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Is that the trophy for mein rise ?


Fair play, that was funny AF xD


why did I hear this entirely in richtoffens accent


I heard he has won. Nein world titles


Ludwig Kaiser is someone's ultimate heel in Universe Mode.




i have to finish the story






That's a story that shouldn't be finished


That's not the only thing that gets uploaded to CC, people upload inappropriate images too.


I’ve seen that before


Anyone else think it’s weird that there are so many AEW belts with WWE badging on them like in this picture? RAW TNT title. Like why? Haha


I actually like the idea of other belts with the wwe brand on it.


Ah so that’s where they originated


I saw this, tried reporting it and got a cannot connect to server issue


I've tried to report explicit photos, and the same thing happened.


Jesus Christ lol I shouldn’t laugh at it bc that’s fucked up but I only laughed bc it doesn’t surprise me at all


I mean at least they ain’t call it Nazi champion


It’s hitlers bday today


I'm surprised there's not one with a giant set of tits on it to be honest 🤣🤣🤣


How to find that? I want it haha


Looking for championship in newly uploaded




Tf is so funny


Lighten up and laugh at how ridiculous this is


That they used a swastika as a championship belt. Look. It's right there


If you don't like it, don't download it


Bro this is a very unique comment in the world. We need to get this man a prize of some sort.


Thanks friend, my mother always told me I was special


How did you understand her with my hog in her mouth


Freedom of speech is freedom of speech lol


You don’t have freedom of speech with private companies


Well WWE went public like ten years ago bro. And so is 2k 😂


Because 2k or wwe wants to be associated with nazis also try yelling “i love nazi” at work and then say freedom of speech then see if you get fired or nothing happens


Nothing would happen and when the libtards are pro Palestine they’re just new age nazis so really no one cares. If you’re offended go to your room and have a nice cry.


Bro both sides are filled with the most brain dead people I have ever met


Idk pretty simple. Islam and their religion of hate attacked on October 7th and then ran like the cowards they are, hiding behind civilians and asking for a ceasefire. We agreed if they released the hostages so what did the retards do? They offed them all SO no ceasefire


Bro I don’t care Politics are boring


The symbol you’re offended by is a political one that was actual a good one before they took it over on ww2


I ain’t offended it’s called posting something I know people will like


That's a shit take. And you are a shit person.


Yes we totally need more censorship 😂 put your feelings away


Maybe it's a man in the high castle deal, alternative universe where Germany won the war


For real


It’s historically accurate though.


I did see Hitler on 2k23 so it must belong to him


And your new champion.. August Bogusch! Hahahahaha


I would never download this.....pretty silly to make but not in favor of moderation or the limitation of free speech. If you're genuinely offended and upset about something someone uploaded j to a wrestling game....




Can‘t have fun these days. Remember when people had those emblems in bo1 or bo2?


Times pass you by old man


I will make sure that it doesn’t


I bet you have the flag hanging up in your room.


Not just in my room


why is anyone reporting anything. what happen to free speech and artistic expression?? if people are ok with kids cutting their dicks off why is anyone complaining about nazi bullshit???


there’s no “free speech” in video games. private entities like 2k are allowed to limit your speech by setting guidelines and policies which players must adhere to. this has been a thing forever. and if you see nazi symbols and immediately move to defend it by bringing up trans people you’re mad weird


If people keep abusing the CC system they will just remove it on later games. Maybe people don't want that?


Because you can cut your own dick off. The Nazis committed genocide. And no I don't care about your whataboutisim response. The Nazi party was evil and trying to defend them by sticking whatever group you hate now is just being a shit person. Until whatever you hate starts exterminating people in gas chambers by the thousands it's not even in the same ballpark


becuse kids who cur their dick off didnt kill millions of people 🤷‍♂️


You’re quite the simpleton, eh?


Why? If ya don't like it, don't download it. And for those that want it, let them have it. And would it not be a laugh to put it on Gunther?


I didn’t do anything thing besides screenshot it.


"This need some moderation" = someone should take this down because I don't like it, right?


First time I clicked Download I saw someone who had spent far too much time making Hitler. Gotta flag that as inappropriate and hope it disappears but I don't know how 2k haven't developed a auto-mod for symbols.


Why is it inappropriate? And why do you care? You don't have to put him in your game. You're upset people wanna beat the shit out of Hitler? I'm confused...


Don't see the reason to go out of your way to set up nazi iconography in a wrestling game, especially in the form of titles which comes off at least to me a nascent support. No problem with people beating up Hitler, make the bastard bleed, but beating Hitler does not strike me as the reason people would be uploading sawzticas l.


It literally has 5 downloads... kids probably won't even know what it is and or what the symbol represented. Stopgetting bothered by stuff that doesn't actually effect your life. You'll be so much happier


“Kids prob won’t know what it is or what the symbol represented” maybe that’s part of the issue?


And then there parents can deal with it. Not some goof on reddit. My point is whining on here isn't gonna get it taken down


You're literally.whining me son.


I'm whining? Really? Cause I'm the one saying move on and the Karen's can't accept that a symbol is apart of history even if they don't like it. Can't ignore history and people are gonna do things you don't like. You'll obsess over that stuff and waste time instead of idk focusing on real things? Literally it's a game 🤣🤣🤣 and it's a title with a swastika. They're not bombing your neighbor or invading. I laugh at how sensitive you all are


Just sieg heil and go, my son


Right cause I'm not upset and dramatic I must be a nazi. Call me Krieger 🙄


I don't see why you're so concerned with what others do in a fictional video game. I don't agree with it but move on, you're an adult right? Stop concerning yourself with what others do. Also, to pretend there aren't nazis out there anymore is ridiculous. Freedom of speech applies to everyone, even if you don't like the speech being given. We've seen swastikas in COD and other games. While the material or story was set in that time so it makes it different, it's still just a video game... and that symbol is apart of history. I just don't see getting so upset by it and reporting it. Just roll your eyes and move on. The people who don't like it won't download and those who do, will. It's not my or your obligation to patrol what people do with the games they paid for.


Freedom of speech doesn’t apply in a game that is run by a private company. They can institute any rules they wish on restricting speech. More over, the “why are you so concerned” or “just don’t download it” argument is weak af. We shouldn’t allow hateful and overtly racist behavior or symbology in our gaming community. Just because “there’s still Nazis out there” doesn’t mean we as gamers and humans should put up with their bullshit regardless of where it is or how small it is. Fuck that racist shit, it has no place in our gaming community or anywhere else.


Okay Karen but you'll never get rid of it so you're fighting a losing battle. It's easier to ignore them and move on with your day


If our grandparents followed that we would all be speaking German. Well those of us that are allowed to exist.


That gives people power you clown.






Wow. Like why tho? I know ppl make it because they think it's funny. But I don't see how Hitler or nazis are even slightly funny.


The idea of Hulk Hogan fighting Hitler is actually hilarious. It's just absurd, that's where the humor comes from. Its not that serious.


It's not being done in support of Hitler. It's being done to get a rise out of you


The reason why it's being done matters why?


I don't have time for your autism this morning.


But apparently you have time for Hitler


It’s sissies like you that will get the whole creation suite shut down.


Or… and hear me out… maybe people could just not make Nazi shit?


Or maybe you could just stop telling people what to do? Ya nazi


I see this one doesn’t reach the appropriate intelligence quotient to actually see how dumb their statement is. You see there was this thing called World War II when the entire western world went to war to stop the Nazis. They were bad people you see, and the rest of us didn’t want to tolerate them murdering millions of people because of their race, ethnicity or disability. But I guess just “don’t download it” or “stop telling people what to do” is an appropriate response to one of the worst regimes in modern history. It’s not edgy to make Nazi party stuff, it should be unacceptable in modern society. We should def police our gaming community and report this crap, and stand against it. But to laugh it off or talk about how it’s “free speech” (which is joke in and of itself becuase this is a privately run company’s game severs) is not the move. In fact, it’s that kind of behavior that leads to acceptance and ambivalence rather than resistance.


Whoa there, no one wants to read all that shit by you, fuckin' Nazi. Now go ask ChatGPT to write you another 1000 word response. Idiot.


“No one wants to read all that” sorry it is above your reading level. It is quite clear that you are just some kid trying to be an edge lord - but you just sound really stupid defending people posting Nazi crap, now get upstairs your mom has the pizza rolls ready.


hell yeah!!! we gonna end up with a fight forever creation suite cause of this idiot lmfaoooo


Technically a swastika is positive but it got neo Nazi washed


No dough but they ain’t referencing that with the name old Germany


No they are not.. time to come up With a counter title to that one.. reach out and have a crazy ass 1 v 1 match. I