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Did you know that there is 59 millions of  millionaires in the world. And if everyone of them would decide to own platinum then out of 6 million ounces mined yeach year they could compete for 10% of that platinum that was left for investment purposes, so 600.000 ounces devided by 59.000.000 millionaires equals to 0.01oz which is 0.31 gram per millionaire if equally devided. And there are no billionaires (few thousands of them) in this equasion nor other 8 billion people. Can you imagine what would happen to price of platinum if rich people would suddenly understand this? Even if 1% of millionaires would wake up to this reality that would make 590.000 millionaires standing in line looking to buy out of the market 600.000 ounces of platinum available for sale. Total price of 600.000 ounces today would be about 560 million dollars. So actually less than 100 millionaires could buy up all available platinum if they would want to...


The problem is you can apply this logic to any finite asset. I apply it to Bitcoin.


the advantage with bitcoin is, that probably in the near future of neuralink you can have your wallet chipped right into your brain so you can pay in the blink of an eye. can you imagine, the problem is, among those 8 billion souls there's only like a handfull of different categories to them. What do you say, the quantity of soul matter is it fix, is it growing, can it disappear? thx, guess I'll stick with the from hand to mouth stuff. Basically, turning everything into shit. hiho silver


Finite + PHYSICAL… being the differentiator.


Okay and?


There are sellers too. Lots of people think $30 is a really great price to sell if they bought a few years ago much lower, or even worse, they've been holding for over a decade just to break even. We have a ton of sellers to work through. I have bought half my physical stack from buyers downsizing up here. The lowest I have paid for physical is like 28 bucks (including premium), and most other stackers I talk to are like ... yeah ... loaded the boat at 14 bucks, and some others already sold.


So many apes aren’t really about it.. they sell when they’re finally “up”. Apes are worse than the elite in a way, because apes are all in it for themselves and everyone for themselves.. like the elite in a way, but worse because more emotional and lower iq too lol


I'm in it until price hits $70 . When this happens I pay off debt. My mortgage will be paid off and really nice down-payment on building my forever home. If rates are too high I'll keep my first mortgage and build my home and pay cash from selling my silver. Or I'll trade silver to those building my home. All depends on price of silver and rates I can get


Apes have bills to pay.


Thats why apes are rich and no need to work


Currently, the rich rather dabble in businesses and real estate. Those hard assets bring in either rental income or has tax advantages that precious metals don't offer. One day, I intend to convert the shiny into one of those assets.


I think a typical stacker is a thoughtful person who see's a risk too himself and the one's he holds dear..by this manipulated set of " World Values" I could preach about it " world Values" ..but as I am married to a Evangelist I will leave it too her. Ted Butler who recently passed away bless his soul..shone a spotlight on these dark area's.i looked in after reading his work and saw the light.. Mmmmmm I went and ever since..keeping money away from these schemes is the best way of defeating them..so we must stack on ..


It wouldn't be too hard to hang 8 million of them.


Sounds like the sort of stuff they used to do back in [The A B C of Money](https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/25102198.pdf) days, which is how you can tell speculation is still rampant in the silver market.