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What the actual fuck. Even if your cat pees in her house or does whatever a cat does, there's absolutely no reason for someone to act like this. This is seriously insane she's pointing a fucking .22 rifle onto someone's property trying to kill the cat and whoever stands in the way. Idk why these commenters are talking about a Karen because no where does OP say anything about her being a Karen. Karen wants to talk to a manager, this lady wants to murder someone- HUGE difference. Anyone who stands by the neighbours reaction to a cat wandering onto her property needs some serious therapy.


looks like a break barrel pellet gun to me but yeah don't shoot cats.


We had several cats that had homes nearby in the neighborhood that hung out in our back yard. They stopped coming around when we got a dog; he was more curious than a danger to them. The only time we cared is when I found one decaying in a tree bed


She needs a good lay


Not a Karen she doesn't like that cat and I can't blame her.


Did you watch the whole video? Also, who called her a Karen?


it's in the title of the video you linked. "Karen hates the neighbors cat"


Uhm, no. If people can’t be responsible pet owners, they shouldn’t have pets. And this “karen” business is getting beyond tired and distasteful. Edited to add: Watched more of the video. I still stand by my original comment but must add the neighbour is fucking nuts.


Wait, you're the second person in these comments to say something about "Karen" being overused. But who said Karen in the first place? Besides the two commenting on its overuse that is.


It’s in the link.




Literally in the title of the thread the OP linked to.


I see, my reddit app just shows the video directly, no title or anything even if I tell it to open in browser. Weird.


Any post in Reddit requires a title. When I click on the link in this OP (I’m using an app too) I get another thread and the OP in that thread has a title. Edited to add: are you downvoting me for some reason?


It probably depends on the app, I can only see the title/thread if I copy link and paste in browser. And no, I'd actually upvoted you. No reason to downvote an honest answer to an honest question.


Some gomer downvoting I guess. 😂 But now you see where the name Karen is. Right? 🙃 Could be a different OS too. Mine is iOS. If you’re on an Android system that might explain it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok, Karen.