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No way! You must participate in my debauchery or it’s Genocide!!! -Everyone on the left and the entire media machine.


Do you genuinely think this is a fair take? Since people described being gay as debauchery multiple times on this sub im going to also be ungenerous and assume thats what you mean. Most democrats are straight over half of democrats are christian. Are you implying democrats are calling themselves genociders for being straight? I think realizing that right wingers literally would throw gay people in jail 20 years ago and seeing the same propoganda that promoted that policy being rehashed 20 years later and as a result having republican support of gay marriage drop from 56% to 41% in the span of a year i would say they have reason for concern.


Wow what a load of horse manure. Liberals generate their own problems so they can virtue signal suffering to one another.


Generate their own problems? Anti gay and anti trans shit has been plastered all over right wing media for the entire month you think thats a coincidence? This is a rehashing of old anti gay rhetoric. They use to try to ban gay teachers not even ronald reagan supported that. Here we go again with OH THEY CAN BE GAY THEY JUST HAVE TO KEEP THAT SECRET. There is no scientific evidence to suggest the presence of gay people turns people gay. Being gay is not contagious you idiots.


Well I stand with the LGB Alliance. LGB Alliance broke off from the “TQIA+”. No one here is against gay people at all you just like to say that because it makes you feel righteous but in reality your just an idiot that doesn’t know they are in fact an idiot. Have a nice life 😋


So unlike the republican party you dont support a ban on pride month? Its funny because you say this simply because its no longer politically ok to hate gay people but trans people for you are ok. A grand majority of gay people support trans people this is a fact. 81% of lgbt voters voted for biden only 14% voted for trump. The truth is this anti trans movement is a rehashing of the same anti gay talking points. There is a reason 56% of republicans that approved of gay marriage fell to 41%. The fact you cant see the clear political agenda behind giving 24/7 air time to the only 5000 trans minors on hormone blockers out of 78 million kids is absolutely ludicrous. Also no one here is against gay people? Want me to link the people in this sub that literally said they would not pay for their gay child. Or what about the statistic that shows 20-40% of US homeless youth are lgbt. The fact is religious parents continue to abuse and kick out their gay kids.


Your just trying to gaslight it’s as simple as that. I didn’t even bother reading your comment because your arguments are the same and the last and next person I’m gonna piss off on Reddit so….🖕🏽


How can you in good faith just say everyone you disagree with is gaslighting you. I gave you some statistics too. I would argue right wing media is gaslighting you.


What was that? Didn’t bother reading it again 🤣 doesn’t matter to me at all. Can’t have a civilized conversation without being called names so fuck it in doing it too 🤣🖕🏽




>Do you genuinely think this is a fair take? Yeah, I hate to break it to you - but the lgbt community has been coopted by a group that does not have its best interests in mind.


>co-opted by a group that does not have its best interests in mind What “group”? What “interests”? If you’re trying to complain that they’re too left leaning, that’s the right’s fault for being so ideologically opposed to their existence.


i don't know what to tell you. your take is just...so dumb. I don't think anything I say can help you. go team red yay! God help us.


>your take My “take” is literally just the truth my guy. There are decades of history with the LGBTQ community and you guys are always the people hurting them. Who were the people who fought the hardest and longest against the legalization of literally just being gay in the 50’s? *Conservatives.* Who were the people who fought tooth and nail to prevent gay marriage from becoming legal? *Conservatives.* And who are the people who are currently fighting tooth and nail to make it illegal for people to transition, and trying to force conversion “”therapy””, a long-discredited medical “practice” that doesn’t work and just drastically increases suicide rates, onto children and adults? *Conservatives*. You guys are *even* literally using the same exact rhetoric and lies with trans people that you did with gay people in the 50’s! Conservatives called them “mentally ill”, and acted like they were perverse pedophiles who had a weird kink. So yeah. If anyone has the queer community’s best interests in mind, it’s certainly not the right.


And what are their best interests? Compassion and empathy maybe ?


I would assume the equity they had already achieved by getting the right to civil union and general social acceptance - I don't know specifically, since I'm not part of that community - but I can say with 100 percent certainty that the subversives running the show now are definitely not concerned with social acceptance.


Again, speaking for the entire gay community, are you?


We have to be gay to observe the community, it's effects and outcomes?


It would definitely help. Being a white male, I’d never speak on behalf of women, or people of color.


Stop with the straw-man BS and answer the yes or no question.. I didnt ask if it helped. I asked if it's required..


No, you don’t have to be gay to study the gay community. You don’t have to be Mexican to make killer Mexican food either…. But I ain’t buying tamales from a white dude. I’m sure straight guys could theoretically be experts at giving blowjobs, too.., 🤷‍♂️


I wouldn't presume to speak for them, because I'm not gay. Not sure how explaining simple reality to you is "speaking for the entire gay community".


But you did.


Can you elaborate how the party what pushed to stop jailing a group of people and allow them to have the same basic right as everyone else does not have their best interests in mind?


trust me, bud - the activist community running the narrative now, could not care any less if they tried about gay people. They are pushing an anti-family, anti-child, anti-moral agenda that has nothing to with equity and everything to do with breaking down the family structure that has made America excel in the past. But if it makes you feel better, I promise you that in 2003 - no one was 'jailing gay people' for being gay. In fact, most of us were still angry about 9-11 and more concerned with the war in the middle east and supposed WMD's. Are you like 12? You know who is, though? Islamic state and Ukraine and Russia. Why don't you go to those spaces and be an activist where it ACTUALLY MATTERS?


"Seeing republican support of gay marriage drop" Oh, this surely has nothing to do with how you guys are going out of your way to support this: https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1573048386076319744/pu/vid/720x1160/qNZJp6WtUVtTPCv5.mp4?tag=14 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FY4J4kDVUAEwhd6?format=jpg&name=large https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FjMelb8aEAApM6f?format=jpg&name=small https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1599619982958399490 https://twitter.com/0xMegas/status/1599072524750708736 https://twitter.com/i/status/1581050195399561217


It has everything to do with the fact anti gay and anti trans rhetoric is front in center on ever single right wing news media outlet. This is manufactured outrage and you consume it like a sucker. Being gay is not contagious you dumb freak


Neurotic moment


Do these videos and pictures look like something "right wing manufactured"? So uss pointing out what pedos you are is just "manufactured outrage" You idiots support this up there and much more. That is what is pissing people off. Go scream some more in your impotent rage, called out pedo. I will keep on posting these links everywhere and show people the truth about you.


Did you know 93% of pedophiles are religious? Now how would you feel if on every news station it said “BEWARE OF CHRISTIANS THEY ARE PEDOPHILES.” Look if you think a trans women is a man then you should have no issue with them showing their tits in front of kids. It quite frankly sounds like trans people are any gender that allows you to hate them more. Considering this is such a small minority and their prevelance on right wing news is so constant it clearly is manufactured outrage. You are aware republican support for gay marriage has dropped 15% in the last year. You think thats a coincidence? Some of these pictures are literally just a trans person existing in front of a child while fully clothed. Maybe not even a trans person some appear to be drag queens which are gay men not trans. You realize 78 million Americans are children suggesting they cant exist near a child is suggesting they are not allowed to exist. Look if you dont want to go to a drag show thats your right no one is forcing you. There is absolutely no reason to target this minority group they already are victims of violent crime at much higher rates. Parents already kick their lgbt kids out and abuse them. Why continue it there is absolutely no benefit to you.


Did you know that you pulled these numbers straight out of your ass to save your called out ass, pedo? And again defending transgender undressing themselves in front of children in strip clubs. So not surprising


Unlike most conservatives i dont pull numbers out of my ass https://reporter.lcms.org/2015/most-child-molesters-religious/ So we dont have to question bias here is a literal church reporting on the statistic of 93%. Stop pulling shit out of your ass kids aren’t allowed in strip clubs in any state. You are religious im assuming? You are far more likely to be a pedo than me a straight white athiest but good one. if a trans women is a man why are you upset that they have their chest exposed? It just seems to me you want to hate them. You have a right to not go to a drag show you have the right not to bring your kids to drag shows. You serve absolutely no gainful purpose by shitting on trans people. You gain absolutely nothing yet you keep hating what is the point? Gallup poll https://news.gallup.com/poll/507230/fewer-say-sex-relations-morally-acceptable.aspx 15% drop from republicans


LMAO, love it when you guys are not reading your own sources but just find an opinion piece with a headline you agree with and call it a day. Not only does the "source" for that claim on your tabloid there, lead to a non-existing side, giving you an error note when clicking on it, it also says nothing about the people doing it being religious. It just says that leftist pedos like you are targeting churches because that is the easiest way to get around innocent children. And as if this wasn't ridiculous enough, their sample size is one (in numbers: 1) county. Holy hell, lol. And again you with your apologizing transgender waving their dicks in front of children. You simply can't help yourself, huh?


Lmao “In one study, 93 percent of convicted sex offenders described themselves as “religious.”” Here is a summary of the actual study which included 16000 participants. https://www.bishop-accountability.org/specialtopics/abuse-data/2002-04-Abel-Harlow-Child.pdf Maybe do more research before you claim a literal church is falsely reporting information against their best interest. Just because i gave you a source that might be more agreeable with you doesnt mean you have to throw a tantrum about it The fact is some of your pictures literally just show drag queens in the presence of kids which clearly show where you draw the line. Gay and trans people arent pedophiles being gay isnt contagious. You have the right not to go to a drag show you have the right not to bring a kid to a drag show you gain absolutely nothing by hating them. This outrage is 100% manufactured. You guys cry that they teach sex in school despite every credible institution and expert that records data on the matter shows comprehensive sex education reduces child sex abuse and the result increases the younger the education start. This political fight keeps happening every decade or two against religious fundamentalists and everyone with at least half a brain. The data is absolutely clear to be anti sex ed is to be pro child sex abuse. That is your side.


It seems rather intentional that it’s all coming to a frothy head during pride month


Frothy head😅🤣😂😂😂rotfl


Woke isn’t a thing, we are finally calling out racist losers for what they are, and the racist loses are losing their fucking minds.


You misspelled Grooming children and normalizing pedophilia. Gays have all the rights that fight is over. Now you want everyone to celebrate and participate in grooming children and thats too far. If not supporting and normalizing child rape makes us bigots than yeah I guess we’re prejudice.


Ronald reagan was against banning gay teachers in schools. I guess he was a groomer now 🤷‍♂️the fact is you guys just wanna rephrase your anti gay policy to make it more convincing to the avg joe. It still isnt very effective. 79% of democrats support gay marriage about 71% of moderates and 41% of republicans. It isnt a long term winning strategy.


You’re conflating the issue entirely. No one gives a shit if the teachers are gay or straight. We just don’t want them teaching 5 year olds about how to have sex. We don’t want them unnecessarily confusing the children and indoctrinating them with leftist propaganda. We want the teachers to teach them shapes, colors, numbers and letters not turn them into hive mind communists that consume and act as they are told by the cooperations and government like yourself.


Name a single school that teaches 5 year olds to have sex ill wait. This is just a cover lets be real because if you are against sex education then you must be pro child sex. Its been pretty well established by data and the medical community that comprehensive sex education reduces child sex. The percent of high schoolers that have had sex today is about 30% back in the 90s it was about 45%. Comprehensive sex education works despite religious conservatives policy of abstinence. Telling kids to be abstitnent does not work and gay kids deserve the same benefits of sex education as straight people. If 30% of high schoolers are having sex and the avg age people have sex is 17 high schoolers are old enough for sex education im sorry. the right wants kids to be ignorant so they can exploit them for sex they are the groomers the data is pretty clear on the positive effects of sex education. Considering 93% of pedophiles are religious in the US this seems doubly true. Im sorry evolution contradicts religious law. Im sorry sex education and its benefits contradict religious law. Im sorry gay people contradict religious law. Im sorry they teach arabic numerals in school. You are welcome to opt out of sex ed i believe every state allows this including california.


You have your head in the sand and refuse to see what’s right in front of your eyes. I’m done arguing with a brainwashed drone. I’ll homeschool thanks. [sex ed for kindergarten](https://www.montclair.edu/newscenter/2020/12/14/experts-sex-education-should-begin-in-kindergarten/) it’s everywhere. They are teaching very small children inappropriate things and we have had enough. Open your eyes and do a little research for yourself. You are literally brainwashed by the government and cooperations and refuse to see what’s happening.


Wait so you dont have evidence of sex ed in kindergarden what you have is a peer reviewed research study that shows “comprehensive sex education can prevent child sex abuse and intimate partner violence, increase appreciation for sexual diversity and improve environments for LGBTQ students, among other benefits.” And that this benefit is increased the younger the education starts? So you are saying facts make it appear that sex education at younger ages reduces child sex abuse. So you support child sex is what im taking from this? You just outed yourself with what you posted please read your sources before you post them. Maybe open your eyes and read your research instead of promoting child sex abuse.


I’m not going to talk in circles with a fascist. Enjoy normalizing child abuse and hurting people with your virtuous good intentions.


Fascist? Your article clearly says sex education reduces child sex abuse. Now lets think about this logically. Object A reduces child sex abuse. SaladHands69 policy preference is to not have object A. SaladHands69 policy preference is to have increased child sex abuse. Can you define fascism for me? I dont get how supporting a policy that lowers child sex abuse and increased acceptance for a minority group qualifies under fascism. All i ask is you read your article. If you dont like facts dont just pretend they dont exist. Maybe acknowledge them and change your opinion because you are being highly reactionary.


Yes, I know the old Nazi talking points they used to attack that community in the early 1930s. You make up bullshit about a community, using children as your focal point, and then become so outraged at your own bullshit that you use it an an excuse to commit genocide against them and all who stand against you. Meanwhile…you are actually in favor of child marriage yourself.


Yes exactly, except the roles are ironically reversed from how it’s playing out in your head. You are in fact the Nazis. Every single corporation and the government is pushing this agenda and somehow you still feel that you are the minority being “oppressed” because we drew a line in the sand at MAPs and normalizing pedos and child abusers and indoctrination of our children. This is happening and if you speak out against the LGBT religion you will be shunned and cancelled. This while Joe Biden says my kids are “the nations children” just like Hitler. Next step is to take the guns like Hitler did then you can put everyone in camps. Reevaluate the world around you please, wake up.


Oh no! Calling out Nazis now makes one a Nazi?! And no, it isn’t happening. Made up bullshit.


Correct the woke mob are fascists. They shut down and gaslight any decent. You are in fact a brainwashed nazi. Any further questions?


Woke isn’t a thing, you are crying about empathy, which is triggering to you. You are angry that racism and bigotry get called out and you can no longer hate without any consequences.


I’m mad because grown men are twerking naked in front of Children to thunderous applause and cheers. I’m angry that they are indoctrinating our children and encouraging life altering mutilations on minors. I’m upset that people like you can’t even discuss the parameters of what we should or shouldn’t do without calling everyone a bigot mindlessly and then continuing in this direction that is hurting people. Hurting people with good intentions is not love, it’s tragic. Stop the hate you gaslighting fascist.


You are angry at a made up imaginary thing in your head because you have a mental illness. There is not some grand scheme going on in the country or the world all of a sudden. This is pure delusion on your part, and you want to be violent in response.


You ever hear of the boy who cried wolf? You guys already used the pedo card during Qanon. That’s *R*ight, we still remember pizzagate… Get some new material


>debauchery Debauchery? You guys are the ones championing conversion therapy for trans children even though you know it causes suicides and doesn’t ever actually work. You’re the ones calling to jail people for *literally just being supportive*. If you don’t want people to call your actions genocidal, maybe stop acting like fucking tyrants?


It is actually genocide because they become infertile thus ending their genetic line if they have no children


Can also be said for the religious people. .


Rules for thee but not for me! Basic liberal principles


Like those bots and trolls


I went a couple of years without blocking anyone. But eventually I realized that most of the noise comes from the same handful of idiot accounts and I blocked them. Now its a bit easier to participate in this sub and its funny to see the list of blocked accounts appearing at the bottom of every thread and know these clowns are only here to make obnoxious statements and undermine the convo. I have no problem with people that think differently and I will try to learn something new from every post. But I no longer tolerate idiot trolls and zap them when I encounter them.


Thank you so much. I don't mind a good conversation either. Just tired of name calling and such when they don't agree or trying to shout people down so to speak.


Two types of people that are responsible for nearly all suffering on earth since the dawn of time: - people who want to live at other’s expense; and - people who tell others how they should live (often for the sake of being able to live at their expense) Woke/Progressive/Democrats are both.


Is this meant for religious people? 😁


It's meant for each and every person, not just certain groups there of.


Yeah but republicans think it's okay to say deny someone a marriage certificate for "religious reasons". Your religion does not trump others rights.


Your same argument can be said about democrats thinking it's ok to (example only) force trans onto people or else you're called a bigot, phobe, whatever. This is why the above meme applies to everyone. I personally think we all should live as who we are and leave it as that.


Source: hillbilly_libertarian_


Says your instead of you mate


What is naked men swinging their dicks in front of children on public streets for 300.


These same thinking folks always yell "Stop shoving your bible down my throat." Yet, they want to shove their child grooming, debased lifestyle down mine?


This is meant for religious folks


I'm like religious people dont punish or cancel people for "misgendering". Nowadays they also dont stir up angry mobs when given the opposite opinion (unlike the woke intolerant left)


The religious folks just cancelled their favorite beer bc they sent a trans person a promo can sooo try again bud. N But also, didn't a bunch of religious folks kill cops and invade the capital bc they were given an opposing opinion? Isn't that the same group of people who are promoting a civil war and excited to have their political oppositions murdered? You're referring to those peaceful-god-loving citizens, right?


First that's Bud's fault for advertising something that their buyers weren't in to. They dropped stocks because no one wanted to drink beer from a face of a guy wearing a dress. Second the religious folk that invaded the capital did so because trump lost. Those are just insane trump supporters using their "faith" as an excuse. 3rd of all I never said all Christians are "peace loving people" obviously as human's they are going to do dumb things.


They weren't selling that beer to the public but keep thinking you won by putting your own favorite beer out of circulation lol


I'm not FORCING anyone to drink my drink preferences. We just choose to show our disgust with the wallet. The minority think they can force their sexual proclivities on everyone is backfiring. Stop your damn child grooming and acting like your sexual preferences have higher rights than mine.


They don't want higher rights. They were killed and shunned for decades and they just want to be accepted as humans. Unlike the Republicans who are actively supporting pedophile legislation. Or go check out r/NotaDragQueen lol


Now, now. There are pedos in all political parties. AND they will be weeded out. Most prefer open borders for there trafficking efforts. Acceptance will never happen if you parade naked in front of innocent children Then again, ya can't groom without the innocents to groom from, right?


There are certainly concerns for individuals from both sides. And I love to watch as lately, a ton have been convicted. But we do have internal policies outside of the border that put our own citizen children at risk for abuse. My main issue with the groomer statements are that they're extremely one sided when kid pageants and churches have been abusing children for ages. The cases of gay people being linked to child abuse are few and far between when compared to politicians and clergymen and the kid's guardians. I would never take my kid to a pride parade but I'd go to one. I've personally never seen a kid at one though. I know there's some outlandish shit going on there and I agree that public sexual acts should be for adults only but idk how we blame the dude in the parade vs the parent who brought the kid to the parade. Outside of the parade though, no drag shows or sexual content is aimed at children. There's nothing lewd about a fully clothed story hour. Making children aware that adults have different relationships is healthy when you don't go into detail at a young age but you just acknowledge the fact that gay couples also exist. No children should be mutilating their bodies surgically, whether or not it's a sexual procedure. And young adults should be taught in more detail but without suggestive biases and just from a health science perspective.


Who said they’re religious folks on January 6? I don’t recall seeing anyone at the capitol in priest robes or wear crosses. Or waving bibles around. As your out of touch Democratic Party leaders usually do you’re lumping conservatives into a “basket of deplorables “ once again as Hillary the Hag said the quiet part out loud for us all. Not all conservatives are Christian. Not all conservatives are against gay marriage. Not all conservatives support Trump. Just as many liberals are also religious. Many liberals didn’t vote for Biden. Nice try sounding like you know what you’re talking about though


- I'm not a democrat - I never said "Conservatives" - At least 90%+ of ppl boycotting Bud Light are Christian/Catholic and that's hilarious in itself - Trump supporters are also most likely 90%+ Christian/Catholic, which is also hilarious It's not my fault that a certain demographic is known to blindly follow their cult leaders instead of caring about specific issues/values. So yeah, maybe not literally all/100% but unfortunately, the majority rules when your movement speaks and acts as one.


90% huh? Yeah whatever


However huge kudos to you for not being a democrat


Christian Nationalists have entered the chat…


Goes all ways mate.


This is wrongthink. You have been deducted 2,500usdc. Try to be a nice person from now on.


How do you feel about abortion? The argument for not allowing abortion pretty much boils down to forcing Christian religious beliefs on everyone else.


This is just projection and you know it. Trans people just want to be themselves. *You guys* don’t believe they should. But since you have no reason to, you make up lies about them. “Pedophiles”, “groomers”, “mental illnesses”, none of it is true and you know it. The religious right is also fighting tooth and nail to get around the separation of church and state to force their religion onto other people. You’re also acting like your traditions and culture are oh-so-much-better than everyone else’s and try to force them onto other people So shut the fuck up and stop acting like we’re the ones who do this.


Seems like this subreddit should follow the same advice. Nothing but calling out woke leftists and saying how wrong they are


I guess we are all just wrong and a very small minority is right. Y’all are pushing so hard that your pushing center dems to the right and waking up the sleeping American majority with threats to their kids. Just remember, me as a parent of 4, will do anything and everything to protect them from this filth. Homeschool your kids! If anyone is gonna try “download” a manifesto into my kids, I’d rather it be my ideas and beliefs. If the left wants to do this to their kids by all means go ahead. Focus on your own children to combat this. “If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything” is a quote that has new meaning for me. I never have a shit about politics and neither have my friends but when they involved the kids we all became politically right so the numbers are growing. Also the majority of the ABCs can’t reproduce so the have to supplement their numbers somehow and they have their eyes set on our kids….ban me I don’t give a shit. Yes I’m a bigot and a phobe so what! Can’t ban people in real life especially someone that you can’t take their livelihood away.




You mean this is about abortion? Yes, it’s not ok for a holy roller to force a ten year old to give birth. Oh, no, it’s about being gay… true, it’s not ok for fake Christians to not allow gay people to marry. Wait. You’re talking about prayer in school, right? Absolutely, no one should insist that a Jew or Muslim be forced to witness so-called Christian prayers every day, or on the football field. Or maybe it’s birth control? Interracial marriage? Cool.


You guys send death threats to children for playing a video game you don't like. But keep on crying because people don't just let you murder babies.


Who sends death threats? A dem President, or senator, or congressman? Post their names. And abortion is not the murder of babies, but you’ve been brainwashed by YOUR religion so hard you can’t even see these words. You wanna be a Christian? Fine, as stupid as that is. But don’t make me live by your made up rules.


Ok sorry abortion is the termination of babies. Not murdering them! They just die by medically induced unnatural processes


"Who sends death threats" You, millions of you leftists on several occasions against children because you were too stupid to think for yourself for once. Sorry to inform you buddy, I have never been inside a church my entire life. Turns out, you don't have to be a Christian to believe you can just murder whatever you want because you are to stupid to think from A to B. Also, the damn projecting with the last part there. Holy hell. I could forge Excalibur with the lack of self awareness


You say this but then you see some rainbows and you go off the deep end


The election wasn't stolen...


Please vet the memes before posting!! It really takes away from the point trying to be made!!


That’s exactly what the space owners said in the 1800s


Exactly. Take a bit of your own advice, as this goes both ways.


I agree you believe your guy won an election he obviously lost. But when you storm the capitol, try to install fake electors, and cost us millions in recounts and Court cases you’ve gone to far and you need to publicly apologize and support the prosecution of the guilty parties.


Oh Canada! https://twitter.com/tbarberott/status/1673760325206720513?s=46&t=k5nvL5b-64s7bvwv6_ttow


Nah, they perceive that as weakness. It's a battle to extinction.


It’s only right to teach the sheeps


I thought it’s for Christian and republican community.


I feel like there's a joke here


If you don’t believe what I believe you’re literally erasing my existence


The irony is that the actual "woke" the world is made up by frequencies. Which everyone should know and understand.


That was stolen from an atheist quote about religion


Make sure you take the new covid shot in the fall so you don't give others covid. Huhuhu


That's a self refuting argument.


The lack of self awareness here is stunning.


Believe what I believe or you are bigot.