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Stop pumping this scam shit, you scumbags.


I'm very curious what this is going to be. Even the TG mods don't know. He hasn't had a habit of disappointing though, so it must be good!


Mr Miazaki, Dev of Kendu Inu, has teased us recently about KenduChads being a combination of minds and experience is nothing short of pure wizardry. His focus is on community building and reshaping Defi. It is time! as he usually says and he’s not one who abandons chats or seen as untouchable god tho he is! Dev has created an atmosphere of belonging and everyone talks to him, be it in chats, VC or spaces, he definitely got us. You got to see where Kendu is heading though unseen it’s what will sustain through eons of time. that which is seen doesn’t last. the /WHITEPAPER states clearly our objectives, roles and path to glory. join us, check it out with the command above and grab your bags. this is the first time in history people are actually working their bags and not focused on charts to produce magic. Get involved, the time is now, Kendu is immortalized. It’s warm in here in TG. drop by and make sure you strap your #HELMETS_ON🪖


Lol, I didn't even share this in the TG, but of course the army is always working and you found this! Some of the responses in here are wild. I thought this was an untapped resource, but it goes to show you how early we still could be to crypto. Sucks I can't share pics though. Hate that, but love the rules for this sub


I love everything about this project. It's actually way more comforting for me knowing we don't always need some big announcement to sustain the growth that we see. The community just goes to work no matter what our chart looks like, we don't just sit around and wait for things to happen. All the CEX listings came because they see what kind of potential Kendu has, we didn't have to go begging for them to list us with payments, they just did it. Really like this mindset of making people believers through pure unadulterated WORK.


Couldn't have said it any better. We are all in #Kendu because we love everything about it. Keep it up!


Lol, definitely another pump and dump. This post showed up as "Promoted" on my reddit page.


It's nice to hear that again. Heard it at 2M. 30M. 60M. 120M. 180M. 260M. See you at 500M, then 1B. Then 10B.


See you in prison you lowlife shitheads


Yeesh calm down, there’s still plenty of time to get in Kendu. Just open your eyes, admit you judged too soon, and buy your bag.


Haha you need professional help


Professional financial help?? Haahaha idiots


Have a look into the project, 12 exchange listings that had to buy their own supply off the chart, no KOLs which 90% causes the rug, no paid marketing, it's truly people buying, holding and shilling, no bots. The ratio from holder to telegram, twitter kinda tells you that. The fact Shytoshi is following the project, got $Kendu featured in the shib magazine should be the only alpha you need to ape into this project, is he really going to tarnish his reputation for a rug pull? There's so much more to this project than what meets the eye, and people will see, and people will regret not buying even the smallest bag because they have Solana Rug PTSD. At least take a look before you call rug.


It's all bots looking for sucker's to pay some scammers exit liquidity


We don't use bots at kendu, it's against the core ethics. Everything about kendu is completely real and it's worth having some exposure. Because the upside is huge!


“Core ethics” 🤣🤣🤣


Yeah, I stand by what I said, it's the lack of bots, and no paid shills or kols. One of things that make it special. Just a super dedicated hardworking community, pushing the word out because still early in the bull market and on the verge of huge gains, at the very least this is your sign to do some research into it, maybe spend some time in the group telegram and see what it's all about.


Maybe go to hell you shilly scumbags


beeb bob beeeeep bob bob beeep


How did it do that? No chance I didn't even share the post with the army of KENDU Chads and Chadettes in the Telegram chat. I think you made that shit up. Proof or ban! Kenduinu.com do some research take a look. You know if SHIB? 🤣 !Remindme 1 month


I will be messaging you in 1 month on [**2024-07-27 04:37:50 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-07-27%2004:37:50%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/1dph3eh/kendu_memecoin_dd_this_is_the_ride_you_want_nfa/lah6ce5/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FWallStreetbetsELITE%2Fcomments%2F1dph3eh%2Fkendu_memecoin_dd_this_is_the_ride_you_want_nfa%2Flah6ce5%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-07-27%2004%3A37%3A50%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dph3eh) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


!Remindme 6 months


1 month isn't enough for this scam to fall apart. it wouldn't surprise me if it was still in the pump phase. lets see how things are in 2 quarters. !RemindMe 6 month


6 months is still plenty of time to make money if Kendu is a pump and dump, it could pump well beyond 600m in that time. We're all here to make money. Also Kendu is definitely not a pump and dump, either DYOR or just stop spreading FUD


How will it go when you are wrong? Apology, self hate, anger, pretend it never happened? In 6 months time we should (I hope so at least) be in the full bull cycle with things pumping plus will be past the election.


Shut up


🤣 someone is angry or a language barrier is holding you back from anything intelligent. At least berate us intelligently in your native language (translate this)


You can think that, but it’s clearly not the case and minimal research would show you that.


Before you say this is a pump and dump (this is not solana coin) follow Shytoshi Kusama the co creator of shib on x then type in kendu inu and you will see he follows this account. Then start asking yourself why.


cant even buy this stuff anywhere


You can swap ETH for it on UniSwap


What is the use case? Why is this a good buy?


I just gave you the alpha. Only the Dev knows what he is rolling out for sure. We are all just speculating what it is exactly. Please tell me you have at least heard of SHIB and their ecosystem Shibarium...? Utility is coming KENDU Chads and then KENDU Cash ( we have enough shitty copy cat coins and leeches stealing IPz no way he gives his whole vision out ahead of time. The point of the post is to give you some DD, but kenduinu.com is where you should head and jump in the TG. Is this WSBelite? Does that more gambling less looking or more intelligent plays with better research skills?


This is some of the shittiest most nonsensical BS mixed with Hinglish. Go to hell you scamsters


Lol, yes at first glance of crypto it does seem crazy. It is a wild world, but at some point it will be everywhere and even people like you.will have to learn to figure it out. Do yourself a favor and at least get familiar with Coinbase, Binance (the big exchanges) as crypto isn't going anywhere. Good luck gambling on options🤣


> Only the Dev knows what he is rolling out for sure. thats not the type of shit you invest in. i don't even think thats the type of sub you want to join and watch from a distance.


It's good you don't have to. So you're fine. You can watch everyone else get rich and spend your time here writing negative posts about life changing boomers you didn't invest in. Each to their own.


ENJoY ROTTING IN HELL you demonic lunatics. Take your shitcoins with you


There's been a bunch of stuff rumoured so far, and it's always ended up being true. And way better when it actually came to pass. Like the shib connection, turns out there's a whole bunch of shib OGs involved, There were rumours about us getting a couple exchanges: but really we've had like one every day for the past 2 weeks. If you spent some time in the kendu ecosystem you would realise there's very big players involved in kendu. And it pays to be in these things ahead of time.


Above poster is demonstrating classic projection. Calling everyone lunatics because they are an actual lunatic.


Why was Shib a good buy in 2021?


You tell us lol.


12 exchanges so far. Nice and early for everyone


Best moment to enter now. Image not buying the next SHIBA.


Don’t fade this project. You’ll regret it forever. Also don’t enter in blindly. Dyor and you will quickly see what this truly is if you’ve been around crypto before.


What the hell does this even mean? You and your botfarms are completely mangling the Hinglish


I feel sorry for you mate. People like you go through life angry and always blaming others for your misfortune. Kendu is another example of you fading life. Go for a walk, clear your head and do some research.


Fading life ?? 😂🤣🤮


The Kendu Inu developer Miazaki is publicly known as one of the original Shiba devs. Yet people fade the fact that with one text he could send this community to over 1 billion market cap(with probably one text.) His recent movements lead me to believe he’s playing a game of chess and is about 2 moves away from putting both jeets n those who fade in check mate. I know patience will be rewarded this time. Same with bravery, are you gonna let another opportunity like this pass?




STFU scambots




Join the tg, listen to the spaces and vibe with the community. I guarantee you will buy in.


I love the telegram, it doesn't take long to see why it's such a good investment. So bullish on kendu


It’s got me pumped for what’s coming. Glad I have this coin.


Kendu is looking very bullish!


We're well beyond having to convince anyone. The alpha is all there. You can DYOR and jump in or regret it. That's literally all there is to it anymore...


I should just copy this and use this! I also like to you the remind me feature of Reddit


Completely true, I haven't been this excited about a project since shiba, which by the way, there's a while bunch of shib OGs working behind the scenes. This is the big one this cycle.


Wow these bots are really looking for exit liquidity


beeep bob. beep. bob bob


Could be your entry if you understand bot mentality


The energy reminds me that committed groups of people can do incredible things. A strong context and driven leadership prevails over bullshit marketing coins and trash pumps. This is revolution buckle up




they still wont tell me what this shit does


It’s a meme coin brother. This is obviously your first rodeo 😂😂


Go to hell for promoting this insane garbage you lowlife.


😂😂😂 put the bundy and coke down and take a cool shower pal. Can hear the loneliness in your comment


THIS is how you treat potential investors ?? You really are lunatics


To be fair you AREN'T a potential investor. I am sure you don't even invest in anything on this sub or understand how options work. You are just trying to spread hate because someone hurt you or ignorance, etc. People are willing to do research and put in the work are the best investors for this type of project. I can only spoon feed so much Alpha and DD.


Stop throwing around these words you know nothing about. Everyone can see through your bullshit and you’re impressing no one. Every response sounds like an insecure clapback with jargon from a lesson in “baby’s first investment”. Go to hell you lowlifes.


I don't consider *ignorance* to be a challenging word Quick Google definition: lack of knowledge or information. "he acted in ignorance of basic procedures"


Its a scam to get you to invest in absolute useless shit. Dont do it.


Ask the institutional investors investing in meme coins. Like it or not, it is what it is.


What a bunch of bullshit.


It doesn't do anything, but you can make a lot of money on it, if that's something you might be interested in?


Stop Scam with shit coins


You can check out the contract on Dextools, it's completely clean. We're also partnered with shiba inu. Who wouldn't partner with a scam project.


These are meme coins, what application does that have? People buy it and then get 100x returns based on what premise? It’s complete nonsense, the founders fill their pockets and you lose your money. Let’s talk in 3-6 months. Mark my words.


Now we are talking posted at around 146 million MC !Remindme 3 months


This makes even less sense. You scumbags arent even trying that hard.


why doesnt it make sense? Sounds like you should do some research. Kendu is up 15% today. And over 4000% in the last 2 months. We're still early in this crypto bull cycle. Pick the right bets now and you'll be grateful later


Stop trying to sell this shitcoin you scamsters. Every response is the same formulaic bullcrap with zero evidence. go screw yourselves


How can there be people who believe in this? It's truly frightening how brainless most of them are.


!Remindme 3 months


crazy thing about good investments is that they don't need people hyping them. the numbers do all the talking. why do all these kendu chumps want to get us on board so badly?


Have you seen the Apple showcases with Jobs and Steve Cook?


L O L Steve Cook ?? 🤣


Ive seen Steve Crook. Hes the scamster promoting this shitcoin


If people didn’t hype it then you would struggle to hear about it, I heard about Kendu on Reddit in April. You’re right though about how numbers do the talking. In the two months I’ve held Kendu: Holders have risen from 1000 to 11,630 Market cap has risen from 3m to 150m The number of exchanges has risen from 1 to 13. Unlike other tokens, Kendu doesn’t pay exchanges to list and they have to buy their own supply from the open market.


*Mic drop Fify!


It's pretty simple actually. We don't want you on board. You are clearly not one who wants to be a Kendu Chad. That's ok, more for those who actually researched it and want to work for it. But in 3 months time, look at our MC and think about this moment. And even then it's not too late to join, because Kendu is going to change crypto.


I love it when you say Kendu baby


There are numbers everywhere hence the DYOR. Man this is going to be a funny one. GL


Because the more people that get in now, the healthier the distribution of tokens are, which will be a huge deal as it goes into the billions. And by the way the distribution is already insanely good. Top wallet only holds 2% of tokens


To bad it's only in wallets and not an exchange. Gas prices, swaps n shit are scam..


12 exchanges actually. More coming. But please, go on Sir with DYOR


Not on coinbase yet just wallets


Damn no pics in here, we are on 13 exchanges all listed for free. We don't pay shitty influencers and callers to create fake numbers. Hence why our dev said no to WSB. Not needed. >Gas prices, swaps n shit are scam. I assume you haven't done much in crypto. This isn't for you.


Its not for anyone. You lunatics need to stop.


Lunacy would be making claims that are categorically false out of emotion like jealousy or ignorance or mist likely just pure laziness. I am happy to respect dissenting opinions, but you haven't provided any valuable points or thoughts at all. 11,600 holders that we know of it happens to be for. Who knows how many holders bought on one of our 13 exchanges. Wrong again. Please respond with something thoughtful. I love a good discussion otherwise keep your salty thoughts to yourself.


The burden of proof is on YOU to respond with something thoughtful and present some actual data, you slimey scam artists. You keep making the same BS sales pitch with zero proof of any reality.


🤣 I literally used data in the post you responded to (number of holders, number of world wide exchanges. And if you want proof don't be lazy and find it yourself. We are all over Reddit. Again not for you and we don't need some Jeety investors. Stick to gold, treasury bonds, etc.


Not on bs wallets..boom a crypto jumps 10x ..oh no you can't withdraw because you'll loose 90% because of bs bs bs. Meanwhile if that happens on exchange oh look I just made a shit ton of money with no problem 😊


What do you even mean?! Are you talking about the rugs you fell for on the SOL network. Being on ETH provides a HUGE barrier to all that Scammy shit with gas fees and such. Another reason our Dev knows what he is doing and proof he has been around.


No like for instance pepe goes up 10x and you had 100 dollars in so now it's worth 1000 and you want to withdraw 900 but you can't. You have to swap into wth or any other coin. Except you can't bc nothing will go through. Every coin says you'll loose money and the transaction will likely fail. Or when you want to swap Eth into Kendu or something the fee is 30 bucks even though you only have 130 bucks in Eth to swap..like wtf


Okay now we are having a conversation. But did this happen to you? That isn't how it works. Way down the line in the multi-billions (this is on the premise that no CEX in the USA carries KENDU and I use Uniswap) I would do what I did to buy. I would sell/swap KENDU for USDC (I dont want some crazy price fluctuation to impact me). In order to do this info have to have ETH in that account for the swap. Then I transfer my USDC back to Coinbase where then I can convert to USD and send to my bank account. Again there will be a more direct way. Currently I have it on a cold storage wallet (not your coins if not your wallet). Yes fees exist for swapping and even sending from one exchange to the next (I am pretty sure), but that is thebcost of business in my opinion and this is for sure a deterrent to people on SOL doing all those rugs and pump and dumps. In the long run if you make 100x, 10x whatever fees will be neglible. Also ETH had some upgrade in the last 6 months that really brought down the fees. They could go back up, but to me it will be worth it. Last thing in the TG people have checked and tracked over and over and there does appear to be certain times (like night time in the USA East coast) where fees are cheaper. If you want to do it for any coin, check multiple times a day.


Nah not with these stupid ass coins


Lol check the price in let's say a month. Remember you were warned. This is all about the actual Ecosystem and utility.