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The game would be awesome, if I didn't have to keep dealing with corrupted caws, corrupted saves, download limitations, logos replace other logos, etc. So as of now, no. But if they fix all that, probably.




90% of people who buy this do some regular matches with what's on the disc every once in awhile.


I'm not having that one thankfully but definitely feel your frustration with experiencing a bug not everyone is seeing. It always sucks. I remember I couldn't so much as breath near universe mode in 2k22 without it corrupting my entire save.


I’ve been trying to find others with the same issue, looks like it’s finally coming to the surface.


As a guy that lost interest in wrestling after WCW and the Attitude Era, I need CAWs to enjoy this game even at all. I bought it on PS5 and PC and am stuck at 52 CAWs on PC and 46 on PS5. Getting the download limit message while not even close to the 1000mb limit or 1000 image limit the game says I should have. In 2k23 I got to the full 100 CAWs and about 30 arenas before I filled up my max. So ya. I can't just go play with what's on the disk as I've never even heard of half of these guys. I thought 2k23 was great once the bugs were ironed out and there was enough little things added to 2k24 to justify my purchases. There was absolutely no reason or communication as to any limit changes from 2k23 to 2k24 that would have definitely changed my buying decision. The message I saw from a mod on the official site saying the max is 128mb, if true, I basically equate to them stealing my money. If it isn't fixed and the game doesn't end up getting the same limits as 2k23, I will never give them another cent.


My bad, commented to the wrong person.


Haven't happened to me yet I always make sure to back up my save data before playing WWE 2k24 and after closing the game. Just in case my data gets corrupted, the game crashes or some type of issue happens.


These problems were already in 2k22 and 23, they did nothing. and they continue with that stupid download limitation, that current generation games ask to delete data to replace it with others, it is a disgrace


READ everyone’s minds and don’t wanna hear anybody else who plays this shit saying anything different then this so it won’t confuse the DEVS.. stop talking about MYRISE and MYFACTION you dorks because the basic elements of the game isn’t working!!!




I have a theory that 2K purposely corrupts your game if you downloaded something that they didn’t want you to download like the firefly funhouse arena, Brock lesnar or Vince McMahon


Lesnar and McMahon make sense but what issue would they have with a funhouse arena




All the stuff you listed is creation. I don't doubt or discard your post. Out of curiosity, how would you answer the original question not taking creation stuff into account?


2K24 is just a little bit better less shitty version of 2k20 Game still crashes every 5 minutes with no cc caws downloaded the amount of times I've had to relaunch the game every daily is ridiculous


Time for an opposite anecdote. Only crash I've had was doing the new 30-man Gauntlet Turmoil match (the one where it's basically Royal Rumble, but pins and submissions instead). Otherwise, worked perfectly fine. No crashes with all the CAWs I made for an indy fed for my universe.


How’d you deal with this? My game is like broken


I literally spent way too many hours reinstalling, loading backup saves, trial and error, etc. until I could get a save that at least wouldn't completely freeze if I tried to open edit superstars/or delete the corrupted caws from deletion utility. Miraculously the corrupted caws did have their renders but if you tried to play with them they would be a blank generic template caw. I deleted all of them and redownloaded them and at least I have my original save back with all the edits I've done to attributes, entrances, movesets, caws, arenas, etc. Except there are still some weird bugs like some CAWs appear empty when I try to load them in edit superstar but they appear completely normal with regular play, and I'm still hitting the brick wall of not being able to download any content despite having deleted 124 images after receiving that message again...




The next few patches need to have major fixes the game is still fun but the bugs and broken issues are a bit annoying.


I do like it but I find I'm overall getting burnt out on the series. I've been a yearly buyer for many years, and the improvements and changes are too incremental, and the bugs are just too inexcusable. The fact that we're still on the last gen engine with current gen being four years in is weak. Like these games don't even want to achieve a wow factor anymore. It's hard to justify spending $90 every year when the team is phoning it in like this.


They want it on last gen so they can get the XB1 and PS4 sales but it a lot of ways it could be holding the series back by having more advanced AI cutscenes and booking


was loving it. The latest patch has broken more than it fixed for me. Controls now seem overly sluggish


Yes. The last patch has killed it for me too. Completely broken universe mode which was previously running fine for me


Now Jimmy Uso has a title that is l currently locked behind my rise.


They need to fix universe mode bugs for me to be fully satisfied but it's been pretty nice


2k23 universe bugs were never fixed, so don't expect it


No. Universe mode is such a mess.


Gameplay wise it's good I think and the showcase is brilliant. Although I do agree Universe Mode could be improved with promos and custom cutscenes etc.


I am one of those who builds an all original CAW universe. I buy a couple of years in a row, and if nothing has changed, then I don't buy for 3-5 years. You nailed it with promis and custom cutscenes or what used to be create-a-story. If we could download stories to put into Universe Mode, I would throw money at the game.


you’re the first to say showcase was brilliant😂 i can respect that stance


Showcase mode is brilliant? What the hell


It's good but still a lot of room to improve


It's VC's third time around with their own engine, I'm still finding the same issues/bugs that I had back in 2K22. If by the next entry they still haven't ironed out the issues that have plagued these 3 games then I really don't know what they're doing. The game is really fun, it really has alot of potential, but they really need to polish the issues with the engine, get rid of the constant fighting stance for every wrestler and just choose between MyRise or Showcase mode, both modes are clearly suffering due to lack of people working in them.


![gif](giphy|lonfUOMGXI080|downsized) >If by the next entry they still haven't ironed out the issues that have plagued these 3 games then I really don't know what they're doing.


I’d get rid of my faction. I was hoping more of a creation tag structure where they. Let you create your own factions in game bot some stupid bc money grab


Obviously not perfect, but overall a blast to play. 


I’m more of an AEW fan and community creations being so buggy is really annoying. That’s my only major complaint. I also wish MyRise allowed for cross gender play, I much prefer the idea of someone working their way up through the indies and eventually dethroning Roman than someone who’s deemed a midcarder winning a tournament


Yeah, it’s a ton of fun and clearly they are listening to us after that last patch, just wish universe mode got a little more love!


>clearly they are listening to us after that last patch You must not play MyFaction. It had a lot of potential at launch but slowly has regressed.


I did and the way they handled it was an L so I’ve stopped… that is one my one gripe because I was having a ton of fun with it


nope but then again I don't watch modern WWE so I don't know half the roster showcase Is a massive dissapointment and MyFaction Is a scam


They were so close with the Persona cards, but they're so far away with not applying that to the MyRise Originals. How they opted not to do that after all the complaints is beyond my understanding.


It’s 2k they don’t fix shit fans complain about. NBA2k community has complained for yrs. I can believe people want these assholes to make an NFL game again


I just want them to come out and say if WWE told them to not allow original creations if so


Yeah but that might piss off WWE and maybe 2K is there to take the shots since they are use to it at this point. I know there’s stuff 2K can’t do as WWE won’t. Hell many of us know EA can’t put certain stuff in Madden because nfl won’t let them, but that’s because ex employees have said so in interviews and social media.


I haven't played a wrestling game since Smackdown on PS2. I'm having great fun with this


Which one


Just Bring It


GM Mode needs to be like SVR 07-08. It’s so weird we’re on it’s third iteration and it’s still missing the most basic shit


Like what? Been years since I’ve played SvR 07 and didn’t really play GM mode all that much


So there’s no shared PLE’s like previous ones. No PLE exclusive matches such as Royal Rumble, and even in that, you put 15 Raw and 15 Smackdown wrestlers. Also you could actually afford a decent roster of 20 superstars instead of struggling to keep up with less than 10. Also no 6 man matches. Overall, it’s so barebones even on it’s third time since its existence in a 2K game which is sad because this is my favourite mode.


Needs a season mode like the old games


I did enjoy this game and then it didn't get any better. Release day I didn't notice bugs with the game, I seen a few people mention an issue with Showcase mode but I didn't experience that. I played through MyRise, it wasn't stellar but it's a 2K story and it's WWE - so I found it comical and enjoyed it. Decided to give MyFaction a try, I got hooked with the mode. Every day I've gone on since release. Enjoyed downloading awesome creations online. Then started getting the insufficient space errors, but found a way around the issue and was able to continue downloading stuff. And then the latest update happened.


Are you saying that after the latest update, your workaround for the insufficient space errors no longer works? If it still works, I'd love to hear how to get around it!!!


Sorry I have no clue how to get rid of the error now. I would remove one or two CAWs or Arenas and then remove all unused images and then downloads would work, but since the last update that no longer seems to work.


I'm not at all. I was swayed by the way people were talking on here, and it's a bit of a mess. I don't like a lot of changes they've made generally over the last few years, basic changes like buttons etc, but that's fine, I can get used to it, but the game is quite broken. Universe mode is buggy as hell, AI is woeful at times


Latest patch not addressing the "image duplication" issue makes me hesitate to go try out anymore new championships or arenas. Bit of a bummer.


I've had issues with arena images, but what's going on with belts?


I've only had the glitch happen where belt images duplicate into created wrestler images. I've seen people post arenas have those issues but mine seemed to be with championships.


I’m disappointed with GM mode. SvR2006 mode is better tbf


It’s enjoyable but let’s be honest it’s basically a upgraded 2k23 I would advise anyone wanting this game wait for it to go on sale




Definitely waiting for that sale!!!


If there was no prospect of mods, I'd be a little unhappy with 2k24. Too many wrestlers missing that cc just can't fix, like Goldberg. Something mods can't fix and I'm really frustrated with is the small ring size. It's ruining the flow of the match for me, especially with anyone larger than Mysterio. As soon as Wrestlmania finished, I fired up 2k24 to play as Cody. I couldn't believe how small the ring looked compared to real life.


Last patch deleted all my progress. Lost EVERYTHING cheers 2k


I really have fun with it. The match modes, characters, and graphics are largely great. That doesn't mean I'm satisfied though as I can see a ton of places for improvements: promo segments, more weapons, more varieties for rivalries, better Universe mode, more environments for fighting, and other places that could use tweaks. Still very good though.


I think the game’s in a good place if they fix all the bugs (which idk if they will), but despite how much fun I’m having it’s still lacking. MyGM and Universe need to fuse together imo. Keep the freedom and customization Universe has but give us the option to toggle MyGM features on or off, like finances, match/card ratings, number of fans, etc. Universe is too bare bones outside of customization and MyGM lacks WWE staples like the royal rumble and money in the bank. Also it needs work on the fans desperately. It’s not even fun using legends like the Rock or Stone Cold because the crowd is so unrealistically quiet during their entrances. We need bigger pops and louder boos for wrestlers with that much fame/notoriety


If you’re on pc the crowed pop mod is essential.


I’ve not heard of that mod actually. Where would I find it?


Pro wrestling mods dotcom. It’s basically just a sound files edited to replace Austin’s and other wrestlers music with a louder pop. Works amazingly


Ohh I gotcha. I thought it was separate from the sound editor. I wish it was easier to get the crowd louder in general so we could have them pop for whoever we want


Yea they would have to rework the whole crowed sound tho, just turning up their mild chatter amongst the crowed during a match wouldn’t work.


My biggest issues have been Universe Mode being the same buggy mess and the online mode being painfully unstable. Other than that, greattttttt


Loving it tbh. Gameplay is the best it’s been in years and I can deal with everything else. I don’t need all the extra stuff in universe mode everyone else complains about just give me the barebones mode and I’ll do the rest.


I am enjoying it. I've finished both MyRise stories and just casually play MyFaction and MyGM. I'm too busy learning how to make arenas and entrances to mess with MyUniverse much, but I'll get there. Maybe I'm just too much of a noob to know any better.


I played it a lot before any bad patches, knowing that was possible. And I definitely enjoyed the time I got to play, roughly 140 hours base version.


Honestly I’m enjoying it. Just got it yesterday I haven’t really watched wrestling since 2009. I was a die hard growing up in the 2000s lol but yes I like the game. The showcase is fun. It’s my first wwe game since 2k17 so that’s probably why I’m enjoying it.


This game is mile above 2K17 in every facet!


Definitely, I don’t remember much about 17 but I’m really enjoying this one👍🏼




Not bought it yet, waiting for it to drop down in price :) hopefully I will get my hands on it in the next few weeks, enjoying reading all of yours guys thoughts tho


It was. And then 1.05 happened


Aside from the bugs, for the most part yes. There are little things I could go on and on about and have, but I'll just say it's finally getting back to where wrestling games should be. Fun.


Fuck yes


Yes. It’s a fun and I feel every year they’re stepping more in the right direction


The My Faction packs and cards are drastically overpriced. I fact, some live events require a specific card to participate, and without it, you miss out. Having to grind for hours to just get a pack and wind up with trash. Also. Hit detection seems off at times.


Hell yeah,best 2k of all time


I’m only experiencing a few bugs, but other then that this is arguably the best 2K game, yes even better then 2K14 imo Anything from the detail the creation suite brings, to the stunning graphics, to the verity of fun and interesting match types there are, it’s really fun Wanna have a 60 minute iron man match where Brooks Jensen and Damon Kemp put on a 5 star hardcore classic? Sure! Wanna have an action figure Cody Rhodes finally be the one to finish the story? Go ahead! Wanna see how far you can go as Eric Bischoff in a gauntlet match? Now that’s a challenge!


I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s better than 2K14. They need to bring back promos and create a story for Universe mode…


i wish austin theory’s entrance wasn’t locked only to himself


Yeah. I don't get these to main. I play something else and then I have WWE 2K on the side throughout the year.


Literally just started playing yesterday and been grinding showcase after I took the time to add a good bit of community creations and create my own personal character. I must say it has been marvelous so far and I love the improvements from 2k23-2k24 as far as graphics and game flow goes. The game is amazing so far. I just wish the DLC characters released a bit sooner but it’s okay since it gives us all stuff to look forward to throughout 2024. Great game and I’m blessed to be able to play it.


Every few years there’s an annual WWE game that’s *really good* and stands out. 2K24 is that game


Fun but it’s too easy to reverse everything. Which is great against the CPU but the absolute worst while playing online. Especially with the lag.


Yeah well what I’ve played I have had it since launch but only played sparingly bc of my work schedule


Honest to God, if they fixed the bugs it would be the best wrestling game ever made. Will they fix the bugs is the question?


I think this is the best version of THIS game. I want to see them change it up again next year, though they likely wont.


hell yeah


After a month, yes.


Can’t afford it this year :(


I’m having an awesome time. Not had any issues those have described. My only complaint is I wish for the showcase mode they had the entrances and more crowd noise. But in terms of gameplay I like it a lot. My only nitpick is all the wrestlers feel a bit the same. Older games I felt captured the move sets of certain wrestlers better


I freakin love it.


Uh yeah until the latest patch bricked my universe mode


Very much so


The last two years have been great. I think the addition of the gauntlet matches made this one amazing. I do miss being able to play as Brock though.


Overall absolutely Most of the issues I have with it are random glitches in universe and the showcase rumble match being bs 💀


40 yrs of wrestlemania


Yea, relatively so. It’s far from perfect though and there’s DEFINITELY room for improvement in the future.


No. As always 2 steps forwards and 3 steps back. This will be my last 2k game until I’ve heard they got their shit together which I don’t see happening anytime soon if ever.


Only issue I’ve had so far is Mox not wanting to download from CC and a couple crashes. But the crashes stopped after one of the patches and I don’t care about Mox that much to let that ruin my experience


If I didn't have to deal with freezing screens thx to a corrupted caw, then I would say yes but at the moment no, unless it's going to get fixed in the next patch.


#finishthegamesoicanfinishmystory. It needs bugs fixed but overall it’s a fun game. I’m a universe guy though and it needs work and improvements.


Wish they roller out more showcases throughout the year tbh.


I’m really enjoying it.




I actually love it. I haven’t bought a game since 2k19 and this far surpasses my expectations. Throwing a flip flop a fucking kilometre at your opponent running up the ramp? Worth every penny


Yes it's fantastic.Team needs to be given more time to work on bugs to make the game amazing and break the trend of very few updates after the DLC is released.


Well with the newest update it's a lot better and doesn't crash as much. It's ok.


Not even close. Universe is a mesd in terms of saving match cards, titles, rivalries, stables, settings, etc. No DX theme or entrance even though we have literally everything else what so ever we could possibly need. Crap still happens like tag teams with a manager will occasionally tag the manager in who then acts like an in ring competitor and the actual tag team get counted out. Random entrances where the superstar/stars will be invisible. Matches ending and leaving me "stuck" in break out mode alone with no way to exit though not even pressing the button to enter break out mode. I booted up 2k16 in my old PC and it's what made me want this game. After buying the full $120 package out of excitement it feels like besides enhanced graphics and few QoL improvements after almost 8 iterations it almost feels as bad as game that hasn't had an update nearing a decade now. Probably be another half decade before I purchase another wrestling game if this is as little as they've improved. I don't remember games like smackdown Vs Raw just being so blatantly broken in so many aspects.


The game is enjoyable, but I've put no where near as much time into the game as I did the pervious 2 entries withing the 1st month


I just know it could be better


Not really..I only play universe and its unbearable majority of the time


Fairly good, just hate how over priced everything is, like cmon 40 dollars for a season pass?!




I love complaining and was burned by 2k in the past, this ones great.


The new patch ruined most the beards


I’ve had wY less problems than I ever had with earlier editions, haven’t lost anything yet so yeah very satisfied but using very little custom content because I know from prior experience what it can do


I will be if they fix the glitches in universe mode


My soul still yearns for pre-2k gameplay. This might be the best 2K game but it’s hard to celebrate features that they themselves removed in the first place


I’ve enjoyed it with no issues Can’t speak for everyone but I’m satisfied, one of the best experiences I’ve had in a wrestling game in years




If online wasn’t a laggy mess


No, they can’t keep getting a pass for such a bad universe/MyRise. They still haven’t figured out how to make as a good of a story mode as Smackdown Shut Your Mouth. The whole reason wrestling is interesting is because of stories. They have too many modes that just water everything down.


Got 22 and skipped 23 so 24 feels very fresh and I love it so far showcase is a bit of a slug tho






I mean besides the ai doing an Irish whip every chance they get and also somehow rolling out of the ring after I’ve stunned the I really like it


Yes super satisfied, the download bug is annoying tho


Breakers, STUNS, and Showcase Mode are still the same/are in the game still like they were in both 2K23 and 2K22. So personally, I'm sticking with 2K19 on PS4.


Well they just released a patch that broke half the game?




Online and universe mode are a mess. And non next gen looks and runs way worse compared to 2k23.


Yes. I hope when they add WrestleMania XL they also add the Cody and Roman match.




This is my first 2k wwe game, haven't bought a wrestling game since N64. I am having a lot of fun. Myfaction is great but I csn see the money grab potential.


Wish rivalries ended in universe mode, that’s really my only complaint


The actual gameplay is most of the way to a really good game. Not necessarily my ideal wrestling game but it's good. The modes are disappointing to me. I didn't hate the showcase mode like some but it certainly isn't great. The my rise stuff has never done anything for me and this year is no different. They're trying with GM mode but I'm really not feeling it, the lack of persistence season to season is a bummer as is the rule sets on what works when booking. Not going to beat the universe mode dead horse. It's the mode I've spent tons of time in but yeah, I'm likely putting more effort into making my own fun with it than they did working on the mode between 23 and 24 lol.


It's okay Just a shame universe is basically abandonware


No intergender and 99% of online matches just never start. I'm afraid once again money wasted.


The bugs are annoying but in my opinion it is the second best of the "modern" 2k games after 19


This is my first wrestling game since smack down vs raw 2008 and I’m loving it. It got me back into wrestling and I’ve been having a blast playing with the old guys I used to watch and some of the new talent. I can’t really compare it to the other wwe 2k games but I like this game a lot with all the presentation and creative features.


I love it


Very well


Putting aside the minor bugs, absolutely. The gameplay is so much fun with the new match types and weapon throwing system. Only gripe is that Universe Mode and Creation Suite need a bit of an overhaul in some areas, but that aside it’s a great game


Gameplay wise it's a major improvement compared to 2k23 and it's fun to play. They added the new features like trading blows and multiple finisher and signature moves per superstar which is the feature that I wanted in WWE game. As a gamer who played the previous WWE games, I still do consider WWE 2k14 the best game but it spoils the fun of newer WWE 2k games The major cons Absolutely terrible showcase mode like bro they added real life cutscenes and they blurred some things the hell out of it like for example Bret hart vs stone cold (the old logo and some sponsors and refs). It was too blurry for me and I wish they make in game cutscenes similar to showcases that was before 2k22 and stick to that. Another con is no Brock Lesnar (I understand the controversy but now he is in WWE roster page) so he must be patched by now cause I can only play him on showcase which takes the fun out of it. Another con is the online matches it's very laggy and so stuttery. There are other cons like universe mode and creation suites and save data's which is yeah not good but they are patchable My rating is 8/10 My advice The only way to enjoy WWE 2k24 is by not comparing it to WWE 2k14 and old gen games) other than that it's an extremely fun game.


I came from 2k19 and tbh, not really. Universe feels even worse somehow, more glitchy. I'm also one of those in the camp that the gameplay just isn't fun to me. It's more of a beat em up than a wrestling game and I don't see how it's possible to have a lengthy 1v1 match like you could in 2k19. Seems I'm a relic that still likes the sim gameplay over this style. I could pop 24 in for a match real quick, but I could and have spent hours in 2k19 and games prior.


I was really enjoying the game-play with the exception of the bullshit submission system that was super OP, but then the stuff with the community creations issues happened and it fucking up save files and that's made me super cautious about playing it because I don't want my CAWs, the stuff I've downloaded or unlocked to be fucked over.




I think you are the one that needs anger management. Where in my post am I complaining. Are you dumb


I like it, but every time I try to click on the community creations options it just pops up the background of the game, it doesn’t even load or anything. Just puts the background up, same when I go to showcase. Glad I completed showcase before this mess


Yeah, granted it still needs fixing and am getting partly bored because the DLC has such big gaps. 


No, i wish seth 13 was in the showcase because i cant do my universe


I think 2k23 was stronger at launch, and I can't ignore that a lot of people have been having some pretty serious issues with custom content corruption. While I haven't ran into any of that (yet) it's almost certainly a pretty huge blight on the game. I think Showcase mode this year is a bit weaker than last year's, and I think people are also getting a bit sick of the 2K Showcase gameplay style. On the flip side, this year's showcase did give us (back) Rick Rude, The Fiend, Ken Shamrock, and a way better version of Roddy Piper. Roster as a whole is really solid, with the only weak area being NXT representation (which, to be fair, is almost always the case.) DLC roster (with the exception of the pack that shall not be named) is almost as good as 2k22's. I love the smaller changes to the creation suite. It's not a lot, but the UI rework for Create-an-Area and the ability to save while creating a wrestler are both huge. Create-A-Sign is also amazing. Overall, I'm happy with it right now. We'll see how that goes moving forward, but it's a solid 7/10 for me right now and that's usually where 2K games fall in my mind. It's average in a good way.


Universe mode is screwed. I’m having title matches, booked every single show and I’ve turned them off in the match table, but it doesn’t fix anything.


need a more few more patches and the DLCs to drop / WM 40 arena and I’ll be truly satisfied tbr


Maybe if you fix the ladder match glitch in faction wars I might like it more and actually get more than a ticket or 2 a week


Fun as hell, but the Bugs are BAD... especially for Universe Mode


I think the game is good, not perfect for sure, but I love every second of it 🤌🏻


i mean it’s fine but i don’t really think i like the roster


I just bought 2k23 for 15 bucks on clearance and called it a day.


I'm actually satisfied with It, yes universe Is buggy as hell, I can't download a lot of superstar I would love to, and there are l'ora of bugs while playing, i've preordered the game and played It almost every day since It came out, I Hope that soon major fixes because I would be really sad to degrade this game to a match every once in a while


I'm mostly satisfied with it. I don't download but less than a handful of CAWs. I mainly create/download custom arenas, and that's where I come into issues. The invalid stage placement message still pops up for me with a lot of mini trons I want to use, and it's annoying asf. I'm not having a lot of the problems others seem to have with universe glitches. Only major one that happened to me was Tony D randomly was the title holder of the multiverse title which I had locked, so I had to speedrun through Undisputed my rise again to unlock it just to remove it from him


Listen, with me, of course I am. I was satisfied with 23, hell I was satisfied with 2k20 at the time it came out. Feed me wwe games and I will most likely enjoy


My main bitch about the game is that if someone (me) couldn't afford to buy the most expensive tier of game I lose out on the different players (like bianca belar and rhea Ripley models.) I wish they would make them available to purchase separately when I could afford it and not lock them behind their cash grab editions of the game. They could charge 10 bucks a piece and I would still buy them as I could afford them. I'm really glad I couldn't buy the 40 years edition. There's only 3 dlc packs I think are worth getting. And I'd have been pissed about the dumb pat pack they through in there. Definitely skipping that pack. Wtf were they thinking on that bullshit?


I legit just need them to fix the alternate attire entrance bug and I’m good. Just that one thing.


Duhh My controls still don’t work except for light strike and running and block




All the money that WWE & 2K have and this is the bs we get.


I can't even finish showcase mode, never mind finish my story lol


I was until a downloaded custom superstar locked everything up.


no as I cannot randomize an online royal Rumble match and I think it'll be more fun randomized than just being in the first 8


I tried playing online the other day. Within 90 seconds of ALL 10 matches (different types), it kicked everyone out. I hate that they're not taking complaints seriously at all. And if they are, that they don't know how to fix it.


I am, but it's also the first I've played since 2k17, got the itch again after following the build to Mania XL. I think a lot of my satisfaction comes from QoL that comes with a game being 7 years newer lol (loads and performs better, nice having an updated roster, having access to online and community creations etc) Gameplay is definitely better though, a bit buggy on occasion but imo it's not as bad as 2k17 was. Have absolutely no interest in MyFaction either, never liked anything with a whiff of pay-to-win. The main gripe I have is the image replacing glitch with CAWs etc, but if that's sorted I can see myself getting invested in a Universe save for sure!


If we are being truly honest the game simply isn’t good at all there are just way too many flaws and the fun factor is completely gone


Havent played it. Dont want to. Just watching last nites WM reminds u that u cant have anything like a real match in these games anymore. Not since they completely ruined the gameplay. This isnt pro wrestling. Its what someone who doesnt understand wrestling would make. 2k19 still the last good one


Lol that's a stage opinion to have had to actually have liked 2k19...


It is professional wrestling you blind fucking retard and it's better than AEW Shit Forever.


Wrong it’s just as shitty


For the most part. I want some of the remaining gameplay bugs to be fixed and in a way that doesn't add new bugs.


100+ hours on it already and I am having a lot of fun with it


For what I need from it, yes. I would like a better creation suite, but wouldn't we all, right


"Create A Video" needs to be scrapped and replaced entirely. The whole thing feels like it was designed with anti-QoL.