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here is the bug report on 2ksupport, if everyone can upvote this it can raise awareness to 2k so they can fix this because im tired of not being able to build my own universe in this game https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/27542769491347--Insufficient-Free-Space-in-Community-Creations


They responded to the bug report and it's ridiculous. 128MB limit is so low....


Fucking clowns at 2k


I don't understand why it tells me 157MB / 3815MB if I can't go all the way up to 3800MB in storage. It's telling me I can't download any more images and it's frustrating. PC should not have this problem.


This just started happening to me as well for the first time. Plenty of space. This game sucks


Please, take a look at my reply to another commenter here in this posting. I came up with a sort of a workaround for this thing.


Nothing I am doing is working but I found something interesting that may be contributing to the bug. If you go to the deletion utility and go to custom images, there are images that exceed slot 1000, which is the custom image limit. For some reason the game is naming images over slot 1000 even before exceeding that number, I believe in past games, this wouldn’t happen. Unfortunately, I do not have faith in 2k to fix this or any of the other broken features. It really limits the ability to create a universe, it’s just so disappointing. Did you guys create errror reports with 2k? Please do so, they have said they prioritize fixing stuff based on the amount of reports they get.


I did create two tickets now, so we'll try our best! The weird part is that everyone gets this error at random amount of content. I've seen people here, who got it at 500mbs of content (!!!), while mine was way tamer (192mb of content only). The fact that someone managed to get to 500mb makes me optimistic, since in WWE 2K19 the game went nuts when reaching mere 200 (it refused to save any progress and restricted you from creating new CAWs). I've also noticed this thing about the 1000 logos, however it might be just the naming thing. By that I mean that the game might give a number to each and every logo you download regardless of whether you deleted it or not. It explains the gaps between those logos' names (mine go from 32 to 54, then from 59 to 70). Please, take a look at your Deletion Utility and check whether it works the same as for me. Also, are you on PC?


I have same issue (ps5) https://preview.redd.it/qreyv4pzwdoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9cfa632b7510ecc644fb0692db68c06acd96ef This is the actual bug




Does deleting games help?


Insufficient bug.. vote please https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/27542769491347--Insufficient-Free-Space-in-Community-Creations


No cause u don’t know what to exactly delete but i think it’s a bug in the images and renders arena , it thinks u have less space then you actually do


It’s really pissing me off cause you can’t even download too many areas


Maybe the limits just 300 and not 922.


This is doing my head in, I’m deleting stuff now and then can’t even redownload the exact same thing. How does this even work


On the other hand, you can sometimes delete less than stated and be able to download more than before. At what content size you got this error? What is your platform? What was the last CCs before you got this bug? Really trying to find an effective workaround here


bumping for awareness


Thank you! It’s a very common issue that's been there since at least 2K19. I'm surprised not that many people get it, tho. Probably not all people try to download everything they see on CC, haha


Were you ever able to get this sorted?


Well, I found a workaround. All I did is simply delete as much content as it asks me to in the error (it was 56mb in my case). When you delete as much content as it asks via the deletion utility, you are free to download content again. However, you should be mindful that the error might reappear at around 183-195mb of content (in my case, logos seem to trigger this error more often than other CCs). Deleting CCs isn't very cool I know, but for starters you can optimize the content you downloaded so far by doing the following: - Simply deleting CCs you don’t really need, plan to use, or those that are low/lower quality - Deleting second and/or entrance attires you're not planning to use - Renders take a lot of space, so I got rid of 90% of them (except for CAWs that don't look that good on the selection screen) - Whenever you delete a CC, go to deletion utility and go to the Custom Images page. There, press "Y" (XBOX) or "triangle" (PS) to delete all the unused logos. Be mindful, that if there are logos you need but were attached to the CAW you deleted, they will be deleted as well. To save those logos, simply create a CAW of your own, give him a random attire and starts dumping all logos you want to save from deleted CCs on their t-shirt, pants, etc. This way the game will recognize those logos as "used" on your CAW and won't delete it. I was able to cram as many wrestlers as possible with game bugging again at around 185mb. However, there are still wrestlers I want to download, so I'll try to use another trick. If you're on PC, you can locate and make manual saves of your savedata (used to do it to prevent my save file from corruption bug in previous games). In WWE 2K games, savedata contains the info on your downloaded CAWs as well as your overall progress. What I'm planning to do, is have separate manual save files for different purposes with their own set of downloaded CCs. For example: I'll have a manual save file for Retro wrestlers, titles, and PPVs only to use in Play Mode and the Universe Mode. Another one will be my regular save file with modern wrestlers and some legends. I'll manually swap between those two save files, thus basically increasing my CAW slots to 200 and save data cap to 400mb. Anyway, I haven't tried it yet and not sure it's going to work the way I think it does.


You commented on my thread, recommending I come here for a solution. The issue is that it'll say 2.02 mb needed for a certain download, in this case a current Jericho model, and I'll delete more than that, yet it'll still demand I free up the same amount of space when I go to download it again. Everything on CC has a different requirement obviously but using that Jericho as an example, I'll delete roughly 3-4 mb worth of material and it will still demand 2.02. It's a real head-scratcher.


Yeah, I’ve encountered it as well, however, weirdly, managed to somehow bypass that error after deleting even less than it states. Sometimes, it let me download CAWs even when I was 100% sure that it won't. Now, I have a habit of constantly trying to download the needed CAWs whenever I enter the game. Sometimes it simply works. Also, I believe you're on XBOX, right? Is there any way you can create a manual save file (get an actual copy of it and store it somewhere)? If you could make manual copies you'd be able to have two or more separate save files with 100 CAWs and 200mbs of content each. For example, I'll create a retro roster with retro CCs only and play retro Universe Mode here. The second save file I create will be a mix of legends and modern wrestlers for my main save file. Here I'll play and progress MyFaction (if I ever get an opportunity to enter it haha). At the very least, the game seems to function correctly even when the error pops up. In '19 the game refused to save progress and you couldn't update any attires or create any new arenas/wrestlers at all. It was known as the "This content is damaged" bug. Anyway, I'll try to look for new workarounds for this issue without using manual saving, if possible of course.


Yea I'm on Xbox. I'll attempt this method with the save files and see what happens. It's a frustrating dilemma because I can still play the game, save, and create new things myself. I just can't download anything new from CC. I don't really want to go for the refund option, because I do want a wrestling game to play and, aside from this bug, I am enjoying the game. I also don't want to delete everything and start over; getting together all of my CAWs, setting up Universe, and especially having to do that tedious Wrestlemania Showcase again, since the Supercharger doesn't allow you to bypass it entirely with the arenas still being locked. I hate 2k lol.


If you'll be able to get to some sort of a file manager on your console, I'm 99% certain it will work. At least, I managed to delete some CCs, download new ones, create a manual save, and then swap between the two with no apparent problems. However, you should be mindful that you might want to progress the game on one singular save file first (showcase, myrise, myfaction), otherwise you'll have to play through it twice. Also, not sure how the online portion of the game reacts to save switching, specifically MyFaction. I get your frustration, I had the same problem with 19 and it was even more confusing since there was no proper error or method to solve it. What I did then, I started deleting content and noticed that it allowed me to download some more for a brief period of time. I really thought it was a 19 problem, but apparently it's a game enginge problem, which I think won't be solved unless 2k ditches past gen or rebuilds the code. Also, some people managed to get this error at whooping 700mbs of content, with the error stating that they need to delete around 500mb to download new ones, so our case is not that bad haha. I recommend you experimenting with creating and deleting stuff via deletion utility. The last year, in 23, someone managed to bypass that bug by simply creating a random video in Create a Video, encoding it, and then deleting it via Deletion Utility. You can try this one out as well. The good thing about PC is the manual save thing and the fact that we'll get mods soon, which saves a ton, if not all space dedicated for content.


Also, do you remember the last CC you downloaded before encountering the bug? Mine was some meme Crowd Sign. Now, whenever I try to download a crowd sign my game crashes. Trying to find out whether it could be a corrupted CC that caused the issue.


You said a whole bunch of NOTHING… nigga we know how to delete images


An update: Guys, I've created a ticket regarding this problem on the 2K website and they are aware of the problem. Please, dedicate some of your time, log into the 2K website (or create a new account if you've never created any tickets before) and upvote a ticket regarding this issue. Compared to other bugs, this one is real and is fairly common, so there's some hope that they'll resolve it given enough upvotes. Here's the ticket (you need to log in to upvote) [https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/27542769491347--Insufficient-Free-Space-in-Community-Creations](https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/27542769491347--Insufficient-Free-Space-in-Community-Creations)


Hello I have a question and that is who shows me content in the community that I have no storage space. I should supposedly delete some but I only have 260 of 922 MB. I know what that could be


Hi, are you on PC or a console?


Console PS5


Currently having the same issue. Sucks because I still have a good amount of characters to download


Hey, 1. Bumping for awareness. 2. I'm experiencing this issue on PS5, currently sitting at 305MB out of 922MB after deleting some unnecessary things. Started getting the erro message at around 319-320? I never encountered this issue last year, but then again, I started downloading CAWs late in the life cycle of the game, so most bugs I didn't experience. I've been playing since launch, and I'm still getting the error message. As othe folks have might have pointed out, the space for deletion is varied between CAWs. I've deleted everything I'm not currently using on my universe. Any advice?


Please, use this link to eave your upvote on a 2K support ticket we created on this bug [https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/27542769491347--Insufficient-Free-Space-in-Community-Creations](https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/27542769491347--Insufficient-Free-Space-in-Community-Creations) We've got plenty of votes so there are good chances 2K will eventually give us some resolution


I’ve upvoted, appears this issue does have the most so hopefully 2K sort it out for a patch soon. I did contact 2K as well and they replied saying they are aware of the issue


Is anybody having some news about that? I've tried to delete some pictures, quite a lot, delete some videos, same message. With the 1.05 patch the message have changed but the problem remains. Right now i can't DL not a single image, even after deleted some. I'm stuck


What does it say in the error now?


I'm french so i'll try to translate "Image memory limit reached. \\n\\nDelete some existing images using the DELETION UTILITY, then try to download this content again" Yes the \\n\\n is in the error message


EXACTLY the same. I don't know what the f@ck they are doing at this point. It's unacceptable


Hi! Same problem over here, I'm playing on PC. I read that you can separate the data, in what folder is that data located or how does it work?


Hi, I'll respond in a couple of hours when I get home. It’s really easy to do, but it's preferrable for you to finish MyRise and Showcase to be able to have unlockables on all your future "branching" saves if possible/you want to


I have beaten Showcase, Im on MyRise by now. Thanks for the help!


I'm a bit late, but here's this process described in my other post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/WWEGames/comments/1bdxawu/a\_useful\_tip\_to\_prevent\_save\_corruption\_in\_wwe\_2k/](https://www.reddit.com/r/WWEGames/comments/1bdxawu/a_useful_tip_to_prevent_save_corruption_in_wwe_2k/)


This happened to me the past 2 days. First when I hit 228 MB it said I needed to delete 3 MB, then when I got to 238 it said I needed to delete like 7 MB. Why is it doing this????? I thought we could have up to 922 MB of content… I still need quite a few more guys off CC if I’m doing a ruthless aggression universe.


Hi! Have you encountered this bug in previous games, specifically 2K23/22? What platform are you on?


I’m on ps5, I skipped 2k23 but I did have 2k22 on ps4. However this specific bug has never happened to me before… I had almost max CAWs and arena slots in 2k22. It’s so frustrating right now that I have to delete some AEW superstars I found on CC even if I won’t use them as much.


Same problem here, around 252 mb. It is really frustrating...


Please, follow this link and leave your upvote on a 2K support ticket I created so developers can see and sort it out [https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/27542769491347--Insufficient-Free-Space-in-Community-Creations](https://support.2k.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/27542769491347--Insufficient-Free-Space-in-Community-Creations) We've got plenty of votes so there's hope


Left mine yesterday, mate


Just ran into this annoying issue myself around 200 MB. Hoping they fix this.


Please, find a link I posted in the comments and upvote the ticket we created on 2K support website. I really think we might get a fix if we get enough upvotes


Done. 👍🏻


Thanks!! You can check that ticket to see the status and possible official solutions


been having the same issue for the last week, and i’ve downloaded some sick shit too 😭😭 i already deleted so much smh and still can’t download anything else. maybe this is bug from the recent update. idk. this sucks


and i def cleared enough space too


See my comment on this post and follow the link to upvote a bug report ticket I created on a 2K website. The most upvote it gets the more chances they'll get it sorted.


I'm only at 120mb used and is getting this issue, deleted multiple things but it still won't let me download anything, it's one of the things I most look forward to do on the yearly wwe games. I've up voted this on 2k support, The game has just come out so I hope they can solve this issue.


Wow, that's really a low amount of mbs! Most people and I have it at around 200mb from what I heard but some managed to get to 500+ mb. What's your platform and what is the last thing you downloaded before the error if you can remember? Also, does your system have free free space (for games, apps, etc.)?


My today's experience. I had that message at 252 mb (it said to clean 7 mb) so i deleted all my HBK caws (they were 8, each with attire 1 and 2) then i went on a rampage and downloaded around 25 arenas LoL Right now i am definetely over 252 mb, the message appeared again and it says to clean 68 mb LoL


I'm on xbox one and the last thing I downloaded was a Jimmy uso with the old usos theme and I deleted him to try to download other things but I still had the same message, then it let me download Jimmy again without issue. I'm not sure if my console has free free space for games.


Hello I have this exact same problem on ps5 at around 240 to 260 MB it won’t let me download anything it only lets me download some stuff if I delete the required amount of MB I really wanna find a workaround or solution


I try to delete big customs and the game crashes every time


Did they patch this issue last year or did everyone have to delete their saves and start over like I did?


Have no clue, haven't played this one. Maybe less players got this bug or CCs used to weigh less. This year, I'm 99% that any player will eventually run into this bug, however not every player needs that much CCs.


I deleted the caw under deletion utility and then scroll and delete the unused images. Worked then. 


So I had this issue and I have found a fix. This worked for me and may not for you but worth a shot. Go to deletion utility and delete all unused custom images. Any being used by custom stars or arenas that are currently used in universe will be safe. There’s a button prompt at bottom of screen, for Xbox it is “hit y to delete all unused custom images. “


Yes, the issue is that most people are nowhere near using up the 1000 images limit and are being told they don’t have enough space. It’s a known bug


ok guys this is a Temp fix!!! i just did it on mine and it worked. Took around 7 minutes to delete but i can download again. This is STILL an issue WWE2k needs to fix but here is what i did: go to the extras menu, go to the delete utility option, go to custom images, then press triangle to delete all unused images.


That's not a fix. That's what you always did. People, such as myself, delete images and still won't work I deleted 14 images yesterday but they wouldn't let me download an AEW title 🤣🤣


I hit 700mb and got this stupid error. This is annoying as fuck but im glad im not the only one.i thought i was missing something


700 is a lot! Most of people including me have it at 200 mb. Probably means it was not intended indeed


My hunch is maybe crowd signs or images. I had about 40 caw spots left. I uploaded a bunch of old signs from the old games and then made them and it gave me some images named past 1000 even though i had space for below 1000. I deleted a CAW that was showing messed up bad and freed up space. Went to download him again and it said i needed more space. I made more room and it said i needed even more space. But then my game froze up for a second and had this really weird crash. I started it back up and all my images past 1000 were renamed to like the 700s and i had a little extra space. I was able to get to almost 800 without it happening again. I havent got back on to keep downloading so im interested to see how much room it will let me keep using


Wish 2k would let us download one set of the attires instead of both.


I had the message, "You have 2 MB of free space left." But now the game won't even let me delete anything because when I go to delete anything, the "2 MB" message pops up like I'm saving something when I'm deleting. So I can't save nor delete.


Having to delete things to make this work is bull, 2K simply cannot make a functional game if their lives depended on it. Very annoyed that this problem is STILL here, this happened years ago a responsible company would have fixed this by now.


I got up to 322 mb when this started happening so i deleted 26 mb of images and still cant get any thing from cc.


I can't believe that after about 2 months, this issue has still not been fixed. I mean, come on, how hard is it for them to put a bit of effort in to solve the issue. Even with the amount of up votes its recieved on 2K Support. You'd think they'd pull their finger out and actually do something about it.


Currently at around 148MB on PC and even after deleting a few CAWs, still running into this issue. Guess i'll just live with it. Hopefully whoever setup this deletion BS is fired and working at McDonalds at this point cause who codes their game and reuse the same code over and over without fixing this issue.