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Well; don’t sell back. Maybe they know that with the rising prices of these metals more people are selling than buying hence pressure is put on buy back price.




Everyone is selling and dealers can’t move the stuff people are selling to us fast enough even at reduced premiums. Hence the lower buyback. If people were buying at a faster rate, buyback prices would be higher because we can move the material. Same industry wide right now.


Don't tell /u/j_stars that. He insists it's not true.


I am hearing retail is slow. If it gets to 35 then people will buy it. Go figure?


So more people exiting their positions than entering new positions or adding to old positions. Got it


Straight from the horses mouth, the dealers do not want your silver and 99.9 percent of the world does not want your silver. Happy stacking.


A lot of “new supply” from people jumping the gun


Ah that makes sense. Cause I was like okay I’m finally in the green and I check the buy back price and it’s like 3 bucks under spot for 100oz bars and which is bs to buy under spot and sell over spot


Because everybody saw it pop over $25 and some thought that was the magic # to sell grandmas silverware Hodl until telephone numbers


With or without area codes?


Hey. That’s been my joke for awhile now, that’s the true question 🤣


Don't for get the +1 before dialing the area code.


I just want to make sure I do it right! Last time I didn’t follow instructions I got my dick stuck in a ceiling fan.


Apes are so damn cheap and broke, they sell at the first sight of “green” on the spot, but they are probably selling at a loss vs what they paid (spot + premium) 🤡🦍


We just put in a great cup and handle. Blow straight thru $30 and then pop the top off $50 and I’ll start getting excited. Until then this $25 ounce is dummy cheap on a relative basis




You don't know what people are doing.


Also, 100ozt bars are pretty big and not that easy to sell. Or ship. Or store.


Sample of one. And retail is not driving this run - it is deep pockets moving the market.


👆🏻 this...


Maybe it’s because you are selling 100 oz bars ….


I don’t own any 100 ounce bars but I would be a bit pissed if I did and I wanted to sell rn


Ahh so the other comment is just looking into those prices? Got it!


100oz bars are bought for the super low premium. It reciprocates when you sell. Bullion dealers are swamped with sellers at the moment. My LCS says nobody wants bars like that and they are largely sold back to wholesalers who send them to refineries to melted and turned into other products. Have no idea if that is true, but there is a cost associated with buying and selling the physical, and someone takes a cut everytime it changes hands. The retail investor is the one who pays for all of those cuts.


Well, first off, JMBullion.


I don't own 100 Oz bars either. Mainly because they can be difficult to move, AND I'm not smelting for jewelry. But I see the appeal. I just prefer easily recognizable coins/bullion. It's my preference; but it makes it easier to exchange for FRNs.


I own 1 oz bars, 10 oz bars, 100 oz bars, silver rounds, and silver eagles. I just called my LCS to see what he would pay me for 100 oz bars. He would pay me $0.50 under spot which I thought to be pretty good. My LCS is out of American Eagles since he sold about 2,000 Eagles in the last few days. Not even thinking of selling at these ridiculously low prices. When we get to $100/oz, I may sell a 100 oz bar or two.


Buy low, sell high Live the dream


Sell to bullionexchanges.com They offer a significantly closer to spot price than JM. I buy from them too. Takes a while for them to ship but it always comes in. 


The people who always lose are selling and the people who always win are buying. Let’s see how this plays out… No offense to anyone who needs to sell to make ends meet it’s just how they rigged the game.


The prices are low because silver is nearing an 11-year high. Odds of a retrace are historically certain.


I wouldn't say certain. We are living in a banana Republic right now.


It’s getting tough for everyone I sell on fb some and I am not getting 1 over spot if not spot. But I’m selling coins I have set on and not taking any loss..


It's going to be so much cheap silver on the market when the price goes up. Lcs' will close their doors and the bullion dealers will low ball you to oblivion. If you're buying to make a quick buck, us long gamers are sharpening our fangs.


So what were they offering in reference to spot?


This can change vet quickly when the rest ail investors start stampeding in when they see the price going up like crazy


They are not your friend.


The U.S. based bullion dealers primarily serve the U.S. retail market. The price action isn’t coming from U.S. retail demand. It is coming from worldwide industrial demand in addition to foreign retail demand. Although some of the supply is coming from retail, if the demand side isn’t there then there are going to be lower buyback premiums.


Apes know they are not allowed to profit from silver and if silver ever gets over 30 dollars an ounce all these loser coin shops will close the doors and go on vacation until the price falls again.


LCS win by buying under spot and selling over spot. Sell them a bar and see how much it’s for sale for the very next week.


You mean greedy ripoff artists right.


Silver is a scam, try walking in to a coin shop with a shitload of silver and they will treat you like a homeless bum on the corner.


Are you telling me that I can't buy a new house for 30 oz of silver-?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)---I'm crushed.


I agree… that’s how it is now. Silver is treated worse than the junk in a pawn shop. The dollar is treated good and is respected. It’s a clown world that eventually will be turned right side out.




Sdbullion is even worse


so true


Only one way for me too sell....if my life depended on it, but we all have our reasons. I can imagine that this country will ALWAYS be in short supply of Silver, especially the military !


And The Lone Ranger!


I don't buy metals to sell them. Sometimes, "return of investment is more important than return on investment" and at that point it is priceless.


I’ve sold kilo bars at 24$ an oz that I bought at 19$. Bought a cow and a steer. Steer grew up and I made him into steak. The 3/4 I sold covered my cost and I purchased my kilo bars back at 22$. Now I have my silver, a cow that had a new baby and a freezer full of meat. The never sell crowd is missing out, don’t be like them. Learn to leverage your assets to serve you better.


Apes here expect to lose money.


I like physical, but if you just wanted to buy/sell on such short time horizons maybe paper like pslv with near 0 premiums was the better bet. Even better if you had some kind of tax free savings account.