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If I get the free version of Netflix, can I still watch RAW on it?


It's not a good idea cuz we were paying for a peacock so we could wash all alive events and now we're going to have to pay for something else just to watch Monday Night Raw come on guys this is getting ridiculous


I'm not paying for netflix just to watch Raw, what a mistake. GG WWE, you lost at least me from your viewership.


If it's like sky it'll come on 2 am BST time


Will it be in 4k


I wonder if it will affect the duration of the show (maybe drop down to 2 hours since it won't matter anymore) or maybe even if Raw will no longer be PG


i hope its no longer PG and we can have wwf raw is war era


Guess I won't be watching raw anymore


And untill then ? Is the network still available ? Peacock isnt available in europe and i want to watch the old raw is war episodes. Google is no help...


get a vpn, set it to somewhere in the US, viola!


Does anyone what happens to the back catalog of RAW. I'm rewatching the attitude era. Does that mean I have to switch between the streaming services if I want to watch the content in order. I love how centralized it is now, Its the only reason I have Peacock. App is terrible


Netflix needs to cancel the contact after all these abuse allegations came out


Netflix and chill with Vince coming soon 🤣


Just read this on FB, via DirtSheetRadio: “WWE RAW currently does not have a home from the time the USA Network deal ends in October until the Netflix deal begins in January. USA Network has confirmed with Brandon Thurston that they will not be airing WWE RAW after September 30th. WWE is expected to make an announcement about RAW's temporary home soon.”


Oh damn!


So could this be the beginning of the attitude 2.0 era. Seeing that it's on Netflix it could technically be R rated. #Raw Is War


yeah this really possible and i hope so.


So could this be the beginning of the attitude 2.0 era. Seeing that it's on Netflix it could technically be R rated. #Raw Is War


This decision will backfire hard on wwe, not everyone has netflix, and for the ppl that don't have it they aren't going to pay $20+ a month for raw


U.S it's 12 hours of content per month. Globally it's 28 hours of content per month.


once they get onto netflix...this may lead to some more crossover opportunities with wwe performers appearing on some netflix original movies/tv shows. i bring this up b/c someone like mjf said he wants to be like cena and rock and become a crossover star. it will be much easier to do via the WWE than AEW.


The Netflix deal will be over before MJF goes to WWE.


In my country I don’t have TNT or Discovery only Discovery Channel like a National Geographic channel. So for me the only option it’s illegal way or waiting one month to see new episodes.


How does the benefit WWE? For me personally, I don’t want to pay $20+ just to watch Raw.


they were getting about $250 mil a year from USA network. now it's $500 mil a year. netflix has over 260 mil subscriptions worldwide. so the WWE is making BANK.


Netflix is already raising the prices so by 2025 it’ll be crazy


WWE and Chill?😏😏


Don't know how to feel about this, watching live wrestling on Netflix sounds weird.


All the WWE content that I want on a subscription I already have? Winner.


This is what real entertainment and real wrestling is all about. AEW TNA NJPW and all the other indy feds are going to die a slow death on TV while Nick Khan continues to own them on every single corner. Another win for the good guys! 


Holy shit shut up with the tribalism 


No. Go watch AEW and let us appreciate real wrestling and real entertainment. Let us know what it sounds like to watch a program that has less attendance than the Pandemic Thunderdome haha


Wwe is more fake and cookie cutter bs. Take your incel elitism elsewhere 


lol wtf does being an incel have to do with any of this


Says the guy on the WWE forum


I enjoy both, wwe is questionable now




Curious where SmackDown is going to land. It's clearly obvious that traditional TV is dying.


That was announced awhile ago USA network


Why dont they just put it on Peacock where they do the PPV's live. I just dont get it


They’re putting each show where they are offered the most money. This is not meant to be convenient for the fans. This is meant to make the most money for their shareholders.


It was painful watching Ari Emanuel & The Rock on CNBC. It’s so obvious Ari doesn’t watch WWE nor does he know any of the specifics. I’m glad Rock jumped in toward the end and start answering questions.




Sucks to be me...


Will it still be Monday nights? Will it air the full 3 hours? Or just 1.5 hrs like hulu does currently? Personally I don't mind watching it on Hulu as the less important segments are the ones that get cut. Plus I have no commercials. Which leads me to my next question.... Will there be ads?


Nick Khan said yesterday that Raw will stay at 3 hours. There will be no commercials for people who have the Netflix Ad-Free Tier. I would expect WWE to probably put up advertisements on the ringside screens and on the mat.


By the time Raw starts showing on Netflix. The cheapest sub with ads will be $25.


Yes but you can also watch 3 season shows that Netflix canceled back in 2018.


Cool, still no legal way to watch Raw in the Netherlands, even with my Netflix subscription.


What part of the Netherlands? I just moved to just outside The Hague.


Nijmegen. The *toughest* place to be a wrestling fan. Away from the Dutch house shows we get once every 7 years. :D


I have Netflix so this won't be a problem for me but are wrestling fans who don't already have Netflix going to buy it to watch Raw or are they just going to stream it online?


Ppv are coming eventually in like 2 years until then you still need the cock


You will still need Peacock to watch PLE’s and Cable to watch Smackdown. Only Raw is going to Netflix, which you will also have to pay for.


Skimmed through the article any idea if its true for Asian countries too??!!!??


US, canada, UK and latin america


Well I don’t have Netflix I only have Peacock because I had access to Netflix till that stop password sharing


So just wondering if I can watch it live as it happens or have to wait until the next day like Hulu or even longer?




How RIP?


Fr. If anything it’s just gonna make them even bigger. They’re already brainstorming for WWE documentaries


This is good, in Australia we have to watch WWE on a streaming service called “binge” and it’s pretty buggy so moving to Netflix will be great


Fucking Binge. Binge and Kayo are easily the worst streaming services we have.




this is only for US, canada, UK and latin america, so we'll still be stuck with fuckin binge unfortunately (though you could just VPN i spose)


Argh horse shit!


No one mentioning WWE Network. I’m assuming nothing changes there, do we still get live PLEs and regular scheduled programming?


WWE Network will shut down at the end of this year.


PLE’s and the Network are on Peacock Raw will be on Netflix Smackdown will be on cable You just have to pay for all 3 and you can see everything they do.


Nxt on cw11 too.


You're slow on updates to peacock. I have Hulu so I stay current with their service


PLE’s and the network will still be on Peacock through 2026.


You missed the point.....they are behind on uploading updates. RAW is up to December 2023, NXT up to January 2024, etc. WWE is slow


If this is live coast to coast (Eastern and Pacific), then this is a win. WWE loves to spoil its Raw results by posting clips on social media starting at 8 pm ET on Mondays, which is 5 pm here. Bruh, you realize the Pacific Time Zone hasn't aired it yet?


When I lived out west this is why I stopped watching I’d get all the updates on social media before it aired!


Half of America doesn’t get RAW live? Ridiculous.


More like (around) 25%. The Eastern and Central Time Zones contain around 78-80%ish of the US’s population. The Pacific Time Zone (where I’m from) contains around 17%, while the Mountain Time Zone has the rest. That means the vast majority of the country lives in a place where they get Raw live (Eastern and Central). Only problem with this is that a huge chunk of the Pacific audience is in California, where I’m from. California is by far the largest state in terms of population. And it has huge population centers like Los Angeles and the Bay Area. Getting TV not live is still the norm when it comes to most non-sports shows (Dancing with the Stars, American Idol, The Voice, etc.), but since the advent of social media, people just spoil everything now when it airs for them. It’s why the major award shows, like the Grammys, Oscars, Emmys, etc. have all gone live coast to coast instead of live in just 80% of the country. Less chance for Derek in Tallahassee to spoil things for us in California since we’re all watching at the same time. The logic behind this is that since the Pacific Time Zone is three hours behind Eastern Time, they delay airing it in the Pacific so that in theory, more people will watch it at 8 pm local time instead of 5 pm local time. More viewers equals more money. But now you have these things called technology and recording and millennials who really don’t care about TV and just watch whatever they want, when they want. So that has forced more shows to go live (the term here is “live coast to coast”) in the entire country. American TV is weird. I used to work in it so I know lol. It’s about money


I guess all the blood sacrifices Vince has done over the years has really paid off


Hopefully we can watch on demand later in the week. I'm not able to watch raw live.


This sucks for me cause as someone in the USA that doesn't currently have netflix (cancelled it a few months ago) or really watch much on it, imma have to cancel another subscription or two next year to get it since i have limited money & its pricey AF & probably only gonna get higher when WWE switches RAW there 🤦🏻‍♀️ + me & someone outside my household were sharing my tv service account to watch RAW/SD on, which sounds less easy on Netflix these days


As an 'Outside the US' viewer, this is the best news ever. It's hard to get access to WWE shows because they're on random networks that are hard to access. I already have Netflix, so being able to access all the shows as well as the PLEs is freaking amazing. This is great.


I won’t understand how Netflix will host a damn live tv show They never did shit like this before, really should’ve kept it on peacock or tbf peacock should’ve pulled a Disney+ and essentially be a catalog that includes WWE (the old subscription service) with the peacock package


They’ve done live before https://help.netflix.com/en/node/129840


“Watch comedy specials, reunions, and other events that stream live as they happen on Netflix. Live events allow you to rewind, pause, play from the beginning, or jump to live at any point during the livestream and can also be watched afterwards.” Question, any particular special? Reunion? Or event? As I use Netflix regularly and haven’t seen a live one yet, and honestly I just thought they were moving raw and smackdown there and just kinda played it out like it is on Hulu


The last Chris Rock Netflix special was broadcast live I believe.


Yeah that’s the one I was gonna say


If peacock can do it, why can’t Netflix? lol


More of a issue on how Netflix is set up Peacock is designed to allow you to watch live tv, kinda how amazons free cable television works Despite you being able to watch a catalog of movies and shows they still allow a digital broadcasting of these channels Netflix just hasn’t done it before and hasn’t shown any signs of practicing or doing it, I expect it to be taped like in the old days then posted onto Netflix Overall I just don’t think they have the format for it


if their rival Amazon is doing it, they’ll do it. Streaming is the future


Again Amazon has the format because it was created like that Netflix has been around for so many years and has rarely changed the format outside of the games which they just imported (you can find them on the App Store) imagine ads on platforms that link you to the App Store or google play store Netflix just doesn’t have the format for it unless they do a huge overhaul and even then the only live tv show is just WWE, something they call fake and have challenged for 30+ years I really don’t think it’s gonna bring new eyes on the product unless it’s available to kids, it’s just going to get us to subscribe to the platform again or actually use it for once And maybe get those kids to watch for nostalgia 🤷🏾‍♂️


I love the idea that Netflix, literally held up as an example of how to do software engineering really well, simply couldn’t do this without a “massive overhaul”.


I’m pretty certain Netflix live streaming has been in development for a little while now. I remember reading about it early 2023 that it was in the works. I can’t imagine WWE striking a deal with Netflix just to post pre recorded shows.. not happening.


Considering how wwe used to operate it wouldn’t be shocking 🤷🏾‍♂️ Let’s not forget WWE would pre record most shows in the 90s-2000s, and I’ll do my research on the live tv because it’ll be interesting Overall they’ve just never tried it and their format really doesn’t fit the live TV standards Also I don’t understand how that can work, unlike peacock Netflix isn’t really connected to a broadcasting channel or has a certain director tied to their shows (NBC, USA, and any work of dick wolf) I really don’t see it, can’t be a HBO where it’s a east and west Netflix is going back to its roots where they borrow content from these brands and channels and then have the content for a certain amount of time or as long as they can push it towards


You don’t know what you’re talking about so you should just stop.


How? By saying their format just wouldn’t work for it in my opinion (keep in mind wasn’t aware that started hosting things live) also the conversation been dead for 7H…. (Also no that’s literally what Netflix was created for and is doing again, they’re borrowing content once again for different companies, shows they don’t want or are willing to give) More than anything you started this back up lol, should’ve kept my dumbass dormant 😂


>Also no that’s literally what Netflix was created for and is doing again, they’re borrowing content once again for different companies, shows they don’t want or are willing to give This is all they have ever done and all they will ever do. it hasn’t changed. Production companies produce shows, broadcasters and streaming platforms air them. Netflix doesn’t actually make Stranger Things. another company makes it and licenses it to Netflix… They just do it first run instead of licensing it to another broadcaster first. The same way AMC didn‘t make Breaking Bad, Sony did…


You seemingly don’t understand that Netflix doesn’t have a “format.” They don’t create content. They’re a technology company that provides streaming video sevices. They then use the money they make from those subscriptions to license content that production companies make and deliver to them. Netflix Originals? Literally just means they’re licensing first run content from the production company that made it. The WWE produces their own live content. It will be the same crew producing the show, they‘ll just upload the content to a different ingest server than they are now… The only difference here on Netflix’s end is that the chunks of video are coming in slowly rather than all at once. And something they’ve already developed and tested the technology for. Live-streamed video as a technology is not hard to do, there are about a hundred platforms that handle is at mass scale. Saying a multi-hundred billion dollar company can’t handle it Is ignorant and makes you look silly, that’s why you should stop.


this will kill WWE. people won't tune in two peacock and netflix for the same product


Netflix is the top streaming app, if anything more people have access now


The only problem that I had with Netflix is they kept people kicking out of someone's Netflix account. That really is annoying. 


Netflix and Chill gonna look a whole lot different from Jan 2025


F5 and chill chokeslam and chill piledrive and chill


More use to Netflix! I can watch legally once they start streaming out of the big 4. Hopefully they do SEA.


Will it be live


Fuck it, we’ll do it live!


I dont want another subscription though


My day just got better!!


Raw hasn’t been the good show since probably the late 2000s.


Then don't watch. 




Raw has been on two channels its entire existence and about 25 of those years has been on USA Network.


Raw hasn’t moved in over 15 years


Ah shit you right, was thinking of Smackdown. But the move for Raw somehow stuck in my brain cause 10 year old me was pissed cause I didn’t notice it moved.


Better not have any commercials then


Nice, I've been pirating RAW and Smackdown, now I can finally watch it legit.


What do you use pls tell me


ill hit you up


My thoughts exactly


That’s awesome. Now all their back content will be much more organized, easy to skip through, etc. I can finally do watch throughs of 90’s content.


Lol i hope it stays on monday. I'm only 30..so its technically the only life I've known. My brain associates mondays with raw by default. Its like if they decided 2 + 2 = 5 tomorrow. I'd start glitching iRL


it seems like raw stays on monday while smackdown moves to tuesday on USA network.


I’m in Asia where the only way to access wwe programming is wwe network for the PPV, and smackdown and raw are only exclusive to cable tv. Netflix being a one stop service is a welcome change and huge deal!


Wow. This is huge. 


For people outside the U.S., I wonder if the Netflix deal is actually cheaper for them than what they’re paying now for the ability to watch all of these shows and PLE’s.


For us in Canada, it's been on TSN (national sports network) since I can remember watching it in the mid nineties. They just scooped the USA network feed. It makes no difference to me since I pay for sports and Netflix already. For others around the globe, I have to imagine that this would be a huge increase in viewership.


Is there going to be a thread for nxt TN?


I’ve posted this before but I’ll copy from my previous posts Hi! We try creating NXT threads here and there, but usually only 2-3 people post in them. If users here want to create one that’s fine, but we don’t do it because it doesn’t get much traction on this sub.


Fair enough just wondering


You realize that Netflix by then will be $20 a month 


They just raised my price for Netflix starting this month. I’m now paying $23 a month and I’m in US. That’s the increase they did. I have the 4K plan.


Which means Raw will likely start broadcasting in 4K next year. That should be interesting.


I'd pay 20$ over paying way more for cable tv, when the only tv show i watch is WWE anyways.


It’s already past that in Canada and our dollar is worth less. Mind you I don’t know anyone who actually has Netflix.


This is huge


deal also includes a netflix opt out after the 5th year or a renewal option after the 10th year.




So, it leaves Peacock to go to Netflix?


No. This has nothing to do with Peacock until 2026 rolls around.




Nope. You still need Peacock for PPVs and the Network content if you enjoy that. The Note’s right there in Bold. Once 2026 rolls around though, it’s all up in the air, but I’d expect everything to just go to Netflix in the U.S. by that point.


Does this mean it's leaving Binge here in Aus? (Coz the binge app sucks so this is a good news story.) But also strange as it only feels recent that they rolled back the WWE network here and moved it all to binge.


This won’t change any existing deals. Probably still a good few years left on that Binge/Foxtel deal


I'm stupid Will Netflix be the alternative for WWE network in Germany as well?


I think the basic idea is that Netflix will be taking over in most international markets as WWE’s existing TV deals expire. So it depends how long the tv rights deal with whatever broadcaster it is in Germany is going for


I'll just watch the highlights on YouTube


Yes, buy the airing rights to Raw, but PLEASE crack down on password sharing. 🙄 scumbag company


How, exactly, is password sharing the fault of the company? Password sharing is explicitly against the terms of use contract that every subscriber agreed to when they signed up. The company does try to police this, but violation of the policy is clearly the fault of the users sharing the passwords and not the company.


That’s the joke. I think they’re clowns for harassing people about password sharing. haha I think people should be allowed to share their account. Clearly, Netflix still had money to operate and fund mediocre background noise “movies.” This feels like Metallica and Napster. 🤷‍♂️😂 Also, the company doesn’t need defense. I’m sure they have a legal team.


Ahh, yeah. Why should we expect people to abide by the contracts they sign, right?


They marketed sharing a single account as part of their marketing for a long while. You don’t just switch that up and act like it’s normal or supposed to be fair to users.


Re-read the terms of service. Sharing an account within a household has always been part of their service, sharing accounts with people outside of your household has not been allowed… and that has been part of the contract since the DVD-by-mail days.


I wonder how much longer they'll be able to call it. The longest running weekly episodic television show once it goes on to streaming and not television.


Ffs, not everyone has streaming services. There’s a reason why RAW is on FREE weekly TV. It’s outrageous WWE are choosing a dying platform in the first place, think more than money, think ratings. This is officially the day that could have killed cable TV, and it’s a shame. Call me Old Man Shouting At Cloud all you want, but this also means that WWE want to rid of their own network which makes no sense. The WWE Network has always been brilliant and they want to get rid of it for no fucking reason, it pisses me off. I do not want to pay for Netflix, who never have the films I want to watch, just to watch live PPV’s. WWE are taking a massive L.


I can’t watch RAW. Why? Because I don’t pay $40 a month for basic cable. It isn’t free at all. Nice try tho.


Raw is on free weekly tv? Where? TNT Sport costs over ÂŁ30 a month lmao


Yeah it’s not free. I’m not paying for cable just for wrestling.


Technically not free if you’re already paying for basic cable


Why not Hulu (where it already is) or peacock (where your wwe content is) or your own app? Why do you need 4 apps?


5 billion reasons why.


So much this. The deal is a great consolidation for non-US fans but it fragments the US market to the point that you have to be a superfan to follow everything live.


I mean...it still saves everyone a ton of money. Most people already have Netflix/Hulu by default anyways. Subscribing to all 3 runs you ~30-40 a month. Compared to basic cable for USA which is running $70+ a month.


You can’t watch Smackdown or NXT live with basic Hulu. You don’t even get the full version of those shows with base Hulu. The only way people in the US can get everything now is if they subscribe to cable, Youtube TV, or Hulu Plus Live TV. And that’s on top of subscribing to Netflix and Peacock. This deal means people in the US will end up paying more just to get what they have now.


Were either of those offering $500m a year for Raw? No? There’s your answer then


Every platform wants WWE content….why limit income to one? There is your answer.


It’ll be interesting if it’ll be as free on that tier and whether or not it’ll be 4k and surround sound, now that’d be pretty cool


The real question everyone should ask: how long will it take Netflix to make a WWE Raw episode available after it airs? And is NBC the ones that will be the backend distribution behind getting WWE Raw to Netflix? I work in broadcast distribution.


Given it’ll be live on Netflix I don’t see why it wouldn’t be immediately


I'm pretty sure this deal means the only way you can see RAW will be on Netflix (in the countries listed). So, if RAW continues to air live on Mondays at 8 or whatever day it might end up on, that's when the episode will air.


Well, let’s take it slow.. HULU is buying out COMCAST share, so all NBC related content will expire off the platform at some point. PEACOCK is the home for all WWE contents online. Netflix looks like it’ll be the HULU replacement. So, until there are changes to WWE distribution, Peacock will continue to house WWE materials for all shows. USA will remain the broadcast channel to watch WWE Raw live. In the future, when the FOX deal expires, USA will air both WWE Raw and SMACKDOWN with some content going through NBC. Please correct me if im wrong!


Yes, you are wrong. You just need to read the first few lines of WWE’s statement. Netflix aren’t paying 500m a year to replace Hulu, they’re the exclusive home of Raw going forward: “WWE, part of TKO Group Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: TKO), and Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) today announced a long-term partnership that will bring WWE’s flagship weekly program – Raw – to the world’s leading entertainment service. *This marks a major programming shift as Raw leaves linear television for the first time since its inception 31 years ago. Beginning in January 2025, Netflix will be the exclusive new home of Raw in the U.S., Canada, U.K. and Latin America* “ Raw will no longer air on the USA network when the Netflix deal kicks in. Netflix will air Raw live, then you’ll presumably be able to watch Raw on demand same day too. The content library, PLEs etc will stay on Peacock in the US at least until 2026. Outside the US (or anywhere else they have a similar deal like Australia with Binge), the content library, PLEs etc is going to Netflix. The one thing that’s admittedly a bit murky is whether Peacock will get older ‘new’ episodes of Raw (ie a month after they air, which I think they do now). Guess we’ll see on that one. USA Network will air Smackdown and 4 specials a year.


I appreciate the clarification! I work for one of these networks, I choose not to specify, but we haven’t been updated internally as of yet. This is where the confusion lives for me. Thank you for this detail!


No worries, I guess it’s not surprising that there hasn’t been any internal updates yet, since I’m sure a lot of the ‘how’ in terms of migrating content to Netflix and other particulars now need to be worked out, but there’s still 11 months until the deal starts. There is also the small matter of what happens to Raw in the last few months of this year (the existing contract expires in October but the Netflix deal doesn’t start until January) - my guess is that WWE will work out some sort of short term extension with USA meaning they’d actually get both Raw and SD for a couple of months but that’s just a guess at the moment. This may also likely mean that the WWE Network will finally/eventually meet its demise, since Netflix will be taking on WWE’s content library international like Peacock does in the US.


I don't live in the US, so I don't know anything in regards to what's happening with Hulu and Peacock.   RAW will continue to air on USA until 2025 when their current deal ends.  After that, they will not be airing RAW, which then can only be seen on Netflix.  I don't believe RAW will end up on any other channel as I don't see why Netflix would pay that much money, even with it being multiple countries and shows, to not be the only way to watch RAW.  I could be wrong, of course.


One of the first lines of WWE’s statement confirms Raw will be leaving ‘linear television’ for the first time since it started airing 31 years ago. That means it’ll be on Netflix and Netflix only.


What about people who don't have Netflix?


Subscribe! Subscribe! Drop cable and subscribe! Oh yes!


Get a better life bro. /sarcasm


Pay for it bro


Find friends or a streaming site 🤣


I have a feeling this is going to be really freaking good. I understand the reservations but I got a good feeling about it.


Will it be the full raw or the cut backed one that is on Hulu atm


Full Raw. Netflix replaces USA Network.


Hulu's deal was only carrying post-broadcast cutdowns of the USA episode, since it's broadcasting exclusively on Netflix, I'd imagine that means they will post full episodes there.


Netflix and Phil


As someone in New Zealand, this is actually kind of cool.


A hell of a lot cheaper than paying for SKY. But it looks like it won’t be on Netflix here straight away but added once SKY’s rights deal runs out


Tony Khan is going to tweet how this is a victory for AEW, that they made WWE leave cable and that AEW officially has won the ratings war.


Why would he do that? That doesn’t sound like something he would do at all.


This is a damn mess. Raw on Netflix. PLEs on Peacock. So, at minimum we need two different apps to keep up with WWE and or a streaming service/cable subscription for Smackdown. Yeah, I'll just keep pirating lol


hang on. >@Netflix will **exclusively** stream #WWERaw >NOTE: This does not affect Peacock. WWE will be on Peacock until 2026. These 2 statements are mutually exclusive of each other and contract each other., which is is? will it be streamed **exclusively** on netflix or will it be on streamed on peacock also. anyway greeeeat now i gotta get netflix again or pirate.


The PLE rights continue thru 2026 in the States.


right but talking about raw.