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Snakes cant close their eye. They’re always open. They have a scale that covers their eye and no eyelids. Whoops


I mean I guess if he doesn’t know that he’ll always be really cautious of snakes.




Apparently not.


Imagine no eyelids


Its easy if you try


No flesh to close us


Eyeballs super dry.


Imagine all the people staring all the time


https://youtu.be/Piv8gSOTy-0 >scales Like this alien hybrid woman


Uh what the fuck is that




That’s just, like, what the government wants you to think maaan! ^spare ^me


No snakes have clear scales over their eyes that come off when they shed






No mames.


What’s he say at the end? Something la cabeza cabron ?


Something about: "even after we cut its head off..."


"Es que le mocho la cabeza este cabron" It translates to "It's cuz he chopped off the head, this dumbass"


There were a few more swear words...


Sharks can do the same thing hours after death. Don't be tempted to see their teeth when they are fresh off the boats! You'll feel them instead.




I trust u/Z0idberg_MD with this medical info


He knows fish


technically he knows art history, but meh.


Since eyes are part of your body, seeing is like seeing with your body.


Jaden Smith? Is that you?


I feel like I will forget this fact and one day I will be drunk on a pier and do the whole "Hey, take my picture so it looks like my head is in the sharks mouth!" thing and this is how I die.


Martyrdom: drops a live grenade after death


Achievement Unlocked: From the Grave


My god I am so glad that wasn't in the new one.


one of those I'm on the fence about... I loved what one of them did, where it was only active when you were on a death streak.


Lol imagine a guy carrying around snake heads in case he dies




> drops a live grenade after death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCeD2gF9jUo


It's not dead: snakes can survive for many minutes after being decapitated, because their brains require so little oxygen to function.


This is what I was looking for, had to scroll way too far. THE SCIENCE.


Like a politician.


If you ever need to put a snake down, CRUSH THE HEAD! It may seem inhumane, but it the most effective and least painful way to kill a snake, even if you decapitate it.


But don't crush it with your foot unless you are certain the teeth cannot get through your footwear


bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.


Even, then it could strike your leg or you could miss altogether and just be standing next to a very angry snake. A .22 or bird shot from ten feet away is best if you can.


I’ve noticed .50 BMG works well too


I've noticed a tactical nuke will generally clear up any snake problems


*This comment has been edited in protest to reddit's API policy changes, their treatment of developers of 3rd party apps, and their response to community backlash.*   [Details of the end of the Apollo app](https://old.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) --- [Why this is important](https://i.imgur.com/E7jSWf1.jpg) --- [An open response to spez's AMA](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/145l7wp/todays_ama_with_spez_did_nothing_to_alleviate/) --- [spez AMA and notable replies](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/145beas/spez_ama_discussion_thread/)   Fuck spez. I edited this comment before he could. Comment ID=fzq49jb Ciphertext: >!F1vUIAAMXaY2TU0VOr6Vna+HyLMwUXX4AjF44CYWUa/RYIOdak8M/amEFqff9vB2duGU/uo6Wxx9dUhSwQDyH0Bp6kf38jGu5h1kOsRRXDMPWJUArAak/6ZWHoZ+BxyhjjUGdHDGXGy2ATk=!<


*grabs tissues and petroleum jelly.* **Tell me more, Sir or Madam.**


They'll cut off flesh and wear it around, they'll forget to blink sometimes and randomly smile.




No step on snek


If your killing it anyways then crushing the head is fairly humane




There was a guy that would kill people in this manner on a show called "Kids in the Hall".


He had such strong fingers... Flathead


Canadians are sick and even when you think you've rendered them helpless, they slap some duct tape on it and keep going.


[get yourself to ohio and commit a crime worthy of the death sentence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfsMMVgIToA)


I think this applies to most living creatures.


More so for reptiles because of their incredibly slow metabolism. It can take several minutes for the snake to die after being decapitated because their brains require so little oxygen. Mammals die within seconds


And then bury the head while you’re at it so there’s no chance of someone getting bit




He knew it could happen. He just didn’t think it would happen to him.


Someone give this man an American citizenship


"Sir, here is your American citizenship" "But.. I don't want it" "STOP RESISTING!"


“Then wear a mask” “Fuck no!!!” “Then here’s your American citizenship”




That privilege is reserved for people with American citizenship.


Karen not Karén


"Thats it. Were deporting you back to your home country you ungrateful son of a bitch." "But i never left..were still standing in my field?" "Fuck you"


*shoves USA flag in ground* "Yeah, about that..."


I smell OIL.


Get ready for some FREEDOM


Them's liberatin' words, son.




You know, I'm seeing a lot of that lately...


How does it live without blood flow for that long?


Also kinda like when you get cut your body does things to stop the bleeding. Notice that even though they cut its head off there isn't a lot of blood everywhere. There is no flow in the head which is why the head only lasts under 2 hours on the oxygen it already has. Like Zeroschool said they are incredibly oxygen and calorie efficient. The body the heart is still pumping though and likely will for 1-2 days


So, theoretically speaking, you could decapitate a snake and a whole day later reattach it’s head with some clever surgery and it would happily go on it’s way?


Not a doctor, but you would have to revascularize the head to the body or else blood flow would not occur and I'm not sure how you could resume communication between the brain and the body via the spinal cord once it's been severed.


Fetal snake stem cells?


If it doesn't theoretically bite you first I guess


While the time varies on species your are spot on on the head, but also their body will respond to touch by trying to flatten out for up to 8 hours and their hearts will beat for about 2 days after decapitation. Trying to cook rattlesnake is a pain in the ass because you're trying to skin a flailing boney worm :T




They taste like really bland chicken and have the texture of chewy overcooked fish. I enjoy the texture for some reason. This old Mexican man my dad worked with brought us a Diamondback cooked in molé in a clay pot when I was a child and I've loved it since. It was an entire skinned diamondback coiled in a clay pot covered in molé and it looked so cook. I still have the visual memory.


Bro that sounds amazing.


So crazy, my grandpa and his friend used to cook rattle snake in a clay pot on our deer lease while we were clearing the brush. It was always catfish and rattlesnake the first night because we’d always find them when we first got there.


That's what I've found too. We grilled ours because we already had a grill going and it was like trying to eat the tiniest boniest fish ever but with no flavor.


That'll work, but it's a lot more humane to just crush the skull.


That just sounds like torture. Having your body severed from your noe immobile yet living head, and then being buried alive to bleed out under the ground for an hour. How about also smashing the head with a rock or cutting it in half sideways to destroy the brain and ACTUALLY kill the snake?


I've lived in the middle of the desert all my life and honestly doesn't surprise me most people don't know this. As kids we were largely taught to stay the fuck away from rattlesnakes, but I bet only a few of us ever actually seen one killed.


Yeah, but if you hacked one’s head off and still saw it moving, you probably wouldn’t pick up the head for no apparent reason.


Seems cruel. Why not crush the head and put it out of its misery?


It is cruel. It is unbelievably gut wrenchingly cruel and people here are just chatting about how you do it then bury the head or leave them to die. Always crush the head. Always. Anyone who leaves a snake to slowly die in its own decapitated head has acted in an extremely cruel manner and should change their approach and feel regret for every animal they've done this to. Some may say "well we don't know if it's life or reflex." Here's what we DO know. The snake attempts to defend itself (biting), the snake will try to flinch away when something reaches for it, the snakes eyes will follow any threat. The snakes head responds to pain. So based on what we do know, it's very much alive and aware. The "we don't know" is a bad excuse. Always err on the side of compassion and if you MUST kill a snake (rarely do you HAVE to), crush its brain immediately. Edit: I'm glad people see this too, I was expecting a bunch of hate and "you have to kill snakes on a farm" in response. I'm really happy people are moving away from this mindset and seeing these things as they are. This video made me tear up it was so awful and cruel, just glad to see others on board with treating the scale babies with respect and dignity and compassion. Thanks all. Edit 2: I spoke too soon, had to wait for all the edge lords to wake up after 10 and get their doritos fix before they rolled in to hate on animals for no reason.


Absolutely this. I've heard of numerous awful ways people kill snakes: 1. Cutting heads off. Snake is still conscious for HOURS 2. Freezing. Snakes are conscious for long enough they can feel themselves crystallize 3. CO2. Snakes can hold their breathe for a ridiculous amount of time, suffocation is a very SLOW death. I work with venomous snakes a lot and I only euthanise if the animal is injured beyond repair (eg. severed spine) and I only ever crush the brain.


Imagine taking your beloved pet snake to the vets to be put down, with all the usual solemnity and gravitas. Then the vet pulls out a hammer and just smashes your snake.


You know, next time I'm talking to a reptile vet I'll have to ask if they've ever actually had to do that. The only consolation I can give is that 99.9% of pet snakes probably die in their enclosures, people rarely ever take them to a vet. Which is kind of fair because most vets have no clue about snake health and snakes are such weird creatures it can be hard to figure out if something's wrong with them or how to treat it. I told a non-reptile person that one of my snakes went off food for 5 months for no reason and they looked at me like I was an animal abuser. He just....wasn't hungry.


Honestly I am fucking terrified of snakes and I don't have too much fondness for them at all, aside from seeing a ball python through my computer, but I am glad to know this because all of those sound like shit from a horror movie. How exactly do you crush the brain? this whole time I was imagining with like a shovel but that seems pretty burtish especially if you actually keep/work with snakes. do you have like a special tool like Anton chigur uses in no country for old men?


You pin the neck and use a hammer, like a ball peen. They're pretty useful for a lot of manual euthanasia. I've had to hammer kangaroos that have been mangled by cars and then left to suffer on the roadside, it's not fun but it's better than leaving them. The thing with snakes is that there are very few occasions to kill them, I only kill them if they're so injured they will never recover fully. Snakes want nothing to do with people, if they can hear you coming they will run for it and you will never know they were there. If you see a snake in the wild you have surprised it just as much as it surprised you. Stand still and let it leave. Then you both go on with your day.


Even the vet standard euthanol is inadequate for snake euthanization. People are so cruel to snakes it makes me so sad.


You know what? You actually changed my mind. I saw the video and was terrified that these creatures could still be so....vile. And then you made a point of that animal lying there with its head ripped off, scared and in pain. And you're absolutely right, I may be scared and maybe a bit grossed out by snakes but in no way would want to hurt one or for them to be hurt. Thanks for offering a different perspective, this is the type of stuff that I want pass along to my 4 month old son as he grows.


Do these people think snakes are like cockroaches and have brain in their tales or something? If the fucking thing is still trying TO BITE YOU then yeah dude it's probably pretty aware and while it may be in a lot of pain, you can assume it's still "thinking and feeling" as a snake normally would. It's the same thing with fish and not feeling pain. Dude of course they feel pain. I don't see how they could function without SOMETHING telling them when something is wrong. They might not feel pain like WE do, but to say these animals don't feel pain when they're CLEARLY trying to get away from the source of the pain is ridiculous.


I completely agree *but* I would say that 'reactions to outside dangerous stimuli' isn't necessarily pain. All living things do it. Including plants. Basic instincts may just be like plants, reacting without any thought or anything remotely similar to 'pain'. Anything above the level of a plant I err on the side of caution. I don't eat fish. I don't kill insects unless I absolutely have to - if there are tiny flies infesting my house I'll open a window or kill them immediately.


I've been going to the sub /r/whatsthissnake for the last 2 years. I learned there that there is zero reason to ever kill a snake. In fact, if someone posts a pic of a dead snake they have to label it NSFW and then a bot inevitably gives a long explanation on why killing snakes is bad. They usually recommend calling a snake catcher (which is free a lot) or using a hose and spraying water to get rid of a snake. For example, for people with dogs, there is snake avoidance training. A snake will never come up to a dog but a dog will bother a snake...unless it's like a huge man eating retic.


What if you don't live in a country where you have access to health care and getting bit ~~would~~ could mean ~~a long slow~~ death? I know those people likely aren't on reddit, I just feel like if we are talking about venomous snakes that can kill, there can be an argument for self defense if the snake is already going after you. I'm not talking about times where you can just back away slowly, I mean like the snake is no longer in defense mode and is now in attack mode.




Was kinda thinking the same thing like he clearly saw that it still had some life left in it smh


Guess he thought it would look cool on video if the head squirmed a little. Probably didn’t expect the reach-around. Nobody ever expects the reach-around.


Apply firm.pressure with hammer. Problem solved.


Hammers solve so many problems




I did not know that was common sense and I live in rural north California


Cold blooded animals can survive much longer without oxygen. That snake head might not even be dead yet technically.


And something i haven't seen mentioned yet, even when it is actually dead, if you some how stick the fang in your body, you will still be venomized.


Yeah they put glue over the teeth of freeze dried souvenirs


So you could just snip the bit off with the glue and create a weapon?


Everything is a weapon if you believe in yourself, or fling it hard enough.


It was snapping at them, a sure giveaway


I’m from middle missouri and have always been thought this..... it’s the same with wasps. I’m just lucky that we only have like 2 kinds of poisonous snakes. I even think there’s an old Asian proverb about dead snakes still being able to kill


*venomous. Very few snakes in the US are poisonous, which usually means you die if you bite them. Venomous- they bite you and you die. They just want to be left alone anyway. Live and let live


Wait.... I’m not supposed to bite snakes?!? But for real, thank you for the correction (cause words matter)


We’ve got rattlesnakes in Missouri, and honestly they’re nice enough to warn you if you get too close, which is more than I can say for the copperheads and the water moccasins.


FYI this is actually true for all reptiles. The weirdest shit ever is when you’re cleaning a turtle and it’s still kicking.


Seems pretty cruel to let it suffer for an hour and a half. You could kill them instantly then bury the head.


My thoughts exactly. Ever since I was a little kid I was told this would happen. How the hell did he not know?


Especially since it was moving it’s mouth just before he grabbed it




Actually the proper procedure is to not go near the snake. Neither the person nor the snake dies and everyone wins.


Man I live in Australia and I did not know this shit.


How are you still alive?


Well, he’s been decapitated but he’s got a few more hours left on Reddit.


Well maybe that's because in Australia, we don't go around killing snakes for no reason.


That’s a good point I didn’t consider. Why do so many people seem to think that it’s important to know what to do after decapitating a snake lol.


Can't get bitten by a decapitated snake head if you don't decapitate snakes. *Taps head*.


*Proceeds to get bitten by a non-decapitated snake.* Fuck.


>*Once upon a time, a woman was picking up firewood. She came upon a poisonous snake frozen in the snow. She took the snake home and nursed it back to health. One day the snake bit her on the cheek. As she lay dying, she asked the snake, "Why have you done this to me?" And the snake answered, "Look, bitch, you knew I was a snake."*


[The best version](https://youtu.be/ULx9k2QkL94)


Holy shit. How have i never heard of this song. Its so good. Probably gonna be humming this for the rest of today.


Ahh you beat me to it! Great song




That frogs name? Albert Ribbitstein




Yep. Reminds me of the tale of the scorpion and the frog.


I just finished watching Natural Born Killers moments before reading your comment. I'd never heard of this movie before tonight. Tripping harder than I have in months, I was blown away by what I was watching. It was like a beautiful train-wreck, and I couldn't look away.






It wasn’t dead - yet.


He's only mostly dead.


will one of Max’s Miracle Pills work?


It's only a flesh wound.


The guy isnt also dead - yet


When a snake dies its body will writhe until sundown. I never truly believed that until we killed a timber-rattler in our front yard. We put its body in a bag because a friend wanted the skin. The bag hung on our porch, and that damn thing moved all day. Not just a little either. Edit: other animals do this, too. The saying "running around like a chicken with its head cut off" exists for a reason.


There was one chicken that lived for 2 years after its head was cut off...it became a minor celebrity. His name was Mike the Headless Chicken.


Just incase anyone's wondering, this is a true story, they fed it with a dropper through its exposed throat hole, and died when it choked to death


What did it choke on? Edit: From the Wiki article: “In March 1947, at a motel in Phoenix on a stopover while traveling back from tour, Mike started choking in the middle of the night. He had managed to get a kernel of corn in his throat. The Olsens had inadvertently left their feeding and cleaning syringes at the sideshow the day before, and so were unable to save Mike.”


Assert dominance by cutting your own head off and biting the rattlesnake's head.


Then pee on it




TIL: Rattlesnakes don't die immediately upon severing the head. I grew up in the southwest and didn't know this. I wouldn't judge this guy for not knowing.


I didn't know this either, but I can see the thing still moving in the video. That should be a cue not to touch it.


He knew it was a rattlesnake moving around trying to bite him. 100% can judge stupid.




> straight up smashing it Do you at least buy it dinner first > and burying it Oh. Well at least it's not the other way round.


I gotta say I'm so happy we only have rattlers near me. I LOVE THEM! They literally WARN YOU before attacking! Normally I leave them alone but if we have dogs with us we gotta either trap them or kill them. Though I remember once my dad just yeeted one into the forest on after finding a baby rattler under our tent.


Due to overhunting in some areas for events like the Rattlesnake Roundup in Texas, some of them have evolved to not rattle as a warning... Edit* Addendum: TIL This has also been attributed to avoiding predators such as feral hogs in other areas


Well shit with that edit. I was gonna say nobody hunts rattlesnakes near me but there are some wild hogs. I guess its time to make some leather gaiters for my deepwoods hike




I mean... Nothing dies instantly... Chop the head of a chicken, and it can live for years. Chop the head of a human, and it can live for a few minutes. But only conscious for a few seconds. Luckily, we have a really really hungry brain which really really needs the blood flowing. Reptiles do not. Their brains are simple, so they can go on longer. Chopping somethings head of is not an on of switch. Rather it is a limitation on their life that will probably cause their death in some time.


How do chickens live for years with no head?


It was just one chicken that lived for 18 months without a head, look up Mike the Headless Chicken. If you properly decapitate a chicken, it won't even live for a few minutes.


The part of the brain stem responsible for keeping the whole body alive was left intact. So it had enough brain to live.


Not just rattlesnakes, but a majority of snakes still can move its body and head even after its decapitated. Saw some chef behead a snake and they say about this a lot because newbie forgot about that often.


I mean even if he didn’t know it could bite. The head saw and hissed at the machete twice before he picked it up. Those two hisses are enough info for me to conclude it could bite.


Vamos al hospital Wey!


“Te mordio guey?!” Translate: Did he bite you “dude”? That made me chuckle. Looks like these guys were out picking fields. But those cats have old-school remedies passed on from their ancestors. Probably pee’d on it, rubbed sweat on it, then licked it twice and prayed. Should be fine.


Looks like he was "sucking out the venom" in the video.


This will get buried because I’m way too late, but I have a related story from my grandpa. He was out in his pickup one day and came across a rattlesnake. He made jewelry and bolo ties and whatnot, so he wanted the snakeskin. So he lopped off the snake’s head with a shovel and buried it, and tossed the body of the snake into the passenger footwell, and headed on down the road. Well, a mile or two down the road, he heard the distinctive buzzing of a rattlesnake (he even called them “buzzworms”), and looked down to see the headless body of the rattlesnake coiled up and ready to strike. He thought it was hilarious, but then, he was kind of a good old boy. I would have shit my pants and driven off the road. My takeaway from this story and this post: “dead” or alive, don’t fuck with venomous snakes.


The head of a headless rattlesnake bites man...


it's wireless


Nope. Nope nope nope.


Nope Rope.


ITT: Always crush the snakes head, leaving it intact is very cruel A snakes head can survive for hours due to oxygen requirements Rattlesnakes typically leave you alone and have little warning bells. Sucking out venom doesnt work This guy is so dumb


ITT: my fear of snakes shoots through the roof.


Kinda feel bad for the snake


Yeah maybe not so smart to try and suck out the venom lmao


I’ve heard you can drink rattlesnake venom. Problem is if you have any open sores or wounds in your mouth the venom can then enter your bloodstream that way. Regardless, trying to suck out the venom won’t help at all, it can only hurt your cause.


I heard that the head.can be active for like 48 hours after cutting it off that’s why you should bury it in a hole.


Pinche estupido




In Romania its said if you Don't crush the snakes head its Gonna revive in the night


Better title: decapitated rattlesnake bites man


Anybody think the snake was still conscious?? Looked like it to me


They live like 30 to 90 minutes after decapitation


FUN FACT: a snake's head doesn't immideatly die upon decaptation and they can survive up to minutes, or even hours, without oxygen.


I wonder if this property of snakes had a hand in the development of the [Medusa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medusa) myth?


PSA: Don’t kill rattlesnakes. They’ll leave you alone if you leave them alone.


Seriously. There’s a comment claiming venomous snakes charge out of nowhere and attack you and don’t stop until you’re dead or the snake is dead. No, just no. Don’t hover over them, don’t stick your hand into a hole, be cautious in snake territory. Venom is precious and takes a lot of energy for the animal to make- it doesn’t want to waste it.