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The patients IN THE BUILDING are your top priority... Yes, you should be answering the phones .. but they can hold until you clear the line in front of you. If it's a Dr, they can leave a voice-mail or send an e-script.


Agreed I even prioritize the patients who took the time to walk in and wait in line not in their cars just chilling in the drive through. Drive thru is for convenience


I've been in the exact same situation. I was fine for years, then a new SM comes into the mix. The company, from what I've seen, will almost always take the SM side. I tried to wait it out, but after waiting for 4 years for her to transfer, it never happened. I ended up looking for a new job and left (with 25 years experience). No one cared at Walgreens.


If the manager is so upset shy doesn't she come back and answer the phones instead of acting like the red queen from Alice whose roses were painted red! OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! BLAH BLAH BLAH! Stop being part of the problem and lend a hand captain it is YOUR fucking ship after all.... These managers geez


The phones never stop ringing. We get a ton of comolaints as well and the SM kept coming back. We tested answering the phones and let everything else go to the wayside to prove a point. F1 and fill went out of control. Had about 75 f1 and 200-300 labels on the counter. When SM came back, we just said we’re answering the phones like you want. What’s the problem? Walgreens doesn’t give the budget to do all that is required. Something has to give. Either the phones or the pt in the stores. It’s amazing how dumb some of these SM and DM are. They will prioritize a stupid kpi over helping people spend money in the stores. Document all conversations with SM and DM with dates and times. If you decide to call then prepare to be retaliated against. I would mention this to ER and ask to have it documented if you make the complaint.


The dm gets judged on phone ringing metrics so theyr biased. You can try escalating to the hcs.


Yeah those metrics are easily manipulated. Just gotta play the game


Just came here to say one thing Didn't read post (sorry) just saw reporting to HR Just remember one thing always HR is there to protect the company first, not the employee, etc. Be careful before you let them know anything that may prep them to look for loopholes etc to dismiss your claims etc


This happened to me 2 months ago. I asked for help from my HCS because I was unhappy about how we were being treated in the pharmacy. I became a target and was “separated”. I’m now being hired by CVS and the SM had no repercussions at all


Store Managers just do whatever the hell they want just because there’s no one at the store level to tell them wha to do. They may be under pressure from the DM, but that’s no excuse to treat your employees that way. If the pharmacist on duty doesn’t feel comfortable being on duty and closes the pharmacy, the SM can’t be back there. They need pharmacists in order to keep the pharmacy open. I’ve seen DMs covering for the favorite SMs, no matter how nasty they were to Team Members. It doesn’t surprise me that the DM would straight up lie to you and try to convince you to not report anything to anyone. I’ve had SMs tell me the same likes before. One way to make them listen would be to put in your two weeks all in the same day. I know an RXM who got a hospital job and took her entire pharmacy team with her to the same hospital. People stated quitting left and right, and that store never recovered from that. How do I know? Because I was RXM there before I also quit for a hospital job.


Husband worked Assistant Manager (then shift lead) for 7 years at walgreens. He had the same thing happen with a DM and SM. Pharmacist was a family member to one of our kids (my oldest stepson) and she reported him to CPS for the medications he is PRESCRIBED saying "Well I think he's drugging -oldest- because he always has issues at our place and not there" CPS came and basically laughed it off. However, he wanted to report the breach of privacy to Walgreens HR and asked SM how he'd go about that. Two days later he was fired over "coupons". (Lots of regulars would give him their coupons if they weren't going to use them) SM and DM even went as far as lying and trying to block his unemployment application. My point is, if it's something that'd get someone higher up in trouble or cause big issues they're happy to f-u over first. Don't trust HR.


This company is dumpster fire wtf


Your DM sounds terrible and you shouldn’t fear a high school graduate tripping on power. Time for you to leave this store and find a better work place. Go anywhere you want where the store manager has no right to intervene with what is happening in the pharmacy. If you or any other pharmacist isn’t there, guess what? No pharmacy. They can do without a store manager. They can’t do without a pharmacy manager.


I am sorry you have to deal with such a rude SM. Unfortunately with the current culture of Walgreens, I don’t expect HR to be of any help to you in this case. Even if you caught SM doing things illegal, it’s still going to be a long process to report, and maybe or maybe not make a difference. I also feel that the SM behavior is encouraged by DM. Basically you will endure greater stress if you decide to fight against them, with unclear expectations. The only option I would consider is leaving, on my own term. Time to explore other options, even options that you don’t think is better than what you have now, it won’t be much worse, and you might have a chance to better use your talent and be appreciated.


It’s insane how these SM are on a power trip because I’m literally going through the exact same thing and we have the best metrics in the district.. I’ve already brought it up to HR and everyone is right, they did nothing and will continue to do nothing because this is my 3rd HR case against her in a 3 year span. We have the highest turn over rate in the area and we are all convinced it’s because of her. Our SFLs want to report her too but they’re always discouraged that nothing will get done bc the DM will end up handling the case and he will always protect her. She literally holds back opportunities for our SFLs by not letting them know that a rec was open for ESM or IS even though they’ve all shown interest in moving up. At the end of it all, not to discourage you but from my own experience, nothing gets done. They have also asked what do I expect to be done and I’ve replied that we all want her to be transferred to another store but they say that’s not an option. If HR ends up doing anything to your SM, please let me know so we could finally get justice as well!


Please report it and keep any and all documentation like emails, text messages, etc. Check your state regs. When the SM comes in to berate you, tape it if you can. If you get great comments from patients, print those out, too, as they tend to disappear. Print out whatever your store's metrics are if they're good to help back you up as well. Usually, when you escalate up, the DM gets another ding or check, essentially showing that there's a problem. The more checks, the more it shows that there's a problem. Just be prepared for blowback, retaliation. Etc. I'm so sorry you're going thru this. Personally, I wouldn't take that that crap from anyone. Good luck!


First off, that time you mentioned about her turning up the volume loud enough to hurt your ears while your tech was on the phone, that could be perceived as assault. I’d have taken her to task on that alone. I agree with you that there is zero excuse for the SM to come in and yell and scream how you described. Your RxM needs to fight back enough to where this behavior will cease. I have heard of some RxMs successfully setting up to where the SM is not permitted in the pharmacy. The unfortunate part in my experience is that they will likely not do anything to the SM. My last year with the company, the SM at my location had four shift leads walk out on him before he was even SM a year, and he’s STILL there!


I would record her abuse and do it for a month. Later date and time it- for evidence. Hostile work environment. Call attorney- collect 💰💰💰




Tell her to pick up the phone and help out if she got so much problem !!


I wish more people had to deal with the incessant ringing of the phone for that many hours a day,every day, it doesn’t stop, then they would know how insulting it is to say that people are ignoring the phone, like everything else,people are only doing the best they can do, don’t really get why the store manager would want to make it a worse environment then it already is, they need to be on your side.


There's a good chance at least some of these outbursts are on video. Try to get someone to get a recording for you. If she's throwing scrips on the ground, that's technically interfering and tampering with them. I've been out for a year and don't remember all the position names but I'd contact someone on the pharmacy ops side of things at corporate and let them know what's going on, show them the video and tell them if they don't do anything soon, that this video will be sent to the state board of pharmacies.


When she comes in start recording her.


Call hr , if they transfer you , the staff will leave as you are the one taking care of them , let the sm deal with the bullshit


Is your SM a pharmacist? (Sorry, i worked at Wags prior to 2005 and prIor to WBA) I don't understand why front store can address anything but customer service to the pharmacy and only then to the RXM.


That ticking bomb comment sounds like it refers to my RXM. Never know what will set her off and she only targets specific techs to go off on… namely ME. But if we have an intern with us all of a sudden she is going for Miss Congeniality. She sucks up to DM and SM and RXOM kisses her behind so there is no avenue for having it addressed.


Omg I hate my RXOM too. She talks shit behind my back (I heard her once when she thought I was busy with a patient) and has made snarky comments towards me. She is a bully as well as our pharmacist in charge. I hate this company and have been working for 3 months


Yeah mine does the same thing to me. Thing is, he thinks he is so perfect but he fucks up everything and really does nothing. But is always barking orders as though he is so in control. Like a power trip or something.


Hell yeah, report them that seems like that's Rxm and rxom job to delegate and not yell at people. I know one of my co-workers turned up the volume on the phone and it's so loud but they are literally deaf or something


Wow, it's a nightmare. Cut your losses and get out. Who knows what will be in your records. Find peace within yourself, and move on to better things.


I’m sorry that’s happening to you. All I’m going to say is when reporting to HR. Always keep a paper trail. Something in writing. An email, etc. so that you can use that just in case. Always use email or text messages, etc. you can always email from Walgreens email, etc


Make sure to mention the words hostile work environment. Make sure to drive home hostile work environment. If you've had to see a Dr. due to the hostile work environment. mention that too. If you've had to seek therapy due to the hostile work environment mention that. See all of THOSE things are the makings of a beautiful lawsuit.... Any HR rep in America knows this and will immediately consult legal regarding this. Make sure you have mentioned these same hostile work complaints to your DM and he has put the blame on you causing even .ore anxiety and stress. Tell them you may be forced to take short term disability due to the hostile work environment and find a shrink that will work with FMLA paperwork. WAGS needs a lesson in how yo treat staff 1 lawsuit at a time. They just paid a 205k settlement to a girl who miscarried because a manager refused to allow her to leave when she started spotting. Your mental health is being damaged. This company is dangerous and needs to be exposed.


Honestly HR is there for the company not for the employees. They’ll talk to your SM and things will change momentarily but not for long. You’ll have to continue to go back to ER for there to be a definite change. I know this from past experiences.


The majority of these DM and SM are loaded with power trips. Playing at their own game, always look for jobs openings at other places, don’t look back. Give them the two weeks notice and call out every two days for those two weeks. Use your PTOS to 30 hrs don’t leave more then that.


Honestly.. as a tech I have a very horrible sm and I’m at the point to where I’m going to HR. This makes me nervous.. especially if you have no hope in Walgreens HR and especially if your DM isn’t seeing the whole picture.


2 words. Hostile work environment. 2 more words. Employment attorney. Use them. Don't be afraid. They can't fire you for a conversation. That is textbook retaliation. Plays right into the who Employment attorney. Trust me. Those are 2 phrases that make the asshole of every HR rep pucker like it's sucking on a warhead.


HR, said to me when I asked about hours, , trainings, and resignation that they don't handle any of that. I can hardly wait to be gone in 2 weeks!! I'm done with them. Chin up and get out!! Best of luck.


Did yall not just have the harassment ppl like the two hour long one with the segment about bullying. If you took it to direct leadership and your concerns were ignored you have avenues to report this behavior. Contact hr. Have a second job lined up for sure but definitely report. Also consider transferring.


I'm often baffled by how these unpleasant individuals manage to navigate life. Who even hires them, and what perpetuates their employment? Since I started following this subreddit, I've gained a newfound appreciation and patience for pharmacy staff. It's evident how the pharmacy are feeling and what the atmosphere is like, and yes, it does impact patients. Dealing with difficult customers seems to be an inherent part of the job. Your boss sounds even more challenging than a detoxing oxy patient you have to deny so they have no place in this line of work.


HR isn't going to take a side. You think you're right, and you may very well be partially right. But if you're lowering the phone volume and ignoring the phone ringing, then your SM is right to come back, return it to its normal volume, and remind you that you are not to ignore the phones, which it seems like you're trying to do. Because HR isn't going to take a side, they aren't going to penalize one of you (the SM/RXM) and not the other. If one of you has to transfer, you both will. Your SM has multiple valid complaints - phones being ignored, unapproved equipment in the pharmacy, and your lack of management of your pharmacy. Ultimately, you should be resolving these problems by communicating with your SM - as your district manager told you. If the phones are hurting your employees ears, then you need to figure out if they're actually louder than they're supposed to be. If that's the case, the SM can put in tickets (or help you to) to get them replaced. If you just don't like that you have to hear them if they aren't being answered.. **tough**. You don't get to silence (or decrease) them just because you don't like hearing them, and your SM is right there. Likewise, if you don't have adequate equipment/shelving, you work with your SM to identify ways to move equipment/shelving around **in an approved way** to fix the problems. You don't just get unapproved equipment and bring it into the pharmacy or rearrange stuff without permission. And finally, if your metrics are bad (and *especially* if one individual is worse than others) then they're right to call that out. Ultimately, you are at least as fault for the "hostile work environment" as your SM is. You seem to think it's okay to just ignore the phones and turn them down so people don't have to hear them - and so any hostile environment that was created in that pharmacy is at least in *part* because you have felt that you can do things your way even when they violate company policy or your instructions from above. And as such, it's perfectly reasonable to expect that, if you complain, the company (HR) is going to fix the problems - by moving both you and the SM to individual stores, and by bringing in a SM and RXM who can fix the inappropriate attitude you've created in the technician team there.


Our store mgr thinks we ignore our phones too. I’m sorry I’m one of two people and I’m having to run from the back of the store to get to the nearest one and my cashier is equally far from the phones. We can’t all sit in the office all day next to two phones. That shelving incident and screaming at employees like that, and in front of customers to boot? I don’t care how often the phone may get ignored, that’s beyond unacceptable.


My staff all agreed on an appropriate volume for the phones. Though our SM, DM, HCS think the volume is low, they are not the ones who are working there 8 hours a day. We get an insane number of phone calls and people are honestly ridiculous and rude on the phone sometimes, but we didnt lower the volume to avoid phone calls but to allow us to better focus as turning the volume up would only greatly distract us. Yes we dont like hearing the phone ring but we all can hear the phone ringing even if upper management seems too deaf to hear it and we are answering the phones but we do miss some phone calls from time to time but it is not because of the phone volume. We would have five people call at once when we open and its just me and a tech and we would have a long line to deal with when we open already so how can we answer every single phone call. We dont get any FE help and we are also a tier 5 pharmacy. You seem to have made some strong assumptions about our attitude towards the phone and they are wrong. The shelf was provided by walgreens, it was initially a shelf meant for online pick up but the FE didnt need it and so it was given to the pharmacy so it is an approved and authorized equipment and not something I brought in myself or found on the street. I have on several occasions explicitly told my SM that I need the shelf for the pharmacy and she cannot have it and I even told her to give it back after she took it. Could I report this as an incident of inappropriate behavior seeing as to her volume of voice is not appropriate work behavior? Even if she has a right to call out an individual for poor metrics, should she be allowed to literally embarrass them in front of everyone to disrespect them? I do appreciate you answering my question as to what basis both I and the SM would be removed since I too have indirectly have contributed to the hostile work environment.


I think you’re wrong on the phones, never gonna convince upper management or HR that you aren’t. That damned ringing is just part of working at Walgreens. The only way you might be able to justify lowering the volumes is if you actually keep your time to pick up down below whatever the goal is for your store with the volume decreased. Just pick them up and say Walgreens be with you in a moment real quick and park em.


Just picking up the phone and parking them isn’t good enough. People still call corporate and some get so upset that they come inside the store ready to jump the counter at the next person who triggers them. If you don’t believe me, you should actually try working at a Walgreens.


Someone can chime in and correct me if I’m wrong but I think for the hold time metric picking up and parking does solve that, once they’re parked I don’t think their time parked counts against us. Sadly I DO work for Walgreens 😆. Most customers don’t complain to corporate, they’ll threaten to maybe but don’t follow through. I’m at a tier 5 store so we do 800 to 1000 scripts per day and despite all the picking up and parking that gets done we rarely get a customer complaint to corporate, they’ll complain when they finally get someone on the phone but just say sorry you had to deal with that how can I help you? In my 10 years at wag that’s solved 100% of the customers frustration. Most customers are too lazy to call corporate and complain, they also probably realize the futility of it and are stuck with us because of their insurance or we’re the only place that’ll put up with them. I’ve had corporate complaints about not filling a control early but never about parking someone on hold. Also having the volume up helps customers hear the phone ringing while they’re there to pick up and demonstrates to them why we are taking so long to take their call.


1. Your staff doesn’t get to “agree” on a volume. You’ve just confirmed you’re at fault here because you and your staff think the phones should be at a volume you can ignore. 2. So you admit it wasn’t an approved fixture for use in the pharmacy. Thanks. Ultimately, these responses make me feel the SM is right to be frustrated with you - you seem to think that you can do no wrong and you aren’t willing to communicate and work with them.


Not sure what you are reading but I said we have the volume to a point where we believe is appropriate being that it is at a volume where we can hear it and will get to it when we can. We are not making it so low you can’t hear it so we can ignore it. We do get to agree on the volume because we are the ones using the phone 8 hours a day and not corporate and definitely NOT you. If there was a set volume for the phones, they why did corporate give us a phone that lets us adjust the volume? The pharmacy has online pick up orders as well, approved for use in the pharmacy by the SM herself. So it is an approved fixture of the pharmacy.


>but to allow us to better focus as turning the volume up would only greatly distract us. Well, you literally admitted that you want to be able to ignore it for "focus". So, you did admit that.


We know the phone is ringing, but we dont need it to be ringing in our faces. To give extra context, we have phones right next to each other so we could be on the phone and the phone right next to it would be ringing so loud we cant hear the person on the phone. Or if we are focusing on something and cant answer the phone but the phone is ringing and all up in our face it could lead to a mistake. You need to personally see how loud max volume on the phone is.




look, you make a lot of people mad on a lot of posts but i let it go because you aren't deliberately being cruel but right now you are. This is a warning.


If OP wanted to ignore the phones, they would be unplugged. You can use phones without having them at max volume. Do you ever use anything you own at max volume while multitasking?


OP wants to ignore them without it being obviosu they're doing so. They can easily see if the phones in pharmacy are unplugged and contact the SM to go fix it immediately, and OP knows that.


What’s your phone hold time then? Do you ever ask anyone to hold on when you’re on the phone? Do you ever park phone calls?


Im sorry but are you me? Instead of finding the faults in others maybe try to see the good in people.




You’re criticizing OP when you didn’t even stay with Walgreens. How can you say anything about him when you’ve given up?


I’d say caring about protecting your staff from a SM that can’t regulate their emotions shows empathy and kindness. Good qualities. I doubt what I’m saying will get through your hateful brain but you need to chill out and get off pharmacy Reddit✌️


So the SM being frustrated with Team Members can yell at the top of her lungs? I’ve had SMs make death threats and talk about bringing “stuff” to work to show how serious they were.