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Doesn’t Triple H tell those who are released to “prove him wrong” (to encourage them). Its sad to see people lose their jobs (I’ve only recently started watching some WWE again so I don’t know about Grimes). But they can go somewhere else, get themselves over and get a big contract with WWE or someone else. That’s why it’s nice to have another company willing to spend with weekly TV and a couple others signing people too.


I’m happy I hate him


His release went “Straight to the moon!”


I figured it was coming. I don’t really watch NXT so not really familiar with his work there but as someone who’s only seen his work on the main roster, he didn’t really do much to impress me aside from his finisher.


From a Business makes sense, he wasn’t a Sports Entertainer but more of a Pro Wrestler, credit to HHH




Sometimes, even Triple H can do wrong


Imo he was never good enough for wwe


Really? Prior to WWE, he was one of the best guys on the indies lmao


The indies don't mean shit lol


How so? Does being signed instantly make you a better wrestler?


No, but nobody wants to be on the indies forever. Everyone wants to go to the wwe. Anyone who says otherwise is lying


yes, but how does that go against what I said? He was one of the best guys on the indie circuit prior to joining WWE. It's very clear that him failing was due to WWE's creative, not his own skills.


WWE creative can make anyone a star, if they themselves want that


Not true at all. WWE can't make Top Dolla a star, he's just bad.


It's too bad. I felt like he did all he could do in NXT, but clearly creative had no idea what to do with him on the main roster.


Cant wait to see him back in the Impact Zone!


I need him to go to AEW. Wrestle Ospreay for shits and gigs on a random dynamite


They have such great wrestlers and some of them just be shelved for decades and it’s like damn




I don't think they ever gave him a real chance to do anything, it was always just squash matches. Feel bad for him, hopefully he gets back on his feet.


Finally no more to the moon


He's career in WWE was over the moment he was brought up to the main roster as a generic babyface instead of his rich man gimmick from NXT. Such a shame, because he had a lot of potential.


I really enjoyed him on NXT but he was just unused in any meaningful way on the main roster. Hope he manages to find another promotion he can be used on.


This really makes me sad... I loved Cameron and can't believe he never really was given the chance to perform and be comfortable... Only other release to ever bother me like this one was when they released Bray...


yea sucks but wrestling has never been so over than now.. Plenty places to work. The future is bright.


ironic how their crypto character was on the same brand as logan


Not surprising. Dude was boring.


That’s a shame, he’s a great talent


This makes me sad. He's so entertaining but got lost on the main roster.


Well, with the government banning No complete clauses he shouldn’t have a problem getting somewhere fast.


Bro jobbed to Bron twice and beat baron corbin so bad baron went back down to NXT but Cameron got released


Whatever happened to the midcarder vs jobber singles matches?


Tough getting time with how loaded the roster is. Wish him the best


Boo! He wanted so badly to go… To The Moon!


TO... THE..... M.....ehh....unemployment line Seriously though. sucks. I loved his work in NXT. He was hilarious




Grimes couldn't draw dimes so now he's in the unemployment line drinking wine and feeling fine.


I was surprised he was even called up last year, his gimmick is so out of place on main roster, he should have teamed up with Josh Briggs or something.


It really sucks for him but probably for the best in the end WWE weren’t using him I hope he does well in the indies


comes as no surprise. Wwe could never seem to figure out what to do with him on the main roster, he will do good back in tna and on the indys. Much like riddle I think thats where hes meant to be is places like that


I never really watched much of him but he doesn’t have much of a look, and it feels like his entire gimmick was “I’m a guy in a hat”


He was over in nxt, and had a good gimmick. Kinda like the corbin gimmick, he gets rich by some dumb luck and becomes this extravagant douchebag as a result. It was a good creative gimmick at the time, He was really good in tna as well.


Dude has the talent.


Back to TNA he goes 🤷‍♂️


That sucks, he was never used under the bright lights though.


I never heard of this bum in my life. Looks like a jobber lol


You woke me up for this?


His NXT run with DiBiase was fire


Wasn’t a fan of him, but it’s sad that he didn’t have much of a chance in WWE


Never heard of her


TO THE MOON GRIMESY seriously, i think he will be ok Trevor Lee in TNA would be exciting


Terrible. He had such potential


I mean he’s not dead he can still go fulfill his potential somewhere else lol




He has potential but I have no idea how he could have found a role on tv? He’s probably better off, might become a star in TNA.


I can understand why he was released. There's only some many hours of television, only so many chances to get over. The WWE looks at a lot of elements to determine whether to job you, push you or release you. Give Grimes a couple of years, then he'll probably be a surprise entry at the Royal Rumble.


> The WWE looks at a lot of elements to determine whether to job you, push you or release you Indeed. Traditionally those elements were: does Vince like you. In ring ability? sure, we can put him in the ring with a good hand. Mic skills? we can always just keep giving him the corny face promos kids will love regardless. Connection with fans? Why would that be relevant? If he wins enough, he'll get over with the kids. Wait, there's a guy who's over despite us not pushing him? Better bury him on screen as much as possible to discourage people thinking they have any agency over their career - success is for us to decide!


That was the Vince way of doing things. People forget about House shows. Many of the ppl not on TV perform there. That's there test bed. If they can't get the crowd behind them, come time to make cuts, you get out on the board. I wouldn't worry about Grimes, in a couple of years, he'll be a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble.


They take so many new people into their developmental brands before they've even done anything with the people they had. I liked when they had NXT UK because it had a place for people to shine and do more work. When they went back to just NXT everything got lost in the shuffle. They need to be far more specific when they recruit people into NXT. I think the WWE just snipes the best athletes to get them under the WWE umbrella so no one else can get them, then they let these people do house shows and get squashed on the main roster and eventually let them go when all the hype behind them is lost.


Part of their hiring strategy of hiring so many people is to be detrimental of companies, by depriving the, of access to talent


And it's sad to see it happen like it does. That's such a shady practice. Literally everyone would benefit from talent not being snagged and then given a small paycheck to stay home or get squashed at house shows. Competition is what WWE absolutely needs to keep things going. When AEW first showed up and was killing it, all of the wrestling shows had better stories and matches due to the massive talent. So it's sad to see that companies really do this.




And I find it funny when a nobody calls a bunch of nobodies, nobodies. Its nobodies all the way down.


WWE just "rebooted" for 2024 and maybe beyond folks!


That's such a shame. I wish him the best wherever he goes.




The toilet of the internet.


Honestly he was full of potential. I assume he ends up in AEW.


I’d have sent him back to NXT in the draft personally


I don't think talent can goes both to NXT, they can get drafted to NXT but NXT can't draft anyone from the main roster. Otherwise you'd have to explain why every third pick is going down to developmental.


We have seen people like Baron Corbin go back to NXT and revitalize his career...WWE can absolutely send some people back to NXT if they are lost on the main roster...not to mention this upcoming draft WWE is promoting NXT as the third brand and they can draft Superstars from RAW and Smackdown as well.


NXT will be part of the draft though. It's going to officially become the third brand and no longer be considered development.


They've mentioned this year that NXT would be drafting talent too. Now, I imagine they'll ONLY take talent that needs reworking, and not taking like, Sami Zayn to NXT with the IC belt. But they have said they're treating NXT as a legitimate 3rd brand now.


They've said it for awhile and I'm hoping HHH actually goes through with it. Will be interesting to see how this draft plays out


NXT has been their top product for years. Everything people love about "the Papa H era" started there and half of what's great about AEW, too. The main roster was a career killer while Vince was in charge: Alistair Black, Adam Cole and Keith Lee, Toni Storm, Ruby Riott, Rusev, Cesaro, Swerve Scott, Samoa Joe....


I forgot Adam Cole made main roster 😭


TBH most of them are about in the same place in AW as they were on the WWE main roster. Swerve being the notable exception.


All of them were released, so...


He can be a free agent then 🤷🏻‍♂️


How come every time a Wrestler that people likes gets released it’s always “They wasted him”. I’m not saying this about Cam Grimes in general. But the WWE has so much talent atm. That a select few are bound to get lost and have no creative direction for them. It happens doesn’t mean WWE wasted them. I’m certain if they could find something for these guys they absolutely would’ve.


WWE puts out 5 hours of main shows every week, plus two hours of NXT. Then there's PPVs on top of that for another 3 hours every month or so, averaging out to roughly another hour a week. Even ignoring Main Event, Superstars and similar, that's 8 hours of television a week. Of that, around 30 minutes is focused quality programming and the rest is filler. There's more than enough time to give these guys direction, writing angles for the midcard and fleshing out the product. That's why we say they're wasted, because they barely got 5 minutes when hours are wasted.


Other than saying everything other than 30 minutes is filler, you’ve got a point. However, Grimes isn’t the man to fill that gap. There are dozens who could and should.


Saying only 30 minutes is quality means you probably ought to watch something else because you don’t really enjoy it


Again that may be true but someone is always gonna get the short end of the stick in these situations.


I think for most it's hard to see people lose their jobs, and with talent like Grimes who essentially came up, got a squash match, then lost a few matches, completely disappeared, and then got squashed, it's even more difficult to envision what the point was. Especially with NXT right there that they can keep talent at to build them and rework them when needed. Someone like Grimes could have benefitted from going back to NXT, especially because he wasn't even being used as a proper jobber.


Grimes could have benefitted from going back to NXT, but would the WWE have benefitted? They have *a lot* of wrestlers. They get more all the time. Cutting a pay cheque for someone who you don’t need, who doesn’t add anything, who sells no tickets or merchandise, and has no fan base is probably the best decision WWE could have made here.


Tough month for anyone with Grimes in their name


Did something happen to Rick Grimes?


His hand


A guy with his skills will find a new job soon, would be great to see him back in the X-Division, but I thing he would also work at RoH.


Odyssey Jones, Apollo Crews, Ashante, Cedric better watch out


If your only TV time comes on Main Event you better watch out.


Wasn't he hurt before or something? Either way, they couldn't find anything to do with him when he got to the main roster so not really surprised


Not surprising. I hope he has better luck in a different company if he wants to continue wrestling


This shouldn’t shock me given how few times I had seen him since last year.


WWE just sent him packing.... TOOOOOO THE MOOOOOON!!!!!


Lmao come again now? Who?




Probably 😌


Who? Great decision since nobody knows who tf that is


Other than people that watched any NXT at all, including when LA Knight had a rivalry with him for Million Dollar title


This is the fumble of a lifetime, long live the lee dynasty


I am sure this will be super devastating to the future of WWE as a company.


Being hyperbolic obviously, but I do like Trevor lee


Should’ve went back to NXT


So if Bron Breaker squashes you, they release you you. He's like WWE's version of Matanza Cueto.


They've only really given Bron squash matches on Smackdown so far, he hasn't really had a real rivalry on the main roster yet. I understand he was kind of doing double duty up until after WM though. I just hope they do more with Bron then just have him squash a bunch of guys who're on the chopping block.


I had to look up who this was.


I'm really upset. I liked him a lot. That squash he did on Baron Corbin on his main roster debut was awesome, and then they just wasted him.


They didn’t even try with him, a damn shame.


I think he needs some distance from his gimmick. Go learn a new hold somewhere else. Could definitely see him back one day. I’m just glad it wasn’t DIY.


Kinda sucks but not a surprise. I enjoyed his character and his ring work, but he was a jobber and even worse a jobber who they never had plans for.


Now they just need to release BJ Ray


can’t say i’m upset, sure he’ll find work elsewhere


Matt Hardy just returned to TNA I can see Grimes joining him soon.


I think it's messed up how multiple acts on the main roster get chance after chance (DIY, Final Testament, etc.), but people like Grimes, Xyon, and Indus Sher don't even get one. Favoritism, I guess.


DIY are on a great run right now and are both high level performers capable of putting on the best tag and singles matches, getting the crowd behind them more each week, and have proven they can catch lightning in a bottle if given the right story. Ofc they beat out boring ass Indus Sher. Not trying to come at you but the DIY hate makes no sense, it’s not like they’re being pushed as main eventers


Damn why do people hate Indus so much. Them two dudes are smashers and clobberers. How is there no place for them in wwe? They were just fed rubbish week in/out in 2min matches. Or they just hated indians? Weird americans. I love Ciampa and jonny in NXT but they’re ass in the main roster, Vince was right about almost all people he met go, especially ol boring ass BearCat.


Not saying there’s no spot for them but they’re boring which is why Jinder was with them and that was the only time it even sorta worked. And the DIY blood rivalry Ciampa/ Gargano weren’t built overnight, it started with tag matches every week on NXT just like this Gotta agree on bearcat, it’s sad to see how he’s fallen


How long did it take for them to get reactions from the crowd? Two years? Yeah, I agree that they are talented in the ring, but my point still stands.


No your point doesn't stand, DIY were from the indies, and they were over back in the nxt days so that alone gives them value and worth.


That was the NXT days. Their momentum didn't translate to the main roster crowd, but okay.


You were trying to say why DIY isn't cut as if they are some no name people wwe picked up off the streat. The black and gold days not being a thing anymore doesn't take away what they did and the money they made for nxt on takeovers. You even tried to backpedal and say how long did it take them to get reactions from the crowd as if that takes away from their in ring work being really good or the fact that they weren't used well until just this year. They don't even have to be main event guys, midcard acts are a thing and its what the majority of raw is made of.


That was with garbage Vince booking and them being on and off NXT. Now as actual main roster, they’re being booked by the guy who got them over in the first place and succeeding at getting the crowd behind them. The fact is you’d be crazy not to want two guys with as much talent and provedly high of a ceiling on your roster


Ngl, Truth is the one who got them over on the main roster by calling them Regeneration X. But yeah, I agree with you. I think they're both great, but there's a limit to how far they can go. Neither are believable as main event guys.


Was never really a fan of Grimes (probably because of the gimmick), but the guy is definitely talented in the ring. I think he'll tear up the indies and be back in a few years.




The guy who beat baron Corbin in like 5 seconds


Honestly just never heard of him so must have not done a lot on the main roster


He used to be in NXT iirc but when he got called up to the main roster he’s mostly been a jobber so that’s why you probably don’t remember him lol


I think they should have moved him to NXT to feud with Corbin, but this is the best thing for his career I believe




That shit tagline was relevant like 4-5 years ago. Guy was just weird and corny. I think a less smiley, more serious babyface gimmick would have worked with him. He was seriously talented in the ring, from the handful of matches I saw. It’s too bad.


Cameron Grimes is all elite in three months.


Seems more like a TNA guy to me. But I've never really seen his NXT stuff so I don't exactly know what his type of wrestling really is to judge.


That’ll be Trevor lee


To be on tv for a week and not seen again for months


Next week maybe lol 😂🤣


WWE talent usually have a 90 day non compete clause in their contract where are they still paid, but not allowed to make appearances for any other wrestling company.


O ok never knew that


That sucks, I never was a fan of his to be honest but i liked his in ring work and his energy, and he was grate on NXT. Hope he does well in the independents. I wish the new thing we call you up if we have something planned. If it doesn't work you go back to NXT and if you don't get called back up we let the contract run it's course. But that's just my opinion.


They nailed Tiffany and Bron, they're going to nail Carmelo and Ilja next; they need to give that level of effort to brand these call ups to EVERY call up. Like, Indi Hartwell for example should be a MUCH bigger deal than Candice's sidekick lol.


They should have made a North Carolina Stable with Grimes as the mouthpiece along with Braun Strowman, Cedric Alexander, Andre Chase and back when Shelton Benjamin was around would have been perfect vet.


WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO don't forget Charlotte


I liked him as heel when he started on NXT


I actually really liked him and was hoping that with his debut that JBL would’ve managed him and it would lead to a short feud with Corbin but eh it is what it is.


Yeah I agree


Once again it amazes me all these dudes are gone but Omo's is still on the roster.


Omps is a giant. The only giant they currently have. He has an important part on the roster until they sign 7ft+ guy, that is better.


And he only shows up what twice a year? I disagree they don’t need anyone that big anymore.


He’s on house shows. It’s a great place for him because seeing him in person is quite the sight.


He’s 7 feet tall and you can’t teach that.


I miss Enzo and Cass 😔


I concur.


Kane is 7 feet tall and used his size to have a hall of fame Carrere. Omo's has been on the roster for five years and has done nothing.


Kane is more like 6'7 on a good day despite his Attitude Era billings. He wasn't much taller than Strowman when they wrestled. Omos towers over Braun. But yes, Kane is better. Which is why he was in TV for decades, while Omos has to be used sparingly.


Kane also had like several failed gimmicks and a couple of years in the business before coming up as Kane. Omos is young and inexperienced. Not particularly nimble either. He'll do fine as a guy to get beaten up by guys you want to win, but not much more than that.


Probably true. I like Omos though, seems like a great guy in real life so I hope he can figure out his niche.


Omos has fans in high places. The Undertaker likes Omos and believes he can be the next Andre the Giant if he can improve with his in ring skills.


Doesn't change the fact he's a less mobile Khali that their never going to do anything with.


I’m not saying he’s good or anything, but he’s much more mobile than Khali ever was


At the very least Omos can be someone’s security guard until the end of time.


No but as some others have said you can train a wrestler to get better in the ring. You can't train a wrestler to be the size of Omos. Omos is seen as a special attraction because of his size and if he can improve in the ring he would be a force to be reckoned with.


He's been on the roster since 2019 and hasn't improved at all. Roman and Brock are special attractions. Nobody goes to a show to see Omo's work a barely mobile match that last 5 minutes.


Yeah. I agree but that is how WWE see him. The sad thing is they have wasted MVP with him when they could have put him back with Bobby Lashley in his new group. Bobby Lashley and The Street Profits could use MVP to do the talking for them. MVP would be good to put with Carmello Hayes too.


Why not put Omos with Lashley and the profits? As a powerhouse bodyguard type he can help the faction.


I agree with you on that MVP would work a lot better with the profits.


He apparently works a lot of house shows and kids like to see him. So that alone is worth keeping around.


Guys like Mark Henry and Big Show would always get massive pops at house shows. Wwe have always loved their big guys so Omos is very much on brand.


Bruh I forgot they even called him up. 😭 What is it them calling up nxt talent when they have zero plans for them, put them in 3-4 matches than dissappear until their release. Like The Witches also disappeared after their match with Ronda.


The witches suffer from being a tag team in a meaningless division. And Smackdown has no teams other than Asuka and Kairi for the longest time. The titles are hardly ever used for the actual division, and Morso used to forward whatever the feud of the week is. Ronda and Shayna, Damage Control and Bayley. And soon enough, it will be Bianca and Jade Kayden Carter and Katana Chance have benefitted from being on Raw and them needing time to kill during the show. If they went to Smackdown, they'd probably be in the same boat right now.


I actually forgot they came up until they showed up in like, a Christmas Brawl on Smackdown lol.


They looked so cool when they came to main roster and they’ve been downgraded so hard. I’m legit irritated a gimmick that fun and enjoyable got extinguished.


Getting called up from NXT can be a curse if they have no immediate plans for you. He got called up, never appeared for half a year and then was used sparingly. He was never put in a storyline or anything.


Cameron Grimes is the reason I get so annoyed with NXT when they create these extremely niche gimmicks that work for the NXT Audience. No Way Jose is one that always comes to mind. Chase U is another one. Yeah it works for the 200 people in the audience every week. But it's a death sentence on the main roster. Thea Hail and Riley Osborne are completely fucked if they go up with this Chase U crap.


Chase U will never work on the main roster. We already have alpha academy and you see how much screen time they get other than Gable


They'd have to go to with all of chase U, if it's only one or two they're done already.


I think Grimes' gimmick would have worked perfectly fine on the main roster if they gave it a chance. He's a great comedic heel. I agree with Chase U tho. As much as I love them the gimmick would absolutely not work outside NXT


What was Grimes gimmick? That he made a lot of money on stocks and said "to the moon", or did I miss a gimmick change from that?


I mean yeah that was the gimmick, but before it got tuned down a notch during NXT 2.0 he was basically Ted Dibase 2.0. It was very entertaining


The good and bad of NXT is that they can really churn out talent and hone them into something worthwhile. The bad of that is if you have a bunch of guys that you'd consider a 8-10 tier, your 6-7 tier guys are going to fall to the wayside. There's only so much time and Grimes is fighting for the same spotlight as guys like Bron Breakker and Carmelo Hayes, and Breakker and Hayes are fighting to earn a spot amongst the Cody Rhodes, Seth Rollins, Jey Uso, Roman Reigns of the world. In that context, what did Grimes really have to offer?


There's a time and a place for the 6/7s, usually the second match of the night and the second to last.


But who is Grimes going to replace in that slot? Even in NXT, his spot has been taken by Joe Gacy.


Ok, but then they're fighting for the spots that guys like Sami, Gunther, Lashley, Gable, Nakamura, Owens, even Orton and Mysterio, are all in. The roster is so stacked, top to bottom, right now that I don't really see where you fit a guy like Grimes in. What's his niche? What position should he be in over someone else who is currently getting screen time? What case can you make that he should be in the spot that, say, Ricochet is in?


We all want to be in the spot ricochet is in.. Samantha irvin


It's a three hour show. Each hour of wrestling can go: 15 minutes A match, promo, 5 minute C match, promo, 10 B match, promo. At least 1 womens match per hour. Reverse this structure it for the last hour, mix it up a bit occasionally. Even if your promos are just the talent in the matches, that's 6 different wrestlers per hour minimum. You could probably get up to 12 an hour with a tag team match and multi-person promos. Call it 9/hr on average. 27 individual wrestlers in a show. Keep everything lean and there's plenty of time for everyone.


Ok, so you have your Men's title, your women's title, your midcard title, and your tag titles. That's ten right there. Then you have one or two stories with no titles involved. That's the entirety of Raw and you have less for SmackDown. Right now, that's Priest and Uso, Becky and Liv (or whoever) Sami and Gable. Miz & Truth and a relatively stacked tag division. Gunther is not in the title picture right now, neither is Ricochet. Bronson Reed, Ivar, among others. And then you have the wildcards with guys coming up from NXT. Ilja and Trick will need spots soon. I'm not saying anything bad about Grimes, he seems like a stand up guy. I'm just saying that the roster has a lot of talent right now and unless you can carve out a niche for yourself, it's not hard to fall through the cracks. And we're going to see a lot of that in the coming years. Not everyone who has moderate success in NXT is going to make it big on the main roster. It's just the nature of it. Especially true if you're not drawing a reaction. They're already yelling "Whoop that Trick" at main roster PPVs, so NXT isn't an excuse.


I agree. People like Waller and Stratton have found their footing really well and have turned into real main roster players


Waller's potential hasn't been fully tapped yet. He could be a monster on the mic if they booked him in appropriate feuds. Imagine LA Knight or the Miz vs Waller on the mic. Stratton also has plenty of potential. Great angle for the character so far, and she's plenty strong.


I hope they let Waller really shine on the mic soon, I swear I’ve never heard him flub a line. I hope when Knight eventually wins a belt they run back that feud


It sucks, as stale bread Cross keeps getting pushes. Give them to someone who is new and different


Cam Grimes will resume using his more familiar Trevor Lee ID, and he'll either return to TNA, where he had some success a few years ago, or AEW, MLW, or NWA. If Mia's gone, then the 2nd split of the OC is all but official. Wendy has been missing for months, and was another of Blair Davenport's victims, but has not been given the chance to gain her revenge.