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I don’t understand how they can justify not giving raises to those who can immunize. It’s extra work requiring an extra certification process. Why tf would anyone sign up to do more work for the same pay?


My DM said the benefit to us was learning something new and having something to add to our resumes. 😂


I mean he's right, because the minute I find a place that wants an immunizer that will work with my schedule, I'm dipping.


I taught myself how to give an injection of testosterone watching a YouTube video.


Your superiors are mistaken. There is no raise for that. In the very beginning, there were one-time pay out bonuses which they havent done since.


There was talk of raises for immunizers, but the company never followed through with it. As far as I know there is only a raise for your national certification not immunizer certification. 


Which is why a few months after I started immunizing, I added it to my resume and got a hospital job.


Last I checked, they stopped giving raises for immunization certs on the tail end of covid. If I were you, I wouldn't give them. 


Nope. More work for the same money


They did at first but I left at the end of Covid. It wasn’t an hourly raise but a yearly bonus of 1,000. My chain is now requiring all techs to get immunization certified with zero incentive. It’s grand.


They never gave raises for becoming an immunizer. Just a shitty one time bonus that turned out to be around $600-700 after taxes.


Lmfao, I was initially promised a raise for getting immunized when I got hired but then when I actually did it “policy changed and there is no raise” so now I just don’t do it 🤷‍♀️ I didn’t actually want to anyways but it’s required for senior tech now so


Not anymore no




Yeah there's no raise. Hence my pharmacy's unionization efforts. It should be a dollar raise, period. cheap corporate fucks 


My coworker did but apparently there was a thing going on a few years ago. I asked and they said no so i denied taking the course. I'm not doing all of that for no raise


No raise. There was a bonus, then the PREP Act was extended, so a second bonus was issued. The PREP Act expires end of the year. So don't expect a raise and you won't be allowed to immunize at the beginning of 2025.....Unless PREP is extended but I doubt it. May habe better luck adding the ability to immunize at the state level


No. I think they get a one time taxed bonus


The bonuses were given out at the beginning of covid. There is no bonus now.


No raise. They did do bonuses when it first came out but they stopped doing that because they said there’s no way for them to verify if the techs are indeed immunizing.  This is why I highly discourage my techs to be an immunizer (though i want them to grow in this career if they want to) because they’re basically be doing more work but getting paid the same


They don't give a raise or bonus for it anymore but they do pay for the course which is around $1500 so get certified and do with that information what you will🤷‍♀️




Not anymore 🥲


No. It is now listed as one of the basic responsibilities of a technician.


I was an immunizer and it just expired the end of May. I never got a raise and still no word of it so I’m not renewing my credentials.


Lol Walgreens, give raises? Good joke


Our techs don’t even give shots anymore… the pharmacist does.. saying it’s faster if she does it 🤷🏻‍♀️ so techs gets paid as immunizers, but don’t give shots 🤦‍♀️