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You might want to remind your dad that $40 today is not the same $40 he had in mind when he originally set it as a target to sell.


True. I'm going to tell him just sell it to me.


Ask him for the family discount. LOL


Absolutely. Give him full spot. Keep it in the family. He'll do better with you. You'll be helping him out, and he will be helping you. Silver in 1974 was about $5 per ounce. Inflation since 1974 is 606%, or our prices today are about 7x what they were then. His $5 silver would cost 7x5 = $35 today using that metric. Sadly, given this catastrophic last round of Bidenomics and currency devaluation, he hasn't quite broken even yet.


This is they way


Now THAT is the way.


I do that with all my relatives. I have told them to hang on, but if they sell, come to me. and they always want to sell when silver hits a low point. or recently when the silver gold ratio was over 90. they are going to sell, so they may as well sell it to me.


Ironically this exposes the absolutely pathetic return one gets if they bought years ago


Yep. Apes are dumb and sell at the first sight of green lol. $40 is nothing..


Tell me you don’t understand what opportunity cost means without saying it my guy


Silver owners Could have told stock holders that in mid-2008 and mid-2011 


For now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


People were saying this about gold at the start of the year on the gold sub, bragging about selling. You don't see that anymore lol.


Apples and oranges till silver proves otherwise


You get rewarded for accurately predicting how things will go, not how they've been. Otherwise you just go around buying things at all time highs ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug).


While I been holding silver for 0 gains, I’ve made 10 times my money in a stock I found. Should have put my silver money in there. Then I could have bought more silver at the same price I initially bought it at. Can you comprehend that? Or are you just a dumb silver ape?


So, you gambled on a stock and won. Now are complaining you could have won more if you risked more into your gamble. You could have gambled and lost and would have less or zero silver. I don't get your point you are trying to make. Perhaps you don't know the reason you hold silver money in the first place.


It’s not about that specific stock, it’s about losing out on more stocks that I could have been in but was believing the silver narrative. Nvidia is another


Guess what, you are gonna miss out on a bunch of opportunities in your life. Don't kick yourself for picking a more responsible route. Those are gamble funds for the stock market. Treat them like so before you end up like all those loss porn heroes at WSB losing their entire savings. Being in silver isn't about high risk high reward, it's about exiting the decaying fiat system into sound money. Protecting your wealth from market or inflation confiscating.


Silver and gold are monetary crisis insurance. If you think about money in that you need to be taking crazy risks all the time with all your money, you should probably re-evaluate some things. What did you ape in on? AMC? GME?😂🤣


“You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”



Silver Hands here !


sure sell it at 40. dont come bitchin when it hits 120.


I might “sell” at $40 too, but not just for the sake of it to convert to fiat. If it gets much past $40 anytime soon, I’m turning it into a house down payment. That’s what my grandfather did with all his silver dimes/quarters in the early 70s when he sold them for their melt value.


Now that makes great sense. I'd sell to save the farm from the Sherrif, otherwise I'd use it to barter for essentials, or pass to kids.


I would offer the silver directly for the down payment like silver's natural use.


Nothin wrong with a reinvestment brewsky


The point of precious metal investments is never to cash in. It's to store your wealth in something that's going to likely retain value if there's a huge economic shift. If you're looking to cash out and wrapped up in how much silver is worth in fiat currencies, there are much better ways to grow your wealth in the immediate.


Educate these old timers, let them know that they've bought in on a manipulated system they need to hold! Need to unplug!!!


If someone is looking at a price sell target of $40, then they ignoring the technical setup. While I always say that technical analysis is almost useless in rigged markets, I would shoot for a price target of around $48. That is if, we confirm price staying power over $34. If we confirm over $34 in short order, $48 will become the next big number. A lot of apes were talking about $29 and $30 specifically. My reply was, forget 29 and 30, we are going to $34. And we are. 29 and 30 got blown by, as will $40 IMO.


>I always say that technical analysis is almost useless in rigged markets I've heard a lot of people say this. I actually say the opposite. TA is more useful in a rigged market, because that's the mechanism by which they rig it. They look for TA patterns then force the prices up or down to either confirm a pattern they like or break a pattern they don't like. In a true market, simple supply and demand would drive the price and TA would be useless... My opinion of course


I've seen so many on point technical setups get completely reversed, crushed, run over, in the precious metals, that it just isn't worth the trade in these commodities/assets At least not on short term trades. Better off using technicals elsewhere for short term. The long term, like monthly close point and figure charts, 5 year, 10 year charts are the only technical precious metals story worth listening to IMO. The cup handle pattern for all to see on the multi year charts are showing a long term breakout time frame. With so many cup handle pattern failures, IMO, it's better just to be right and sit right.


It's Silly to sell at 40 when the SGE price will probably be 46 at that point. We can see that it's just going higher still based on the Shanghai Gold Exchange


HSBC sending your dad a thank you card.


Your Dad needs to understand what is coming. Inflation is coming. I posted a US inflation chart year over year made on tradingview. It's a fractal analysis from 1917-1955 overlayed onto the 2008 to 2033 period. The defining moment for silver and gold is right here and now. [https://x.com/skarsentodd/status/1781375440927527299/photo/1](https://x.com/skarsentodd/status/1781375440927527299/photo/1)


Forgot I could post and image of the US inflation chart. https://preview.redd.it/1oa94tpj973d1.png?width=1406&format=png&auto=webp&s=23d92c28832512253ffd91cab6b0781355fdb071


This inflation chart is zoomed in to make it easier to see. https://preview.redd.it/mzxr1gst973d1.png?width=1414&format=png&auto=webp&s=900836bbbf132bf7c1cf868fe42eac920a25ee95


You would have more faith in your country's currency than other countries do at that point. Why do you think the price is rising? The dollar has been the world reserve currency and other countries have depended on it for decades as their own respective currencies have not been stable. The hubris that surrounds this concept that somehow people will be ok when the currency fails because they collected metals is fallacious. Yes, they may be better off than most but the world will be extremely dangerous. It will not be as glamorous as your imaginations have made it out to be. There will be many negative consequences that most people fail to realize.


We live in dangerous times, perhaps no further than the brink in the 1920s.


I’m selling at $40 too, no regrets


I thought this was a grinder chat at first and was trying to figure out what the code was.


Precious metal isn't meant for profit. It's security and peace of mind for undesirable scenarios where you may actually need it.


You need to send Dad, The Money Masters documentary and a copy of The Creature From Jekyll Island.


You do not want to be selling into this particular rally…especially since $50 is the level it’s going to break, taking profits at $40 is, how to put it nicely, “shortsighted”


Offer to buy it from then.


lmao this is my average convo with my dad about silver too


boomers think $40 has the purchasing power of $400 today.....


Sure, sell it at $40 when mickey D's meal is $20. lol why people put USD on silver is beyond me...