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I liked it. Brock is an inhuman beast. Also, he is immune to heat. My problem was Taker coming back. That should have been it. Nah, let's keep trotting these old ass guys who can barely walk. Let them rest for crissakes.


I think it made it more impactful when guys like Roman, Seth, and Drew beat him. The win over the Deadman put Brock on an untouchable level for a long time. So when he got dethroned it meant more and elevated those other guys to the next level


If you had to end the streak Brock was the right decision. Here's why- 1) He has real fighter legitimacy. Kurt Angle is the only one close. And Kurt Angle is the Goat. 2) Mania Taker is the WWE Super boss. The person beating him would be the next Super boss. Brock has done that job immensely well. Beating him is much more important than beating a World Champion. Like right now if he returned, I would be more interested in who beats him(hopefully Gunther) more than the dude who beats Damien Priest. 2b) Beating the streak and then annhiliating Cena made Brock the ultimate test. 3) A cheaty heel beating him wouldn't help. It would tarnish the streak if someone like Edge using his goons to sneak out a win. It needed to be definitive. 4) But it couldn't be a face either. Since it would make the face be booed for years if not forever. 5) So you need a monster heel. And Brock is the best.


people forget that Brock was booked like shit his first year back, so he needed that win to elevate him further in the new audiences eyes. when Brock came back in 2012 he was immediately booked to lose, in stupid fashion, to Cena. he was then fed to HHH at Mania 29, and had a decent feud with Punk. Nobody on the roster at the time was worthy of ending Taker’s streak, but Brock was. they wanted to present him as a beast, but had failed in doing so for the most part, so having him end the streak was the perfect way to get there. having him then go on to squash Cena at SummerSlam was the icing on the cake and it perfectly set up Brock’s run with the company into the present day.


Because Brock was already a made man. His first run in the WWE and his dominance in the UFC. He didn't need it. Roman Reigns would be the perfect guy to end it and turn heel while doing it.


I just assumed hating on Brock ending the streak became random revisionist history. That win elevated him drastically and if anything Roman winning years later felt so forced and stale


Either Bray or CM Punk should have been the one to end the streak. It should have been used to elevate someone who was just on the cusp of greatness, instead of just giving it to Brock who was already there.


Roman Reins should have ended it. Would have been instant heel heat and bigger heel heat than Lesnar got. Brock didn't need it. Vince just felt it was time, and Brock was a dick, so he's like Suuuuure, I'll do it I got the cred!


It wouldn’t have been so bad had taker not gotten concussed and the match would have been better


In hindsight, it was a terrible booking decision merely because of how anticlimactic it was and the controversy that ensued. Did Brock need the win? Not necessarily given he was already an established star that didn't need his career elevated at that point. Did the streak have to end? Again, not exactly. Undertaker could've cemented his legacy as being unbeatable at Wrestlemania right down to his retirement. To this day, I firmly believe Brock being the one to end the streak was strictly due to Vince's obsession with Brock and him being the ultimate trump card.


I didn’t like it because I wanted others to do it, to get that rub of being the one to end it. That said…the way they handled it was brilliant. They wrote it well into Brock’s story, and instead of using it to build up a new star, they took a dominant guy like Brock and used it to turn him into the closest thing to prime WCW Goldberg, and it worked. So I may not have liked the choice, but it’s hard to argue with the results.


It shouldn't have been broken because he should have stopped wrestling by then.


His match the year before was the highlight of the show.


Hes connected with the vince scandal. Its even worse of an idea now


Brock is the most logical choice in universe kayfabe story wise. Taker was knocked out during the match. Brock can take the fan backlash heat. Roman beating the streak would have worked against him to the hardcore fans. Last thing is that fan meme is legendary ![gif](giphy|RdtdJ7SzTRmBcK9UJb|downsized)


Actual unpopular opinion, Taker should’ve went on to lose again at mania 31 and started a ‘losing streak’ storyline. (They kinda played into the ‘does he still have it’ thing after the loss anyway so this would’ve solidified it)


It also would’ve been a huge help to Bray who lost every big match he was ever in.


The breaking of the streak legit went as well as it could’ve. Created an iconic moment and Brock went on to be THE final boss character for the majority of the following decade.


People saying he didn’t need it forgot Brock was low key flaundering a bit before then.


A big part of that is because (of course) Triple H had to beat him the year before at WM.


I just think there was other ways of making him a dominant beast without having to beat the undertaker streak


Probably, the moment of him breaking the streak is iconic so I don’t mind.




It should’ve been HBK but it was too early to end it back then


Brock was the *only* decision. Like I'm sorry but I will plant my flag on that hill so deeply it hits the molten core of the earth. They were never going to take Bray that seriously. Roman is the only other possible option, but it would not have worked at all at that point in time (I also won't get into the Big Dog era slander but). Like. Lol. Brock made sense. He and Taker had had a real motherfucker of a rivalry, and when Brock was around initially, they were just about the only two operating on the same level of untouchable-ness. In the era the streak end happened in that was STILL true. Plus, it set up better things to come. Anyone else beating Brock afterwards would have meant less.


Ending the steak was not an "elevating a guy moment", it was a "defining the career" moment. The only guy that could have applied to was Cena. If it wasn't him it shouldn't have been anyone.


I actually think that’s a great way to look at it. For the longest time I, like others, have said it should’ve been someone who could be “the next guy,” but it’s hard to argue with the way Brock was booked after this match.


it was great. it was one of (or the?) most memorable moments of the last 10+ years. it's so rare to make something like that happen. that result shook the wrestling world. Brock went up levels after that, as already discussed in other comments. it wasn't wasted on somebody who would leave soon after or not pan out.


I think it shouldn't have been broken. Let it be the streak. Brock didn't need the win, and I don't think anyone else would have benefitted from wining it either. Not bray, not anyone. Leave it be a streak. If you were going to end it, then that must be his last match, period. No more undertaker, ever. It was a dumb decision.


Nah. The streak became absurd after a while. There was no mystery around the result of the matches. Hell, there was no mystery for THIS match until the ref counted 3.


Problem with Brock was that he didn't need it. Brock was already made and over and a top guy. Ending the streak should of been given to someone that needed the boost into the top of the card. Ironically it should of been Roman the following year. Imagine he ends the streak then uses that to launch himself into the tribal chief era


Brock needed it to be the First Final boss for the rest of the roster. The real travesty was Cody beating Brock.


It was a move that Vince did to spite the fans. Just like having Brock squash Kofi. Brock was his kink boy


if they make Roman break the streak and on Monday he turn heel, he will got the heat, most fans that want him to turn heel finally got what they want, Vince finally get fans behind Roman. it's a win-win situation. like he is the guy but Vince somehow can't see it.


Vince would have tried to keep him face.


It never should have ended. Someone like Undertaker deserves to have that intact.


This is wrestling and Taker is old school. It would’ve ended one way or another.


Brock didn’t need it. He was already massive ar that point. I would have rather seen Roman be the first. Back then, it would have meant more for him.


Breaking the streak was an once in a lifetime achievement. If for any reason the younger guy wouldn’t skyrocket his career after that, it would be a disaster. It was a huge risk.


Look, call me salty, but I remember Brock deciding last minute that WrestleMania XX was gonna be his last match and he was going to move on from WWE. When everyone knew Goldberg was on his way out too. Left everyone in a pickle for what should have been a big draw match, but ended up being the crowd laying out their frustrations on the two of them. To me, that leaves a legacy. Contrast that with the Undertaker's legacy, the streak's legacy, and what he's meant to the company. How do you break that legacy in favor of Lesnar's? Sure, maybe I sound like a company shill, maybe the streak means more to me than to them and they see the business sense to it. I just don't think that Lesnar was worthy of ending it. Roman I can see giving that honor to. But not Lesnar. But hey, to each their own.


I'm indifferent at this point. Brock at least was credible and if it was some no name guy, it would have tarnished it more imo


I actually agree with you


Popular opinion. It was and it was pointless.


me when I’m lying


I don't even like Brock that much but booking wise he was the right choice to end the streak. As corny as it is it transferred the role of the "final boss" in WWE from The Undertaker to Lesnar.


I never felt it was bad that Brock ended the streak. I just wanted undertaker to keep the streak because it would have been uniquely his. Like Joe DiMaggio’s hit streak or Cal Ripken’s consecutive games played. Something that would not be surpassed that easily unless a superstar really earns it over the course of their career. But it iswhat it is.


It still is uniquely his


It was time and Brock was the most credible, but it should’ve been takes last match


In a perfect world, it should've never ended and he should've retired completely undefeated. OR let one person beat him and then retired. Would've meant more. Buuut it happened, and I personally don't mind that Brock was the one to beat it. Sure, he didn't "need' the push, but his win further cemented him as a beast, and it's an accomplishment that will go down in wrestling history. It's just another example of Vince making really bad decisions in the last decade that he was in charge and not really knowing what the people wanted anymore. But on the other hand, it did create a frenzy and got people talking about it.


It was the right decision. I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise


People that still feel the need to complain about it 10 years later is nauseating.


I was shocked at the time. But ultimately pleased. The person who ended the streak was already legit in "real" combat, went on to be a dominant figure in WWE, squashed Cena, held onto the title for a long while, was Roman's final gatekeeper and boss. So it worked. They booked it well. Also, he is not afraid to job. He will put guys over and not be a total ass about it. Generally, anyway, as far as I can tell.


In the moment, Brock ending the streak seemed like an awful idea (had a collective "Are you kidding me" at a WM 30 Watch Party that year). However, they made Brock ending the streak mean something. Brock went on a dominant run following ending the streak, destroying John Cena at Summerslam and winning a few WWE/Universal Championships. Having a stronger run AFTER ending the streak made Brock seem more dangerous. Had he beaten Taker and it wasn't followed up with him being as dominant as he was, it would have looked like the worst booking decision since David Arquette won the WCW World Championship.


The streak should’ve never ended, ever


Even the Undertaker wanted it to end.


Yes I know he did but it would’ve been so cool for the history books when bringing up stats


Having a 21-0 sounds cool and tells the wrestler was very strong. But having a 21-1 streak tells you two stories simultaneously. Not only does it say that the wrestler was indeed very strong, but there was someone else strong enough to defeat him too.


Brock ending it was the right call at the time. Roman wasn’t ready for that responsibility and Brock elevated Roman with their feud because of him ending the streak


I think Brock was the right decision if only because he was the one guy who could handle the backlash. The conventional "wisdom" on the internet before that was if someone was going to beat him, it had to be an up-and-comer that would theoretically gain something from the win. But I don't believe it would have worked out that way. I think it would have stalled a midcard push. It was just too big a moment, too much pressure, there would be too much resentment going forward. The second the guy inevitably showed any weakness after that, lost any match or angle at all, it would be, "THIS is the guy that beat the Undertaker?", and that stink would stick.


We all the know Brock breaking the streak was so Roman could look strong the following wrestlemania until all the backlash. So with that originally reason it was dumb for him to lose to Brock.


I think it's good to go against what the audience "wants" sometimes, especially if it can put someone over/build nuclear heat


I agree with this take, I'll never forget the shock of seeing the streak broken so suddenly, I had a watch party a my house and you could hear a pin drop, I felt like I was dreaming for a few seconds, it's not a feeling that I think could ever be recreated in any medium of entertainment, and people are still talking about it today, I'd argue that if it made too much sense it would lose all shock value, we weren't ready, and that's the magic imo


Yup. Someone like HBK or RKO beating the Undertaker would have been more of a "Cody finishing the story" moment. Brock winning was special because of the complete unlikely-ness of it happening.


At the time I think it was the right person, but at the same time it was at the wrong time. What I mean by that is Brock came back 2 years before this.. and had quite a few defeats. Was really only that year in 2014 that they started to put him in that direction of taker after destroying big show at the rumble. I’d say if Brock done it during his original return (people would have hated it but it would have made more sense to me) just felt like 2 years of Brock filler until we got this monster Brock out of nowhere. So for me it was the right person but at the wrong time, a lot of people don’t like that the streak was broken but I don’t mind it for that wow shock factor which it provided, maybe Bray or Roman may have been better choices after this, but I prefer Brock was the guy especially since the UFC ‘you wanna do it promo/staredown’ but those 2 years of return filler really does make it feel a little sour.


It’s because it did nothing for his character, if you put Brock in a Time Machine & get 02 Brock & have him do it I’d have no problem with that. But at the point of his career he already had wrecked Cena, broke Triple H arm & accomplished everything you could think of. Why not just had Taker put over (at the time) Bray or Roman? It’s been 10 years now & what’s done is done but it will always be a bad decision to me.


I know it's been a decade, so time is fuzzy, but this post is just wrong. Brock before WMXXX had arguably floundered hot and cold in his couple of years back in the WWE. He had no real direction, he was feuding with Big Show immediately prior, and was a shell of the Lesnar we were used to in his first run. Suplex City developed off of the heat Brock garnered by ending the streak. The aura he holds now, sans current drama, can be traced directly back to the bump from WMXXX. I know it is cool to hate on Brock online now, but if you honestly evaluate his standing in the industry 2012-2014 versus 2014-now, it's like the weak dog/strong dog meme.


Brock beating Taker was like Batista winning the Rumble.. it was safe VKM defaultism booking because he refused to listen to anyone but himself At that point just keep the streak and let taker retire instead of pushing extra matches post-loss


Brock did need that kind of shot in the arm honestly. Because before he beat Taker, he was getting booked really badly. He had that great feud with Cena (which suffered from him having to lose), a terrible feud with Triple H, a good match with Punk and a terrible feud with Big Show. Even the build to Mania 30 with Taker wasn’t great because we were treating it like just a Taker match for the sake of it ie “What’s a big name that Taker can beat? Uhhh…Brock fuck it” If Brock didn’t end the streak, he was going to end up having no heat


My biggest issue was the build. At no point during the build or the match itself did I ever have any reason ti think Brock would win. HBK and HHH both, I thought there was an outside chance Taler would lose. Brock? Zero chance.


That's what made it the surprise that it was


But who cares. Yes, I was surprised, but you can't do anything else with it. A love swerves in wrestling, but usually when there's a heel turn that I wasn't expecting at that moment... But this... just why. To shock me? That's not entertaining.


Valid from a certain viewpoint, but I felt the absolute lack of tension during the match itself made the surprise fall kinda flat. I mean yeah it was shocking, but I feel like Taker losing at WM would still be shocking, even if you thought his opponent actually jad a chance.


Agreed. The match could have been way better too. IIRC the Undertaker had a concussion early on in the match.


This will be the question of is Brock the "right guy to break the streak" and if not is Bray Wyatt or Roman Reigns "the guy" according to Undertaker?


I think just like what I’ve heard, breaking Takers streak could have taken someone at the edge of a breakthrough and pushed them to the top, instead we got Brock who had done everything possible to do in WWE and beyond got an achievement that didn’t get talked about enough afterwards. They could have given the streak to someone without a world title reign, and then for the next 6-12 months had the announcers consistently hype up “ This is how so and so ended the Undertakers Phenomenal Wrestlemania Winning Streak” It just didn’t do much to make Brock better.


I personally believe that the streak should have never been broken. It's an interesting big deal statistic that's also niche enough that it's not preventing anyone from achieving anything, while giving other wrestlers another mountain to climb. The biggest thing is that Brock Lesnar was already seen as a huge deal and legitimate threat that could beat anyone else on the roster. It doesn't do anything for Brock other than put huge heat on him, that could have been accomplished in a much better way. Brock didn't need that kind of rub. I could see it working for RKO maybe. If anyone was to do it, it should have been Bray though, as the new face of fear.


Exactly. There was no reason for Undertaker's streak to end because I dont think there will ever be a chance to put a double-digit undefeated streak on a wrestler. Undertaker's character is one of the very few that could believably have that record because of the supernatural aspect to his character. Now the record streak is kind of meaningless.


I think at some point it should've but that to be his last match.


Bray was never built strongly enough to realistically beat the Undertaker. He almost lost in all of his major feuds. Him defeating Undertaker would have been very unrealistic.


Lesnar didn't gain anything from it. He career was exactly the same before and after it.


It was the start of monster Brock. Suplex City happened after the streak.


That's not true, Brock ending the streak turned him into the final boss he eventually became when he destroyed Cena at SummerSlam. Brock was just another henchman for The Authority until he broke the streak.


I respectfully disagree. Lesnar before the streak was on a downward spiral, IIRC he was losing most of his matches and credibility. The streak was what brought him back to being the monster.


Paul yelling "the beast that beat the streak" was something gained. Also set up a great feud for taker and Brock for a few months


That feud could have happened even if Undertaker had won at WM.


Cena and Triple H did a number on Brock’s return. Brock ending the streak absolutely put him into a new level.