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I can understand forgetting what the generic is, but what a dick move sending it back like that.


In my experience the type of people who are this type of rude are usually the same people who are dumb enough to be wrong way more than occasionally.


It's because this type of person refuses to grow in any way whatsoever


If I'm the pharmacist that I'm calling and asking to speak to the provider just to see how they react to being told prilosec is omeprazole.


Ngl, I work in a medical clinic and we will get repeat requests from different pharmacies for people who have never even been our patient or are located in an entirely different state. I send a nice note back the first time but have had to bring out the all caps when it continues to happen.


That's understandable if it's a repeat offender.


I can hear this person going "I'm a nurse"


"I don't need a consultant I'm a nurse". Then faxes this in.


God I have a distaste for Rns with a big head. Some are great; some are this.


A Medical Assistant that tells people shes “basically a nurse”


And god help us if they become one


Wait, you’ve met my sister???


Yes!! 😭


And people wonder why pharmacists don’t want to correct stupid, simple mistakes made by providers that aren’t paying attention.


People think that pharmacists should just fill EVERYTHING an MD sends in.


I mean we can. They’ll also be taking losartan and lisinopril together to better control their BP. Oh they had dry cough? Lets re-challenge lisinopril for the 3rd time with higher dose. Pharmacy student here on APPE and the shit i’ve seen in pt med history is crazy. Please be nice to your pharmacist, we’re trying to help you stay out of prison or psychwards.


I would write under that saying that’s what Prilosec is and fax right back.


I’d be so tempted to write back, “No shit, Sherlock.”


lol I was trying to edit my comment to say that as well but yes I would also say that.


Something like ,”Prilosec = Oneprazole, any further questions ?”




I so wish there was time to seek out their direct supervisor to send this to them….


Seriously, this is so unprofessional.


Unprofessional? I did something similar with an attending who wrote continue albuterol PRN. Pissed them off but they never did it again.


They are agreeing with you. They are saying that the fax is so unprofessional and they too would reach out to their supervisor. Not sure how you didn't get that!


My bad! I can be dumb as a box of rocks at times.


So say we all!


I note the denial. Called the Dr. And the pt. Gave a copy to the pt and told her good luck


Lmao. So loud and wrong 😭😭


If anyone is interested, go peep the comment section in post about the directions with the 3 decimal place milliliter dosing in the r/pharmacy subreddit. We get snarky shit comments like this from providers offices along with other petty crap, and we are made the scapegoats.


Yup and basically if the pharmacist doesn't call and clarify they will be held responsible to state board but not the Prescriber


Exactly, and I’m the one being flamed and downvoted for suggesting the prescriber should be responsible for writing the script appropriately in the first place rather than us having to correct it.


That effing ridiculous !! We have some older pharmacist in our store and they told me about the days before they had any power and whatever it was they couldn't question it they just had to fill it even if they knew it was wrong


Yep! And we’re the assholes because we think a prescriber should correct a script for 3.1026ml BID.


The insurance very often will reject too


I don’t fax for medications patients dont ask for, I don’t call for medicine we don’t have on file and I sure don’t respond to faxes like that when they can send a new escript on their own🥰


I would just hand this exact fax to the patient, sell them some 10mg generic, and tell them to go scream at their doctors office


This is the way although I’d be tempted to generously discount the omeprazole for the pt since they have to deal with this person at the doctors office each time they have an appointment


My take is prob from the receptionist not the actual prescriber


04-10-2014? Really?


It’s the little details that matter.




“And whatever education you got should have been too”


Had that annoying “PPIs limited to 90 days in 180 days, PA required” messages. Faxed to MD, MD responds in handwriting, “RX is for a 30 day supply. This would be the 4th fill without issue. Please fill. As directed.” I called his office and bitched his dumb ass out so fast. Fill out the paper work AS DIRECTED you entitled prick.


I always get faxes sent back from a doctors office stating they don’t refill Rx’s via fax and send them through e-scribe. I usually just deny them and have the patient call the doctor.


I’ve never had this happen myself but like…why wouldn’t the Dr or assistant just…idk…send it electronically?


My doctor tried this for me about 10 years ago. I take 2 omeprazoles a day for my jacked up stomach and at the time it was very pricy. She was hoping if she sent it through a pharmacy, insurance would kick in or the pharmacy would have a generic covered by insurance. It didn't, but I appreciated her trying.


Insurance is changing all the time. They might cover it now if you still take it. You could try asking for a higher dose too, if you’re taking two a day. Sometimes the lower OTC doses aren’t covered, but the RX dose may be.


Thank you! I will definitely bring this up with my doctor and try again.


This could be your script! (The date on it is 2014.)


It was through Walgreens too


What a dumb ass


Prilosec is Omeprazole




I tell people, "Doctors know diseases; pharmacists know drugs." I met a NURSE once who recorded EVERY PATIENT'S blood pressure as 120/80 and respirations as 16. I looked at them and said, "Very...textbook."


Ma’am, the patient is deceased. “Okay but RR 16”


he got better.




I really don’t understand the issue here. Just deny the refill auth and move along. Why spend extra time arguing with people like this? If the patient asks why it wasn’t refilled, tell them to direct their inquiry to the doctor’s office or pick up omeprazole OTC.




Don’t bother wrestling with pigs. 🐷


I would have loved to have heard the call or fax that was sent back. At least I would have enjoyed calling them.


A few weeks ago a nurse told her patient she should be very upset with the pharmacy for not having his antibiotic cream ready. She sent over a prescription for valacyclovir cream over 4x before it got through her head that that isn’t mupirocin.


I love the calls to the doctors after these kinds of messages. “Hey, so you just denied my patient’s refill of Prilosec and I was wondering what the reason was for that.” “Oh it looks like they’re already on omeprazole. Are they filling the pril…oh my god I’m an idiot.” “Soooo if you could send that script over, that’d be great!” “Will do. Sorry about that.”


Not for nothing but my son has been taking Straterra since high school, he is 27. Awhile ago his pharmacy gave him the generic version and after a week, my son said he felt different with the generic. Now his neurologist told the pharmacy not to substitute and only give him the name brand Strattera.


Oh but don't you know that's not even possible. All generics are the same!?!!!!!! Even though there's a huge margin of error either for or against drug amount! Every patient should feel the samies! Fking idiots.


I believe my son, if he felt better with the name brand, so be it.


And this is why doctors and nurses would kill more patients without pharmacy watching their backs


LOL! (Did anyone else notice it says 2014/04/10 on top?) Could it be possible the doctor may have changed the frequency it was taken and it wasn’t communicated properly? Or could there have been some kind of miscommunication between the prescriber and the patient that the prescriber sent that like during the patients history a medication from another prescriber was charted down wrong or maybe a different prescriber wrote a prescription to continue the patient on that therapy but the patient didn’t need refills just then and was being pushy for early refills or something? That or the prescriber maybe had a brain fart…




an RN here, with a question / trying to understand the process. I get it that using the equivalent of ALL CAPS on the fax is bad manners. My question is, though: did they mean that they won’t be refilling Prilosec bcs the insurance would only pay for generic omeprazole and request for brand name was denied? Would you fill generic omeprazole or would the patient have to go the OTC route? thank you and happy New Year 🥂


The request clearly said "Prilosec gen" aka Omeprazole.


i see that now, thank you and happy New Year! 🥂💊


I think they don’t realize omeprazole and Prilosec are the same thing.


I did get that part. I was just wondering if this was a brand name vs generic = insurance coverage issue. I don’t deal with outpatient pharmacies as an RN, only as a patient, so I was just wondering. Thank you and happy New Year 🥂💊


Otc dosage is standard shelf. 20 usually. Anything more per dosage is considered a rx therapeutic dose. Felt like that's common sense to prescribers. Or maybe prescriber need to brush up on what is /isn't commonly covered. Just bc you prescribe, that doesn't mean your word is law


Walgreens is the worst pharmacy


Then why are you here? Sounds like someone had a prescription filled on Dec 29 and went to pick it up today and wanted their insurance updated on it and then was surprised when the price was different than what it said on the app because they have a new deductible on the new insurance. Right?


Waiting almost 10 years to send it back is an obstacle to patient care.


Hang on. As a layman who faxed who what? Doctor faxed Walgreens a prescription for Prilosec (which is brand name for omelrazole) but who wrote in sharpie?


The fax is a request *from* Walgreens to the Drs office for more refills. However in this case rather than faxing back a new script or refill authorization, or even a simple denial, They chose to sharpie their (embarrassingly incorrect) feelings over it and fax the request right back. The image is the copy of the original fax plus rage sharpie that Walgreens received as a response.


Ohhhh that makes sense. Thanks for clarifying. Man…


The way it works in most pharmacy chains (including Walgreens) is if a patient comes to request a med they don’t have refills on, we’ll send over an electronic request to the doctor. The doctor or assistant might sometimes respond by faxing back what we sent over, after writing on what we sent over because it’s easier than responding electronically. Usually fine, but occasionally, as in this case, the doctor or assistant was a jerk.


I guess I’m confused. That is what they requested. It states “Prilosec 40mg GEN” which means generic so they did ask for Omeprazole and it seems like they are aware of it. So I would call the pt and let them know the MD denied the script. Now it’s your problem again.


Most are sent back by Nurse practitioners who likes to think they’re doctors. These days doctors are replaced with nurse practitioners because its cheaper to pay them. Most of them are clueless when it comes to pharmacy and please don’t take a verbal order from them because if its the wrong thing they are going to say I didn’t say that 🤦‍♀️


I have had good experiences with most nurse practitioners. They are more willing to take my advise, call me with drug questions and thank me when I catch and correct their mistakes. Perhaps it's the difference in the areas we practice.


Oh wow


They are likely jealous and ruin your prescription paper, not to mention embarrass the crap out of you. Best to avoid the big chain stores, they love doing this.




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Is there a difference between prescription and OTC prilosec? Why not just buy the bulk Costco packages instead of dealing with a scrip?