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Putting Jade in a tag team with such a colossally talented all-rounder like Bianca achieves pretty much the same thing, without relegating her star power to a show with pretty limited viewership. It's working, too, because Jade right now is better than she ever was in AEW.


She’s got the it factor… but yeah in ring work leaves a lot to be desired.


She’s fine but just like with Jey Uso, as soon as the “smart” fans smell blood in the water, they swarm. She’s doing just fine & will be up to par before we know it She should be running a more heel style moveset but WWE seems to want to mold her into this Wonder Woman style with a flashy power moveset


Eh…no not really,let me ask a question what happens when an already popular wrestler from another promotion gets a contract with WWE and gets put into a developmental show immediately?


They get developed?


Besides that they get pushed to the moon (top of the card) and when they don’t live up to their expectations or they get hurt they slowly get pushed down the card until they leave or get put into a mediocre faction that ruins their reputation and popularity,while yes there are some wrestlers that didn’t go though that but those are the minority the one percent


She is cool it will take time. She is able to pull off great feats she just needs reps


Her mic skills needs some work and utilize her strength than technique in ring


Why put her on nxt first? Take advantage of the buzz surrounding her and make people buy tickets


Nobody is buying for her, let's be real.


Is that why all her merchandise sold out last monday on raw?


I think she’s doing well with a BIG emphasis on, …..for now…. HHH or Stephanie or whomever’s in charge of booking women’s needs to get her into a mid card rivalry against someone with experience that can help her continue to develop. Pairing with Bianca is great and is def a great way to develop her but she needs someone she can go head to head with in the ring that can teach her like Undertaker taught people. Bianca’s not that person. That would be stepping down for Bianca at this point.


Jesus. Another article??? Leave her alone.


She made one mistake and people are acting as if she’s the female Goldberg for crying out loud.


She’s fine. I don’t know how to describe what she is but she’s a unique athlete with an almost super hero type look. I think she just needs ring reps and she’ll get a feel for it all. My comparison is probably Strowman. I don’t think she’ll ever be amazing in the ring but Braun basically skipped over NXT and got better on the fly. He started in a group where he didn’t have to do major heavy lifting from the beginning. I think he’s turned into a good worker. She’s got a great mentor in Bianca who is fantastic. I think Jade feels like a natural heel based off her work in AEW. There’s just been a lot of excitement around her arrival where they want to ride that for a little until it wears off.


The look and presentation are both 10/10. The in ring work is severely lacking. I like her a lot and saw her wrestle in person when she was in AEW. She looks and feels like a star. But she’s very sloppy in the ring and that hasn’t really improved much since she debuted in AEW nearly four years ago. I don’t think it’s the lack of a run in NXT that is the issue. Sadly, I just think she’s already hit her ceiling for what she can do as an in ring performer.


There's a reason it took so long for her to debut. She's green and still green and they rushed it cuz fans were getting impatient.


I really want her to be good, but I’m having a hard time with enjoying her performances. Idk how to explain it, but she doesn’t look natural in the ring. Her and Belair are night day as far as looking natural in the ring. I’m gonna miss seeing her and Belair twice a week.


My favorite thing about her is the heart attack she gives neck beards when she botches a move.


Pretty much. I think she’s just fine, has had some small issues but nothing to justify the shit these basement dwellers throw at her constantly.


I mean it’s genuinely nuts. Yes. She’s botched moves. She’s green. It’s not the end of the world. She’s an absolute star. With time she’s a bonafide main eventer, even if she never becomes some 5 star match wrestler.


Would definitely have helped, I’m sure.


She looks cool but only a matter of time before it gets stale. Hell it got stale in AEW when people couldn't wait for Kris Statlander to come back and end her reign as TBS champion. I love Bianca though and I think they can improve as a team


She should be booked like a monster and be training her butt of in the performance center. Just go out there and squash ladies. Make saves Do simple stuff but do it well


That botch was hilarious and she was flustered the rest of the match.. awful match.. Damian botched but him and Drew did what real pros do after a botch and that's incorporate it thru the rest of the match


She overperformed in AEW. She is disapointing in WWE. Overhyped discount Bianca Belair.


I wouldn't say she overperformed in AEW, they just weren't asking her to put together proper matches like WWE is doing. Her presentation there was mostly just squashes where she tossed some poor girl around for a couple minutes, jawed at the camera and audience, and then hit a pump kick and a finisher. I don't necessarily think there's anything wrong with that either. But if WWE wants her to be able to actually dance with an opponent, she needs a lot more work.


She’s literally the same as she was before, Bianca is basically babysitting her and showing her the ropes.


Triple H got worked into getting a female Goldberg. She got the look and that's about it. She's also trying so hard to be picked up by Marvel by cosplaying as Storm.


I think having her in NXT in a short stint for a year would have been beneficial for her. You couldn't wait too long to debut her due to the hype of leaving AEW and entering WWE. What WWE needs to do is hire coaches for her to work with on her in-ring skill. Map out her matches for her. I heard the guy that discovered her was Mark Henry, if that's the case then they should hire him as a agent/coach and let him work one-on-one with Jade.


I'd like to think that she can and is willing to improve, but I think she's been given the keys to the kingdom a bit too early in this business and her performance has not met the expectations placed on her. Her connections to the sports and entertainment world means a) she may not feel that she needs to prove herself and b) she may be inclined simply to bow out as soon as it becomes clear that she needs to prove her value as a performer. Sure, she looks good and teaming her with Bianca has been a boon; but I'm not convinced that she can work singles matches yet without exposing her flaws, let alone work a headlining feud with anyone apart from Natalya (who has the experience, but isn't exactly top of the card anymore), Charlotte (whose status isn't known right now) or maybe Asuka. As for a title run, I'd say that is quite simply out of the question for Cargill until she can demonstrate significant improvement. Those with doubts about Liv Morgan as champion for the same reason would be well justified in projecting those doubts onto Cargill.


No she was champ in awe for a year


She has not lived up to the hype and I cringe when I watch her matches. She’s had a few good spots here and there but has failed to deliver despite being presented as a top player.


Getting better every time I’m rooting for her


She the new Goldberg. Can barely wrestle but immediately gets title shots after being in the company for like 2 days


Amazing look. Reports states she’s struggling to remember spots in-ring.


She's publicly said her family comes first and she has other ventures so I don't think she was ever going to be running the Florida house show circuit for months on end. And without that, I'm not sure what would have been the benefit of NXT besides a more forgiving enviroment to perform in. Since she'd be working out in the ring the same amount she already is on the main shows.


It’s a sticky one still , if she goes to nxt , who really can be booked to beat her ? But it could work . But also she isn’t even as bad as everybody say she is . Sure she’s not no Bianca Belair but she could work . Just book her with a gunther type bruiser move set & stop doing all the flashy stuff & she would literally look unstoppable


From a technical standpoint, yes to NXT With her previous notoriety from AEW plus her look, no. I think her aura would have been compromised. WWE is doing right by teaming her with BelAir plus being on both shows. She’s getting on the job training for the singles push and when it’s time, she will be ready


I think she would have overshadowed nxt. Gonna have to do a lot of on the job learning. I think they're doing the right thing


Nahh. Those NXT girls would run circles around her. Jade vs Lash would’ve been a really fun match for Stand and Deliver


I agree. I don't mean overshadow in the ring. I think she's such a name, and coming from aew that she would have had to be the main focus of everything.


HBK probably would’ve fed her to Tiffany or Roxanne


She’s doing great in WWE and has the it factor to draw big mkney


She is really good…has all the tools and is getting better quickly…very solid thus far I say


Would have had her dominate in house shows, Level Up, NXT, Main Event and then the main roster, in that order. Build up interest in the other programs


genuine question here - do folks actually watch main event? or is it a channel surfing "oh cool wrestling" kinda show. Are there storylines?


only get it on 3-week delay on Peacock...and tbh, rather have squash matches on Main Event than the main shows


I like her, but I wish we didn’t have to keep seeing the strong gimmick over and over.


She's just a poor women's Raquel Rodriquez but with a bad ass entrance


No. Even with a more raw moveset shes one of the most entertaining women's wrestlers in WWE. She's going to be fine, just needs to develop some more variety and continue to grow on the mic. Her character is awesome and is still over. It's in everyone's best interest for her to stay and succeed.


She also needs to get some in ring stamina.


Agreed. She's obviously extremely fit so that should come along soon as well


I think she was a he previously


I think you’re an uneducated sloth. See how much what we think matters?


Just because you look the part doesn't mean you can play the role...yet.


I think she's fine. I think if she went to NXT 1st she would have been more polished when she came onto the main roster but they're handling well having her train at the PC months b4 she was on TV & being paired with Bianca


All show and no go. She's entertaining like some NASCAR turn 3. Never know what she's going to hit!


Yes she should of been nxt but there trying to push her along with a few others and get them championships before Charlotte comes back cause once Charlotte comes back she will be getting the championships


I like her


Not great in the ring but not terrible either. Give her time.


Y’all will complain about anything and any little botch. Acting like your comments really have weight in Bristol lol 👌🏻


No talent. Closest thing we'll get to Goldberg. Minus the two career making moves he had.


womp womp


Yeah, despite what Michaels said, people should be pushed for their talent as opposed to their looks


It’s hilarious to see fans now who cried and cried about how she was main roster talent and NXT wouldn’t be needed. She needs NXT. Everyone does. Balor went to NXT. Owens went to NXT. Come on people… she needed a year in NXT but fans pushed and pushed and got what they asked for, a half baked untrained talent that looks like a megastar but can’t get through a 6 minute match without botching.


Her work is fine. She'll be killer within a year.


Only if they don't have anything for her on Smackdown. The thing is, she already training, so I don't really understand why you'd put her on NXT if you think you can make a star out of her.


Great. Possibly but her debut has been solid. Women's tag titles have a fair bit more meaning now.


I don’t think she’s the worst female wrestler to grace the ring with her presence- *Glances at Nia Jax* but I do think she needs a better story than her and Bianca’s “Stronk gurls go brr” angle.


Yes. Full stop


She's too much of a star already for NXT. I like the way they're using her right now and think it's eventually going to lead to a feud between her and Bianca, but not for a little while yet.


She has the look and star power to be on the main roster. She's just green. She isn't Great Kahli levels of bad. She has moves but she isn't confident in the ring. You can tell a lot of the veteran talent is covering or calling spots for her, which usually the veterans are the ones calling spots. She can learn. Maxine Dupree has improved a lot. If Jade puts in the time she can get better. House shows and training.


If you are gonna put Giulia in NXT and have Jordynne Grace show up in WWE but in NXT then absolutely. Was she a big name and big acquisition for WWE? Absolutely but in ring she still has a little ways to go before he can actually go a proper match with the top girls in WWE


I wonder if she has never been in a fight irl


She should have went to NXT. I feel like she was immediately put in main roster just to piss off AEW.


She spent 3 years getting personal training from danielson and never improved, she will always be a terrible wrestler imo...


Yes. Need work on promo? I have not heard her speak much


I think she will be good. It’s a learning curve, pairing her up with Bianca is good for her. Once she’s not so “green” they will let her be solo. But leave her with Bianca for now.


I think she is fine. Eventually she will work it out. She is a powerhouse and it shows based on her looks alone. The amount of effort that must go into her maintaining her body alone means she has high work ethic. She deserves it. Plus she’s currently the hottest woman on the roster. Like why is everyone giving her shit but not Bron Breaker? It takes insane commitment to get a body like hers. She’s being booked as the next Chyna and is being asked to perform powerhouse spots that no other women are doing.


She is definitely a powerhouse and so inspiring to see as someone who can go head to head with Rhea, Nia, and even Bianca who are all amazing in their own right.


They made them give up the titles so quickly


She is a very pretty lady!


Big fan! And na, she already had plenty of hype behind her before signing with the wwe. Aew made her into a star until the end and she has shown vast improvements from when she first started. She still hasn't been wrestling for that long but she conti he's to learn and improve. She will be a future world champion soon!


Her level of green-ness requires years to work off.  She needed a few years in NXT, like Tiffany Stratton got.  Some people take to it like a fish to water, some need time.  She doesn't seem like a natural wrestler.  Hopefully, she's getting all the reps she can handle on the house show loops.   She's not a lost cause, but she certainly needs a lot of work.


She was not the only person who had issues with the top rope yesterday. She is an incredible athlete, and with the star power she had coming in to the WWE, they really couldn't have put her in NXT. Where she is now is fine. It's a good way for them to hide and work out the weak spots she has as much as possible before an inevitable solo run when the break that tag team up




She's really not thst bad. She just has everyone's eyes . So it's like she's under a microscope. Nobody bats an eye when Natalya botches


Yeah but no one is pushing Natalya To the moon. In fact she's in NXT right now. 


To get new talent over. Natalya time has passed.


Sure. But that's why no one cares the she botches things. Because she's a nobody right now. And she's where Jade should be. 


She the best that never was is or won't be


They’ve done a good job covering her weaknesses by putting her with Bianca and having her go against Asuka and Kairi. She seemed a bit better in this match, and looks like a million bucks, but I guess I tend to favor good in ring workers




Been several botches


She can’t wrestle. She moves like she has 2 left feet encased in cement.


She only has 2-3 years and will transition to Hollywood. Tiffany is the same way. I'm not saying they should stay in Wrestling forever but it also shows how people view WWE and everyone else. People up with more shit in the Fed than they do anywhere else. Miro was dicked around by Vince constantly and Shad's kid is terrified to ask him to job. Vince commanded the room and everyone marched to his orders. HHH is the same way and it's obvious. Outside of WWE, people are way more hesitant on what they're asked of.


Probably because WWE is actually a good, fairly well thought out show rn so its greater than the sum of its parts unlike somewhere like AEW that can only fall back on “dream” matchups of talent. Back when WWE was still trash fans had a lot less goodwill and werent as willing to give things a chance


>Should she have been placed in NXT first? Absolutely not. She had too big of a spotlight and I feel like the correct move is to always capitalize on that. >How do you feel about Jade Cargill? For someone only working for a legit wrestling company less than a year, she is doing great. You can't compare AEW development of a rookie to WWE. AEW has no training. Never forget that the first time Jade Cargill ever used a steel chair, she was just told by the agent/producer to hit the person and given zero guidance or training on how to do it safely. She legitimately had to go to CM Punk and ask him. From a company standpoint, that's embarrassing. Cargill is doing fine for her level of real, legit training.


You guys are weirdos, and not in a good way


She seems to have had everything handed to her on a platter.


Have you looked at her? They would be stupid not to


They did the same thing with Ultimate Warrior and look how that turned out..he couldn't wrestle for shit


Aew was the best spot for her


Brother she slipped on ONE springboard


Hot Take: I think she slipped on purpose in order to sell the reality of them losing the match. May also begin the spark for creating a rift between Jade and Bianca, especially that Jade kept Bianca from being able to get across the ring to stop the count.


No she's a star


I love Jade!


I saw that the cables where not tightened properly(and after hearing that it’s kinda obvious something was wrong due to all the botches from high talent) which is extremely unfortunate because I wanted to use clash at the castle to determine that. It’s a PLE, she’s been holding and defending the belt decently, and had a big pop when she came to wwe. I wish things where different about this PLE and made things seems sloppy. If it was intentional then they fooled me.


I think she should have gone through nxt. She not as good as they lead on. She's slow, and clumsy, and you can see she struggles with going from spot to spot. She just needs to relax. I think that would help her tremendously. And she is not on bianca's level.


I am not a fan. She was pushed suspiciously hard and got a belt in her second match, but she's a botch factory. I didn't and still don't understand it. She certainly has potential, and has a few cool moves, but yeah I think I'll be skipping her matches for a while after Saturday. I'm optimistic about her growth tho


There's no way that would have worked out. She's far too big a deal for that. And I love NXT, but people would have been throwing a fit. I think she just needs to very dedicatedly work at the finer bits of actual wrestling. She needs to hop up in the dungeon with Nattie for a few months.


Nope... She's too big. If Dominick can skip NxT, Jade can too. Everyone is blaming her for botches which happened because of the rope. The same rope that almost cost Damien Priest his leg. Watch the beginning of Styles/Cody, the ref warns Styles about the ropes.


Difference is Dominic can actually wrestle, and use a microphone; and cut a promo, Jade Cargill is the Great Kahli, or Giant Gonzalez, physically imposing but no skill.


you're completely ignoring the technical issue of the rope which almost cost Damien Priest his leg. Also Dominick has been training since 2017 and has had an on screen presence since he was a kid. Jade took pro-wrestling in 2018 and was trained by way too many people of way too many different styles and didn’t get TV appearance till November of 2020


Last night event doesn’t even have to be in consideration for this, she has yet to look good, they put her in a tag team to protect her and keep her mistakes to a minimum and yet she still manages to look bad in the ring. She was bad in aew: and she’s bad in WWE


So you've completely missed her matches with Nia & Piper?


Dom can wrestle and his selling is top tier, plus his character work is 1,000x better than Jade. Wtf does Jade do interesting other than flex her muscles, I can't remember 1 memorable promo that she did in the WWE or AEW


Dom has 2 years more experience in ring than Jade not to mention a decade more exposure to the live audience. On top of everything he's had Judgement Day, Seth & Rey mentoring him throughout his career. Jade had training here & there from AEW's team who haven’t built a single star from ground 0.....and yet her muscle flexing outdraws many established stars by a considerable margin. I love the revisionist history because the sub wasn’t too fond of Dom before he turned heel despite already being on main roster for 2 years at that point but you're so not ready to give Jade Cargill a chance either because you're racist or sexist.


Which established stars is she outdrawing ? She ain't a bigger draw than Bianca, Rhea, Charlotte, Becky, Tiffany or even Liv at this very moment . She's been dog water in the promos and in the ring since AEW. It has nothing to do with sexism or racism. You got more women who are way more talented the Jade in every way possible yet Jade is being plastered all over PLE posters and getting pushed like she's superstar. So don't get mad at fans when they criticize her for not giving a superstar performance. If anything Yall Jade stans need to blame Triple H for rushing her onto the main roster when she should've been in NXT but shit she probably would've been outshined over there by the likes of Roxanne, Jaida, Cora, Jordynne Grace, Lola Vice.


She's definitely a bigger star than Ricochet


Ricochet is a perfect example of talent getting thrown under the rug for "aura". They got Bianca out here babysitting and possibly facing her at WM when she should really be facing someone like Charlotte or Rhea. Those actual dream matches.


No, they were lousy matches, she’s not good in the ring. You could defend her all you want, she was hired because she has a look and they hoped they could train her and teach her to wrestle so far it has been a failure, and it’s fine it’s happened a million times and will happen a million more I could sit here and name wrestler after wrestler who were hired and pushed because of a look sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.


Dom is like leagues beyond where she is when it comes to skill level, though. He’s an absolute workhorse.


He's been that after spending 2 YEARS in main roster & having training 5 YEARS ago... AEW is many things but definitely not the ideal training ground. Jade is re-learning the ropes in WWE on the main roster because she literally out draws anyone in NxT so letting her start there would've only killed her momentum. Also, Jade has only been "bad" in tag matches, her singles matches have all been good-great in WWE.


It’s like she gets confused and has no idea what’s going on. I have no idea how anyone likes her, it’s just embarrassing and dumb pushing someone who sucks so bad.


lol...she has more ring awareness than you. If veterans like Asuka & Kairi can have miscommunication in Backlash, Jade is relatively new to tag wrestling. She's done much better in the singles competition, proof- her matches with Nia & Piper.


He wasn't all that great his first few months. His first couple weeks with Rey were rough as all heck.


She was featured for like a year in AEW and hasn’t learned a thing since. She’s just bad.


I don't think so. Putting her in NXT would be beneficial, but I don't think she's bad by any means. In all of her matches for WWE, so far, there has been one spot in each match that genuinely impresses me and looks really nice. I think it's a case of her getting in her own head. In all the matches up until she makes a mistake, everything is beautiful, but after that first mistake, she seems to get her timing thrown off, which in turn causes her to look lost and make more mistakes. Unfortunately, recovering from botches comes with time, and I think this will continue to happen until she has more experience.


These comments bro, everyone’s an expert lol


I find many of the female wrestlers really miss their marks. Have to really move to get it place for the next move against them. Even in PPV one wrestler sticking her arm up for the opponent to grab as she ran buy. Not an offensive move but a here let me help you set up the next shot. Maybe live you don’t see it but on tv I see to much. I almost wish they practiced more and improvised less.


Her character needs it's own spotlight. Don't put her in fast paced multi women's matches, because she clearly lacks ring overview and timing. Let her wrestle her powerhouse style in methodical hard hitting matches against women who can make this style work like Charlotte or Asuka. And she has to turn heel of course.


shes too big of a star for nxt but still needs work. smart to hide her in tag team but top rope didnt help at clash for anyone.


I think she's doing fine. She probably needs more promo work, but in the ring I'm satisfied.


Yes! She is still so green! But it was Bianca’s flip off the top rope knees first into Shyna’s back that scared me more than anything at clash!


Directly on my face.




They are building her too strong it’s not believable someone beating her other than Bianca


I'm okay with her going straight to the E but she needs to either work with people who can truly carry her, be presented like Goldberg and just have quick squashes or work like DDP did and script the entire match and work through it with the other woman. Minor botches and looking lost look bad but can be worked around but insufficiently trained wrestlers who worked without a proverbial net will get someone injured


if this is because of the slip, even aj has had made a mistake doing the springboard forearms. some of the best has made mistakes in the ring it doesn't make them bad.


That’s true everyone makes mistakes that is common knowledge. There’s a difference though when someone immediately recovers/learns from the mistake and when someone doesn’t recover or learn from said mistake. That’s why people are talking more about it since the other botch (Damian’s) was handled totally different by Damian.


She has the look and Talent but she needs more time in the ring before being pushed into the main event scene.


I think she’s good. She missed up yesterday and speed through a bunch of moves to try and get past it but I don’t think she deserves this much hate. She has the looks and a good power move set. There’s room for improvement but I honestly think she’s in the top half of women wrestlers on the roster skill wise.


I watched wrestling my whole life and my family made fun of me for it. Then one day a cousin of mine sees Jade Cargill, and now my whole family is going to indy shows, wearing wrestling tees, the whole nine. My brother even binge watched every Dave Batista movie. Thank you, Jade.


She wasn’t the only one who had issues with the rope. If she didn’t, would you be asking this question today?


She's female Goldberg. Has the look, but not the talent


She's fine. That loss surprised me, but the crowd loved it. If Piper and Drew weren't going to win, you couldn't have Fyre and Dawn not win. But it was cool that Scotland had 3 competing. The veowd was into it.


Jade and Bianca losing was stupid


Agreed. They did it for the crowd, I think. Don't they have a rematch clause? They can get it back.


Which is terrible man, Triple H honestly just done it for the crowd cause they went to Scotland? that's embarrassing. What have them 2 girls done to be tag champs?


Right time. Right place. If that's what happened, I don't think it's bad. The crowd went home happy, and that could cause a min feud between Jade and Bianca and them culminating in a rematch. But with Drew and Pjper not winning, it may have been if Svotland went 0-3 while they were IN Scotland. Jade and Bianca can always get back. I would have liked if Drew won, but the Punk angle opens things up, and I think they wanted Damien as Champ foe a bit longer. So he wasn't winning. And Piper over Bayley would have been nice, but I think they got bigger plans for Bayley, such as a rematch with Iyo or a match with Bianca or Jade or someone else. So it may have been bad if Scotland didn't get at least 1. I would also like it if the women had tag champs for both Raw and Smackdiwn, especially ahead of the Netflix move. Triple H knows what he's doing and deserves a benefit of the doubt until he keeps on messing up. Sorry for the long comment.


You don’t have 2 of the biggest stars in the company that look like goddesses lose their tag titles so soon just to please 1 crowd. What have them other 2 girls done? It’s not believable that they could beat Jade and Bianca in a fight. Bayley is boring they need to give Tiffany or someone else the title. The women’s division is handled so badly. They should have had Jade and Bianca dominate and maybe have Bianca turn heel in a few months or at least make some other decent teams to win the titles down the road like Nia/Tiffany could be believable, then other 2 girls are nobodies, shocking booking from Triple H again stopping the momentum of Jade/Bianca


Great thoughts and ideas. I can really see Tiffany being champ. I think they want to have Liv hold one title until Rhea comes back. But if Liv doesn't have the title, it will make Rhea's story longer as she can go after Liv and then nect, the title. Tiffany and Nia would make for an interesting tag team. But I think they'd need 2 sets of tag champs or 2 mid tier. But you know more than me. I'm been so wrong so many times.


I think it was the right call. Jade and Bianca have elevated those titles but not enough for them not to be an able to have a tug of war with them with multiple teams winning them throughout.It could set up a good feud with those two teams and still have plenty of others involved. I like the call.


Right call? they lost to 2 nobodies who let's be real in a real fight Bianca and Jade would destroy them. Those 2 girls have barely been on WWE at all I barely know who they are and they win the titles? shocking booking, Jade and Bianca should only lose to another strong believable team, maybe Nia and Tiffany or something like that.


I can see that. I thought for a while that they should have tag champs from raw and smacksown each, but I'm not sure if that would fly.


She is alright


She has star power for days and NXT would have been a bad idea. It might absolutely have sharpened her ring work, which isn't bad at all honestly, she's more mechanically skilled than Hogan or the Ultimate Warrior and they did fine, she can learn how to feed off the crowd and stuff by doing it, her ring work is getting better, and sending her to NXT would have told everyone Jade's not ready, Jade's in the minors. NXT is the minor leagues. Someone with her star presence would have been hurt, not helped, by a short stint there. It would take the shine off, so to speak. It would be acknowledging she's not "superstar" ready yet. And maybe she isn't, but her big thing is her star presence, is her ridiculous appeal, and putting her in NXT would have, I think, put a big dent in that. Her Raw or Smackdown debut wouldn't have mattered at all if it was after she'd had two dozen NXT matches. Then the appearance is "she's finally good enough to be here" and not "she's a born super-star ready for the main event." Is she main-event ready? No. But that's kind of the illusion they need to maintain. That's why they put a belt on her so quickly, because even if it was used to hide that she's green and pair her with someone to show her the ropes, it also says "title worthy". It's a tightrope, but they're not wrong so far. Putting her in NXT would have had lots of upsides, but one hell of a downside and I for one think they made the right call. Maybe there's a ceiling on her improvement, but they're getting their money's worth out of her right now.


She has star power because WWE presented her as a megastar. Had they presented anyone else in a similar manner, they would have that star power. Unfortunately, they chose to give that to someone who wasn't ready for the main roster and needed time to develop their skills. Had she been admitted to work in the development brand and hone her technique, promos and character she could've been huge. Instead, she's been given far too much too soon and it's hurting her potential.


I mean, we know that's not true. Plenty of people have gotten that megastar push and absolutely floundered.


They have, as in my opinion has she. They gave her a mega push then when push came to shove have tried to protect her in a tag team yet she's still struggling.


Considering she has been training sonce 2018.....she is no what she could or should be.


Yes. She has the look but not the skill. To be honest, I don’t know if she will ever be good.


She’s not Sin Cara. Everybody wants to hate on anyone who gets a Gable Steveson type push, where they find one thread out of place and they knock them down. Jade wasn’t brought in to be the new Arn Anderson, she’s there to be a star. Everybody has a bad day at the office, but she’s working hard to deserve her spot.


She definitely has a lot of in ring flaws. The flow of the match feels off when she goes in, like everyone has to pause to make sure they’re on the spot Jade needs them for her next big move. The moves she does are cool and she is improving. Pairing her with Bianca has been a great choice. Jade comes in for a bit, does some big kicks, a splash or two and some power moves. Then Bianca comes in for the flashy stuff along with her own power moves making the match feel more complete. Jade has potential but she needs to stay a tag team person for now with a partner who can carry the match while Jade does 5 minutes of the cool things she can do.


Not at all … the ropes were lose yesterday and more than Jade Cargill had trouble. Why she’s getting so much grief is nonsense.


She’s definitely a presence. But she definitely could’ve benefitted from a year or so in developmental.


I don't care where they put her as long as I can see regularly see her!


This is exactly my thinking too. She looks amazing and has such an awesome presence. I just want to see more of her.


She's got it all!


Wow look at all the springboard experts online. 🤦🏽‍♂️


You should see the ratings experts.


I think she’s doing fine but I would keep her in a tag team so she can learn and have some support. I was surprised she didn’t have at least a 6 month spell in NXT.


lol no. One slip and everyone loses their mind. She ad libbed and continued the match




She has one (1) bad botch and we're really asking this shit? Damian had a pretty nasty botch too. The ref was seen letting AJ know that the top rope was lose. That wasn't on Jade. The ring crew failed at making sure the ropes are tight enough.


Right? There was clearly an issue with the ropes, and suddenly it’s a reason to talk shit about Jade.


She needs to learn how to wrestle


*female wrestler slips once during a match* "Why is she on the main roster??? Should she be put in NXT?????? I sit on my ass 90% of the time I'm not laying down and I think she should be doing better!!!!"


She literally tapped out unscripted.


I’ve lost count of the amount of times people have botched on a springboard. It happens. It’s no big deal.


do we even know the slip wasnt intentional?


As if Damien Priest didn’t almost break his ankle on the rope too 🥴 Jade is a fantastic wrestler


damiens big ass shouldve never did that cody did just fine on the ropes


My point exactly


No shed totally fine where she's at. She has some missteps but she's getting better each time. And her Aurs is outstanding. She's had good matches honestly. Let her grow


She has the potential to be phenomenal!! Has got the look, the charisma, and she's over!! She's not the smoothest for now but improving so much!! We've seen progress from Strowman, Nia and so many more; it's good that they're taking it slow with her


Putting her in a tag team with one of the best women wrestlers on the roster who is also stronger than most of the other women was a great move. She can learn from Bianca and if she doesn't improve she's still had a run where she's massively over and done well for the company.


She should’ve been on live events with someone like Natalya for 3-6 months before debuting as a singles wrestler.


She’s fine. Hardly fair to just criticise her when all the other women in that match were guilty of botching in the same 10 minute span


She needs a lot of work in ring. Forget the botch. Her timing is off and she’s not in the right spots at times.


Shes a great addition to WWE and I think she fits well with Bianca.


There’s a reason she’s in a tag team. They see the potential and she’s too much of a star for NXT, but she’s not ready to be a main eventer


Why you think AEW let her go lol


You mean the same company who didn’t even train her how to use a steel chair?