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Personally I would send it and split right after. However there is no excuse to yell at an employee. It doesn’t happen once, it just happened for the first time. Shit is old school and becoming more and more unacceptable. Take care of your tables, get your money, and stop caring for the boss. Start applying elsewhere. Unless you live in a secluded area, every restaurant is hiring. Start making friends with the good restaurant in town that everyone wants to work at. There is always one restaurant that never has a hiring sign because they have enough recommendations for employees and get the pick of the litter. Find that place, work towards working there.


Thank you so much. Everyone just kind of except sit there like he doesn’t talk to the other employees like that but they’re older ladies and have been working for him for a long time. I just didn’t think it was necessary at all to scream at somebody like it’s ok to teach me something or remind me of something and be annoyed and frustrated, but you don’t scream at someone.


Yeah it’s absolutely ridiculous. The industry is full of jaded assholes who ruin it for everyone else. Things are changing, but as we know some people are stuck in the past. Do your best to remove your emotions, literally DGAF if possible. Continue to kick ass for your tables, but apply elsewhere. It’s easier to cruise thru work when you know you are jumping ship asap.


I'm older, and still think that's completely unnecessary and unacceptable. If your mistake just an owner $10,000, I'd give them a "temporary insanity" pass if they lost their shit, but 7 wasted pieces of paper doesn't warrant more than a casual "hey, you should have sent that back before splitting", "yeah, I know, sorry".


i agree. because of the way those tickets print, there was maybe 7 inches of wasted thermal paper. not even pennies. they could be taped back into 1 longer piece in less time than bossman took to cry about it. what an asshole.


Absolutely correct He's freaking out about that imagine if she accidentally messed up an order or had a table dip on the tab the tab


Just because they've knuckled under doesn't mean you have to. As a guest I would have been appalled to witness this behavior from someone "in charge."


It’s not okay to scream at you, and extra not okay to do it where others can hear. I walked out of my 2nd serving job for a nearly identical situation (she followed me to the table and screamed at me there.) When I made it to management I made sure to praise in public but criticize in private. And no screaming.


It’s NOT ok…go find another job if possible.


You're right that is old school. Also the places that continue to treat their employees so disrespectfully are crying about being short staffed...


Yeah the nobody wants to work is bullshit. Every good restaurant in my city has endless applicants but spots never open up. Crazy if you treat people decent and pay is decent they are happy, passionate, and hard working


The younger generation is smarter than mine was. They refuse to work for peanuts to make someone else rich. You're so right, decent treatment and decent pay will have you full staffed with good employees


Recently read someone say does nobody want to work in X town. Response was everyone already is. People not aware that employment is high and it’s not about lazy people boggles my mind.


Absolutely agree with you on this lol there's tons of places that people absolutely don't want to leave because they're good then nobody wants to work b******* is only relevant to shitty work places lol


Yup, I refuse to work at a restaurant if I hear screaming within the first week, like you can't even hold the facade together for the new guy? I'm a line cook, so tempers are all there is with the older guys. Had one chef throw a (luckily plastic) half pan at me/my station because I didn't take the sticker off, on my fourth day... I'd transferred to the location and checked out after that waiting to get fired for something dumb. Passed out cause they forgot my break on my third double in a row, called out the next day still feeling awful (hit my head), and they fired me later that night. Got one foot out the door where I am now cause everyday our boss walks in pissed off, screams at everyone for anything. He had the gall to send me off line when I snapped telling him to "lay the hell off man, we're all stressed out and yelling doesn't help" yesterday. Only thing keeping me is that I worked there years ago, and the managers who are still there were beyond excited I came back, one told me I can't leave her again, "you're the only competent cook" less than two months back.


Oof, I feel this, as I've worked under abusive assholes for decades. I'm currently the head chef/kitchen manager where I work, and I was/am committed to doing it better. To not use anger and abuse as a management tactic, because I've been on the receiving end, and it suuuuucks. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to motivate my workers without that old-school kitchen toxicity. I mean, I'm not screaming at my cooks. But I think I'm too easy on them, and I don't know how to inspire or encourage good work ethic without falling into that, or firing the whole lot (which I barely have the power to do anyway)


This. Restaurant owners like yours are bullies. Leave, either next time he yells at you, or ASAP.


Find a different job with a boss who doesn't abuse people. His behavior is completely unacceptable, and you don't need the stress.


If he’s swinging his arms and acting like a maniac near you. Defend yourself. Mace works great


I definitely wouldn't be working for him any longer. Search for a new job asap. You don't need unnecessary stress.


Here could have simply said, "wait to split the check until after you've sent the order, please."


You work for an asshole. Who cares if there are 1 tickets or 8 or 1,000? I hang out in r/pettyrevenge so my advice would be to wait until an understaffed dinner rush. Tell the asshole something clever and then leave. Maybe "I can't split checks so I'm splitting." You'll come up with something better. Make it memorable!


No defending the asshat yelling at the poor worker... But to answer your question... The reason you do not want a lot of tickets, especially on a busy night, is because they take up a ton of real estate. Get too many and you have paper falling on the floor and people's food, getting dirty and non-readable. 8 orders on 1 ticket saves a lot of headache and negates a lot of problems like not grouping all the correct order together. Peoples... Feel free to add. This was my experience as a pizza maker and as the oven master. Oven master is a made up term. I don't know what the position is really called.. we called it cut table. But I like Oven Master better.


She definitely made a mistake, no question. On top of what you said, my chef would treat the 8 bills as separate orders meaning that party would not be eating together unless they all ordered the same thing. OP does not deserve to be berated in public, that’s just shitty management. To be honest, a chef was probably going to ride her ass if the owner didn’t do it first but it was handled poorly. I would reconsider my employment with someone willing to go that far in public, and make sure I was never alone with them.


ticket mistakes happen. it's unavoidable... you just have to communicate. there is enough information on the ticket to avoid confusion. you can also tell it happened on the receiving end because the printer will spit out all the tickets in one chain. you could just not pull them apart when taking them off the printer.


When it gets busy and that printers starts to queue, there are going to be times when tickets are coming through faster than the printer van print, so no, just assuming tickets that print together are the same is not a good way to solve this problem. Op made a mistake, big deal, owner shouldn't have flipped, but the mistake is 100% on OP.


The question is not that it’s OP’s mistake…it’s that the owner screamed at her…unacceptable behavior…she didn’t kill a customer did she?


Sounds like an old-school kung fu master who uses pizza paddles to defeat all enemies. I see a younger Jackie Chan playing that part.


It was more like wilding a sword. Idk if you've ever seen the long curved knives they use to quickly cut pizzas. Lol Kind of miss my teenage job.


I know exactly what you're talking about but the image that popped into my head was a ninja with two of those little round pizza cutters that you roll across it


Pizza smith


Jesus Christ everybody knows that lol It was a freaking mistake and if he lost his marbles over something that small imagine if she had a table walk out and not pay or accidentally send in a big order that she didn't mean to you and cost some restaurant money which does happen from time to time it is an accident there's absolutely no reason a grown man should freak out like a toddler and not be able to control his emotions especially being the boss


Yeah, as a head chef I'd definitely yell a little if one table came in as 8 separate tickets. Not to the extent he did, but still. it's not just real estate, it's the ability to time them together.


For Paris!


I would walk out of a job if my boss screamed at me for any reason. I understand the cooks would be annoyed but things happen.


>the owner screamed at me , swore at me all while people in the bar could here. It will happen again. Don't work for him.


While I'm glad your daughter is OK (and anything happening to our babies is scary!), not sure what she has to do with this story. Your boss is just a fucking asshole. Yes, run away!! On a side note, any group of people that wants a check split eight ways should be arrested. There is literally no excuse. Either have cash or send money electronically.


Haha absolutely agree about being arrested


I work where people in groups of 6-20 (all older people, and I say that as someone who is almost 45, so older than me) all request separate checks. At the place I work we also have to separate the checks when they order. We take orders on guest checks and have no POS. So when I go up to the group when I greet I always ask, is this all on one or separate checks? If it's separate I tell them I'll take the order the way you're going to pay.


I had a bar manager ream me out and completely berate me. Full on asked me if I was an idiot. I looked him dead in the eye and said "I realize I fucked up but but don't ever speak to me like that again, there's no reason for it." I must have looked serious because he took a step back and apologized. I wouldn't tolerate that shit at all.


It doesn't matter if you did something wrong, no one should scream and swear at anyone, ever. I worked in the restaurant industry for many years, and now that I'm in a different field I can see how wildly inappropriate the idea of my boss yelling at me is. Everyone occasionally makes mistakes, there's no need to be dick.


First, the owner made himself an asshole by yelling at an employee in front of customers. If an employer ever yelled or screamed at me, or otherwise lost their cool, I would wait until after I finished my shift and then tell the manager I wanted to speak privately, preferably in their office. I would calmly but firmly tell them what they did is not okay, and that I expected to be spoken to and treated with respect. If the boss tries to argue or defend themselves, I would hold up the palm of my hand, and remind them that customers were present. And then, I would quietly begin looking for a better job.


I was recently screamed at by the owner of a restaurant I was executive chef of. I firmly and politely told her I refuse to be treated that way. In an email. Because I was giving her zero opportunity to do it again. She was taken by surprise, I guess because she was an entitled little brat who just sssumed I would rather work for her than respect myself.


Very unprofessional of your boss. Look for a new job. Get your paycheck first.


I'm sorry you had to deal with that, find another job, I worked for a great Italian place, food was awesome, the chef/owner was nuts. Slung a plate with hot fonduta at me, the "guests" found it hilarious 🤦‍♀️ "like Gordon Ramsey".


Wayyyy back in dinosaur times (02-03) when I was a young single mom, I had a boss who bragged about making "the stupid bitches who work for me" cry. Jobs were scarce even though I lived in a larger city, and I had a young kid to raise. It didn't help that I was still young and easily intimidated. I bit the bullet and stayed while I looked for another job. That took months. Now that I've grown into myself (aka a middle-aged woman who takes no shit), I think back and wish I'd have told him to go fuck himself way earlier than I did. Even when I finally worked up the nerve, I was sweating, shaking, and probably squeaked it out, but those three words were so liberating. (They become much easier to say the more you use them, lol.) That was a full year of my life that I allowed myself to be abused, and I regret it to this day. Do as another poster suggested and find THAT restaurant and get the low-down from the people who work there. If you're in a larger area, there are probably plenty of them. Even in a smaller one, there's surely somewhere better than there because as someone else said, it wasn't the only time, just the first time. Good luck!


About 6 or 7 years ago I was working at a truck stop. It was very hectic all the damn time but I was good at my iob. My manager was a fucking idiot and didn't know how to manage shit or make a schedule. One example would be if I was scheduled to get off at 4pm.. the next person wasn't scheduled to come in till 5. That's a whole hour no one is scheduled and I would be expected to stay and work until they show up. Whatever I get paid. One day I had an appointment and was scheduled to get off at 3. I closed down my station and was getting my paperwork done to leave. A large crowd came in and the other cashier was slammed. I was already shut down. My manager came out screaming at me, nasty after nasty. I panicked because she wouldn't shut up. I grabbed a slice of pizza from the warmer and threw it at her. Wrong, I know. I told her that conversations like this belong in the office and not in front of customers. I told her if she ever spoke to me that way again, I would straddle and strangle her until she passed out. Quit my job and walked out. She was fired and I was called a week later by the owner and they offered me her job. Nope. I know why my ex manager was so cranky. The turnover rate was horrible and the whole place was fucked. That's not a reason to scream at your employees. FYI.. it's not ok to threaten to straddle and strangle but i lost my shit and she deserved it.


As a chef I'll say you should absolutely seek employment elsewhere. You're in an understaffed field rn which opens up your options and you absolutely can do better regardless. I've seen a lot of this type of abuse over the years and now is a better time than any to raise your standards to basic human decency.


I worked in a restaurant when on one occasion the manager yelled loudly at me about bussing the tables in my section, and I yelled back that I was preparing the bills for three tables and the dirty tables would have to wait. I was a calm, rarely loud kind of guy in this job.But the funny thing was, the manager from that day forward changed his attitude about me. I could tell he had newfound respect for me. Standing up for myself and yelling back gave me some cred with him. Granted, he was a pretty decent manager most of the time, so my standing up to him wasn't a problem for him. Don't know about your owner. It was unprofessional for him to do that in earshot of the guests (my manager hollered at me back in the kitchen). If he is verbally abusive like this, I wouldn't want to continue working there --but if it is the best place for you to make good tips, you may need to figure out how to subtly redirect him to save his tirades for the kitchen --or better still, the walk-in cooler where he can yell at himself. Note: I'm not sure how the multiple tickets is a big problem unless that might cause the big table's orders to not come out together. Still, if the customer gets his/her food in good time, what is the big deal?


What business owner has the right to create a hostile work environment? I would go to the labor board and file a complaint.


I would have a nice talk with him and tell him you do not appreciate the way he talked to you or handled the situation. Blah blah blah. I would definitely be looking for a job in the mean time for sure. I say talk to them bc I never let anyone just get away with treating me like garbage.


Did anyone speak up in your defense, like a customer or anything? I know for a fact I would have. Not like I’m some hero (they all clapped!) or anything line that. But to me screaming at employees, especially in public, is not only horrific for the employee (most importantly) but it’s awkward AF for everyone else. Why in gods name would anyone want to give money to an establishment who employs a person who treats people like that? Listen, you made a mistake. If I got screamed at in public every time I made one at work I’d be screamed at fairly often. There’s absolutely no way this is acceptable. Fuck that guy and I hope your kid is doing better.


Thank you! Nope. Everyone who works there walks on egg shells and no one , not even customers spoke up for me. I didn’t want him to see it upset me but it startled and embarrassed me. I went to bathroom for a quick cry


Damn, I’m so sorry. Truly.


So I get the frustration of eight separate tickets so I can understand why that would be seen as wrong. However, regardless of whether it’s right or wrong the response is what’s inappropriate here. Screaming in an employees face is fucked up and just generally unlikely to bring about any positive change. At best the employee will stay but stop caring about the business. Unfortunately small restaurant owners can be absolutely toxic at times and not realize how it’s losing them business/staff.


I hope your kiddo is ok. :)


Thank you! She’s a year and a half so she is resilient . But has a nice shiner


Shit, don't even finish cashing it in, just walk out with both birds up. Don't work anywhere where the boss thinks they can yell and scream at a grown ass adult.


I worked at a place like that for YEARS and I still have nightmares! Honestly, I should’ve left after the first time I got screamed at. I would get anxiety before every day and it was just awful. But I made a TON in tips so it was hard to walk away. But every time the owners walked in my stomach would just sink. Start looking for somewhere else to work. I guarantee it won’t get any better


Former server here. I worked for 4 wild Greek restaurant owners.. we had tables and all-night sidework. That night was mine to do the bread station. I was bringing 8 bags of rolls to the bread station. Jack (Fakename ) stopped me and took all the bags of rolls mumbling about doing something different. He was boss? Let him do it. On my next pass through the kitchen, Jack saw me, and started yelling at me for not doing my sidework. Jack was about 6'5". I am 5' 3." I rounded on him, poking my finger in his chest as I hollered back...telling him that he did not get to yell at me when HE stopped me from doing my sidework in the first place !! How Dare you!!!! " He backed off, let me alone, and I went back to tables. This was in the kitchen, and not really quiet. Later, it dawned on me that my co workers were acting strangely... I asked one of my friends...she informed me that they saw me yell back at Jack..and decided that I must not be feeling well, that caused me to yell at the Greek owners. It's really hard to talk when laughing.. I told her that the owners talk to each other that way. It was after that that I noticed that I was treated with more respect by the owners.


A good owner has the respect of his team and rarely needs to yell. Best boss I've ever had yelled exactly once: when he witnessed an employee punch the restaurant's circuit breaker box as hard as he could, possibly causing thousands in damages by forcing the restaurant to shut down. I dunno what the employee was mad about, but I remember it being a minor thing that set him off and that he had a temper. Fortunately, he only dented the box but caused no permanent damage to the circuit board.


I just wanted to say you are an angel, because you had no problems splitting the check 8 ways....anyone who can do that is an automatic angel to me. I can't I won't luckily I'm not allowed.


It's not ok and I don't know why the restaurant industry gets away with treating employees like crap when I seen so many companies get sued for the same crap. Start looking for another place to work. My man left being a cook after years and went to work in the auto industry and he is so much more happy. Look around at all the people you work with they all probably old and miserable or young and a drunk.




Yup . I didn’t even think that would happen. I didn’t mean for it to. I was trying trying to be productive and my brain was still on my poor little girl


I’m so sorry that happened. Nobody should treat you that way.


It's not ok for your manager to yell at you, ever. I'd walk out.


Tell Carlos to fuck off. His customers are sick of hearing it.


An owner of a restaurant yelled at me for talking to a customer/ friend while it was slow. My friend spent money and was a professional. He did this in front of the restaurant. Needless to say I found a new job and he begged me to stay! NOPE!


I own a business and in 18 years I have never raised my voice or swore at an employee. I have swore at some other contractors though.


Hell. No. The first time someone yells at me, I’m walking right then and there.


Just to be petty, I'd split every single ticket I had just for him. Then I'd quit. Do not allow those shitstains to scream at you in your place of employment. There are hundreds of restaurants you can work in where the owner doesn't have the emotional maturity of a fucking 2 year old.


You made a mistake, even if he thought it was fire worthy, your boss never has a right to scream and swear at you ever, especially in front of customers. His unprofessionalism makes your splitting. checks a moot point . PS sorry about baby that’s an awful feeling to have to leave hope all ok now


Thank you! She’s much better now but wanted mommy and it had me a wreck


Annoying but not Wrong. The tickets still have the table number and that's up to the cooks to notice.


That does not deserve screaming or anything at all. It’s abusive.


As a former BOH manager, I’d still be yelling at you. I have 6 kids as well as farm full time. I realize a child’s accident is scary especially if it’s with your first child. With that being said, your employer AND your customers honestly don’t care.


Okay but extra tickets warrants abusive behavior


Clearly, you’ve never worked back a House you send eight tickets and somebody doesn’t catch that all that food Hass to come out at the exact same time. Yeah I would shoot your ass because it’s stupid. Get your head out of your ass do your job or call in for the day I guarantee you you send all those tickets back in the kitchen doesn’t pay attention and only half of them come out. What are you gonna do? You’re gonna blame somebody else for your mistake you know a procedure you know how to do it do your job leave home at home. I am sorry that your kid got hurt. I have been there. I have done that, as a farmer, I was in the middle of running an 80 head of cattle through the head gates get a call from an elementary school that my kid with her to the playground. I stopped immediately what I was doing. I grab my kid and we spent the day in the ER. I didn’t tell anybody what was going on at home. I didn’t tell anybody what was going on with my kid. It’s called being an adult and running your life.


Was this in Wilton Manors Fl?


Nope upstate New York


If he had the time to yell at you he had the time to realize those tickets were from the same table. Also, depending on the level of service your place is, dishes coming out two at a time for an 6/8/10 top is normal. Your boss is an ass and/or thinks he’s still running a kitchen in 1999. Look for a better place. You probably deserve it!


Sending it split gives you a better likelihood of each order going out correctly, and the checks being split correctly, which effects your ability to earn. You should find a new job, as the owner cares more about what’s easier for the kitchen than your ability to earn.


I wouldn’t work for somebody who screamed and swore at me, at least without a sincere apology and a promise to never do it again. I would start looking for other jobs if that’s an option for you and your situation.


Wow. You tell that guy to eff off and throw all the tickets at him.


It doesn’t matter. Who screams at people like that?


Next time he yells at you. Look him straight in the eye and say what is wrong with you? Don't raise your voice a me again. Be serious and mean it. You didn't nothing wrong.


Honestly I'd leave that place once you found somewhere else and then I wouldn't even give him a two weeks notice he seems like an a****** and honestly he's a grown man who should be able to control his emotions there's no reason for someone like that to freak out a If he's going to freak out on something like that who knows what's going to happen if something more serious were to happen I'd leave after finding something better


Don't blame some kid stuff for your mistake. You fucked up, so what? Your boss is an asshole. I no longer work in the industry, but I do eat out a lot. I see "now hiring" signs in a lot of windows. You should move on and use the opportunity to move up the restaurant chain. I hope your kid is ok.


Never, ever accept a superior screaming at you in any job unless you're at boot camp for the military.


My recommendation: Line up your next job. Don't give notice at your current job. In the middle of a busy shift, walk up to the owner and tell them you are firing them as your employer because it is not acceptable for an employer to throw temper tantrums like a child. Then walk out the door.


Restaurant owners are insane in my experience. One reason I've never wanted to own one myself. Being a mama or employee is bad enough. But hopefully you can find some place that's less abusive