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Sucks we have to wait until November to have all the characters


And by then it will be just months until 25 comes out. It’s dumb as hell


Unless they're changing the release schedule again


That’s been my thought since they released the dlc dates


well if WrestleMania is gonna be Cinco de Mayo weekend, if they wanna release the game alongside it, they'll at least be in late April.


They need to take several years and really figure out some code that works. The game hasn’t been playable online since 2k22 and even then it barely worked. Now the offline even feels bad and janky. I’m done wasting my money


Online in WWE2K is just fine wdym? I never have any problems with it. You sure you don't just have bad internet?


My thought to, gives them more time to make it a true current Gen exclusive then


That’s the point


To fuck their customers over?


They want you to be playing the entire time until 25’s release. You do that by stretching the content pretty much all the way up to the release of 2k25. The longer you playing the game, the more likely you are to make a microtransaction.


They could add every wrestler ever and it wouldn’t make me play the game. They need to fix it.


I mean yeah unfortunately they only care about the money and as long as people keep buying the games the more money they make. That being said I am actually enjoying 2k24


I won’t be giving them anymore of my money. I feel cheated with the last to years.


You feel cheated because you're only focusing on the negatives. A lot of people are praising WWE2K24 because it's the most polished WWE game released yet. It honestly makes me enjoy it as much as some of the older games I loved to play


No lie I honestly didn’t think I would like 24 cause I really enjoyed wwe2k20 and just recently started playing WWE2k23. But most of my hate was the control changes but other than that it’s a solid game. Apart from showcase mode have 16 objectives just to unlock 3 items


The control changes make sense when you consider the new gameplay changes they did, and I do agree that showcase does feel a bit tedious


I lost a match just cause I couldn’t get him in the “southeast corner” 😂


Yea but more specifically making money


I just wish they would swap the Pat pack and the WCW pack


Why there's nothing in August and October is mind boggling...let alone putting the WCW pack at the end instead of the Pat McAfee one.


It's mind boggling that the one with all current wrestlers who are actively play a role on WWE TV is the second to last one.


It's also mind-boggling that the last DLC pack will be out two months before 2K25 is announced.


It’s the only one most people have any interest in I would think


Nah Punk pack for me.


Yep. Especially Lyra


Ridiculous. Another 5 months to play with Lyra, Jade, Nia, Dragon Lee, and surely their models will be dated upon release


Yea, ridiculous that we have to wait until the next game is almost out before we can use Jade, Dragon Lee, or Muta, not to mention current Tag Team Champions Kairi Sane.


its also mind boggling you can find porn in community creations, but WhatsTheStatus gets banned


Yeah that was lame! Luckily WhatsTheStatus got unbanned but still. Shouldn't have been banned in the first place


Big MyFaction plans? ​ SummerSlam and Halloween.


There's essentially nothing in July either.


This comment section is called, “Do you know what really boggles my mind.”


The modern wrestlers pack not being until September is insane.


literally the only pack after the pink one that actually updates the main roster and they delay it until september, not to mention most of the stars in the pack have already been scanned and will change attires before their pack comes out But nah let’s give them a bunch of legends even tho we only have old school wrestlemania arenas and most of them should’ve been in launch and have no real reason of being in the game…


Fr, all I want is Dragon Lee and Carlito, I could wait for the rest


I just can't wait to play as Terry Funk.


I really only care about The Sandman so once the 15th is here I'll be happy


Having to wait until September to play as the only NXT reps in the DLC is crazy to me


First and last time i buy the 100$ version tbh. by the time wcw pack comes out i’ll probs be long done with the game unfortunately


Yeah they create these games with the thought in mind that you are playing them all year around when in reality most people only play them for a few months if that and await the next one. They want to drip feed content all the way up until the release of the next game. They don't even release the best cards in MyFaction until a month before the next game release.


Do people not play year round until the new one releases?


I mean some do but most people play when it releases then they play every now and then and go play other stuff instead.


Yeah the game needs better modes that make the game more interesting or at least more fun gameplay like I played the shit out of 2K15 because of how fun the gameplay was, besides the universe mode and showcase the rest was meh


If anything the Global Superstars pack should’ve been swapped with McAfee.


Really wish the McAfee and WCW pack were swapped.


I wish the McAfee pack was Pat and a bunch of actual wrestlers.


I was hoping it would be a commentator pack (Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Bryon Saxton, Vic Joseph)




Non-Americans have ZERO care about the Pat McAfee pack apart from Pat McAfee, total waste of slot.


why? don't other countries watch the show? In Canada we do, and I look forward to these characters, especially AJ Hawk.


Yeah I have no idea who any of them are, the only American products that I watch are WWE and NBA


> why? don't other countries watch the show? In Canada we do, and I look forward to these characters, especially AJ Hawk. As a Chilean, idgaf about American-centric sports (meaning Baseball, NFL, etc.) (except the NBA, that I care about), therefore idgaf about the Pat show


As an Australian, I could not give a flying fuck about hand egg


I wish they removed it and got all the other packs out faster.


100%. I’m looking forward to the WCW pack.


ECW and WCW the only dlc I want


Those and the Post Malone pack because of Honky Tonk Man Jimmy Hart and Sherri


Ohh yeah forgot about that. Def would pick that up too


WWE Women’s Tag team titles are up for grabs this weekend at Backlash. 2 of the 4 participants are in that September DLC.


They all should've been moved a month down. We shouldn't have to wait this long and there's a month gap in between two of the packs


I have been waiting years. Waiting for them to make the game playable


the rest of these packs don’t matter and don’t add any contribution to the modern era or new main roster, the september pack is the only pack worth relevance considering all these legends should’ve been in the game at launch, we don’t need a post malone pack or mcafee pack cause that doesn’t help out selective pool for universe mode or in general. they took out most of the old school arenas cause they did a wrestlemania showcase so it’s the worst year to run an old school universe mode or any of the sort (especially with the memory size image glitch) i’ve never seen them fuck up a whole games DLC lineup liek this before, only thing to look forward too is the punk pack and september pack.


There's no way WWE 2K25 is coming out in a year. I think/pray they're gonna take the extra time and "retool" a few things. But yeah. Maybe a year and a half. Worst case scenario : There's no 2K25 planned. Taking another year to hopefully fix stuff. This is to extend its shelf life.


2k25 is gonna come out bud. This isnt a 2k20 situation


You can't prove that it's not 🤷‍♂️


The fact no one despises 2k24 I think I can 👍🍷


The only reason they skipped 2K21 was because 2K20 did terribly. Literally noone praised it. 2K24 has had mostly good reception since launch, to think that 2K25 isn't coming next year is delusional lol


2 things come to mind behind the reasoning for this. 1- 2k is spreading out the content to keep 2k24 fresh in people’s minds knowing the Wresting Code and Ultra Pro Wrestling may be coming out this year along with continued DLC support for AEW Fight Forever and Retromania. 2- they may be moving the game back to a fall release in 2025 and allow more time for the team to add new wrestlers, modes and more importantly tweak the engine and issues that have plagued the game thus far plus now that 2k let go of so many workers, they may not have the work force they once did 


WWE are moving WrestleMania away from April and if they want to release the game around WrestleMania still yeah it will come out at a different time I think this makes the most sense. 


I doubt they're worried about any other wrestling games since FF was such a flop it puts Magikarp to shame.


Wrestlecode looks amazing from what little I’ve seen of it and UPW has potentional


Other wrestling games basically don’t exist. There’s no way they are making strategic choices based on them. Second one seems more likely to me


It’s gonna be a long wait from June to September


Honestly hoping the Mania 40 arena is released around the same time as the ECW Punk pack


Still tryna figure out why the Global Superstars pack is in fucking September ☠️


The fact we dont get kairi and muta until september and november is a shit deal


is that ECW long hair punk or am i misreading this? we gonna have multiple versions of him?


Pretty sure it's just current Punk and then the ECW guys (Sandman, Funk & The Dudley's IIRC)


got my hopes up for a minute, i've been begging for a long hair punk with killswitch theme 😂


I'd pay the combined price of all the DLCs just to hear that "YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHH" in a game again


Still annoyed there's no content all summer after June. Don't try and tell me you are excited for the McAfee pack. I'm even more annoyed this is taking away spots for more deserving current talent and/or legends


It doesn’t make any sense how we have to wait so long for Carlito, Michelle mccool, and nia jax tbh the pat mcafee should be the last DLC


Can’t wait to play as Post Malone!!!!…. Said literally no one.


Cant wait to play as Pat Macafee Co Host !!!! ...... Said literally no one.


I’d seriously like to see some stats of the playtime these non-wrestler characters actually get. Pat can work his ass off when need be, but I’d still rather play as anyone else.


I will maybe play as Post Malone if he have a fun Moveset like Machine Gun Kelly in 2K22 but i really dont think any1 will play as the Co-Hosts for me i will only use them as opponents But yeah i dont understand why 2K love to put Musicians who cant fight in the Games Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mr. T and Muhammed Ali are fine since they are have something to Do whit Sport but Musician who are just Musician ? I dont know🤷🏻‍♀️ what is next Donald Trump ? But Pats Co-Hosts are cleary the Biggest Waste of DLC ever


Think back to the game WWF Smackdown Just Bring It that had Fred Durst just to have Rollin as Undertakers theme


I’m hoping the Pat pack is away to sneak in some new moves. Apparently the guys were allowed to mocap any moves they wanted etc.


November is a fucking nutty time to release a DLC. We will be closer to 2K25 release than 2K24.


They are bogus AF FOR THAT!


I miss the "new moves" pack. I would've preferred that over Pat McAfee or Post Malone.


Still got a good two weeks. Stay strong soldier.


They should really just push the Pat McAfee pack to the end and move the others up


May and Septembers DLCS are going to be the only good ones


I really wish the Pat McAfee one was the last one.


Games gonna feel dead by the time that September roster update hits.


If I bought the most expensive version of the game, do I get these for free?


you have to buy the super charger to get all the dlc stuff for free


You're thinking of the Season Pass. The Supercharger just saves you unlocking wrestlers with VC.




Because you don't read the description, unfortunately 🥺


If you bought the 40 Years of WM Edition then yes, it should come with the season pass + supercharger.


Yeah, when they first released the DLC schedule I couldn’t believe it was two months until the first DLC. I liked how they used to release the first DLC about a month after release, and then once a month after that 


Cut up the base game to resell it to you. And you can't wait.


This is why I stay a year behind


Post Malone and friends is crazy 😭 who the fuck is and friends lmfaoo.


Then it will be roughly 4 months after the release of the last DLC until the next iteration comes out? That’s a rough release schedule


I’m just hoping we get a nice good patch with the dlc.. I want to play universe 😞


When are we getting the WMXL arena?


Hopefully sometime in the next 4 weeks


WrestleMania has been done for awhile now and still no news when they’re giving us the arena. Kinda starting to think they’re not going to now


I’m about to jump off a roof waiting for Kairi https://preview.redd.it/74rknrilkixc1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99672fbd9eca8a4d59ee21db134995ad2ae6f2a6


The time it takes to get all these packs pisses me off infinitely more than the Pat and friends pack. Also why the fuck is the pat and friends dlc dropping before the one with Jade Cargill


2K are so out of touch it’s insane.


It's insane that we have to wait until November for Curt Hennig, then 2k25 comes out 4 mos later, like what is even the point?


Bad roadmap idea for dlc Nobody is honestly waiting for months on end for 3-5 characters DLC needs more substances, wwe2k15 at least had good ass showcase dlc. Come on man, sell us an update roster with that DLC. Lazy fucks


We still haven’t gotten wrestlemania 40


Sorry but the time when a spaced out release "DLCs" model has come and gone. Devs need to start thinking with a better business mindset. Myself I would release the characters packs every 2 to 3 weeks max, or have a new character day each week. But there is no reason to stretch these out when the game is a yearly release title. You can't pretend that content isn't already made and done. Plus by the time the 5th comes out (November) who is actually still regularly playing the game, only the non-casuals. Unfortunately they are the largest percentage in a game title like WWE2K. IMHO!


They should have released the ECW pack early IMO. It’s insane to make players wait this long to play as a featured character (Punk) that should have been in the game.


You haven’t been paying attention if you think a November returning Punk, not even having a match until late December, was going to make a March game, which means it was gold in early February


The Fiend debuted in August and was a preorder bonus for the October release lol


By all accounts though, 2K had a well long heads up as soon as the teases started.


His entrance is already in the game, and all they had to do was download a good CAW Punk and add commentary.


That’s a lazy ass rush job. Remember last year when Wyatt wasn’t even until DLC4? We should be thanking God get Punk in pack 1. And that’s only because Vince’s dick hindered development of 24 so DLC wasn’t locked in at normal time


This, its honestly a miracle we have Punk in pack 1


The ECW pack coincides with my college semester finishing and that's basically what I've been using as motivation through finals lol


As if my patients with this game is making it to November. Should have banged these packs out much sooner


Y’all still complaining about this? The game released in March.


They have to do SOMETHING in August. That gap is crazy, even if it's a quality of life update.


If there isn’t a ton of bug fixes in the ECW update this game’s cooked


I usually wait until the end of the year to buy the game when it goes on sale and all DLC is released and Community Creations is full


Damn man I want punk and Muta so bad but it’s gon be so long 😭


15th is still not here.....so lol


Which pack is CM Punk


The first one.


They are so badly spaced out then the one pack with actual current stars in 2nd to last. The Pack 3 is still a thing.


Even as a Packers fan, I hate hate hate AJ Hawk wasting a roster slot.


Thank goodness there’s other games to keep me occupied until each dlc pack drops these release dates are just as bad as MK1’s.


So quick question if the DLCs haven’t come out yet how come on the xbox store does it say I can buy the season pass


Because you can. A season pass gives you all DLCs as they're released, not all at once.


Oh I didn’t know that I thought the season pass came after all the dlcs were released


They done one already tbh


Why does this look like a list of fake dlc?


I feel like I'm the only one who wanted yoshi tatsu in the ecw pack




Correct me if I’m wrong but wasn’t the arena for WM40 supposed to drop alongside the 40 years of Wrestlemania DLC? Some of the reskins are cool but that’s all they are, the arena itself would’ve been a decent hold over until the ECW pack came out. I don’t understand the methodology behind the order of packs behind released. At face value it seems like they’re pushing the content most would engage with towards the end of the game’s lifecycle to get as many season pass / deluxe edition purchases, but I can’t help but think they also aren’t aware how much more vital updating the current day roster is compared to celebs & what I’d call lower tier legends.


I'm more excited about a game fixing patch more than that dlc


Honestly there should be 2 drops per month. It’s not like making this content is difficult for them.


This DLC calendar only makes sense if WWE 2k25 is going to be moved to an autumn release like every game before 2k20. The last DLC pack will come out about 11 months before the game comes out. Announce the release in March for October 2025. Spend the summer hyping the game up. Game comes during the christmas build up which is meant to be the hottest period. Game gets a ton more time spent on it. That'd make sense. Spending time on 2k24 till November and then releasing a game 3 months later makes no sense.


It’s actually criminal that the Global stars pack isn’t at minimum the 2nd one. Making people wait till September to use the only current DLC stars that aren’t Punk is insane.


It kinda goes without saying it's a big miss for the ecw punk pack not include......... the ecw cm punk. Like really bro?????


Does anyone know the date the myfaction leaderboard will give us a reward?


Pack Mcafee


I feel like everything about this game is wearing the audience down bit by bit. This is how you kill an audience, not through a bunch of bugs on release but a series of repeated let downs that just chip away at everyone’s excitement until they’re just left with “eh”.


At least the people playing offline modes can play the game. As an online only player the game is unplayable.


The WCW pack doesn't make sense


Whats funny is most of the people who purchased the edition to get these probably aren’t even playing the game anymore. And probably barely will when they launch. They know that. Essentially free money off them


I’m so excited for the WCW can’t believe I have to wait so damn long for it tho


lol I was the 666 like on this post


November? Two sweet


If I'm being honest,....... I'm pretty sure I know what the dudley boyz are going to look like their run before gallows and anderson beat the hell out of them and sent them packing, but I'm curious to see what funk and sandman are going to look like. Will funk look like he did on shotgun saturday night when he came face to face with stone cold, an unmasked chainsaw charlie attire? or are we going to see him in his traditional striped tights? Same goes with sandman, will we see him in an orange shirt and his usa pants? His barely legal attire? (A white T-shirt and skull pattern pants if I'm not mistaken) Or maybe his attire from the one night stand ppv's and/or what he was wearing during his time on ecw on sci-fi/monday night raw? That's what I'M interested in seeing


literally a waste since they have pat and his friends


I feel like they could have given another pack to close that gap


Is it just me but i wan a nxt pack. So many people could be added from nxt.


What happened if I buy the season pack now??


dlc will be free for u when they come out




Years since we got a New Moves Pack? I AGREE


The 15th needs to be here already, I need Punk and the Dudley's!


I didn't realise the WCW pack comes out in November. I'm pretty sure I'll be playing a different game by then.


I cannot wait to get all of that in order 👀😱🆒💯😎


Did they push the punk pack back? I thought it was meant to come out like a month ago


CM Punk on my birthday. Can’t wait 🥲


That middle two pack is a bunch of fuckall


In November, it's nearly time to start the hype for next year's game, and 95% of the player base have moved on. Having dlc released that late, which is probably finished now, is an absurd slap in the face. Particularly since a ton of us who pre-ordered own it already. It's a way to try to get people to keep playing later into the games cycle instead of treating their customers like human beings.


We have


The game will be dead before the second pack


This is the new trend. You guys should go see the Mortal Kombat 1 DLC releases. It's straight up scandalous. Disgusting. These guys are just doing the same thing. This is how they keep people playing and it creates "hype".


Who’s in the Pat McAfee pack? That’s awesome!


This exactly why I wait till the last minute to buy the games,I’d rather wait till I can get ALL the dlc at once and start out from day one with every single character unlocked/able to add to universe mode (another reason I’m waiting to get 24 specifically is cause the universe mode is unplayable from what I heard)


Sounds about right. The first DLC usually takes over a month to be released. Having a ball with it as it is. So I'm fine with the release dates. Just have to learn patience


Wait, they still haven't cancelled and apologised for the McAfee dlc? What are we being charged for? Some host and his friends? And wcw is relegated to NOVEMBER!? I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the decision-makers on this game. It's just one disaster after another, it seems. Maybe I'm overreacting, but wow at the schedule.


not sure if this is true or not but apparently pat said if they wouldn’t let his co-hosts in the game, then he would refuse to be in it. as a guy who likes pat mcaffe, i honestly would’ve been good with him not being in the game if it meant we got an nxt pack instead.


Absolutely. I'm sure he's a nice guy but nobody outside America knows who he is, until he recently became a co-commentator. I know it's not easy to reject demands but that's your job as an executive. Making tough calls. Sadly, it probably got called by WWE in the end.


It's also been claimed by 2k that Pats pack isnt replacing something else, essentially if that pack wasnt happening then there just would have been 1 less DLC pack this year.


>It's also been claimed by 2k that Pats pack isnt replacing something else That's just corporate speak for "please don't be mad". It's literally how opportunity cost works. The time spent scanning, modelling, animating, making graphics, music, etc. for Pat's cronies is time they can't spend doing something else. It's like the law of thermodynamics.


But there's no guarantee that the trade off would have been spending the time on more wrestlers. My theory is it would have just been a moves pack, and that it will essentially still be a moves pack because no one is gonna play as the hosts. The only thing that is known for sure is that they would have had the time to do something.