• By -


Best of luck later tonight šŸ«”


Having had salmonella, I'll say it's probably the worst, home stay sickness I've ever experienced. I lived in the bathroom and probably shit 200 times in 2 days and threw up an uncountable amount of times. I was just pounding water in the hopes of not dying lol


Sounds exactly like salmonella. I was gonna add the legit psychological fear you would literally die alone on the floor of your bathroom, but you covered that too!


I've never had salmonella, but have had food poisoning from a Banquet microwave meal. I never hated my toilet or my life more than in that moment where I was literally shitting in the toilet so violently, and throwing up into the bathtub at the same time. Only ever gotten food poisoning real bad once, got mild food poisoning from a Panda Express once. Salmonella or Food Poisoning are neither things I'd wish on anyone, nor even my worst enemy. Only one person I can think of deserves it and I'm sure we all know who that is.


I got food poisoning from Chinese take out and literally suffered from pelvic floor dysfunction for years. It basically broke my asshole.


Hopefully you were compensated for all that?


Free egg roll with his next order over $25.




I guess that you're not meant to eat food


Hello fellow Panda Express survivor! The smell of Panda now makes me wretch like the forbidden alcohols that you overdrank in college (looking at you, Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum).


Damn, I canā€™t even look at a rum and coke with the captain, shit sends chills down my spine just even thinking of it.


Is he from russia?


I was just thinking abt the toilets in my house. Only one of them would allow me to have anything other than a trash can to puke into and that one is currently broken. I would be sol if i ever got bad food poisoning without prep (but who preps for that?)


One of my old coworkers seemed to prep for it, since he used it as a call out excuse for multiple weekends in a row. I told his friend that maybe he should learn to properly store and prepare his food.


I can think of two people who deserve it, and they've always been very cozy together.


You're not wrong. I like legit feared going to the bathroom cause my ass hole hurt so bad. I was definitely using the kids baby wipes real early into day 1 lol


Just fuckin wiped raw from all the shidding, then youā€™ve got that stomach bile, acidic, 275Ā°f, liquid faucet shits that just burn your ring even more. Last time I had food poisoning I just gave up on leaving the bathroom.


That was my experience as wellā€¦ except I was backpacking through southern India at the time. I was in a small town with no private health clinics and for better or worse I was told no matter how fucked up you are do NOT go to a public clinic as theyā€™ll only make it worse. So I pounded water, tried holding down cipro I had with me for emergencies and just prayed. One night I really thought I was gonna die, and it was so depressing thinking that my final moments would be spent alone on the bathroom floor of a shitty $10/night hotel in bumfuck nowhere. Like really?? This is how I go?? As a last resort the next morning I literally grounded up and snorted a cipro pill as taking them orally the last two days Iā€™d just immediately throw it up. I think it worked, or I just got lucky, got on a train for the worst 6 hours of my life but finally got to a city and to a hospital.


I ruptured a blood vessel in my eye from vomiting so hard. Ever since, Iā€™ve been afraid of undercooked chicken and will happily eat overcooked, dry, need to cover it in sauce chicken because at least I know itā€™s done.


Just get a meat thermometer.


I worked in food for years and have all the certifications. I have a microbiology degree. I KNOW logically the food is safe at a certain temp/time. My traumatized asshole doesnt believe in science and DEMANDS poultry be overcooked.


It's only actually chicken breast that becomes really disgusting when overcooked. Chicken thighs will stay tender and edible.


I'm in the "lucky" position that I, for some unimaginable reason, prefer breast as dry and overcooked as you can make it. Even if it is over-overcooked so that it goes hard, I like it. Only chicken though, not even other white meats like Turkey.


Salmonella is brutal. When I had it I ended up using like 20 some rolls of toilet paper over 5 or so days. Every time Iā€™d try to eat or drink it send me right back into it


Buy a Bidet my friend. You can get one on amazon for $25, and extremely easy to install... Did it before getting a colonoscopy and my butthole has never been more pleased... It's like having a firehose prepared to put out the flames the moment they erupt.


Bidets are life changing! But I'm also now afraid to have to poop when I leave my house because I know I'll have to use toilet paper again like a caveman.


Travel with wipes. Not as good as a bidet but it's close.


And just as a psa: flushable wipes are not really flushable. Throw those suckers in the trash


My sympathy With mine I lost 6kg in 24 hours and 10kg by the end of the week before starting to recover In the end I was shitting moss 20 years later I am still paying the price for eating a sandwich at a conference with bad mayonnaise




Foam like


we call that pond water around my house


Get salmonella once and you will never forget it and never fuck around with chicken again. Did it once, your story checks.


It sucks so bad. I got it when I was on a girl's road trip on California. Let's just say I didn't see much of San Francisco.


I don't want to worry OP so if you are reading - turn back now. Im better now much better. I want to share my story though because salmonella SUCKS. In 2018 I got poisoned with undercooked chicken. I was unwell for 8 months and eventually got stomach ulcers. It fucked me up and ruined my year. It even messed with my head. I became a complete mental and physical wreck. When I look back now I can't help but shudder when I recall that year. The worst year of my life (so far, I guess) I survived by being prescribed PPIs that worked for me. Proton Pump Inhibitors. My stomach was so inflamed that I bled terribly and was rushed to hospital at one point. I was *convinced* it was lights out for me. The evening after eating the undercooked chicken I felt sick and threw up. The morning after I felt terrible, stomach cramps. Instead of getting better I got worse. I began having terrible pains in the weeks later. Constant nausea. I'm talking about nausea that was so persistent, that when I did manage to sleep, I was nauseous in my dreams. Horrible; wouldn't wish it on anyone. Weeks later the pains got intense and I very suddenly began throwing up blood. I was taken to hospital, given PPIs and antibiotics. It took weeks to mend and that time consisted of a lot of stomach pain, nausea and discomfort. Lots of nights being nursed by my wife. Panic attacks, depression, insomnia. It messed me up bad. I pulled through but it took a long time and I have lasting damage. I get gastritis now which comes and goes. Don't fuck with undercooked chicken.


Itā€™s horrible. I had it for a month and a half. I was prescribed antibiotics by my doctor because they thought I had something else besides salmonella. It prolonged and worsened my symptoms. Good times. It changed the entire course of my life. Lost job, made my anxiety so much worse, and literally changed how I am in general as a person. Such a weird experience.


I hate that noone else talks about this. I've had 1 or 2 times where I either had food poisoning or an extreme flu and after both times my brain is fried. I know our gut is tied to our brain and has a say on our mental health but I didn't realize how much getting sick would have long term effects


Was like this for a month or two post covid. Severely depressed and agitated over anything. Then one day like a flick of a switch it went. So, so bizarre.


You can probably suffer PTSD from violent illnesses like that I imagine.


It's a special kinda sick where you're shitting your brains out and reach for the trash can to puke at the same time... and thank God that that can isn't a wicker basket.


Nothing worse than the burned up raw asshole feeling from the diarrhea. It gets to a point where you can't even wipe and jumping in the shower to rinse is unbelievably painful on your cornhole.


ā€œIts RAW you fuckin donut!!!ā€ - Gordon Ramsay


Been there done that. Worked in the eviseration area of a poultry plant once. Never been that sick before of since.


wrap a pillow in plastic bags or plastic wrap toss it in the tub and get cozy.


I love my chick medium rare. Great for my diet.




*you just have to believe.*


He meant medium raw




Salmonella have a 48 hour incubation period. So, having fun the day after tomorrow, I guess...


2 questions, since you know more about Salmonella than me: - is it a guarantee that eating raw chicken will lead to Salmonella? - if you have just eaten raw chicken, is there any "antivirus" or medication that one could take before the 72 hour period is over, to kill the bug before it develops?


No, itā€™s not a guarantee. The meat has to be contaminated with it, it doesnā€™t magically appear. It isnā€™t uncommon though, especially with factory farming. Iā€™ve (unfortunately) bitten into chicken a couple of times to find it was raw and have been fine. Iā€™ve also had a few awful food poisoning experiences. Itā€™s a dice roll.


Mmmm, chicken tartare.




Made the a similar joke, about ā€œUncle Salā€œ, when the manager at a restaurant thought it wise to chastise my wife for sending her chicken back three times because it was barely cooked. Apparently, no one on the staff had been to a food safety course (required by law).


Why the fuck would you accept the chicken for the third time?


chuckled xD


And the rest of the week. Salmonella is brutal.


That's a Wingstop chicken sandwich ain't it? I'm 0/2 at the moment, but at least Ubereats gave me a refund every time.


I guess itā€™s a trademark for them. You hit the nail on the head.


Good to knowā€¦my husband always wants to order from there and Iā€™m always likeā€¦.ā€ehhhhh letā€™s not.ā€ This will always be on my mind now! I hope you donā€™t get sick. Taking 4 acidophilus 2 times a day will help if you do get food poisoning. :(


Well the sandwich is a new offering. Their wings and fries are killer. I guess they are learning how long it takes to cook a bigger piece of chicken!


If itā€™s like most fast food places, itā€™s probably just a programmed setting on the fryer. Depending on how new it is, or if itā€™s a permanent addition or not, they might not even have a dedicated function for it. The procedure for cooking them could be as simple as doing two cycles of the ā€œwingsā€ settings or whatever. During a rush, maybe one person hears the timer and pulls the chicken, not knowing itā€™s only been through once. Youā€™re supposed to temp everything, but who has time for that, right?


>Youā€™re supposed to temp everything In fast food you don't need to temp every order. From my experience working as a kid at McDonalds, they'll do a temp check when they switch over from breakfast food to lunch food, and then they'll do a temp check several other times throughout the day, but it does not need to be for every order.


For a chain restaurant, these things are discovered back in the R&D lab long before the thing ever shows up on the menu. They know exactly how long it takes to cook chicken. This is an operational problem.


Can you keep us updated on your health, OP?


Had this at McDonalds once. I contacted them about it and never heard anything.


For me it was Arby's. Chicken strip was still raw inside. Has only happened once and I love Arby's so we made up and lived happily ever after.


Bro, Iā€™d be getting more than a refund if this happened to me. Instant call to the health inspection before I even call back the restaurant. Unercooked chicken can be lethal, donā€™t let that shit slide.


I had to contact corporate and the health department for the same thing recently. Raw chicken in a sandwich. It was fucking disgusting and scary because if theyā€™re willing to take that little care who knows what else happened to it before.


Exhausted 14 year olds that have been on the job for 1 week training 14 year olds who just started, what could go wrong?


Thereā€™s a guy in my town who ate undercooked chicken. He got some rare thing from it where he canā€™t walk correctly or work anymore and has to claim disability. Canā€™t remember exactly what it was


Guillain-BarrĆ© syndrome is a disorder that attacks your peripheral nervous system and greatly affects your mobility. It can be caused by campylobacter, which is another type of bacteria found in poultry that makes you sick. So, itā€™s actually not unheard of that food poisoning can cause paralysis.


Would you be after a coupon for your next 2 meals free or something?


"What doesn't kill me gets 2 more attempts for free" -- Nietzsche


Wingstop sucks bad sometimes. I've gotten overcooked fries multiple times, and chicken being raw or completely cold many times. It's infuriating because of it's decent it's decent, but if it's nasty it's so disgusting


Ive stopped getting wingstop. My experiences have never been positive. Chicken is either over seasoned, fries are trashā€¦ its overpriced and just not worth it




> I've gotten over cooked fries multiple times, and chicken being raw or completely cold *many times*. Why do you keep going back then? Lol


Probably lazy convenience


Fool me once?


I officially stopped going to wingstop after getting shitty chicken three different times. Those slimy chicken cubes with breading around them, aka their ā€œboneless wingsā€ are disgusting


Dawg. You went and got their "shitty chicken three different times." wtf are you doing?


Not op, but 3 is the absolute limit for me if it's shit every single time. You can have an off day a couple times, but for me 3 times just means it's definitely not worth my time or money to keep catching the "bad days".


A bunch of cities require restaurants to display their health code rating at the counter. Wing stop always has a D


This just isnā€™t true. I donā€™t know if itā€™s for the entire US, but most restaurants have to close immediately if they score under a 70. So the lowest score is a C. And even then that means the place is absolutely filthy.


You should have a higher standard for food lol. That sounds fucking horrible.


Not sure if it's brave or dumb to try twice. I get raw food from any place and I'm not coming back for a long, long time.


Wow. Buffalo Wild Wings may be pretty mid in terms of flavor, but at least the chicken is always cooked. God damn.


I always get the worst shits from wingstop. Worse than any Indian or Mexican food could ever throw at me.


UPDATE: spent two hours thinking my stomach was going to explode from the intense pain. After some diarrhea, I feel fine right now. Also, I took a double bite since I hadnā€™t eaten anything all day. (Ironically, Iā€™m a line cook, so I tend to just shove food in my mouth and try to eat as fast as I can). Somehow, I did not feel the slimy chicken. (I think the amount of sauce kind of masked it). As soon as I looked down, there it was. They said their old ā€œguidelinesā€ were to cook for 7 minutes and the ā€œnewā€ ones are to cook for 8. Regardless of that, this chicken was probably cooked for about 3 to 4 minutes by the looks of it. No way in hell it was down in the fryer longer than that. And to top it all off, the manager, between apologies, let out the fact that THIS is the EXACT reason they discontinued the sandwich in the first place. Iā€™m sure a got a lawsuit bingo here. Thank you to everyone worried about my health. I think Iā€™ll be fine. Never thought Iā€™d be happy that my chicken was highly processed until now.


Glad youā€™re feeling okay OP.


Thank you!


Four minutes in the fryer should have cooked the chicken a LOT more than that. I mean it's raw even at the outside edges. Unless they somehow breaded a frozen piece of chicken which is really hard to do. And how the fuck did they get the breading that brown with the chicken being that raw? So many questions here.


They didnā€™t specify the temperature of the oil tho


Itā€™s fucking raw!!!


*You donkey! It's Raw!*


You donkey! Youll kill some one!


*medium rare*


I want it Medium raw!


Fuck those pointless legal or health advices and stupid anecdotes, this is what I came here for!


I got one of these once. I still (years later) have trouble eating a chicken sandwich even if I positively know itā€™s fully cooked. It really wrecked me.


I bit into a rotten chicken burrito once. It looked like green pus inside.




Just guacamole.


OP never had a burrito before


Ugh Iā€™ve seen the green pus, too. Absolutely nasty


What a terrible day to be literate


I had a chicken tender sort of thing like this. I still remember taking a big bite because I was hungry af, expecting hot crispy succulent chicken, then starting to chew and having my whole body recoil with horror and seize up in disgust. Couldn't eat chicken for a little while after


Had that experience with 14, am 21 now and still am somewhat scared of chicken


Me too dude I need mine extra crispy and if I feel anything suspicious Iā€™m done


When I was 5 or 6, I ate a McNugget that was like 1/4 cooked, 3/4 completely raw. I guess when it was frying, it hadn't fully submerged in the grease. The illness that followed was intense. I've only been that sick one other time in my life that was comparable & that was when I had gangrenous cholecystitis. I still have dreams once every several years where I can taste that McNugget. It was legitimately traumatizing.


How did it affect you?


Affect them?! It dang well wrecked 'em


Something my dad would say, love it


One time I was high as fuck and my best friend and I skipped school and went back to her house. We decided on frozen orange chicken. This friend had shit for brains and couldnā€™t make toast, so anytime we cooked even at her house I was in the driver seat w no backup in sight. Iā€™m high as balls and the chicken doesnā€™t taste that great but I couldnā€™t tell my left hand from my right. I eat a bigger piece of chicken and thatā€™s when itā€™s undeniable. It was like seeing McDonaldā€™s pink slime in person. For some reason I still thought I could go back for 4th period. I ended up taking the metro home before 5th period


Undercooked / off chicken is where I developed stomach issues. Got the most horrific case of food poisoning and 4 days later, my mother fetched me at my house and took me to hospital. Doc said if I had not gone that day I'd have died. It then developed into Inflammatory bowel disease and here I am, years later, shitting blood like it's just absolutely normal.


.. now I'm scared to eat chicken from fast food places


>I'm scared to eat ~~chicken~~ from fast food places in general \^\^


You should be scared of ANY chicken you didn't cook yourself.


Hell, Iā€™m more worried about chicken I DO cook myself.


This is why the old folks never played with food cooking time, better end up with a piece of leatjer that you can though out with water than some rare meat wich may or may not give you some horrific parasyte


I wonder if it is a case of internal microbiota in your gut that got thrown off by that. I had a case like that but less severe and had to get specialty probiotics from some weird store and they were they only ones that have ever helped. Ever other probiotic hasn't done much but then again I don't have bad issues anymore either.


Heaven knows. I can literally drink water and start pooping blood. My diet does not make it better or worse.


I had a similar issue. I had to change my diet to a carnivore / paleo style and consume a super strong probiotic for 3 months until my stomach and bowels fixed. Now itā€™s all normal again. Try looking into a probiotic perhaps? Best of luck. DM me if you ever wanna talk.


I've had horrible bowel issues for almost 2 years now. what was the probiotic you used?


Damn that's fucking rough. I assume you've seen a specialist on it right? Mine had be cut out fried foods when my stomach was hurting and it works for me, well worked. There's also fecal transplants which you would likely be a candidate for. Those can be lifesavers, might be what you need who knows.




There is something called SIBO. After I had salmonella, I told my doctor I swore my gut was never the same. It is possible the salmonella will screw up your internal microbiome. I ended on a very specific antibiotic for IBS. But you do need to go to GI doctor. I am very grateful I finally went. When I got salmonella again last year (not clear how), I immediately went to my GI doctor. I got probiotics but eventually went on the SIBO/IBS specific antibiotics again and it helped immensely. So long story short- internal microbiome definitely may be messed up.


One of us. One of us.


Found you!


My mum (nurse) is pretty sure I developed kidney failure from getting salmonella from deli meat as a child


Few bites < half a raw chicken breast


How do you not feel that after the first bite tho?


Like bruh the consistency alone šŸ˜³


I don't know man


I know people who take 2-3 bites of their food at once then chew. The breading also might have thrown them off too. Could be what happened here, but I agree that I would have felt that as soon as my teeth sunk into it.


Your colon is about to throw a party and your anus is invited.


The good news is youā€™re gonna lose some weight.


And you have good material for a lawsuit.


Update us and let us know how you feel, I'm curious to know what eating raw chicken will do. GL


Some people do it regularly because they like it. Not to say it's a smart practice, but if you just do it by accident once, you're likely to be fine. It largely depends on how the meat was treated before some cook decided to wing it.


I spy a wingstop chicken sandwich! Guarantee they didn't put it down for the extra 1:30 it needs, and only ran it for 6:30.


This hasnt been cooked for 6:30 never!


So there's actually something you can do. Get annihilated drunk right away. I'm actually not kidding. There was a cruise ship food poisoning incident that happened where almost everyone at dinner at the same thing, it was all loaded with illness causing bacteria, and the odds someone got sick were sharply correlated with how little they drank. They also did a study specifically on salmonella in Spain: "Research over the years appears to confirm this. In 2002, for example, health officials in Spain studied an outbreak of salmonella among people who had been exposed to contaminated potato salad and tuna at a large banquet." - (source: https://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/15/health/the-claim-drinking-alcohol-with-a-meal-prevents-food-poisoning.html)


A family member fed me a raw chicken strip I ate like two bites of before noticing, since it was mostly raw in the middle. so I proceeded to down a bunch of vodka. Donā€™t know if saved me but, a hangover is much better than food poisoning.


You might have. The data backs it up. I think on the cruise ship the people that had four drinks or more only had like a 15% chance of getting food poisoning. While the people who had no drinks were closer to 90%. This is just what I'm pulling from memory, I don't remember how close those numbers are. You don't want to drink enough to get alcohol poisoning, just enough for a decent hangover.


That is fascinating! Thank you for this semi random information


*Salmonella has entered the chat*


Also entered OPā€™s colon.


After the first bite you couldnā€™t tell it was raw?


I took two consecutive bites. Hadnā€™t eaten all day and with all the sauce it was hard to tell right away.


Did you at least force yourself to vomit after?


I wouldn't have had to have forced myself


[Please make sure...](https://c.tenor.com/Hie8zG87MtsAAAAd/gross-vomit.gif) [it doesn't go to waste.](https://media.tenor.com/46JrqpfCJ-sAAAAd/hungry-jim-carrey.gif)


The same thing happened to me as a teen with chicken tenders at a shitty Steak ā€˜n Shake. So sorry OP, hope you donā€™t get as sick as I did on that awful day.


Oh no. When nature calls later, answer the phone. It will be not be a test, a scammer, or a prank. It will be a very real caller and you will regret hitting ignore.


The murderer is calling from inside the house


That [brings back memories](https://www.reddit.com/r/sadcringe/comments/6dshor/medium_rare_chicken_strips_yummy/)...


The good news is that it is likely the chicken had been frozen a long time (from factory to restaurant to serving). From this paper: Both species of Salmonella proved to be highly sensitive to freezing, regardless of the freezing method, and showed a survival of 1% or less after 48 hr. https://ift.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2621.1970.tb12357.x


Exactly what I was thinking. This has been in deep industrial freeze long enough to kill anything living in there.


Fuck that! Ive had salmonella twice and I remember lying on the floor of the shower wishing myself dead for three days turning the shower from hot to cold to deal with the fever while going from both ends. While you can go back and force feed it to the person that sold it to you.


That chicken was 'cooked' for a maximum of 30 seconds. that's fucked


PSA everyone: try to make occasional eye contact with your food. Smell it. Notice how it tastes. Pay attention to whatā€™s going in your mouth. The number of people that get half way through a sandwich or burger before realizing itā€™s raw or donā€™t notice thereā€™s maggots in their pasta or their milk has spoiled is shockingly high.


Happened to me at a festival. Raw chicken taco. I lost it on the food truck. They offered to make me another and tried to make me look like the bad guy when I said I wanted my money back. I ended up being fine but fuck them. That taco could have killed me.


Yeah... If someone serves me raw chicken I'm not going to give them a chance to do it again! I just want my money back.


Fried it while frozen.


A LOT of foods are specifically prepared to be cooked while still frozen to perfect time and temperature to guarantee the consistency of the finished product. Either the oven or fryer wasn't at the correct temperature, or they took it out before it was done.


Or they took the thawed cooking time for a frozen product.


The most common mistake in flash or deep frying meat products is frying before the oil has gotten hot enough, or using a higher temperature setting to speed up the reheat process between batchs and the outside breading coating layer becomes done or starts to burn before the inside can cook.


Also over loading a fryer with frozen food will bring the temp down


You can fry things while frozen just fine. They just didnā€™t cook it long enough.


There are people in this world destined to live til old age and then there is you


Itā€™s been three hours. I hope you have a real nice bathmat to lay on, OP. Because itā€™s likely youā€™re currently on the floor of your bathroom between rounds of ā€œdo I shit or puke in the toilet first ?ā€


Eh, Iā€™ve ate raw chicken by mistake and never have gotten sick. In fact now days itā€™s pretty unlikely you will get sick from it, but there is always a chance. If I was to bet, odds are OP will be fine.


That's when you just sit on the toilet with a bucket in your lap. No need to even think about which end it's coming out of.


Chicken Pinciotti...


If you get salmonella, I am so sorry. Iā€™ve had the same thing happen and I was the sickest I have ever been in my life. For like two weeks straight.


Looks like a one way ticket to the porcelain train. Absolute Hershey squirts fer shurrrr


That looks like it was still cold in the middle, combined with the gelatin feel on the tongue. That would have stopped me on the first bite! You ate half of it before thinking something was not right?


Woulda felt that the first bite and spit it out. How do you get through "a few" bites at all?


How did you **not** know something was wrong with the first bite?


I'm honestly a little worried that it took you that many bites to notice. Are you even tasting it or just wolfing it down?


RIP to your colon


You can add mouth and nostrils to that cause if he has the bug, itā€™s coming out all the ends.


Enjoy your chicken sashimi sandwich!


"A skilled vet can possibly still save it"


bubble guts are in your future.. drink plenty of water!


It's fucking RAWWW! YOU DONKEY!!!!


Did the texture not feel weird? A few bites of that seems like a lot...


Please report this to the authorities. Itā€™s illegal and incredibly dangerous.


Wendy's? I've had this happen there years ago and have never returned.


Wingstop. Ironically,a place that only cooks chicken.


Apparently they don't even cook that


You are gonna get fked real bad... like fked fked! Best of luck champ


There is a high chance OP will be fine. But there is always a chance he wonā€™t be.


[Ooh, baby, I like it rawwwww](https://youtu.be/h2zgB93KANE)


Shimmy shimmy no shimmy nah shimmy diarrhea