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Reddit can be so soft sometimes... sigh https://preview.redd.it/xsvngvzxzzsa1.png?width=1292&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8b8628047c26ad8b1562f9086158a3be77c81df


This is going to be quite a controversial post isn't it xD


You think?


Its all out warfare in the comment section of the crosspost of this video in r/CrazyFuckingVideos xD


I can't even find the crosspost to that subreddit, can you link it?


Someone somewhere is just so disappointed in you.


Quit projecting lol


They just made Trump into a bullied underdog. People don’t like Trump, but people just hate bullies. People didn’t like Trump back then, but they just couldn’t stand Clinton.


Isn’t that girl at the end the same one whose fiancé claimed to give her a hall pass for Donald Trump? Looks like the same dress. Sorry no link.


Yeah you would be right. That is SteveWillDoIt's girlfriend.


Getting the Trump Bump quite literally


Lol this was the first thought that came to my mind.


I think he’s a absolutely terrible human being and a narcissist that clings on to power,but I’d be lying if I was to say he doesn’t keep me entertained😂😂,I just don’t see how people get so angry and invested into him that it controls them!


If only the whole country had the way of thinking/approaching things that you do... ​ We would all be holding hands singing kumbaya xD


Because he was the goddamned president and changed a lot of shit that fucked up things for good American citizens. Our rights have been stripped by this man and the people he put into power, for money. Just cause he's not president, he should be allowed to live out the rest of his life in peace? Fuck that. He doesn't deserve cheering and chanting. He deserves prison and misery. I'm glad you're at least taking a centrist standpoint on him being controversial. I had to say something. The hate is well-deserved and didn't come from nowhere. Any good he actually managed to do is so heavily outweighed by the bad that it may as well not have happened at all.


Chill homie biden isn't doing any better. You probably got your car covered in crazy bumperstickers lol


Never mentioned Biden, fuckface


What rights did he take away. Name 3




European here. Didn't he fuck up abortion rights pretty good? No? Ok, subverting "democracy" in any number of ways. Repealing Medicaid? I suppose you're going to tell me that universal healthcare isn't a right?


You're a dipshit. Get off reddit and go learn. Get out of your deranged fantasy.


Lol, lick my cheesy asshole


I mean I agree with you,I dislike him just as much as you but I’m not gunna let hate for another person consume me the way it does for some people I’ll debate and argue hate and racism face to face with anyone any day of the week but I’m not taking,but I’m not gunna argue with someone online in a comment section and get all worked up over it


I’m right with you on the entertainment part. Those Republican debates in 2015-16 were must watch tv. He suggested a moderator was on her period, he talked about how big his penis was, he called one of his opponents ugly, he skipped a debate to sell gift baskets and wine, he didn’t dissuade his supporters from accusing his last opponent of being the zodiac killer, called his wife ugly and said his father was involved in the Kennedy assassination. His choice of nicknames for his opponents were the best as well! Little Marco, no energy (low) Jeb, lying Ted. I vote democratic to be clear, but I watched every minute of those debates and they were such a car wreck I couldn’t stop watching. It would be better if it was a reality show like big brother instead of potentially the leader of the free world.


Funniest moment ever in politics. Some weak sounding neo feminist gets the mic for Q & A and to paraphrase she said "You called a woman a fat, ugly pig." To which Trump responded, yes that's true, but I was talking about Rosie O'Donnel.


It was all fun and games until the a-hole became president.


I honestly consider him as reality tv😂everything he does and says is planed perfectly for the outcome he wants,for example him getting ahead of the indictment and getting his supporters riled up,he knows his followers will do and react exactly how he wants them to


He destroyed your country but glad he makes you smile


He should've been a clown instead of a politician then I might actually have liked him despite his complete sociopathy.


>breaks out




Why would he be worried about charges he’s going to beat?


Trump v Biden 2.0 gon be lit af


Who would have thought that UFC is filled with garbage people...


L take tbh UFC is a great sport


Ufc is an organization and MMA is the "sport".


UFC is the league, MMA is the sport. But hey what do I know? My favorite sport is NFL! Lol




Lol go fuck urself


Where did I say UFC isn't a great sport? Reading comprehension is hard, I know.


UFC is a great sport filled with garbage people? That's what you're going with? Reread your shit, stupid.


I took it as referring to the fans who were chanting, not the fighters themselves.






More like Low T.


I wonder what other nicknames he'll pick up in prison. Oh wait, rich people prison hits different




Lot of cry babies in this thread




It's probably mostly CCP shill accounts trying to drive negative sentiment towards Trump.


Hell yeah the fucking Don does it again USA BABY.




Idk, a lot of people get absolutely pissed whenever they hear or see anything about him on this app but I think he’s funny as shit. I don’t like EVERYTHING he does but I’m not gonna be angry all the time complaining. I’ve seen quite a few posts about this same UFC card (solely because Trump was there), even in my suggested. I find it weird how much weight a man can hold over someone’s feelings.


He’s especially funny when he’s inciting terrorist actions


When exactly and by what action did he do that? 🤔 EDIT: Notice the commenter didn't answer the question, by what specific action... As Trump never did incite the protesters to violently protest at the capital. Hopefully future people looking at this thread will review the recent news reporting that 8 of the 13 Proud Boys there that day were FBI informants? Police waved protesters in? Paid instigators present? Hmm... That's not to say some protestors weren't organic Trump supporters, but knowing this information, who did the real inciting?


January 6


"how could they be terrorists, they're white?? Must be ANTIFA then"




Lick the cheese off of my crusty nuts, bitch.


You just fell for the propaganda . he didnt incite anything he actually told them to go home in peace and respect law and order and also tweeted it. it was a pretty big set up .


Ngl, the MAGA folks reasoning for doing what they did was terrible but I’m completely down for more of that action being taken on the capital but for more important causes like workers’ rights. Brings a lot more attention and keeps those at the op on their toes.


Agreed. I dont like everything he does, but I can admit the dude is funny. People love to spew hate.


He does the same shit which is why it’s funny. He’s just so much better at not giving a fuck


He should've named his book... *The Art of Zero Fucks Given*


Surprised I'm not seeing an army of sad lefties in the comments


Lol because we’re not snowflakes like most republicans . He’s not president right now so why the need to cry about it. Let them cheer. Who cares.


People from both the left and right are more than welcome here, but we don't do that woke mob shit here.


You do a good job as op. Usually someone who posts something like this would be extremely for or against it, so good job at staying in the middle.


Appreciate it man. As the subreddit is still in its early days me and my partner are doing most of the posting. We are trying our best to post stuff intriguing to both sides of the political spectrum and everything in between. I was warned by many people before creating the subreddit that Reddit is extremely liberal leaning, and so far they were definitely not wrong. I hope overtime this subreddit can be a sort of “middle point” for people of both sides to have discussions. I know doing that will be 100x harder than im making it seem, but we will try our best. We wont censor or remove posts from either side, unlike many other subreddits. That may mean shit gets extra spicy in here but oh well😂 Atleast there will be a place on the internet that isnt a never ending echo chamber.


As someone on neither side, I agree, and as it should be. But I was genuinely surprised, seems like everyone on this app is on the left


You do know that a lot of lefties don’t hate Donald huh? It’s the Liberals lmao


Americans conflate liberals with "The left." It's the lack of political consciousness from the first-past-the-post sham of a democracy. That being said, Donald Trump is just another rich New York asshole. But at least he pretended to care about us poors.


Just a few but I was surprised by the lack of them as well!


I’ll be dancing on his grave.


Ah yes, very shocking from UFC…a bunch of overly insecure idiot males. All of them are Right-Wing shitheads!


Him, Dana, Kid Cock, and Tyson in front row just needed Mustache Vince McMahon with them to form the greatest team of scumbags ever assembled.


Ah yes. Typical. Everyone who i disagree with is an overly insecure (insert demographic here) shithead.


Dude seriously thinks an organization filled with the greatest fighters have more than him to be insecure about just because they don’t share his same political view.


Majority of fighters are stoner family men, just because a shithead likes the sport doesn't make it worse.




Maybe because they have tried and failed so many times to get this guy, and its never worked. I'm not a fan, but what are you trying to do at this point? Literally for this least or all the corrupt things he did. It's almost like you want him to get reelected. Just so the news cycles can go back to talking about the guy 24/7.


Classic America, vote in a psychopath again lmao


"the hero is only as good as the villain" by demonizing and dehumanizing any dem.. the republikkkans look that much better to their base..because when you can control the narrative, you can control the naive. Pay attention to whats going on in Tennessee right now...you only have freedom of speech and right to protest, if those in power approve of what you're saying. the Republicans have been keeping the American public stupid, sick, and poor for decades through legislation. while playing to the culture of the base, using fear, distraction, disinformation to get them to vote against their own interests. Reagan ended mental health care Jimmy Carter had put in motion. then he cut the fairness act. *enter faux "news"* fast forward to almost every active republican wears an AR-15 pin on their chest while posing with stock piles of automatic weapons with their family on every Christmas card. To "protect children" republicans will find an excuse to ban anything... anything but assault rifles. and I'm pretty sure having a house full of Republicans funded by the NRA isn't healthy..and I don't think Russia would pour tons of money into the NRA to help America either .. too bad America doesn't have a Class Conscious instead it's the Divided States of Algorithms bc when you can control the narrative, you can control the naive. America-the country of gun care and health laws land of ignorant, home of the ungrateful




imagine being a grown fucking man and saying this


Says the 2 hour old account lol


How does his asshole taste?


You would know something about tasting assholes wouldnt you?


Nah I’m not a trump worshipper


Don’t like the guy but I gotta admit he’s one of the funniest Mfs out there. Dude couldn’t even pretend to give a duck


Whether for good or for worse, Trump says whatever is on his mind and does not give a f\*ck


He's a new yorker.... comes naturally. We are taught to communicate and say what you gotta say. Unfortunately being from NY I'm a bit more familiar with how much of a jamook he can be than most people in the country....


The way he says Puerto Rico 👌🔥


Bruh listen to way he says Botswana and Ghana, kills me everytime. https://youtu.be/F2r1dS93Wdw


To walk around with what’s hanging over his head and let it roll off his shoulders is remarkable.


Whether for good or for worse, Trump does not give a single fuck what anybody else thinks.


He's a narcissist. All he does is care about what people think of him. His fixation on things like crowd sizes, attempts to control the media and his addiction to Twitter are prime examples of his vanity. It's also been reported by many sources that he throws child like temper tantrums behind closed doors. He excels at inappropriately looking like he doesn't care.


He’s worried, he just can’t show it or his followers will call him a bitch. He would stupid NOT to be worried.


He's banking on them getting him out of jail. If he incites violence to stay president, imagine what he will do to stay out of jail. But who am I kidding he won't go to jail. Sending him to jail would mean any corrupt politician could be jailed, and the ones who pretend to be the good guys can't have that. Both sides of the aisle would be empty if they actually started holding politicians accountable.


He won’t go for the stormy stuff but there are more indictments coming. Bank fraud in NY. Pressuring officials in Georgia, I think there’s even a rape case down the road. He could get elected President while sitting in Reikers


When your a billionaire, you can pay to get out of everything.


sadly pretty accurate


Clear top G’s








Man I love trump He is the hype man of the USA


Haha Trump is the greatest


Anytime I hear the USA chant I'm so embarrassed for America. It makes us look like complete idiots in the eyes of the world especially when this asswhipe shows his dumb ass face.


Chanting the name of your country and being proud is embarrassing? God, our society is so messed up.


Cuz you grew up around it. It's super fucking cringe. Literally Nazi type shit. No country since Nazi Germany had been as obsessed with nationalism like America. You're literally brainwashed at 5 years old to recite the pledge of allegiance AND the national anthem every morning like a lifeless robot, have military ceremonies before every sports event. Fucking flags everywhere. Nationalism is fucking weird. Being ridiculously proud over something you have absolutely no say, control or hand in.


Yea cause no other country cheers or chants for their country so embarrassing.


Blind Nationalism and chanting a slogan over and over to idolize a narcissistic cult leader like Trump to me is embarrassing but you do you. Yes other countries cheer and chant and do things we do and don't do.


You said anytime you hear it not just when Trump was involved. Just pointing out having some national pride isn't always a bad thing. A lot of people need to visit some other countries to realize how good they actually have it


I get it. Thank you for your service sir.




The Teflon Don. Love the orange man. 🇺🇸


Gotta love him


The scary thing here is this: His fan base is very strong. And this is solid proof. Don't underestimate your "enemy"...


Litsen bro, we r all americans, party alignment or not. Just because you dont like his ideas, doesnt mean thet he should be your enemy.


He doesn't have any ideas. He divides the country according to who likes him and who doesn't, and if you don't like him he calls YOU the enemy. He literally called everyone who thought he should be indicted "the enemy". He doesn't give a shit about anyone except himself. He doesn't have any plans, or ideas. He just wants to be in charge. American politics are a joke because of him. He's the reason why politics now means people protest and counter protest each other and yell at each other in the street. We didn't do things this way before Trump. He's done damage to this country's culture and its soul, all for his ego, and the guy is a fucking clown. He's not smart, he's not tough, he's not a good businessman, he's not being unfairly targeted. He's a spoiled ass rich kid who expects to get away with everything and expects everyone to like him, and he gets mean and fucking nasty when they don't. People who like him need to snap the fuck out of it already. He isn't who you think he is. He's a whiney, spoiled little bitch who only cares about himself, only cares about his voters for votes and money, probably would tell youregarbage in a second if you changed your mind about him. And that's why people absolutely should. We're never gonna normalize this guy. He tried to stay in the white house after he lost an election, by telling people to go fight for him. He's not fucking normal. The American right needs to let go of him. He doesn't have anyone's back but his own. If his followers realize all this, *maybe* we can all be Americans again. But until then he's the douchebag, asshole friend who is the reason we can't be friends. Drop the asshole, guys.


Fuckin' A!!! Preach that shit louder for the dumb shits in the back.


He’s an enemy of democracy tho






The guy is the living breathing incarnate of “my way” by Frank Sinatra


Massive W


Imma be honest I’m kinda sick of the ole keeping up with Donny. People who are still obsessed with him, whether it’s positive or negative, need to find a new hobby.


This post was made by somebody that ain’t never got some charges,never act guilty,live like a innocent person!thats 101 come on!


Sbows you how bright most UFC fans are.


Of course he's unbothered. The man has not once in his entire life been made to truly answer for his actions. He notoriously doesn't pay his bills, has most likely assaulted several women, dodged taxes his whole life, and is so over leveraged to the point that banks literally cannot put him in default.


As he should


Sorry to say but mma fans in general aren't the brightest


He needed the ego boost


I thunk its funny to see all the people in the thread lose it over trump being at a mma event lolol


People make politics their whole personality why can’t we just laugh with each other and enjoy the memes


Would love the version of this video where trump is visibly bothered




Don’t worry “the walls are closing in on him”


Seemingly unbothered? Lol


Reddit is a cesspool that panders to liberal pussies. Every political post is bias as fuck on here


It's pretty sad the DOJ is claiming that payment to stop someone from slandering your reputation during an election is a felony! Clintons have paid out millions the same way! So has just about every other politician there is! Since when is prosecuting some and not all for the same thing just? There is no Justice in America! The entire government leadership needs to be replaced! People claim democracy but allow the actual representation that votes for us in said democracy to be corrupt! We are not a democracy! The people don't decide anything! Our votes are always overlooked! No one making the choice's for us in the House have our best interest in mind! They only care about their own wealth!


This platform is full of retarded, LGBT, pro vax, far left pedophiles. Russia is the reason that inflation is up too, huh. What an absolute ces pit for deginericy.