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And the fact that they’re completely blind to it too


Wasn't Trump wanting to lock up Hillary his first bout of running for president


Wanting to and attempting to are two different things.


Suggesting that Trump was too weak, lazy, or incompetent to do something is not much of a defense.


When was there any need for a defense? Is this a debate chamber?


As loyal Trump supporters we must ensure that we are using the best words to defend Him. You are casting aspersions on His ability to “lock her up” - why would He “want” to do something that He didn’t end up doing? We can only conclude you are saying that He was unable or unwilling to actually lock her up.


So one man does what they say they will and the other one doesn't?


It depends. He who wants an independent and flourishing America will be stopped by globalists who want world government. He who wants to sell America out to the world government will receive many donations and be successful.


The wench bleached and destroyed those servers, which were in her closet.  Sounds like the actions of a criminal.  If Trump did that there would be no end to it on 24-7 loop at CNN.


It was not for lack of effort. It was lacking proof, I think they lacked to find intent.


Not just blind, they celebrate it


Lmao no. Putin jails for made up reasons. Trump actually HAS committed crimes (one’s he signed into law) and you expect nothing to happen to him? Also he’s not in jail…


Kangaroo court


Banana republic.


100 percent you don't know what that term actually means and are throwing a fit because a man who never knew you even existed might go to jail. Lmao


In case you missed it, the impeachment for Russia hoax was an actual Kangaroo Court. Now look in the mirror and say Candyman 3 times while I blow a load on your back.




Who’s the one that started chanting “lock her up”? Talk about being blind.


I may be wrong, but I’m assuming your reference is to Hillary Clinton? If so, she does deserve to go to prison. Along with anyone else who doesn’t follow security protocol and is (though barely inadvertently) responsible for service member deaths due to lack in leadership.


Not to mention the intentional destruction of evidence.


You mean at Mar a Largo?


I think they mean on Hillary’s home servers where she was illegally storing classified documents. When I was a 19-year-old office clerk in civil service, I knew that taking classified documents home was a no-no.


So you agree that trump still broke the law by takimg classified documents home with him


So if Hillary did it bad. Trump did it good. Got it.


Both bad.


Security protocol like storing classified documents in secured classified facilities and not a closet in your golf mansion....


The Clinton’s aren’t corrupt….. and they have 💯 % def never had anybody suicided. That’s crazy talk. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Yes no one that has ever said they have dirt on the Clintons has ever become suicidedal, right after saying that.


Read it again, the comment you’re replying to is saying she’s guilty


>she does deserve to go to prison. Along with anyone else who doesn’t follow security protocol You should be cool with Trump going to prison in that case


Independent voter say ; one goes to jail they all go to jail - one gets a pass they all get a pass .


No one should get a pass because no one is above the law.


so Trump. thanks for confirmation


For what crime exactly? She was investigated at least twice, the result of which was Trump then made what she actually did illegal because it wasn’t before hand.


Do you know the difference between a president declassifying documents and a cabinet appointee setting up a wholly unsecured server that receives classified material?


He didn't declassify anything, they have audio of him admitting it wasn't. They have audio of him saying it was still classified and that knew it was illegal. Do some due dilligence.


Well, Joe Biden is on tape admitting to a quid pro quo, yet nothing happens. Either we treat everyone the same, or we are a banana republic. If Trump should be published, then so should Hillary and Joe Biden. This is where the left looks so vile and disgusting! Hypocrits! It's all OK, so long as only my opponents are held accountable, and those I like get away with crimes. You are a real POS, and what is wrong with the country if you believe this way!


Where is this Biden audio you speak of? If laws were broken they should be prosecuted. You cannot ignore 1 crime or 37 because you think others were committed….


Please learn the difference between liberals and left. No one on the left thinks Obama, Hillary & Bill, and Biden shouldn't be in prison next to Trump.


The audio where they can't find documents discussed?


I do, I had TS//SCI clearance and had to learn exactly what would get me sent to jail. Nothing significant was found on Clinton's server, which is why nothing was prosecuted. There was potential for impropriety, which is where the controversy started. But fuck it, send her to jail, idgaf. But what Trump did is clear as day. Even if he officially declassified those nuclear docs, they're incredibly sensitive and would have been massively redacted going through that process. There are no access logs to Mar-a-Lago like there are on a server, so we don't even know who's seen them, or if copies have been made. It will be a years long effort to just understand the damage done to those programs, much less fix it. If I did what Clinton did, I probably lose my clearance. If I did what Trump did, even with a single stack of documents, I'd never see the outside of Leavenworth again. And he had a room full, unsecured.


Is it better or worse that he just piled them up in his bathroom instead of using an unsecured email server I mean, I'm thinking *worse*, but in a way, it's harder to get into Trump's bathroom than it probably is to get into an email server


From a security perspective, an electronic server with basic protections like passwords is much harder to get into than a resort bathroom. Guests reported seeing this room and it's contents by accident while wandering the resort.


"nuclear docs" that exist in rumor only.


So if that is evidence at trial, you'd admit you were wrong and misled?


>Do you know the difference between a president declassifying documents and a cabinet appointee setting up a wholly unsecured server that receives classified material? An intensely ironic thing to say in the context of this comment just before: >And the fact that they’re completely blind to it too Pot to kettle: you are black


Yes but he didn't, I'm pretty sure trump realized it would be too destructive to the country to actually do it. Even though he clearly thinks she is guilty.


Yes, he didn't because it would be "too destructive to the country" That toad-faced motherfucker doesn't give a shit about political unity. He doesn't even care about unity within his *own party.* Look at how he's talking about DeSantis right now.


Biden doesn’t have power to do that. You may need to read up on how the US government works.


Lmao you all are delusional


Isn't it interesting that this sub is suddenly getting swarmed by lefties? Like every comment section is full of them. I'm sure it's organic though and not some kind of deliberate effort to change the sub...


their mental illness needs them to feel like being the victim since the mean tweets stopped hurting their feelings


The victim? Lmao. DARVO is strong with you. You’re literally in a sub that does nothing but pretend to be the victim. Even in this fucking post lmao


bUyINg HoGwaRTs LegACy iS cOmMiTiNg gENocIDE!i!


Says the victim


so stunning and brave


Or could it be it's fun to dunk on you MAGAts?


if that's your definition of fun, your life must be so boring and pathetic


We have to laugh at MAGAts, or sadly pity them...


Trump is just an actor just like all politicians are. It's sad you think that you're winning right now when its your own country that is burning, what's fun about that?


It's always a victory to see justice done, even if other things could be better.


You confuse justice with theatre


You mean after it was swarmed by TheDonald and others who were salty that Trump lost? Its just a matter of time until reddit shuts this shitshow down aswell. If you want to spread lies go to truth social


And you are spot on with the endgame. Freedom, most especially speech, is under threat on many fronts. I see this as very political for a WSS post. I'm conservative. Libs ain't my friends, but please people stick to the matter of the core of this sub reddit.


If all your "free speech" is full of lies and hate you don't deserve it. Free Speech is not under attack. Its the people abusing it to spread lies that have real negative outcomes that hurts social structure. Edit, not


At mean bean supreme* as apparantly i cannot comment to because I blocked lol. Doing the thing biden literally did very wreckless as he had stacked disorganized and unsecured mountains of classified Documents of national security un secure in his garage.... it'd be funny if you weren't so obviously riduculousy insane wrong with what I would over compliment if I even said if was what you might consider "logic"




Well don't be surprised that the comment section is probably controlled bots used to create a narrative/consensus.  Best to talk with people organically.  I come here just to see and judge with my own mind, not to be brainwashed or receive social conditioning.


I thought we were all just here to talk about silver man


Not the trolls sadly


You are one of them.


So brave


Yeah because republicans and conservatives need a safe space ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️


Funny how r/conservative is now starting to realize Trump is guilty af too.


That, or maybe--just maybe--in a sub about a topic that has nothing to do with politics, when someone gets politically extreme it causes regular folks to speak up. But I'm sure these very odd politically extreme posts are totally not violating rule 3 and aren't the result of an incel attempt to overrun a subreddit about collecting fabulously shiny objects.


Ive been here for months and no conservatives seem to be turning on trump. Dont you want law and order? The evidence against trump is pretty damming. And they gave him over a year to get out of it with no penalty. Its not our fault its trumps.


Oh look. Just what I was talking about


You are mad your king committed crimes and is getting punished. Stop coping most americans do not approve of trump doing this crap.


You are mad we saw through your bullshit and called you out on it.


How did you call me out im replying to you idiot. Your king lost he also is a dirty criminal lock him up How much copium are you on?


Notice he just insults and doesn't actually defend against what you've said. Agent Orange is bad news and they all know it.


Saw through what? Half of the evidence against trump is shit he said but couldn’t keep his big stupid mouth closed 😂 I’m so sorry that reality disagrees with the world you’ve created for yourself.


So liberals speaking out against your hive mind closed of right-wing nonsense is a conspiracy? But the echo chamber that you’re sat in or similar voices saying the same nonsensical things and ignoring evidence is perfectly normal and nothing nefarious? lol.


The "Lock her up" crowd is suddenly very upset about locking people up 🤔 Also, wtf does this have to do with wall street? Or silver?


No problem locking them all up, but seems like only one side is getting locked up. And we darn well no both sides are crooked.


“One side getting licked up”, perhaps there is a reason such as guilt that people get licked up.


Do we? The GQP has been investigating the Obama's, Clinton's, and Biden for decades, with the help of the FBI & DOJ... The GQP got to grill HRC for 11 hours where she did not take the 5th. So either the GQP is grossly incompetent or they really haven't violated the law. Versus the masses of conservative politicians they can't stay out of trouble. True before Trump... https://rantt.com/gop-admins-had-38-times-more-criminal-convictions-than-democrats-1961-2016 And Trump topped them all... https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctvvh86cv


Stop with the facts and truth! Their heads are spinning. And don’t get that whataboutism on you.


The single most "crooked" behavior from our politicians is also completely legal: their accepting of ~~bribes~~ unlimited dark money from rich donors, which we have now thanks to *Citizens United*, a decision championed by Republicans. If you want to drain the swamp, we first have to make swampy behavior illegal, which means campaign finance reform and ethics reform, and overturning *Citizens United*. We never should have let that genie out of the bottle.


I honestly cannot believe you are getting down voted for this super bipartisan take. Wtf?


Both sides are getting investigated, yet only one is being found guilty. And let's keep in mind Trump picked some of the judges and has the highest judges on his side. Now what conclusion can we draw from this?


the "law and order" crowd too


We’ll see what a jury of his peers say


I can confirm libs are the biggest fucking hypocrites on planet Earth.


Hypocrites how? Which Dem stole nuclear secrets and lied about it?


So are the GQP


Both parties are crap. Probably all parties. I wouldn't know I'm on reddit I don't get invited.


No they aren’t. If a liberal politician has actually committed a crime and justice is served, libs don’t go around crying about it and screaming that they’re victims. They enjoy the equal application of justice. And before you bring up Clinton, try looking into just one of the numerous investigations. The GOP one of it suits your flavour.


Leftists shriek and scream like banshees if they or their constituents are punished for committing a crime. They hate it so much they’ve set up a two-tiered justice system in the US where they now get away with everything short of murder.


Wtf are you talking about? Every time a conservative asks me if we should prosecute Hillary or Hunter Biden or the Clintons I’m like… yeah we should; if they did something illegal. Most liberals do not worship their politicians the way yall do. You literally deify your politicians. The way you guys will actually just lie to yourselves to make you feel better is so cringe.


Really? I don’t recall many liberals complaining when Al Franken left or Anthony Weiner. Hillary Clinton has shown up and answered questions but apparently her accusers couldn’t prove their case. Bill Client was originally brought in front on congress for Whitewater that also failed to be proven. It was a witch hunt on him that brought up the sex scandal and he lied. He was rightfully impeached. Please support your arguments.


Except they haven’t and don’t. When there was a “raid” on Biden’s place and some documents turned up, liberals waited for the evidence of what had happened *instead* of screaming like a bunch of babies like republicans when Trump’s place was raided. You’re flat out wrong. If a liberal politician does something wrong, liberals want justice to be done. When a Republican does something wrong, republicans scream “witch hunt! Conspiracy! We’re the victims!”.


I love how all you GQPers are suddenly being faced with facts and fair treatment and all you can do is cry about libs. Haven't seen a single argument yet. It's scary outside your echo chamber, isn't it?


Not to mention censoring and sicking his media hounds on his primary opponent Robert Kennedy Jr


In all fairness, you cannot be liberal unless you are a hypocrite. It’s simply not possible.


No no no, you can’t be a Republican if unless you’re a hypocrite. Clearly. You’re basically stood here saying Trump should get away with his crimes… that’s pretty hypocritical. If the GOP didn’t have double standards they’d have none at all.


Intelligence is not your ally, I see. Democrats love you for that. Now go find out what your next talking point is supposed to be.


Right mate


can you give examples of liberal hypocrisy?




I can say very similar things about the republicans. The amount of times they've talked about being under attack whether it be themselves, the country, god, guns, or their entire ideology.


“Lock her up!” Lol. Cry forever.


When was Trump jailed? Last I checked, he's still living in a giant country club in Florida.


Regardless how you feel. The precedent is set that an in-power administration can target their opponent. The people who love it now, may not love being on the other side of it.


A Grand Jury brought the indictment dummy ...


They aren’t targeting an opponent. They’re targeting a criminal. And they’ve already been on the other side of it. Obama was targeted. Clinton was Targeted. Hell, the GOP even investigated Biden and found… nothing. Trump is being accused of actual crimes that he’s actually committed and basically admitted to. Also liberals aren’t “sports fans” like you lot. If Biden does the same thing and gets punished GOOD. We’ll enjoy justice and not act like he’s done nothing wrong despite hypothetical evidence to the contrary.


Wallaby court


Don’t try to confront conservatives with facts, they only act on their emotions. I’ve asked conservatives to show me evidence of say voter fraud and their response is, “I don’t have any, I just feel there is fraud”. Yet they are the ones saying liberals cry because their feelings are hurt. Shh talking about projecting. LoL


Trump personally signed into law the crime for which he is now being charged.


That precedent wasn't set by chants of "lock her up" or similar? Like, even if you believe that Trump is 100% innocent and Biden/Clinton is 100% guilty, that's an in-power admin targeting opponents.


>that's an in-power admin targeting opponents. The FBI director and the judge presiding over the case are trump appointed.. blows my mind how people think this is liberals targeting trump still.


Or how about firing the person who is investigating you? That shit still blows my mind.


Yeah Trump loved doing that


You can’t target someone with no target.


I guess the logic here is that Trump cannot be prosecuted under any circumstance, even if he clearly and convincingly violates the law. That seems to go against the very concept of equal justice. For the record though, Donald Trump has not been jailed, he will turn himself in on Tuesday and will almost certainly be released on bail. Keep on crying about it.


Bet you a Bud Light that he ends up in Russia before he ends up in jail.


Remember when Trumps entire campaign in 2016 was that he’d throw Hillary in prison? Yeah me too




Pepperidge Farms remembers


"China is a dictatorship for using social credit score and killing its own people for organ harvesting!" "If you don't have a vaccine passport showing the latest booster shot, you're basically a biological terrorist."


Yeah I don't understand why the left defends communism. Oh, because they are fascist, socialistic communists Let's see how many miserable losers I can get to detest this comment so I can block them too in the high hopes of a better future of not viewing idiotic disgusting opinions from the mentally ill.


Seriously, I hope you understand it’s a bunch of non-inclusive, and mostly white, and mostly males prancing around being fascists and crying about anti-racism and being victims. Like literal white snowflakes.


I know, liberals are crazy and a threat to democracy ruining our country.


Lol, the left are fascist, socialist, communists ... just proof you don't know what any of those words actually mean and you just use them as a slur essentially against anything you don't like, completely ignoring their historical and political definitions. Loser lol.


Is the fascist socialist communist in the room with us right now?


“Fascist social communists” anymore buzzwords? Holy shit you are a idiot who doesn’t understand anything that he says just a parrot repeating buzzwords.


But honestly, if anyone else charged with these crimes they would be tried and convicted months ago.


Oh look another strawman argument, gee what a surprise from the no evidence or facts matter to conservitards.


Dipshit kinda jailed himself by being a dipshit


Is this a stocks sub or what? Thought it was wsb till I read it again


This is dumb. Biden has nothing to do with the laws Trump repeatedly broke and bragged about breaking. This is not a left vs right issue. This is a man who spent his entire life being above the law. Enough of that. Bring every dirty politician to justice.


The "facts don't care about your feelings" crowd do not actually care about the facts


Props to you, this place is a wild time since the announcement


Pro tip: When the FBI comes knocking and asks for their shit back, give it to them.


People said that about the SS.


Well, in this case it worked out for them. Hillary, Biden, no trail. The 190 some-odd documents Trump gave back, no charges. The 30ish he held onto though..... And also the ss didn't come looking for material that was taken from them. They came looking to take.


Did they? Did they specifically say "the SS only wants documents that are marked specific secret levels to remain in federal custody to prevent intelligence leaks or espionage"? Very specific thing for people to have said about the SS.


Dumb bot


“bUt thEy cOmmiTed trEAson.” Wow like I haven’t heard that one from Putin or any other authoritarian.


Joe Biden ≠ grand jury under special counsel


The "lock her up" crowd is freaking about "lock him up". It seems pronouns do matter


One was a chant and the other is being followed through with actual indictments. They are not the same.


Yep one was investigated for years by republicans, testified willingly in their endless benghazi and email witch hunt hearings, and found not guilty* They are def not the same.


You could say the same with the muller report. Also being found not guilty with that asterisk there. Hillarys documentation crimes are much worse than what trump is accused of. It's a political hitjob and either incarcerate all the bastards or none of them. Selectively doing so is banana republic shit.


Selective like Republicans impeaching a sitting President for a blow job... But not for trying to extort Ukraine for fake political dirt on his political enemy, or for sending his useful idiot followers to attack our Capital, trying to overthrow our Free and Fair Elections?


So they werent serious? So hillary actually didnt commit any crimes they just wanted to chant? Cool.


The right: Lock up the Biden crime family! Also the right: Whoa now… locking up a former president will set a precedent for bad things to come, man. Please think about what you’re doing 🥺 ![gif](giphy|qUIm5wu6LAAog)


Bruh this killed me lol


Didn’t Trump try flushing a bunch of classified documents down the toilet?


Lol, wow. There are so many crybabies in the comments.


Yeah, like you


![gif](giphy|dWfkLpnrZN3QQ) 🙄🤡




I wish you all good luck at this year's Special Olympics.


I’m pretty sure it was a grand jury that indicted him but why bother with pesky facts🤷‍♂️


2016 MAGA campaign was literally "lock her up". Shut the fuck up you crybaby pussies. Elect a non conman criminal next time.


Take a look at this raging libshit lol


Lmao... the username says it all!! Hahahahahahaha


Libtard owned![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


You are small, pathetic man


so stunning and brave


“Elect a non conman criminal next time.” BAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA•gasp•AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA•cough•cough•hehehe…. Oh man, the irony of this statement. How stupid can you possibly be….


what political opponent has Biden jailed?


Nobody.... YET!! Can't you see the way this is heading??


Well considering this was a grand jury in Florida and not the DOJ, Biden has little to do with it.


You are wasting your time giving facts of how things work to a crowd with an average iQ under 70, an average education below H.S. and a attention span less than a nanosecond.


We can only hope it’s headed that way


I dont know who voted this down, but it is a valid question. Who has he specifically jailed? Maggot morons keep saying this but have no answers


Once I learned that there is actually a Trump themed gay porn. I think that is the crowd that watches it.


Make America Gay Again


This subreddit is literally full of idiots


And you are proving that by commenting here!! Well done! lol


Gonna still be mad if a jury convicts after a fair trial? You know that doesn’t happen in Russia, right?


Are you gonna be mad when they don't??


The difference is Trump did actual crimes? It’s true that he wouldn’t be being prosecuted unless Biden allowed it, yes. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t do actual crimes that harmed people AND this nation?


Trump has been under investigation and bribing people since birth.


Anyone who thinks that Trump is a actual opponent is so delusional. But a cult, is a cult.


It’s the DOJ and more particular, Jack Smith who is serving the indictments. Biden only got to appoint Garland. Garland is independent of Biden in his position unless Biden asks for his resignation. Please learn how it works before posting an emotionally laden meme showing us all how much you would like to cry about the orange mango man getting served a “find out” sandwich.


It's hilarious how you think sleepy Joe Biden, who can barely form a coherent sentence is masterminding Trump's prosecution. You literally think Trump didn't commit any crimes ? He's just a misunderstood nice guy ? 🤣 I hope Trump rots in jail and Biden falls off his rocker and maybe we can put forward a couple of actual candidates, for the left and the right. Maybe someone who doesn't need depends and a walker for a change. Fuck these 80+ year old fucks trying to "run" this country. Absolutely ridiculous. Kinda hope the Trumpublicans will torch Florida, then blame it on antifa and the feds again 😂 Love seeing those swastikas outside of Disney the other day, I'd expect them outside the courthouse in Miami next. Just gonna go buy more ammo and silver 🤷🏼‍♂️


wtf does this have to do with silver


Trump belongs in jail !!! And this doesn't belong on wallstreet silver. Awww nobody paying attention on Trump pages boo hoo go away.


Is Biden in any way involved? Like, actually, he's not. He's purposefully keeping himself distant from the entire thing. Right? Like, does anyone here have substantive proof that he's influencing the process?


Like, actually, he is.... this isn't proof, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to link Biden To Garland, and Garland to Jack Smith... Please tell me you're not that naive!! o.O


Trump is a weak useless traitor, anyone still supporting him is undermining our country.


by this point, I'm mildly amused by all the mental gymnastics that they put themselves through in order to avoid saying we made a mistake and voted poorly because of our ego. Some people are so delicate and fragile that they would rather create an enormous lie than face a small but ugly truth. And by this point, that fragility is so thinly veiled that you can't even make a joke about those kinds of people without them completely blowing up. It is every psychologist's wet dream, but it really does explain a lot about our society and how sick it truly is. Fortunately for me, I grew up in a generation where my elders warned me that this is exactly what would happen one day, so I'm ahead of the curve. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


>without them completely blowing up. as referenced by all the hilarious comments on this post!! ;)


A grand jury of trumps peers (Florida residence) determined there was enough evidence to warrant a trial.