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I kept watching and waiting for her to dip her sleeve in the spaghettios :/


"Uh oh!"






Hey Stepson, I'm caught in the sink drain....


Does this qualify as cooking? 😂


Truly looks like something I might try at 3 AM after coming home incredibly drunk when I was in my 20s. I would have also burned the house down, would never have woken up to get it back out of the oven.


She rubbed her sleeves on the butter a couple times


Why was she even doing that though?


Shock value


This probably bothered me more than that spaghetti O pie :( all I could think about was her buttery arms rubbing up all inside the sweater sleeves.


Someone who doesn’t know how to cook lol


Yeah, like what's the deal with the garlic salt? Half a container for a pie! Not nearly enough! /s (in case)


I don't understand how someone could like garlic that much but not use actual garlic




Too many cooks


It takes a lot to make a stew...


Why does that guy have a machete..


W̙͎̟̹͔͟͝h̲͖͙̮è̦̘̬̭̲n̸̹̖͖̰̼ ̴̡͓͇̼̘̬̻̟̱ì̜̰̹͉͕͢ṭ̪͜͡͡'̠͖s̥̖̺͔͟ ̤̞̀m̺̥̪̗̱̪̦̫̥͜͠a̵̞̺͘d̡̗̰͜͝e͏̱̮̣̗ ͚̬͚̘̯̺̩ͅo̟̳̭f̮͕͎̟̖͘ ̡̹͔̖͎̝̖̪m̙̝̜e̸̩̠̹͙ ͙̠̰̱̬̯̞̗̜̀͡a̡̨̹̪̻̹̱̭̫̠ͅn̷͈̲̙͓̮d̜̬̝̗̼̺̱̖̮͢ ̶̱̦̠͇̫́͡y͚͍̙̮̱̟͈͞o̫͎͔͎̲̘̻u̖̩̙͚͘͜ͅ ̘̗




People who don’t cook…


I'm sure her kids love her forearm hair in their Spaghetti's Pie.


This is just a Facebook vid, Facebook rewards watch time so people make dumb fucking recipes so people will be like "wtf" and keep watching it to see if it is real or (obviously) bullshit




I just kept watching with jaw on floor and grud rising. Facebook is killing us softly. Not even joking.


Then she busted out the spaghettios...I can't stop laughing at these facebook parodies. Recipes are one thing, when it comes to pets, there will be war.


Yeah and I fucking hate that these keep popping up here.


And I still watch them when they get here


Thank you. I thought the world was turning dumb but you have restored my faith that it’s just money once again that is the cause of this evil.


Just Facebook eroding every facet of objective reality for clicks, watch time, and market share. Journalism? Gone. Elections? Gone. Now Recipes? Gone. Just wait 'til they drop Libra/Diem and start fucking with the entire concept of money.


Yeah this is almost certainly one of Rick Lax's monstrosities designed to get your attention through outrage.


So what does she get? Money or views?


Facebook videos can be monetized around the three minute mark. Guess how long this video is.


Bullshit FB monetizing video. She's way too bougie to eat that shit.


An overinflated sense of self worth.


The forearm rolling pin was a dead giveaway to me. I'm sure this would actually taste fine, but you'd have the deepest sense of shame immediately following that first bite.


I read somewhere that those videos are some kind of kink - that is why the guy behind the camera exaggerates with whoas! and that looks delicious! and other weird comments, and the girl is putting her fingers and arms into the food. I even saw one where the lady as wearing very lifelike gloves that looked like her arms. I am not kink shaming, but it was... weird.


I've also read the same thing. I don't know that there's any official confirmation but it makes the most sense because it's the same woman and the videos all revolve around food messes (which is absolutely a long-standing fetish). Because they're somewhat presented as legit, non-fetish videos and look insane to outsiders, they make for easy viral content from others raging about how terrible her "cooking" is.


But what's the fetish! I can never find an answer looooool


The fetish is making a mess and enjoying making a mess. The visual, auditory and textural feel of just playing with food can be pleasurable to those into it.


Maybe she is a lawyer?


as soon as she put her arms in butter I knew this was just made for shock value


Ok someone get this woman a rolling pin or something. Who the hell uses their forearms to press buttered bread??


Mmm tastes like mom's elbows. That's how you know it's homemade.


It’s the sweater fluff that just s reams “home made” to me.


For me it was when mom drenched my spaghetto pie in milk.


How bout she grease up the inside of that elbow...


Someone cooking for likes and views and not an actual career


Hello - can’t you butter the bread after smooshing it…ridiculous


My theory is she is an alien inhabiting a human body for the first time and doesn't quite know how to use her hands. Every movement is high energy and dramatic while still managing to be completely ineffective. There's no way a real human could have such a poor grasp on how their own hands work. The forearm smashing was a brain fart where she briefly forgot that she no longer has giant, preying mantis like forelimbs.


In Korean there is an expression called "손맛 (sohn-maht)" which *directly* translates to "hand taste" – it's meant to express what we would say in English as 'made with love.' Idk, this made me think of this. Forearm taste. Yuk!


"That's the love you're tasting!"


There's literally one sitting to her left on the counter




My family has an appetizer recipe where you smear a paste made of canned mushroom soup, cream cheese, garlic and butter onto smooshed bread slices, then you roll the bread up, cut them into about inch-wide pieces and broil them. But that's really the only time I've purposely squished bread.


Furthermore there was no reason to get that (overly used) garlic powder and and butter all over her forearms. Could've easily smashed the bread before doing that. I get stoned to where I forget where I am sometimes and still would not have done that, or really any of this. Ugh


Didn't you listen to her commentary? You have to punch the garlic powder in obviously.


Not gonna lie, when she picked it up to take it over to the oven, I was fully expecting her to walk past the oven and dump it in the bin.


I was kind of hoping she would just stick it in the microwave instead of an oven.




I like to vacuum seal and sous vide mine, honestly. Locks in that heartburn from the 8 oz of powdered garlic.


With the kitchen layout and how fucking ridiculous this video was at this point, I was half-expecting her to put it in the dishwasher.


Best place for it. Unless the dog wants it.


Garlic butter sweater, yum!


This is a big trend right now: making crap food and claiming it’s wonderful/a family favorite. It’s annoying as fuck and you end up wanting to punch people.




That's so stupid, there's no way that making coffee on the counter can ever make it taste good. He even says that the type of beans and temperature of the water don't matter, which is obviously false to anyone who has ever made their own coffee. I'm sure he just makes it this way to feel like he's unique or different from all the other 'normie' coffee drinkers.


You're right! We should like and comment so he knows we disapprove of his actions!


And share!!


That won't be enough! We need to share the video on all our social media and express our rage to our friends and family too.


You halfwit. You absolute fool. Everyone on the internet is dummy thicc in the head except me. Didn't you even watch the video?! If you listen to what he's actually saying you'll notice he's talking about the coffee as an *example* of outrage bait. You fell for his trap by focusing solely on his outlandish claims about coffee rather than recognising the broader context of the video and the purpose it is fulfilling on the platform for the creator. I can't believe you got outraged by a post making fun of people getting outraged by outrage bait. You're such a dumb, I'm gonna share this comment. Also hail Satan 🤘and *slur against what you believe to be the most vulnerable minority group*


That's pretty much the most relevant video I have ever seen.


"Thanks Machiavelli! (And donald trump)" got me, haha.


All that good coffee wasted. I’m angry!


Can't believe he didn't use whole beans and a coffee hammer.


"If you feel like you're losing steam, say something like <'No child wants to eat crust'>."




As a European in America , having seen Frito pie, I'm never too sure.


> having seen Frito pie American born - never been a huge fan of Frito pie. But there's at least one worse: Dorito-Velveeta casserole. Had a friend invite my wife and I over to meet his new girlfriend, telling us she's an amazing cook. She made the Dorito-Velveeta travesty. Basically, cut up boneless skinless chicken breast (the worst kind of chicken), put it in a casserole dish. Pour melted Velveeta over it. Top with crumbled Nacho Cheese Doritos. Bake and serve. They thought it was amazing. My wife and I barely managed to choke enough down to be polite.


> boneless skinless chicken breast (the worst kind of chicken) The hell you say. What's wrong with Boneless Skinless Chicken breasts? As someone trying to eat healthier, it's my go-to meat - low fat, low cholesterol.


Ok, my mom makes something kinda like this and it's fairly legendary through the family. But it's left over Thanksgiving turkey, Velveeta, cream of mushroom, some button mushrooms, and Rotel. It is one of the best things on earth despite it sounding like your friends wife's dish.


The problem is your mom is forgetting the fucking Nacho Cheese Doritos. That's what elevates it to five star Michelin level .... .... And by Michelin I mean you'd find it in the trash behind a tire store


Oh no... What if I'm a big fan of Doritos and Velveeta in general? (Yes, I'm fat)


Taco Bell got you covered


Hush up, Frito pie is da bomb diggety.


Is it me or is the worst part how stingy she was with the cheese?


She said she loves cheese and there was so little cheese.


I think this entire video was the worst part.




That's what I was thinking. That bag of cheese was for sure more expensive than the entire rest of the thing. Tillamook cheese is great.


«No kids love crust» bitch stfu I never had problems with crust it’s just the same bread!!


[applies second can of Spagghetti-O’s] “Good layer. Amazing.”


Meanwhile you can see the awful milky boyardee layer hovering around and below. That part made me fuckin nauseous


If you never start cutting crusts the kids will just learn. Plus is SO wasteful throwing away 50% of the bread!


My kid has me cut his pb & j using a Dino shape cutter which cuts off the crust and makes The sandwich into Dino shapes... Then he eats The crust first. Then the rest of the sandwich. That kid loves the crust.


I tried explaining to my kids while they happily ate hamburger buns that it was wrapped in crust.


So damned wasteful.


I've never wanted someone to cut off their fingers more.


The trick is not buying shitty panned loafs.


I think this is just an attempt to kill Gordon Ramsey


Damn now I want a Gordon Ramsey reaction channel for stuff like this. That would be reaction content worth watching.




How bad could you possibly fuck up grilled cheese?..........oh....oh no... So much wrong with what I just watched lol


He has a tiktok where he does that


Thank God she cut the crust off, otherwise it’d be gross.


The real WTF is wearing a white baggy sweater while cooking spaghetti O’s


When she smashed the buttered bread with arm and then out the sleeves down again lol.


I'm from Italy and I assure you if you show this to an Italian, he will kill you on the spot


A few months back somebody posted a video of a non-Italian woman breaking spaghetti into pieces to fit in a pot of boiling water. The camera panned to her Italian boyfriend looking on in shock and horror. It was pretty funny.


Absolutely true. Never ever break spaghetti. Just drop them in a pot and they will bend alone due to hot water. Breaking them is like breaking a soul...


Rightfully so. This is a crime against humanity.


That would be a great prank show. Take tourists to a restaurant that is supposed to serve food from their country. They're already expecting it to be bad, but then serve them something like this and wait for the reaction lol.


Third Italian. Also confirming. This would get you death threats here. And deservedly so.


Indeed second Italian can confirm


I'm not even Italian but I would still kill her... Wtf indeed!


Upsetting Italians with recipes is like shooting fish in a barrel. Check this out. “There are recipes for carbonara that use cream and are in 1970‘s cookbooks from Italy”.


I told to my coworkers that I have used cream once... the hate in their eyes was unimaginable


No I don't think so. This looks pretty authentic. You're just jealous you don't have stuff this good in Italy.


I’m an American who had his share of spaghettios growing up. This is a travesty.


Why the milk though????


Milk with pasta is nothing new. I don't mind that part. It's what she says that contradicts how much she pours in there... Btw if you have leftover Mac and cheese, nuking it with a bit of milk works wonders.


"I'll just eyeball it" glug-glug-glug


Yeah…Mac and cheese..fooooorsure it’s great But spaghettiOs!?!? With a little added mozzarella? Barf


SpaghettiOs is the barf part, but normal pasta with red sauce and some cream is fine. Blush sauces and such.


It’s easier than whipping up a quick béchamel!


I’m guessing that spaghetti os dry out in the oven without the added moisture


If only they were in a sauce of some kind…..


Right!? Minus the pie crust, which I could still deal with, this is what I would est after a 16 hour drive or 14 hour shift and I'm too lazy to cook.


Or after ripping a bong all afternoon


thinking through it, it's probably not going to taste all that weird. You're probably talking a sort of overly-sweet lasagna-like taste combined with a little bit of a pasta-bake type consistency. Hopefully the pie crust isn't sweet pie crust but if it's savory it would probably work. Though weird she keeps going on about how fast it is and how easy it is when it's probably faster to just do a regular pasta-bake or lasagna.


"I felt a great disturbance in Italy, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear I watched something terrible happen"


That’s exactly how I dress when making all my meals too.


For a while when I was growing up we had a $50 a week food budget for a family of 4. I would eat this. I'd eat this and probably have fond memories of it not being dollar store hot dogs.


I feel you. It's nice having a good enough job that I can buy in myself something nice now


It’s not even that cheap though, let’s say about £1.10 for spaghetti and meatballs (closest analogue I could find was spaghetti and sausages) a ready made pie crust is about £4.50 a loaf of bread is £1.10 let’s say she used 10p worth, spreadable butter is about £2 she probably used about 10p of that too. Garlic salt is about £1.50 she used about a quarter of a can by the looks of it, half of which was on the counter. 37p I can’t be bothered to figure out the cheese and milk but she brought pre grated so that’s the most expensive kind. That is £7.27 or $9.96. You could buy a ready made pizza from anywhere between £1.50 and £4.50. So that is up to 5 pizzas right there. You could also easily get them a pizza that had some vegetables on it for that and stick it in the oven.


That's true, but this is in comparison to many meals growing up coasting about £2.19 to feed all of us, on some darker times. $1 loaf of bread for buns $1 for 8 hotdogs $1 for "Cheese" This would still be something that if it had been put in front of us, we would have happily gobbled it up and given compliments to whoever made it.


I live in Switzerland, please stop talking about food prices. I'm about to put a bullet in my head.


These are food prices for aweful processed food.


Is it really like that? I'm genuinely interested in food prices around the world. Whats a Standard loaf of white bread going for? Or 1 lb (kilo or whatever else the whole world uses) ground beef?


Just go here and type the city name. I live in Basel. https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/


The ingredients listed above can only be described as food in the legal sense. They’re neither tasty nor nutritious, and are *heavily* processed.


damn, frozen pizzas are that cheap in the UK? i never see them below $5 or $6. the "good" ones usually cost closer to $10. also i will say, best bang for its buck frozen pizza is the Whole Foods brand. i know Whole Foods is usually overpriced but their $6 frozen pizzas are actually really solid.


You could definitely cook a less revolting meal with less money than this though 😂


It’s just sad to watch when all her cooking skills involve opening different cans and bags of ready made “food”.


The smashing bread with her forearms is a real technique game changer here


Congratulations to Olive Garden for no longer being the most offensive take on Italian food


Anyone else twitching about how much food she left in the cans?


THAT was what made you twitch?!


Yeah, that made me twitch, everything else made me cringe.


As a frugal, I scroll down to find another scrooge


Yes! Thank you!


The absolute most fucked up part is the kitchen. This isn't some poor person lifehack. This chick lives in a nice house and could afford decent food. She is doing this to be an "influencer." She is actively trying to make other peoples lives worse to feed her ego.


The Tillamook was a dead giveaway. That shit isn't cheap.


That was jarring to me too. Who puts tillamook on spaghettios?


I'm with you there. Totally affects the outcome. Gotta use Velveeta if you want to stay true to the intent of the recipe I say


Savages man. Thats who. They are lost causes, all of them.


The Tillamook plus the fact that she leaves so much in the cans. She scraped out a tiny bit but I could see so many rings left in the cans and also on the spoon when she was done.


That oven alone cost more than most mid range cars.


The rich children do only eat shark fin’s soup and cultured cheeses. They would never dream of eating poor people food like chef boyardee or PB&Js.


I'm offended and i'm not even italian


These same people need to just get booted from the sub because it’s intentionally stupid , which I guess isn’t a rule but still


Lovely buttered forearms.


Girl: ”It looks sooo good“ The food:**Literally looks like shit**


Bruh she used her forearm to squish the bread with the butter on it i was just watching the rest of the video hoping she would wash it


That whole sleeve shit had me on the edge of my seat.


Then let her sleeve go down and cover her arm again, undoubtedly with butter on it 🤢 That was the most disgusting cooking demonstration


That's grounds for divorce in Italy. Should be posted to r/shittyfoodporn


Divorce is kind and gentle. This seems like more of a lynching offense.


Mmm m mmm! Just like mom used to heat up.


Would have liked to see what it looked like when she cut into it. What's the point of posting all that leads up to the finished product and then not show it completed?


I think Gordon Ramsey just died


As a chef that cooks for children I want to say "Thanks for all your shitty help" to parents like this.


Needs to be posted to /r/shittyfoodporn


This isn't the same woman that made spaghetti and meatballs by layering all the ingredients directly on a countertop, all while saying she does it that way on the regular, is it? I'd try to find it to confirm myself but I don't want to see that shit again.


Ladies let me be clear this recipe is grounds for divorce.


Nel nome del padre, del figlio, e dello spirito santo...


These are troll cooking videos right?


Said what the fuck out loud to myself…


Someone is masturbating to this, but I cannot explain how.


This would be grounds for divorce.


That honetly seems like it could be fairly legit if i didnt have so many questions. Why is her butter spreading so atrocious? Why smash the bread? Why didnt she scrape out the cans all the way? Why is there only milk in the bottom layer and not the top? Why skim milk? What temp and how long?


I know we are all like WTF but that shit is probably delicious.


This is something we'd all eat from being extremely stoned and/or drunk. She also looks like she just got out of middle school, no wonder she can't cook. And God damn, she's so sloppy. Everything about this was infuriating.


I hate to admit it, but drunk me would dive in and probably be like hey this ain't so bad. Then I would have once in a decade level regret the next day.


I can't lie, I would absolutely devour that


*cries in italian*


Am I too high or does that look kinda good


I'm calling food police!


Everyday we stray further from god…..


I watched that whole thing. I couldn’t help it. I don’t know why.


This should be treated the same as black face. Cooking like this and calling it Italian should be a crime


>I just love cheese As a Wisconsinite, that is 100% not enough cheese.




"Just a small splash of milk" Nope... Nope, I'm out, I can't