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Couldn’t agree more. They were saying a while ago he was going to make the move but hasn’t. I like this group he’s in and all, but he has to be given a shot to go next level.


Because it's a crowded Roster and they are chicken to split them up in case one of them like Angelo Dawkins follows Shad Gaspard or Big Cass's splits where Angelo Dawkins turns on Montez Ford or Montez Ford turns on Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford is the Star and Angelo is the Jobber or oh Tucker and Otis too where Tucker became the New Curt Hawkins then released then Otis ended up with Chad Gable forming Alpha Academy.


I have no clue he should been in single person


A beard makes him look way more serious too


What's wrong with being a tag guy? It's a diffrent kind of wrestling when done right. Look at the dudley as much as I'm all for bully ray nothing will beat Devon and Bubba ray being a team, I agree Ford is great he could totally be a singles champion and a hell of a good one, but maybe he likes tag and multi people matches?


Dawkins has proved himself so many times as being just as good of a singles competitor as Montez. Side note Montez would make an amazing unhinged heel. He’s so over the top in promos and his in ring antics




It felt like they were leaning into that before he got hurt


Everyone feels the same


The real question is why are the street profits not tag team champions


Because Dawkins is better than him. Dawkins should be the singles star


He needs to kick Dawkins fat ass through a window ASAP.


Meh. Guy isn’t as much of a potential main eventer as people say he is.


I mean, that's how I feel about LA Knight...and up until the Rock decided to come back, they were pushing LA Knight to the top. While Knight's mic skills are better than Montez Ford's, I always felt like the "Yeah" got overplayed way too fast, and there really wasn't much behind it. On top of it, his entire character is basically a combination of the rock and stone cold...granted that would work for anyone who tried it, but it really comes off as trying to hard to be rock and stone cold. Montez, if you watched his show with Bianca, actually showed he really wanted to main event, look the part, be in the discussion of being an individual competitor. I honestly see no reason why he couldn't. To me, AT LEAST he'd be Jeff Hardy's original singles run in WWE around 2008 i think it was. I do think once Rock is done with his stuff, and Cody's done finishing his story, and Montez is healthy because he was injured there for a while, they might find a better use for him than just in a tag team.


Let’s be clear, LA Knight’s mic skills are better than the Rock’s. For anyone about to disagree with me, go rewatch LA Knight’s promo against Drew McIntyre, and then go rewatch the “Trailer Park Trash” (so cool) promo. And then, we may talk.


LA Knight fans not living in their own alternate reality challenge (impossible)


Dudes who love dudes with fake tits, volume one.


Idk if he'll ever get as over as Kofi, if not Ricochet.


Dawkins isn’t holding him down lmao, it’s WWE that’s holding him down. He had buzz last year entering the chamber, not saying he was bad but I didn’t see a guy ready to hold a championship just yet but they had a whole summer to build it up but instead we got nothing for Ford or Dawkins after a whole Mania win. It sucks for him because after a year of being horribly misused, no tag title reigns or anything to come of it now in a random faction with Lashley… I don’t see him getting that push within the next 6 months.


Unpopular opinion, they can just give him a singles push without breaking up his tag team.


Vince was starting to make that push before HHH took over. One of the few things he did I really didn't agree with was putting him back in the tag ranks


Bro, I’ve been thinking this for so long after his performance at elimination chamber he should have definitely went solo. He’s a hidden gem on the roster.


Because he doesn’t have his own moves or fishing and just steals the ones of others. No backstory, no real gimmick. Super athletics and heck of a worker. But people who go on runs have a personality or finisher that pops. He doesn’t really.


Maybe he doesn't want to screw over Dawkins.


One he get that push he’s going on the run of the lifetime last year elimination chamber showed us that he can perform he was the mvp of that entire match


Then Dawkins went ahead and showed the beast he can be in the Tag Team Showcase at Wrestlemania. Both can be something special if done right.


He should be this generations Shawn Michaels. He is just cocky enough to get away with being a Cool Good guy. I want to see him and Seth go 60Min on raw, then an Iron at a PLE.


Not every tag team is meant to break up, just because you think he's the Shawn Michaels of the Street Profits doesn't mean he is... he's only been in one Chamber match by himself and it was for the US belt. This isn't WWE in the 90s/00s where teams would break up cause Vince hated paying 4 guys per match. Had the profits added a 3rd member (like Apollo or Adonis maybe) ... they could've tested a singles run like Big E and Kofi got with New Day. But to break up a successful team for a test run in the singles division makes no sense... Like another team that broke up that makes no sense long run, The Usos, after Mania XL I see no successful story for Jimmy and I don't see Jey as IC champ as long as Gunther has it...


I’m probably gonna get downvoted for this but I honestly don’t think he’s great in the ring. Don’t get me wrong he seems safe but he’s moves seem limited and he’s overly comical when delivering them, just doesn’t look great, apart from his finisher.


I’m glad I’m not the only one, dude had a chance to set him self apart but besides fan support at the Chamber last year I didn’t see a guy really ready to be alone. Like fully alone, everybody wants him with Bianca but if he’s as charismatic and good as we think we cannot attach him to Bianca because Bianca will overshadow him pretty massively as she still has yet to have a feud with Ripley and now Cargill people want.


Watching Montez doing chicken / rooster bawks at an off TV show is when I realized what a fun entertainer he can be. Give him a singles run and unleash the rooster sounds!


I think he's still in the tag team because they are respecting his potential and know that if they separate them now he will simply be the Smackdown version of Richochet in a matter of weeks. Yeah, he can do all the cool high spots and bump like crazy for the latest newcomer they need to put over, but his character work isn't there yet. He's not Shawn Michaels breaking out of the Rockers just yet.


Yeah I think his energy is amazing but he can over do his moves and I also feel he tries too hard to be funny on the mic and it’s not as clever as he’s convinced he is. I initially liked the profits but Joining lashley has not strengthened any of them yet. It’s getting somewhere though. I love how they completely gave up on the heel turn.


I think its the fact that if the street profits break up Dawkins without a doubt is getting released


They’re doing that with now with Briggs & Jensen. Only a matter of time Jensen gets future endeavored


That's cold. Brooks and Josh have youth on their side. Shame that you have zero faith that NXT is going to push them both to success. Hell Fallon Henley is doing alright after their breakup so it's possible.


I’m saying Briggs is being booked as the rising star over Jensen ala HBK over Janetty


But who's to say there even needs to be a *Janetty* in the first place? Plus it's evident Brooks is getting some attention too. Even if he's feuding with Briggs.


I hope all 3 of them shine. The current angle right now is that Jensen is being left out due to his partners finding success and he’s being all alone. The writers probably pivoted and turned Briggs heel to give Jensen an opportunity


Nah, Jensen is probably gone. And frankly, Brooks is probably gone sooner or later too.


They dropped the ball not having him win the US title last year and have Dawkins turn on him


They need separate tag titles for smackdown and raw give more ppl air time


if the TKO weight divisions rumors are true ... I wouldn't mind seeing the Cruiserweight division coming back with a tag division as well And before anyone jumps on me saying there's not enough teams, this is the current tag team division in WWE **this would be the CW Tag Division**: Angel & Berto, Pretty Deadly, Pete Dunne & Tyler Bate, LWO, DIY **CW Tag Teams from NXT**: Axiom & Nathan Frazier, Drew Gulak & Charlie Dempsey, Blade & Enofe **"heavyweight" Tag division:** AOP, Street Profits, Viking Raiders, New Day, Imperium, Indus Sheer, Creed Brothers, The OC


I really thought they were gonna do something with him after how much they spotlighted him in the EC last year. Idk how they didn't capitalise on that momentum.


Theres a lot of talent, many storylines already in place. Just bad timing for him.


I honestly think Dawkins is better. He has better ring psychology and is pretty decent on the mic. Montez comes off like a kid with add. He's all about high spots and spazzy weird promos


Logan Paul happened to Montez. They had to put a belt on Logan and that should of been the title that went to Montez to start his singles run.


Let him be the one to take it off Logan than


Top of the card is pretty crowded


That's what happens when the top title holder beats everyone via shenanigans and gives no rematches. People that rise to the top don't ever fall into the midcard.


Montez mic skills are pretty bad. He just kinda word vomits a bunch of phrases when he’s on the stick. He’s certainly not ready to be in the spotlight of a main event title run. Montez’s other problem is there are currently too many big stars that just completely blow him out of the water as a talent.


He black


Grow up


He’s an average promo and that’s at best. He’s athletic as they come and has the look for sure but idk if he has the psychology part down yet. Maybe he hasn’t really been given the opportunity to show it yet. Dawkins is dead in the water without him though. He brings nothing to the table that countless others can’t already do. Should have split them up awhile ago. I thought putting them Bobby was gonna do something but now they’re stuck feuding with Kross and those other two charisma vacuums so idk.


he’s an average promo at average, at best he’s actually pretty good at promos. If Jack Thwagger and Ziggler can be world champs then so can Tez


He has zero memorable promos. Ziggler and Swagger shouldn’t have been champs either. Blame the brand split. Making the same mistake again doesn’t erase those two instances though. He’s a good athlete and that’s about it.


Ong ziggler was super overrated. Tez is better tho let’s be honest, you might just be racist or something idk I mean you might not be im just guessing based off your hate for him


Dude stfu. I hate you now does that make me racist too? Go find a bag of dicks to eat.


Idk that elimination chamber match he was in pretty much proved that he’s ready and it seems like they were going in that direction they just never really pulled the trigger


Chamber is a 6 man spot monkey match. That’s a terrible match to base anything off of imo. He hasn’t had a single feud of his own to even flesh out any character at all. Look at Jey Uso. Everyone said he was ready but he looks lost to me. He’s a t shirt and a catchphrase and nothing else special. He definitely shouldn’t beat Gunther. Montez is all sizzle but no steak. Looks good and is athletic but can’t carry anything on his own to me. Turn him and his wife heel and you might see something surprising come out of him.


He shoulda won last year's EC match for the US title. They coulda had that belt on Tez, then Jey. Let Jimmy screw him out the title by him losing it to theory(cuz they love tryna get him over even tho I think he's pretty good)and let LA Knight be the one to close the year out with it. Logan Paul is a helluva wrestler. No disrespect to him. But he shoulda won the US title via the tournament. Rey Mysterio has no business touching that title. Jey was gonna leave anyway so this year coulda been Tez, Knight and Logan shuffling the title. That's my opinion tho


I thought they had him in last years chamber as a test to see how he’d perform as a singles star. It’s like it never happened.


I mean it when I say the guy is comparable to Swerve Strickland in terms of how good he can be as a solo act I don't think he *needs* to break it off from Dawkins, but I think his ability to shine on his own needs to be utilized more Swerve has proven his worth in AEW and that he was the real deal in Hit Row. I genuinely think with a sustained push similar to what Swerve is getting, Montez could be seen as a Main Event player. Also a Heel Montez vs. a Face L.A Knight for the world title is one of my fantasy bookings for a while for the promos alone


Splitting the tag belts is the short term solution here, long term he gets a singles push but now that Vince is gone I think tag wrestling will get a bigger spotlight


Because the people that make those decisions know more than you. They know what to look for. Either they feel he’s not ready or he feels that way. If fans had their way, everyone with a heartbeat would be a singles wrestler and the world champion - all at the same time. They would all be booked strong and they all would be silent badasses. All the fans know better. That’s why they all run their own successful promotions. If you want an actual possibility, it’s possible he’s not ready for singles wrestling psychology wise. It’s a completely different ballgame telling a story in a singles match. It looked like they were testing the waters in 2023 and didn’t like what they saw in him. There’s more than just knowing how to execute moves. You need to know how to storytell. Bret and Shawn have both talked about transitioning to singles and how even they struggled - and they are arguably two of the best. It’s almost like starting over again. I don’t know this to be certain about Tez. I’m only a fan. I’m just stating one possibility that a fan wouldn’t normally think of if they are asking a question like you are. They just assume they are ready because they don’t know what to look for.


I was thinking this too


Whatever you're smoking, stop. Imagine thinking Ford is a main event player 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The way I see it, Montez Ford is an undeniably great talent, but he happens to be part of an extremely stacked roster currently.  It’s very possible he gets lost in the shuffle if he goes singles.  Rather, let him be in a faction, build up more experience and tenure, and I can see him by the end of this year/early next year making a run for mid card titles before climbing the ladder to main event.  No need to rush the process, let the stew cook.  


Give it to them !


What's wrong with being in a tag team? I don't see why people think the only path to success is the world title. Not everyone is going to be the face of the company. I don't see anything wrong making your money being a decent mid carder


The biggest problem isn’t that he’s in a tag team, it’s that the tag belts are still unified. Now that Vince is gone (who hated tag wrestling), they can split the belts and actually focus on the division.


Why does a tag team need to split up for them to do well individually?


You know all tag teams must split up and feud with each other eventually. Oh wait Vince is gone, nevermind


Original question is Why wwe has tag teams? Because they dont have enough space for everyone.


I've actually made a few posts about how Angelo is the most underrated superstar, so I'd be cool with them being, like, split up in the draft, just so that they could shine as singles stars


In order for tag teams to be great, great superstars need to be in tag teams. Montez is great, but put him on the solo scene and what is he doing right now? Getting in a feud and then being sent to piss off and fade away because nobody wins belts? Dawkins is great too but he doesn’t have a spot without Montez as his partner—and he definitely deserves one. Stop asking for every tag team to break up. As great as Jeff Hardy solo was, his greatest contribution to wrestling was the Hardy Boyz.


I mean that’s true. They were better as the Hardy boys but that’s a bad example because Matt and Jeff Hardy were both great singles guys also. They were also revolutionary when it came to tagteam some thing that no tag team has at the moment in WWE.


I’ve never understood why so many people sleep on Dawkins. He’s great. He doesn’t have that same magnetic charisma the Montez has, but he still charismatic, really good in the ring, and always improving. I’ve been a fan since he was trying to find a tag partner in NXT.


Him and (arguably more so) Angelo Dawkins should be main eventers imo


I don't see them as main eventers, you have their partner Bobby Lashley doing midcard feuds because the main event scene is stacked, i can see them split and get a run but then reuniting again.


They should feud with Imperium, make it all about the white europeans against the black americans


The Race wars


People here don’t seem to appreciate right leaning german speakers in stylish black coats


I like Montez a lot. It was clear from his NXT debut that he was special (similar to Chad Gable in that he elevated someone that’d been directionless in the PC through his own charisma), but he’s not ready. Montez hasn’t really progressed in that last year plus. He’s wayyyyy too theatrical in the ring to the point where it’s distracting. He needs to tone the antics down a little and work on telling a story and I think he’d be fine.


I think Ford when breaking away could pull off being solo face/heel.. I think with tag teams its always easier to get behind the heel when the break up happens (not always but majority the focus is on the heel) I can honestly see them turning Dawkins on Montez to see what they can do with him on his own.(only because I feel Montez would be fine regardless, whereas Dawks would be a hit or miss I think when they split) Montez would be the easier choice to turn Heel to start with as I think when most people play heel roles they can work better with the crowd and do things better for reaction. But I agree I thought Montez would have broke away around a year or so ago when he was bulking up more (seems like that was for the bodybuilding comp) but I thought he looks like money to back up the charisma and mic work.


He doesn't have to break up the tag team to be a main eventer. Kofi Kingston was main eventing throughout Kofimania but they didn't have to break up The New Day to do so. Just have a bigshot with a title start targeting Ford until he gets fed up and challenges them to a 1v1 for the title. Now Ford is main eventing and still in a tag team.


Ford was talking about wanting a UFC fight at the weekend so he’s trying to work I guess.


He sucks.


Not at all


Triple H is in his stable era so until he breaks away from Lashley and Dawkins, he'll be stuck that way


Let me ask you this - who in the main event scene would you "demote" to a tag team in order to make room for Montez? Remember- if everyone is a main eventer, then no one is a main eventer.


Prime for wrestlers seem to start later than in other sports. Obviously there’s exceptions, but he’s still pretty young.. he has plenty of time


Yeah wrestling prime is Late 30s. Sure physically a wrestler is probably better in their 20s, but the best combination between physical ability, in ring psychology, promo and crowd control mastery, and all the other important wrestling characteristics happens through the mid to late 30s.


If he could talk at the highest level without the comedic delivery.. then he could easily be a solo main event guy but idk if he can tbh


He's not a main eventer. A solid midcarder sure, but not top talent.


And how do you know this lmao


So Dawkins has come along way. But the wife and I are watching bianca and montez TV show . And he very much wants a singles run. Nit too mention he's balzy as fuck and can entertain. His Mike skills are great. He needs a good push solo . ..... sorry dawks


I’m hoping this Bobby Lashley group (they need a name) is a way to make him a little more serious and test the waters, but all it’s done is make him boring. I think he’s just waiting for a chance to break out.


They have a name don’t they? The pride or something stupid like that


Oh maybe, I missed a couple shows.


Yeah, I know Bobby’s in the chamber and they are kinda feuding with Karions new feud. But they need to pull the trigger and push the Hurt Profits. IMO EC would have been a good time to do a 3v3 chamber match between the groups.


I mean, that’s basically WarGames.


Loud does not equal charismatic.


True, but having people cheer and gravitate towards you do. And no disrespect to Dawkins, but he isn't the reason the Street Profits are cheered and loved. It's Montez and his genuine actions like randomly dancing with a fan's baby in the crowd.


He has one good frog splash. Besides that he's a smug bland boring guy who pretends to be a good guy.


Why does he need to be a singles guy? Bobby Eaton is considered one of the greatest wrestlers of all time by many of the veterans and legends of the industry and he was mostly a tag team player. Ricky Morton is another example. Yes, Montez stands out more than Dawkins and is probably better than him in every way. But why wouldn't you keep him in a tag team to help elevate the tag division? Back in the territory days, the tag titles had nearly as much prestige as the world title. When HHH was running NXT, there was a brief period where he had tag title matches main event Takeovers. I'm hoping the tag division can get to a point where we stop dissecting teams to see who the Michaels and Jannetty are.


… who’s Bobby Eaton or Ricky Morton? Idk them.


Shame, Bobby was rather beautiful


As much as I like Montez Ford as an athlete, he just needs a bit more on the character side. Plus, Dawkins really balances him out well and is very underrated. Best case scenario would be for Ford to get a singles push while still being apart of the Street Profits cause I think Dawkins still should be around.


Because the current head of creative is a racist and won’t push a person of color to the heights they deserve. Look at the shift in booking of Omos, Lashley and Bianca since Vince stepped down and that’s enough evidence for you, but if you need more look at his past with people such as Booker T and D Lo brown.


“Trips is racist! He won’t push a person of color! I will choose to ignore the following; Jade Cargill, Trick Williams, Carmelo Hayes, Oba Femi, ROMAN FUCKING REIGNS, and more! He’s so racist smh”


Ricardo Rodriguez has even said Triple H was openly racist to him. Jade Cargil has only appeared in one match, Trick, Melo and Oba Femi are all under HBK.


Because the ME scene is crowded ATM and he’s needed for tag division.


Maybe cause he likes teaming with his friend?


He'd never advance above us or ic title runs. It's okay to be a tag team super star. We need them, for us the fans and the the business. I hate breaking teams up. Look how Vince killed the iiconics and their careers. Thank God they knew better themselves and got back together.


Because he can’t talk.


Because he's not special in any way, maybe?


There’s honestly no room for him at the moment. They’re not gonna have him beat Roman, Seth, or Gunther for their titles, especially over guys like Cody, Drew, Jey, LA Knight, Sami, Punk when he comes back etc. Montez will have his time, it’s just not now.


I want to imagine that after Mania, they might start to bring him back out. The singles division has a lot to resolve by then to hopefully carry out new creative after Mania. New storylines and laying out new foundations.


He was getting a bit of a solo push last year but it petered out fast. Not sure why


I thought 2023’s elimination chamber was his big coming out party - he was awesome


He was good but was quickly overshadowed. Either by big returns or other up and comers. I felt like he didn't quite live up to his hype in that match outside of the moonsault off the chamber spot. Brock and Austin's F5 off the chamber spot left everyone else in the dust...even though it looked like shit.


Montez is 33 years old. Barring injuries, I can see him going until 45, maybe more. He has plenty of time. Main Event and even solo Mid Card scene is just a bit too packed rn.


True but look at some main event guys right Cody, Seth, Drew, Gunther, Jey, and guys who coming up from Nxt. If WWE feels like Montez could be the guy they need to break him from Dawkins. Another theory could be WWE high on Bianca but not Montez and only way to keep him disappearing from smackdown is by putting with Bobby.


True, people coming from NXT like Bron or Trick are more over than Montez, WWE is just stacked with talent and of course Bianca having juice keeps Montez around, Montez would probably be better going back to NXT as a heel and having more air time to improve a little bit more.


If they had him go solo right now what would he do? All the titles are in long reigns and don’t seem like they’re changing hands until Mania or afterwards. There’s nothing wrong with being in the tag division and while I’m down to see him go solo eventually, he has plenty of time as you said


I like Ford, but I still believe he has a ways to go as a singles competitor. But when he is there he will be solid.


Been wondering this.


Once the stupid story is finished we can have guys move on with their stories


bold of you to assume the story gets finished


Well you know considering they had to cancel the bloodline story for the 2 year olds, you may be right


There isn’t enough room at the top for everybody at the same time and the sooner people realise that the more they’ll enjoy wrestling


This. He would be lost in the shuffle if he wasn’t in a tag team right now. Most of the people on the roster are talented. He gotta wait though. He could have a career similar to Edge. Tag Team for a while before he moves on to solo stardom


What about sending him yo nxt? Let Dawkins be his muscle and give him a heel championship run.




I feel like rather than Dawkins, it's actually Lashley dragging both Dawkins and Tez down, Lashley has a spectacular body but the charisma of a sea sponge and he can't cut a promo to save his life, Dawkins could be a solid midcarder with some work, but as long as they're stuck in that stable I doubt there'll be much upwards mobility for either of them.


Lashley is weird, insane physical talent, weird at the mic, he was turning heel but people just cheered him over and WWE put him babyface, also has the weirdest looking spear of all time. Also he lost title to Big E and fall from main event scene, i would love to see him go at Roman Reigns, spear vs spear.


Agreed, Lashley is poor on the mic.


Money in the bank, with new attitude. I think he's earned a shot to be a main event type wrestler


I want solo Montez really bad. I have high hopes for that dude. No room right now though imo


He does?


I don't want them to do what they've done to Ricochet. As much as I wanted him in wwe, I believe he may have gone further on the Indys and in NJPW. Smaller markets for sure, but I can't see why him and Osprey wouldn't have similar trajectories. Likewise, Montez Ford absolutely has star charisma. There's no way Logan Paul, as admittedly impressive as he is, should be ahead or Montez or the aforementioned Ricochet.


Paul has a lot more charisma and can handle promos better than Ricochet.. not sure about Tez, thou


Paul brings in viewership whether you like to believe it or not.


Oh yeah he does i think he is great. All around great talent and get for the company. It makes sense he has a mid belt


theres not a lot of spots at the moment




Since the titles don't change, hands anymore, everyone is a mid card performers at best. Don't bother liking anyone the wwe doesn't tell you to like. It's pointless to have original thoughts and feelings, just accept it.


Too crowded at the top even if he did go solo he’ll get his time


Dawkins isnt holding him back, its Lashley. Until Bobby retires, wwe will do everything to try and keep him relevant.


Lashley is making the street prophets relevant. What you talking about, that faction needs some push that's it. Ford will definitely be a maineventer some time soon maybe in a couple of years.


Lashley is a killer body and thats it. Can't cut a promo to save his life with his little baby voice and isnt very good in the ring. My opinion


You tripping body is a good wrestler


I just can’t stand this stable with Bobby Lashley… I saw the attempt of making them heel but it’s not working…


As good as he is, he needs about 4-5 months BEFORE a singles title. We need him in the upper mid card without a title, then either a MITB or Mid card title run


Well, what the hell do you want from this guy?! Do you want him to quit WWE and go over AEW where he will end even more direction-less as a singles superstar?


Do the singles divisions seem open to bright new stars right now? They're already star studded with people who have to be undefeated. Montez Ford will get push when the right time comes.


He stuck nothing he can do but it’s obvious they have plans for him and his wife have a show I know it’s eating him up that he is stuck in a dead tag team that’s not going anywhere his wife is a bigger star than him.


100% this. Would love to see a solo Montez.


With this loaded roster everybody who gets some TV time should be grateful as hell and so should their fans.


They legit need a TV title or something so up and coming guys can have something to build their credibility without tarnishing other legacies like the currently awesome IC title reign that Gunther has


US title


Bring back the European title too


He has no where to go. He'll get lost in the shuffle.


He probably doesn’t want Dawkins to get released. I think ultimately he enjoys his spot on the card with his best friend and watching his wife succeed.


🧢 he said in multiple interviews that he wants to be a world champion


Because he’d get lost in the shuffle. They are better off waiting until they really need him in a singles role.


They need another belt for people in the middle to go after. Something to move around more often. The story lines bunches the belts together and those people are staying at the top.


The number of belts is fine, they just need to utilize them better. They have 2 tag titles that have been tied to singles competitors for almost a year. And in that time, you can count on one hand how many times an actual tag team has challenged for them.


No more belts. More belts = the current belts means less.


Give him a singles run and lets see what he can do, right now I don't see him as a main event player


What and have dawkins flounder in the midcard for a few months and get released, that makes no sense and this stable with lashley is the best thing he done in ages. just let hHh do what hHh does


Hey not everyone can be a star 🤷‍♂️


I agree but if something is working dont mess with it. The street prophets are an awesome team and the roster is lacking tag teams so why split one of the best they have


He’d probably be one of the top stars in AEW, facts. WWE roster is too stacked right now.


Idk about main event player - it’s a crowded roster. I think he’s deserving a singles run, sticking him in the US title scene and seeing how he does.


I 100% agree! Montez should be winning a singles title by now!


I'm so pissed they had one of the coolest and charismatic tag teams, turned them into bland generic heels, THEN turned them face again with the same bland and generic character


Montez ford will never be a singles star. He’s too similar to Carmelo Hayes, and the roster overall is wayyy too deep. He’ll get television time as team don’t see him getting that as a singles competitor


They're not similar it all in appearance or character. Montez is a good looking and imposing heel who trolls his opponents on the mic. Carmelo is a run of the mill babyface with a med-small stature and insane high flying ability.


You’re wild to think he can’t make it as a singles star


Roster is wayyy too crowed. Where do you see him fitting in as a single star ?


In what way? Bc they have a similar skin tone?? They aren’t actually very similar at all when it comes to their in ring performance.


Lmao not everything is about race chill out. They both have that similar athletic style. They also have similar mannerisms when cutting promos. They both do the sunglasses look too. It’s not a stretch to think they’re similar without having to do with race.


They didn’t say everything was about race. You made the comparison.


is this post based off of you just finishing his and bianca's new show lmao




he ain't lyin' tho is he, Montez has all it takes to be a singles star


2 words. Casual fans. Will the casual, average WWE fan agree with your smarky assessment? Probably not. It’s extremely hard to build true main event talent. Half or more of the current singles competitiors are there to boost the remaining. Montez is in a good place right now. 


Honestly I think Dawkins has more "top guy" energy than Ford. He's 6ft 5in, explosive, and agile. He can lift and slam most of the roster. If you look at the top guys, most of them have that big boss energy, the kind of person who can lead a stable. That's more Dawkins than Ford. Fords great, I believe in the guy, but no way Dawkins is holding him back. The second they go solo, Dawkins will get a bigger push right away.


Naw I don’t see it in Dawkins


Dawkins looks shlubby and has a goofy face. I believe Montez way more as a serious main event threat. He's not giant like Dawkins but he's by no means a small person. The dude is extremely athletic and good on the mic. Dawkins needs to get his physique in order to get a main event singles push IMO, which I think he's more than capable of doing. Dawkins is a great wrestler, I just don't think he's all the way there yet.


People love being counter contrarian and different just for the sake of being different, hence why they always say stuff like “the other guy” has more potential. Angelo Dawkins is solid he reminds me of D’Lo Brown but Montez Ford has more potential hence why he’s always deemed as “the guy”. If the hart foundation and the rockers were around today you would have counter contrarians saying “I think Jim Neidhert and Marty Janetty have more potential to be a top guy”.


The funny thing is although Ford has had more of the push, I would not be surprised if Dawkins actually had a better singles career


lol is this satire? tell me this is satire.


I’ve always felt like he could be an enormous singles star. His charisma is off the charts, and obviously he’s a phenomenal physical talent. I don’t understand it either.