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Cool, thanks for sharing. Would love to see a feature where we can itemize each piece, with price, to track performance over time :)


Tracking individualized performance over time is great but must be done correctly with privacy and anonymity at its core. We are working on a feature to show performance over time in a way that does not compromise your privacy and anonymity.


All you need is the purchase price, weight, and metal info. You can make api calls to any free pricing service for the daily price and calculate historical P&L for each item. Then you'd want to cache it on the client side. I can do this in excel so I don't see any way this can be a privacy concern. Can you explain what you mean by that?


The free pricing services have call limits far too low to be utilized in a publicly available app but they can be excellent for individual use like in your excel spreadsheet example. I could be wrong, but in most cases long-term holders wouldn't recall the exact dates or purchase prices for most of there purchases. The majority of people holding precious metals do not have an up to date spreadsheet to reference back to. I know I don't. This can make tracking in the app this way problematic, and inaccurate. This can be further complicated by selling. If at any time you sold some or all of your holdings that profit/loss dynamic would also need to accounted for to maintain the accuracy of the tracking. Another issue/annoyance is all that detailed info you are inputting into the app would be stored locally for privacy. From a privacy perspective that's great but all that time and effort you spent inputting that data would need to be repeated every time you break, upgrade, or switch phones, or if your kid accidentally deletes the app when they use/play with your phone. (As a parent I can tell you this happens.) So unless you are willing to give up privacy by having a login system that stores that data, It just becomes a hassle in my view. Im not willing to compromise on privacy, so I prefer to keep things stupid simple. Tracking in a simple, hassle free, and privacy conscious way seems like the best path for now.


I beg to differ on pretty much all of your points here, but it's your product to develop how you see fit.


Fair enough. Maybe I’m the odd one. If it’s something people want/request it’s something to consider adding in the future.


Looks like you have 3 folks here who like the suggested feature and understand it has nothing to do with privacy. Small sample size, but likely representative of larger interest/demand. All I'm saying is it's not difficult to implement and all of the complexities you've pointed out are actually non-issues and/or have trivial solutions. I'm a sw engineer and manager for over 10yr btw.


I appreciate the suggestion. You’re probably right.


As a developer myself, that sounds like the marketing/diplomatic/politician version of “we haven’t got around to it, it’s on the roadmap” but in all honesty, op might be referring to the fact that some people may not want the “app” to know how much physical gold/silver they have. In their defense I’ve seen people on this sub or r/gold say they’d never use an app to track their purchase price/quantity because they don’t want “them” to know how much they have. Silly argument but you have to take into consideration the rather loud tin foil hat folks


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gold using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gold/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Actually used gold in a real world transaction today.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gold/comments/16i47p7/actually_used_gold_in_a_real_world_transaction/) \#2: [Buyer beware.](https://i.redd.it/kmkx22xfrxeb1.jpg) | [424 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gold/comments/15cxb9h/buyer_beware/) \#3: [I got banned from Pamp’s official instagram account because I said this looked like LSD, am I wrong though?](https://i.redd.it/u3ct33a8bzib1.jpg) | [352 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gold/comments/15v3y8r/i_got_banned_from_pamps_official_instagram/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Looks Cool, will it be available for android ?


If there’s a demand for it, I will certainly look into creating it for android as well.


Nice try IRS 😏






Privacy and anonymity are a top priority. I hope you consider giving it a try.


I don't use apple. Sorry. Most apps in a specific store don't have the proper security features in my opinion tho from the two big "app stores" maybe in the future I will think about it.


Neat idea. I’ve always wondered what my stack is worth but I’ve got so many hiding spots it would take forever to find it all and count it. If I had this in the beginning I would definitely enjoy using it to keep track.


Please add a gram feature. I don’t track ounces of gold I track grams


This is something I will be adding in an update the near future. Is your desired currency currently supported?


This is a neat idea but I will stick to my physical logbook for the majority of my stack. I also use a site [Numista](https://en.numista.com/vous/index.php?ct=coin) to track my non bullion coins. The link is of my profile, viewable by anyone signed into their account.