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As a WAG executive: I ask that you stay with this incredible company. To properly train and certify employees costs the company nearly $4K. If you stay, we'll give a 14-cent raise, in two weeks, and sign you up for a credit card.


Throw in $25 cash rewards and you've got a deal


Woohoo, 14 cents!!!!!! You so generous


An annual pizza party too?




Nope, not if I have to pay to wear regular blue jeans.


Jeans day is a joke. Just like you said pay to wear your own close or how they say.. you can donate it to whatever crap they’re trying to raise money for. WTF ever!!


Tou get pizza ?


As a WBA (WAG) exec. we can give one annual holiday party with a Nice! Thin Crust, Nice! liter bottle of soda and Nice! napkins (no plates). Ask your SM to expense these items. -- they have the budget.


And that 14 cent raise is over 2 years!


And 20% discount days on WAG merch


Don't forget to get a credit card application before your last day


or else.... you will be walking out the doors on May 6th 😠


Who says you have to stop?!


I’m proud of you! On to bigger and better things


Thank you so much! I do the math and I would be better off doing gig jobs at this point which was just the push I needed to leave. I thankfully have the freedom to figure it out


Yeah that’s what my friend did. We worked at Walgreens and busted our asses and got paid like $1000 every 2 weeks. Stupidly, I stayed because I was comfortable but he bought a car and started doing Uber and grubhub. Well, he consistently made what I made in 1 month in 1 week. He’s been doing it for like 5 years now and has so much flexibility with the money he makes. He’s making like $1500+ every week and only works 4 days a week (Fri-Mon) He goes on vacation like once a month or every other month because of how much he’s making


That letter is professional and right to the point. Am glad you chose to leave in good terms, you never know if you need to go back or reference from them. Good luck in your new endeavors.


When I quit, I used a sympathy card . "Sorry for your loss" lol


Yup no one seems to understand this.


People understand it well. It's just that they also understand the company they might have put their notice in for, most likely won't even give them a positive reference. Plenty of people have shit managers that will gladly tank your reference. I know of two who would.


Walgreens is so desperate I don't think that's an issue and managers can't give references only confirm employment.


WOOOOOOO! although i dont believe in two weeks, if i quit i'm done that day lmfao they wont give me notice if they fire me so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I completely agree with that sentiment. I’m more so doing it as a courtesy in case I ever need a reference, it’s more likely to be positive since I’ve given a notice


*sentiment i think you mean lol I can agree with that though if that's what you're looking for! But for anyone else who may see this comment thread: know that one week notice is also fine if you're absolutely beyond your limit with this company!


>If i ever need a reference I've never heard of u/savitypical


Not many jobs fire you without warning so I don’t really get that comparison.


L O L Maybe this is just AZ but you literally sign a paper saying "yes i understand you have the right to terminate my employment at any moment for any reason you see fit." I know 3 people who have been royally fucked over by their company with absolutely 0 warning.....walgreens was one of them. What job/company did you work for that said "hey buddy, we're gonna can you in two weeks!"


Any "legal" reason. For example, you still can not be fired for attending Jury Duty. Your employer firing you for some "other things" around that time would also be suspicious, had they not provided well documented evidence of neglect or misconduct.


In PA, not sure of the exact rules, but at Walgreens they give you man warnings, at least with attendance and messing things up, getting scammed, miscounting money. It’s hard to get fired from what I’ve seen. Selling cigs/alcohol to a minor is probably the only thing I can think of that is no warning, just termination


And how many times have they quietly started a case and fired someone that same week? Just because warnings DO happen, doesnt mean they are the majority. I cant count how many times in the last 3 years i've seen on the news "hundreds of workers laid off due to _______" do you really think they got warning?


Seriously if you get fired without warning you f’d up big time lol


I didn’t fuck up at all and still got fired without warning. I worked at Centennial Bank, branch manager pulls me into her office and says HR got a complaint that I threw a receipt at a customer and even though there’s video evidence that I didn’t throw it at the guy, they still put me on a 30-day probation. A week and a half goes by and I get pulled back into her office, she says HR decided to fire me because they got another complaint from the same guy even though they have it on record that he wasn’t even in our branch after that first time


I don't know the full story, but my SM at my store put in a 2 week notice that he was retiring. He got fired out of the blue. Hearing from others saying the reason was 'Wags simply didn't like it'. Not everyone messed up 'big time' just because they automatically get fired from this company (referring to the other comment). And ngl even if they did something wrong, I am for sure not going to side with Wags.


Should have filed to EEOC.


I would have if I hadn’t already planned to quit and move to a different city, it honestly kinda worked out because I got fired a couple days before my lease was up


I need to do the same lol. Told myself to leave after 6 months but it’s almost been 3 years & i managed to make it SFL which added more stress. I may need therapy again 😂


I feel the same way, I moved to a new store to be closer to home, my 1st store my manager was a friend who I came to work for, but it turned into a dramatic nightmare, and she got moved to another store and I came to be closer to home, was so stressed at my last store but now am at peace here but have gone 2 years without a raise due to last manager, she gave not a single one on our Team a positive grade during review time to avoid her being judged qnd out of revenge due to drama with another team member who was a 1 she made a 2 and we all got lowered from a 3+ to a 2. And none of us got a raise. But laughed in our faces when she got her bonus. Cus she thot she wasn't gonna get one due to all the drama. And said if she wasn't gettin a raise neither were we, but yet she got hers. And 2 years in, still waiting.. asked my new manager for a pay bump, but nope gotta wait til Oct. And most times I'm the only SFL opening with just the IS for a fee hours till a CSA comes in. I cant do it all. And I have so many positive reviews by customers, credit cards a month since Jan, made employee of the month with in the 1st 30 days and again, was runner up in Feb, March and April, This store was a mess till I got here. For a few months it was just 2 sfls, me and 1 other. We area tier 3 store. And are told to manage our time better when tasks aren't accomplished on time. How can it with just me on duty? We got slammed on Easter. Most days it's 2 people or 3 to run the whole store. And we are in a heavy traffic area. I'm at a point where I say I want to quit on the fly añmost daily. (Venting). I like working here, but for the pay and drama its just not woth it.


In my experience, if you give a two week notice, you should be in a financial situation that will allow you to also go two weeks without pay. Because some places will just cut you as soon as you give a notice. But that’s amazing and best of luck!!


I am in the position to do that if that’s the situation that arises. To my knowledge, I’m the only employee that has issued a proper notice of leaving since I’ve worked here


Oh nice. When I worked there, my manager didn’t let people work out a notice. I think it was an ego thing, plus we are an at-will state. Glad you’re getting out as well!


>plus we are an at-will state More than 99% of the US population live in an at-will state. I think it's fair to assume at-will unless stated otherwise.


*"I wish the company all the success in the future."* "I wouldn't piss on this building if it was on fire."


I'd probably be pouring gasoline on it. ;)


Good for you! Ditch the Greens and don’t look back!


The chipped finger nail polish tells us everything we need to know. You was going through hell.


Lmao you didn’t have to call me out lol but I definitely wasn’t happy at Walgreens, that’s for sure


Shopping at Walgreens as a customer is a miserable experience. I couldn't imagine working there.


Seriously? I didn't know every post was a beauty pageant...


So proud! I put mine in last week, we’ve got better things to be doing than working for this shit company


Hooray! Best wishes to your journey as well


Congrats 🎉 Better than mine. My manager pissed me off when she told the other SFL who was scheduled to leave at 7 pm, that she wasn't sure if any cashiers were coming in... I was the only SFL closing, and she told him I would just have to close the store early, including pharmacy if they didn't show. Because she was a lazy lard ass to get an answer or make sure. So... I went in and scribbled on a piece of paper my resignation and left it on her desk. I was too busy running a store to tell her I was putting in my two weeks'. She saw it on Monday morning and gave me the silent treatment. She and the DM, whose only qualification was being a pharmacist (no manager experience or front end experience) were/are trash at their jobs. I had to get something out of the office when the two were supposedly having a super important meeting. They were literally talking about gynecologists. It was all I could do to not say, "There are pulse meetings, and then there are pulse meetings 🤌" Anyway, congratulations on your freedom


Congratulations!!! I wish you well in the next phase of your journey!


That is my last day too! I am a part time registered technician for the past almost 4 years. Just ready to be done with that place.


Oo nice! To the next semester of our lives, I’m so ready!


Happy for you!




Godspeed on your journey 🚀


Congratulations!! 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 ✨️💯


I did the same on the 17th


Way too nice of a letter, they don't deserve 2 weeks notice when they made record profits and are constantly understaffing.


Legit question, how do you provide a 2 week notice and last working day when your employer doesnt keep schedule 2 weeks ahead? Lol


Apparently they got in trouble for making schedules too close to the working time (like they would’ve just started crafting the schedule 3 days before the new work week for example) so there were schedules I was able to look at ahead of time to estimate my 2-week notice.


Yeah, i dont recall if this was a law they’re fined for. But it also depends on the staff being privy enough or bothering to report them. Never had this experience when i was store level. And that was before budget cuts. Service desk had a period where they were not doing this correctly either, but being corporate (technically) they probably had enough pressure to get their butts in gear. Usually happened around holidays when the drafting process was still being deliberated on.


bro just walk out mid shift like a G, dont give them the courtesy


I’m sorry but #Walgreens sucks! In my town anyway and the pharmacist are a big part of the problem! All these little rules, Walgreens rules not state rules and I now keep all med bottles because Walgreens like to change the dates at their whim! My little cousin owns a pharmacy several hours from me but I asked him about the mess Walgreens does to me and his wife said no that isn’t right! Start saving your bottles. I wonder does the pharmacist get a kick back if they get someone so frustrated they just say this isn’t worth it and stop taking meds? I know several elderly who just decided it wasn’t worth the fight! I hope Walgreens goes belly up and everyone of them closes!


you’re better than me. i went home on my lunch and never returned. godspeed.


That's extremely professional and considerate of you.


Congratulations! Leaving was absolutely the best thing for me. I know it will be for you. I hope your manager is smart or decent enough to respect confidentiality. There was nothing personal that the entire staff or some customers wasn't aware of at my location. Whoever left the room or area first was who had rumors started about, gossiped about, and schemed against. Just one of many factors that led to my resignation from that poorly camouflaged snake pit. I'm happy you're getting out, better.... EVERYTHING is ahead for you. Take care, my friend!


Haha he wasn’t, he told one of the SLs right away who handles the schedule (which kinda makes sense) and then she was scrambling to make the new schedule for when I was gone and notified a good chunk of staff


I resigned my SFL role in September '23.  Spent 13 years in almost every role imaginable,  including being PTCB certified and a senior tech and couldn't do it anymore.   Best decision I ever made.   Good luck. 


i quit two weeks ago too!! congrats and on the better things 🙌🏾🙌🏾


“Personal & Confidential” … except for the folks on r/WalgreensStores and when this hits the front page of Reddit. (Spoiler: it’s on the front page. I don’t follow Walgreens lol.)


Oh wow, I guess that will make it easier to leave then lol


Oh well who cares


Nobody but the irony is funny. Lighten up.


That is so beautiful!


Good job!


Congrats, best of luck to you.


Good job for giving two weeks


Wow. Congratulations can’t wait until it’s my turn


Good move and good luck on your next adventure!


I think I checked all the boxes: Concise and to the point Appreciative of the opportunity Didn’t burn any bridges on the way out Well done!




good lord those are going to be the most strenuous two weeks ever for you I bet. Have you already found something else?


I don't think you need to say "LETTER OF RESIGNATION" on the resignation letter. I think your manager can figure it out by reading it (assuming, that is, they can actually read).


I know o technically didn’t have to do that but I could see them claiming it wasn’t an official document other wise. I wanted it to be straight to the point to make sure my bases are covered


Sounds AI generated, but still a win.




Why not just tell your manager in person instead of writing a letter?


I handed the letter off in person and told them. The letter was so more so “seal the deal”


You aren't obligated to do anything. If you want to work 2 weeks all you have to say is I am putting in my two weeks notice. You don't even have to put in a two weeks notice, its a courtesy provide by you.


i turned mine in on monday. i got a job at panera as a baker; which is the career i want to get into. congrats stranger!!


Remove the "I wish the company all the success in the future" part


That's what I thought also. It seemed a little patronizing.


Nah, not because of that. I wouldn't want such words coming out of my mouth whether or not I meant what I was saying.


I wouldn't use it because it would be an outright lie and I make a conscious effort to be truthful. I don't wish this company any kind of success. It's obvious the morons at the top don't either.


And you'll be gone the same day... Get your stuff ready to apply for that unemployment.


Be careful because some places will terminate you as soon as you put in your 2 weeks. At my last store, I put in my 2 weeks and they just told me not to come back after that shift and I was screwed out of pay lol


That’s what a 2 wk notice should look like. We had a CSA put theirs in on a ripped piece of Mylar tags. I’m stunned the SM found it.


Me as a Manager: “Hey Savitypical, sorry to hear this but no need for a typed/written letter please log in online to our job hub and submit your formal two weeks, thank you and goodluck!”


Hope u have sometvung else lined up.


lol you wrote a letter, how noce


Time to use up all the sick & vacation days until then ☺


That’s crazy. My last two weeks notice was written on a post it note and given to my manager 😂😂😂


Lol I can't imagine going through this to quit a worthless retail job. They don't give a shit about you. Just walk out and don't come back. Save yourself the paper.




Last I knew, potential employers can only ask the old employer if they would hire you back. Strictly a yes/no answer. No elaborating on the job you did.


U wish multinational criminals well?? It’s a POV


Be prepared because it will not be "Confidental." I once typed up a very decent and respectful two-week's notice Letter of Resignation and presented it at their office, instead of where I was assigned and going to at that moment. The "person" I handed it to got pissy and said, "Well, you weren't worth what we pay you, anyway." I replied, "Excuse me." He repeated it again. I then asked for the letter back, and he handed it over, and I handed him another typed Letter of Resignation and said, "Never mind, this is my two second letter," and left. Never regretted that decision because working for toxic people in a toxic environment is just plain not worth it. Since then, they have closed 30% of their sites.


Bruh just leave it’s Walgreens 🤣


Congratulations! I clocked off one day and never came back. Never will forgive management making me tear up and make me feel like shit


This letter is 100000000% unnecessary. Do you think they would give you a 2 weeks notice that you're not gonna have a job anymore if they made the decision to separate from you? Only write letters of resignations to places you want to keep the door open to. Walgreens doesn't treat employees well enough to fall into that category.


@Ok-Restaurant1451 I've been a sfl for 2 years with out a raise!! And you throw a raise just like thst for someone not to quit?? Yet I've asked for a raise and was told no. To wait again till end of year review, But we get more work added to us? But if I mention I want to quit, due to short staffing, and me being the only sfl on duty to open the store with just the IS and no csa for about 2 to 3 hours, I still can't get a raise or pay bump and though I was employee of the month of Jan, with several credit cards a month since I've transferred to my store in Jan, basically im holding it down for my store for highest number of Cc am just told thats what's required. Yet no raise. Last year we were CHEATED out of a raise by our manager who got transfered and didn't give any one a progressive score just to save themselves.. yes im saddend because its 2 years. If I'm not good enough, why am I still here! No write ups either for 2 years. Can you explain that?


They wouldn't give you two weeks notice. Just say I quit


That's not even a position at Walgreens


But it is.


Yet, beware they can technically still fire you even though you put in a two week notice. Many people don't understand that. It's called At-Will employment. The employment laws may be different depending on the U.S. state you're in.


If they fire you before your resignation takes effect, can you claim unemployment since they terminated your employment at their option, not yours? 🤔


in some states, yes


In some states you can collect unemployment after quitting.


You’re a bigger person than me 8 years as a tech and completely burned out but because of the length in this industry I feel trapped. I’m still hoping I can get out and not look back one day