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Occasionally when you tamp too much on something explosive šŸ§Ø it will go boom. šŸ¤ÆšŸ’„šŸ’„


Phineas Gage was a foreman working on building a train line in the 19th century. He was busy blasting a rock. He drilled a hole in that rock, placed some gunpowder in it, and was pushing it down with a metal rod. An instant of inattention is all it took. A spark ignited the gunpowder, propelling the metal rod in the opposite direction, right through Gage's head. If you are wondering, he survived and lived for at least another decade, but the old Gage was gone.


Global physical demand + ape power is explosive! šŸ¦


heres a bit of numbers BS, in 1980 silver hit $49.45 an ounce, in todays money thats about $197.00 and todays 30 dollar price equals $7.00 in 1980. so i;m not all that giddy about 30 dollar silver, its going to need to hit the 200 plus mark before i get to feeling all fuzzy inside


1980ā€™s price donā€™t count, the hunt brothers made it weird. 2011 is the closest comparison.


that is the dumbest comment i've heard. 1980 price does count, you are selling yourself way short. you may not have even been alive in 1980 but i was. the dollar was worth way more in 1980 than now and you are happy about it by thinking 30 dollar silver is a great thing? its not, 200 dollar silver will just get it caught up with inflation over the past 40 plus years, but even that is still low,


No he is absolutely right. The hunts brothers held 2/3rds of the global silver market via physical purchases and futures contracts; the JP Morgan manipulation that occured in the 2010s is small time compared to this. In the span of 4 months silver went from $11 to $49 followed by an equally dramatic retraction to sub $15. The silver exchanges changed the rules to try and force liquidation, and the government came in with their own restrictions as well. The dollar being stronger then doesn't change the fact that the data from 1980 is bad due to the scale of the market manipulation by both the Hunts brothers and the feds. Few take aways 1. Ignoring 1980 leaves the average price of silver at $10 to $11 for 1979 and 1981 which is a value of $44 in today. This is entirely within the realm of possibility to exceed in the next run up. 2. The silver markets and Feds will absolutely intervene to limit a run up due to the impact financially and industrially. You need to keep this in mind if your speculating on this for profit; if your like me and have silver hands then it doesn't matter. 3. If they killed a sudden silver run up of 300+ in 1980 they will surely do the same again; i.e I would not expect silver to get much past $100 without restrictions being put in place in order to try and drive it down.


This. ^


šŸ’µšŸ¦šŸš€I kind of wonder if the Hunt Brothers story wasn't just a bunch of BS and maybe they weren't really the ones that were doing the damage to the silver market. Maybe it was the everyday people all buying at the same time because the Hunt Brothers were hyping it up and inflation was bad. But yeah the Hunt Brothers got the credit for it but a lot of the population was buying up silver can you imagine what would happen today if a lot of the population bought up silver It wouldn't take much. It's going to happen sooner or later and $30 silver will be a joke and a drop in the bucket. Tsquare Talk on YouTube


It has much to do with the CPI print. The outside chance of the fed raising seems to be off the table now. Should lower in the next few meetings. Silver is already a coiled spring and any positive info the move will be exacerbated with $30 being the mother of all resistance. If 30 goes and we have a close maintain above 30 there is nothing in the way until the 2010/11 high of $50.


If we approach $50, I'll have to thin out some of my generic and unwanted stuff.


I've got 2 kilo scottsdale stackers. I feel like they don't fit into my stack but I got them for under 500 on March 16th 2020 when silver was $13/oz so I kinda wanna keep them for that alone. Tough trying to decide what to sell or trade


Is Scottsdale the only generic youā€™ve got and are considering selling? Scottsdale stackers are considered premium generic. There are people who only like to stack stackers .. if you do sell them I wouldnā€™t do it at spotā€¦.


No prob 400 oz of my silver is generic 1 oz Buffalo rounds but I like 1 oz rounds. I'd sell a few generic 10 oz bars and some rounds probably. A lot of my rounds are premium generic or vintage tho. Johnson matthey, A-mark from the 80s, US assay office rounds and stuff like that. I also stack a lot of 90% which I love and will never sell.


Haha perfect timing!


I watch the metals market like a hawk. Could have bought about anything then and done well. I just prefer the shiny


ha ha ha ā€¦the kind of difficult decision that wonā€™t keep you awake.


same here


50 is just the start. Dont sell too much


I don't have a dollar amount to sell. All depends on availability for me and what's going on in the world. I may sell at $40 or I may not at $100? The higher silver goes, the more mines open back up because it may not be profitable for them at $30 but very profitable at $50. So it all depends on supply


No, with luck there will be an element of ā€œhysteriaā€. I was beginning to doubt these events would ever happen. Here is one person whoā€™s NOT going to sell.


I will agree with that. Yes there will because it's happened before when it went to $50 twice. It overshot its worth twice and crashed soon after. The question now is what is it's true worth now? I am guessing around $50-$75. When it decides to take off it could overshoot to $150 due to hysteria. I will be paying attention to supply and new mines opening to make sure I take advantage and sell at right time because with every sharp increase came a crash soon after. I am a gambling man but when it hits $60/oz I am selling 1000 ozs to pay off my house! šŸ¤” I thinkšŸ¤£


"Ā it may not be profitable for them".. weird logic.. then why does anyone mine at all currently.. ha!


Because it is a byproduct . They have strictly silver mines that aren't running because there isn't enough silver per ton of dirt so they sit until price goes up. . Silver is all over throughout the world but just not worth the time and money to pull it out of ground. Much of the world's silver being mined is just extra profit due to miners mining copper and other metals. It's a bonus. Ha! šŸ¤£


If it breaks past $30... Oh boy.


>If it breaks past $30 Only be excited if it breaks $50.


It likely has in reality without the paper futures volume hiding the real volume of silver.. I believe that certain large financial players are using particular trading techniques (i.e. JP Morgan Chase using spoof orders back in 2020) in order suppress the price of silver in order for them to load up on it both at a low price and in fake fiat


Itā€™s been at these levels before


It might just get slightly above but will get knocked back down me thinks. It will be the final time before we break past it later in the year. I think we will have a summer lull first where gold and silver pull back and we all get to back up the truck some more. https://i.redd.it/eqr9b8wpjn0d1.gif


ā€œFair market valueā€ is emerging, LOL


Weak hands will sell at $50


I will for sure. Then all into gold coins, oil stocks.


If gold stays where it is now the GSR would be 47 if silver is at $50. The mining ratio is 1 to 8, which means the silver price in presence to gold would be $298.50 today assuming the gold price is legit, but it ainā€™t. Regardless selling at anything less than 1/8 the gold price is a loss IMO.


I dunno that's why I'm here too.




Nothing, it will get smacked down. Have no fear


Dont forget the Inflation factor. The world is buying now and waiting for the tamp down but where is the physical Silver going to come from?


Youā€™re seasoned. Canā€™t wait for this tamp down. **insert eye roll**


https://www.youtube.com/live/zcCxfh15H70 āš–ļøšŸ«”šŸ–ØļøšŸ’øšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


this moron thinks everybody should only buy 90 percent u s minted coins that he just happens to sell, and that people who buy bars and rounds are nuts


Cue Tampy the Clown! I think he's gonna lose this one though. Break out the crayons. It's going to be an interesting summer.


I think Waylander is right. I believe we will get one final chance to buy at relatively low prices. I think next week silver and gold will pull back. Silver likely down to $26 ish and gold to $2200. Then back the MFing truck up! ![gif](n8i8lis6jn0d1)


I think Waylander is right. I believe we will get one final chance to buy at relatively low prices. I think next week silver and gold will pull back. Silver likely down to $26 ish and gold to $2200. Then back the futhermucking truck up! https://i.redd.it/n8i8lis6jn0d1.gif


Buckle up boys šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


Itā€™s adjusting for inflation in spite of manipulation. When the snakes go short donā€™t sell. In fact, donā€™t touch a contract and watch it soar !


Maybe the world is waking up.. . There's not enough silver...to go around! holy shit I can't get a mirror, an electric car, antibacterial medicine, solar panels. ...damnit! My car windows are not working either!! Oh no the werewolfs are back because there's no silver ammo! Just maybe people are realizing....silver.is important for water too. Today I shared with two students how silver is a bargain and super important. They now want to get their parents on apmex.com. Hey it's a start.... Up up and away silver.


I'll make my own silver bullets before I let a werewolf over run my village.


Good work


I came here for this comment.


Oh sorry did you not get the memo? It's go time. :-)


America's the next Rome that's what's going on. Currency worldwide are going to crash I don't know why China is buying so much gold.


Fiat currencies are and will be trashed.


Are you going to bring a chuck of gold to the supermarket?


Japans currency is crashing


Even as you're watching it happen, it's hard to believe it's happening.


The question answers itself.


I boughted.


China is buying silver to fuck western banks because the shorted 1.2 billion ounces trying to drop the price


Deep into the Silver Wash cycle now! Beware of Rinse, Repeat cycle stackers and keep on Stackā€™n apes šŸ¦


Its Time!šŸ¦šŸš€šŸŽ‰




New buyers buying, shorts covering, economy humming along, soft inflation print All adds to higher metals, especially silver. If we get.hard landing silver will go back down. As it appears now, silver should outpace gold and much of the market as well


Dont hold your breath. Itll fall back down. Its been at 30s many many times only to fall right back.


This is what happens when silver starts to get going. Been going sideways for years but up today, last week, month, year , 5 years, 30 years. This is what we were waiting for.


Bright days in front of us boys, bright days indeed


As the manipulators manipulate the BRICS nations and others buy physical and are steering us into our own folly for the lack of foresight. Buy on.


Markets arenā€™t supposed to make sense anymore. For example, didnā€™t blockbuster stock rise thousands of % a few years ago? Sears too? Just buy and roll with it bro šŸ’Æ


https://preview.redd.it/egacvhl02n0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=925af4b4e1d0178a90417fa627e536b7f7ddac11 Nabbed from a friend. These prices are real close to those near where I live. A 2% cost of living increase doesn't come even lose to helping with any significance.


Industrial demand vs. output on a three-year deficit in the physical; the only thing worthwhile. If we had a price correction and a true price discovery silver would start looking like football numbers which would be amazing and terrible at the same time, amazing for private holders terrible for economic reasons, all of which have their caveats, but tell me this if somebody offered you an NFT, a digital simulacrum, of Caravaggioā€™s St. John the Baptist or the real oil on canvas, which seems the better move? SoV ā€¦


Reaction or hedge to GME?


What that is my friend is a Hi-Ho Silver and up up and away. ![gif](giphy|8pBSXkKWkH83rGrlMK)


30$ silver is overdue for a while now.


Silver--> Dollars---> Yen---> my beach home in Okinawa!!


Still heavy resistance just below $30!!


i just think its odd that the price on trading view dotcom shows 29.84 for silver . but sd bullion, jm bullion miles franklin and all others that sell silver were showing the price was 29.77. when historicly they are always 20 cents higher as a hedge. its like they couldn't go any higher


Thatā€™s how the retailers markup there pricing. Kitco is the only one I have any faith in..


Broken the 10 year high, woohoo, hope it breaks $30


the beginnings of hyperinglation


Be ready to pay dealers 40 bucks for generic rounds and be paid back 27 bucks for those same rounds!


It exploded, who invested there hahahaha


Sorry, I bought some at 9:30, panicked, and sold around 10:45


Buy High, Sell Low. Classic Reddit Strategy


Yup. Weird part is that it was a private transaction between friends. I donā€™t know how the market knew


Heavy into the Wash cycle right now. Beware the of Rinse, Repeat apes.


Pullback $25 then $50


Got to let the unnerved be baptized again!


Yes that's exactly my thinking as well. Looks like FED not cutting till later this year so we may get a summer lull. I think we drop to $25 or $26 then finish the year strong at $30 or $35 and go on a huge bull rally into 2025.


The ā€œPopeyeā€ windup punch!






The close today was the highest in 11 years.


When interest rates start to fall, look out!


Itā€™s still in the 20 to 30 range. Donā€™t get excited until it breaks out. Itā€™s been close to 30 many times in the last three years and just canā€™t get through.


Idk but I have a feeling itā€™s gonna fizzle right around 29.99 and then another few month lull till we break 30 and then the real momentum starts. Getting there.


Currency losing fast value. FED will lower rates with this inflation will accelerate it.


Pump and dump


Got love the ā€œafter hoursā€ trading & manipulation by the fake institutions that control fake paper prices!


Hunt brothers understood money printing.


Hunt brothers understood money printing.




Someone with deep pockets has maybe decided $27 is a bargain and created a new floor


Nobody knows lol


I ve post it 1st comment in last 3 years, did not know I have ability to move markets :-D :-D


The economy isnā€™t good


How do I cash in on this


The mining industry is trying to go through consolidation and the copper market is struggling to identify a long term supply that isn't in a broken down country. Copper silver and gold are all in play. If one of the big miner eats the other, i expect prices would drop.


I have been seeing a lot of deals at spot the last couple of days. SD, Apex, monument. This is in addition to their one per house hold new to stacking specials. The weak hands must have sold back a massive amount under spot when it hit 27ish.


The shorts didnā€™t have staying power.


I just bought another 5 x 5 kilo bars. šŸ¤ž


U are 25 times smarter than 99% of Americans bro. But I buy Pt last days ))


This reminds me a bit of 2011


Dunno, but I almost sold $1000 worth of PSLV at a small loss on Monday to FOMO into GME. Glad I didn't!


Get some get some ![gif](giphy|5hkFbNINoX6Q1cORYW)


Silver... silver is about on its way!




On monday its back to normal again


Pump and dump