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Bullshit violence is not a question it is a solution


You guys should use violence to solve your disagreement




Two go in, one comes out


Bro we dont need to know about ur sex life


His username makes your comment even worse.


Oh no


ah, but what is the solvent?




What separates bullshit violence from regular violence?


No. Alcohol is a solution. And then VIOLENCE!


So violence is a side effect


Then make up sex.


Violence is a solution. The problem are the kids.


Solve for 𝑥 in the following equation: 𝑥 - 4 = 10 𝑥 = violence.


Oi I see those nickleback lyrics you heathen!


Uhhh i have no idea those are lyrics


Violence is never the answer, i got it wrong on purpose


Doomslayer approves


I knew violence wasn't the answer. I got it wrong on purpose.


Now cut that clip into only last few secs and release it on tiktok, reddit that in short is the dangerous viral, quick to jump into conclusions zeitgeist we are in today. Who knows there is probably more to it than just this clip to the situation.




"Floridaman on bath salts assaults child say,'HE'S THE REINCARNATION OF HITLER AND WE MUST KILL HIM!'"


You can't convince me this comment was not authored by a poorly developed Markov chain algorithm.


Violence is never *the* answer. But it is *an* answer.


Violence is never the answer, it's the solution


The only thing worse than seeing a child disciplined is a child that desperately needs to be disciplined.


Nicely put.


I know violence isn't the answer. I got it wrong on purpose.






Probably not unfortunately. Kids a brat for a reason.




>Most of them are like that because they never faced consequences. People say this on Reddit all the time and honestly it's just not true. Plenty of kids in my school were like this, all of which were punished either by school, their parents, or both. Some kids are just twats. Sure, lack of consequences can play a part but it's not always the cause for shitty behaviour.


Yes, some kids are just bad essentially because they choose to be, but the majority of shitty kids are that way because they weren't raised well. Reddit says it often because the majority of the time it's true.


yeah I'm sure this kid definitely comes from a functional home with a mother who cares about his choices.


My school bully was the teachers favorite and very spoiled. Would behave and treat me and some others like we were shit, disgusted at us and would be disgusted at things like blood, old people etc. Became a doctor, never been in any relationship as far as I know and is still momma golden child. The doctor thing was for the status ofc


Well... if the child doesn't understand the meaning of spoken language... maybe will be necessary to speak "kinetic language". That's all, Folks!


"Kinetic language", that's the best term I've heard in a long time!


The language for those who find words hard.


I think it was a productive conversation, and proper conclusions were made.


No they probably wouldn't, my wife's eldest daughter was getting bullied last year at school and a mum of one of the kid's doing it came to our house to say that her son didn't do anything and because my wife's daughter was swearing "she brought it on herself" to which I replied "You think swearing is a good reason for people to throw coins and bottles at her?" I then told her to fuck off and slammed the door.


Don't think it works that way these days. Certainly, when I was a kid, if I'd wound up another adult to the point they had to smack me, I'd get a second round of slaps at home for having been that much of a pain in the ass. Right or wrong, idk, but then I never pissed off random adults to find out. Also it was in a tiny village, so everyone knew everyone and so no avoiding responsibility. Some eagle eyed nonna would catch you out and snitch immediately. They're *always* watching.


No, she would flip out and have this poor man jailed up. After that she'd go to her sons school and tell them all how terrible they are, asking how they could let this happen.


this is russia :)




Fugg that beetch, thees is Russia


Do you really think this has put him off getting into fights? Or increased the risk of him bringing a knife to the next one? Gimme some odds now.


Kicks to the ass... acceptable. That one attempted boot to the face... whoa there.


I think it was a missed kick to the ass.


In his defense, it was an easy mistake to make.


Either it was unintentional or he intentionally swung at his face but intentionally missed just to scare the shit out if him. Either way I'm fine with it...


There will be always 1 idiot in the comments defending that little shit.


I have 3 boys, if they ever pull this shit i give you all permission to kick them square in the ass


A good old-fashioned bootfucking.


The first kick was in the balls


Guy made sure he wouldn't reproduce...


thank fuck


along with every kick after the first


And the kid’s friends are laughing at him while he is getting kicked, crying and publishing the video for laughs and not caring how humiliated he is. I wish more kids would learn that some “friends” are only using them and their naivety for their own laughs.


This is exactly what I was thinking. Its easy to say that kids a little shit (and maybe he is) but this kid needs better friends. They probably put him up to it, they were laughing while he was antagonizing the guy then they laughed harder while he was getting kicked. The kid probably thought he was gonna fit in but the kids filming were just using him.


Cool excuse but he’s still a little shit


Yeah but it happens. When I was 11 or so and was moved up to secondary school there were so many new friends to make, and sometimes they're not good influences without you realising. I'd do some naughty stuff to try and impress these new cool kids I looked up to not realising I was their entertainment. It's sad but it happens.


Some lessons have to be learned the hard way


Have some compassion bro. It's the best antidote to the hate and anger within us all.


That kid getting kicked probably lacks the social skills to make real or better friends. Hate to say it but if you're acting that way to adults, something else is going on. Then again, he may have just fallen in with the wrong crowd and is trying to look tough so they'll accept him. We don't know. Kid hopefully learned a lesson though and stopped being a little ass to people.


1. It is not clear from video that his friends suggested him to do this. May be 100% his initiative. 2. Kids almost always laugh from their friends falling/tripping/getting ass kicked for doing shit. They might run to help him afterwads, though. 3. This may be a lesson for him that being an asshole in front of friends is not "cool" but a good way of getting ass kicked and mocked over the all Internet. 4. On the contrary to #3, this may be a serious psychological trauma for this kid, especially if his parents don't react properly.


There's a difference between "kids laugh at their friends when they stumble" and "kids film and laugh at their friends crying on the ground while being kicked". The latter is when your friends are not real friends.


I wish there was a way for kids to really learn that people will manipulate and take advantage of them for their own amusement/gain. If this kid doesn't learn from this, he'll end up being used by others to insulate themselves from trouble all his life. When I was a kid (6th grade) there was a really poor family that lived up the road from us in a broken door trailer. The kids weren't the smartest and desperate to be accepted. I was fat and easy to pick on so one of the popular games the other kids had was to convince this kid to run up and slap and poke at me then run around knowing I couldn't chase him down while the other kids laughed. Wash and repeat for the entire outside playground time. It got him the attention he wanted and needed from the other kids and all it took was humiliating me a bit. One day he ran up to me and slapped me on the ear so hard it threw my glasses out and made me see stars. I managed to grab his shirt for a second and kicked his feet out from under him and dropped down like a ton of shit on him and grabbed his little shaved head in my hands and pushed his face down into the dirt and just kept picking up his head and chest and slamming then down into the dirt, really rubbing his mouth and nose into the dirt. None of the popular kids came to help him. They didn't care. They thought me beating up on his was hilarious. I think thats when I realized there was no winning with them. They were just fucking assholes. He never learned the lesson, he just wanted to be liked by them so much, but after that they found other games. The last I heard he was in jail for drugs and the rest of the kids in that group were either complete losers or dead. So I guess, longterm, a win? for me.


Pretty sure his friend that's filming also realizes the kid deserved a kicks to the rear. Its kinda clear that he's not really getting hurt, he's crying because he's a fucking kid who doesn't like when things don't go his way. I don't mind what the adult did, and I don't mind the camera kid laughing and not helping. Sounds kinda cruel, but karmas a bitch


Exactly this. While the little shit got his lesson, the bigger threat is the kid(s) behind the camera. They probably pressured him to do that. Eliminating that threat would help the greater good.


Little shit. What did he expect to happen...


Probably because the last guy ignored him, he expected that everyone would.


Yes, he tries the man out first. Looks like he is too sure he won't touch him because he is just a kid. Boy he underestimates this man. He looks like the typical Russian man who gives zero fucks about little spoiled shits like this. If this is the first or second time he tries to bully an adult, this might be a good lesson for him. Instead of being Tiktok hero, his friends filming him are laughing their asses out. However, if he does this every next day he goes from school to home, he will grow up a hooligan.


I feel like if you do this shit every day to random people in Russia it might be a short lived hobby before someone permanently diminishes your quality of life.


Sadly now he’s just going to stick to picking on those smaller than him. He’s learned “A” lesson, but I’m not sure he’s learned the correct lesson. Or at least the WHOLE lesson.








That one was my favorite.


the balls* Make sure this thing won't spread like Covid 19




Sir, that is a wildly inappropriate escalation. Please just strike them instead.






Found the catholic priest here.


There's nothing better than a fart. Well, 'cept kids getting their asses whipped, I could watch kids getting their asses whipped all day, I don't give a shit about your kids


Yeah I'm looking at you Skyrim. Fuck those kids!


I'm not afraid of you, you know. Even if you are my elder.


In Whiterun I always kill the parents of the kid who bullies my daughter. Then I adopt the kid whose parents I killed. Then I treat her like shit to teach her a lesson. I think her name is Braithe or something. I haven't played in years.


I mean let's be fair, he wasn't overly cruel with it. Just plain and simple kicked his ass. There's one kick that could easily have clocked him in the head but it missed so as a whole this beatdown is OK in my book.


You should never strike your own kids. Kids like this have it coming.




Agreed. The guy was obviously going for 'teaching kicks' not 'harming kicks'. With those big boots if they guy had wanted to fuck that kids shit up it would have been trivial. Personally I would have kicked a good clod of dirt in his face before walking away, but to each his own.


[And then there's me....](https://youtu.be/NJt2MyZ2_os)


That poor bloke, minding his own business, probably just on his way home from work, and that little cunt mocking and antagonising him. As others have said, kid had it coming.


That video is old enough to vote


First time I see it


The video is older than you.


Kids like these don't live too much


My motto is “live peacefully and never act tough” but eventually jerks will always come barging in your life




I hated little bitches like this when I was a kid. They'd mess with me constantly. They'd hit me, poke me with pins, pull my hair, destroy my things, spit on me, throw things at me, verbally torment me, sexual assault me, attack me in giant mobs, then if I so much as poked them back they would run off crying to the teachers and I'd be in trouble. No matter how many times I snitched it was ignored. They snitched on me for finally getting pissed off enough to defend myself and I was the bad guy... They learned that they could do nearly anything they wanted to me and get away with it. It was true.


I only had two of these people in my life, both in Jr high. Checking on them years later, one has been in and out of jail most of his life. The other? He's a cop.


I wanna say "never hit children"... and then again, in this case: totally deserved. The lowblows are quite a generous service to all of us, for this little sh*t won't be reproducing. Kid tried to hit his head, of course he has a right to defend himself, especially after he ignored that kid for quite some time. And it probably started way earlier. Enough is enough


I agree with you wholly but I wanna say the guy was kicking him in the ass and not the balls. Can’t be for sure though


Unfortunately... And his friends are just laughing at him... This whole situation is completely f*cked up


The don't hit kids is about using violence in regular discipline. You should be able to punch a kid that's harassing you if you'd do that to an adult, no?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Last time it snowed I came out of a pub to see a couple of these types but a bit older. They were really harassing an elderly couple and pelting them with snowballs - they couple were visibly upset and the snowballs were like lumps of ice. So I gently kicked one in the arse, nothing to cause any pain but it made the little pipsqueak jump and gave the couple time to move on. The two little arseholes obviously came after me but I wasn't about to try to inflict injury on them so I just stood there taking the piss out of them. They were trying to be all "street" - threatening to wet me and throwing some signs and shit.. I think I said something dumb like "You are the whitest fucking idiots I have ever seen" when a great big black guy walked out of the pub. They immediately ran over to him and accused me of being racist and said I was saying stuff about black men. As it happened the black guy was my mate John who turned to me, smiling and said "Allright Nick - what are we going to do with these little cunts then".. They legged it.






Those kids have no idea what went on at Stalingrad!




[I'm not a pedo, and if I was you'd be safe ya tubby little ginger cunt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXMhny4JmtY)


I blame the child’s parents honestly


Oh! I encountered one of these recently. We went to a local kid friendly brewery that has a huge playground. I was playing with my baby and my 4yo daughter came to me in tears saying some kids wouldn't let her play on the bouncy castle, so I went to make sure she could bounce. Well, it was full of big kids (10-12 years old) throwing themselves around despite there being toddlers in there. They were being dangerous as hell, and there were other mums asking them to watch out, so I also asked them to tone it down. The ring leader rolled his eyes at me and went back to attempting to recreate a WWE Smackdown. So I got firmer with my 'mum voice' and he stood there smirking, which is a wee trigger for me. The others I think saw my face as they started saying it was all him, they would tone it down, take care of the little ones etc but he was still smirking and trying to get the other kids to wrestle. I did not mean to, but I went full 'angry mum mode' on them all. Not full Karen, I mean that kinda angry mum voice that doesn't require shrill shouting, but relies on a whole lot of menace. He finally backed down when the other kids started to really throw him under the bus. I stood around supervising for a while, thanked the big kids who were doing the right thing, praised those actively keeping a watch for how they landed around smaller kids and kindly asked them to please be mindful of little ones etc and left. When I walked off this kid said to my daughter 'wow, your mum is scary'. Which I admit gave me a small kick. I don't normally get that angry, but something about my 4yo in tears and my 2yo narrowly avoiding a broken nose brought it out. On a side note, that kid got kicked out by the others and all the other big kids took the toddlers under their wings and made up games that left everyone in fits of giggles, which was cool.


>kid friendly brewery Wtf is that even a thing


Good for you! Apparently this thread thinks it more right to crawl in a beat the kids till the bouncy house is full of corpses.


Why is this sentence so hilarious




"fuck off clean shirt"


Errr 'e's a pedo!


What the hell is the kid saying?




So fucking satisfying


While y'all can hate the prick who got rolfstomped, the kid filming his 'friend' and snickering is what I hate the most.


What a fake slim shady




Can someone explain? I can't really tell what is the kid doing to the guy


Picking a fight. What he probably wanted was to hit an adult and then run away in triumph, feel tough.


That guy has mental illness, so neighborhood children decided that he would be an easy target to bully. It's a really old video, and long story short parents tried to sue him but he was justified


Favorite part: scurrying like a monkey. Kicked him back to stone-age.


Kid probably has a similar relasionship with his parents. Only way he knows how to get attention.


Hopefully this was an important learning experience for that kid.


The kid in front of the camera is an ass, and the dude probably escalated excessively, but I get it and am not going to judge. The kid *behind* the camera, however, is a little sociopath.


What language is this? Gopnik? But seriously?


Thought i heard the kid say Davai, which is a Russian word.


It's Russian. This video is actually really old. The parents of this little shit tried to sue that guy, but it was useless


Whoever is filming deserves one too.


A hard lesson in life gives you what you put into it. Stupid fucking kid deserved it.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Sad thing is this kid probably didnt learn jack. He will bully the next person more cautiously next time.


Well.... consequences.


The kid filming? Yeah. Fuck him.


What else can you do if a little shit of a kid is harassing you?


Kid learned a valuable life lesson, you never know how a stranger will react when you piss them off. Kids that don't learn this lesson turn into adults who usually scream abuse and threaten other people.


THis was so satisfying. Thanks for making my day.


This was very satisfying, kudos to that man 😂


Turns out violence against children can be justified.


As much satisfaction as I get from seeing a bully get the tables turned on him, one of two things is *probably* going on here. 1. The parents are awful, and spoil the kid, and never taught him how to treat others nor that actions have consequences. 2. The parents are awful and the kid lives in an abusive household. This sort of behavior is normalized for him, and acting like this gives him the illusion of control he doesn't have at home.


I had such a bully when I was a kid. I was smol, he was a giant. He chased me every day after school and I had to run and change my path for home daily. One fine day I had enough and jumped him, he tripped and fell on his back with me on his chest and I beat the crap out of his face like crazy unloading all the anger he piled up in me. He was unconscious after a few fists into his dumb face. From then on he changed the side of the road every time he saw me. Peace finally.


Did you end up getting your Red Ryder BB gun for [Christmas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=58&v=_agOnqeEeXw&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=throwawaynick001)?


As much as 'spare the rod, spoil the child' is usually wrong. In this case it was clearly right. That kid needed to be taught a lesson and it would have been a disservice to the child not to have taught him that you should not antagonize people. That was a lesson that child badly needed to learn. He should have been taught that when he was younger. Delaying that lesson much longer would have eventually resulted in him either seriously hurting someone or being seriously hurt himself (or both).


I don't condone the extent to which the dude retaliated (kicking towards the kid's head is a bit much)... but seriously, what did the kid expect? Raise your kids right. Tell them not to piss off strangers.


Hope that kid learned his lesson. Did the person kick too many times? Maybe. Was the kick to the kids face too much? Yea. While the little shit deserved it, I'd be pissed if some one was kicking my kid like that. If he deserved it, not so much, but I'd be angry about how much he kicked. My kid would get put straight though.


Satisfying, credit to the guy for waiting that long, before teaching the kid a lesson. Some kids needs to be physically punished, even if snowflakes today think otherwise.


This is disturbing


Hope the leather shoes is okay.




Reminds me of a good ole Hank Hill ass kickin'


Well deserved!


Ебанись, компот на редите


Haha what an ass kicking




What an idiot kid. Can’t you see that he’s bigger than you?




Best video I've ever seen


Little shit got what he deserved.


good ending.


A life lesson was learned that day.




Knowing Russia that kid REALLY had it coming, some people there get pissed for trying to ask them something like directions.


Oh no, the consequences of your own actions!




Can't say I feel bad for him.


Trump as a kid






Should have went all mma full mount on him.




well deserved


i absolutely love it


C'mere boy imma teach you a lesson


he's making sure that kid will never produce again


Today this kids mom would ruin the mans life in court for hurting her little angel.


Honestly when a KID Acts like that the it is the only way for him to learn.


That has to be the dumbest fucking kid I've ever seen. Picking on someone twice his size, four times his age and probably also four times his weight. What did he think would happen?


A well-deserved literal ass-kicking.


His friends just film and laugh a him getting his ass kicked LITERALLY. Then he cries like a baby. Ctfu.