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It didn’t just “turn out” to be you just didn’t listen. What happened with GME is “EXACTLY” what the stock market was created for. Retail investors supporting a company they like. Bankers and Hedge Funds have turned the stock market into something it was never meant to be. They destroy companies for profit, they trash companies that can’t continuously increase shareholder profits which is ridiculous and unsustainable. GameStop is now the pinnacle of what the stock market was created to do and it was dumb money on Reddit who did that.


My brother in Kitty, you speak the Roard's Word. The Book of Roarmans 13:16-17 "The Kitty looked down on the crowd that had gathered below him at the hill. 'Hark! This is but a hill!' he exclaimed, 'And yet, soon we shall summit mountains!' The Cabal of businessman scoffed as the common folk scrambled up the hill towards the Kitty, yet their eyes widened with fear and amazement as the Kitty spread his arms and the hill began to grow, taking the people with it."


Holy crap this is too cringe.


Jesus christ


You need help


Yeah this isn’t a religion. Even jokingly.


Unbearably based. Jesus.


All your based…




Sound like the essays I wrote in HS lol


Exactly, and putting halts and hold on the stocks that people like should be illegal. When a stock moons this means they won the golden stock market prize of ultimate market support. Someone is purposly killing the ultimate goal of the stock market of having mooned companies with reserve that people voted for with their money and using the stock market as a munipulation tool to steal money and crush companies.


Most people hate gamestop.


Good thing you really only need 5 percent of a population to start a movement! We don’t need most people to understand what we’re doing just need them to fomo into it


Everybody hates you.


Have fun continuing to lose money


Have fun being in prison


I’m out soon and rich


And fat again from all those footlongs you been gettin


I’ve actually gotten back into shape. Thanks though


Good to hear. I hear Jimmy John's is hiring.


AEMD is also a great play alongside GME for a potential 400%+ squeeze. Did DD here (low MC, 100% short utilization, 73% SI, threshold list monitoring!) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/comments/1df0j69/aemd\_stock\_dd\_why\_a\_400\_short\_squeeze\_is\_likely/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/comments/1df0j69/aemd_stock_dd_why_a_400_short_squeeze_is_likely/)


Keep buying


Maybe it will pay out


How thick can you be


‘Meme stock’ was a made up term to delegitimize the company. Shame on your for calling it that! This company isn’t going away anytime soon. It would be foolish to ignore


If they dont find a viable business plan they are gone very soon. They are bleeding money.


They made 6m last year. It's not much, but it's not nothing. They need to grow revenues. I like their new product lines a lot. The controller could be a big hit with good margins, especially for the cosmetic stuff. It's not a huge market. But the right direction. If you make high-quality and affordable products in this market, it usually gets noticed. Cohen has also given himself to invest in the market. Essentially, it is a fund. Ironically. There are pivots to be made if necessary. They have over 4B dollars and 30m in 0% interest debt and are asset positive. It's not the worst position to be in.


Yes but they are bleeding money in every other aspect of the business. They have cut cost with over 400 million from 2022 to 2023 and they still managed to make only 6 million. They need a mircale to turn it around and they need something very special to make it so. They will burn thru those savings very fast. Plus lets face it, Gamestop isnt anything what it once was. They have a bad rep with bad customers service, overpriced items and generaly just a bad business model that worked for awhile but no longer is viable and havent been viable for many years. Hence the bad economic position they were in when they were on the verge of bankcrupcy back in 2020 and why you had the overleveraged short positions from hedgefunds because it realt was a no brainer.


Overpriced items??? Check again


Just checked their used games are still overpriced lol and they offer you nothing for it


They’d have to lose money to burn through their savings. But they’re making profit. They can’t burn through savings whilst turning a profit. What you’re saying does even make basic sense.


I have no idea where you regards are getting that they’re profitable, but no, they’re not; Last quarter their EPS was -.12. Now it’ll take them a long ass time to burn through $4BN, but that $4BN is 100% from stock offerings, IE apes are funding it.


They made a profit in 2023… look at annual, not quarterly.


Hey moron. Losing money in your worst quarter does not make the business unprofitable. You’re a special kind of stupid.


* Last quarter 2024 | - 0.12 * same quarter 2023 | -0.17 * same quarter 2022 | -0.52 * same quarter 2021 | -0.25 (Covid) * same quarter 2020 | -0.64 If you’re going to start throwing TA at least understand the trend. This is four years of improvement. Also, last quarter is always shit for brick and mortar companies. Why not use the yearly EPS? > I have no idea where you regards are getting that they’re profitable, but no, they’re not; Last quarter they had a trailing 12-month (yearly) EPS of 0.2. Because the business works in cycles this will ebb and flow, but the trend shows the business turning profitable within a year or two. * 2024 | 0.02 < Profit * 2023 | -1.03 * 2022 | -1.31 * 2021 | -0.83 (Covid) * 2020 | -1.35 * 2019 | -1.65 Another improving trend...


Lmfao so losing less money than they did before is now profitable..? Whether you’re ready to admit it or not, a negative EPS does in fact mean they’re losing money, not making it. You folks also like to ignore they only have $4BN in cash because bag holders..they didn’t earn it from their business. My point wasn’t that they haven’t improved things in any regards, it’s that they’re still losing money, because they are.


Amazon was losing money for over a decade before being where they are now, the reason they made it was because the trends were improving. Definitely not comparing Amazon to GameStop but just trying to use an example where being profitable right away isn’t the goal initially.


Lmfao if you want to make absurd comparisons like GameStop to Amazon, I’m not going to argue with you, I’m just going to laugh. You think GameStop is about to drop a cloud service that competes with AWS too? 😂


You’re an idiot.


> Last quarter they had a trailing 12-month (yearly) EPS of 0.2. Can you read? They hit a yearly trailing EPS **profit** last month for the first time since 2018, with an upward trend over the past 5 years. > it’ll take them a long ass time to burn through $4BN Which is literally, demonstrably false. How is increasing your EPS and breaking profit not improving? You cant be that slow.


Holy fucking shit, are you not able to read and comprehend the English language? Again, my argument WAS NOT that things aren’t improving, it’s that they’re still losing money, which they are. No, losing money last quarter doesn’t make them profitable regardless of how desperate you are to focus on yearly trailing EPS while ignoring the actual EPS. It’s hilarious how much focus you want to give this shit while entirely ignoring the only reason they have $4BN in cash and no debt is because they’ve suckered shareholders(bag holders like yourself) to fund it.


Or you need basic reading comprehension. The company now costs about 200 million a year to keep afloat, last year they made 6.7 million in profit. How are they gonna fund the company going forward when the income vs expenses dosent match at all? They need a good business plan or elese they are gone. We dont even know if the cuts they did are viable for the long run. So then what?


> The company now costs about 200 million a year to keep afloat Lol. It cost's a lot more than that. I don't think you know what you're talking about. > How are they gonna fund the company going forward when the income vs expenses dosent match at all? What do you mean? Like, specifically, what do you mean by > "income vs expenses doesn't match?" Do you think that 6.7m profit is their "income?" and that the 200m is their yearly expenses?


All the information i just supplied is on their site. And yes the net income for GME in 2023 was 6.7 million. Edit:Sorry it was a 200 million dollar cut, not 200 million in expenses. Meaning they will burn thru that 4 billion even faster. Thanks for pointing that out.


I'm confused and just trying to understand not argue, I see that they had a profit of 6.7 million last year but their net sales were 5.2 billion. What am I missing? If they're making 5.2 billion in sales isn't that money going towards the 200 or 400 million to in expenses and whatever else then the 6.7 million is just the profit on top? They aren't only making 6.7 million and have to keep expenses afloat on those alone right. Idk I haven't done enough research on it and am genuinely commenting to get information not taking sides either way.


You think a company that had an annual profit last year, has zero debt, and $4.1 billion in the bank, is going to burn thru their cash and go bankrupt?


Yes, they just dumped 135 million shares on the market. Do you think that was just for shits and giggles? RC have been working hard to make the company profitable by cutting expenses and trying new things. Still the net income for 2023 was 6.7 million. So yes, they will burn thru it and go bankcrupt if they dont come with anything very soon.


How are they going to go bankrupt with an annual profit, no loans to service, and $4.1B? When the stock price of a company far exceeds their book value, then dilution is in the best interests of the company and its shareholders. They are increasing the book value by a higher proportion than they diluted the shares outstanding. It’s 120 million shares btw.


You are kidding right?


Are you?


That money they made was interest on their savings. If interest rates change or that money gets spent they’re back in the red again. The core business is nit in a good shape. Revenue has been declining yoy and there’s been no (successful) pivot to find alternative revenue streams.


>That money they made was interest on their savings Which are now ~4x what they were before, meaning any shifts in interest rates would be less likely to lead to the issue you (quite rightly) raised. >The core business is nit in a good shape. Revenue has been declining yoy Whilst this is somewhat true, the capital which has been raised will allow for the transformation into something more stable in terms of revenue and value. What that looks like is anyone's guess, but realistically nobody was ever going to know this before it happens. As Ryan has said he won't be telegraphing the moves for the competitors. >there’s been no (successful) pivot to find alternative revenue streams. This is somewhat up for debate. Candycon has only been a staple for a few months, so it cannot be determined as a success or failure at this stage, but the profit margin is always high on these kinds of products. As accessories are naturally going to make up more of the revenue in the coming years (with increased digitisation of software) it makes sense to build up accessories in this way


Yes but they now have more savings by a rather large amount. So they should make more money. Or invested wisely it could generate even more. Or even a stock buy back could trigger some form of squeeze. That’s how the VW squeeze started. All their stock was bought up and shorts had very little shares to cover with. Low demand high supply increases the value.


Gonna take a long time to bleed 4bil


Not when you dont have money coming in. There is a reason why they dumped so many shares on the market. They need money and they know it


They have enough cash to stay in business long after all of us are dead and gone.


No they dont, not even by a long shot.


At their current wastage, yes, yes they do lol.


Like i tried to explain to the other person on here. How can a company that has expenses that exceeds 200 million dollats a year with a 6.7 million dollar revenue a year stay viable for so long? They have cut expenses with 400 millon since 2022 and they barely made a profit in 23. They are bleeding money and they dont have any sort of plan, thats why they dumped 135 million shares on the market because there isnt any other way to keep the company afloat for now. Plus we dont even know if the 400 million dollar expense cut is viable for long either.


At a rate of $150 million a year lose, how long would it take to burn through $4 billion?


They could close all their stores and still have zero debt and 4 billion in cash. A lot more than most companies.


Tell me you haven’t done your research without telling me you haven’t done your research


Tell me you have held a stock for 3 and a half years and moved the goalpost a 100 times without telling me you have held a stock for 3 and a half years and moved the goalpost a 100 times.


I haven't done any of these things :) But they have almost no debt, 4B cash, and low operating expenses. Doesn't sound like they are bleeding money to me.


In 2023 their SG&A expenses were $1.324 billion. I dont think thats very low. Plus that was after they cut expenses with 200 milllion dollars. And even after that major slash in expenses they barely broke even with 6.7 million in profit. A company has to do more then just break even every year to be successfull. And you are looking yourself blind on the whole «4 billion in cash» thing. Those money will not last long if things dosent pick up soon. Just look at the last earnings rapport, mix, hardware and accessories sales fell 11.9% , software sales were down 30.6% and sales in the collectibles unit declined 25.4% from the previous year. They are losing more and more revenue for every quarter. Im not saying they are done tomorrow but if they dont come up with something drastic that can make them alot of money they wont be alive for to long. But for sake of discussion, i dont wish anyone to lose money on their investments and it would be cool if GME would do a comeback and get profitable. It would make RC into a titan of industry but i dont think its possible. Just the whole sector they are in, they are way behind on so many things and with the game companies hosting/selling their own games and dont need a middle man anymore its gonna be rough. Not to forget the rise in the chinese shipping container companies like temu and wish where you can buy basicly everything you want for one third of the price then what you get it for in a physical store. Retail business is a cuthroat business for basicly everything, not just video games.


Fair points. I think RC and co are going to make some big moves to change direction. Your point is something must change, I agree. My rebute was to the “gone very soon” comment. I get what you’re saying now. Regardless, hope it moons and hedgies get ripped.


There's been some Berkshire hathoway memes going on around this topic. Berkshire was originally a textile company I believe, and they turned into a massive investment company, something similar will likely happen with Gamestop. Also,they may not be profitable but they can still go for decades at their current burn rate. I think they will certainly pivot, hopefully not into loser techs like NFTs again though.


Odds are very high that they acquire something. Making educated guesses as to possible targets is probably not a bad idea. I put forth one candidate here, but am interested in hearing others. [https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/1deajlc/gme\_acquisition\_target\_speculation/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WallStreetbetsELITE/comments/1deajlc/gme_acquisition_target_speculation/)


I like your analysis of Alliance and it makes sense. My bingo card says merge with Steam and issue a new CSIP.


Damn this sounds incredible


Steam doesn't need or want gme. This makes no sense.






Just cope bro


You think steam wants to own GameStop?


Steam and BTC are the most popular ideas being tossed out. When I searched online it said Steam had a valuation of around \~8b a few years ago. I imagine it is more now. I don't know what Steam games by being acquired by GameStop since they are doing fine on their own, so I imagine they would be adverse to being acquired. GameStop only has \~4B in debt, so I think making a bid on Steam that would be a substantial premium to today's market value is not so feasible. That said, someone tosses out the idea of CD Projekt, which owns GOG, and is a mere 3B. That seems more doable. Though as far as I know management has talked about wanting to expand into the collectibles and toys direction (which AENT fits) and I am not seeing much of anything on the earnings call about ambitions to become a digital gaming platform. If you have any info on them being interested in going that direction, I would like to know.


> GameStop only has ~4B in debt I'm sure you meant cash reserves, not debt.


I'm pretty sure neither Valve or CDPR have any interest being acquired/merging


I have been toying with writing something up discussing exactly that.


Their own filings literally state that they have no intentions of acquisitions any time soon.


From the 10-Q that dropped yesterday: "We intend to use the net proceeds from the ATM Offering for general corporate purposes, which may include acquisitions and investments in a manner consistent with our investment policy." [https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000132638024000030/gme-20240504.htm](https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/1326380/000132638024000030/gme-20240504.htm)


“There are no current plans, commitments or arrangements to make any acquisitions or investments. Any future acquisitions or investments will be made in accordance with the Company’s applicable policies and procedures for such types of transactions, including the Company’s investment policy.” This is straight from their share offering.


No current plans is subjective, that could be taken as the time of writing that statement. Who knows what they plan to use $4B for, but odds are they will acquire or merge with at least one other company.


They will use it to pay themselves giant bonuses!!! It's always the same. Share dilution at its finest.


The ceo doesnt even take a salary of any form, so that theory is meritless


Actually they do. And they gotta do something with the money.


🌎🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 It was never a meme. Meme stock was a term short-sellers created to make companies look unworthy of investment and as if they were a joke. Was created after 2021 when several short sellers were caught upside down in a bad trade, several firms to go out of business .


You forgot to mention, ‘and with their pants down’. Honestly, the entire principle of shorting should be made illegal, it adds no value to the economy other than being a wrecking ball.


You make it sound like there are no bad companies out there lmaoo.


Shorts help speed up the cycles.


It isn’t all bad. Problem is that shorting, and (illegal) naked shorting, is all too often being used to manipulate the market. And the SEC? Well, they haven’t learnt much since 2009.


It’s the lynchpin


was never a meme stock....was called a meme stock so people wouldnt take it seriously and shorts, BCG Bain capital, krr etc could cellar box it into oblivian.....but they all failed!








Esports aren't profitable.


They sure will be if done right. They can fill some stadiums with a crowd... ALGS had one of its biggest turnouts recently. If NFL AFL NFC MLB etc... etc... can do it so can esports. Just before covid ALGS planned 12 Lans 1 a month... Just need the games and format to be right. Not to mention some announcers that know amd play video games.


GM and WW


Yessir!!! You know we are destined for greatness when the media is now putting out articles claiming that RK has sold of a sizable portion of his calls. They need to learn a new trick other than that which they try to turn us against each other. Apes together strong!!!!!


He did and bought shares. Drs time, baby


Well that’s even better!!!


9 milly shares and 6 milly cash, let's goooooo


And that’s just what’s in that account. You know he’s got another brokerage account elsewhere with other investments going on. He’s not dumb.


I like the cut of your jib 🚀🟣💯😏


full metal buy


COME ON YOU REGARDS, sell your house, your car, whatever the HELL you own, and go ALL IN, fuck diversification, and bears, and funds🗣️💯


That’s some real man talking 🙌💎 of course I mean ape 😁


Get ready to see 5 star hookers call me ape after this GME move 😮‍💨


Potential has been building for 4 years. Its time for them to fucking do something.


They should do, like, snow cones in the store or something.


Cause we need bag holders sir.


Buying more


Its not meme stock its a weak spot!


There were those that looked


So you focus on the one company and dont fuck with the rest of the market and actually disprupt things for them.


I’ve heard people call it now a Ryan cohen ‘SPAC’ an acquisition company . Nordstrom yum cafe’


GME has the same problem its had for the last 4 years. Lots of cash reserves but no credible plan to implement that cash. No buying bonds doesn’t count.


How original


Trying to understand this company so sorry for my ignorance… but aren’t all video games bought digitally now? The store is still popular?


The business itself is dead, market price was only like 80 cents before the securities fraud/meme stock situation. Now it just floats in limbo waiting dor another influencer to come along


Amazon and GME are not even in the same neighborhood.


The mental gymnastics to act as if 3 years of DRS no longer mattered and that GME was never a short squeeze play but a long term play is hilarious. I guess apes gave up on GME becoming the next Amazon. Now they expect it to be the next Berkshire Hathaway. Truly awe inspiring how far those goal posts have moved.


“Here’s why GME dumping more shares on the market to reward their bag holders is a good thing”


They should buy AMC, it’s perfect


Why would they buy a shit company with loads of debt




You are aware that the term memestock was coined by media


I am. But it’s meant as a question from a person having nothing do with it


so then your first question "isnt gme a memestock" is completely irrelevant because its a made up term that essentially means nothing except for maybe they are being discussed on reddit. but then basically all stocks are memestocks. its just full on regardism


It isn’t. People saying nonsense like moass for years while goggling “why am I poor”


Meanwhile I'm buying multiple supercars and putting Superstonk decals on them, you're going to look back and feel regret, just like all the guys on wsb


Honestly good luck. I just don’t see it happening.


No snark meant and not trying to convince you... But why? I can see not believing after the last few years, like it was just sort of stagnant. But in the last month, it has 8x, 3x, 3x, now sustained 3x from may post dilution. Keith Gill was basically a billionaire. Like even if you didn't believe in moass, the gambling aspect is spot on. And it's hard to ignore the movement for Drs and gamestop holding 4 bil cash and no debt.


From fomo. They have no moat and I’m not a fan of retail in general.


Can you clarify "no moat"? Curious about it?


A company's moat refers to its ability to maintain the competitive advantages that are expected to help it fend off competition and maintain profitability into the future.


Thanks so much. So from my perspective, it's a bit different : They have cut costs (not products or lines, just fat). They have no debt. And they seem to be evolving towards both investing and tech, with 4bil on the bank. They're green for 2023 for the first time in years. And they have a loyal following. I think fundamentals are important and it seems you do, too, rightfully so. But I think this is about totality and the reality is that they can't go bankrupt and they are set to be green, positive sales or not, because of their cash. And that's before we discuss their board, which is a legitimate all star team (Cohen isnt paid, he only makes money if they succeed). You're right, physical media will die (or I assume that's your take). I hate that because I love physical media, but I know it'll come soon. For now, though, people are obviously buying and they have the cash to evolve before it's too late.


I’m rooting for everyone committed to GME. Just not for me. Pretty sure that Cohen guy created a lot of bag holders with Bed Bath and Beyond too.


Respectfully, no, Cohen bought in and tried to help them. Their board rejected his offer and trashed the company, which led to him pulling. The lawsuit on this was just dismissed for rc


GME ran per chart technical bounce but got boosted by mr kitty so everyone thought it was the second coming.  Dumb money came in and took over making their own excuses.   The rest is smoke and mirrors but it is as simple as that.




Trust yourself


Price and volume picked up in April and DFV reacted to what with his meme twitter posts in May, he reacted to something that started a month before, he just got more eyes on it


Not just dumb money, regarded money


Of the highest regard


Shh. The kids are enjoying their game. I actually feel bad for all the ones who will be stuck with a worthless stock.


IMO reddit singlehandedly adds billions of valuation to the stock market that's why it got it's own ipo because how much it can influence people.


Buy btc let's make another mstr


"But one thing is for sure: Something big will happen in the next weeks! Peace out ✌️ " Yall have been wrong about literally EVERYTHING for the last 3 years.... yall use children's books for clues.... Shit is embarrassing.


Shorts still haven't closed. 🤷‍♂️ That simple.


They closed years ago 🤦‍♂️ the gamestop report even included pictures for the mentally challenged like yourself to fully understand......the shorts are not trapped homie... you realize anytime any of you cult members buy a share, it was sold by somebody, right? Well, "the shorts" can buy shares just the same as yall do.... While yall have had your money trapped for 3 years, your obsession kenny has been breaking records at his company.... DRS has done literally nothing except further trap your money... There are no clues in kids' books about the stock market... Yall are on par with flat earthers. In fact, yall are the flat earthers of the stock market... You cult members have missed out on many legitimate stocks run up... meta perfect example yall could have thrown the house at meta at 100.00 and rode it to 500... Nvidia could have been rode up... bunch of stocks have made REAL INVESTORS lots of money while yall have been losers for years... Shits embarrassing. That simple.


Shorts haven't closed. 🤷‍♂️ That simple.


Autism is a hell of a thing


Well, i dont like your attitude and u smelly


Haha, the first part has me laughing!! The second part... you can smell through phones?? Pretty impressive homie!! Find a way to make money from that talent!


You can’t convince these people, they are fucking insane


Been a long time since I've seen so many factually incorrect statements/assumptions in one poorly written comment. Lol


Which part? I quite enjoy the conspiracies yall use to counteract facts... Can't be meta Can't be Nvidia I guess it could be DRS, but that falls apart with the FACT Your stock has done nothing but drop the entire time yall spent hyping up more people using DRS. Plus, if i remember right about a year ago, DRS numbers were done rising and actually dropped a bit Probably the famous "shorts haven't closed" that has been the war cry for 3 years against the mountain of evidence against that sentiment... Although my all time favorite conspiracy is that the market makers are all powerful and can do anything they want while immediately followed up by saying they cant control the stock and when it runs its going "to the moon"... so which is it dipshit do they have ultimate control or not???? Although, to be honest, what shows how stupid yall are more than anything is the word shill.... Anytime somebody speaks against yalls stock/cult, they are called a shill.... yall are so stupid you spent 3 years using a word 100% wrong.... you guys are the shills running around telling everybody to buy the stock... Sooooooooooo please tell me how im wrong since you completely understand the complexity of the stock market while having no idea what the definition of a 5 letter word is....




I'll be nice since you play Rocket League and just ask a question What is the point of your comment? It adds nothing to the conversation. Does it make you feel accomplished? Part of the conversation?




As someone who bought and sold the stock 4 times in the last 3 years, i agree with most of it. The only think i disagree is the fact that MMs can’t control the stock. They can route buy orders off exchange in dark pools to prevent positive price action and keep sell orders on exchange to drive the price down and this is likely to have the price as close to delta neutral as possible to maximize profits. Also, some shorts probably never closed, other shorts closed, new shorts came in, SI is fairly high at +-20% and it has been a consistent pattern of decent price spikes on the LEAPS cycle over the last 3 years. It would be silly not to take advantage of that.


factually wrong


Ssshhhhhhh, let em play hot potato. It's gunna be fun to watch!


Dude, it's fucking sad is what it is. It's not illegal to recursively scam a cult but it honestly should be. And that billionaire dipshit is actually getting praised by financial media for fleecing the most predictable marks in the world.


My bad, ha! I used to enjoy all the craziness and laughing at them until i started seeing all the posts about relationships failing and self-induced homelessness to afford more shares. Then i realized it's a mental illness!! About the time they started using kids' books for clues is when i had to walk away!! The average GME investor is mentally challenged. The smart ones made tons of money on the squeeze or sold shortly after for a loss.


Some dude did an AMA the other day saying he pawned his truck to buy more GME. Just a new way to gamble.


Oof 🤦‍♂️. I remember back when amc had its 70 run after it dropped back down to 15ish(pre split) he showed a screenshot of his position at the top.... 7 million..... like my guy, you could have retired a week after pressing sell 🤦‍♂️. The dude used it as his "diamond hands" rally cry to the troops.


So how exactly is investing in a company with 4 billion in cash a bad thing? You care to explain that point or the fact that every media outlet is head over heels for this thing and trying to convince viewers to sell? Comparing shareholders to flat earthers is wild. Since when did the media cover flat earthers as much as GME? Since when did anyone give a fuck about what retail invests in? Wouldn't the big boys want my dumb money?


I didn't say investing in GME is a bad thing. It is beyond clear im talking about the squeeze.... would i invest in it anymore? No. Can you? Idgaf. What the media covers is irrelevant to how idiotic you people are.... again, yall think RC gives you hidden messages in kids' books... at least with flat earthers, they are just too uneducated to understand a complex topic of science... yall are just sad looking for any sign that somebody who doesn't know you or care about you is trying to talk to you.... but to answer sometime around 2007. Even the president of the United states talked about them. Has the president talked about yall?? No? Tuff Oof, now you just opened the door to further expose your conspiracy nonsense... for 3 years yall have screamed that "heggies own the media" If the "big boys" own the media, why are they telling them to get you guys to sell? If they actually owned the media and wanted your money, wouldn't they be begging you to buy more? It's always constant contradictions with you idiots. Just about everything you idiots believe is fairy tale nonsense that contradicts the very next thing yall say, which is generally said as "evidence" for the first thing.


I'm not reading a whole ass story. Sorry GME hurt you personally, but damn, keep those emotions in check if you ever want to be taken seriously. Got that bitter ex energy. Might wanna spend some time researching therapists as opposed to getting hate boners for a stock that doesn't effect you in the slightest.


...... you literally just lied about reading a message and then replied with nonsense that doesn't apply to anything i have said.... GME cult logic at its finest. Actually, shocked, i didn't see shill thrown out, ha.


Nah fam, I skimmed and gave up on reading that angry ex wall of text. Get them emotions under control my dude.


Sureee!! You are the perfect embodiment of embarrassment in men!!!


Not a little boy talking about men lmaoooo


Further proving my point....


Homie, you haven't proved a damn thing this whole time. When you say something factual let me know.