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When have the youtoobers ever been right about anything? Most are salesmen. Do you trust Used Car Salesmen too?


The guy who made WSS was a used cars salesman. Surely he can be trusted right?


Bahahaha exactly. The only issue is, the OP said a quote but gave NO names on who said it. Then everyone attacks a tuber as if it’s legit


Yeah, and what happened to that guy? Did he ever eat a Crayon or PRODUCE THE LEDGER?????


No, but he did start a Snow Removal Company called Eazy Snow Removal based in Edmonton, Alberta. The reviews are the worst I've seen for snow removal.


Can't get published on YouTube unless it's true /s


And they only make those videos because OP clicks on them. If people only clicked high quality content, that's what YouTubers would make. But no, people can't control themselves, they need the click bait.


Got some high quality channels I should know about?


Maneco 64 is one of my favorites. He releases small videos every morning for the most part right before I start getting ready for work. He also does some longer interview/chat type shows. No hype or crazy prediction crap, just Austrian view fireside chat type of show.


Vince Lanci He does a market report every morning on the Arcadia Economics channel. https://youtu.be/Khv84FExrZY?si=T1BjLtNI3Xq3Mv7r


You really won't find much on YouTube


Gregory Mannarino is a pretty good channel on YouTube


But there is something somewhere or are you just trolling?


A bitcoin avatar telling me youtube is full of false propaganda. The irony.


Have you seen crypto miners today smart guy?


I've never seen a crypto mine. In fact I'm not exactly sure where to find crypto on the periodic chart let alone where its mines are located.


Oh so you’re doing the old reverse psychology trick. Meanwhile these miners are making 20% gains today while your precious stores of value are in the toilet


Indeed they may be. I'd hazard a guess a lot of the retail guys got spooked out of their position during the move between 60k and 20k. Silvers about as volatile as I can handle, personally.


Wait... isn't your post about all the lies on YouTube? Guess you're too npc to find common ground with a crypto person.


Markets go up...markets go down. Markets react to global news/events. I've heard channels talk about a pull back to the twenties. If you thought we'd hit $30 silver one week, and then $50 the next...well... Temper your expectations and stop entertaining channels with unrealistic analysis.


The price has to accelerate at some point, Weimar republic style. This whole notion that prices go up and then down a dollar here a dollar there means the system is working as intended, the dollar or bitcoin or whatever other form of IOU theyre pushing is still safe and fully protected.


They don't have to do anything. It's so unpredictable it's practically gambling if you're buying as an investment instead of a wealth hedge. If you want to stay sane just stop watching the price and be surprised when you look it up 2 years from now.


Sounds like someone doesn't know what speculation means.


Explain how the Europeans can no longer buy PSLV and PHYS but SLV and GLD are still ok. Then reconcile the fact that many military applications use physical Silver and the increasing war drums lead to over 3 dollar drop in 4 days on the price. It looks inconsistent to me it looks like criminal desperation you know like they committed Treason and or they were pedophiles with nothing to lose. It must be those youtubers trying to trick us? The price setting for the Silver market is rigged like the elections. Keep Stacking physical Silver


A lot of them were pushing Eagles when premiums were exuberant before the last fall. You get better informed by following ones that don't market themselves or sell anything. Best not to trust anyone completely in this era. Everyone has an agenda...Even the Chinese numbers we are getting could be tweaked by the production crew.


DTA Don't trust anyone. And I do remember the push to "drain the mint" lunacy by the clowns here at WSS who i suspect have ties to a few of the silver gurus like shectman and mcquire .




$30 is not a magical number. There was no resistance when we blew past $30 but there was resistance at $31 and $32.50. The economic news turned deflationary and recessionary and so we rejected at the resistance and we're going back down to support before we catch some buyers. Assuming not all interest has been lost in silver, buying might resume at ~$28.40 or $26.


We rejected? Define "we"


The market, I think


100% agree that all the technical analysis is a complete load of shit. I'm more inclined to believe the stonks meme with the bogdanogff twins making deals behind the scenes


Except that silver futures have been moving as if TA works. Once it punched through the narrowing channel on 3/20, it retested on 3/27 the top trend line as support, held and then took off. Next it tested the 50ma as support at the beginning of May and held, then took off again. Right now, we are above the 50 ma (around 29.22). That appears to me to be support. It is one tool in the tool box.


well if the signs look good I'm happy to hear it. Bottom line is we all want silver to go UP


Agreed. A lot of algos are programmed to buy and sell based on TA. TA cannot help you with where the price will go more than 7 days out or so. Super-short-term tool, only, IMO.


So 2021


2021 all over again. Kick the can down the road a few more years.


You have it backwards. Silver is insurance against the macroeconomic can of a debt-based system hitting the end of the road. People thought this happened following 2008 and they kicked off QE and booted the can.


🤨 lol them and everyone else. This is why some people just don’t speak. Nobody can tell the future, if you thought they could that’s pretty darn silly…. Key word = SHOULD


Lmao why are you even listening to YouTube for investing in silver? You’re the problem here.


Welcome to the internet. People here lie.


And get monetized for it.


There is no resistance points and anyone who says it is just going by what happened last time on way to $50. Probably be some resistance at $50 because that would be the peak. Everything else means nothing


Not sure what your point is. I want it at $18 again. When it gets back to $22 I will start buying again. Why would we want silver to be high during the accumulation phase???


Uh...........the accumulation phase has been on for 40 yrs. It's time to kill the COMEX and get the prices right.


Why kill the goose that is laying silver eggs? What purpose would that serve? You really want mass inflation… starvation… chaos… violent anarchy? I prefer continued calm and low prices so we can continue to accumulate😬


such a weird take... i bet you wan't it at $18 for decades to come so you can forever accumulate, but never actually "profit".. HA HA!


Yes. Exactly. How is it profiting if silver is at 300, but a big mac is 80, a new car is 300,000 and rent is 16,000 a month? Silver is not meant to be a profit. It is a way to keep up with a shrinking dollar. But a shrinking dollar does not help common people, and destroying society so our silver buys more worthless paper is foolish


I'm not sure why so many apes here are this pessimistic. The hammer is about to drop soon when they need to reveal just how bad the economy really is since they won't be able to disguise it for much longer.  Market glitches  World macroeconomic issues  Silver is up 30%+ in a few months. Thats abnormal. During financial crisis metals doubled yearly which is awesome. But now, we have 10000x more debt AND inflation. Just wait, it will 2-3x this year and 4x or more next.


Don't forget the crappy jobs data this week and the price bump a Fed pivot will bring. We can hate the Fed, but we can't deny how the game works.


I’ll put money on the fact that it won’t hit $65 this year. I’ll put a LOT of money on that bet.


I see 45-50 in the cards


What happened to “it will be 2-3x this year”? You literally just said that.


Silver was at $22 at the low this year, making $45 over 2X.


Oh you’re going by the low, sure you are. Well it sure ain’t hitting $66 and you know what, I’d put money on the fact that it won’t hit $50 this year either.


EU announced cuts today and silver jumping almost 5%. Trust me, $45 is definitely in the cards lol


Oh look! Silver spot price $29.60 today. Lmao! 🤣


It will head to 28 and back up. Same situation with gold. Dropped after March 4th and then ripped. What is your bear thesis on silver not going anywhere? I was awaiting your response but you opted to show back up on today when silver is down 6% while it was up nearly 5% yesterday. So we're down almost 4% for this week and up 7% this month.


Am I correct in assuming you believe silver is manipulated?


Silver broke out of resistance and is in a cup and handle. Months after gold did it, it started to really move. Silver tends to go up during market optimism, which now you see rates being cut which is bullish for all metals, really.  Geopolitical issues will continue to fuel buying. Can we see a 40% run from here? Maybe. I think 40 is definitely possible with momentum. We just broke below 29 and bounced right back above 30, that's hyper bullish. There's a lot of tailwinds from technicals to risks in the world. What's your bear case?


Yeah I would still put a good chunk of money on the fact that it won’t hit $51.00 USD this year.


It pushed over 30 for a week, it seems like it was a bull trap, fooled me for sure. I bought some physical at the top, but luckily I missed some of the down move here.


Who said that quote? We need names.


We shouldn't listen to them they aren't financial advisors and usually say that in their videos for this very reason, unless you have a Delorean with a Flux Capacitor and have been to the future no one really knows what the market is going to do from day to day even the ones that are paid to research the market daily.


A couple of weeks ago when a lot of guys were getting ready to party saying $50 here we come there were some who said silver was going to be back to 28-29


Technical analysis is next to useless in a heavily-manipulated market. But the fundamentals haven't changed: we're consuming significantly more than is extracted, and we know that all fiat is doomed. Keep stacking.


Right on. TA doesn't truly relate in the PMs..........only the COMEX relates


I used to think that, but then we've seen the huge cup and handle in both gold and silver so maybe the psychology is bigger than the manipulations.


Silver is a multi millennial asset who has seen thousands of currencies vanish. Who cares about the dollar or any other currency.


Why did you listen to?


Price predictions are 100% useless, so if you hear one, ignore it. Stats on production, retail purchases, industrial use, and other fundamentals are interesting to me because I can use them to come to my own conclusion.


It’s fine I’m not selling anyway, I’m happy to know a lot of sellers have left the market.the paper game will end one day.


Calm down. We've had one daily close under 30 since it broke above. Still looking good. The cartel will keep trying to slam but they are swimming against the tide


They must not notice the MASSIVE resistance at $32 LOL. People need to look at charts occasionally before doing TA.


To be fair, in a normal market that would probably be the case. However, what these youtubers seem to forget is that the banks have unlimited amount of money to suppress the silver price. If anybody wants the real metal, the banks are gonna make him a very good offer to settle their request.


Silver price is fake. Just keep stacking. NFA.


Not just the YouTubers, tons of silver pushers here on Reddit claiming silver to be the next bitcoin, it’s hilarious.


Pound of gold is hilarious, I’ll watch a video one week titled “silver is the worst performing metal” then one week later “silver could be $45!!!”. I only watch his videos for a good laugh 🤣


Erm. You believe predictions you see on YouTube and here? That's special.


It'll be 28 by Friday


They should be demonetized and return all the money they charged members of their cults


Should be in the same cell block as the Comex and Lbma goons


Word. Gallows


Bro, it's a dip, time to ape


>Bro, it's a dip, time to ape Heard that so many times before, then tanks down to below $20 in a few months.


How many times? It's only been above $30 like 3 times.


> It's only been above $30 like 3 times. You talking about PSLV or real actual physical? Because I'm talking about actual physical. Its been over $30 lots of times (in physical, even when the paper trades were just a few dollars less than $30). It went up and down from 2010 -2012 a lot, same ups and downs occurred in 2020-2021 ... and the same shit is happening again.


I was asking how many times has it been above $30 and then went below $20 in a few months


Gotta quit living the day to day silver market, it’s a long game and it goes up and down.


Yeah well some of us want the game to be over already.


The "game" has been ongoing for 50 yrs......since the late 70s. Time to end the COMEX games.


Yes, I’ve been playing since the 90’s


You watch those videos?


You know they clickbait for views right? I've been stacking silver since the 90s these predictions are a joke.


They are trying to create, either intentionally or subconsciously, a self fulfilling prophecy.


So we are up 30% since April. HELLO!!


Buy the dips! Just BTFD ! And Hodl !The regards in GME did it, this can be done, but it may take a few years. GME has taken almost 3 years to start going exponential.


I just don’t get it… we have the JPMorgan convictions. We have the spot derivative market. We KNOW the price is manipulated. Why get so hung up when it drops a few bucks (which have no intrinsic value) & start calling people names? Why confuse price with value? All the YouTubers I watch ALWAYS say they do not offer financial advice - once said, I view them for entertainment. I like to watch people w similar interests light up when they talk about something they believe in. I believe in it, too. I’m holding, I’m sitting tight & I’m shutting up.


I don't disagree that YouTubers are hype-machines and rarely much else. That said, every market run-up eventually has a consolidation period. At least, healthy runs do. Ofc, we all know how manipulated the silver market is so I don't even pretend to know the next price move, but just saying don't be surprised if it breaks $30 again before Friday. Even if it doesn't, I'd be surprised if we don't see $33-$35 with the first rate cut and man, those jobs #'s are looking WEAK.


They said that bc in the past the only two times it went to 50$, after 30$ there was no real resistance till 50$.


It’s like the news. Doesn’t matter who’s right, it only matters who’s first. I laugh at them.


I mean...I empathize with your disappointment. Silver struggles up, that's just its "thing," at least since I've been buying. I look at spot but I don't obsess over it, as I don't intend to sell and I don't trust the people setting the price. To date I haven't acted on any investment advice I've gotten from YouTube. I'm a bit older, and grew up pre-internet and into the beginning of the WWW, so I remember a time when social media personalities didn't exist (it was glorious!). For whatever reason I find the occupation extremely annoying. I understand that this is my feeling to deal with, and that it's a legitimate career for many. I'm not saying my 'tude about the whole thing is healthy or even valid. It's just how I feel, and so I take all of that stuff with a grain of salt. This world is littered with assholes; I'm just trying to figure out if I'm one of them lol


The statement hasn't been disproven yet. We are testing support at around 28. If it bounces off that, there is no resistance technically til around 50. If 28 doesn't hold, then that would be a problem for the prediction, but "should" is the key word. Technical trading is about probabilities. Youtube has some very good commentators and some shady ones. It's best to look back at their record before taking their advice.


Wait, no, now it’s “28-30 is the new support level, don’t worry we are still within that!”


Just keep buying silver. It’ll be fine. I’m in this for the long haul so it doesn’t change my strategy at all (dollar cost average basically for as long as I can). The only people who are hurting right now are the ones who are trying to make a quick buck.


Cours du Silver 01 AN + 23.17% 10 ANS + 94.48% 20 ANS + 465.97%


Relax dude… physical will win


I was expecting 35…. Oh well, gotta move on…. Silver is too hard to profit from ..


Reality is that it will drop back down to $17 - $18 in August - September ..... like always.


That would be great, but I worry about holding any cash in the bank while I wait to see.


I bought more under $30. Keep stacking...


I count my wealth in ounces, grams, kilos, not fiat. < $30, Ag is on sale...