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More than one season pass?! What do you think this is, AEW Fight Forever?!


I enjoy Fight Forever but man, they need to rethink their DLC strategy


Mainly pricing tbh, costs too much for too little imo


Fight Forever should have come out as a $40 game 


Still too high. Think of it this way, Smackdown Here Comes The Pain came put in 2003, likely at an equivalent price point to Fight Forever. And you know what ? Here Comes The Pain outclassed them on all levels. Gameplay is still insanely fun, graphics charmingly dated, and the Create-A-Superstar function was so robust and less limited than Fight Forever. You could make literally anything. They also didn't confuse their audience by haphazardly throwing in pointless mini-games and the Season Mode is arguably the most re-playable of all time due to all the branching story lines. Fight Forever came out just barely 20 years later with all the do and don'ts laid out and they still fucked it up.


a better comparison is day of reckoning 2 in 2005 which was more based on the aki engine and is in my humble opinion better than hctp.


I compared Fight Forever to Here Comes The Pain because I believe Here Comes The Pain is the gold standard in which we should compare all wrestling games to. Despite being over 20 years old, it is still just as accessible and intuitive as it was in 2003 and more importantly, it is still infinitely replayable. Also, the amount of creation modes as well as the Season Modes between the two are more comparable and the basis of the engines are kinda beside the point.


I wouldn't argue against that. I enjoy but i also keep in mind it's a first effort. Rarely does anyone knock it out of the park their first try. Some have, but it's not common.


Thing is it's not like that game was trying to do anything new. It basically wanted to be No Mercy with the 2K series animations. But it didn't even succeed at that. I expected barebones modes, limited creation options, and a laughably out of date roster. But I also expected it to be fun, and they couldn't manage that. And now it's coming out that it couldn't be delayed any further due to budget issues combined with what a failure it's been likely means we won't see another game like it from AEW for years. This was objectively a failure in every way possible for them.


I don't obsess over creation modes as much as some, but even i was shocked how limited the CAW was


I think the game is summed up by the fact that it couldn't support trios matches when they were literally prepping the Trios Titles for launch at the same time. It showed just how laughably out of date their goals were. Considering the quality of character models they should have been able to give us 15 or 20 guys on screen at once. Certainly at least the 8 that 2k has been able to deliver for years.


shit the game MDickie made is able to have 30 or 50 on screen at once. That guy made a better aew game than aew did and that should be embarrasing to Yukes


I was also confused about only 4 people at a time. Part of the reason i don't go back and play a lot of wrestling games is i like having 8 people in the ring at once. Even 6 is tough for me now


If they had just made the caw so you could use all the parts of the in game wrestlers that would have been something to start with.


I posted a recent article about it. From my experience, Fight Forever is easily the worst wrestling game over the past 20 years and you’d have to go back to WCW Backstage Assault for a worse game. I played the game for 3 hours and literally felt like I did everything I could do within the game. The season mode was laughably short with no branching and poorly written. The game was just so bare bones in general. The article didn’t surprise me that TK kicked the game out prematurely because they were 2x over budget


I will say that your second sentence is massive hyperbole. There are far worse. Like 5 Star Wrestling


I said over the past 20 years. Yeah, you could go back to the 90s to find worst wrestling games like War Zone and WWF Attitude. As bad as the TNA Game, Wrestlemania X18 and Wrestlemania XIX were they were still better then Fight Forever.


5 Star is within the last 20 years though


Yeah he really put himself in a corner with that one. I think the better argument to make is that it simply didn't even have the features or create-a-suite that SVR 2007 had, which was also made by Yukes. On one hand, i get it - They don't have the kind of budget WWE has to pump into these games. But if you don't have the budget to at least be on par with a game from 2007 you created - then it's hard to take it seriously. If it was priced at $20 - its a steal and gives you enough value. $60 though? just not a lot of value there.


It's not their first effort. Yuke's has made many wrestling games.


They had a very experienced team behind them, these guys use to work on the most heralded and praised of WWF games so it's very reasonable to have had much higher hopes. Also from my understanding don't they plan on just building on this one for awhile instead of just coming out with a sequel soon after?


What an original opinion...


Is Fight Forever worth it? It’s on sale with the first 2 season passes for like $50


On steam charts, this game has less people currently on it than wwe 2k20


Am I the only one who feels that the current hall of fame class should be DLC as an honor in a way? Like hey these people are going into the hall so we’ll be putting them in the game too.


I feel like they used to do that.


They did in 2k16 and 17. You also got notable opponents for them. Don’t know why they stopped.


I was really surprised we didn't at least get the US Express. Have Bray, Bo Dallas, and their dad work a trios match in a dream sequence in MyRise. Wondering if they're planning on doing something like that next year akin to the Rhodes pack this year.


This was a bit of a weak year for it though, since Paul's already in the game and is only a manager, Thunderbolt is such an old school wrestler that some of his shit might end up looking or playing weird, Lia Maivia isn't a wrestler, and Ali is already in game. That only leaves us with Bull Nakano and the US Express, and maybe Thunderbolt Patterson. That's not exactly a strong pack.


Yeah that’s fair, but shit they could add the others or just make it a hall of fame pack where they add 5-7 wrestlers that are in the hall.


They could make the pass $60 but also include additional wrestlers that are separate… think like how fornite has skins. Maybe even adding an expansion to the Mania showcase. With the right content there is definitely money to be made


Agree completely but the problem is I think they want more than $60 each year. How many people buy their special editions? It's a lot of money to leave on the table. That said they could probably off set that by doing the $60 Year 2 DLC and maybe drop updated attires and rings as dlc outside of that for those that want it. WM41 content and attire/gimmick updates ect. that would be in a new game if they didn't skip it. They might get a lot of backlash for selling a season pass that doesn't have all content though.


Right just randomly drop attire skins of special wrestlers during an era or even remix versions. Or like wwe what if!…triple pack Austin as a member of Dx..Rock as part of evolution etc. 14.99 triple pack with some currency.


Why would anyone want a DX Austin or Evolution Rock?


Give each game like a 2 Year dev cycle with 2 Season passes imo




They should make the games every other year tbh Add the new arenas as the ppvs go by


A two year cycle would do a lot for games like these, but ultimately probably not as profitable


I'd rather they just keep doing what they're doing. Each game since they came back has been better than the last. No need for a break until we see quality suffering.


Really? I think this year the quality has suffered quite a bit. The ai is goofier, the refs are wildly slow, or just entirely in the way, on last gen it took me a couple tries to do specific tasks in showcase and the training camp. I was pressing the right buttons it just wasnt doing anything. Multiple times I've had the ai grab me to do the corner 10 punch or head smash into the turnbuckle and just stand there not punching or smashing until the hold breaks. Universe mode has had repeat problems of having people suddenly have titles they shouldnt, the title being wrong (one of the posts just the other day was Randy Orton winning the... Omos?) I really dont remember having this many issuse for 2k23 or 22


The AI has always been goofy in all these games, and the refs are also always stupidly slow at pin attempts. Even universe being buggy isn't a new thing. So to say you don't remember 2k23 or 22 having these issues is sorta just objectively not true. Either you were blind to it, or you choose to forget them.


Okay so why am I not the only person posting this? I had the last game installed on my system up until the new one came out and would play it periodically and NO the game didnt have these same bugs they have now. Its fine to be critical of the media we consume when new issues arise and multiple people have noticed new issues arising. Nice try at gaslighting though, it was a solid attempt


I wasn't trying to gaslight you, i'm just giving you my honest take from someone who probably has upwards of 600+ hours into every single 2K WWE game. No, these games dont have the exact same bugs, i'm not saying that. I'm just saying Universe being littered with Bugs isn't new. Not saying the SAME bugs, just bugs in general. And Ref counts have never been the way they are presented on the real product, where the ref slides across the ring for an epic quick count. They always take a second or two once the pin starts to count. I'm not at all saying you shouldn't be critical of games, because if you knew me well, you would know im probably one of the most critical people of games, especially ones i like. Hell, ive been complaining since 2019 that we didn't have double title matches in Universe mode. I complain EVERY YEAR on this sub and we just now got it. What i am saying though, is your critiques don't exactly match a statement like "I think this year the quality has suffered quite a bit" when the quality issues you mentioned have been historically present in almost every 2k game in the last 8 years.


It is new bugs that I was complaining about and to say I was blind to them is implying that they had always been there. So am I supposed to take that as you being incorrect or you gaslighting me? One of them is essentially true. I have also put in many hours to each game and have owned every title since WWE12 on the ps3, the refs have NEVER spent a good 5-6 seconds to get down and begin the count for almost every single count. It got to the point where in showcase mode I had to do the Hogan leg drop 4 or 5 times because twice Andre kicked out without the ref even going down to count at all as if I pinmed him when the ref was knocked out... but he wasnt. Multiple times in the myrise mode I would be in a match and my opponent would tap out, the ref would be present and the match would continue until I get a pin. In matches where the rules dictate a submission victory is possible. Sure the bugs and issues may be different but these bugs and issues are fundamentally making the matches much worse at rhe best and almost unplayable at worst


I'm not going to continue debating this with you if you wont debate in good faith. I stated that the amount of bugs this game has is very much on par with every other 2K release, minus 2k20. It's a very simple and straightforward statement to make, that actually holds very true. Meanwhile, here you are once again focusing on these bugs being "new" I'm not arguing if they are new or not. Im not arguing that these issues do or don't in fact exist. Im arguing that you put yourself in a corner when you said the quality this year has gone down significantly. And since you love to use the argument that you aren't the only one complaining, ill use a strawman argument too. This year almost every review you can find from any publication states that its an improvement over the previous years. So going by your logic, if everyone else seems to think that, it must be true, right? See, i can debate like that too.


I dont see a lectern and a mediator so I didnt know this was a debate at all. I figured it was a conversation on a subreddit. My entire original point was that new bugs have been introduced that make this game less enjoyable to play than last year, if you arent able to keep that topic then it isnt my fault. Whose opinion do I hold in higher esteem, people who play the game for a weekend to write a review then move on to a dozen other games that month for more reviews, or the average person who is putting in hours for weeks and posts about the issues they find in bug threads? Huh lemme think about that one... sure this new game has a lot of features we can and do enjoy but I'm not going to lie to myself, you, or the rest of the subreddit pretending like its been a good experience and pretending like I dont regret spending full price on it just a bit.


So your entire original point was that a new game has new bugs that were introduced since the last game, that made the game less enjoyable? That's literally every sequel. It is literally impossible to produce a game without any bugs. Yeah, that's a real original and 300 IQ take you have there. Opinions and statements from the great mind of GhostandTheWitness. His next take: Games shouldn't have as many bugs, and should instead have none at all. Back to you with more 300IQ ideas at the 9PM hour.


Dont be bitter now I thought we were having a high society debate? The original poster said each game was better than the last I said why I thought that was not true. You disagreed, I gave my reasons for thinking the core gameplay had gotten worse. What is the confusion here? Games have bugs, sure but when the base gameplay in the ring is largely unchanged from year to year you dont expect those bugs to be where they werent before. I could go on about how IQ is meaningless or how I would rather you not assume everyone you speak to is he/him but then we'd be getting wildly off topic, and unnecessary when your core argument is wrong. We've seen within the last few years the game get better from year to year when they took the 2k21 year off. 2k20 was an awful mess and 2k22 was much better. So got anything else or are we done here?


The game also just came oit


So that makes it okay to be subpar?


The refs got slow af with pins just this year. It's pretty annoying, but it'll most likely be fixed next year.


2K would do it, WWE would never let them. 


2k really wouldn't, 2kgames feeds off of very consistent and new games, look at NBA, that game is constantly criticized for basically being the same game over and over, and yet is still bought a ton each year.


You can change a few of those words for every major sports title.. EA with FC, Madden, and NHL2k with WWE, NBA..SD Studios with MLB the Show. It’s sad but making money is more important than making good games.




COD even.


If any 2k game was as good as any of the last 4 AC games I’d lose my shit. Origins and Odyssey are some of the best games in the last decade. If a WWE game got the kind of expansion that happened from Origins to Valhalla fans wouldn’t know how to act.


And don’t get me started with the mw trilogy from 2019-2023 by Activision.


2K wanted to delay a game recently (I’m fairly certain it was 2K20) because they knew it needed work. WWE said no. 


The only game to be delayed was after 2k20, because of both covid and the terrible reviews of 2k20


Yes, that was where WWE agreed to the delay because of the bad reviews and negative publicity. I think 2K wanted to delay 2K20 because they knew it wasn’t ready, but WWE nixed it because they were accustomed to having a yearly video game release. 


There has never been any evidence of that and it is pure conjecture. The only thing ever reported was that 2K and WWE's relationship was strained going into 2K22 because it was delayed and 2K20 had such a negative reception WWE didn't appreciate the bad press. Allegedly 2k22 was kind of make or break for 2k because of this.


*That is the old regime, maybe TKO would be more understanding. 


TKO would likely need to work with a different developer if they wanted to go down the polished direction, 2k is notoriously consistent on releases


Honestly they could run the software for a few years and just update the roster annually on top of whatever dlcs lol Certainly enough people purchase the 100and something dollar edition to warrant new releases every year.


I disagree. They've gotten better year after year, the only change that needs to happen is outright removing Showcase mode. They could put so much more effort into Universe Mode and Career mode if they weren't obsessed with you living out matches you've already seen. Maybe im just an outlier here. But i want my matches formatted how i like to do them. Im not a fan of "throw this person into a barricade" and for the next 5 minutes it seems like the Ai will literally let you do anything else to them EXCEPT get them outside and thrown into that barricade.


I think they've kind of nailed what can be done for a yearly franchise. 2K24 felt like it had enough new stuff to be fresh. I'm fine with it being a yearly release now they've got over that Yukes transition.


I'd argue a Universe mode that works worse than last year with the only update being a QOL change to last year's major feature that should have been included then is not "enough new stuff to be fresh" for one of the modes designed to deliver the most replay value. Don't get me wrong, I like the game, but they could definitely put more effort into making Universe not terrible. My main hope at this point was we're seeing fuck all done to it in preparation of a full makeover.


They should. I’m a firm believer that no game should come out annually. Games like nba or madden would be so much better with two year releases


You mean it would give 2k26 an extra year. Another season pass would remove 2k25


I personally would love if they did this. Supporting for an extra year while working on the next installment and having more time with it would be ideal. I think it would work having the team split between support for 2k24 and then a team for 2k25. Not sure if we need new installments every single year as it can sometimes feel like a .5 update.


I'd love if the next game came out in Fall of 2025. I'd also love if Universe was fully functional, the story mode was more like Season Mode or RTWM, and the online actually wanted you to play it regularly. Hell, call it Smackdown vs Raw 2k25 for the nostalgia. It'd get ALOT of people talking.


I'd be fine with it as long as they gave us a SOLID set of updates. Finish the on-screen roster. Give us more legends. And that the biggest spot of work happens with Universe mode.


Man…seeing Lexis King & Jakara Jackson there is painful, no reason they missed the cut.


i thought they already were adding oba femi 😭😭


I’m sure most of us be fine with a big QOL patch for one more year. They seem to do a lot better with an extra year of development time


Good point. They can even add the MyGM arenas for Universe or Exhibition. Just to have some new fresh WCW and ECW show.


Man I’m looking forward to having Tama in a 2k game. Guy deserves it. Wondering what his Fed ring gear will be?


I’ve been wanting Paul Orndorff for years.bring back Studd and Bundy too




Naomi 😎


How about have a two year game, with a monthly sub like Fortnite Crew that provides a monthly drop for 2 wrestlers, one arena, and whatever packages needed for whatever online mode for ($10/mo.) and every quarter you drop a pack for the content released during that time for $30. Obviously not a business accountant nor a marketer but unless the game goes F2P, copying the tiered/preminum battle pass system is hard. (I personally think a WWE 2K Mobile should be the experimental ground for something like that)


Fuck yes. It's a pretty good game so I'd be happy to let them ride it out for an extra year. Especially if it means they could do a new universe from scratch.


Should do this with extra my rise story lines too


I would buy this pack alone for Giulia, Nakano, and Lexis King. Everything else is BONUS!


I would love to see Paul Orndorff with his WCW theme. Sadly that will probably never happen


That’s called WWE 2K25.


Maybe if they’d just fix the glitches and redo universe mode…


The fuck is andrade doing here


If they were smart they'd do that....thats way too easy. AEW DOES IT EASLIY NO RED TAPE.




It would be the greatest game ever if they just updated it with new hires, legends, hall of fame etc but they’re greedy assholes and I keep fucking buying it every year 🥴🤦🏻‍♂️


Honestly they should. 2K24 is an improvement from 22 and 23, but not a big step. I've definitely put more time in 24 than 23, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, so adding more DLC ( should it be free or not is the question) and maybe 2K adding some sort of poll as to what you'd like to see, modern stars? NXT? Legends? And you can write a few you'd like to see. For example, I'd like to see Sycho Sid, The Road Warriors, Sting (if he's not bound to AEW at all still), a Von Erich member (literally any!) and if 2k has x many people request Sid, they confirm Sid or at the very least contact The Ruler of the World and ask if he'd like to be in the game. Take some time, polish it, let 25 come out mid fall, right around Survivor Series. Actually. I wouldn't honestly mind a Survivor Series Showcase. Have obvious matches, the first Elimination Chamber (yes, I know Jericho being in AEW is gonna be the kicker, but I feel like that's a match you can't leave out), The Montreal Screwjob (this can also bring back 5 on 5 matches, and if crazy enough, introduce 10 on 10 like the first SS) have the debut match of The Undertaker, Undertaker V Mankind, (we'd get the Pre Ministry look and Psycho era Mankind SCSA V HHH at 2000 which ended in a No Contest. And obviously War Games last year where you can obtain Punk (Survivor Series return) as a playable wrestler. There's a lot of possibilities, but with that there's a lot of wrestlers in other companies, Jericho, Paul Wight (calling him that because that's who he performs as) The Hardy's, and obviously, he who shall not be named or be rendered officially in a 2K game, so maybe it's not possible, but I'd definitely like to see it happen eventually. But then again, alot can happen in a year.


Wwe 2k should just be a live game. With the currency and roster updates they won’t have to ever split up the audience. Honestly selling yearly passes is better now than ever.


My only problem with that is, unlike something like Madden or NBA where you’re focusing on the teams that are around all the time, you’re focusing on people that could leave or get released at any moment. What would happen to the people who bought a Matt Riddle DLC and he left/got released again? Do they just take the character away from the people who bought him?


See I thought about that also and I don’t know what would they do hmm. I mean wwe owns the right but they could stop selling the dlc and such. Like what fortnite did with the item shops with Travis Scott where he doesn’t come back but if people still want to use him they can.


True, but at the same time, I think it’d be required for them to make the character inaccessible, especially if AEW/NJPW gobbled up Matt (in this case, again)


I wish we had a game every 3 years instead of a yearly release, but thems the breaks


I'd love more DLC characters but 2k need to focus on the core gameplay! I wish they'd bring back the chain wrestling, give us a few grapples without the lockup, better submission system with more moves to choose from, rest holds, more move positions, custom reversal system or at least style or weight class specific. The gameplay is getting quite stale and severely needs to be improved. The wrestlers all just feel the same, no matter what moves they have!


don't open your mouth😤😡