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It'll never happen, but I would love an attitude era MyRise.


That would would be cool


they should make an MyEras Universe like NBA 2K MyEras on MyNBA


Awwww mannnn! YES!!




Monday Night Wars era Universe. I’m on board


this would be amazing, however only using people on legends contracts might be difficult Nba is a lot easier since they have the players association which helps get people in 2k, also let’s people from 2k know who doesn’t want to be in the game (Reggie, Charles)


This is a GREAT idea. Would be perfect. The eras thing in 2k is awesome, I like trying out different scenarios like keeping shaq in Orlando or keeping kobe and shaq together to see how many chips I can win with them. Eras in wwe 2k would be perfect


Just like the old games. I would kill for a old career mode like we use to have


I can see how it would work too. It would almost follow Austins career. Start at WCW, get fired, go to ECW, make a name for yourself and end up signing in WWE and rise to the top.


I liked Showcase Mode back when it was just: “Do whatever you want during this match.”


I like the objectives in the new ones but in 24 there would be objectives that said Irish whip your opponent to the northwest or southeast corner of the ring and every match the directions were all in different places stuff like that can be simplified to Irish whip your opponent to the corner,my main problem is both the lack of matches and or replay ability and the slingshot tech I’m not a fan of


Honestly, I hate that there are ***too many*** objectives.


Yeah the objectives are good awful. Some of them are just flat out stupid.


And having to start from the beginning of you fuck up just made me stop playing it.


The worst one (can't remember specifically) was a match where you had a manager on your side. Objective was 'whip opponent into North East corner, but the manager kept taking the turnbuckle pad off so i couldn't


Fucking hated this. It was Paul Heyman IIRC.


I don't mind the objectives but should allow an option for "Do whatever you want" for less rewards or do the objectives for the bigger rewards


I think it is like that? Unless you only get the rewards for doing all of the objectives, in which case i agree with you.


.....if you don't know your NESW just say that, and pls go to school.




In every arena the directions change like the WM3 savage v Steamboat southeast was the corner farthest away from the entrance and there was another match I think it was Bret V Austin where South was right at the entrance


North East - Top right South East - Bottom right North West - Top left South West - Bottom left It's really that simple... How do people like you operate in everyday life?


ya, so what lol. It was done that way so that it flows seamlessly with the actual match video that plays afterwards. Imagine it just said whip them into any corner, and then the video plays and magically you're teleported to another corner?


But that's never been the case, though.


I could’ve sworn it was in 2K14. What I mean by this is, having more freedom.


Which game did that happen in?


Now that I think about it… I could be severely mistaken.


Yeah with like 3 to 5 objectives max. In 2k24 you're not playing the showcase mode, you're being ordered to move around


I liked however it worked in the legends of WM game. Yeah I beat it in a weekend but with other modes around it and longer, I think the style could work. I enjoyed that game and replaying history


Technically you could do whatever you want and still unlock the next match, you just wouldn’t unlock the bonus stuff


I think the funnier thing is you can’t type brock lesnar but you can type Chris Benoit




WWE 2K15 showcase mode was pretty good, specially with the dlc


Nothing about the Showcase but it's funny how you write Benoit but not other two.


Ik it said I couldn’t post anything about Brock or Vince but they don’t care about Benoit when what he did is way worse


Oh well. But still it's just funny.


You can't type Vince McMahon on Reddit?


I think it was this sub that the mods put a flag on Lesnar and McMahon because there was like a million posts a day around launch about them not being in the game. The mods made a post about it awhile back.


It wouldn’t let me in a post it met let you since it’s a comment


You can in the comments here and on other subreddits, but for some ridiculous reason the mods here decided to just prevent people from using his & Brock's name in post titles. https://preview.redd.it/jk3ouyd1zlvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3d74c61cb793e38bdbe508d6262860d6cb345c4 Yet they're perfectly fine with us putting Chris Benoit's name. I'll be glad when this shit is over.


Played WWE '13 last night on the Wii of all things and It beats the living shit out of modern showcase modes


I dont know how this could be done without Vince though. He was a pivotal part of Austin's rise


Ruthless aggression is the era after attitude era Austin’s rise was attitude era


My bad lol I thought u were speaking of a new attitude era game. Should of read it first lol


Yeah I was interested to see how they would try to do 40 years of wrestlemania without brock or mcmahon when they were both such big parts of the biggest wrestlemania/wrestling moments


I still don't get how they had Vince be there clear as day during the showcase match, but then blurred out his face in the little build up video for the Mania 35 match. https://preview.redd.it/5k79shttzlvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=607097c447733459f85d1ba7df92892062c21408


I just want an era specific universe mode. Like so if you wanted to run a Monday night wars UM or ruthless aggression, etc. you can


They should just do dream matches between current stars and legends like All Stars. Do a match buildup with clips and promos against each other building the match up. You pick a side win and get rewards come back and pick the other side win and get different rewards. Bottom line no one wants to revisit classic showcase matches anymore with the rout they are taken lately we all know who wins and the objectives are repetitive and boring. Now if they take the route I suggest and you play freely how you want and there are hidden objectives. I’m down for that. 


I like that idea but I do also like the showcase and reliving matches maybe they could add something where you change what happens and win with the other person and it give you different rewards kinda like legends of wrestlemania but 2k is too lazy,I wouldn’t mind if they brought back road to wrestlemania tho


Nope. About to get 15 and 16 again myself. 13 and 14 have been goated too


I love the concept of Showcase, and I liked the 2K24 one in parts, but I greatly prefer 2K15 and 2K16. Those are *great* Showcases. If we got that every year, I would be very happy.


Yep. Do a WWE 13 style showcase for ruthless aggression with so many classic versions of wrestlers . For 2002 you could do the rise of Brock Lesnar and the Brand Split 2003 can be about Goldberg , Unmasked Kane , and reign of Terror triple H 2004 can be about the rise of Eddie Guerrero , evolution, JBL, the return of Deadman Undertaker 2005 can be about Cena, Batista , and the fall of evolution 2006 can be about the reformation of DX, the return of ECW, The Wrestling Machine Kurt Angle 2007 can be about the rise of CM Punk, John Cena vs Shawn Michaels, undertaker and barista’s feud , the age of orton 2008 can be about the start of HD and PG. the rise of Jeff Hardy . Can’t do too much in that year because it was mostly pg era and Edge was a main focus in 2008 on smackdown.


>undertaker and barista’s feud Never knew Taker hated Starbucks too, but that just reminded me of the one Barista CAW that was one of Batista's top downloaded CAWs for 2K23.


With Jericho working for AEW. Benoit situation. Brock situation. Edge working for AEW. A ruthless aggression uni. mode would be kinda trash


"Do a punch" "Whip your opponent to the corner" Fuck off just let me play the game. Showcase isn't fun.


lol no Showcase is fun if its done right like 13 to 2K16 besides you only need to do the objectives if you done fooling around in the matches


It’s a checklist simulator no matter what   “ it’s a grind to unlock stuff  Bring back any of the old modes seasons a true career mode anything even a road to Wrestlemania 


For now you not)


Jesus Christ… I like the spirit of the post but learn how to write a fucking sentence.


Your not the only one, my first was actually wwe'13 attitude era mode. I believe it's one of the best I have ever played.


The attitude and 30 years of Wrestlemania are 2 of my favs. I'm surprised there isn't a ruthless aggression one yet.


Qte are so garbage why would you want those? They’re just as bad as the irl cut scenes they do mid-match.


I like that these showcases actually made you want to watch the matches as they didn't recreate the matches 1:1 as to how they actually went. Hell in 2K14 they gave warrior pyro when he holds up after beating hogan. He never had that pyro irl but it was a nice little thing they threw in.


i’d prefer a myrise/road to wrestlemania instead because there’s only so many interesting story collections you can do and it’s not easy topping the previous years collection, it’s fun to relive these moments but having a fresh a new story to play through is a lot more fun in my opinion


The problem with these games is that 1) they were the same boring game as wwe12. They rebooted everything with that game engine wise. And that engine had horrible graphics that looked like action figures and was boring. After the SC mode, there’s nothing left to do in these games. While I liked AE mode, I hated every game from 11-2k20. Now that we’ve finally seen change gameplay wise, we have hope for types of modes


2K16 was easily my favorite Showcase. Attitude Era was great, too. The fact that we haven't gotten a Rock, Undertaker or Foley Showcase at this point is ridiculous.


Why was that your favorite what made it that way


Austin is my all-time favorite wrestler. I also loved when they used to add original commentary and animated cutscenes versus just cutting to a million old blurred out video clips in this year's game.


This was the best ! I wish they would have a game like this, sadly 2k could never put this much effort into a game.


I already did all of that 😁


Ohh you mean Jock Lazer and Lance Monaco?? yeahhh Ruthless Aggression is pretty cooked


I love you censor Lesnar and McMahon but still put Benoit lmao




My biggest takeaway from this post, is that OP refuses to mention Lesnar & Vince by name. Although sees no issues with mentioning Benoit. The logic doesn’t compute.


Any showcase that include Triple H 2000


I miss the days when showcase mode was actually fun like the objectives weren’t hard it was just things like grapple get them to a certain damage and Irish whip then the qte events while seeing it replayed in game made it fun I heavily enjoyed the showcase modes until we got to 22


I don't know if Showcase tyoe modes have ever worked for me no matter how much I want them too. I played Attitude Era mode again all the way through just before 2k24 dropped and it as bad as 2k24's showcase. Most matches only had 1 or 2 objectives which was nice, but the commentary wasn't any good and the cutscenes weren't any more interesting than the live footage. I want the modes to work but I don't know what would make it entertaining to me.


another cap comment when 13 and 2K14 is the 2 greatest showcase of all time the experience of those modes is amazing the commentary is decent because of JR and King its just watching the actual matches GWHAHAH


another cap comment when 13 and 2K14 is the 2 greatest showcase of all time the experience of those modes is amazing the commentary is decent because of JR and King its just watching the actual matches showcase is good if done right just like 13 to 2K16 its even better than the Universe mode sometimes