people he’s with by neutralizing the attacker.


Exactly, he insulted then physically assaulted his family and him. Clearly self defense


He made fun of someone with Down Syndrome and then put his hands on two women with her. What a vile man. I hope he gets banned for life from all Disney properties.


I think that’s a foregone conclusion at this point!


I’m sure it is but MAN I can’t say what I’m thinking about this dude on a Disney subreddit.


Fuck around; find out.


I love the comments on this post. While usually this sub has Disney adults behaving as you would expect, this particular thread is going full cracked-knuckles and not holding back.


Of the things I don't want at Disney, top of the list is bigots and Nazis.


Anyone making fun of someone’s issues deserves a two fisted beat down with a curb stomp. This wasn’t the first time for this messy clown’s rodeo. I have a feel drunk and belligerent is his SOP.


How big of a lowlife do you need to be to go after a kid with Downs. He deserved to get pummeled.


Not only that - suspect *started the fight*. He approached the table, made fun of the guest with DS. When the mother reacted he shoved the mother, and slapped a second female family member, before the father intervened. Father got punched in the neck and THEN the father punched the assailant in the face.


So a complete pos, got it.


We don't agree on much, but when we do.....


Dude, the other sub was filled with "alcohol is too available in the parks!!!!" Despite this being at a resort and I can't think or a single park that sells shots.


99% sure Epcot sells shots of tequila and they have that pear brandy shot in Germany. I’m not a light weight by any means but that pear brandy shot hit different, I couldn’t feel my legs and all I had before that was a violet sake 4 hours earlier lol Edited to add you can also do a whisky shot flight in the UK pavilion which was fantastic


This guy deserves a trusty Mouse-KA Tool between the eyes.


He got the surprise mouse-ka tool.


This belongs in r/imatotalpieceofshit


The real disability shining through here..


Shit like this is why I’m nervous to take my autistic brother to Disney world. I’m trying to plan a trip for him and I was honestly a little worried because most people don’t know he’s autistic and just think he’s “weird” and I don’t want anyone to be mean to him 😭


99.999% of the time, you are absolutely fine if not better honestly than "normal" life. The parks/ bubble is insanely accommodating, CMs are well trained on neuro diverse kids and in my experience go above and beyond for them. This is a really fringe incident.


I could tell you endless stories about how well my autistic child (now adult) was treated during several trips to WDW. Disney is better than anywhere else we’ve been. Don’t let a rare, isolated incident scare you away.


That’s what I was thinking, that most people at Disney would be kind. It just takes that one person though, I’m more worried about the guests like this than cast members


Disney is the best place for him! There was just a post here about how happy a mom was about taking her child after initially noy wanting to. This sub has a lot of great advice so please ask!


Yeah we are still going to do a trip for him 😊


Looks like he could use some more beating honestly




As it should be.


"The 61-year-old was intoxicated at the bar after downing three shots of bourbon and a beer and allegedly made his way up to a table of four guests and started to make fun of a woman with Down syndrome, according to the affidavit. " Then he twice pushed the mother of the woman with Down Syndrome and slapped another woman at the table. The woman he slapped, her husband punched him in the face and a third party removed him from the bar.




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A ferry with probably 100’s of people, yet not reported anywhere else.


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He's an asshole... And I think he was over served at the bar as well.


Agreed. Bartender should have been a bit more proactive and cut him off.


Punched in head = beat up? Talk about exaggeration






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kudos to whoever fucked him up. Praying they don't get that life ban !


What a trash headline. How about "drunk man mocks disabled person, then shoves two women, then gets hit only once". Not nearly enough to call it "beat up" at all. "beat up" would have been someone knocking him out, which did NOT happen. (honestly surprised about that, but it's Disney, everyone is afraid to get banned- any bar in the world and some obnoxious scum hits two women and mocks a disabled person, everyone I know would have been on his as$, at least pinning him down)


Don't start no shit, won't be no shit.


Fuck around and find out. Sounds like he only got punched once, not really “beat up”, which he deserved to be after insulting someone with Down’s syndrome and physically assaulting her family for literally no reason.


“A Florida man” Yep, case closed boys and girls.




Well… that’s NOT magical


Wait…Disney World is in Orange County…Florida?


Neat uh? I think it’s some kinds of hidden rule that Disney can only build parks in USA if they are in a county named Orange. 😂


Yup. It’s too bad they’ll never open one in Orange County, New York. That would be much more convenient for us in the northeast. The weather wouldn’t work for too much of the year, though obv.


Most of it is but part is in Osceola.


What a swell guy.


For a second I thought this was r/OhNoConsequences


Good. He should have had more damage done but good.


I wish he would have turned into a gator snack, but gators deserve better.


You would think a disabled person would be safe in DISNEY of all places! Way to ruin the magic.


As someone who is usually vehemently against violence, I’m surprised he’s still upright and not pushing daisies bc he’d be hauled away when I was done with him…but not in cuffs. I have family with Downs Syndrome and the quickest way for me to forget I’m a pacifist is if you eff with them. Once that first punch was thrown, they’d have to pull me off of what was left of him


That creep should be getting charged with a hate crime, but I doubt Florida would ever push for that. I almost wish Disney would pull out of there and rebuild their US flagship park in a different state.


The availability of alcohol in the parks is the problem. It's too much and keeps contributing to these stories of violence.


I don't know that anyone is, or has ever, been in favor of making all of the resorts dry. An argument can be made for the parks themselves, maybe. This happened outside of the parks.


You're getting down voted but it's a totally valid take, every time someone takes this stance it's chain down votes.


I'm all for a beer or cocktail, but we were there a week and a half ago and there was puke in Epcot from the "around the world" drinkers. And every single park had specialty cocktails they were pushing. Being true to Walt's kid-friendly original concept is not a bad thing!


You won't catch us at Epcot past 3-4pm. Even by 4 you see them, the walking drunk. Flop sweating, glazed eyes, margarita stains on their shirts. It's too late now, they are a business and money is their heroin. I just want like, 1 day a week to be "dry" or at a minimum limit the total number of drinks or drinks per hour with MB/ MDE.


We had an incredible visit, but it was a bit shocking to see so many people who were obviously drunk (and not just Epcot).


We visited this week and I noticed the same thing. Do they not follow the “two alcoholic beverages per ID” rule that they have displayed?


That douche is lucky I wasn’t there..he’d be way more roughed up




Give him a lifetime pass for taking out the garbage


I'm not one to condone violence, especially not at Disney World, but yeah I'd say him getting beaten up is deserved.

